Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps - Google Maps API - Google Code
Google Redefines Disruption: The “Less Than Free” Business Model «
I know Leo and the TWiG gang talked about this a bit on Saturday, but this would be a great story for TWiT today. Plus there's a lot of good info in this story, it's very well written.
I then asked my friend, “so why would they ever use the Google (non open source) license version.” Here was the big punch line – because Google will give you ad splits on search if you use that version! That’s right; Google will pay you to use their mobile OS. I like to call this the “less than free” business model. This is a remarkable card to play. Because of its dominance in search, Google has ad rates that blow away the competition. To compete at an equally “less than free” price point, Symbian or windows mobile would need to subsidize. Double ouch!!
less than free is better than free... whee....Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages.
The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages. To useThe Google Maps JavaScript API, you need to first sign up for an API key. Once you've received an API key, you can develop a map application following the instructions in this documentation.Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
There's more to Google Maps than a place you double-check your directions. Google's data-stuffed site offers a lot of helpful tools for vacationers, spreadsheet nerds, bikers, and others. Today we're digging into Google's data-rich geo-tool and pulling out some helpful lesser-known features.
RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do
Geo RT @jackiegerstein: 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do