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Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
Very good free e-book introducing Ubuntu.
"A wonderful and clear introduction to Ubuntu, to Linux, and to many concepts and details that may otherwise be difficult for newcomers to grasp ... Useful for anyone, whether you are learning for the first time or you just need a reference to refresh your memory." —Matthew Helmke, Administrator, Ubuntuforums.orgIt’s Me, and Here’s My Proof: Why Identity and Authentication Must Remain Distinct
public / private data with logging on
Overview of the security principles identity, authentication and authorization.
Ver clear description of the problem. Identity - "who are you?" - public assertion - locally unique. Authentication - "how can you prove it?" - secret response - non-unique. So biometrics are identity, not authentication.How to use TweetDeck - Blogging Art and Practice
Also at
For the DC area, including Northern Virginia
I am pleased to report that the Food Page of The Washington Post wrote up this guide in the summer of 2001. Here is the article, The Lone Critic. Here is another article, Chasing the Perfect Meal, from the Fairfax Connection, the spring of 2004. I wish to offer thanks to all those who offered dining suggestions and evaluations (keep them coming!). This has made the guide better, and longer, than before. It also means the guide has more unvisited places than before. I hope to get to them soon! Many thanks also to Doug Hanks, for his excellent article.How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC | Maximum PC
build a pc is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC.A Twitter Mini-Guide: 60+ Useful Twitter Resources | WebGeek
New to Twitter? Looking for some ways to get more out of your Twitter experience? For a while now, I’ve been putting together a list of helpful tools and resources for Twitter. I don’t claim to be an expert on Twitter, but I know a thing or two, and I found each of these pretty useful and/or interesting. Hopefully you’ll find something useful on this list.IPhone Apps: How to Find Awesome iPhone Apps
DISCLAIMER - I am not endorsing anything here!DIY: The First-Timer's Guide to Building a Computer from Scratch
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building a computer
How to build a computer for the first time from scratch.Build the Perfect PC! Step-by-Step Illustrated How-To Guide | Maximum PC
Twitter beginners need to understand the rules of etiquette for the service. So before you stick a foot measuring 140-characters-or-less in your mouth, check out our advice on how to follow and un-follow, share politely, direct message appropriately, and more.Petzal: The Rules of Gunfighting | Field & Stream
28. The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say anything more. Please speak with my attorney."
"Practice reloading one-handed and off-hand shooting. That's how you live if hit in your "good" side. "
The only thing you EVER say afterwards is, "He said he was going to kill me. I believed him. I'm sorry, Officer, but I'm very upset now. I can't say anything more. Please speak with my attorney."
Friend sent this to me when he heard about Molly's new hobby. I've read it before but it's a good laughHow To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User.
How To: Become a Linux Netbook Power User5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
t rememHOW TO GUIDE: 60+ Great How To Sites and Resources
Ever had one of those moments when you really wished you knew how to do something specific? If only there were someone you could ask… Thanks to the social web, particularly niche blogs and expert-driven communities, it’s easy to find knowledge, insights and guidance direct from the pros, no matter what the topic area. In fact, online tutorials and how-to sites have been around almost as long as the web itself. Here’s a run-down of more than 60 great how-to sites and guides covering everything from building a mashup to being more productive, creating a website and more.25 Tutorials To Get You Started With Blender |
Blender UI If you are an aspiring Graphic designer you should be already familiar with blender by now, but if you are thinking about being a game developerElad on Rails: Rails and Amazon EC2 - Beginners guide
art up an instance of the 32-bit EC2onRails image:
"First of all, Amazon AWS rocks. it's a great, stable and not so expensive way to get your application up and running, but also ready for any disaster to come (Someone said Digg effect?). Getting your application on to Amazon EC2 is not as complicated as you think, managing and controlling your instances may require a professional system administrator, but i would recommend that anyway (except if you go and host your application on EngineYard than you are worry-free, but you'll pay.. ohh you'll pay for that sense of security)."CSS Standards & Best Practices | Dezinerfolio
Tips on CSS usage
CSS is something that is extensively used on almost every site. Lets take some time to ensure that our stylesheets are built with some good standards. Legal Guide for Bloggers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.Startups in 13 Sentences
One of the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from Paul Buchheit: it's better to make a few people really happy than to make a lot of people semi-happy. I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them. Then I thought: what would the other 9 be?Building PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Building PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month
How to build an iphone app in one month. This is a full document on the initial idea all the way to the development, marketing, and minimization considerations.
: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Step-by-step guide to iPhone app developmentHow to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging, etcPart I: Query Input - Google Guide
Como hacer la búsqueda de google más fácil y funcional.The Anatomy of a Tweet: Twitter Gets a Style Guide - Bits Blog -
Elementary rules of usage for twitter. "“This is a new genre of writing,” said Mr. Sagolla. “A new form of literature, in some ways.” " Being publised "We are working on a book to compile the most relevant styles and tips for effective short form writing. We will most likely publish it first as an iPhone App, then as a paid PDF download. If you are interested in publishing this in printed form, please contact us:"
ResearchThe Idiot’s Ultimate Guide To Building Your Own Computer |
MakeUseOf has teamed up with our very own Karl Gechlik at Ask The Admin to bring you nearly 50 pages full of screenshots, links to video demos and easy how-to instructions for every step involved. The result? The Idiot’s Guide To Building A PC.How To: Rip Blu-ray Discs
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.squawkfox » Series: How to Write a Resume (that gets job interviews)
Good tips withinA Guide to Learning ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate 1
Learn about the differences between ASP.NET MVC application and ASP.NET Web Forms applications. Learn how to decide when to build an ASP.NET MVC application.
I bet this'll come in handy50 Things Every Mac Geek Should Know | Mac|Life
Byline: Mac|Life StaffEnhanced Teaser: geekLike a champion cyclist knows bike parts,a car buff knows model years, and a sports fan knows win-loss records, all Mac geeks worth the title must know these things. digg_url =Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture | UX Booth
Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture. Along the way we’ll share some of the tweeters, books, and resources we found useful for budding information architects. Even if you’re familiar with the discipline already, you can probably pick up something you’ve missed.
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Information architecture is an often misunderstood job title. Are they Designers? Developers? Managers? All of the above? In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture is, why it’s related to usability, and what are the common tools/programs used in information architecture.Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends - PC World
Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends
We found a battery of new sites and services--such as LinkedIn JobsInsider, Recessionwire, and to providing the kind of cost-cutting, job-search, and moral-support tools that can be invaluable during lean times.Main Page - How to be a Programmer (2008)
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I wrote this initially as two entries, but I thought it would be useful to combine them into a single resource. Enjoy! 9 Roads to Free Porn 1.iPhone 3.0 OS Guide: Everything You Need to Know
good info about using tools to streamline your tweets
Super tips on using TwitterThe Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter | Webdesigner Depot
We’ve compiled an alphabetized glossary here for you so that you can just scan down the list and find the term that you are looking for, as well as a list of popular Twitter applications and instructions for incorporating Twitter into your website and blogs.
A post that is a tutorial for a beginner on twitter
Great site explaining twitter3 Buck Bites | Cheap Eats for Food Lovers!
Website met eten tot 3.99 dollar.A List Apart: Articles: Coaching a Community
this is a test.
A great article from ALA on how to cultivate an active membership base
A key to running successful "social networking sites" is to remember that they're just communities. All communities, online or off, have one thing in common: members want to belong—to feel like part of something larger than themselves. Communicating effectively, setting clear and specific expectations, mentoring contributors, playing with trends, offering rewards, and praising liberally (but not excessively) can harness your members' innate desires—and nurture great content in the process.The Artist's Guide to Flickr
The Artist's Guide to Flickr
Selfpromote using Flickr and boost your viewer count
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Great article on marketing online.
via Popego.comMake PCBs at home with magazine paper and your laser printer
pcb board-making
If you take your electronics hobby seriously, I guess you already feel the need for a simple and fast technique for making your own printed-circuit boards (PCB). Here I’m going to show how to make simple single-sided PCBs in a snap, using widely available materials. This technique works reliably for thin tracks down to 10 mils, and is suitable for most surface-mount parts.2009 Rubyist's guide to a Mac OS X development environment — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
A command line-ish dev environment...Check for Reruns for Any of Your Favorite Shows - RerunCheck
Check for Reruns for Any of Your Favorite ShowsThe Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need | Maximum PC
We’ve become so accustomed to the ease and convenience of iTunes and blink-and-you-miss-’em CD rips that we forget how in the mid-1990s, ripping a CD was a time-consuming process fraught with peril. Shoot, ripping a single disc to a 128Kbps MP3 could take eight hours on a 200MHz Pentium! Fast forward a decade and faster hardware and better software have made CD ripping so mainstream your mom does it. Now, ripping DVDs is our great challenge. Copying and transcoding the disc’s video into more efficient formats involves math an order of magnitude scarier than what’s required to rip audio CDs. A machine that will rip the latest Miley Cyrus CD in mere moments could take hours to extract and convert your copy of Alien vs. Predator to an iPod-friendly format. But with the right software, a quad-core-equipped PC, and a little know-how, you can cut your disc-rip time from hours to 30 minutes. Plenty of tricks and traps still await first-time rippers, but we’ll show you the basics and then wal
dvd ripper instructionsA Guide to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone
Let’s get this out of the way first: I used to have a BlackBerry, I loved it, and have nothing against it. I also think the Palm Pre will change the direction of phone software forever. However, the massive shift towards the iPhone and its application store is such a powerful movement, we can’t deny the power of what this combination can bring to people who rely on being mobile while working. Personally, iPhone applications have changed the way I live each day - from fun to productivity. This is true for many of us that work on the web. So, look at this both as a list of possible tools for current iPhone users, as well as a reference for other phone users to consider if they aren’t happy with the phone - and more importantly, the productivity system - they already have. Ideas & notes Usually the first part of any process, the idea, is lost in a fleeting moment of getting sucked in by a Slap Chop commercial. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to stop having a boring life of choppingDeflation - The Opposite of Inflation. How It Can Grind the Economy to a Halt | Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
visual guide7 deadly sins of networking, and how to avoid them - Manage Your Life on Shine
How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogleTrip Planner – Personalized Travel Itinerary – NileGuide
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network. Was this helpful? spread the word If you liked the post, please tweet it, by copying and pasting this into twitter: Got a question about Twitter? ask @jowyang Alright, let’s get to work, I’m here to help, this faq will grow over time. Ask Jeremiah: Comprehensive FAQ Guide to Twitter What are common terms and phrases I need to know? Do I Tweet or Twitter? Twitter, which evolved from simple status messages to now a global conversation, is referred to in a number of times. Asking folks: “Are you on Twitte
twitter jeremiah
Ask Jeremiah: « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network.Lifehacker - Top 10 Money-Saving Guides for Common Purchases - Buying Guide
Whether you’re traveling to another city,.Git/Github survival guide | Ivan Porto Carrero
Lately I’ve been helping a few people to get started on Github. I use git at the command line and my survival guide is also based on that way of interacting with Git. So I thought I’d write the procedure up so that I can just point people to this page.How to Make a Photoshop Montage | Webdesigner Depot
For creations
Photoshop Tutorial - How to Make a Photoshop MontageThe Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPressTwitter Handbook for Teachers
How to Tweet
The fundamentals and usage of Twitter for beginners.
An overview of Twitter and ways of using it in education for a group of educators attending Twizza (Twitter & pizza)The Big Book of BitTorrent: The Torrent Guide for Everyone |
There are tons of ways to download files, be it pictures of last Christmas party, or that new cinema flick. Amongst them are the conventional direct download, FTP, and of course Peer-to-Peer.
sites legalBuyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and monthsThe Many Uses of Vodka
Oh, I am so making a vodka face toner.
#16. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin.
Some good tips in here
Interesting uses EditionHow-To
i have a twitter
explain how twitter worksThe Entrepreneurs Handbook – 54 Resources For First Time Entrepreneurs
The Entrepreneurs Handbook – 54 Resources For First Time Entrepreneurs
"tagged startup business tips"The Journalist's Guide to Twitter
הסבר ויזאולי על אינפלציהHOW TO: Get the Most Out of Twitter #Hashtags
'This short guide details how to identify, track, use, and organize hashtags in an efficient and useful way. Just be sure not to flaunt your new hashtag wisdom.'michael galero » Blog Archive » Guide to Rails Metal
Writing a Rails Metal app can make you realize just how spoiled we’ve become with all the convenience that comes with Rails. Without the controller and view helpers, it can become a painful experience. Here’s a guide to help make it a better experienceThe Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design
The Ultimate Guide to Setting up WordPress after an Install | Pro Blog Design - - Separate Your Data from Windows on a Standalone Partition - Windows
With Windows 7's release just around the corner, now's a great time to get your PC ready for the new operating system. First step: separate your data onto a dedicated partition.
LifehackerBreaking The Design Cycle: Get Creative To Be Creative | Webdesigner Depot
Designers, we have a problem. It seems we have forgotten how to be creative.
Difficile d'exposer une méthode pour être créatif et innovant, il s'agit de quelques trucs pour se re-oxygéner la tête avant de partir sur un nouveau webdesign.Johannes Eva - Viola, Alto, Bratsche - ♫♬♪♫♬♫♬♪
Ubuntu Guide
Homepage von Johannes Eva
Good guide on how to install and configure Ubuntu Jaunty. It contains information for 64 bits systems, i.e. how to install and run 32 bit applications.
A complete guide to install and configure Ubuntu 9.04.
nice setup guide for jauntyThe Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide - VKI Studios Blog
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Excellent how-to for Google Analytics. Suggest this along with Google's Conversion University YouTube videos.
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide.Make a Stealth Camera Bag - Wired How-To Wiki
Sometimes you need a fancy camera bag, with a tripod strap and little slots with which to pamper your memory cards. You need a waterproof hood, a padded strap and a big fat StealMe™ logo on the front.
Make a Stealth Camera Bag From Wired How-To Wiki Jump to: navigation, search The puzzle pieces await assembly. All photos by Charlie Sorrel/Wired. The puzzle pieces await assembly. All photos by Charlie Sorrel/Wired. Sometimes you need a fancy camera bag, with a tripod strap and little slots with which to pamper your memory cards. You need a waterproof hood, a padded strap and a big fat StealMe™ logo on the front.The Online Reputation Management Guide
RT @LilianMahoukou: Online reputation management guide: (via @Adgenius) [from]
The following Online Reputation Management Guide will show small businesses how to assess, build, track and monitor their online reputation. In most cases, you can follow these simple steps to easily grow your personal brand and/or small business. If you’d prefer, you can also download the ORM Guide as a PDF.Startup 101: Introducing Our Serialized "How to Build a Startup" Book - ReadWriteStart
"Startup 101" is a serialized book about the thrills and spills of starting a Web technology venture. It will be a regular feature in our new channel ReadWriteStart, dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs. Startup 101 is for first-time entrepreneurs who want to go through the whole startup life cycle - including raising money, building a valuable business, and making a lot of money by selling the venture or taking it public.An Unofficial User's Guide to Gmail - Features by PC Magazine
Think you know everything there is to know about the popular Web-based e-mail application from Google? Think again.
Here's an article about GMail that was in PC Magazine
Five years in beta mode hasn't prevented Google's Web-based Gmail from flourishing. In fact, it's one of the few e-mail products continuing to innovate in any way these days. Desktop clients like Outlook and Thunderbird haven't changed much in years; Hotmail gets a new name every few months, but that's about it. Gmail, via experiments from the Gmail Labs team, is constantly adding new features. Plus, Gmail is simple to use. At least on the surface. However, much of Gmail's power goes untapped. So we've put together this guide to highlight the features you may have missed—ones that separate Gmail from the pack.
Much of Gmail's power goes untapped. This guide highlights the features you may have missed: conversations, offline access, themes, filters, search operators, address aliases, executable attachments, storage space, notifications, multiple accounts, keyboard shortcuts, interface, safety features, undo send, Greasemonkey scripts, extensions, mobility, desktop access, importing data, exporting and backup, apps.Discover America Vacations, Hotels, Restaurants, Packages & More
Informations about tourism on United States of America
THE OFFICIAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM WEBSITE OF THE UNITED STATES, discover all United States destinations and what there is to do there.The Big Ol' Ubuntu Security Resource | IT Security |
IT Security has prepared a guide to help you close your system's backdoors and protect you from some of the common Ubuntu exploits.
sudo chown root:admin /bin/su sudo
Not everything is useful on this list
Securing Ubuntu right out of the box. Note: there is some conjecture about whether these are necessary. See feedback in article comments.
Ubuntu is billed as ultra-secure, but its default install has flaws -- here's how to modify your install for the ultimatAn Introduction to Life Insurance ∞ Get Rich Slowly
Protecting your family from financial disasters is one of the fundamental components of financial planning. Life insurance should be a core part of that planning process. This article is a basic primer on life insurance, which should introduce you to the concept and give you an idea of how life insurance works.
This article is a basic primer on life insurance, which should introduce you to the concept and give you an idea of how life insurance works.The Startup Entrepreneur's Guide To Risk Management
risk management in businessA Beginners’ Guide to Big O Notation « Rob Bell
Big O notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm. Big O specifically describes the worst-case scenario, and can be used to describe the execution time required or the space used (e.g. in memory or on disk) by an algorithm.360i Social Marketing Playbook
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Guia de criação de um style guide para web sites.Flickr Photo Download: Coffee Drinks Illustrated
I thought you'd find this site as helpful as I did.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Finally, a visualization that will end the confusion...
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78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by latvian photographer Ivars Gravlejs
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by latvian photographer Ivars Gravlejs Includes photographic examples
78 funny photography rules and useful advices created by Ivars GravlejsA Corporate Guide For Social Media -
for web 2.0Szeroki Kadr – Poradnik
Szeroki Kadr – serwis edukacyjny poświęcony fotografiiBest 35+ GIMP Tutorials | Qbrushes Blog
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The Gimp is a free open source image editing application that can do many things to suit your needs, whether they be making a gig poster for a local concert, or touching up a few family photos, the Gimp can do it. Here is a top 30 list of Gimp tutorials hand selected by Gimper and SGlider12 that will help you to add many new Gimp design techniques to your arsenal.Twitter Guide Book: Mashable Launches Hub for Twitter Resources
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — DAVID TRAVIS, JULY 6, 2009
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — David Travis, July 6, 2009Main Page - Handbook of Journalism
online version
This handbook is not intended as a collection of “rules”. Beyond the obvious, such as the cardinal sin of plagiarism, the dishonesty of fabrication or the immorality of bribe-taking, journalism is a profession that has to be governed by ethical guiding principles rather than by rigid rules. The former liberate, and lead to better journalism. The latter constrain, and restrict our ability to operate. What follows is an attempt to map out those principles, as guidance to taking decisions and adopting behaviours that are in the best interests of Reuters, our shareholders, our customers, our contacts, our readers and our profession.The Roadmap To Becoming A Professional Freelance Web Designer | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a time and budget management tool. One can create tasks, time their own work, run reports, and manage their money overall more efficiently.Grid Style In Modern Web Design: Showcase and Resources | Showcases | instantShift
A Grid is an invisible structure used to guide the placement of elements on your page. Now days using a grid are one of those basic design principles. Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of talk about grid systems and using column grids for website layouts. It’s easier these days to embed a audio/video on the web than it is to set type consistently or align elements to a universal grid. Most news and editorial designers are working with grid systems someone else designed. No matter what you think about it, how you know about it, you need to understand how to use it. Here, in this Presentation, you’ll find everything you need to know about Grid Based Designs with some excellent resources provided by fallow designers and developers.iPhone App Reviews by the Experts at Macworld | Macworld
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
CSS style guide with FAQs on CSS code, cascading style sheet problems, CSS coding techniques and example CSS navigation code.Computer_hardware_poster_1_7_by_Sonic840.png (PNG Image, 1280x1813 pixels)
Images of various computer hardware componentsHulu - Wine for the Confused - Watch the full feature film now.
User manual and other support documents including instruction manuals, user guides, operators manual, and how-to information. - We found it so you don't have to!
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A website that allows you to find manuals for products online.Matt Legend Gemmell – iPhone Development Emergency Guide
This is an emergency guide to iPhone software development, i.e. a guide for competent developers who haven’t written code for the iPhone platform before, and just want to get started right now.Essential Etiquette Advice and Information for Worldwide Travel at Travel Etiquette (UK)
Behaviour and customs vary greatly from country to country. We discuss the correct travel etiquette so that you won't be caught out.The complete guide to creating widgets in WordPress 2.8
Qualche consiglio avanzato su come dare all'utente più controllo sul display del widget all'interno del pannello di controllo.Twitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
A mini site from Twitter explaining what Twitter is and why individuals and organizations may want to use it.
This is a great guide for twitters and business twitters!The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II | Webdesigner Depot
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II
We published the Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter at just at the right time when everyone wanted to know about this Twitter thing, how to start using it, and how to sleeve it into their websites and blogs.How to Buy a Mattress * Get Rich Slowly
tips from someone in the mattress businessThe Ultimate Guide to Decoding the Flickr API - Nettuts+
Flickr, being the biggest photo management and sharing site in the world, has an impressive API to let developers access and manipulate almost all of its data.Freeguide Berlin - Entdecke dein Berlin. Kostenlos. - Eintritt ist frei, jeden Tag, überall! travel guide free blogs culture inspiration music Events nightlife berlin kostenlos germany party deutsch tourismusTop 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades - Hardware - Lifehacker
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and UpgradesGoogle for Advertisers
Google for AdvertisersA Brief and Informal Twitter Etiquette Guide
The idea to write a brief and informal twitter etiquette guide came from my new friend Zaven, who asked whether, in some cases, people might just be behaving in a social structure that makes sense to their culture, but not mine. He might be right. With that as a motivator, here are some guidelines for Twitter to consider.
Manual de buenas maneras en TwitterThe Journalist's Guide to Facebook
Sourcing information on Facebook
Facebook as a reporting tool for journalists.
Celebrities like Martha Stewart and Bill Gates might find Facebook (Facebook) high maintenance, but the world’s largest social networking site can be invaluable to journalists. Facebook gives reporters a means to connect with communities involved with stories, find sources, and generate leads. For media companies, Facebook is a way to build community and reach a larger audience.
useful for digc and jourThe Complete Guide to Going Paperless - Paper - Lifehacker
You already pay your bills online and get electronic statements, but there are even more ways you can stop killing innocent trees and wasting time and money dealing with paper. It's time we went paperless.Mashable's Twitter Guide Book Now Available for Download
Helpful resource on Twitter
Mashable's Twitter Guide Book, a one-stop shop for getting up to speed with everything Twitter, is now available for download.Comment référencer un site Internet : les techniques efficaces de 2009
Vous avez envie d'améliorer votre référencement avec les techniques qui fonctionnent bien en 2009 sur Google et les autres moteurs ? Voici un guide constitué de conseils pour référencer son site et de nombreux liens. Il pourra aider certains débutants en référencement ainsi que ceux qui ont laissé tomber le référencement un peu trop longtemps et qui cherchent un bon résumé pour 2009.10-Step Guide to Buying a Used Laptop That Works : Sustainablog
Buying second-hand products is always green, but it’s easy to be discouraged by the stories of broken laptops from eBay or Craigslist. To quell these fears, here is a 10-step checklist on how to find a used laptop that isn’t just a high-tech lemon.The Definitive Guide to htaccess Techniques: Do’s and Don’ts | Noupe
Of all the elements of web design and coding, htaccess can be one of the most intimidating. After all, it's an incredibly powerful tool and one that has thePresentation Zen: 10 Tips on how to think like a designer
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? I believe there is.
Most people do not really think about design and designers, let alone think of themselves as designers. But what, if anything, can regular people — teachers, students, business people of all types — learn from designers and from thinking like a designer? And what of more specialized professions? Can medical doctors, scientists, researchers, and engineers, and other specialists in technical fields benefit in anyway by learning how a graphic designer or interaction designer thinks? Is there something designers, either through their training or experience, know that we don't? Garr Reynolds believes there is.
Below are 10 things (plus a bonus tip) that I have learned over the years from designers, things that designers do or know that the rest of us can benefit from.100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography - Photography Colleges
tutoriale fotograficzneFacebook’s New Privacy Features: A Complete Guide
Guia de privacidade no Facebook do Ars Technica.Twitter Launches a Twitter 101 Guide for Business
Curious as to exactly *why* they did. Excerpt: "Twitter released Twitter 101 for Business, a guide for getting started with using the Twitter service. It covers the basics of Twitter, how to get started, the lingo, and includes case studies. Here’s how Twitter describes its value to businesses on its new Twitter 101 website."
guide for business on twitterSocial Media Strategy Handbook (wharman)
Handbook created by Red Cross to manage social media strategy.The Web Design Process Start to Finish - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Portfolio of award winning web designer Lee Munroe. Specialising in creative web design and innovative web solutions for your business - The Web Design Process Start to Finish
Very useful overview of the design process - IN114
Design P
The Web Design Process Start to Finish
I’ve always found it interesting reading the design process of others (David Airey, Contrast, Brian Hoff). It’s good to have an insight into others work, to see if I can learn anything from their process but also for curiosity. So I’ve put together a break down of my design process, using a recent project as a real life example, Newsgroup Direct. Overview I was recently hired by Newsgroup Direct (NGD), a leading Usenet newsgroup service provider, to revamp their website, make it more modern and improve signups. Old Here is their previous design. Planning Planner The first thing that happens when I get an enquiry is I send the potential client a website planner. The website planner, a series of questions I have listed in a Word document, will gather requirements for the project. The key objectives of the planner: * Find out who the client is and what they do * Who their target market/user is * Who their competition is * What deliverables they want from me * TimHow to Blog Effectively | Webdesigner Depot
You're out and about with your laptop and you're in need of some fast internet connectivity. Here are some tried and true ways to find and get free Wi-Fi.
Quando sei alla ricerca disperata di una connessione veloceISO50 Blog - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Blog Archive » Color Management: A Field Guide
It is not intended to be the end-all article on color management by any means — but it’s a good place to start if color management isn’t something you have previously implemented or considered.Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
40% of tweets are “pointless babble.” It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” Informative, humorous, personal, inspiring.
"The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. " kort kategorisering af tweets...
It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. Sure, Twitter management can add or take away features and keep the site running, but whether a new user signs on to see pointless babble or quality content is solely and completely up to us! Below are my four categories in which most high quality tweets I read fall under. But we’re most interested in what you think makes for an interesting Tweet: let us know in the comments.
The best tweets are informative, funny, personal, or inspiring -- or maybe all four.
twitter everywhere.......Twitter Tips Ultimate Guide | Using social media to guide and help you connect to social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube using social media
How to use social media to connect social networks. Blog with learning resources and tutorials on lots of tools like Twitter.Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
excellent note on internet music applications like pandoraGeekologie
Referencia HardwareGavin's Guide to 80x86 Assembly
This was originally written for the Phil Inch's Game Developer's Magazine and after getting lots of positive feedback I expanded and improved it. I have spent a lot of time working on this and would appreciate hearing from you if you like it.10 WordPress ‘HOW-TO’ to Give Your Blog the Quality it Deserves
WordPress is incredibly versatile, it can be tweaked to add many non traditional features to run a more effective blog.Ultimate Guide To Web Optimization (Tips & Best Practices) | How-To
Optimization of website performance.Google SEO - Learn Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK
Useful tips on Search Engine Optimisation
What Is SEO? Learn Google Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK.
Introduction - Search engine optimisation is many things, it's an art and it's a a science. SEO is creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. T
Found about from OzDomainerBest Practices for Corporate Twittering
corporate social media policy
Nice suggestions for twitter use
good post- applies to us allMac OS X Snow Leopard: The Complete Guide - Snow Leopard Guide - Gizmodo
Though you might mistake Snow Leopard for plain old Leopard when you first boot it up, there's a lot of subtle stuff happening on screen and under the hood. Here's our guide to everything new in the latest Mac OS.
Might want to *read* this and not skim it. Lol.Computer Repair Flowcharts
Many DC area consultants use flowcharts and work flows in their jobs. If you’re interested in following the diagnostic process of computer repair specialists, take a look at these flowcharts by Morris Rosenthal. They illustrate many of my thought processes when fixing a computer problem.Maintainability Guide (Beta) – Jens Meiert
This documentation on maintenance and maintainability means a start. I’ve been focusing a lot on these topics over the last few weeks, maybe a bit longer, so it’s been about time to share some beef, and to still, all of a sudden, double the documentation that’s out there.Must See SEO Guide for All WordPress Bloggers
SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site
"One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology."
One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology. It is less about buying links or tricking inadequate search technology. SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site, and your ability to write creative articles that are noteworthy for others to read and link to. This SEO guide should be your reference point for all WordPress blogs because in here we will mention some of the tips that has been proven to work. These techniques does not require heavy investment except for few bits of your time. Don’t make this to do list a chore, you can do these trick one per day and not feel stressed out about it. Why bother with SEO? If you want to get more exposure for your blog, Search Engine Optimization can make a huge difference.How to Build a Kick-Ass MAME Arcade Cabinet from an Old PC | Maximum PC
If you were born in the 70s or 80s, chances are good that a big part of your childhood was spent wasting quarters at the local arcade, or in front of the Pac-Man machine at your local pizza place. Sure, games have become a lot more complex since then, but the old titles had a lot of charm, and in some cases a level of skill and patience-rewarding challenge that hasn’t been matched since. Sadly, the arcade is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Now that PCs and game consoles have become so powerful, the only way for arcades to compete has been to offer games with enormous, complicated controls, which end up costing a dollar or more per play. And besides, that’s only if you happen to live next to one of the very few remaining full-sized arcades. For most people, the closest thing they’ve got to an arcade is the worn-out Initial D machine at their local multiplex.
XArcade that make great pre-made units at reasonable prices. Save yourself a lot of aggravation :) Side and front machine 'Marquees' and overlays make your machine look great, check out Buy a 'frontloader' application that will handle all emulator switching and controls. For $25 I picked up a copy of Maximus Arcade at and it looks and works awesome. You can switch seamlessly through forty or fifty emulators like Mame, Daphne (Laser Disc Games), Stella (Atari 2600), etc. Pick up a "Smart" power strip. These strips have one outlet that will automatically turn on the power to all the other outlets if the device in the original socket turns on is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-Ass MAME Arcade Cabinet from an Old PC.HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
Guide to HTML5 Hiccups
HTML5 Super Friends Technical » Blog Archive » git merge vs git rebase: avoiding rebase hell
Don’t rebase branches you have shared with another developer - they will hate you and you will hate yourself.10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy
While picking the right calendar boils down to personal preference and comfort, Google Calendar (GCal for short) should be strongly considered. Features such as Quick Add make it very easy to update with appointments, while its reminder features, its task bar, and its calendar shareability make it unique to any other product on the market.The AHT Guide to Hamburger and Cheeseburger Styles | A Hamburger Today
We toss around references to different burger styles on this site all the time, but it occurred to me that we've never really set them out all in one place for easy reference. I'm doing that now. Here's a list of all the burger styles we could think of. If there's something here we're missing, chime in with a comment. Here goes, in no particular order our guide to hamburger and cheeseburger styles...
via beijingboyce (twitter) .... foodie blog in hamburger nicheThe Beginner's Guide to Tricking Out Your WordPress Blog - Blogs - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines « Smashing Magazine
ideas for design
Research shows that poor product information accounts for around 8% of usability problems and even 10% of user failure (i.e. the user gives up and leaves the website) (Prioritizing Web Usability).jQuery Visual Cheat Sheet
jQuery Cheat Sheet
sampleThe Best Guides to Watching TV Online
This brand-new site wants to be “the ultimate programming guide for Internet television.” (It alsoYour Guide to Music on the Web, Part II
"Today, in Part II we’ll take a tour of music search engines, Web players, ways to share music on Twitter, and music mixing apps."Pathfinder Development » Ruby and Rails Style Guide
Ruby and Rails Style Guide
kay with using braces for a multi-line block if you are using the result of the entire statement iThe Only HTML Guide That You'll Ever Need : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
headset microphone to make a speech, and it was so good that I bought one to bring it when I make a speech. In addition to the sound quality, I noticed another benefit: Bringing my own Countryman impressed AV people, so they took better care of me
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Get a closer look at iPhone games and applications you can download from iTunes.
Once you discover the App Store, you’ll see how applications can make your iPhone do just about anything. There are thousands of iPhone apps to choose from. Here are a few that will help you get the most out your iPhone, wherever you go.emptyage : Are You Going to San Francisco
e that a lot of people go through that starts when people go a little crazy as a result of all that, gradually realize that it's all a little illusory and that what they have instead of friends is a lot of the same awkward party conversations over and over, start working a little too hard to recapture the former glory, and end up burnt out and jaded. I'm not saying all of this can't be avoided, but to do so, I think you have to come in with more skepticism and awareness than the typical wide-eyed SF hipster-techie transplant does. Perhaps if I had come to SF with Caroline's wariness and your advice, I would have had a better time.
I don't think the world should look like San Francisco, nor do I think that it should be home for everyone. But if you're going to come here, even if it's only for a year, you should make the most of it. And to do that (and this really goes for anywhere) you need to embrace what's unique about it.
How to make the most of living in SF. Wouldn't that be very lovely? Anyway, I think these could probably be generalised as to how to enjoy any city. (via Kottke)A Small Business Guide to Wikis
Must read -An Exhaustive Guide to Saving Your Smartphone's Battery - Battery - Lifehacker
Battery improvements are one of nokia's focus points, going from 100-110 on my old e71 netted me about 3hrs of battery life. I was a HEAVY user. HSDPA push running all day. Had to recharge at 11pm every night until that update.
Modern phones come loaded with bright screens, fun games and apps, and connections for 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. Not coincidentally, they're constantly out of juice. Here's some of the best collected wisdom about saving your web-connected phone's battery life.Google Wave 101 - Wave - Lifehacker
Interactivity in Web Design
The Internet is a different place than it was 10 years ago. Back then, the only way people could find information was by surfing the Internet using searchCrack a Master Combination Padlock Redux - Illustration - Lifehacker
Some beautiful tutorials available on many design blogs (including mine) may not be so detailed as they are mainly written for readers with some basic Photoshop knowledge. So what about those that are totally new to Photoshop? Here is an ultimate list of 30 beginner’s guides, leading you to become a better Photoshop user.
Some beautiful tutorials available on many design blogs may not be so detailed as they are mainly written for readers with some basic Photoshop knowledge.A Complete Guide Google WAVE
Una guida di google wave - Potrà google Wave sostituire la mail?10 Sweet GIMP Photo Editing Tricks to Wean You Off Photoshop | Maximum PC
10 Sweet GIMP Photo Editing Tricks to Wean You Off PhotoshopHOW TO: Organize an Event on Facebook
Some people wonder if all this social networking is really making us more social — we’re just sitting in front of our computers, after all. But Facebook, the web’s largest social network, plays host to 3 million event listings each month. And these are offline events, ranging in size from small, friendly get-togethers, to company picnics, to enormous political protests.litany against fear ¤ by nick quaranto ¤ Gem Bundler is the Future
Hivelogic - Podcasting Equipment Guide (2009)
Great article! Check out this guy's site for other info re. podcasting and audio
Great list for beginning, intermediate
So, if you’re thinking about podcasting and have no idea where to start, if you’ve tried recording using your computer’s built-in microphone and realized just how bad that sounds, and if you’re ready to get serious about creating great audio, you’re in the right place. My hope is that this article will assist you in building a recording rig that suits your needs and meets your budget.The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, 2009 Edition - Chrome - Lifehacker
Windows 7 officially launches today, but we've been testing, tweaking, customizing, fixing, and writing about this OS for a year now. We present here a guide to everything we've learned about the OS, from first install to final settings change.A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors - Identify The Right Cable Easily
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors
Computer cables can be confusing so here's a visual guide that will help you identify cables, connectors and converters that came with your computers and other electronic gadgets.We help you find the perfect gadget | Measy
Helps you find the perfect gadget.The Social Media & Web Guide to Going Green
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? The following sites are great shortcuts for weeding through the myriad online options.
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? Here is the social media and web guide to going green.
The social media and web guide to going green: [from]How To Write Badly Well
Skip blithely between tenses: "I sit at my desk with my head in my hands and sighed. It is only three days until the deadline, I think, and Im going to have had to finished everything before then. If only I have finish this now, I thought and lean back on my chair. Just then, the phone has rung. I am answering it."
Write thinly-veiled, self-aggrandising autobiographical fiction: Joe Stockley paced the floor of his office and cursed under his breath. Dammit, he thought, why am I such a brilliant writer that no-one ever understands the depth and complexity of my work?Обзорная карта | Альтернативный путеводитель
There is no one definitive Windows 7 guide—it's a sprawling OS with a decades-long legacy, so nobody can cover it all. But with our powers combined, you're in good hands.The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
by Gina Trapani and Adam PashGoogle Wave Guide: User Manual Released for Wave
Confused about how to use Google Wave, the new Google product that combines messaging, wiki-like features and group collaboration into a single app? You’re not alone. To clear up the confusion, we recently published Google Wave: A Complete Guide, a feature-length article that explains Wave in plain English. Now Gina Trapani and Adam Pash have gone a step further, releasing The Complete Guide to Google Wave. The book, which is available for free online, details all of Wave’s features – and some use cases – in 8 chapters. It’s a super-handy reference if you’re still stuck on how to get the most out of Wave. Recommended!HOW TO: Use Twitter Lists
The just-launched Twitter Lists feature is a new way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter, or find new people. In actuality, though, Twitter Lists are Twitter’s long awaited “groups” feature. They offer a way for you to bunch together other users on Twitter into groups so that you can get an overview of what they’re up to. That’s because Lists aren’t just static listings of users, but rather curated Twitter streams of the latest tweets from a specified set of users.Dive Deeper into Wave - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Découvrir la nouvelle application offerte par Google, un espace de travail collaboratif rempli d'applications très variées
Guide to Google WaveThe Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
The Complete Guide to Google Wave is a comprehensive user manual by Gina Trapani with Adam Pash. Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes.
Guia de uso de Google Wave
Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes. Read more about The Complete Guide to Google Wave.
Gina Trapani is a force for good.Twitter Links @ Educators
Twitter Links
A good set of links to useful tips on using Twitter for teachers and groups to join or follow
twitter help for educatorsFacebook Business Guide: How Companies Can Utilize Facebook Pages For Social Media Marketing - Part 1
Ideas for how businesses can capitalize on the various tabs in Facebook. Different from normal Facebook usage. With examples.101 Muppets of Sesame Street | National Post
| National Post7 Must Read Productivity Steps to Finally Getting Things Done
e. Screen allows you to manage several interactive shell instances within the same "window". By using different keyb
Handy features like screenrc configuration for status line and auto-start settings, as well as terminal sharing using screen.
hardstatus alwayslastline 2 hardstatus string '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{=kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B}%Y-%m-%d %{W}%c %{g}]' 3 4 # Default screens 5 screen -t shell1 0 6 screen -t shell2 1 7 screen -t server 2 ssh me@myserverThe Link Builder’s Guide To Analyzing SERP Dominators For Link Opportunities
This article walks you through the tools, processes and strategies for identifying the most powerful players in your keyword space and then analyzing their link sources and link building tactics.
handy tools to helpWindows 7: The Complete Guide - Windows 7 guide - Gizmodo
Over recent years, JavaScript has increasingly gained popularity, partly due to libraries that are developed to make JavaScript apps/effects easier to create for those who may not have fully grasped the core language yet. While in the past it was a common argument that JavaScript was a basic language and was very 'slap dash' with no real foundation; this is no longer the case, especially with the introduction of high scale web applications and 'adaptations' such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).Clicker - What's On Online
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Clicker, a comprehensive video search engine for television content on the web.Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu in Perfect Harmony - windows 7 - Lifehacker
A la Carte Maps provide a unique approach to traveling by combining guidebook, tourist map and a piece of art in one. No matter whether you travel for business or for leisure, with our "My City à la Carte" Maps you have a local friend in exciting cities all over the world. Not only will this friend provide you with the most important information about your city, he or she will also reveal the city's best-kept insider tips by writing them on a beautiful hand-drawn map.
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Von Künstlern handgezeichnete Karten verschiedener Städte. Für jede Stadt einen eigenen Künstler.11 Essential Photoshop E-Books Amazingly Free : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
ebooksTravel - Guides and Deals for Hotels, Restaurants and Vacations - The New York Times
Lists more than 1,000 destinations worldwide. Select a destination and read articles about your destination. Find local attractions, hotels and restaurants.You're Backing Up Your Data the Wrong Way - Windows - Lifehacker
Time and time again, people tell me that they've bought an external hard drive to back up their pictures, music, and documents. Great, right? Sadly, that's not always the case. There's one simple rule about backups that everybody needs to fully understand: Your files should exist in at least Two places, or it's no longer a backup—and your data is at risk. Too often people delete the files from their primary PC, assuming they are backed up. It's time to educate people on proper backup strategy, so we'll run through your options and talk about the pros and cons. These days, you've got plenty of choices on the Windows side of things, Mac users have Time Machine, and there's online backup for anybody.
Time and time again, people tell me that they've bought an external hard drive to back up their pictures, music, and documents. Great, right? Sadly, that's not always the case. There's one simple rule about backups that everybody needs to fully understand: Your files should exist in at least Two places, or it's no longer a backup—and your data is at risk. Too often people delete the files from their primary PC, assuming they are backed up. It's time to educate people on proper backup strategy, so we'll run through your options and talk about the pros and cons. These days, you've got plenty of choices on the Windows side of things, Mac users have Time Machine, and there's online backup for anybody. Backing Up to a Local Source When it comes to local backup applications, it's really a matter of preference, since most of them do the job adequately without a lot of fuss. The Backup and Restore application built into Windows 7 or Vista is a perfectly acceptable choice, and will handle moThe Ultimate Toolbox for iPhone Development | Webdesigner Depot
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.UK Government Writes Twitter 20 Pages
An example of a twitter guide from the UK government
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itEverything you ever wanted to know about Twitter | Charles Curle Design
INSANE MASTER LISTDesigners’ Guide to the Apparel Printing Industry | GoMediaZine
Helpful industry pointers for designing and producing apparel360i Publishes Social Marketing Playbook | Digital Connections | 360i
from:yeeyanGoogle Wave コンプリートガイド - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media « emergent by design
From the Emergent by Design blog an overview on using social media in education.
"This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material."
"I hope this post will be a handy reference guide, especially for those teachers new to social media technologies and how to integrate them into the classroom. This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material. Enjoy."Mashable's Social Media Guide for Small Businesses
This is one hardcore piece of Twitter for Business 101. Great way to put a training guide online!
Twitter guideWandermelon: Where the Journey Begins…
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination. Focuses on the five-star experience. Read more:
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination.On API Design Guidelines
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On API Design Guidelines, Books, Java, Neuroning15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know.Giz Explains: What Everyone Should Know About Cameras - Camera guide - Gizmodo
Google Voice, which lets users consolidate all their phones under one number, archive your texts and voicemails, and much, much more, is two things to most people: vaguely promising, and totally confusing. Here's how to make the switch, in plain English.
Awesome tutorial on using Google VoiceThe Recession and the American Airline Industry
(has fees chart)Wave Gadgets - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
New Wave gadgets find their way into Wave every week, and as you saw above, finding them can be difficult. This section highlights some of our favorites and describes what they do.The idiot's guide to Google Wave | News | TechRadar UK
But Wave is a revolutionary new way to keep in contact with people and collaborate on documents and could completely replace email.
The idiot's guide to Google Wave Because, admit it - you still have no idea what it's all about : TechRadar UKThe Art of Manliness Guide to Scotch Whisky | The Art of Manliness
To truly appreciate a good scotch, a man must have an understanding of its rich history and the process that transforms ordinary barley into an extraordinary drink.
Glenmorangie is favorite among the Scottish RT @msaleem: The Art of Manliness Guide to Scotch Whisky - [from]Andrew McDonald » Blog Archive » A Pictorial Guide to avoiding Camera Loss
Great idea this.
children is called The Greatest Blogg
Have you lost your camera recently? Mislaid it somewhere in a national park? Left it in a taxi? Dropped it in the gorilla pit? Anyone can be a victim of the thoughtlessness and/or sleepiness that can lead to Camera Loss.Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / giftguide category
Core77's 3rd Annual giftguide categoryFrom Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiterašeFacebook Guide Book – How To, Tips and Instructions by Mashable
"Facebook is the world's leading social network, with over 300 million users and more than 900 employees. But how do you get the most out of it? To answer this question and more, Mashable has created The Facebook Guide Book, a complete collection of resources to help you master Facebook."
Comprehensive Facebook Guide Book.20 Photoshop Tips & Tricks That You Should Know About
Navigating the journalistic seas this past year has been a particularly challenging/exciting task. As many a publication foundered in the economic benthos, others rode the wave of new technology into previously uncharted waters. Mashable has been there through it all, stepping in to provide journalists with touchstones and compass directions to help them do everything from tell more compelling tales through alternative storytelling to make the most of their Twitter accounts.
Highly recommended.
December 30, 2009HOW TO: Do Almost Anything Online in 2010
Manual sobre redes sociales.What’s In A Price: The Guidelines For Pricing Web Designs - Noupe
CleanCutNC.comASCII Table - The Pronunciation Guide
list of known pronunciations of various ASCII punctuation marks
Ce site contient toutes les tables ascii/unicode/etc... Mais aussi LA table de prononciation (en anglais) des signes ASCII. Exemple: ! exclamation (mark), (ex)clam, excl, wow, hey, boing, bang, shout, yell, shriek, pling, factorial, ball-bat, smash, cuss, store, potion (NetHack), not (UNIX) (C), dammit (UNIX) # pound, pound sign, number, number sign, sharp, octothorpe, hash, (garden) fence, crunch, mesh, hex, flash, grid, pig-pen, tictactoe, scratch (mark), (garden) gate, hak, oof, rake, sink (NetHack), corridor (NetHack), unequal, punch mark
ASCII punctuation characters and their various pronunciations. e.g., the entry for **Exclamation point** (!) lists: > exclamation (mark), (ex)clam, excl, wow, hey, boing, bang, shout, yell, shriek, pling, factorial, ball-bat, smash, cuss, store, potion (NetHack), not (UNIX) (C), dammit (UNIX) That last one has a footnote: "as in 'quit, dammit!' while exiting vi and hoping one hasn't clobbered a file too badly."
How to pronounce characters like !, ", !?, */, etcThe Complete Guide to Getting the Most Out of Twitter - Noupe
By Cameron Chapman We've all heard of Twitter at this point, and I would be the majority of our readers are already using it. But that doesn't mean we're all using it...
This guide should give you the basics you need to get more out of Twitter, whether you use it for your business or personal life.jQuery - Quick Guide, Reference Manual
This page lists down all the jQuery APIs at one place for your easy access. So my recommendation is to bookmark for future use.
jquery cheatsheet
NameA Tour of the Arduino Internals: How does Hello World actually work? - Ideas For Dozens
ponderWriting Good English: A talk by William Zinsser to foreign students at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism | The American Scholar
"The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the florid language of ancient Rome. The other is Anglo-Saxon, the plain languages of England and northern Europe. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free."
good writing modelsURL Rewriting for Beginners - Added Bytes
16 useful Mac cheat Sheets @smashingtips - Things Not to Do in New York City in Hot Spots on
Nice post about what not to do. It actually might be very accurate as some of what is said is supported by people that live there that I know.The Human's Guide to Running Google Chrome OS - Google - Lifehacker
And how to install it
ChromiumUse jQuery - Blog - The jQuery Cross-Domain Ajax Guide
normallyRuby on Rails 3.0 Release Notes
Rails 3.0 is a landmark release as it delivers on the Merb/Rails merge promise made in December 2008. Rails 3.0 provides major upgrades to all of the components of Rails, including a complete overhaul of the router and query APIs.Eat This, Not That - The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution From Men's Health
Best and Worst Restaurants
Que comer y que no en las diferentes cadenas de restaurants.Apple Publications Style Guide 2008
Expression usage guide for iPod etc.
The 2008 edition.
"The Apple Publications Style Guide provides editorial guidelines for text in Apple instructional publications, technical documentation, reference information, training programs, and the software user interface." Useful for third party developers as well, especially when you need to reference to some kind of unit/hardware that involves Apple.
Apple publications style guide
Apple's in-house style and usage guide.Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox – Guillermo Esteves
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox Here’s a quick way to start BitTorrent downloads remotely, if you’re using Dropbox. First, make sure Dropbox is installed in the computer where you regularly download your torrents, probably your main computer at home. For those not using Dropbox, you can get an account here. You’ll have to download a small application, which creates a “Dropbox” folder in your “My Documents” folder in Windows or in your “Home” folder in OS X. Dropbox keeps that folder synchronized across all the computers where you have installed it, so that if you move a file into that folder, it will show up on all the other computers. You can also access and upload files via Dropbox’s web interface.
"Now as long as you keep Dropbox and BitTorrent running, you can start torrents remotely. All you have to do is upload .torrent files to the Dropbox folder from wherever you are, using the web interface, and it should start downloading almost immediately on the other computer. I started doing this at the office, and it's worked for me without a hitch; by the time I get home, my downloads are usually ready. Give it a shot, and let me know what you think."try ruby! (in your browser)
A backup of whys poignant guide to Ruby. Try Ruby online
Ruby tutorialsNetbook Buyers Guide
The netbook form factor offers consumers a low-cost ultraportable notebook in a market segment where notebooks used to cost $1,500 and up. With most netbooks costing less than $400, they are cheap enough to buy one in addition to your full-size notebook. With the vast majority offering Intel Atom processors, these portable computers can handle most daily tasks with ease. In this buying guide we compare the different models we have reviewed to help you find the best netbook to fit your needs.Facebook Groups Vs Pages: The Definitive Guide
we thought it would be useful to highlight the core differences between Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.You Can Use CSS3 Right Now | Design Informer
You Can Use CSS3 Right Now | Design Informer - XP Mode on Windows 7 Machines Without Hardware Virtualization - the How-To Geek
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To Geek
One of the neatest new features in Windows 7 Professional and above is XP Mode, but not all machines are capable of running it. Today we show you how to use VMware to run XP Mode on machines without Hardware Virtualization. How does this work? Even if your computer doesn’t have hardware virtualization, you can still install XP Mode but just cannot run it as you can’t run Virtual PC. Enter VMware Player. This free program lets you create and run virtual machines, whether or not you have hardware virtualization. And, it can directly import XP Mode so you can use that copy of XP for free. A couple features are different, but it’s still a great replacement since you otherwise couldn’t use it at all. Note: XP Mode does not work on Home Versions of Windows 7 and you’ll need VMware Player 3.0 Getting Started First, download and install XP Mode (link below). There is no need to download Virtual PC if your computer cannot run it, so just download the XP Mode from the link on the left.
virtualizar programas con vmware en el escritorio del anfitrionA Guide to Creating Professional Quality Logo Designs
Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App (app that turns newsfeeds into rss feeds, use cases) [from]Official Google Docs Blog: For Beginners: 3 Getting Started Guides
google docs for beginners
Google has provided some online guides for getting started with Google Docs.
Google docs getting started guidesArs Technica System Guide: September 2008 Edition - Ars Technica
The kids are headed back to school, which means that it's time for an upgrade. After all, nobody wants to be at a framerate disadvantage vs. the rest of the dorm. So whether you're building a system for work or for play, you'll find the right recommendation inside.Serious Cocktails: Applied Math | Serious Eats
One of the biggest trends in web and graphic design in the past couple of years has been the use of textures in websites, print design, and everything in between. Textures help give designs a more “real world” feeling by incorporating surfaces that we are all familiar with.
texturesCommon Sense Internet Safety Survival Guide
The Internet runs right through the middle of our kids' lives. It opens a world of entertainment and communication, but it also allows direct access to people and Web sites that can expose kids to age-inappropriate content and risky social contacts. At Common Sense Media, we believe in media sanity, not censorship. And since we can't always cover our kids' eyes, we have to teach them how to see. The information here will help your kids stay Internet safe and smart. Click on the links below to find out what every parent should know about how our kids use the Internet.
he Internet runs right through the middle
guide on what to check on facebook along with other stuff good resource for parents moveis books tooVisual Guide to NoSQL Systems - Nathan Hurst's Blog
Good discussion in the comments as well.A CMO's Guide To The Social Media Landscape |
Social media marketing is expected to dominate this year -- but the growing list of online social media sites makes choosing the right route complicated. From Facebook to YouTube to Digg and beyond, which media outlets will net the most bang for the buck in terms of customer communication, brand exposure, traffic, and search engine optimization (SEO)? Includes a downloadable PDF version of a chart on leveraging social media optionsRead Me! | 15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You Useful Stuff
12 – The Idiot’s Guide To PhotoshopSecurity e-Book
Da un'idea di Giuseppe "Gippa" Paternò, un libro on-line sulle architetture di sicurezza e relative implementazioni.Surviving in Argentina: Thoughts on Urban Survival (2005)
were born, that they will hurt and humiliate you as much as they can. Letting a criminal inside you house almost guaranties you that he will rape/beat/ torture and abuse
some notes/thoughts on urban survival
200 yar
This is a pretty good blog about practical survival in a tought country.A Guide To Typography On The Web | Fonts |
<p>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.</p><p>The web is alive and growing more active with each new day. The increasing number of sites that crop up on the daily shows no signs of slowing, and as the online ranks grow, designers [...]</p>The Complete Guide to Fixing Google Contacts - Google Contacts - Lifehacker
Google Contacts needs to get better. Google and Gmail devotees regularly deal with duplicate contacts, sync abnormalities, over-stuffed contact groups, and other problems. Here are our best methods for fixing those annoyances yourself until Google does for real.A Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses - Smashing Magazine
I think it’s time that we again ask ourselves the question we’ve always been asking, what is Twitter? Or more, what has Twitter become? Just like the web, twitter has undergone a profound transition.Apple - iPad - Guided Tours
Hooked into watching iPad guided tours. Thanks @digitalnative I think.
De Ipad, het draagbare multimedia-apparaat van Apple, met de nieuwste en gekste technologische snufjes!
iPad vids: "iPad", not "your iPod", "the iPad" or "an iPad". e.g. "Click on the link, and iPad will download it for you".
The iPad. With a revolutionary, 9.7 inch touch screen, and amazing new apps, it does things no tablet PC, netbook, or e-reader could. Starts at $499.
RT @sandynay: RT @stuhasic: Apple have posted a #guidedtour for the# iPad just prior to release: Ultimate Guide To Cloning In Photoshop - Smashing Magazine
SimpulYouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources
Vasily Vasimov/Techmic Studios, March 11, 2010.HOW TO: Clean Up Your Facebook Profile
Comment faire un peu de ménage sur votre profil #Facebook - Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu Studio 9.04
This tutorial shows how you can set up an Ubuntu Studio 9.04 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.Netbooks and Mini-Laptops Buyer's Guide | Register Hardware
netbook - check for prices on ebuyer, dabs, laptopsdirect, amazon, and googleshopping - Consider: a) if battery life is an issue - the Acer Aspire One barely manages 2hrs, but the EEE901 does 8hrs - the average for most is 3-4hrs. b) do you want the familiarity and ~£20 cost of Windows XP, or can you handle having Linux and essentially being able to install nothing beyond what's already installed (web, email, docs, photos, vids) without delving into geek territory, and if you need to hook into other machines on a home (wireless) network it isn't going to be easy with Linux.10 Expert Ubuntu Tricks
How to land a 747. Main Checklist
Would this really be the way?
I've always wanted to know that.
The website of Sam Potts Inc., graphic design office in New York City.The Beginner's Guide to Linux, Part 1: Finding the Right Distribution | Maximum PC
nice reference
Le guide complet de la gestuelle pour les interfaces multitouchHow to Create a Facebook Fan Page Editorial Guide | Social Media Examiner
Artículo que explica cómo crear una página de facebook. Muy interesanteYour Mom’s Guide to Those Facebook Changes, and How to Block Them
Changes to Facebook and privacy
Facebook launched some fairly impressive new features and services at its recent f8 conference, but some of them were also more than just a little scary. Since a lot of what the company talked about was introduced in either “developer speak” — involving terms like API [...]America’s Unhealthiest Restaurants
chapter 8100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
good list of useful 3rd party appsThe Silent Number: Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
Sorry to tease, but Solang is not packaged for Ubuntu anywhere yet! Will update when available. In the meantime, try gThumb and Shotwell.Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style
Elements Of Twitter Style -
"Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style"
Advice on writing tweets and using Twitter.How-To Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
this seems a lot harder than it should be.Ubuntu Manual - Home
Getting Started with Ubuntu is a free 165 page ebook produced by a team of writers and editors. The manual covers everything an end-user would need to know about how to use Ubuntu. You can download the ebook for free or order it as a bound book from Lulu.
El nuevo proyecto del Manual de Ubuntu (todavía está incompleto y no traducido al castellano). Inglés.
Ubuntu-HandbuchMacRuby: The Definitive Guide
Aims to provide both short and simple answers to the common recurring questions of novice programmers about floating-point numbers not 'adding up' correctly, and more in-depth information about how IEEE 754 floats work, when and how to use them correctly, and what to use instead when they are not appropriate.Twitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
Twitter Essentials: 7 Most Valuable Twitter Resources / Tools
There is no denying that Twitter mania has taken over the world. Currently the fastest social network in existence, Twitter serves a valuable communication tool for a lot of its users.Designing an Infographic with HTML, CSS & jQuery
Designing an Infographic with HTML, CSS & jQueryThe Ultimate Start to Finish Guide to Your XBMC Media Center - Xbmc - Lifehacker
to get around to doing but find time for. Ever since I switched from using the classic Xbox to using a PC running XBMC, I missed the games. My old Xbox was set up with emulators and I hadThe All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything - Dive Into HTML5
Appendix A: All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything
If you want the guts of how Modernizr HTML5 CSS3 feature detection Blog: The Ultimate Porn Surfers Cheat Sheet
how to be Google.
"http:*:password@www" bangbusA User's Guide to Twittering -
I found this Wall Street Journal introduction really helpful. As good a starting point as any.
ARTCILE WSJ offers a nice Twitter 101 guide
Twitter overview fron Walt MossbergWordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features
RT @nickla: WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features by @saadbassi /via @sixrevisionsCognitive Biases - A Visual Study Guide by the Royal Society of Account Planning | Scribd
The title says it all - "Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors". It would be handy to know which LCD's use which display technology, though I imagine that would be a massive list.Are You Really an Entrepreneur? - ReadWriteStart
This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here. Google the phrase
Do you have a unique service or product? Most entrepreneurs have a pocketful of ideas, many of them viable. But they suffer from the "kid in a candy store" dilemma, not knowing which to choose. The trick is choosing the one that really is a winner and having the discipline (see item #9) to ignore all the others.The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running | Zen Habits
When I first heard about barefoot running, several years ago, I was skeptical — don’t we need cushion to protect us from injuries, and why would I want to run barefoot, anyway? But several months ago, I read a few influential articles (stemming from the popularity of Christopher McDougall’s book, Born to Run) and decided to give barefoot running a try. Why not?
Zenhabits Einführung mit guter LinklisteA Savvy Traveler's Guide to Vacationing Abroad - Travel - Lifehacker
Annotated link / Violet Blue: A Twitter Sex Guide
I am so glad to exist in a time where someone thought that the world needed a Twitter Sex Guide. And then wrote it. ...
Some links NSFW
sacar ideas para articulosTwitter and WordPress Integration Guide (free download) - Crane Factory
How to integrate Twitter with your WordPress blog. 5 easy Twitter and WordPress integration hacks and plugins
When the random urge for live music strikes, your choice of band's usually determined by unreliable indicators, like whether you like the venue, or whether the band has a cool name -- which explains why you're constantly moshing to the Butthole Surfers. Make smarter calls, with - Windows 7 RC1: 10 Things You Need to Know - Windows 7 RC1
Q:Holy Crap, Microsoft Is Tripping on Acid! A:Yes
Windows 7 has been sounding very promising.A Beginner’s Guide to Quicksilver « AppStorm
Nanoparticles or hormone disruptions? Unless, of course, you opt for no sunscreen and take your chances with cell mutations. Good luck!A Beginner’s Guide to the Business Side of Freelancing
Good summary of tasks every freelancer should take care ofGet Started With Photoshop – 15 Basic Detailed Guides - SloDive
Does Photoshop fascinates you but the road to master it seems difficult. Don’t worry,everything can be achieved by having a clear sense of purpose and direction. Its well said that beginning is half way done. Thus clearing your basics are utmost important to master this art. Photoshop can do wonders. So today we have come up with some Basic detailed guides to brush up our skills and thus making you confident enough to jump to advanced level with ease.
Design Resources & Inspiration5 Easy Steps to a Winning Social Media Plan | Social Media Examiner
Check this out for your new grantLe nouveau Facebook : un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence | ReadWriteWeb France
"Facebook : un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence" – regis vansnick (vansnick)
"Facebook a secoué le monde des technologies en annonçant une série d’innovations majeures qui constituent, prises dans leur ensemble, un mouvement destiné à faire du web tout entier un web social et sémantique. Les rumeurs faisait état d’un simple bouton ‘Like’ : en lieu et place, Zuckerberg et son équipe ont révélé une nouvelle plateforme ambitieuse que l’on ne peut pas ignorer."
26 avril 2010 par Fabrice Epelboin et Alex Iskold. Facebook a secoué le monde des technologies en annonçant une série d’innovations majeures qui constituent, prises dans leur ensemble, un mouvement destiné à faire du web tout entier un web social et sémantique.Beginners Guide to Using the Power of Color in Web Design - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Guia para usar paletas de colores armonicas en diseño web
Ejemplos de webs hechas basandose en el circulo cromatico
Referencia de como usar as cores para o desenvolvimento de interfacesMoodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas
RT @draenews: Del Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers - Cat's Pyjamas:
at a glance poster guide for teachers
Brilliant poster Moodle Tool Guide!
Moodle tool guide for teachers
Awesome guide for social media/moodle
A few weeks ago, a Social Media Cheat Sheet was doing the round. A nice visualization of the pro’s & cons of each social media channel, but with a business/marketing focus. I thought I should do one for social media use in education. However for most of the teachers I work with, our Moodle (EIT Online) is still their primary online teaching environment. So instead I set out to create this poster size guide for teachers, allowing them to compare the functionality and pedagogical advantages of some standard Moodle tools, adding a column to indicate how tricky the tool is to set up.
Nice pdf table that shows which Moodle resource/activity is best for a given educational goal.EWG's 2010 Sunscreen Guide
ratings.The Hassle-Free Guide to Ripping Your Blu-Ray Collection
Tutorial prático ensinando como ripar discos Blu-Ray.50 Power Twitter Tips
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
50 dicas para utilizar melhor o Twitter
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
Great tips for businesses. Thanks to Chris bogan for sharing these.Plan Your Trip with
create a personal travel guideSEOmoz | The Definitive How-To Guide For Conversion Rate Optimization
I suck at tying knots.The Start to Finish Guide to Rooting Your Android Phone
Guide to root the Motorola DroidEduDemic » Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook
RT @thnorfar: RT @kylepace: Every Teacher's Must Have Guide To Facebook: #edchat
You can’t swing a stick in social media without hitting something on Facebook. Same goes for education. You can’t talk about how technology is revolutionizing education without mentioning Facebook. It’s a simple service to figure out but what about once you become a regular user? If you’re a teacher, you would be well served by spending 3 minutes to read through this must-have guide. (We timed it out and it’s a bit under 3 minutes. It’s almost summertime, you can spare it for us!)
RT @pgsimoes: Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook (@edudemic)
Collection of resources about Facebook from an educators perspective and some cautions about using it.Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 1/3 | Web 2.0
New to SEO? Need to polish up your knowledge? The Beginner's Guide to SEO has been read over 1 million times and provides comprehensive information you need to get on the road to professional quality SEO.EduDemic » The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers
Adopting a new communication tool is not easy. Figuring out the best way YOU can use Twitter is even harder. Luckily you are not going it alone. We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.
We have culled the following resources from an array of websites that try to help anyone understand and better use Twitter.John Graham-Cumming: How to sleep on a long haul flight
... But the flight was over ten hours. The right thing to think is: oh, 10 hours of sleep, that'll do me good. But do not look at your watch and think about the flight time left. Just close your eyes, put on the blindfold, shut out the noise and relax. Of course, relaxing is hard, but I find that something simple like alternate nostril breathing works wonders to calm me down. The yogi probably won't tell you but the beer also helps. PS It's important to know how to unblock your ears because blocked ears can be painful. Here's a good description.The Ultimate Guide for An Online Portfolio Using WordPress | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
an online portfolio can also bridge you to your job opportunities with no limitation. Everyone on the internet can see all of your projects. Can you imagine if your next valuable client saw your online portfolioDisplay Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs | Maximum PC
Some of the terms sound impressive, but almost all of this is unnecessary puffery and jargon that confuses not only consumers but the pros, as well.
Breaking the myths of TVs and why they are in place.Geek Gardening: A Wired Guide to Domestic Terraforming | Magazine |
"Gardeners are among the world's most charming snobs. Rightly so: As with music and mathematics, the more you know, the more elegant your work. Erudition is valued, and so is a smattering of pretension. If you are a geek looking to put down roots, welcome to gardening. We offer you common ground. Think of it as localized terraforming, if that helps. Before you start, though, contemplate your knees and knuckles, and get ready for hard, sweaty work. As with making babies, people can't really imagine what they are getting into when they plan to tangle with the trowels and hoses. The sketches and explanations on the following pages will inspire you to stake out, nurture, and defend your tiny patch of Earth, feed your loved ones, and even sequester a bit of carbon. How smart is that?"Home | Yahoo! Style Guide
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: RT @ouark: Le top des éditeurs CSS » The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Social Media
a flipbook that briefly describes a variety of social media 'outlets' (no mention of Delicious)
Describes a book as well as listing some other ideas.
RT @edudemic: From Twitter to Diigo to Glogster and beyond...The Ultimate Teacher's Guide To Social Media helps everyone! ...Poynter Online - Digital Journalist Survival Guide: A Glossary of Tech Terms You Should Know
This glossary defines terms related to web standards, programming, online tools.
A very handy explanation from Poynter Online of abbreviations and jargon you may find occasionally confoundingoGMX9.gif (GIF Image, 600x600 pixels)
How to tie a tieWeb application development guide - Salford City Council
RT @deliciouspb: Web application development guide - Salford City Council
Really good HTML style guide.20 Websites with Carefully Crafted and Convincing Copy | Design Shack
via Lisa BledsoeIntroduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
C4LPTA Beginner’s Guide to Design Patterns | Nettuts+
This is more for programmers than Designers lol - (unless you do both)How-to: Effectively manage your Facebook privacy settings with three simple lists -- Engadget
I used to love Facebook. I was in law school at Wisconsin when it launched, and everyone I knew on the site was basically a peer -- people who I'd known well or at least met in person at some point. Then... I graduated. Suddenly having a Facebook account full of pictures from blurry nights in Madison and Pulitzer Prize-caliber dirty jokes from my friends wasn't so awesome anymore -- especially once I started working for Engadget and lots and lots of people I didn't actually know (or, somewhat even worse, only knew professionally) started looking at my personal page. So I needed a system -- a way to still use Facebook to share personal stuff with friends, professional stuff with colleagues, and awesome stuff with everyone, all without blurring any lines or accidentally sharing too much with people I don't know.
I used to love Facebook. I was in law school at Wisconsin when it launched, and everyone I knew on the site was basically aHow To Choose The Perfect Lens for Your First DLSR - Tested
Complete Beginner’s GuideOnline Degree The Ultimate Guide to Google Edu Apps: 100 Tips & Tricks for Teachers
HomeAbout UsAboutContactCareer Guides
Google Applications in all their myriad forms undoubtedly impacted the education system for the better. Students and teachers alike now enjoy the streamlined suites to bolster lessons and lectures with valuable visuals and tools that better underscore the subjects at hand. The internet juggernaut itself provides some fantastic tips, tricks, and lesson plans to inspire educators to take advantage of everything their services have to offer - however, the possibilities stretch far beyond the ones listed here and are limited only by imaginations and coding. Use them as a starting point to launch (and share!) other innovative strategies to apply Google Applications in the classroom.
Wow some of these dont apply to primary but are still worth a look. Remember that all our students who have activated their email have access to Google docs.[Step by step modding-Guide]: Turn Baldur's Gate and its sequel into the single best CRPG experience you'll likely ever encounter : gaming
Bladur's Gate
A step-by-step howto guide on modding Baldur's Gate (both games and its expansions) into one massive, awesome RPG.[Step by step modding-Guide]: Turn Baldur's Gate and its sequel into the single best CRPG experience you'll likely ever encounter : gaming
Bladur's Gate
A step-by-step howto guide on modding Baldur's Gate (both games and its expansions) into one massive, awesome RPG.[Step by step modding-Guide]: Turn Baldur's Gate and its sequel into the single best CRPG experience you'll likely ever encounter : gaming
Bladur's Gate
A step-by-step howto guide on modding Baldur's Gate (both games and its expansions) into one massive, awesome RPG.Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 — Google JavaScript Style Guide 和訳 v0.1 documentation
GoogleのJSコーディング規約The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Really good tips and apps for helping with moving.Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine - Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Consistently publishing content requires that we deal with a foe known as content management. Content management is just what it sounds like: a way to manage the creation and dissemination of content. To systematically do that, it’s imperative that publishers employ what’s (aptly) known as content management systems (CMSs). The most common of kind of which is called a blog.
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy
“If [Information Architecture] is the spatial side of information, I see content strategy as the temporal side of the same coin.” - Louis RosenfeldA Complete Guide To Tumblr - Smashing Magazine
Weil gute mechanische Keyboards etwas tolles sind
This is an awesome resource. Awesome.
More than you ver wanted to know about keyboards.Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
All different kinds of keyboards
"In my opinion, the best keyboards available have mechanical key switches. They are known as mechanical keyboards, or mechanical key switchBeginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 3/3
SEO guide series
Three part seriesRoadmap for Learning Rails | techiferous
A primer in case you’re not familiar with how 3D works in general.
Even if it feels silly, just indulge me here: close just your right eye. Now just your left. Now your right. It’s like in Wayne’s World: camera one, camera two. You must have noticed that things change position a bit. This, of course, is because your eyes are a few inches apart; this is called the “interocular distance” and it varies from person to person. Note also that when you look at something close, objects appear in double in the background. Look at the corner of the screen. See how the chair or window back there is doubled? It’s because you’re actually rotating your eyes so they both point directly at what you’re focusing on. This is called “convergence,” and it creates a sort of X, the center of the X being what’s being focused on. You’ve probably seen a diagram like this one before:
some info around the 3d tech currently
Whether you buy into the hype or not, it’s plain fact that 3D is everywhere these days. From movies and games to laptops and handhelds, pretty much every screen in the house is going to be 3D-capable in a year or so, even if you opt not to display any 3D content on it. Those of you who choose that path may stop reading now, and come back a little later when you change your mind. Because if you have kids or enjoy movies and games, there will be a point where you’re convinced, perhaps by a single standout piece of media, that 3D is worth it at least some of the time.How To Be an Android Power User