Advogato: GitTorrent, The Movie
More about the decentralisation of IT
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". The implications of a truly distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted software freedom
That's exactly what I am looking for - yeah!
Imagine that an entire project - its web site, documentation, wiki, bug-tracker, source code and binaries are all managed and stored in a peer-to-peer distributed git repository.
"GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". "
From a simple, simple project that is suffering from an inexplicable near complete lack of attention from the free software community comes a revolutionary change in the way that free software is developed and distributed. [[Reminds me of Kragen’s “[What’s wrong with HTTP?](” article. —Ed.]]
GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house".gittorrent - Google Code
The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative git repository distribution across the Internet.
It might currently come across as a solution looking for a problem - and as one smart-ass with admin rights to the Google Code project reminds you on the source tab, "more alpha than the greek letter". The initial motivation was performance of downloads and in particular reducing load on
This could be interesting.