Pages tagged handbook:

Logica Web Developer Handbook — Tips and advice on web standards development

Welcome to Logicas Web Developer Handbook. This is, in no particular order, an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems — a way to tackle development in the cleanest, most accessible and semantic way possible. By using WDH, the aim is to standardise practices throughout an organisation; from accessibility to hacks, WDH covers the best ways to tackle a variety of dev problems.
Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning - Emerging Technologies for Learning
This Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning (HETL) has been designed as a resource for educators planning to incorporate technologies in their teaching and learning activities.
Bighow: handbook to online journalism
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, and citizen journalists. The handbook covers basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing.
To read in my spare time .....
The Bighow Handbook to Online Journalism is a free online resource for journalists, bloggers, citizen journalists and anyone else interested in publishing. Contents: The handbook covers the basics of online reporting, writing for the web and social web, citizen journalism, professional blogging, how to use Facebook and Twitter, how to deal with censorship, list of citizen journalism websites worldwide, list of free tools for journalism and much more...
Main Page - Handbook of Journalism
online version
This handbook is not intended as a collection of “rules”. Beyond the obvious, such as the cardinal sin of plagiarism, the dishonesty of fabrication or the immorality of bribe-taking, journalism is a profession that has to be governed by ethical guiding principles rather than by rigid rules. The former liberate, and lead to better journalism. The latter constrain, and restrict our ability to operate. What follows is an attempt to map out those principles, as guidance to taking decisions and adopting behaviours that are in the best interests of Reuters, our shareholders, our customers, our contacts, our readers and our profession.
Developer Evangelism - home of the Developer Evangelist Handbook
A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job.
from Yahoo's Christian Heilmann
"Developer Evangelism is a new kind of role in IT companies. A developer evangelist is a spokesperson, mediator and translator between a company and both its technical staff and outside developers. If you think this would be a good role for you, here's the developer evangelist handbook which gives you some great tips on how to do this job." Advice from Chris Heilmann
Social Media Strategy Handbook ‎(wharman)‎
Handbook created by Red Cross to manage social media strategy.