Google Latitude
See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.
* * * * Fred wants to hang out with his friends, and checks to see where they are. My wife is on her way back from work. I'd better start preparing dinner now. Change your status message or photo. Check what your friends are up to from their status. Maintain complete control of your privacy. Learn more about Google Latitude Watch a video See where your friends are in real time! Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both. Start using it on your phone See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.IP address geolocation SQL database | Share your knowledge!
Localize The Twittersphere!IP address geolocation SQL database
Free downloadable IP address to long/lat SQL database
free IP address geolocation SQL databaseIP Location tools :: IP Location Tools
IP Location toolsIP Address Geolocation Javascript API : JSON | The Code Dreamer IPAddressGeolocation AddressGeolocation ??? a??????Make: Online : Free, unlimited IP address geolocation with MySQL
Zur Spezifikation der Ausschreibung hinzufügen
For example, if you have an ip of ( to calculate distance with javascript and Google Maps API / Brian Cray's Blog
api gmaps
Cálculo de distâncias entre cidadesIP Address Location XML API :: IP Location Tools
Placemaker is a webservice that takes in text and returns the locations found within via either XML or enhanced GeoRSS
"Yahoo! Placemaker is a freely available geoparsing Web service. It helps developers make their applications location-aware by identifying places in unstructured and atomic content – feeds, web pages, news, status updates – and returning geographic metadata for geographic indexing and markup."IP address geolocation SQL database :: IPInfoDB
Complete (City)
The SQL database behind is offered for free. We offer the database in different formats (SQL, CSV), city or country precision, 3 or 4 IP digits precision and data in single or multiple tables. Available information in the database : ISO country code, country name, FIPS region code, region name, city, zipcode, latitude, longitude and GMT/DST timezone. The database is updated during the first week of each month.GeoMaker - Convert web sites and texts into Maps and Geo Microformats
GeoMaker creates microformats and maps from geographical information embedded in texts. You can either provide a URL to load and hit the "load content" button or start typing your own text and hit the "get locations" button to continue.
Online utility to convert web sites and texts into Maps and Geo Microformats.
GeoMaker creates microformats and maps from geographical information embedded in texts.
Extracts place names from web page text.GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
automatically filling form data with geo information
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo informationGoogle Maps Data API - Google Code
Backgroundgeo-location-javascript - Google Code
The geo-location-javascript framework gives access to mobile web users location via javascript. It hides the underlying platform specific implementation through a simple unified interface.
"javascript geo location framework for the mobile web"
A geo location javascript which determines user location in mobile web. Interesting piece of technology.Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIs / Brian Cray's Blog
Find web visitor’s location automatically with javascript and Google APIsGeoChirp - Twitter Application | Twitter Mashup | Map Mashup | Geo Chirp Twitter Map Mash up| Google maps mashup
Foursquare is by no means the first location-based social network to help you connect with friends using GPS via your mobile device. In fact, Brightkite was one of the first companies to really make a splash, combining location sharing, friend connections, and Twitter-like streams to create a photo and status update feed for your check-in history, and placestreams for each location. [Next Twitter? or NBT ?]
Eine gute Erklärung von Foursquare, einem Local Social Networking Spiel (oder so). Eine tolle Idee zum location based gaming/ location based ecommerce.Twitter Blog: Location, Location, Location
From the Twitter Blog: > We're gearing up to launch a new feature which makes Twitter truly location-aware. A new API will allow developers to add latitude and longitude to any tweet. Folks will need to activate this new feature by choice because it will be off by default and the exact location data won't be stored for an extended period of time. However, if people do opt-in to sharing location on a tweet-by-tweet basis, compelling context will be added to each burst of information. This, along with their mention of the ability to pull messages based on geographic scope, will open up a lot of possibilities. News reporting is one of the biggest ones, but events and even finding people in your neighborhood are obvious extensions.Ernest Marples' Postcode Latitude/Longitude Lookup API
Free, open postcode to location API
Post codes are really useful, but the powers that be keep them closed unless you have loads of money to pay for them. Which makes it hard to build useful websites. So we are setting them free. We're doing the same as everyone's being doing for years, but just being open about it.Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps
Thematic mapping for Google Maps”—which means an easy way of adding heat maps (aka chloropleths), pie charts and point clusters as a layer over a Google map.
choropleths for google maps
A library that makes it easier to overlay various kinds of information over Google Maps.GeoAPI Home
All your location needs in one API.SimpleGeo: Ready-to-Use Location Infrastructure
Startup qui commercialise un service de geolocalisation indoor.
屋内のGoogle Mapsを目指すサービス。
like google maps for indoor
indoor location-based service for mobile devicesGeoIP Weather
Früher habe ich aus dem Fenster geschaut. Dort war ein kleiner Thermometer angebracht, der zwar nicht wirklich gut ablesbar war - dafür meinem Körper aber sagte, ob ich frieren solle oder nicht. Heute kann man die Seite von GeoIP Weather aufrufen und bekommt zu seinem IP Standort das Wetter inkl. einer 5 Tages-Vorschau.Analog
Analog is a company of friends who make web sites. It’s a co-operative where imagination, design, and engineering thrive; good people doing good work.
Andrei and company (via Mager)Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City
This list of ten social media tools will help you hack your transportation habits to better navigate your city.
From figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B to helping people avoid speeding tickets, from simplifying public transportation to arranging carpools, social media tools are making it easier for people to get around the places they live.
Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City [from]3 Free Ways to Geolocate By IP
查IP 的api
An article describing how to geo-localize IP.Track User Geolocation With JavaScript - Webmonkey
Geolocation EASY
GeoLocationYahoo! GeoPlanet - YDN
Yahoo! GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by providing an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet. This page provides open access to the underlying data under a Creative Commons Attribution license so that you can incorporate WOEIDs and the GeoPlanet hierarchy into your own applications. The zip file below contains a license file, a readme file, and three data files in tab-delineated, Unicode (UTF-8) format: 1. geoplanet_places_[version].tsv: the WOEID, the placename, and the WOEID of its parent entity 2. geoplanet_aliases_[version].tsv: alternate names in multiple languages indexed against the WOEID 3. geoplanet_adjacencies_[version].tsv: the entities neighboring each WOEID 4. geoplanet_changes_[version].tsv: the list of removed WOEIDs and their replacement WOEID mappings How Do I Get Started? 1. Learn more about GeoPlanet and WOEIDs by reading the GeoPlanet documentation 2. Download
Yahoo! GeoPlanet™ Data
Yahoo! GeoPlanet provides a resource for managing all geo-permanent named places on Earth.
Open Sourced geo data base. Download and use it!Please Rob Me
RT @hdmoore: Hilarious: ( sharing your location isn't always smart )
je kon er op wachten he.
The internet has everything!
The danger is publicly telling people where you are. This is because it leaves one place you're definitely not... home. So here we are; on one end we're leaving lights on when we're going on a holiday, and on the other we're telling everybody on the internet we're not home. It gets even worse if you have "friends" who want to colonize your house. That means they have to enter your address, to tell everyone where they are. Your address.. on the internet.. Now you know what to do when people reach for their phone as soon as they enter your home. That's right, slap them across the face.Entering The Wonderful World of Geo Location - Smashing Magazine
RT @TrendTracker: Entering The Wonderful World of Geo Location - RT @smashingmag
Giving the user content that is relevant to the physical space they are in at the moment makes a lot of sense.FourWhere: start discovering the world around you (by sysomos)
FourSquare data + Google Maps interface
pretty slickYQL Geo Library - get all your geo needs in JavaScript - geolocation, reverse geocoding, content analysis
not sure how to use
YQL Geo Library - get all your #geolocation needs in #JavaScript
As an aid for the Georgia Tech Hack 2010 and as a follow-up to my talk about geolocation here is a simple JavaScript library that answers most of your geo questions. It wraps the following services in a simple interface: * Yahoo Placemaker * Yahoo GeoPlanet * * IP location tools * W3C Geo location * Flickr.places.findByLatLon9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing
Importante Local
Social networking has finally become something valuable for brick-and-mortar businesses. Smartphones and location-based social networks allow users to interact, share, meet up, and recommend places based on their physical coordinates. This real-world connection to social media can mean more foot traffic and profits for business owners.Foursquare Introduces New Tools for Businesses - Bits Blog -
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, intends to disperse a free of charge analytics application and dash panel inside the forthcoming days that will allow business people entry to an array of information and also figures regarding guests thus to their organizations.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace and facebook, intends to disperse a free stats instrument along with dash in the forthcoming weeks that could give companies usage of an array of info along with statistics about site visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, plans to deliver a free analytics tool and also dash panel in the arriving months that will give business owners access to an array of info as well as data regarding guests for their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to deliver a free analytics device and also dash within the forthcoming days that could offer companies access to a range of information and statistics regarding site visitors recommended to their establishments.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to disperse a totally free statistics application and also instrument cluster in the forthcoming several weeks which will provide business people access to a variety of data as well as data about website visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to distribute a free stats tool and also dash inside the forthcoming several weeks that may offer business people entry to a range of information and data concerning site visitors thus to their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to send out a no cost stats device and dashboard inside arriving days which will offer business owners use of a variety of details along with statistics concerning site visitors to their establishments.Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps |
Mapping The IP Address to Latitude and Longitude In Google Maps | Subesh Pokhrel's Blog - Magento Development Tips,PHP,Google Maps -$ip&position=trueCheckin Mania | Find out who is checking in around you
Checkin Mania: Who's Checking In Around You
รวมการ checkin จากทั่วสารพัด social network ชื่อดังอย่างFoursquare Gowalla ไว้ด้วยกันHow 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare
How 5 Brands Are Mastering the Game of Foursquare
We’ve already written about Foursquare’s savvy relationships with major media and entertainment brands and even talked about how it’s changing the world as we know it. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into the big brands and businesses that are experimenting with the platform and finding success with location-sharing.Google Launches Maps Data API - O'Reilly Radar
The Google Maps Data API allows client applications to view, store and update map data in the form of Google Data API feeds using a data model of features (placemarks, lines and shapes) and maps (collections of features).
RT @cshirky: Four little words with big implications for reporting: Google Maps Data API. [from]
maps API (read and investigate)BatchGeo - Make google maps using many addresses / coordinates
a tool that can map a bunch of addresses from a spreadsheet or online tableCode: Flickr Developer Blog » Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0
To the extent possible under law, Flickr has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the “Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset, Version 1.0”. This work is published from the United States. While you are under no obligation to do so, wherever possible it would be extra-super-duper-awesome if you would attribute when using the dataset. Thanks!
Check in to location services Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Whrrl, and others with one service.
Qui veut tester ? #code #beta - one checkin to rule them all Endlich eine App für den Checkin bei #4sq, #gowalla, #brightkite #iphone #android #ipad #fb
将你现在的位置发布到多个基于位置的社会化网站IP address city geolocation HTTP API | Share your knowledge!
Api para geolocalizacion del IPAjaxian » GeoFill - find users by IP or lookup and prefill forms for them
根据ip查找用户信息Free Geolocation API tool : CodeDiesel
Using PHP and cURL, pinging for the details of an IP address to nail down the city, country, zip, latitude, longitude etc, of a visitor
http://iplocationtools.comHTML5 Apps: Positioning with Geolocation | Mobiletuts+
At the heart of every location-based application is positioning and geolocation. In this tutorial you will learn the geolocation capabilities of HTML5 and the basic principles needed to take advantage of them in your next HTML5 app!
HTML5 Apps: Positioning with GeolocationTwitter Blog: Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets
It's been a little surprising that Twitter hasn't integrated this long ago, given the rise of location based services. Bottom line is, Tweets can now be sources to a location if the sender OKs it. For a lot of location-oriented companies, there's a lot of potential here.
Twitter launches location - allows you to 'tag' tweets with locations, and it ties in with Foursquare/Gowalla. Big news in terms of easing integration and the fact that location is important, regardless of privacy issues. There will be a tech briefing available.
Twitter Blog: Twitter Places: More Context For Your Tweets
Starting today, you can tag Tweets with specific places, including all World Cup stadiums in South Africa, and create new Twitter Places. You can also click a Twitter Place within a Tweet to see recent Tweets from a particular location. Try it out during the next match—you will be able to see Tweets coming from the stadium.
Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world.7 Ways Journalists Can Use Foursquare
very cool way to create 360 view with street-view api
can make get requests w parameters to obtain a static jpg streetview image of the locationWhy We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location-Based Social Networks
[RRW] Case studies, usage examples on location-based social networking
As good as a description I've read RT @marshallk: Why We Check In: Reasons People Use Location-Based Social Networks of Starbucks Now Get Discounts Nationwide with Foursquare
Four years ago I wrote about a way to encode the latitude and longitude of any point on the Earth's surface to 10m of accuracy with a 10 character code. Apart from a modification to the way the check digit is calculated, the code remains unchanged.
Four years ago I wrote about a way to encode the latitude and longitude of any point on the Earth's surface to 10m of accuracy with a 10 character code. Apart from a modification to the way the check digit is calculated, the code remains unchanged. The idea is this: instead of giving people addresses, or coordinates, you can give them something like a post code for any point on the Earth's surface. This can then be entered into a GPS device and decoded. Thus a business can provide its 10:10 code and know that people will be able to find it.
code to calculate gps position accuratly to 10 mTwitter Launches “Places” Feature with Foursquare Integration
I'll be keeping an eye on this as we build out our geolocation ideas at TBD. Twitter has a much bigger base than Foursquare, so if they do this right, every service can benefit from the user boost.
After months of rumors and hinting, Twitter has unveiled its major new foray into the world of geolocation, Twitter Places.Foursquare Launches Location Layers - This is Big
Para Diego y Luis
IFC polled its member base for short descriptions of their favorite places in the towns they lived in or visited, then picked the place-descriptions that best suited the IFC's brand ("Always on, slightly off") to upload into a Foursquare database. Foursquare users can now opt-into getting those tips pushed to them whenever they check in near one of the annotated locations. It's a chance to effectively say, "I want to see this town as IFC fans see it." For marketers, this has got to be incredibly appealing, and for urban explorers it could be one of the best examples yet of effective Augmented Reality."
"IFC polled its member base for short descriptions of their favorite places in the towns they lived in or visited, then picked the place-descriptions that best suited the IFC's brand ("Always on, slightly off") to upload into a Foursquare database. Foursquare users can now opt-into getting those tips pushed to them whenever they check in near one of the annotated locations. It's a chance to effectively say, "I want to see this town as IFC fans see it." For marketers, this has got to be incredibly appealing, and for urban explorers it could be one of the best examples yet of effective Augmented Reality."
Independent Film Channel announced a new campaign this morning with leading location-based social network Foursquare that will allow you to do just that. The Huffington Post launched a Foursquare layer today as well. IFC polled its member base for short descriptions of their favorite places in the towns they lived in or visited, then picked the place-descriptions that best suited the IFC's brand ("Always on, slightly off") to upload into a Foursquare database.
In January, Canadian newspaper chain Metro did a deal with Foursquare that tied content like restaurant reviews to specific locations as "tips." When we saw that, we said that the era of location as platform had arrived. Then, in April the Wall St. Journal began experimenting with location-based news, adding interesting news tidbits to locations around New York City on Foursquare. That was getting interesting - not just lightweight content like restaurant reviews but things like a note that a terrorism suspect was once arrested in a particular location!
A nice example of businesses, including the Huff Post, using foursquare to push content to users based on location. Nice stuff.5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now
via 7/7/2010 Leaguer post
5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now - – Pete Cashmore (mashable) 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.Location 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.Location 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.OpenHeatMap
Turn your spreadsheet into a map with OpenHetaMap: via @BetweenMyths #datavisualization #geolocation
Nice open way of putting heat maps on mapsHow I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The Guardian
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The GuardianHow I became a Foursquare cyberstalker | Technology | The Guardian
Privacy advocates fear that Foursquare, along with other geolocation apps such as Gowalla and Google Latitude, are vulnerable to "data scraping", namely, the sophisticated trawling and monitoring of user activity in an effort to build a rich database of personal information. The big worry, say critics, is who might get to make use of this information.
How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker