Pages tagged github:

Craft the perfect gem with Jeweler @ Technical Pickles
GitHub Pages — GitHub

nice. static pages only, but nice.
cf "access control and version control: an overconstrained problem?"
Vim Links of Worth and Valor
ソーシャル化するOSS開発者たち - @IT
Git/Github survival guide | Ivan Porto Carrero
Lately I’ve been helping a few people to get started on Github. I use git at the command line and my survival guide is also based on that way of interacting with Git. So I thought I’d write the procedure up so that I can just point people to this page.
When GitHub goes down... — ones zeros majors and minors
How to recover your project if git hub goes down.
Thanks! I am going to cancel my github account so this will be useful
git instaweb --httpd=webrick FTW.
Git'n Your Shared Host On // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
GitHub is awesome, really awesome for open source projects and for projects with multiple people. In fact, if you use your own git setup for an open source project, you are most likely hindering your project’s progress and wasting your time. On the other side of the coin, if you are a lone shark and you don’t need GitHub’s awesome social features, I have news for you: you can host your own git repositories really easily and on the cheap side. Remote Setup If you are like me, you probably have a DreamHost, TextDrive or some other cheap shared hosting account with ssh access. What you might not know is that is all you need to host your own private git repositories. ssh mkdir -p ~/git/yourproject.git cd ~/git/yourproject.git git --bare init That is it. Your git repository is now setup. Not too hard eh? You could put that anywhere but a folder named git makes sense to me. Local Setup So your remote server is now setup, but how do you use it? Glad you asked.
that was easy
gist: 67060 - GitHub
We “finished” and the launch came and went. We were not making as much money as we thought we would. We weren’t even getting as many signups as we anticipated. People demanded grandiose features we didn’t have the time to implement. Our cash reserves were running low and we soon needed to return to consulting. Which was always part of the plan, but I had hoped we’d be optimistic about FamSpam’s future when that time came. We were not.
keynote from Startup Riot 2009, about how to become successful - do what you want!
Text of Chris Wanstrath's from Github's keynote at Startup Riot 2009
the most amazing features imaginable would make us money. We had no data available on whether building features specifically to make money would work.
Hg-Git Mercurial Plugin
ability to push to and pull from a Git server repository from Hg
[extensions] hgext.bookmarks = hgext.hg-git = [path-to]/hg-git
QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Github Pages for Fun and Win
Stop what you’re doing and make your project a github page. For the love of god, your project has no documentation. RDoc is cool, READMEs are decent, but descriptive websites with examples? Oh, they RULE.
Github blog engine for OpenSource documentation
GitHub Firewall Install
"GitHub Firewall Install is a version of the GitHub web application that you install within your own corporate firewall. With your own internal GitHub you can combine the best aspects of social code management with the security of your private network."
Hello Rip.
"Rip is an attempt to create a next generation packaging system for Ruby." Simpler/better/next-gen RubyGems for packaging.
Package management system for Ruby to complement gems, and provide sane virtual environments for better managing gems
Fat Free CRM - Ruby On Rails-based open source CRM platform
Hivelogic - Deploying ExpressionEngine from GitHub with Capistrano
Very clear, step-by-step guide to managing and ExpressionEngine site with git and Capistrano. I might try this some time, as it would make messing about with templates and so on much easier and - more importantly - undoable.
git ls-remote master
Resources on using the official GitHub API. This site contains documentation on the major API sections and libraries you can use to make use of GitHub with your programs and scripts.
Deployment Script Spring Cleaning - GitHub
information on speeding up Capistrano deployment scripts
A great article with chunks of details regarding how github reduced their deploy time from 15 minutes to 14 seconds. w00t!
Git based capistrano deployment
Ric Roberts: Ruby on Rails developer, Manchester, UK | Getting to grips with git (Part 1)
git ready » intro to rebase
to rebase or to merge, that is the question.
intro to rebase
Rebase helps to cut up commits and slice them into any way that you want them served up, and placed exactly where you want them. You can actually rewrite history with this command, be it reordering commits, squashing them into bigger ones, or completely ignoring them if you so desire.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by Git
Unicorn! - GitHub
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Ruby, similar to Mongrel or Thin. It uses Mongrel’s Ragel HTTP parser but has a dramatically different architecture and philosophy.
How We Made GitHub Fast - GitHub
Introducing Resque - GitHub
バッググランドジョブを管理する Resque の紹介
25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users : Andy Jeffries : Ruby on Rails, MySQL and jQuery Developer
BERT and BERT-RPC 1.0 Specification
BERT and BERT-RPC are an attempt to specify a flexible binary serialization and RPC protocol that are compatible with the philosophies of dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, PERL, JavaScript, Erlang, Lua, etc. BERT aims to be as simple as possible while maintaining support for the advanced data types we have come to know and love. BERT-RPC is designed to work seamlessly within a dynamic/agile development workflow. The BERT-RPC philosophy is to eliminate extraneous type checking, IDL specification, and code generation. This frees the developer to actually get things done.
"BERT and BERT-RPC are an attempt to specify a flexible binary serialization and RPC protocol that are compatible with the philosophies of dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, PERL, JavaScript, Erlang, Lua, etc. BERT aims to be as simple as possible while maintaining support for the advanced data types we have come to know and love. BERT-RPC is designed to work seamlessly within a dynamic/agile development workflow. The BERT-RPC philosophy is to eliminate extraneous type checking, IDL specification, and code generation. This frees the developer to actually get things done."
How's My Code
"How's My Code is a simple, lightweight code review tool meant for git users and distributed teams.
How's My Code is a simple, lightweight code review tool meant for git users and distributed teams
Git Work Flow For Rails Developers | Vinsol
Cross posted from darthsid This is my very first blog post and so I though it should be about a tool that is indispensable for me - Git. I started using git
GitHub Issue Tracker! - GitHub
It gives us great pleasure to announce our integrated issue tracking system! On repository pages you’ll now see an “Issues” tab in the top menu. Here’s a quick rundown of the features: * Deal with your issues just like you deal with email (fast, JavaScript interface) * Create and apply labels to issues to assign to users or categorize * Drag and drop issues to prioritize them * Vote on issues that you want to see tackled * Search, sort, and filter * Close issues from commit messages * Keyboard shortcuts Watch this short video introduction to GitHub Issues and get started now!
github now seems to have a nice and simple issue tracker
"... announce our integrated issue tracking system! On repository pages you’ll now see an “Issues” tab in the top menu." Deal with your issues just like you deal with email (fast, JavaScript interface) Create and apply labels to issues to assign to users or categorize Drag and drop issues to prioritize them Vote on issues that you want to see tackled Search, sort, and filter Close issues from commit messages Keyboard shortcuts
It gives us great pleasure to announce our integrated issue tracking system.
tobeytailor's gordon at master - GitHub
tobeytailor's gordon at master - GitHub
純用 JavaScript 實作的 flash player.
SWF v1 support only.
flashをjavascript iphoneでみれる
ryanb's ruby-warrior at master - GitHub
ruby game to practice ai
Like CRobots for Ruby!
"This is a game designed to teach the Ruby language and artificial intelligence in a fun, interactive way. You play as a warrior climbing a tall tower to reach the precious Ruby at the top level. On each floor you need to write a Ruby script to instruct the warrior to battle enemies, rescue captives, and reach the stairs. You have some idea of what each floor contains, but you never know for certain what will happen. You must give the Warrior enough artificial intelligence up-front to find his own way."
github.comでphp-users.jpを管理するまでの作業ログ | IDEA*IDEA
This Week on Github: iPhone Development | Linux Magazine
Some good links for iPhone development. Some Ruby integrated stuff
web services. a good framework
diverser code auf github
:jasonrudolph => :blog » Blog Archive » Git Up! 10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Old Git Installation
git diff --staged git log --oneline --graph
If you're not yet sportin' the 1.6.3 hotness, here are ten reasons to Git up!
Create GitHub-Style Buttons with CSS and jQuery, MooTools, or Dojo JavaScript
I’m what you would consider a bit of a GitHub fanboy. We all know that GitHub is the perfect place to store repositories of open source code, but I think my love of GitHub goes beyond that. GitHub seems to understand that most repo sites are usually boring so they’ve spiced their site up with some catchy CSS and great JavaScript features. One tiny piece of the GitHub design I love are the basic buttons. Lets examine how we can create our own GitHub-style buttons with a bit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.