Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions
I will employ these to make my goals happen - especially the one about making goals SMARTSeven Productivity Tips For People That Hate GTD | Zen Habits
How a Graphic Design consultant should operate.
Creativity breathes life into successful websites. However, creative ideas and solutions can sometimes seem like guesswork—and guessing is risky business. So what can designers do to show clients they’re using a solid strategy and have the best intentions? The following exercises are a great way to start discussing and documenting aspects of design to help clients shed their fear of creativity and encourage them to join the design process.The 4 Hour Workday |
Article from the Boston Globe.
Or: why setting the wrong goals fails. Or: why poor management fails.
Why setting goals can backfire6 Small Things You Can Do When You Lack Discipline | Zen Habits
Focus on motivationShut up! Announcing your plans makes you less motivated to accomplish them. | Derek Sivers
This collaborative site allows you to improve your happiness - and that of those around you - with some handy and helpful toolsMud Rooms, Red Letters, and Real Priorities | 43 Folders
"Because, at that level, your entire career is defined by the unbelievably great ideas that you reject. Painfully giant, wonderful, terrific opportunities that you simply don’t have the capacity to address without screwing up the real priority."
"True priorities are like arms; if you think you have more than a couple, you're either lying or crazy."
Kind of unique. Sort of pregnant. “High” priority.
A priority is observed, not manufactured or assigned. Making something a #1 PRIORITY in a list changes nothing. If it were really important, it’d already be done. When most people say, “prioritize,” I think they really mean to say, “force-rank”.HOW TO: Manage Social Media Goals and Expectations
You have insightful tweets, write amazing blog posts, and can make a viral video like it's nobody's business. So why don't you have 500,000 followers, 50,000The Big Question: Are You Better Than Yesterday?
The Big Question: Are You Better Than Yesterday?
For fitness, improving your career and other big, difficult goals, think not about getting closer each day to the goal, think about doing better in your efforts toward that goal than yesterday: "was today better than yesterday?"
The secret is to focus on making whatever it is you’re trying to improve and make better today than it was yesterday.Setting And Achieving Goals The SMART Way - Dumb Little Man
The SMART System When I first learned about the SMART system, I was very excited. It crystallized something in my mind, something I believe I always knew, but could never put my finger on. Having learned about it I was almost immediately able to pinpoint where I went wrong (or right) with some of my recent personal successes and failures. Let me share with you what SMART is all about. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Boxed. You apply the SMART criteria to any goal you wish to achieve and if it does not meet any of the five characteristics you clarify and adjust it until it does.
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.7 Must Read Productivity Steps to Finally Getting Things Done
I am a fan of the physical act of writing before committing goals to the digital - Tracking personal goals and bad habits is a web site for tracking long term personal goals and bad habits. No hourly schedules, just commit to weekly goals and record time, that's it.Pixel Poppers: Awesome By Proxy: Addicted to Fake Achievement
As I grew older, this conclusion lay dormant and unexamined in my mind. RPGs continued to be my favorite genre. I relished the opportunity to watch interesting, lovable characters develop and interact in epic storylines. (Comparatively interesting and lovable, anyway - say what you will about Cecil, but his quest for redemption revealed a lot more depth than Mega Man's quest to shoot up some robots.) And I loved feeling like a hero. I saved the world in Final Fantasy IV, again in Lufia II, then again in Chrono Trigger.How to Discover Your Life’s Purpose – 7 Questions to Ask
interesting article on following through with your goals
Whether you plan to cure cancer, lose weight or be the world's best parent, results of a new study suggest you'd do well to keep your mouth shut about it. And not just to avoid annoying other people. Researchers report that when dealing with identity goals — that is, the aspirations that define who we are — sharing our intentions doesn't necessarily motivate achievement. On the contrary, a series of experiments shows that when others take notice of our plans, performance is compromised because we gain "a premature sense of completeness" about the goal.
"Researchers report that when dealing with identity goals — that is, the aspirations that define who we are — sharing our intentions doesn't necessarily motivate achievement. On the contrary, a series of experiments shows that when others take notice of our plans, performance is compromised because we gain "a premature sense of completeness" about the goal." You have to pay to read the journal article but the abstract is here:
"(Take) a mother who talks about all the great things she's going to do for her kids — help them do better in school, get better test scores, give them extra training — while all the other mothers nod in approval," says Gollwitzer. "The chances are high that she won't do as much as she could to achieve those goals because she's already viewed as an ideal mother just by sharing her wonderful intentions." He explains the intentions function as a symbol of possessing the desired identity. This is evident in the statement of a "high-order goal," such as losing weight to become a healthier person, but not in planning to drop three pounds to fit into a dress.
Whether you plan to cure cancer, lose weight or be the world's best parent, results of a new study suggest you'd do well to keep your mouth shut about it. And not just to avoid annoying other people. Researchers report that when dealing with identity goals — that is, the aspirations that define who we are — sharing our intentions doesn't necessarily motivate achievement. On the contrary, a series of experiments shows that when others take notice of our plans, performance is compromised because we gain "a premature sense of completeness" about the goal.Introduction to the Middle Way Method | D*I*Y Planner
. Mission and Vision statements are an integral key of the Middle Way Method and you will find yourself reviewing and updating yourhabitforge - Getting you to the finish line!
Do that one thing you've committed to doing. Skip a day before succeeding for 21 days straight, and we'll start you back at day one. Succeed for 21 days in a row, and you can enter monitoring mode. But by that point the action should seem second nature.Top 10 Mind Hacks for Making Your Resolutions Stick - Mind Hacks - Lifehacker
lots of people forget the planning phase in social media programs
Altitude Branding / 21.12.09
Great post from Amber Naslund on creating measurable objectives.The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Joko petit uudenvuodenlupauksesi? Yritä uudelleen: The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
The 6 Changes Method So what are we to do? We only focus on one habit change at a time, so our focus and energies aren’t spread thinly. We implement the habit changes gradually, so we don’t run out of steam. We start out really, really easily, so it isn’t intimidating. We focus on enjoyable activities, so we don’t need “discipline”. We have two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s but a small bump in the road. And because we’re publicly committed, we’re going to get back on track. We have a very specific plan with actions built in, using proven habit change techniques.
6 Changes methodology applied to new year's resolutions5 Foolproof Ways to Produce a Burning Desire for Your Goals | Zen Habits
goal setting, motivationGoogle Analytics in Depth: Goals and Funnels
42goals a simple tool for tracking daily goals Sign in
Registrar suas metas ou tarefasThe Five Reasons Why You Are Not Fulfilling Your Potential. - Stepcase Lifehack
1.) You do not have enough belief in yourself. 2.) You do not measure yourself up against written goals. 3.) You are too comfortable where you are. 4.) You are lazy. 5.) You are not mixing with high achievers.