LimeWire Creator Brings Open-Source Approach to Urban Planning | Epicenter from
Portland, Oregon has already used his open-source software to plan its bus routes. San Francisco, whose MUNI bus system is a frequent target of criticism, could be next to get the treatment. Gorton says he's in talks with the city to supply transit routing software for MUNI that will do a much better job of keeping track of where people are going and figuring out how best to get them there. San Francisco "overpaid greatly" for a badly-supported proprietary closed-source system that barely works, according to Gorton, putting the city under the thumb of a private company that provides sub-par support.
Entrepreneur Mark Gorton wants to do for people what he already helped do for files: move them from here to there in the most efficient way possible using open-source tools. Gorton, whose LimeWire file sharing software for the open-source gnutella network was at the forefront of the P2P revolution nearly a decade ago, is taking profits earned as a software mogul and spinning them into projects to make urban transportation safer, faster and more sustainable.
"Gorton, whose LimeWire file sharing software for the open-source gnutella network was at the forefront of the P2P revolution nearly a decade ago, is taking profits earned as a software mogul and spinning them into projects to make urban transportation safer, faster and more sustainable."
While public, that data was locked by private software used by public organizations and suffered from an overall lack of standards. Thus was born GeoServer, an open-source, Java-based software server that lets anyone view and edit geo-spatial data. Road information can now be painstakingly imported once from proprietary systems or entered from scratch, double-checked by other users, and rolled out to anyone who needs the dataGeospatial Revolution Project | A Public Media Project
nging the way we think, behave, and interact.
Something I learned about at the WPSU luncheon yesterday can use either Google Maps or the Google Earth browser plugin to preview the KML files that you create. To switch between the two modes press the 2D Map and 3D Map buttons to the right in the screen. allows you to create Google Earth KML visualizations from your own global data-sets.
Demographic 3D mapping
Great facts for many subjects
A site that combines statistical data with a Google Map.Maptrot - Map Your Community
Create and share maps.
create a mapThe EveryBlock source code is an experimental news Web site that provides information at a "microlocal" level — by neighborhood or city block. It was funded by a grant from Knight Foundation, which requires the site's backend code to be open-sourced. Here is the code.NASA - ASTER Imagery
GLOBAL MAPGoogle Maps Data API - Google Code
BackgroundInstall Django, GeoDjango, PostgreSQL & PostGIS on OSX Leopard
HOWTO script
Geohacking funDataSF - DataSF - Liberating City Data
Why can't every city have this?
City of SF opens site containing datasets
"DataSF is a clearinghouse of datasets available from the City & County of San Francisco. While there is plenty of room for improvement, our goal in releasing this site is: 1) improve access to data, 2) help our community create innovative apps, 3) understand what datasets you'd like to see, 4) get feedback on the quality of our datasets."
"DataSF is a clearinghouse of datasets available from the City & County of San Francisco. While there is plenty of room for improvement, our goal in releasing this site is: (1) improve access to data (2) help our community create innovative apps (3) understand what datasets you'd like to see (4) get feedback on the quality of our datasets."Tile Drawer
Really quickly get an Amazon EC2 instance up and running Open Street Map.
Tile Drawer makes designing and hosting custom maps simple and straightforward. The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.
Create own EC2 openstreetmap tile generator
The project lets anyone run their own OpenStreetMap server in the cloud with one-step configuration and zero administration.AggData | AggData
The goal of AggData is to play a small part in making this sought-out data more accessible, portable and reliable.
great source for aggregated data
AggData is short for aggregate data, which means a set of data that is collected together in one place. On this site, the AggData will come in the form of a list of records, where each record has details about a specific object in the group.
data aggregated by web scraping
another free data library.NYCityMap • DoITT • City-Wide GIS
How to find the location of a particular point in a Hilbert curve. (via delicious popular)How to Make a US County Thematic Map Using Free Tools | FlowingData
Nice tutorial.
This worked very well; lots of ideas here.Welcome to Cartography 2.0
Animated and interactive mapsGeoIP Weather
Früher habe ich aus dem Fenster geschaut. Dort war ein kleiner Thermometer angebracht, der zwar nicht wirklich gut ablesbar war - dafür meinem Körper aber sagte, ob ich frieren solle oder nicht. Heute kann man die Seite von GeoIP Weather aufrufen und bekommt zu seinem IP Standort das Wetter inkl. einer 5 Tages-Vorschau.Natural Earth
Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110m scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.Armed and Dangerous » Blog Archive » Why GPSes suck, and what to do about it
Why the NMEA standard is so much trouble
Away back in the dark and backward abysm of time when GPS technology was first being made generally available (e.g., 1993), only military-grade receivers were sensitive enough to use it where there were things like buildings and trees partly blocking the sky view. The first civilian customers to actually find a use for it were people messing about in boats. Thus it came to pass that the manufacturers of marine navigation systems were the first civilians to grapple with the question of how a GPS receiver should report TPV information over a wire to a navigational computer.indiemapper
indiemapper - Elegant Thematic Digital Cartography (coming soon) #maps #gis [from]BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Most complete Earth map published
Japan & NASA
The data, comprising 1.3 million images, come from a collaboration between the US space agency Nasa and the Japanese trade ministry.Yahoo! GeoPlanet - YDN
Yahoo! GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by providing an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet. This page provides open access to the underlying data under a Creative Commons Attribution license so that you can incorporate WOEIDs and the GeoPlanet hierarchy into your own applications. The zip file below contains a license file, a readme file, and three data files in tab-delineated, Unicode (UTF-8) format: 1. geoplanet_places_[version].tsv: the WOEID, the placename, and the WOEID of its parent entity 2. geoplanet_aliases_[version].tsv: alternate names in multiple languages indexed against the WOEID 3. geoplanet_adjacencies_[version].tsv: the entities neighboring each WOEID 4. geoplanet_changes_[version].tsv: the list of removed WOEIDs and their replacement WOEID mappings How Do I Get Started? 1. Learn more about GeoPlanet and WOEIDs by reading the GeoPlanet documentation 2. Download
Yahoo! GeoPlanet™ Data
Yahoo! GeoPlanet provides a resource for managing all geo-permanent named places on Earth.
Open Sourced geo data base. Download and use it!BatchGeo - Make google maps using many addresses / coordinates
a tool that can map a bunch of addresses from a spreadsheet or online tableCode: Flickr Developer Blog » Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0
To the extent possible under law, Flickr has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the “Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset, Version 1.0”. This work is published from the United States. While you are under no obligation to do so, wherever possible it would be extra-super-duper-awesome if you would attribute when using the dataset. Thanks!OpenGeoData » Blog Archive » Augmenting photos - with OSM!
Wow, very cool indeed! Enhance your photos with osm data. Haven't found if you can upload your own pictures though...
Pretty coolIP address city geolocation HTTP API | Share your knowledge!
Api para geolocalizacion del IPindieprojector
Indieprojector is a free web service that re-projects digital map files and converts them to SVG for use in vector graphics editing software. Map projections are an essential part of map making but we found the existing tools to be too expensive, inflexible or complicated. Indieprojector is the smarter, easier, more elegant way to reproject and convert geographic data. It's a preview of our indiemapper technology that will bring map-making into the 21st century using web-services and a realtime visual approach to cartographic design.
Free geographic projection and data conversion tool with SHP / KML import, geographic projections and SVG export.
free geographic projection and data conversion tool: indieprojector
Site for converting various map formats into svgOpenHeatMap
Turn your spreadsheet into a map with OpenHetaMap: via @BetweenMyths #datavisualization #geolocation
Nice open way of putting heat maps on mapsIf the Earth Stood Still
"Modeling the absence of centrifugal force"
What would happen to our oceans if the Earth stopped spinning ?
What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning?
The following is not a futuristic scenario. It is not science fiction. It is a demonstration of the capabilities of GIS to model the results of an extremely unlikely, yet intellectually fascinating query: What would happen if the earth stopped spinning? ArcGIS was used to perform complex raster analysis and volumetric computations and generate maps that visualize these results. the world as we know it earth's ellipsoid
If the earth's gravity alone was responsible for creating a new geography, the huge bulge of oceanic water—which is now about 8 km high at the equator—would migrate to where a stationary earth's gravity would be the strongest. This bulge is attributed to the centrifugal effect of earth's spinning with a linear speed of 1,667 km/hour at the equator. The existing equatorial water bulge also inflates the ellipsoidal shape of the globe itself.