Pages tagged go:

The Go Programming Language

Google 発の開発言語
Home of the new Google Go language.
"a systems programming language expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected" -- BSD license
expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected
GO: Google Launches Its Own Programming Language
There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those
Let's Go
TODO: find out why, and where
Go Programming Language from google
YouTube - The Go Programming Language
Rob Pike, eden od ustvarjalcev jezika Go, predstavi glavne featurje jezika. Vredno ogleda!
Go is a new experimental systems programming language intended to make software development fast. Our goal is that a major Google binary should be buildable in a few seconds on a single machine. The language is concurrent, garbage-collected, and requires explicit declaration of dependencies. Simple syntax and a clean type system support a number of programming styles.
Introductory talk for the new programming language from Google
Google's New Language: Go : Good Math, Bad Math
So... At the end of the day, what do I think? I like Go, but I don't love it. If it had generics, it would definitely be my favorite of the C/C /C#/Java family. It's got a very elegant simplicity to it which I really like. The interface type system is wonderful. The overall structure of programs and modules is excellent. But it's got some ugliness. Some of the ugliness is fixable, and some of it isn't. On balance, I think it's a really good language, but it could have been a lot better. It's not going to wipe C off the face of the earth. But I think it will establish itself as a solid alternative. And hopefully, over time, they'll fix some of the worst parts of the ugliness, without sacrificing the beauty or simplicity of the language. Annotated link
"The most innovative thing about it is its type system. There are two kinds of types in Go: concrete types, and interface types. Concrete types are exactly what you're used to from most programming languages. Interface types are similar to interface types in languages like Java, with one huge exception: you don't need to declare what interface types you implement! An interface is a specification of what methods a type must provide to be used in some context. Anything which implements those methods implements the interface. Even if the interface was defined later than a type, in a different module, compiled separately, if the object implements the methods named in the interface, then it implements the interface." -- This is nice and all, but I (still) don't understand why this isn't just "abstract data types implemented in a language people might use." Didn't Barbara Liskov *just* win a Turing Award for this? Isn't this idea 30+ years old? (Yes, it is.)
Good Go, Bad Go.
The 44 Places to Go in 2009 - Interactive Graphic -
New York Time's selection of the 44 Places you Must go in 2009.
From the Aegean Sea to Zambia, this year’s most compelling destinations are awash in sublime landscapes, cutting-edge art, gala music festivals, and stylish new resorts.
Places to go.
I love this list - although some of my favorite places aren't on it.
Save Money. Be Green at Home | Yahoo! Green
CS-TR-339 Computer Go Tech Report
An Introduction to the Computer Go Field and Associated Internet Resources