どういうときにどんなグラフを使えばいいかが一発でわかるチャート - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Web解析を行っていると数字とにらめっこになるわけですが、そこで重要なのが可視化することだったりします。ここで紹介されている(最終的にはFlickrに遷移)チャートを選択するためのチャートは常にデスクに貼っておいても良いぐらい便利なものだと思いますよ。JSXGraph - Graphics with JavaScript - The JSXGraph library
Graphics with JavaScript
plotting, geometry, visualizationI guess eating can help you do stuff - FoodProof
Grapicas con CSS y PHP
"Have you ever even tried to create your own CSS graph? If you have, you will know how hard it is. Using Flash is one way to go, but you just can’t beat a beautifully crafted CSS Graph. Have a look at these tutorials and techniques."JS charts – The free JavaScript chart generator
JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting (i.e. performed by your web browser). No additional plugins or server modules are required. Just include our scripts, prepare your chart data in XML or JavaScript Array and your chart is ready!CSSでさくっと作れるグラフいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
結構いろんなバリエーションつくれるPure Css Line Graph | Css Globe
My intention was not only to enable data visualization to people that don't feel comfortable with using various scripting languages but also to demonstrate the power of css and present a way of using css a bit differently. If you are not a fan of line graphs and data visualization in general, you may still read this article and think of it as css experiment and perhaps learn a thing or two about css sprites and positioning.
graphR Graph Gallery :: thumbnails gallery
Un composant Javascript d'affichage de graphes (line/bar/pie chart)Directed Edge News » Blog Archive » On Building a Stupidly Fast Graph Database
connected to and things that connect to them. These are symmetrical — so creating a link from item A to item B, creates a reference from item B to item A.6 jQuery Chart Plugins For Your App | Steve Reynolds Blog
charting and plotting with jquery.OGDL, Ordered graph data language
OGDL is a structured textual format that represents information in the form of graphs, where the nodes are strings and the arcs or edges are spaces or indentation.Graph of NP-Complete Problems
Awesome chart plotting scripts!6 Unique Twitter Visualizations
Twitter VisualizationsYvoSchaap.com - TwitterThoughts...
a twitter thingy thing. Visualizing stuff in twitter.
advanced tool and mashup that visually graphs Twitter trends based on a variety of factors, such as number of tweets and followed total. It takes its information from a sample subset of Twitter accounts. The data can be complicated to work with, but it is a unique way to visualize data on Twitter.
visualization of twitter public time with google visualization API
mapping twitter thoughts similar to the I feel fine conceptTop Twitter Friends
Cool Twitter visualization tool.
RT @TomChapman: Fantastic Twitter social graph tool from @PeteWarden aka Mailana http://twitter.mailana.comTimetric: making sense of statistics
Timetric's here to help you make sense of data. It focuses on time series analysis: graphing, tracking and comparing the movements of data over time. It creates tools to make it easy to build models on top of time series — updated whenever the data they're based on is updated — as it is to use a spreadsheet. You can use data in the program or upload your own.10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data
In this article, you will find ten excellent Flash components that will help you in building stunningly attractive, complex, and interactive data visuals. These components will help you create an assortment of graphs and charts to aid in presenting otherwise boring and stale numerical data.Protovis
Protovis A graphical toolkit for visualization6 excellent charting libraries for php : CodeDiesel
Open source Charting tools using PHP. Useful for displaying data in charts.The Omni Group - OmniGraphSketcher
Macintosh application for creating quantitive graphs of data.
Great looking graphing app from Omni - handy for all those 'management graphs' needed in presentations.
Graph Sketcher is now OmniGraphSketcher. A simple and easy to use graphing package.25 great free resources for making charts - FrancescoMugnai.com
Here you have a new roundup about a bunch of great tools for making charts and graphs. You can choose between web generators, flash, javascript libraries, Silverlight or PHP classes. At the end of the post you find also 3 tutorials to make pure css bar graphs and another one for Adobe Illustrator. JS Charts (JavaScript based chart generator)Chartle.net - interactive charts online!
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. Chartle.net tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. Chartle.net tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
It’s a free, very intuitive, fast (Java-powered) website for generating embeddable graphs. All the basic types are there (line, bar, pie, etc.) along with some fun & unusual ones, like this “Google-O-Meter” (that’s what they call it!):Twitnest 0.1 (by @nattster)
Very cool
Visualizing connections and relations between users in twitter. Nice relations.
Ferramenta que agrupa seus contatos e as relacoes entre eles.クールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」:phpspot開発日誌
Visifire クールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」。 以下にある画像のような、ちょっと他ではなかなか無いグラフを提供してくれます。フリーで使えます。
資料作成に。Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
우아한 차트를 만들어주는 프레임웍이란다jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
jqPlot is a plotting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line and bar charts with many features including: * Numerous chart style options. * Date axes with customizable formatting. * Rotated axis text. * Automatic trend line computation. * Tooltips and data point highlighting. * Sensible defaults for ease of use. jqPlot is an open source project by Chris Leonello
Gráficos diversos com jQuery [EXCELENTE]
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
may be relevant to my interests...
jquery library for chartsJavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web
Java scrippting
kind of flare for js: impressive!
JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit, Meaningful VisualizationsFun With Canvas: Create a jQuery Graph Plugin - Nettuts+
http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/fun-with-canvas-create-a-jquery-graph-plugin/ net.tutsplus.com/tutorials CreateajQueryGraphPlugin
Create a jQuery Graph Plugin
Today, we are going to create a bar graphing plugin. Not an ordinary plugin, mind you. We'll show some jQuery love to the canvas element to create a very robust plugin.Google Fusion Tables (Pre-Alpha)
Fusion Tables é uma plataforma online com nova tecnologia que uniformiza diversos tipos de dados e promete economia às empresas.Neo4j - a Graph Database that Kicks Buttox | High Scalability
If you are Digg or LinkedIn you can build your own speedy graph database to represent your complex social network relationships. For those of more modest means Neo4j, a graph database, is a good alternative. A graph is a collection nodes (things) and edges (relationships) that connect pairs of nodes. Slap properties (key-value pairs) on nodes and relationships and you have a surprisingly powerful way to represent most anything you can think of. In a graph database "relationships are first-class citizens. They connect two nodes and both nodes and relationships can hold an arbitrary amount of key-value pairs. So you can look at a graph database as a key-value store, with full support for relationships."
another graphbase12 jQuery based chart
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of powerful jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible
listing out 12 JavaScript based chart .
12 jQuery based chartA Visual Expedition Inside the Linux File Systems
Yes, finally. If I didn't find that I'd coded it myself now.Official Google Research Blog: Large-scale graph computing at Google
I want one of these! "We have created scalable infrastructure, named Pregel, to mine a wide range of graphs. In Pregel, programs are expressed as a sequence of iterations. In each iteration, a vertex can, independently of other vertices, receive messages sent to it in the previous iteration, send messages to other vertices, modify its own and its outgoing edges' states, and mutate the graph's topology (experts in parallel processing will recognize that the Bulk Synchronous Parallel Model inspired Pregel). Currently, Pregel scales to billions of vertices and edges, but this limit will keep expanding. Pregel's applicability is harder to quantify, but so far we haven't come across a type of graph or a practical graph computing problem which is not solvable with Pregel. It computes over large graphs much faster than alternatives, and the application programming interface is easy to use. Implementing PageRank, for example, takes only about 15 lines of code. "
So many things to learn and apply in business deals.
http://spinn3r.com/rankSeth's Blog: How to make graphs that work
it's the third one, you can probably dispense with the graph altogether. And the fourth isn't really a presentation, it's a working session. Which means you're trying to light a fire, make a point, highlight a trend, cause action to be taken. Your gra
How to make graphs that work
Good results should go up on the Y axis. This means that if you're charting weight loss, don't chart "how much I weigh" because good results would go down. Instead, chart "percentage of goal" or "how much I lost."
good article about graphsFlickr Photo Download: Great GTD diagram
e New York Ti
How Different Groups Spend Their Day. very nicely made infographic.Seth's Blog: The bandwidth-sync correlation that's worth thinking about
very nice mapping of network & platform
Here are a dozen or so forms of communication, arranged on two axes.
Reason why webinars are so valued
nice way to understand why Broadband is key.Caffeine and Calories | Information Is Beautiful
Cool way of pic worth 1000 words, for more than caffeine and calories.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Directed Edge - Home
Recommendations engine plug-in
Empfehlungs-Engine a ala Amazon6 Gorgeous Facebook Visualizations
create beautiful Facebook visualizations of your own with very little effort. Enjoy!
This Facebook add-on lets you easily create 3D graphical representations of the connections in your Facebook network. You can also view graphs for other users, fine tune the settings to create various graphs, zoom and pan your graph, and choose between a light and a dark theme. The results can be stunning, especially for users with a lot of Facebook friends.
Great Social Site with connections to all other social sitesDiagrammr
That is diagrammatic representations of sentences on the web. Pretty cool!
Very cool
"Create and share diagrams by writing sentences!"
Create and share diagrams by writing sentences.ChartGo - Create bar graph, line graph or pie chart
fajne narzędzie do tworzenia prostych wykresów
ChartGo - Create Charts Online Fast and Free. Create Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts or Area Charts. Create Graphs.
Need to create charts? Capture a statistic visually? This website makes this task a little easier.gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action.
raphael.js and any (or all) of g.line.js, g.bar.js, g.dot.js and g.pie.js into your HTML page, then use it as simple as:
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action. gRaphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.Graphs in the database: SQL meets social networks – techPortal
"Graphs are ubiquitous. Social or P2P networks, thesauri, route planning systems, recommendation systems, collaborative filtering, even the World Wide Web itself is ultimately a graph! Given their importance, it’s surely worth spending some time in studying some algorithms and models to represent and work with them effectively. In this short article, we’re going to see how we can store a graph in a DBMS. Given how much attention my talk about storing a tree data structure in the db received, it’s probably going to be interesting to many. Unfortunately, the Tree models/techniques do not apply to generic graphs, so let’s discover how we can deal with them."The Twitter Times
The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account.
"The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account." Amusant !Grafitter // Visualizing Your Life on Twitter, IM, Delicious, and Blogger.
Nice idea: 1. Know yourself, 2. Collect data, 3 Visualise
Grafitter is a personal informatics tool for collecting and exploring information about your habits and patterns. Use the Grafitter format on Twitter, IM, Delicious, and Blogger to collect data about yourself easily and quickly.
Grafitter is a way collecting information about your self over time while sending updates with Twitter, using IM, saving bookmarks on Delicious, and writing a post on Blogger. Grafitter visualizes the information you record in graphs.The Quantified Self
"I track myself - 40 things about my body, mind, and activity - every day" -- Alexandra Carmichael
"I track myself - 40 things about my body, mind, and activity - every day. The fact that I do this tracking seems to interest people. Whether they are driven by curiosity about the phenomenon of personal data collection, or by the desire for a yardstick by which to measure and compare themselves, the fascination exists."Illuminations: Dynamic Paper
Can create specific type of paper like graph, spinners, etcHighcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
"An exciting web app for exploring your Twitter network. Discover which people interact the most and what they're talking about. It's also a great way to find relevant people to follow."
Find people to follow on Twitter
see who mentions who in the twitterverse. No login reqdhttp://www.ajax.org/public/presentation/tae/presentation2.html#home
świetny engine client side do wykresów itp, urywa głowę25 Graph and Chart Solutions for Web Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
cool scripts for creating graphsdygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
See downloads, gallery and open issues dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.
haded areas show its m
the coolPython Open Flash Chart (pyOFC2) — Home
some slick python charting software5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2009 | FlowingData
Very interesting online data visualization example. Found the NYT unemployment chart by demographic very interesting and easy to use.
| FlowingData" Data has been declared sexy, and the rise of the data scientist is here. http://j.mp/6xbP4CTufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery
Make pretty graphs with javascript, using jQueryZero Intelligence Agents » Must-Have R Packages for Social Scientists
will send it to Chopy
"If you conduct social science research but are desperately clinging onto your SAS, SPSS or Matlab licenses; waiting for someone to convince you of R’s value, please allow me to be the first to try".15 Awesome Free JavaScript Charts / JavaScripts / SPLASHnology - Web Design & Web Technology Community
http://i.imgur.com/YjWta.jpgJSLab PlotTool 1.0.0 beta
Javascript 开发的数学绘图工具
웹기반 그래프 작성
plotter, graficador de funciones, hecho en javascript13 Useful JavaScript Solutions for Charts and Graphs | Resources
http diagram v3
updated version of Alan Dean's diagram
http flowchart「あたし状態遷移図」、あるいは「あたし約5.2MB」 - 理系男子の書斎には、どうしても小説が少ない。っていうか無い。 - ファック文芸部
あたしかのじょはこういう意味ですごいのかも 読んだことないけどね・・
ケータイ小説「あたし彼女」の状態遷移図。もはや数理芸術。美しい。Grafico javascript charting library
Grafico is a javascript charting library based on Raphaël and Prototype.js. It is originally developed as Ico by Alex Young, but this version was developed by Kilian Valkhof at Wakoopa. Grafico's basic principles are to provide good, clean looking graphs inspired by work of Stephen Few and Edward Tufte, while still being flexible to implement and providing numerous api options to tweak the look of the graphs.. Some key things Grafico has: * Flexible ranges Grafico select the best range to display your data at * Hover options display additional information such as the value when hovering over charts * Mean lines A single line that display the mean. * Watermarks Use an image as a watermark over your graphsHyperGraphDB - A Graph Database
HyperGraphDB is a general purpose, extensible, portable, distributed, embeddable, open-source data storage mechanism. It is a graph database designed specifically for artificial intelligence and semantic web projects, it can also be used as an embedded object-oriented database for projects of all sizes.humble software development - Finance Financial Graphs
Most Promising #Javascript Charting Libraries & Plugins http://j.mp/deWvyn
most promising Free javascript charting libraries and plugins. - 10 of them5 Top jQuery Chart Libraries for Interactive Charts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
jquery 图表插件12 Reasons To Be Learning Graph Theory
RT @Kellblog: 12 Reasons To Be Learning (or at least paying attention to) Graph Theory http://bit.ly/a1F9hY #linkeddata #rdf #eav #gtgraph-theory-algorithms-book - Project Hosting on Google Code
Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators
22 different chart generatorsGephi, graph exploration and manipulation software
how many times people type khan.
How long do most people hold down the 'a' key for anyway?Baby Name Brainstorm
naming y web social13 useful graphing solutions for web developers
ContainerBellUpdate to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
lling the visualize() methodThe Open Graph Protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.http://zesty.ca/facebook/
Any information you see below is visible to anyone on the Internet through normal use of the Facebook Graph API.
a tool that will help you see what is public about a given facebook profile.
What does Facebook publish about you and your friends?
One click: See all the information Facebook shares about you to anyone: http://j.mp/dcZsdP – Tips, Tools, Status (Twitter_Tips) http://twitter.com/Twitter_Tips/statuses/12970476402
ublish about you and your friends?
facebook activity graphDare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol from a Web Developer’s Perspective
A great breakdown of Open Graph's potential impact on the Web and the possibilities available for developers
Really great take on why the Facebook Graph API is exciting and different than anything before it.
good overview
Four items as the key benefits to the web as a whole from the F8 announcements 1. No 24-hour caching limit 2. An API that is realtime and isn’t just about content 3. The Open Graph protocol 4. OAuth 2.0
Open Graph Protocol primer by @Carnage4Life. RDFa, social objects, semantic web & social graph all come together. http://bit.ly/amvjw9
Why Facebook's Open Graph protocol is good news for the open web...Obesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese populationA Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue
Rich survey of advanced data visualization techniques http://is.gd/chAgi – Maria Popova (brainpicker) http://twitter.com/brainpicker/statuses/14368336820
A survey of powerful visualization techniques, from the obvious to the obscureGraph Visualization for Apache log files | Oleg Burlaca's Blog
Graph Visualization for Apache log filesGoogle Flu Trends | Mexico
internet searches lead researchers to predict flu outbreaks early
We've created experimental estimates of flu activity in Mexico using aggregated search data. Unlike Google Flu Trends for the U.S., this data has not been validated against confirmed cases of flu.
RT @rzeiger: Google launches Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico http://tinyurl.com/cvdfnt #swineflu [from http://twitter.com/healthblawg/statuses/1653930907]
Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico by Google: http://tr.im/k6oa [from http://twitter.com/AdNerds/statuses/1659090902]
Flu trends analisys based on searches in Google | Tendencias de influeza basadas en búsquedas en Google
Seems that information overflow has turned into something positive with Google Flu Trends3D円グラフを使うのはやめよう | Okumura's Blog
そもそも 2D で表現できる情報を 3D で表現するのはまったくの無駄
「そもそも円グラフが良くない」←同感。いつも円グラフを書いて、棒グラフに書き直してる。The New York Times > Week in Review > Image > A Tally of Federal Rescues
A Tally of Federal Rescues http://nyti.ms/cwSSVf Mind blowing ! The New York Times > Week in Review > Image >
visualization of the recent bailout
Need some time to wrap my head around these figuresMeasuring Measures - blog - Learning about Network Theory
In this post, Drew Conway (a PhD Candidate at New York University, studying networks) and I will walk you through a guide that we hope may be of use to others trying to find their way through network theorThe Graphs 2 - One graph collection to rule them all
After the huge success of the first release made exclusively for Smashing Magazine, we give you the second release of "The Graphs"! With 169 vector icons "The Graphs 2" is the largest and the most flexible graph icon collection on the web.JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven chartsCreate Beautiful 3D Graphs and Charts in Illustrator | Tutorial9
There is something gorgeous in aesthetically pleasing, visual representation of data. In this tutorial I'll show you how to put some style into graphs generated in Adobe Illustrator.Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.A Protovis Primer, Part 1 | eagereyes