Pages tagged grants:

Awesome Foundation

for Karl?
Welcome to the Awesome Foundation for Arts and Sciences We support people doing awesome things in the world. Every month we give out a grant. Information on how to submit follows. What is Awesome? Awesomeness is often overlooked by mainstream culture, which tends to rehash the same broadly appealing but mediocre creations. Thankfully, there is the web. Awesomeness is more the product of a creator’s passion than the prospect of audience or profit. Awesome creations are novel and non-obvious, evoking surprise and delight. Invariably, something about them perfectly reflects the essence of the medium, moment, or method of creation. Awesomeness challenges and inspires.
boston cambridge grants awesome idea foundation
Submit an awesome idea. If we pick it, we'll give you $1,000 in cash. Yup, $1,000. Cash. Maybe even in a brown paper bag. You'll also get access to coworking space at BetaHouse for the month of your grant. The only condition is that you be willing to tell us (and some of our friends) about what you did a month later. If we don't pick it, don't stress, we'll pick a new awesome idea next month.