2zcg.gif (GIF Image, 300x231 pixels)
via calavera
すっごいバランス感覚!three frames
blogging an entire film in three frames animations
WHO WANTS A SEIZURE?People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs) » Izismile.com - In fun we trust! Pictures, photos, videos, flash, games, celebs, hot stuff
wow...the girl on the top really does not move.
http://tinyurl.com/d5zpsk People who look the same in all photos. Funny!! [from http://twitter.com/alexisnbrown/statuses/1591242615]
People who look exactly the same in all pictures http://bit.ly/renKY [from http://twitter.com/anasqtiesh/statuses/1570335339]JPEG、GIF、PNG画像選択の指針まとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
画像フォーマットの特徴を簡単に説明 GIF - 256色のインデックス画像。ロゴであったりフラットブロックな画像には向いている。透過データを保持できるという特徴_ JPEG - クオリティによって圧縮率が変わる非可逆圧縮の画像。透過は表現できないが、写真データの用途_ GIFのようなぎざぎざを出さずに背景透過を実現でき、24ビットイメージも表現Preloaders.net | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Horizontal
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
gerador de prelouder em gifHow to Animate a GIF Inside of Photoshop CS4 - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at the Photoshop animation feature to create a nice animated GIF. I'm sure all of you already noticed the ads at the right
Great tool for making GIFSTxtNinja.com - Hide email, text or domain from search engines
Hide email, text or domain from search engines by turning your text into an image
Hide email, text or domain from search engines
Genera rápidamente una imagen a partir de un texto. Sobre todo para disimular direcciones de correo electrónico.
Hide email, text or domain from search engines - Convert texts to images
İnternete gireceğiniz metinlerin ziyaretçiler tarafından okunabilir, ancak arama böcekleri tarafından indekslenemez olmasını istiyorsanız, bunun en kolay yolu şüphesiz yazıları resme çevirmek. TxtNinja adlı servis de tam olarak bu işe yarıyor. Girdiğiniz metni tek tıkla GIF formatında bir resme çeviren TxtNinja, 6 farklı font ve değişik boyutlar ile renkler ile yazıyı istediğiniz gibi ayarlamanızı sağlıyor.
텍스트를 쓰면 이미지로 바꾸어주는 서비스
elps you convert convert text into picture so that it can escape the eyes of annoying spam bots or other bots like those of search engines. Nice thing about this tool is that it allows you to customize the font type, color, size and background color of the text when it is converted into an image. Plus it also hosts the image on its servers and gives you the link.Thank You Mario! - Super Mario Brothers Animated Text Generator
un generateur de texte marioPlease be patient - This Page is Under Construction!
All animated gifs of Under Construction
Funny archive of "Under Construction" signs--so much activity!
every under construction gif and animated gif ever. save from geocities
This small collection was saved from the rapidly dying Geocities, which Archive Team is working desperately to save for a historical archive. Please consider visiting our site and helping us with collecting, education, and writing.J'aime le GIF, le site qui aime bien les GIF
Un site qui fait dans le gif animé... Enfin pas toujours de très bon goût mais cela peut servir.I AM NOT AN ARTIST - AN ANIMATED GIF PARANOIA ABOUT NONSTOP DESIGN WORKERS
via ssuge
RT @NickBray: New favourite site: http://www.iamnotanartist.org/ << love it!xuq29.gif (GIF Image, 700x700 pixels)
xuq29.gif (GIF Image, 700x700 pixels) - Scaled (88%)