Coding Horror: Avoiding The Uncanny Valley of User Interface
30 Essential Controls
pretty much a overview of anything you could needGNOME Do - Release
WireframeSketcher is an Eclipse plug-in for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypes.
WireframeSketcher is an Eclipse plugin for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypes. * Create UI mockups in no time * Communicate your intent * Get feedback * Build better software!
an Eclipse plugin for creating wireframes, screen mockups and UI prototypesAraelium Group : Querious - MySQL Database Tool
Looks hot. Hopefully less crash prone than MySQL Administrator. Will try.
MySQL Database editing app for OS XObject-oriented sheep, running around in Ruby Shoes []
building the game step by st7 Interface Design Techniques to Simplify and De-clutter Your Interfaces | Webdesigner Depot
If you can take a complex device or a piece of software and somehow rearrange, reorganize and redesign the interface to make it easy to use and understand, then you’re well on the way to delivering a better user experience.Atlas - 280 North
Screw Flex, AIR, and Flash for RIAs - we've got browsers, Cappucino and Atlas
280Atlas is a basically Interface Builder written for the browser.BWToolkit - Interface Builder Plugin for Cocoa on Mac OS X
Parasite is a debugging and development tool that runs inside your GTK+ application's process. It can inspect your application, giving you detailed information on your UI, such as the hierarchy, X window IDs, widget properties, and more. You can modify properties on the fly in order to experiment with the look of your UI.
Something that looks like it will make GUI development 30% less painful.Operating System Interface Design Between 1981-2009 | Webdesigner Depot is actually great. This is a sick article. Bravo.
Rassegna di tutte le interfacce utente da l 1973 al 2009. In pratica, la storia dell'informatica!
A Graphical User Interface (GUI for short) allows users to interact with the computer hardware in a user friendly way. Over the years a range of GUI's haveTokyoDownstairs: DeskHedron
Para crear hasta nueve escritorios en Windows (al estilo del cubo en 3D de Compiz Fusion). Se descomprime y se ejecuta el fichero .exe. Creará un icono junto al reloj del sistema. Con el botón derecho se podrá acceder a las opciones. Para activarlo, pulasr Ctrl+Shift+Z. Para cambiar de escritorio, pulsar las flecha izquierda o derecha respectivamente. Para seleccionar el escritorio, pulsar Enter o Esc.
Un escritorio en 3d para windows
Windows PC向けに無償でダウンロード
物理シミューレータ使ってるのかな? こんなふうになると、デスクトップの使い方が変わるかな?もはやデスクトップ(机の上)ではないが。
結構前からデモは見てた。買い換えたら入れてみようなぁ~。MOONGIFT: » 開発者必見!WindowsでGitを便利に「Git Extensions」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
NUI library looks pretty interesting...
Cross-Platform C++ Framework. Can be used to create all kinds of systems!
C++ framework for developing gui apps on a variety of platforms, including iPhone.Grape
Good reference material on UIs. It's an often overlooked aspect to good design.
Tips and insights into good design and usability.Code Project: Build an Ncurses UI with Python | TuxRadar
Picture the scene: you're logged into a remote server via SSH, or you've installed a new graphics card and you're left staring at the command line. You need to enter a command, but you can't remember the zillion options that go along with it. You're stuck - all you can do is consult the manual pages and pore through pages of waffl15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms
15+ Excellent jQuery Plugins To Enhance HTML Forms96MBのメモリで、Ubuntuで原稿書いてます!彼氏がWMを着替えたら・・・ - Viva! Ubuntu!!
This howto is about using HTML and associated web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, JSON, ...) to create a GUI for a standalone application in Python.Digibarn: Xerox Star 8010 Interfaces, high quality polaroids (1981)
RT @jamespage: So you think there's been progress in GUIs since 1981 [from]
Fotos do OS Xerox Star 8010
Digibarn: Xerox Star 8010 Interfaces, high quality polaroids (1981)
Amazing resource of Xerox GUIJQuery: Die 22 besten Modal - Fenster Plugins | BLOGRAMMIERER
JQueryCamelot – Trac
A python GUI framework on top of Sqlalchemy and PyQt, inspired by the Django admin interface. Start building desktop applications at warp speed, simply by adding some additional information to you model definition.
A python GUI framework on top of Sqlalchemy and PyQtteehan+lax » Blog Archive » iPhone GUI PSD 3.0
Along with Apple’s official release of the new iPhone 3.0 software came a number of new graphic elements. We’ve been holding off updating the Photoshop file until we could properly implement the additions. We built it using vectors, so it’s all still fully editable. Apple’s SDK is amazing, but when we need to mock up something quickly for a pitch we turn to this. Some of the changes and additions in the 3.0 PSD include: • Map and map elements including curl • Copy and paste elements • Timeline bar editor • Horizontal iPhone • Horizontal Panels bars and keyboards
iPhone graphic assets30 iPhone Apps with Sexy Interfaces « AppStorm
Beautiful and Functional Too!Irradiated Software - SizeUp
Interesting article with a fresh look towards user expirience on the desktop40 Free and Useful GUI Icon Sets for Web Designers | Icons
Icons are everywhere in a website and their primary purpose of guiding and giving out information to visitors is a highly important one. Other than words
Icons are everywhere in a website and their primary purpose of guiding and giving out information to visitors is a highly important one. Other than words themselves, these little graphics within a website that tells you how you can move to the next page, cancel a transaction, checkout the cart and the likes, basically the entire navigation. In a general sense, they act as symbols that allow easier and smoother communication between the webpage and the person interacting with it. Depending on the web context, icons should be designed in a manner that are pleasing to the eyes, and most importantly, communicate what it is suppose to communicate. Here’s a showcase of 40 Free and Useful Icon Sets for your referenceDesigning Convertbot - Tapbots Blog
With the surprising success of Weightbot, it was only a matter of time before we would take on the challenge of outdoing ourselves. We knew people were expecting something big from Tapbots the second time around so what’s more impressive on the iPhone platform than a unit converter? Pretty much anything. In name alone, Convertbot is probably the last application people would expect to see from us. But the truth is, converting units, while extremely ordinary, is a very useful utility for many people. And while there are countless feature-rich unit converters for the iPhone, none of them make the task any more enjoyable. So it really was the perfect robot for us to build. I just wanted to spend a little time writing about how Convertbot came to be. Getting Started The first step was to set up the groundwork for the application. What is the primary purpose of this application? Who is the target audience? What are the bare minimum features this app needs and what features can we add that
The design process of a well-designed iPhone appBowline – A Ruby GUI framework | Lead Thinking
Recently I've been working on a Ruby GUI framework called Bowline. In a nutshell, Bowline lets you build cross platform desktop applications with Ruby, HTMLAjax GUI Framework - Ample SDK
Ajax SDK,
Rainmeter is a Windows customization application.
Rainmeter is a Windows customization application. Empower your desktop with an expandable library of useful tools – handy notes and application launchers, weather and feeds from the web, system status and more. Then, rearrange and modify them to suit your personal style. With Rainmeter, your desktop is finally yours.Realizations of Rounded Rectangles | UI and us
expect that examples like the rounded rectangle will strengthen the argument to ‘go the e
Fascinating or total B.S.? You decide...
Time for an expert: I asked Professor Jürg Nänni, author
rounded corners versus sharp cornersManaging UI Complexity | Brandon Walkin
nterface complexity is an issue every designer wrestles with when designing a reasonably sophisticated application. A complex interface can reduce user effectiveness, increase the learning curve of the application, and cause users to feel intimidated and overwhelmed. I’ve spent the past year redesigning a particularly complex application with my primary focus being on reducing complexity. In this article, I’ll go over some of the issues surrounding complexity and techniques that can be used to manage it.Carsonified » 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals
UIAndroid GUI PSD Vector Kit | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
"In this post we release Android GUI Starter Kit, a set that comes with several button elements as well as different interface options for Android GUI."
In this post we release Android GUI Starter Kit, a set that comes with several button elements as well as different interface options for AndroidPySide – Python for Qt
The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt itself.
LGPL licencedCarsonified » Top 10 UX Myths
10 mitos da experiência do usuário21 Essential iPhone Apps with Sexy Interfaces « SUBERAPPS
Apps with Sexy Interfaces
potential iPhone native “Contacts” app replacement. With groups you can manage your contacts easily, organizing them using drag and drop. Your created groups will synchronize with iPhone’s Contact app. Email groups of people easily with this app, call or SMS anyone easily, all with a very sexy interface.50 awesome free fonts for professional design | Design Reviver
Fonts!The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day? There are some give-away indicators. Look out for them in your software, hunt down the developer and force them to read a book about user interface design. If you’re suitably senior, force them to a) improve it, or even better b) get someone with real UI experience to fix it.
"Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day?"Titanium Desktop | Appcelerator
Use Web technologies to create rich applications for Windows, Mac and Linux from a single code base.37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins | Listelog
graphical user interface paradigm we today take for
10/GUI aims to bridge this gap by rethinking the desktop to leverage technology in an intuitive and powerful way.10/GUI : The Video
A great idea for human computer interaction using a large multitouch surface
remind you of anything? iphone functionality
"The purpose of the 10/GUI concept video is to inform, inspire, and start discussions. An ocean of experimentation, iteration, investment, and adoption lies between these early ideas and whatever the future of HCI will hold. Will the principles of 10/GUI prove viable? To test these waters is the only way to find out"ignore the code: 10/GUI
nice study on multitouch interfaces with beautiful animation
Pretty interesting take on the desktop. The iPhone has proven you can manage quite complex tasks with your fingers. I'd love to try something like this.10/GUI on Vimeo
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers. There's more information at .
Desktop touch based application navigation. 8min video.
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers.
fooooooooooooooda! novo estilo de interface para programas, usando múltiplos pontos de contato
the future in desktop design - moving beyond the mouse
it's genius
odoo you will love this...The Future of Interface Design | UX Booth
Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac. Rainmeter skins provide you with useful information at a glance. It's easy to keep an eye on your system resources, like memory and battery power, or your online data streams, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and send your tweets to Twitter - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking.
Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac.
customizable resource meter
personalized desktop
desktop totalmente iradoAndroid GUI PSD | Android interface elements in PSD
Android interface elements in PSD8 Things Programmers Should Know About UI Design
Since there are many times when programmers have to design and implement user interfaces, here are listed several aspects of GUI design that should be taken into account.Mark Coleran Visual Designer » Playback Graphics
verbose scheduling via natural language expressions
Andy Kim of Potion Factory walks through his design decisions for a UI to specify recurring events in a to-do-list/calendar app.
Better design through less interface. Designing a recurring schedule without the garbage UI.
task repeat repetitionBest User/Web Interface Designs and How To Create Them
รวมตัวอย่างสุดยอดทำเว็บสวยๆThe 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer
“Are you sure you don’t want to lose your changes?” Err… what? No. I mean YES. Oh sh*t.
Do you suspect a programmer may have put together the terrible user interface on that “enterprise” software you’re forced to use every day? There are some give-away indicators. Look out for them in your software, hunt down the developer and force them to read a book about user interface design. If you’re suitably senior, force them to a) improve it, or even better b) get someone with real UI experience to fix it.
Ian Voyce, 2009-09-14
The 7 signs your UI was created by a programmer. Not really fair on programmers, but fun nonetheless.iPhone GUI PSD 3.0 | Teehan+Lax
photoshop GUI template for iphoneGit Client - SmartGit
SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Though it is unfortunately a (free as in free beer) proprietary software, SmartGit is the best GUI client I found for GIT (so far)Mag+ on Vimeo
magazines on handheld digital devices
Prototype of future magazine interaction
This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazines on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future, presented by our design partners at BERG. The concept aims to capture the essence of magazine reading, which people have been enjoying for decades: an engaging and unique reading experience in which high-quality writing and stunning imagery build up immersive stories.
re-creating a magazine experience on a digital device or e-reader
cool concept. Well thought out on eReader presentation. Not here yet but coming!
"This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R
offers up a preview of how the magazines reading experience could be transformed through mobile networked devices. (via Helene Blowers)
This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazins on handheld digital devices. It illustrates one possible vision for digital magazines in the near future, presented by our design partners at BERG.
RT @Scobleizer: How many of these behaviors will we see in a new Tablet in 2010? inspiring. Apple? Steve Jobs? :-)Mac Endeavor | Gity
Weiteres UI für Git. Siehe GitXHow people really use the iPhone - SlideShare
By Bill Westerman (Principal, Create With Context). "How people really use the iPhone", an interesting readout of design issues and recommendations for people designing for the iPhone and beyond.Free Sketching & Wireframing Kit
Sketching & Wireframing kit is a free set of elements for sketching and wireframing. It consist of form elements, icons, indicators, feedback messages, tooltips, navigation elements, image placeholders, embedded videos, sliders and common ad banners.UKI – Simple UI Kit for complex web apps
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.
Uki is a fast and simple JavaScript user interface toolkit for desktop-like web applications. It comes with a rich view-component library ranging from Slider to List and SplitPane.Become a Windows God! How to Enable GodMode on Windows 7 | Web Talk
"One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the God Mode feature. Basically, it lets you have every setting and option right in front of you, ready to be used without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for. "
One of the less known options on Windows 7 is the God Mode feature. Basically, it lets you have every setting and option right in front of you, ready to be used without having to browse among different settings before getting what you are looking for. Here is how to enable it
Windows Seven interface (as well as desktop) is rather clean and minimalist. Of course, you can find almost everything you might need in the famous and well-known Control Panel. However this solution will not allow you to see and easily use all those nested settings included in the main options. Did you know that you can become a God? Well, on Windows 7 at least!OpenFaces
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework
OpenFaces is an open-source library of AJAX-powered JSF components, an Ajax framework and a client-side validation framework. OpenFaces is based on the set of JSF components formerly known as QuipuKit. It contains fully revised codebase of QuipuKit and introduces many new components and features.ignore the code: Realism in UI Design
Finding the sweet spot between realism and obscurity in design elements. (via @gracesmith)
consejos acerca de interfaces de usuario demasiado realistasProject SIKULI
Logiciel d'automatisation de tâches dans un OS avec une approche visuelle/graphique.
"Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator."
Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots).The Apple Tablet Interface Must Be Like This - apple tablet - Gizmodo
Some people want the Apple Tablet to run Mac OS X's user interface. Others think its UI will be something exotic. Both camps are wrong: The iPhone started a UI revolution, and the tablet is just step two. Here's why.
Interesting guess at how the Apple tablet UI might be designed.15 Common Component Patterns
Odds are good if you are designing a enterprise software or a productivity web application, you’ll need a number of these components…
15种常见的元素典范~Project SIKULI
automate anything you see AND automate using screenshots this is one of my dreams!
Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator.
Programming environment for scripting that has a visual system that recognizes gui elements.Project SIKULI
Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator.SSW Rules to Better Interfaces
Now that Apple has officially released the iPad we want to start designing for it. While Apple's interface builder is great, it doesn't really allow us
iPad PSD20 Years of Adobe Photoshop | Webdesigner Depot
I started using this with version 2.0. Some things never change.iPad UI Conventions - a set on Flickr
hehe, my first bookmark tagged with iPad (not the last I think)50 Inspiring iPhone Application Websites | Inspiration
"MVC is all about separation of concerns. […] Now, here's the test of a true MVC design: the program should in essence be fully functional even without a View/Controller attached. OK, the outside world will have trouble interacting with it in that form, but as long as one knows the appropriate Model API incantations, the program will hold and manipulate data as normal."
Very good description of MVC
"MVC is all about separation of concerns."iPad Application Design » Matt Legend Gemmell
Some good commentary on how the iPad UI is a new class of different (via @DaringFireball)Zoomable User Interfaces « Usability Post
Tips and insights into good design and usability.
3d user interfacesHP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu - Download Squad
HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu
Does HP step on Microsoft's toes? "HP releases netbook interface for Ubuntu" [from]How to create your own Firefox theme | News | TechRadar UK
How to create your own Firefox theme Simple ways to personalise your browser : TechRadar UKTkDocs - Tk Tutorial
Python 3 Tkinter tutorialCoding Horror: The Opposite of Fitts' Law
Ejector seat switch right next to cabin lights and FM radio. Brilliant.
"If we should make UI elements we want users to click on large, and ideally place them at corners or edges for maximum clickability -- what should we do with UI elements we don't want users to click on? Like, say, the "delete all my work" button?"
this is a really good article about UI design:
I agree with this advice.James A. Fogarty - Research - Prefab
reverse-engineering user interface to allow mashup of applications, supposedly
Imagine if every interface was open source. Any of us could modify the software we use every day. Unfortunately, we don't have the source. Prefab realizes this vision using only the pixels of everyday interfaces. This video shows using Prefab to add new functionality to Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes, and Microsoft Windows Media Player. Prefab represents a new approach to deploying HCI research in everyday software, and is also the first step toward a future where anybody can modify any interface.Home - socks - GitHub
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up.
shoes-inspired small web gui toolkit for javascript
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up. Socks is inspired by Shoes and you will notice many similarities. However, Socks is not, and wasn’t intended to be a port of Shoes to JavaScript, and thus there are many differences as well.
"An intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS."20 Excellent Icon Sets for Application Design | Freebies
icons10 Tools To Add Some Spice To Your UNIX Shell Scripts
CoolStuffiPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, Stencils and Icons - Speckyboy Design Magazine
TappGala: The Best in Mobile Interface Design -
The Best in Mobile Interface Design
iPhoneアプリのデザインまとめアーカイブサイト!Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts and Tools - Speckyboy Design Magazine
for derek kelly
#Android App Developers GUI Kits, Icons, Fonts & Tools /by @Speckyboy
Links to the GUI kit,lots of stencils and a standard icon packThe X Window innovation: welcome to the new Xorg
Last week we posted a collection of printable wireframing templates which included some for iPhone and iPad app design. These are great for communicating earlyGitbox — Git GUI for Mac OS X
Gitbox is a Mac OS X graphical interface for Git version control system. In a single window you see branches, history and working directory status. Everyday operations are easy: stage and unstage changes with a checkbox. Commit, pull, merge and push with a single click. Double-click a change to show a diff with interface application Framework | France
Crispy and pixel precise icons
A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers. Theses icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. ...Sencha — Ext JS and Ext GWT frameworks
Now in its fourth iteration, this version of the template has been completely redesigned from the ground up. Based on iOS4, it includes all the elements you need to design proof-of-concepts or production ready assets. Previous versions of this file we’re riddled with issues like blurry edged buttons and incorrect “bevels”. These issues have been addressed as best they can using Photoshop’s shape layers and layer styles. If you’re modifying any of the vector elements be sure the shapes are sitting on full pixels or your assets will begin to look blurry.Bowline
Bowline is an open source framework (not a platform like Adobe AIR or Titanium) for creating desktop applications with Ruby, HTML and JavaScript.
ruby desktop framework javascript html development applicationipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
ipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
Great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator)
Another great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator), enjoy it and spread the word twitting and stumbling - elementos do Ipad em vetor! :D – Leandro Varanda (leandrovaranda) Developers Blog: Twitter for Android: A closer look at Android’s evolving UI patterns
UI Patterns for small form factor devices, with the use case of the Twitter app.jQuery TRNSFR - Sexy Progress Bars
@flo_muc problem 1 is no common vocabulary, problem 2 is UI that doesn't show verbs. @LKM just wrote about just that – Duncan Wilcox (duncanwilcox)
Annotated link
Way back when, computers used to only have command line interfaces. To get a PC to do anything at all, people had to memorize commands, and type them in correctly. But forcing people to memorize commands is not particularly user friendly. As a result, few people knew how to use computers, or wanted to learn. When graphical user interfaces became popular, people didn’t have to memorize commands anymore. Instead, everything they could do was shown on their screen. «Memorizing» was replaced with «recognizing». No longer did people have to memorize «cp» if they wanted to duplicate a file; they just had to look through the «File» menu and recognize the «Duplicate» command.
"In a way, gestural user interfaces are a step back, a throwback to the command line. Gestures are often not obvious and hard to discover; the user interface doesn’t tell you what you can do with an object. Instead, you have to remember which gestures you can use, the same way you had to remember the commands you could use in a command line interface."Create IVR applications in minutes :: QuickFuse
IVR for incoming and outgoing calls.
Drag and drop voice apps. Why write pages of code when you can drag and drop your way to a full featured IVR application? Design and build your application naturally and intuitively with QuickFuse. You'll have a working prototype in minutes. Need to greet the caller? Drop in a simple prompt. Need to get an ID number? Drop in a digits input. Then connect it all together. It's fast and easy.
It basically takes the web mashup power of Yahoo Pipes and applies it to telephone calls. It makes building voice applications easy: you ydrag modules to the canvas, wire nodes to receptors, and then click Run to try out what you've built. You can share apps with other users, search from a library of templates, and deploy apps to phone numbers from a complete management interface. The Simple Database panel allows you to upload and download tables of data that your apps can access and modify. With Quickfuse you can build virtual receptionist, notification systems, order-taking hotlines, automated surveys, account management, timecard systems. Started with Interface Design | Nettuts+
interface design and information architecture
In this article we look at five fields that you should aim to learn more about in order to rock at interface design. These fields include Experience Design, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, User-Centered Design, and Graphic User Interface (GUI) Design.Getting Started with Interface Design | Nettuts+
interface design and information architectureJupiter JavaScript Consulting
Események tesztelése JavaScript alkalmazásokban
Syn is used to simulate user actions such as typing, clicking, dragging the mouse. It creates synthetic events and performs default event behavior.Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter Consulting provides expert jQuery and JavaScript consulting and development services.