Pages tagged groovy:

InfoQ: Writing JEE applications with Grails and Flex

Grails and Flex both have significant advantages in different parts of the software stack. In this new article you will learn how they can be combined to take advantage of each's strengths. Topics covered include component communication, data transfer, and JMS integration.
This article will go into detail about how to write JEE applications with Grails, a spin-off of traditional JEE application development, and Flex, a different technique that can be used with Java. Both frameworks can be highly productive. Combining the two frameworks holds the promise of building rich internet frontends to J2EE applications while retaining the high productivity.
SpringSource Team Blog » Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Google just announced that their Google App Engine cloud hosting platform now supports other languages than Python: namely Java and Groovy!
James Strachan's Blog: Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac?
rphism across strings/text/buffers/collections/arrays along with extremely verbose syntax for working with any kind of data structure
via @indrayam FF post
Scala as the long term replacement for java/javac? :: Learning is now simple
Understanding actor concurrency, Part 2: Actors on the JVM - JavaWorld
In the first half of his introduction to actor concurrency, Alex Miller discussed the limitations of shared-state concurrency and explained how the actor model is expressed in Erlang. While Erlang is a nonstarter for many shops, actor implementations do exist for languages that run on the JVM. Find out how actors work and see them implemented using Scala's standard library, Groovy's GParallelizer, and the Java libraries Kilim, ActorFoundry, Actors Guild, and Jetlang.
2009-04-09 - きしだのはてな
後者関数のラムダ式に書き間違いがある気がする。 succ = λx.λf.λx.f(n f x) => succ = λn.λf.λx.f(n f x) だと思うんだけど、どうなんだろう…。
Relevance Blog : Common Ground
I have chosen four languages which together represent "": Clojure, Groovy, JRuby, and Scala. Notes on Functional programming
Annotated link
This sentence from the article says much: "In my experience, this style of coding tends to reduce the size of a codebase by an order of magnitude, while improving readability." Example from article: " not have to code defensively, using a slew of factories, patterns, can build a minimal solution and evolve it."
"Many people are looking for the "next big language." The next big language is already here, but it isn't a single language. It is the collection of ideas above (plus probably some I missed) as manifested in -- Does the transition to deserve the name "big"? Absolutely. In my experience, the move from Java to is every bit as big as the previous tectonic shifts in the industry, both in learning curve and in productivity advantages once you make the transition."