I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
Simply put, location changes everything. This one input—our coordinates—has the potential to change all the outputs. Where we shop, who we talk to, what we read, what we search for, where we go—they all change once we merge location and the Web.
Interesting Wired article on Geotagging and photographs. Shows the potentially creepy side of stalking throught the net using geotagged flickr photos!
location, location, location location awareness needn't be invasive or creepy. But it can be isolating.
To test whether I was being paranoid, I ran a little experiment. On a sunny Saturday, I spotted a woman in Golden Gate Park taking a photo with a 3G iPhone. Because iPhones embed geodata into photos that users upload to Flickr or Picasa, iPhone shots can be automatically placed on a map. At home I searched the Flickr map, and score—a shot from today. I clicked through to the user's photostream and determined it was the woman I had seen earlier. After adjusting the settings so that only her shots appeared on the map, I saw a cluster of images in one location. Clicking on them revealed photos of an apartment interior—a bedroom, a kitchen, a filthy living room. Now I know where she lives.Senghor on the Rocks - Coupe Du Monde
Interaktiver Google Mahshup RomanTonchidot Madness: The Video
augmented reality
"Social Augmented Reality Mobile Location-based Service: “Sekai Camera” (World Camera)."
Google could and probably will develop a website (a-la AdWords) where every business in the planet will be able to geo-tag their shop, service etc… for free. But the trick is that you could tag not only your business name, but also place ads. And of course Google will charge for this service… In Enkin’s video demonstration, we see an example with a hospital and a subway station geo-tagged and visible live through augmented reality. Now replace this with a restaurant or a shop. This shop pays Google to advertise so below their business name, the tag would also display for example a promotion for an article. Just imagine the potential! This concept has the potential of becoming something similar to what adwords is to Google: a drastic profit machine! On top of that, Google could license the service to TomTom or other GPS manufacturers, so in your car you will actually see in real-time the directions and tags through a live video, instead of the boring 3D-graphics we all know.Building Rome in a Day
Wonderful stuff - constructing 3D models of Rome based on Flickr photos alone, with no geodata
Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from Flickr.com. After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city
Cool project at the Univeresity of Washington: "Our aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city, say Rome, from Flickr.com. After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images."
The technical geekery required to make this happen is just too damn cool.JustBought.it - Crowd Powered Shopping
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Full-screen I #justbought 46" longboard http://jb.ly/bnzx from www.stubbiesbaynation.com in Dallas US
Ferramenta usando Google Maps para shopping local5 Ways Foursquare is Changing the World
Foursquare and 5 ways it's (and others) are changing the offline/online world.Forget Foursquare: Why Location Marketing Is New Point-of-Purchase - Advertising Age - Digital
It's the ad served while you are reading the news in the morning on an e-reader that knows you're at home and three blocks from a Starbucks. It's a loyalty program on your phone that, through a hotel-room sensor, sets the lights and thermostat and turns the TV to CNN when you walk in the door. It's finding a restaurant in a strange city on a Tuesday night, discovering that a store nearby stocks the TV you're looking for, or that a certain grocery on the way home has the cut of meat you need.
Forget Foursquare or Gowalla: Soon every website and service will be able to tell where you are, opening up the floodgates for location-based marketing and blurring the budget lines for advertisers.Official Google Blog: See where your friends are with Google Latitude
Google's blog launch of Latitude: "Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather."
See where your friends are with Google Latitude
Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather.
How often do you find yourself wondering where your friends are and what they're up to? It's a pretty central question to our daily social lives, and it's precisely the question you can now answer using Google Latitude. Latitude is a new feature for Google Maps on your mobile device. It's also an iGoogle gadget on your computer. Once you've opted in to Latitude, you can see the approximate location of your friends and loved ones who have decided to share their location with you. So now you can do things like see if your spouse is stuck in traffic on the way home from work, notice that a buddy is in town for the weekend, or take comfort in knowing that a loved one's flight landed safely, despite bad weather.Flickr: "Flickr Bikes" Photo-Map Locales Across the Globe
For their new Purple Pedals campaign Yahoo has dispatched a handful of GPS-enabled bicycles equipped with cameraphones that automatically shoot
I want one of these!
omg yahoo's flickr team is awesome
By attaching a camera phone to a bike, Yahoo has made it possible for riders to snap photos along their routes. The camera automatically takes a picture every 60 seconds, and the photos are uploaded to Flickr instantaneously.