Pages tagged green:

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes :

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes
Winfield Middle School
this is the school address. Click me if you have any questions about school!
School website. Find out everything about WMS here!
Workspace: Three Plants that Give You Better Indoor Air
How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air - TED 2009 « GreenSpaces Blog
With only three varieties of plants, we can “grow our own fresh air” indoors, to keep us healthy. Areca Palm, Mother-in-law tongue, Money plant. Bueno!!!!
Ever heard about these plants: (a) Areca Palm, (b) Mother-in-Law's Tongue, or (c) Money Plant? The authors state that, "We have tried and tested these plants for 15 years at Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC- STIP) in New Delhi, India. It is a 20 year old, 50,000 ft2 building, with over 1,200 plants for 300 building occupants. PBC- STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.* Their study found that there is a 42% probability of increasing blood oxygen by 1% if one is inside the building for 10 hours."
Energy Information
Our lack of knowledge about our own energy usage is a huge problem, but also a huge opportunity for us all to save money and fight global warming by reducing our power usage. Google PowerMeter is free web-based platform that works with smart meters to provide visualization of real-time energy use data.
A device that records data in your house and tells you how you consume.
New Google project: a widget that shows your electricity usage over time.
Google PowerMeter which will show consumers their electricity consumption in near real-time in a secure iGoogle Gadget.
Energy Information
Google energy information - popular site in Delicious
Monitor your houseapplicances' energy consumption via Google!
Google PowerMeter, now in prototype, will receive information from utility smart meters and energy management devices and provide anyone who signs up access to her home electricity consumption right on her iGoogle homepage. The graph below shows how someone could use this information to figure out how much energy is used by different household activites.
/dev/thekevdog - My Homemade Wind Generator
Got2BeGreen - Discover The Future of Green
Green Island
緑って素晴らしいね これをアートに分類してる自分が悲しいよ
Marvell: Plug Computing
A Better Way to Deliver Value Added Services With the rise in broadband users, people continue to consume and share increasing amounts of digital content each year. The time and money invested in personal photos, home movies and in content purchased digitally is significant and continues to grow. Network connected consumer electronics devices, smart phones and social websites have emerged to help consumers share and access their personal content in the home and over the Internet. With the growth in digital content, there is a need for services to secure, manage and share content simply and reliably. Today digital home services such as media servers, file sharing and backup software all need to be installed on a PC. A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet. This type of device eliminates the need for an always-on PC in the digital home to access these services.
Un PC en un enchufe
A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet.
Designed from the ground up to simplify the management of digital media assets, the Marvell plug computer is designed to be left plugged into a wall socket at all times. The plug uses low power to conserve energy and draws on average, less than five watts under normal operation compared to 25-100 watts for a PC being used as a home server.
Mind the Curb™
the natural media company
for steve
Green advertising promotion
LearningXL | Top 100 Networks for People Who Want to Change the World
Links to some sites that may help us make the world better
100 social network per gente che vuole cambiare il mondo
Rental moving boxes
"Available in 3 sizes and delivered direct to your door on our fleet of eco-trucks powered waste vegetable oil and bio-fuel. All you need to do is pack, stack and move. When the Recopack are empty, just call us and we’ll come over to your new place and pick them up."
Reusable plastic moving boxes for rent to replace cardboard cartons. Delivered to and picked up at your door by "eco-trucks" powered on vegetable oil, of course.
The First, Zero-Waste Pack and Move Solution in America!
Eco-friendly moving company
GOOD Transparency - Walk This Way
Visualized on GOOD Mag (via Karl Long)
25 Nature-Inspired Website Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Nature Design
Fantastic designs here including one or two australia based ones. Special mention goes to the site with the interactive water, sift through until you find it, you'll be pleasantly surprised. The exploding earth coal site is equally brilliant.
How to keep a house plant alive
Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need ...
"Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need light, water, support, nutrients, and an adequate air supply."
Earth Hour 2009 - The Big Picture -
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Gadgets - Wired How-To Wiki
Tiene unos enlaces de herramientas o algo asi para los caneles de reciclaje
A h
in case you haven't seen it already.
The Seattle Times: Home & Garden: It's not Idaho, but you still can grow potatoes
growing potatoes in a box
potato box. sounds awesome.
100 pounds of potatoes in 4 square feet
Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air: the Freakonomics of conservation, climate and energy - Boing Boing
I just finished reading this book. It's one of the best analysis of energy use I was given to read. Hurray for raw number with cited sources!
Using a charming, educational style that teaches how to think about this kind of number, how to estimate with it, and what it means, MacKay explains these concepts beautifully, with accompanying charts that make them vivid and clear, and with exhaustive endnotes that are as interesting as the text they refer to (probably the best use of end-notes I've encountered in technical writing -- they act like hyperlinks, giving good background on the subjects that the reader wants to find out more about while allowing the main text to move forward without getting bogged down by details). sensible personal advice for things you can do to reduce your energy consumption -- especially identifying those few badly designed devices in your home whose idle power-draw really is punitive and replacing them (one Ikea lamp he cites draws nearly as much switched off as running, because of a transformer design that was one penny cheaper to manufacture than a more efficient one would have been).
PDF download on page
"This is to energy and climate what Freakonomics is to economics: an accessible, meaty, by-the-numbers look at the physics and practicalities of energy."
9 Apr 09 / cory Doctorow / David JC MacKay's "Sustainable Energy -- Without the Hot Air" may be the best technical book about the environment that I've ever read. In fact, if I have any complaint about this book, it's in how it's presented, with its austere cover and spartan title, I assumed it would be a somewhat dry look at energy, climate, conservation and so on. It's not. This is to energy and climate what Freakonomics is to economics: an accessible, meaty, by-the-numbers look at the physics and practicalities of energy
xkcd - A Webcomic - Alternative Energy Revolution
don quixote
Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars | Video on
About this talk Forget about the hybrid auto -- Shai Agassi says it's electric cars or bust if we want to impact emissions. His company, Better Place, has a radical plan to take entire countries oil-free by 2020. About Shai Agassi Shai Agassi wants to put you behind the wheel of an electric car -- but he doesn't want you to sacrifice convenience (or cash) to do it. Full bio and more links
Agassi's Agassi'sAgassi's electric-car Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars | Video on Agassi's Agassi'sAgassi's electric-car
26051202.jpg (JPEG Image, 2282x1397 pixels)
Info-graphic: consumption of key resources, estimated number of years before exhaustion. Many between 5 and 40 years.
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them
Saving the planet through sheer laziness.
sweet design
Twelve amazing shipping container houses | Yahoo! Green
houses constructed out of metal containers
arquitectura: casas hechas con containers
DIY Cardboard Laptop Stand | greenUPGRADER
Get your laptop off the table and stop hunching over to see the screen with this DIY cardboard laptop stand. It’s small, light, free & green and it will help you cut down on the trips to the chiropractor. Did I mention it’s super easy to make? I originally found this idea at, where Erik Skiff whipped up a pretty cool acrylic stand. I didn’t have any acrylic and more importantly I didn’t have a lazer cutter make the cuts, so I did it on cardboard. I modified the design a little so the pattern would fit on a regular letter sized sheet of paper.
MAKE: Blog: Tweet-a-watt - our entry for the Core77 & Greener Gadgets design competition
twitter-enabled Kill-A-Watt power meter.
Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods.
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods."
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods. Here's how it works, the modified Kill-a-Watt uses a "super-cap" to slowly recharge itself, once there is enough power it turns on the Xbee wireless module which transmits the data to a nearby computer (or internet connected microcontroller, like an Arduino) once the power usage for the day is recorded it uses a predefined Twitter account (it can be your own) to publish your daily KWH consumption for the day, multiple units can be used for an entire household. We're publishing the source, schematics and the idea for others to run with - Energy change a
zakka life: Craft Project: Cell Phone Holder for Charging
DIY cell phone holder
zakka life: Craft Project:
Cook for Good
Take a look at this.
Clayton Homes introduces the i-house, the new Revolutionary thought in home building.
i see you in one of these someday
Prefab green homes with style, efficiency, and affordability.
Clayton Homes introduces the i-house, the new Revolutionary thought in home building.
How does your garden grow? - Juneau Empire
Brilliant way to garden!
HT passionate homemaking
I need to figure out a way to make these without damaging the house!
idea 1
How to Make a Reusable Sandwich Wrap - CraftStylish
Show Support For #IranElection on Twitter
Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click - [from]
Green overlay over twitter
Green Tweets: 75+ Environmentalists to Follow on Twitter
The Door Garden » 50 Dollar Greenhouse
50 Dollar Greenhouse
Como construir uma estufa
Natural Homemade ‘drain-o’, or How To Unclog Without Harmful Chemicals | Bonzai Aphrodite
And this recipe is easy enough, but I swear it works like a charm. You don’t need complex, carcinogenic compounds lurking around your cabinets! Baking soda, baby, and a liberal splash of vinegar.
Next time I'll have to try covering the hole...that probably makes it work better than when I've done it in the past. Great little site. Drupal or Wordpress (Drupal). (One of these days I'll figure out how to tell the dif.)
Como usar a soda caustica para limpar
Buy and Sell Electronics, Sell Used Cell Phones |
we wilsons
Re-usable snack bags
Microsoft Hohm
Bringing people together to save energy and money
How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils - wikiHow
Tired of fly sprays and the unwanted chemicals they contain? There is a very easy solution to keeping flies away from the outdoor dining area and you can do it yourself.
online games re ecology, recycling, oceans, etc.
Environment Games
games to help Oscar the otter protect his environment
Portable 12V Air Conditioner --Cheap and easy!!/
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the site, my Dad owns an electric 1979 Ford Courier pickup, and is cool enough to let me drive it around. We absolutely love it, and wouldn't trade it for a Tesla Roadster, but one of the few problems with electric cars is heating and cooling. In a gas car, heat is provided by the 80% of the gas that is wasted as heat, and air conditioning is provided by a crankshaft-driven compressor system. Many EVs use hair dryer elements and fans for heat, and some, ours included, feature a powerful gasoline-burning heater.
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
This project is my dad's $10 solution to a $500 solution to a $25,000 problem. As I have previously mentioned around the...
DIY air conditioner
Official Google Blog: Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats
Mowing with goats [from]
Googleが空き地の雑草を200頭のヤギに食べさせて、草刈りをし、山火事を防ぐとともに環境フレンドリーをアピールという話。 このヤギだか羊たちって、僕が5年前にYahoo!のSunnyvaleに滞在していたときも裏の丘にいたんだよね。 実はこれはそういう業者に依頼するのだ。 現地の人間に聞くと、州法だか消防法みたいのがあって、ある規模の企業は定期的に敷地の下草だとか雑草を刈らないとダメみたいだとか言っていた。それを広報に利用するというのは、さすが抜け目のないGoogleだな。
Google mows their lawn with goats #green [from]
Estas cabras son explotadas como cortahierbas, pero aunque utilitarismo, no se puede decir de buenas a primeras que las maltraten, pues ellas disfrutan comiendo, a sus anchas. Pero la idea de que no son libres puede atormentar a bastantes. Se comen la hierba seca de Google durante una semana. Decidieron cambiar por cabras a los cortahierbas humanos y contaminantes con sus máquinas de tubo de escape. Son 200 y las dirige Jen, que es un perro, border collie para más señas.
How to Make a Green & Sleek Web Layout in Photoshop
Top 10 DIY Projects that Harness the Power of the Sun - Solar Power - Lifehacker
Teen Decomposes Plastic Bag in Three Months | Wired Science |
Free Heat From An Old Window And Some Soda Cans. | EcoTech Daily
In hotter places this could be used to run a (sealed) food dehydrator.
Beautiful sets of environment and nature icons
free vector art
55 Beautiful Green Layouts in Web Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
10 New Sites for Socially Responsible Shopping
Do you know the environmental or social policies of the places you shop? Do you know where your products come from? These 10 sites will help you find out.
Teenager invents £23 solar panel that could be solution to developing world's energy needs..made from human hair | Mail Online
"A new type of solar panel using human hair could provide the world with cheap, green electricity, believes its teenage inventor."
A new type of solar panel using human hair could provide the world with cheap, green electricity, believes its teenage inventor. Milan Karki, 18, believes he has found the solution to the developing world's energy needs.
Garden Sustainably - Wired How-To Wiki
Five Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Your Home or Workspace - Plants - Lifehacker
Campaign to cut 10% of emissions in 2010, individual people but also companies can sign up.
campaign to sign up people and organisations to sign up to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010
The official site of the 10:10 campaign
By committing to cut your emissions by 10% in 2010, you will join thousands of individuals, schools, hospitals, businesses and organisations all actively helping to combat climate change by making simple changes to their lifestyles, homes and workplaces. More importantly, your voice will help to put pressure on the politicians to cut Britain’s emissions as quickly as the science demands.
20 Ways to Change the World in Only 15 Minutes a Day
Yes, all of the above may be true. But it doesn’t mean you can’t carve out just 15 minutes a day to be a better citizen of the planet — forego a couple of TV shows per week, set a timer to cut your Facebook (Facebook) and/or Twitter (Twitter) sessions by 15 minutes, or curtail that long hot shower habit. If you can find just a small amount of time per day, you can give back to your local or global community in a way that can reap benefits to your mood and psyche that far outweigh the time you’ve “given up” from another hobby or habit.
Good ideas!
50 Ways to Never Waste Food Again : Planet Green
you have to dice part of an onion
Serve your country food - Greenhorns
@thecorkboard [from]
The Social Media & Web Guide to Going Green
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? The following sites are great shortcuts for weeding through the myriad online options.
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? Here is the social media and web guide to going green.
The social media and web guide to going green: [from]
Analysis of the Green Dam Censorware System
Green Dam
We examined the Green Dam software and found that it contains serious security vulnerabilities due to programming errors. Once Green Dam is installed, any web site the user visits can exploit these problems to take control of the computer. This could allow malicious sites to steal private data, send spam, or enlist the computer in a botnet. In addition, we found vulnerabilities in the way Green Dam processes blacklist updates that could allow the software makers or others to install malicious code during the update process.
How-to: recycle your old gadgets
New Soap, Old Bottle sells brand new liquid soap packaged in old plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, and glass beer bottles — all of this aimed at keeping our environment healthy.
Company sells cleaning products and things packaged in sanitized reused soda bottles.
Window Farmers — Blog — How To: Reservoir System Window Farm
Download the howto in a pdf. Window farm built from 1.5 liter bottles and pvc.
BBC NEWS | Africa | Malawi windmill boy with big fans
William Kamkwamba educated himself in his local library
RT @GREENTOWNREV: One of the best examples of the spirit of the #ENTREPRENEUR. What an inspiration! [from]
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Food needs 'fundamental rethink'
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Food crops, agriculture and biodiversity cannot be separated from one another A sustainable global food system in the 21st Century needs to be built on a series of "new fundamentals", according to a leading food expert.
Global food production will need to double just to meet demand. "We have the knowledge and the technology to do this, as things stand, but the perfect storm of climate change, environmental degradation and water and oil scarcity, threatens our ability to succeed." ...We are going to have to get biodiversity into gardens and fields, and then eat it. "We have to do this rather than saying that biodiversity is what is on the edge of the field or just outside my garden.
food rethink by bbc
Stewart Brand proclaims 4 environmental 'heresies' | Video on
Fascinating presentation on Issues Facing Our Changing World
Stewart Brand on
Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense: Scientific American
A brief description on how one senator beleives that the idea of greenhouses gases endangering our environment is a hoax, and our envirnment is really in no danger.
John Rennie (Chefredakteur), Scientific American: Evidence for human interference with Earth's climate continues to | John Rennie, der seit 15 Jahren Chefredakteur bei SciAm ist, geht darin kompakt aber umfassend auf sieben Argumente ein, die man immer wieder findet: 1. CO2 ist nur ein Spurengas, kann gar nichts am Klima ändern; bzw. der Menschenanteil ist zu klein | 2. Der "hockey stick", der den Temperaturanstieg zeigt, ist widerlegt, außerdem war es im Mittelalter wärmer | 3. Seit 10 Jahren ist die Erde nicht wärmer geworden | 4. Sonne oder kosmische Strahlung sind die Ursache der Erwärmung | 5. Klimatologen haben sich verschworen um die Wahrheit zu verstecken | 6. Klimatologen sind nur geldgeil/wollen Achtung | 7. Technologische Anwendungen wie Geoengineering wären viel effektiver als CO2-Reduzierung
a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them
"a partial list of the contrarians' bad arguments and some brief rebuttals of them."
Dean Kamen's Water Purifier - Biography of Dean Kamen - Esquire
Igy kell kutatást csinálni a mai világban.
your arm. Together, the sling and the shot could save millions of lives. That's why he spent $50 million of his own money developing the
Make a moss terrarium in a wine bottle: moss-age in a bottle | Dr Vino's wine blog
Five recycling mysteries solved! | Yahoo! Green
But, with a little advance planning and some good info, you'll see that it's really quite simple to dispose of these seemingly mysterious items.
Five recycling mysteries solved! | Yahoo! Green
Official Google Blog: Power to the people
Google states its mission for introducing the power meter and the reasoning behind it. By making information accessible and available to everyone, they try to save the environment. They also state actions taken to arouse attention for that subject and their activities to promote it. They make suggestions for policies and point out costumer tools they develop.
Feb 2009. - Google describes technology to monitor energy use
Google’s mission is to "organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful," and we believe consumers have a right to detailed information about their home electricity use.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to providing consumers with detailed energy information. And it will take the combined efforts of federal and state governments, utilities, device manufacturers, and software engineers to empower consumers to use electricity more wisely by giving them access to energy information.
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
The climate in Belgium will support free cooling almost year-round, according to Google engineers, with temperatures rising above the acceptable range for free cooling about seven days per year on average. The average temperature in Brussels during summer reaches 66 to 71 degrees, while Google maintains its data centers at temperatures above 80 degrees.
Google’s Chiller-less Data Center
"Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems, a strategy that will improve its energy efficiency while making local weather forecasting a larger factor in its data center management. [..]So what happens if the weather gets hot? On those days, Google says it will turn off equipment as needed in Belgium and shift computing load to other data centers. This approach is made possible by the scope of the company’s global network of data centers, which provide the ability to shift an entire data center’s workload to other facilities. [..]The ability to seamlessly shift workloads between data centers also creates intriguing long-term energy management possibilities, including a “follow the moon” strategy which takes advantage of lower costs for power and cooling during overnight hours. In this scenario, virtualized workloads are shifted across data centers in different time zones to capture savings from off-peak utility rates."
BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Carbon cost' of Google revealed
US physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2. However, these figures were disputed by Google, who say a typical search produced only 0.2g of carbon dioxide.
intereante BBC y Google
A typical Google search produces between 0.2g and 7g of carbon dioxide.
Dr Wissner-Gross's study claims that two Google searches on a desktop computer produces 14g of CO2, which is the roughly the equivalent of boiling an electric kettle.
Research by a Harvard University physicist has sparked debate about the environmental cost of Google searches.
Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross claims that a typical Google search on a desktop computer produces about 7g CO2.
think about it next time you search on google!
Two searches on a desktop computer produce 14g of CO2, equivalent to boiling an electric kettle.
Viridian Design
Bruce Sterling's Manifesto for a new Millennium
CR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard office…
Step into my cardboard office…
CR Blog - news and views on visual communications from the writers of creative review
CR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard officeâ¦
Escritório feito em reboard
Home | Element Four
Condenses pure drinking water from air, just like the water traps in Dune.
Tapping an unlimited source of fresh water The Element Four WaterMill provides fresh, potable water from an unlimited source: the air. It's the sustainable, elegantly designed solution to providing fresh water for your family, and the world.
A household device that pulls fresh, potable water from the air. If this is for real, it's incredible.
product called watermill turns air moisture into drinkable water
green: Fic: A Point of Vulnerability (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17)
Kirk is captured and given sex drugs. McCoy lends a hand, but Kirk doesn't remember afterwards.
Kirk is captured! There's sex drugs! And then it all gets complicated.
Kirk is an alien love slave! he lives in an alien love cave! He massages their backes, as he does their taxes!
Clothes, clothes were hard. Kirk's uniform was full of hidden buttons and zippers to give him that freshly starched look, so he concentrated on McCoy's uniform. He damned near ripped it to get it off. Then there was skin, wonderful skin over strong muscles, pressed tight against his own. Kirk didn't care how wantonly he was moaning, didn't care if the whole ship could hear him.
Kirk adjusted the thin, shiny material that barely covered his ass and hoped his crew came to rescue him soon.
Best Air-Filtering House Plants According to NASA! : TreeHugger
Recycle now - Furoshiki Japanese Wrapping
easy, sustainable gift wrapping technique
en video ; livres, bouteilles, paquet, sac
Every time I've tried tying furoshiki from diagrams, I've made an ungainly lump. Still, I live in hope.
25 Most Promising Green Businesses | Business Pundit
Adura Technologies
Simple Till Six Weight Loss Diet: An Eating Plan for Busy People | Lose the Weight | Reader's Digest
Everything pointed to a simpler style of eating. I started following a diet that was nearly "vegan until six." Until dinner, I ate almost no animal products and no simple carbs (no white-flour products, junk food, or sugar-heavy snacks). At dinner, I ate as I always had, sometimes a sizable meal including animal products, bread, dessert, wine -- you name it -- or sometimes a salad and a bowl of soup. I also took several long walks each week (my bad knees couldn't handle more).
The anti-girth, pro-Earth eating plan for busy, real people.
Mark Bittman How to cook everything vegetarian NYT food writer the minimalist against meat
Inhabitat » Carbon Negative Hemp Walls are 7x Stronger than Concrete
August 24, 2009 Hemcrete®: Carbon Negative Hemp Walls
The eco machine that can magic water out of thin air | Environment | The Observer
Household machine to draw water out of the air
The solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air. ... Their creation, the WaterMill, uses the electricity of about three light bulbs to condense moisture from the air and purify it into clean drinking water.
thanks to a firm of eco-inventors from Canada who claim to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages by drawing the liquid of life from an unlimited and untapped source - the air.
Canadian firm of eco-inventors claims to have found the solution to the world's worsening water shortages
Bloom Energy | Be the solution
Bloom Energy is changing the way the world generates and consumes energy. Our unique on-site power generation systems utilize an innovative new fuel cell technology with roots in NASA's Mars program. Derived from a common sand-like powder, and leveraging breakthrough advances in materials science, our technology is able to produce clean, reliable, affordable power,... practically anywhere,... from a wide range of renewable or traditional fuels. Our Energy Servers™ are among the most efficient energy generators on the planet; providing for significantly reduced electricity costs and dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions. By generating power on-site, where it is consumed, Bloom Energy offers increased electrical reliability and improved energy security, providing a clear path to energy independence.
Bloom Box!!!
Localized energy "servers" for your home.
15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers
A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”
20 Vegan Meals that Taste Good | WebEcoist
Several of these are all, "tofu that tastes exactly like meat!" so if you're not into that, those won't be as interesting... but I still want to try them!
Going vegetarian seems challenging enough - but vegan? Here are some amazingly tasty vegan meals that will make even a carnivore's mouth water.
Projeto 10 elevado a 100
Projeto google para o recebimento de idéias em 2007
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível. Vocês enviaram mais de 150.000 ideias. Escolhemos algumas finalistas. Quais delas devem se tornar realidade? Você decide.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível.
Projeto do Google em que você deve enviar uma idéia que ajude o maior número de pessoas possível.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de idéias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de de pessoas possível.
Five PC power myths debunked |Sustainable IT | Ted Samson | InfoWorld
Don't let misinformation prevent you from cashing in on PC power management
Turning off PCs during periods of inactivity can save companies a substantial sum. In fact, Energy Star estimates organizations can save from $25 to $75 per PC per year with PC power management. Those savings can add up quickly. According to a recent report by Forrester titled "How Much Money Are Your Idle PCs Wasting?" PC power management is helping General Electric and Dell boast savings of $2.5 million and $1.8 million per year, respectively. That also results in a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. So why is there hesitancy at some organizations to implement PC power management, given that the payback is easy to calculate? Perhaps some companies are being swayed by myths about PC power management. Forrester outlines five such myths in its report.
The Green House of the Future -
I want one of these. I really liked the "old and new" by Mouzon Design
The Green House of the Future We asked architects to draw up plans for the most energy-efficient houses they could imagine. They imagined quite a bit.
We asked architects to draw up plans for the most energy-efficient houses they could imagine. They imagined quite a bit.
Liquid Wood Is Plastic of Tomorrow, Say Scientists | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 18.01.2009,,3938912,00.html?maca=en-tagesschau_englisch-335-rdf-mp
Norbert Eisenreich, a senior researcher and deputy of directors at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) in Pfinztal, Germany, said his team of scientists have come up with a substance that could replace plastic: Arboform -- basically, liquid wood.
Earth Hour 2010 - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Verrassend wat licht doet in je beleving Check deze foto's voor en tijdens Earth Hour 2010
Fotos de la Hora de la Tierra 2010
Earth Hour produced some stunning images
Germany Imagines Suburbs Without Cars -
An article about Vauban, Germany from the NY Times
New York Times article discusses car-free suburb in Vauban, Germany, and other car-reduced developments in other country.
Car-free town in Germany
Inhabitat » The EcoDrain Cuts Water Heater Use by 40%
A hot shower is relaxing, but is also a huge waste of energy: we heat our water with massive amounts of natural gas, oil or electricity, then transport the heated water to our tubs for a few seconds of sudsing, before washing it down the drain full of raw, wasted heat and energy! What if we could recapture this untapped source of wasted energy by transferring the heat from that shower waste-water to cold incoming water? The EcoDrain, a simple heat exchange unit, does just that, saving water heater use by up to 40%.
Lifehacker - Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space - Food
Global Warming Is Irreversible, Study Says : NPR
first wildfires, then sea level rise; "People have imagined that if we stopped emitting carbon dioxide that the climate would go back to normal in 100 years or 200 years. What we're showing here is that's not right. It's essentially an irreversible change that will last for more than a thousand years," Solomon says. This is because the oceans are currently soaking up a lot of the planet's excess heat — and a lot of the carbon dioxide put into the air. The carbon dioxide and heat will eventually start coming out of the ocean. And that will take place for many hundreds of years.
Climate change is essentially irreversible, according to a sobering new scientific study. As carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, the world will experience more and more long-term environmental disruption. The damage will persist even when, and if, emissions are brought under control, says study author Susan Solomon, who is among the world's top climate scientists. "We're used to thinking about pollution problems as things that we can fix," Solomon says. "Smog, we just cut back and everything will be better later. Or haze, you know, it'll go away pretty quickly."
No comments.
get ready for 1000 years of suck
Charge Your Cellphone Using Wasted Heat
We updated the instructable with a new implementation you can build without spending all that money on those expensive...
Companies such as BMW are investing in Thermoelectric Generators to make their cars more efficient by replacing the alt...
Aerocivic - aerodynamic mods for maximum fuel economy -
My car is a 1992 Honda Civic CX which I bought new, has an EPA fuel consumption rating of 47 mpg (US) highway / 39 city (5.0/6.0 L/100 km ... 20.0/16.6 km/L ... 56.4/46.8 mpg (Imp.)), and averaged mid 40's when driven "normally".
Boy this guys has spent a lot of time modifying his car to be as slippery as possible.
cost about 400. As much as 90mpg
I'd like to do this to my 1992 Honda Civic
If this is not a hoax, then this is why I am disgusted by every auto mfg on the planet: one person, inspired by a German design from the 1930s, mods an existing car to get twice the fuel efficiency.
How to Recycle Anything | Real Simple
How to Fuse Plastic Bags Into a Laptop Case - wikiHow
# Home # > Categories # > Home and Garden # > Home Organization & Recycling # > Reduce Recycle and Reuse # > Plastic Reuse
In this article, you'll learn how to turn plastic bags into a sturdy laptop case by fusing them together.
Save Money. Be Green at Home | Yahoo! Green
Leaving computers on overnight = $2.8 billion a year : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech
Admittedly I don't think much about it at all. ...
Saving Energy
turn off computers during this downturn
Gizmodo - Green Tech Upgrades That Boost Home Values and Reduce Bills - green tech
Tips on conserving energy and saving money at the same time
Fun tech ideas from Gizmodo that will save money and potentially increase the value of your home.
iPhorest - Plant your tree.
While we are mildly obsessed with iPhone apps that let us plan our wardrobes, determine where to eat, and stream awesome radio stations, our latest favorite find leverages technology for good in the greatest sense of the word. In association with Ecolife Apparel and The Conservation Fund, the iPhorest application enables the user to plant a tree. Upon downloading, the user activates a seedling both virtually and physically, and for each virtual tree planted, The Conservation Fund will plant a native tree in real life - starting with the restoration of vulnerable wildlife habitats along the Gulf Coast in the United States. With interactive features that allow you to dig a hole for your tree, water your seedling and connect to a world map to see other users, it has never been easier (or more fun) to give back.
Working From Home Makes More Sense Than Ever : TreeHugger
Multipurpose Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds offer more then just a fantastic drink, use the grounds around your home, garden and even as a beauty product.
EcoDrain | high performance shower heat exchange
Shower heat exchange company, supplied by TerraTek, Vancouver
Energy vampires: Fact versus fiction | Yahoo! Green
in the allowed number of devices, then power strips are safe, says Kielich. Just don't plug your power strip into another power strip, or you run the risk of creating an overload.
facts and fiction
50 Green Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
50 Green Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration -
Post que mostra 50 exemplos de sites verdes
How to find even more free stuff | Yahoo! Green
article with top swapping websites
GE : Home Appliance Energy Use
flash infographic by ge
5 Simple Tools for a Paperless Office
25 ways to clean with vinegar on Shine
The cleaning aisle at just about any grocery store is stocked with a dizzying array of options—and when it comes down to it, there are a lot of expensive, toxic, superfluous products crowding the market. Chances are, you already have one of the…
If you're looking for a greener, petsafe cleaner, look no further than your own pantry! This article lists 25 ways to clean with vinegar
Rainforest Fungus Naturally Synthesizes Diesel | Wired Science from
A fungus that lives inside trees in the Patagonian rain forest naturally makes a mix of hydrocarbons that bears a striking resemblance to diesel. It may be the case that organisms like this produced some — maybe not all — but some of the world's crude oil.
A fungus that lives inside trees in the Patagonian rain forest naturally makes a mix of hydrocarbons that bears a striking resemblance to diesel, biologists announced today. And the fungus can grow on cellulose, a major component of tree trunks, blades of grass and stalks that is the most abundant carbon-based plant material on Earth. "When we looked at the gas analysis, I was flabbergasted," said Gary Strobel, a plant scientist at Montana State University, and the lead author of a paper in Microbiology describing the find. "We were looking at the essence of diesel fuel."
Tarp Hat - The Real Deal: Made In Brazil
The Real Deal is a tarp hats and bags are made in Brazil and crafted from recycled tarps of Brazilian cargo trucks.
What better hat to take on a m/c trip than one made from recycled, battered old tarp material?
Recycling by mail | Yahoo! Green
UN says eat less meat to curb global warming | Environment | The Observer
People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change, the world's leading authority on global warming has told The Observer
even skipping meat one day a week makes an impact
UN says eat less meat to curb global warming | Environment | The Observer
The Pizza Box of the Future Has Arrived - Asylum | Men's Lifestyle | Humor, weird news, sex tips, fashion, dating, food and gadgets
RT @sudestada Me late: RT @elefantastico The Pizza Box of the Future Has Arrived - [from]
Don't you love when something so right is also ingeniously simple? Then you'll love this pizza box. And if you happen to be a CEO of a major pizza chain, get on the bus.
The convertible pizza box! Delivery box, plate, storage all in one, and eco-friendly. [from]
Simple elixir called a 'miracle liquid' - Los Angeles Times,0,1620173.story
Electrolyzed water yields two compounds as a degreaser and sanitizer
Sounds like the old "Saturday Night Live" gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it's starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job. The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current. Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water -- hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso -- the miracle liquid.
部屋の空気をきれいにしてくれる観葉植物ベスト5 - GIGAZINE
Honey, I Shrunk the Maldives;_ylc=X3oDMTFxcWIyczFpBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDMjcxOTQ4MQRzZWMDZnAtdG9kYXltb2QEc2xrA21hbGRpdmVzLTQtMjgtMDk-;_ylc=X3oDMTFxcWIyczFpBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDMjcxOTQ4MQRzZWMDZnAtdG9kYXltb2QEc2xrA21hbGRpdmVzLTQtMjgtMDk-
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger -
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
It is an old architectural trick used since the invention of mirrored glass: covering buildings with the reflective material and declaring that they blend in with the surroundings. Most architects use it to convince wary citizens that it is OK
invisible treehouse
Best Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality « Pro's Who Know
We all remember learning in science class that plants “breathe” by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which is why forests are so important in maintaining the delicate balance of the earth’s atmosphere. But did you know that certain tropical houseplants can also remove and process other, more harmful, chemicals from the air inside your home?
Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens | EWG's 2010 Sunscreen Guide
Nanoparticles or hormone disruptions? Unless, of course, you opt for no sunscreen and take your chances with cell mutations. Good luck!
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
You may already keep a box in the fridge to neutralize odors, but baking soda can help out around the house in a multitude of ways.
Buenas recomendaciones para usar el bicarbonato de sodio
YouTube - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms
This transformer apartment makes me drool: (tx @souris) – danah boyd (zephoria)
Granola - Guilt free computing
Download Granola and help save the world. Granola is free software that can reduce the energy consumption of your PC or laptop up to 35%. With one click, make your computer environmentally friendly.
Granola is software that improves the energy efficiency of your PC or laptop.
Awesome power management that makes your computer run more efficient and eco friendly
Geek Gardening: A Wired Guide to Domestic Terraforming | Magazine |
"Gardeners are among the world's most charming snobs. Rightly so: As with music and mathematics, the more you know, the more elegant your work. Erudition is valued, and so is a smattering of pretension. If you are a geek looking to put down roots, welcome to gardening. We offer you common ground. Think of it as localized terraforming, if that helps. Before you start, though, contemplate your knees and knuckles, and get ready for hard, sweaty work. As with making babies, people can't really imagine what they are getting into when they plan to tangle with the trowels and hoses. The sketches and explanations on the following pages will inspire you to stake out, nurture, and defend your tiny patch of Earth, feed your loved ones, and even sequester a bit of carbon. How smart is that?"
Vitality - Yahoo! News
I liked this video for it's story and editing. It tells it all in ~2min.
Guy who lives in a 89 sq ft house...awesome!
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Make the most out of every day with helpful info that's all about you. What are you waiting for? Go check out Vitality today from the experts at Yahoo! Better yourself and better your life at
eat the seasons | food seasons
eat the seasons aims to promote an understanding of food seasons. Each week we list the seasonal foods that are at their peak, and share enlightening facts, useful tips and enticing recipe ideas picked from the web and our favourite books.