What I've Learned from Hacker News
The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases
Probably the most important thing I've learned about dilution is that it's measured more in behavior than users. It's bad behavior you want to keep out more than bad people. User behavior turns out to be surprisingly malleable. If people are expected to behave well, they tend to; and vice versa.
Paul Graham on communities
addictiveness of games and social applications is still mostly unsolved || <is that w/ chiefdelphi? feels diluted to new members and forbidding?> to keep away bad people But this way gentler and probably more effective than overt barriers || Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you... || <again, transparency> it's important that a site that kills submissions provide a way for users to see what got killed || compare quality comments on community sites, average length good predictor. || <there's hope for me? 'cos I am always afraid my ideas are stupid> Prob stupidity more often ... having few ideas than wrong ones. || <so being able to make people laugh is not always admirable? hrm> put-downs are the easiest form of humor. || So the most important thing a community site can do is attract the kind of people it wants || <ouch> disaster to attract thousands of smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time.DIY Freaks Flock to 'Hacker Spaces' Worldwide | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Hackerspaces.org. Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds,"
Community spaces for diy software and hardware projects around the world.
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Hackerspaces.org. Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
"In our society there's a real dearth of community," Altman says. "The internet is a way for people to key in to that need, but it's so inadequate. [At hacker spaces], people get a little taste of that community and they just want more."
At the center of this community are hacker spaces like Noisebridge, where like-minded geeks gather to work on personal projects, learn from each other and hang out in a nerd-friendly atmosphere. Like artist collectives in the '60s and '70s, hacker spaces are springing up all over. There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Hackerspaces.org. Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds," says Nick Bilton of his hacker space, NYC Resistor in Brooklyn, New York. Bilton is an editor in The New York Times R&D lab and a board member of NYC Resistor. Bilton says NYC Resistor has attracted "a pretty wide variety of people, but definitely all geeks. Not Dungeons & Dragons–type geeks,My $23/month iPhone
Cell PhoneThe Boy Who Heard Too Much : Rolling Stone
Blind kid & genius phone hackerPaul Buchheit: Applied Philosophy, a.k.a. "Hacking"
To discover great hacks, we must always be searching for the true nature of our reality
An interesting perspective on hacking and systems, particularly relevant to the Saving GameTriple Boot Mac OS, XP, and Linux on a Mac - Wired How-To Wiki
Can't decide which operating system you want to run on your MacBook? The newest Macs allow you to boot up from Windows or Mac OS X using the included Boot Camp disk-partitioning software. However, with some steps and a little elbow grease, you can add Linux to the mix and get the best of all worlds.The History of Hacking | IT Security | Focus.com
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Via @kotarok
30 Japanese geeks you should follow on TwitterHacker Monthly
The Print Magazine of Hacker News
All being well, I should be an advertiser in the 2nd issue of Hacker Monthly: http://hackermonthly.com/ (an awesome new geek magazine) – Peter Çoopèr (peterc) http://twitter.com/peterc/statuses/15814308295