TED Interview: Tribes Author Says People, Not Ads, Build Social Networks | Epicenter from Wired.com
"The third idea, the one that I think is really available to a large number of people now without a lot of resources, is this idea of finding and connecting like-minded people and leading them to a place they want to go"
You can't have insiders unless you have outsiders. All tribes have outsiders. That's what makes them a tribe. If everyone is a member, it's not a tribe anymore.... So I don't think there's any problem at all for Apple with people saying they're elitist.
An interesting article on social networking and viral marketing concepts.Seth's Blog: The difference between PR and publicity
Great insights into the difference between getting your name in the news, and getting people excited about your products/company.Seth's Blog: Return on Design
The challenge of building your product around breakthrough design is that the design has to in fact be a breakthrough. And that means spending far more time or money than your competitors who are merely seeking a positive return.
Return on designSeth's Blog: How to make money with SEO
"Do you want the people visiting this site to notice it?"
Great example of what sort of site a client would need.
De eerste vraag die een designer aan een klant moet stellen is, volgens Seth, "Wil je dat je site opvalt?" En dat is, hoe vreemd het ook klinkt een goede vraag die verschillend beantwoord kan worden.
Not for nothing, but I've been saying this for years.Seth Godin on the tribes we lead | Video on TED.com
On the power of the internet: "People on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere." On marketers' new challenge: "What we do for a living is find something worth changing, then finding tribes who spread the idea and create a movement." "You don't need everyone - you just need a 1,000 people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round...It's about finding the true believers."
Great presentation of Seth Godin on the third wave called tribes.Seth's Blog: The panhandler's secret
The panhandler's secret /Seth's Blog/ - When there were old-school parking meters in New York, quarters were ... http://tinyurl.com/dcm4ub [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1257713242]
I love this story. Brief, worthwhile.
Great way to solicit donations. http://is.gd/l5kT [from http://twitter.com/davidwees/statuses/1303875101]
The panhandler's secret: "Do you have a dollar for four quarters?" and then "Can you spare a quarter?" Smart man.Seth's Blog: You matter
you matterSeth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for?
Seth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for? http://bit.ly/5uFRE [from http://twitter.com/dcouturepdx/statuses/2254080263]Seth's Blog: This is broken
Retweeting @TEDchris: I saw Seth Godin give the GEL talk just posted on his blog "This is broken". Funny, insightful. http://is.gd/tDwb [from http://twitter.com/nextyunus/statuses/1573958589]
This is broken /Seth's Blog/ - I did this talk about three years ago. I have to admit that very little in ... http://tinyurl.com/clhjvp [from http://twitter.com/jorgefsb/statuses/1573738938]
Define broken, categorize broken, and note that some things are broken on purpose as a filtering system.Business of Software Blog: Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department
Great talk about how to market your product.
Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department At last year's conference, Seth gave an inspiring talk on the title of "Why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department". Make sure you watch it until the end, where he gives a preview of his (then upcoming) Tribes talk.Seth's Blog: The power of smart copywriting
Words sell.Seth's Blog: The TED Tribes talk is now live
“Busy does not equal important. Measured doesn't mean mattered.” – Seth Godin There’s a hidden message in this post – it’s your free prize inside. Whether you find the free prize or not, this post will make you think. About your life. About work. About just about everything. Why? Because it’s a distillation of lessons from a man named Seth. Seth Godin is an author, an agent of change, a meaning maker, and an Idea Merchant.
“Busy does not equal important. Measured doesn’t mean mattered.” – Seth Godin
Seth condensed into 25 essential lessons/insightsThe rapid growth (and destruction) and growth of marketing
Social media, it turns out, isn't about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed. We want to belong, and yes, we want to be led.
On the surface this post was promoting Seth’s new book Tribes, but take a closer look and he’s explaining why mass marketing and yelling at your audience doesn’t work, and how social media reveals a basic human need that we want to be connected, to make a difference and to matter.
Awesome - can't believe I missed this one first time round.
Seth Godin's blog
ideas that spread, win
Seth Godin: "Social media, it turns out, isn’t about aggregating audiences so you can yell at them about the junk you want to sell. Social media, in fact, is a basic human need, revealed digitally online. We want to be connected, to make a difference, to matter, to be missed." [via:Adriana Lukas]
Presentatie - ontwikkeling van marketingSeth's Blog: Which comes first, the product or the marketing?
seth_godin advertising marketing
just about every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.
This is only sort of true. The danger with starting the marketing first is that its very easy to over promise and under deliver. Just ask Microsoft. However, marketing clearly plays an important role in every product and subsequent launch.
Marketing FTW.
Marketing is not the same as advertising. Advertising is a tiny slice of what marketing is today, and in fact, it's pretty clear that the marketing has to come before the product, not after.Seth's Blog: The sad truth about marketing shortcuts
«This is why I don't have a podcast, a video channel, any activity to speak of on Facebook. It's why I don't use Twitter or travel the country visiting bookstores. There are many places to be, and it's tempting to act like those non-profits and race after the next one. But it doesn't work.»
Critical mass is what happens when you have enough and do enough that you connect to a tribe, one that matters. Critical mass is the pay off from focused, consistent effort. Critical mass is what you don't get if you are constantly working the angles and looking for a shortcut.
Why rushing from one quick win to another won't get you anywhere in social media.
blog post 10/08
Godin's concept of tribes is similar to Gadwell's talk about the 150 rule in the Tipping point
Do one thing really well.The sad lie of mediocrity
The Sad Lie Of Mediocrity by Seth Godin
Doing 4% less does not get you 4% less. Doing 4% less may very well get you 95% less. That's because almost good enough gets you nowhere. No sales, no votes, no customers. The sad lie of mediocrity is the mistaken belief that partial effort yields partial results. In fact, the results are usually totally out of proportion to the incremental effort.