Pages tagged hardware: Taking Advantage Of Technology - Inside Programmable Road Signs

how to hack the ADCO portable sign
How many times have you driven by an electronic road sign like one of these? This is the ADDCO portable sign. Today, you see what is on the inside, and how they are programmed to display important information.
How to hack US roadside signs.
The Evolution of Apple Design Between 1977-2008 | Webdesigner Depot
NerdKits - DIY Marquee LED Array Display
double your addressable LEDs
4 Tools You Need To Predict The Death Of Your Hard Drive |
If there is one piece of equipment in your computer that you would predict to fail first, what would it be? Some might pick the power supply, some might pick
Talking to a Wiimote in Ubuntu 8.10
Teensy USB Development Board
The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontoller development system, featuring a 16 MHz AVR (AT90USB162) processor, in a very small footprint! All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard "Mini-B" USB cable and a PC or Macintosh with a USB port.
How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC | Maximum PC
build a pc is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-ass $800 Gaming PC. : projects : microprinter
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet.
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet. Based on the arduino microcontroller.
The printer that Ben Griffiths is building. I read about Tom Taylor building one at PaperCamp - looks cool.
"microprinter for everyday use"
TEXT-(HTTP POST)->sinatra(as MQ)-(ethernet)->arduino-((MAX232+)RS232c)->micropriner
The microprinter is an experiment in physical activity streams and notification, using a repurposed receipt printer connected to the web. I use it for things like reminders, notifications, and my day at-a-glance, but anything that can be injected from the web and suits text only, short format messaging, will work.
Television: Build Your Own DTV Antenna
useful home-made DTV antenna
Dealzmodo Hacks: 8 Ways To Get More Miles Out Of Your Old PC
Before you drop the dough on a whole new system, here's a list of upgrades for squeezing a few more months, years even, out of ol' faithful, during these trying economic times.
Tinkerkit: a physical computing toolkit for designers: Main/Home Page
DIY: The First-Timer's Guide to Building a Computer from Scratch
build a computer for linux
building a computer
How to build a computer for the first time from scratch.
Build the Perfect PC! Step-by-Step Illustrated How-To Guide | Maximum PC
DeviceGuru » The BoxeeBox Cookbook
Inspired by Roku’s awesome Netflix video download box and impressed with Boxee’s free A/V media center platform, it was merely a matter of time before I’d create the BoxeeBox, an Ubuntu-powered HTPC that I call my “one box to rule them all.” Here’s how it’s done.
20 Ways To Increase The Life Of Your Laptop’s Battery |
5 Companies Building the "Internet of Things" - ReadWriteWeb
web to world!!
ideas innovation tech
Mimo Monitors - Welcome
USB monitor System
Want. Horrible website though.
Neat, but kind of small
710 Model (IN STOCK - SHIPPING NOW) price $129.99 + FREE SHIPPING! 7" screen : 800 x 480 pixels detachable stand allows portrait or landscape mode >> learn more
Security: Properly Erase Your Physical Media
For class
erase files forever, nuke HD hard drive
The Setup on waferbaby
Sort of a 'what tools work great for doing stuff' series
"What do people use to get the job done?".
Software I use do get my job done
waferbaby interviews cool people from various industries (from al3x to jonathancoulton) about their current and ideal computer set ups.
what people use in terms of hardware
The best way to describe Siftables might be "Blocks that can think." Visit the website to watch a TED presentation of these fantastic devices.
What are Siftables? Siftables are cookie-sized computers with motion sensing, neighbor detection, graphical display, and wireless communication. They act in concert to form a single interface: users physically manipulate them - piling, grouping, sorting - to interact with digital information and media. Siftables provides a new platform on which to implement tangible, visual and mobile applications.
$100 Linux wall-wart launches
"Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says."
power found in the servers of only a decade ago.
Marvell: SheevaPlug Development Kit
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port. The development kit is enclosed in a plastic case that also contains a universal power supply. For developers a USB-based debug connection is included to enable simple debugging and reprogramming. Development kit cost (QTY 1) is $99.
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port.
SheevaPlug Development Kit
Foxit eSlick
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon.
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon. Pre-Order Privacy | ©2009 Foxit Software Company,LLC.All Rights Reserved.
Marvell: Plug Computing
A Better Way to Deliver Value Added Services With the rise in broadband users, people continue to consume and share increasing amounts of digital content each year. The time and money invested in personal photos, home movies and in content purchased digitally is significant and continues to grow. Network connected consumer electronics devices, smart phones and social websites have emerged to help consumers share and access their personal content in the home and over the Internet. With the growth in digital content, there is a need for services to secure, manage and share content simply and reliably. Today digital home services such as media servers, file sharing and backup software all need to be installed on a PC. A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet. This type of device eliminates the need for an always-on PC in the digital home to access these services.
Un PC en un enchufe
A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet.
Designed from the ground up to simplify the management of digital media assets, the Marvell plug computer is designed to be left plugged into a wall socket at all times. The plug uses low power to conserve energy and draws on average, less than five watts under normal operation compared to 25-100 watts for a PC being used as a home server.
The Netbook Effect: How Cheap Little Laptops Hit the Big Time
Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop.
Get product reviews and news about digital cameras, computers, laptops, mp3 players, iPod, PDAs, phones, PCs, Macs and wireless from
Mary Lou Jepsen didn't set out to invent the netbook and turn the computer industry upside down. She was just trying to create a supercheap laptop. In 2005, Jepsen, a pioneering LCD screen designer, was tapped to lead the development of the machine that would become known as One Laptop per Child. Nicholas Negroponte, the longtime MIT Media Lab visionary, launched the project hoping to create an inexpensive computer for children in developing countries. It would have Wi-Fi, a color screen, and a full keyboard—and sell for about $100. At that price, third-world governments could buy millions and hand them out freely in rural villages. Plus, it had to be small, incredibly rugged, and able to run on minimal power. "Half of the world's children have no regular access to electricity," Jepsen points out.
The Idiot’s Ultimate Guide To Building Your Own Computer |
MakeUseOf has teamed up with our very own Karl Gechlik at Ask The Admin to bring you nearly 50 pages full of screenshots, links to video demos and easy how-to instructions for every step involved. The result? The Idiot’s Guide To Building A PC.
My New Mac Pro Ultra Mini
hack a macbook to fit in a MacAly (sp?) case. Looks cool Might be something I can do with the 2 disassembled macbooks.
How to convert a "dead" MacBook into a desktop computer.
This dude took a fubar'd MacBook and converted it into a "Mac Pro Mini" by stuffing it into an Apple-esque external hard drive case.
Dead MacBook note to "mini" desktop again!
SparkFun Electronics
Controllable Power Outlet by Nate | December 2, 2008 | 22 comments Controlling Big, Mean, Devices Microcontrollers are a ton of fun. Once I got hooked, there was no turning back. Initially playing with sensors and LCDs, I quickly discovered the limits to what a microcontroller could control. A microcontroller's GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins cannot handle higher power requirements. An LED was easy enough, but large power items such as light bulbs, toaster ovens, and blenders required more sneaky circuitry. Something sneaky called a relay: In this tutorial we will discuss a small relay board to control the power to a normal AC outlet using 5VDC control.
The folks who brought bakelite cell phone!
Slashdot | How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer?
How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer? -- article related to Ask Slashdot, Windows, and IT.
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter: all your external HDDs, now network accessible - Engadget
Addonics' USB-to-NAS adapter
USB converter to create a NAS network attached storage system.
ハードディスクが死亡してデータが失われる前に気づくことを可能にするフリーソフト「Active@ Hard Disk Monitor」 - GIGAZINE
How-to: USB remote control receiver - Hack a Day
Clever idea to control computer with the use of a USB remote control
Retr0Bright » home
Anyone who has dug their old computer or console out of the cupboard or loft for some retro gaming will probably have noticed that it maybe hasn’t worn too well with the test of time. The plastics these machines were made of is called ABS and to make it flame retardant (just in case it catches fire after a marathon session) the plastics manufacturers added chemicals that caused the plastic turn yellow or, even worse, brown over a long period of time. It was originally thought that the yellowing was permanent and that the only solution to this was to paint the plastic in its original colour and cover the problem up. However...
Amazing process for un-yellowing plastics
Homebrew recipe for restoring the colour to old beige computer/electronics equipment
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
"Until now, all netbooks were engineered the same way: Power-hungry Intel Atom, ugly case, and outdated 90's OS. Our goal: To achieve a breakthrough in both architecture and design. The result: a revolutionary device that works as both a netbook and a standalone tablet thanks to a detachable keyboard and a 3D touchscreen user interface."
Welcome to [ Article: The SSD Anthology: Understanding SSDs and New Drives from OCZ]
ere’s an Elephant in the Ro
I spent more time working on SSDs that weren’t the X25-M than the Intel drive itself. The Intel drive just worked as it should, the rest of them didn’t.
Fascinating article on SSDs. Until now, I have been aware of SSDs but largely ignored them due to cost-per-gigabyte for this heavy-duty data user. They're starting to get interesting. I doubt my _next_ drive will be an SSD, but the one after that probably will be. Given these sequential read/write numbers, I do look forward to putting my Aperture library on an SSD.
Best article about SSD technology ever written.
Custom self-contained hanging Wall-PC - Charlotte NC Web Design, Development - Glowview Blog
Refurbish an old laptop into a wall mounted monitor and computer
Feature: Give an Old Laptop New Life with Cheap (or Free) Projects
Like a famed race horse or a classic book you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up
Like a famed race horse or a classic book, you don't just throw away a laptop because it's banged up a little. Even if it seems outdated and underpowered, most any laptop is still small, quiet, and relatively low on power consumption, making it a seriously valuable spare to keep handy—even without a working screen. With some free software, a little know-how, and some creative thinking about your home network, nearly any old laptop can find its second wind, and today I'll run through some of the best ways to get it there
LaCie - LaCie iamaKey USB Flash Drive
bert’s blog » Blog Archive » USB sniffing on linux
Make PCBs at home with magazine paper and your laser printer
pcb board-making
If you take your electronics hobby seriously, I guess you already feel the need for a simple and fast technique for making your own printed-circuit boards (PCB). Here I’m going to show how to make simple single-sided PCBs in a snap, using widely available materials. This technique works reliably for thin tracks down to 10 mils, and is suitable for most surface-mount parts.
DIY Freaks Flock to 'Hacker Spaces' Worldwide | Gadget Lab from
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds,"
Community spaces for diy software and hardware projects around the world.
There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing.
"In our society there's a real dearth of community," Altman says. "The internet is a way for people to key in to that need, but it's so inadequate. [At hacker spaces], people get a little taste of that community and they just want more."
At the center of this community are hacker spaces like Noisebridge, where like-minded geeks gather to work on personal projects, learn from each other and hang out in a nerd-friendly atmosphere. Like artist collectives in the '60s and '70s, hacker spaces are springing up all over. There are now 96 known active hacker spaces worldwide, with 29 in the United States, according to Another 27 U.S. spaces are in the planning or building stage. Located in rented studios, lofts or semi-commercial spaces, hacker spaces tend to be loosely organized, governed by consensus, and infused with an almost utopian spirit of cooperation and sharing. "It's almost a Fight Club for nerds," says Nick Bilton of his hacker space, NYC Resistor in Brooklyn, New York. Bilton is an editor in The New York Times R&D lab and a board member of NYC Resistor. Bilton says NYC Resistor has attracted "a pretty wide variety of people, but definitely all geeks. Not Dungeons & Dragons–type geeks,
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Who'd have thought it.. Google runs of thousands of 12-volt batteries :o) Each Google server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts. ... Most people buy computers one at a time, but Google thinks on a very different scale. The cores of the company's data centers are composed of standard 1AAA shipping containers packed with 1,160 servers each, with many containers in each data center.
Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Google's big surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts.
Google muestra por primera vez sus servidores, de diseño propio.
I love the approach and the the fact it's unconventional and better - google servers revealed
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Your Old Gadgets - Wired How-To Wiki
Tiene unos enlaces de herramientas o algo asi para los caneles de reciclaje
A h
in case you haven't seen it already.
Always Innovating: Introducing the Touch Book
TOUCH BOOK | GALLERY | BUZZ | PRE-ORDER Touch Book Netbook reloaded. The world's first netbook with a detachable keyboard. 10 to 15 hours of battery life*. Touchscreen with 3D user interface. Internal USB slots. The innovation is under way at Demo 09. Watch the video Detach, revert, flip, hold, carry. On your lap, on the fridge, on your sofa, in a plane, on the wall. What will you do with yours? Starting at $299. First batch will be limited. Reserve now! OPEN SOURCE | PRESS | CONTACT | ABOUT US
Das sieht nach einem ziemlich genialen Device aus und auch noch Open Source!
great netbook + tablet with 10-15 hr battery life
David Rusenko - How to open many keypad-access doors
How to open many keypad-access doors 03/11/2009 27 Comment(s) Here's a fun little tip: You can open most Sentex key pad-access doors by typing in the following code: ***00000099#* The first *** are to enter into the admin mode, 000000 (six zeroes) is the factory-default password, 99# opens the door, and * exits the admin mode (make sure you press this or the access box will be left in admin mode!) I'm not sure how prevalent they are, but here in San Francisco, Sentex building access systems seem to be the most popular.
Default-password fail.
Baker Tweet
you. HAVE. to be kidding me.
BakerTweet is a way for busy bakers to tell the world that something hot and fresh has just come out of the oven.
Tweeting when bread is fresh...
Saiba quando o pão está fresco pelo Twitter.
The Official Site of Benjamin J Heckendorn
C64 Laptop
Build Your Own Multitouch Surface Computer - Page 1 | Maximum PC
It all started while we were researching an article on future user interfaces. Touch interfaces are hardly futuristic at this point, but multi-touch hardware like the Microsoft Surface or the iPhone is just starting to become a big deal, and we decided to see what big things are going on in that field. What we found that surprised us the most wasn’t anything about the future of multitouch; it was about something that people are doing right now.
English Russia » Russian Wall-E Case Mod
Step by step of how this amazing Wall-E case mod was made.
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his head “I want to build such thing to hold my computer stuff in it”. A solid-metal Wall-E computer case, each detail carefully cut from the metal sheets processed and put in place. Swiss precision homemade heavy metal WallE geeky step-by-step history is waiting us below:
some interesting pics from russia including a crazy case mod
Impressive case mod of wall-e. EnglishRussia
100 tips and tricks to speed up OS X | News | TechRadar UK
How to Build a Spy Camera |
DIY High-Speed Book Scanner from Trash and Cheap Cameras
High-speed DIY book scanner
グーグル、自社設計のサーバを初公開--データセンターに見る効率化へのこだわり:スペシャルレポート - CNET Japan,2000056049,20390984,00.htm
【PC Watch】 不要PCを無償でリサイクル処分してくれるパソコンファーム利用体験記 ~宅配便で送るだけの超簡単システム
Top 50 Important Tools – DIY Tips and Advice – Tools Everyone Should Own - Popular Mechanics
Engineering @ Facebook's Notes | Facebook
article about data architecture for facebook's photo system. Seems interesting
The Photos application is one of Facebook’s most popular features. Up to date, users have uploaded over 15 billion photos which makes Facebook the biggest photo sharing website. For each uploaded photo, Facebook generates and stores four images of different sizes, which translates to a total of 60 billion images and 1.5PB of storage. The current growth rate is 220 million new photos per week, which translates to 25TB of additional storage consumed weekly. At the peak there are 550,000 images served per second. These numbers pose a significant challenge for the Facebook photo storage infrastructure. NFS photo infrastructure The old photo infrastructure consisted of several tiers: * Upload tier receives users’ photo uploads, scales the original images and saves them on the NFS storage tier. * Photo serving tier receives HTTP requests for photo images and serves them from the NFS storage tier. * NFS storage tier built on top of commercial storage appliances. Since each ima
Since each image is stored in its own file, there is an enormous amount of metadata generated on the storage tier due to the namespace directories and file inodes. The amount of metadata far exceeds the caching abilities of the NFS storage tier, resulting in multiple I/O operations per photo upload or read request. The whole photo serving infrastructure is bottlenecked on the high metadata overhead of the NFS storage tier, which is one of the reasons why Facebook relies heavily on CDNs to serve photos. Two additional optimizations were deployed in order to mitigate this problem to some degree:
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
Buyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months
Griffin Technology: Simplifi
Simplifi Charge/Sync dock, media card reader, and USB hub De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi ... one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards. Simplifi charges USB-rechargeable iPod models as they sync with your computer through the included USB mini cable. Use Simplifi's USB ports to plug in keyboards, printers, cameras, flash drives, scanners, external hard drives, anything USB 2.0-compatible. Simplifi ships with an AC adapter for those USB devices that need a powered port. Features Charge/sync dock for iPhone and iPod Reads and writes the most popular digital media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). 2-port powered USB hub, using included AC adapter A simple, versatile way to de-clutter your desktop
I need one of these.
elegante ed economico supporto con connessione per vari tipi di Apple iPod / iPhone con cardreader e hub USB incorporato
Because we all could do with fewer cables.
Build an inexpensive Ikea NAS
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
Lifehacker - Top 10 Battery Hacks, Tips, And Tricks - Batteries
The gadgets you love don't always love you back—at least when it comes to battery life. But you can get more from your laptop, your iPod, your phone, and other devices with these 10 techniques. Photo by conskeptical. 10. Turn C batteries into Ds with quarters Only a few things ever need D batteries, but who has them handy when you need those things? If you've got some slightly more handy C batteries around, you only need a few quarters to turn them into makeshift Ds. You won't get the same longevity, and you'll have to part with up to $1.50 for a bit, but it works, and it might just turn you into the family hero when you rescue that seemingly useless big-lens flashlight. 9. Keep your iPod "held" and updated If you haven't hit the "Update" button since you got your iPod, old or new, fire up iTunes and do so—the newest firmware, in many cases, can boost your battery life. Once you've done that, run through Playlist Magazine's battery saving tips, which include keeping backlighting, th
HyperMac External MacBook Power
HyperMac is the world's first and only external battery and car charger solution that works universally with all MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models. PRESS RELEASE Power your MacBook for up to 32 hours HyperMac External Battery for MacBook comes in 4 different sizes (60/100/150/222Wh). In comparison, the MacBook Air internal battery is only 37Wh. You can power your MacBook continuously for more than a day or recharge your iPhone 52 times. HyperMac External Batteries for MacBook HyperMac Car Charger is proven to be the better way to power and recharge your MacBook on the road. Unlike DC-to-AC auto inverters, HyperMac Pure DC Only Car Charger does not produce dangerous high AC voltages. It is also twice as efficient, more compact and produces a cleaner power signal important for high fidelity performance. HyperMac Car Charger Power your MacBook and any USB device simultaneously HyperMac External Battery comes with a USB 5V/1A Power Port so you can power any USB de
If you've ever run out of power while hacking in a cafe, then this battery will pay for itself in one session.
How To: Build a Custom Ergonomic Computer Desk - Simplified Building Concepts - Safety Products and Solutions
I need ergo
littleBits is an opensource library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. Just as Legos allow you to create complex structures with very little engineering knowledge, littleBits are simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks that make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together. With a growing number of available modules, littleBits aims to move electronics from late stages of the design process to its earliest ones, and from the hands of experts, to those of artists, makers and designers.
littleBits is an opensource library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. Just as Legos allow you to create complex structures with very little engineering knowledge, littleBits are simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks that make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together.
modular circuit boards
Electronic modules that stick together with magnets to make complete circuits
Device Remover - The Powerfull Device Manager
Features: In-Depth view of all installed Devices, Device Classes, Drivers and Services on a Windows System (Hidden, Detached, Current installed, Problematic Devices,etc,...) Easy mass removal of multiple Devices On-The-Fly Modification/Manipulation of Devices, Drivers and Services on the System Live detailed View of Device Detections on the System Multiple Device Problem solving Features and Functions
Features: * In-Depth view of all installed Devices, Device Classes, Drivers and Services on a Windows System (Hidden, Detached, Current installed, Problematic Devices,etc,...) * Easy mass removal of multiple Devices On-The-Fly * Modification/Manipulation of Devices, Drivers and Services on the System * Live detailed View of Device Detections on the System * Multiple Device Problem solving Features and Functions * And many many more usefull Features,... Additional Command Line Parameters (can be mixed): /NODRIVER - Do not load with Kernel Driver /SKIPVERSIONCHECK - Dont Check the Operating System Version before you start the Application. This Flag is needed to run the Application on Windows 2000 /SHOWPRIVDIALOG - A Windows Vista User Account alike Security check before you make any possibly dangeraus System changes. /NOSPLASH - Start the Application in Background, only a Tray-Icon Popup will be shwon on the Desktop /PRIORITYBOOST - Enable the Process Prioi
Some Device Manager thinkymebobs
Windows Freeware powerful Device Manager.
Device Manager
Multi-Touch G² - Touch Screen Technology from PQ Labs - MultiTouch LCD, plasma large display
Multi-Touch G² is a Multi-Touch solution that can be easily applied to any LCD or Plasma monitors. With our software platform support, you can showcase your products and services with Multi-Touch on a large screen. WAUW
V-ati cumpara ca alternativa pentru un display multitouch? [from]
RichardSolo 1800 for iPhone - RS001
$70. iPhone battery charger, 1800 mAh of capacity. Three color LED lights, ultra-bright LED flashlight and a laser pointer. Allows for charging via wall sockets, cars and computers.
MAKE: Blog: Tweet-a-watt - our entry for the Core77 & Greener Gadgets design competition
twitter-enabled Kill-A-Watt power meter.
Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods.
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods."
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods. Here's how it works, the modified Kill-a-Watt uses a "super-cap" to slowly recharge itself, once there is enough power it turns on the Xbee wireless module which transmits the data to a nearby computer (or internet connected microcontroller, like an Arduino) once the power usage for the day is recorded it uses a predefined Twitter account (it can be your own) to publish your daily KWH consumption for the day, multiple units can be used for an entire household. We're publishing the source, schematics and the idea for others to run with - Energy change a
Russian Wall-E Case Mod (110 pics) » - fun, humor, funny pictures, funny video, jokes, free, pics
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his hea
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his head “I want to build such thing to hold my comp
The Evolution of Cell Phone Design Between 1983-2009 | Webdesigner Depot
Cell Phone design 1983 to 2009
Cell phones have evolved immensely since 1983, both in design and function. From the Motorola DynaTAC, that power symbol that Michael Douglas wielded so
How Silicon Chips Are Made | PC Plus
PC Plus is the UK's premier technology magazine, bringing you all the latest news, reviews, features, tutorials and more.
Solaris + ZFS = The Perfect Home File/Media Server @ bitdroppings
ZFS /is/ the fure (solaris however is not part of th future) [from]
Lifehacker - 10 Killer DIY Projects for Your Extra Day Off - DIY
Check out projects,especially hard drive cleanout and bottle lights
Server Fault
stackoverflow, but for sysadmin
A system administration Q&A community created by the same guy as Stack Overflow (Jeff Atwood).
Social site for Sys Admins to ask questions
Server Fault is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for system administrators and IT professionals – regardless of platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Building a Hackintosh Apple Can't Sue You For
References for tools to allow a non-Apple machine to run unmodified Leopard installer.
Potential Mac Mini replacement for my Media Center.
Dice-O-Matic hopper and elevator - GamesByEmail
Dice rolling machine. Very cool.
awesome random number generator. felt it deserved to be in my "randomness" bookmarks. via simonw
PlugComputer Community
Marvell Linux wall wart using ARM
PlugComputer - Plug Computing Community
Bluelounge - CableDrop
Cable clips
Anywhere in fact where you wish to have cables temporarily held yet easily removeable or extended. CableDrop gently grasps your power and peripheral cords so they do not fall off your desk every time you unplug your laptop.
cable directors. see also cablebox
Lifehacker - Five Best Netbooks - NetBooks
Lifehacker's top 5 Netbooks.
GlobalScale Technlogies - SheevaPlug Dev Kit
Server as a wallwart
iPhoneのバッテリーが消耗したので交換してもらった(まとめ):霧笛望のはぐはぐ電脳小物 - CNET Japan
Cleaning Your Laptop Cooling System
My main computer is an hp zv5000 - it uses two heat pipes with heat sinks and two fans to cool the processor. Through use, those heat sinks (copper?) and pipes collect quite a bit of dust reducing the machine's cooling capacity.
Gadget Teardowns
Flashrom - coreboot
this bookmark brought from the home.
flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
flabrom via linux
flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
Does just what the title says- it can flash numerous BIOS ROMs- tons of manufacturers and supposedly some graphics cards as well.
CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the final design for the device. We’re showing the conceptual drawings here today. In another few weeks we’ll have the first working prototypes in our office.
Wouldn't mind one of these. I wonder what the interaction would feel like, though. *Only* on-screen keyboard...?! Hm... Plus, I love the name of the inventors: "Fusion Garage"! And their slogan: "What if the browser could boot without an OS?"
We've been working hard behind the scenes on the CrunchPad since our last update in April, and have just about nailed down the ...
Maximum TV: How to Build a Hulu Desktop + Boxee PC | Maximum PC
Maximum TV: How to Build a Hulu Desktop + Boxee PC
jak zbudować PC komputer do ogladania TV.
Magic Lantern Firmware Wiki
photo canon 5d mark II video software firmware shooting shoot
For the Canon 5D Mark II camera
Lifehacker - Optimize Your New HDTV - Tweaks
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
Whether you purchased your HDTV yesterday or last year, there's a big chance you just plugged it in and fired it up. Tweak your HDTV for better viewing quality.
A few pointers to other valuable links.
Buy and Sell Electronics, Sell Used Cell Phones |
iPhone 3G タッチパネルガラス・液晶割れ 破損 傷・バッテリー交換修理/パーツ販売:TOPページ
Memristor minds: The future of artificial intelligence - tech - 08 July 2009 - New Scientist
science technology
Memristors... The 6th missing basic electronic factor..
Bio computers
Fun with a webcam
Newegg - Power Supply Calculator
เว็บคำนวน Power Supply อีกแห่ง
Work out the PSU you need when building your pC
Calcular a potência da fonte, para as peças que deseja utilizar.
The PSU Wattage we recommend only gives you a general idea on what to consider while selecting a power supply. PCI cards, External devices, USB and Firewire devices, Cooling fans and other components may need more power.
iPhone 活躍アプリ一覧(全68個)
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG Image, 1440x2040 pixels)
Computer Hardware Chart: Hard Drives, Ports, Processor Card Slots, Processor Card Sockets, etc.
rwhdj.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1440x2040 Pixel)
Computer_hardware_poster_1_7_by_Sonic840.png (PNG Image, 1280x1813 pixels)
Images of various computer hardware components
Computer hardware poster 1.7 by ~Sonic840 on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
8 Tips To Effectively Boost Your Wireless Router Signal
Look at it – staring you down so innocently, yet I know that your Linksys wireless router refuses to give you signal. Since you decided to place it in a corner to gather dust, using it only for its relay capabilities, it has decided to constantly bring up the feared “Limited Network Connection” bubble. Don’t you just hate those?
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
8 Tips To Effectively Boost Your Wireless Router Signal - We found it so you don't have to!
User manual and other support documents including instruction manuals, user guides, operators manual, and how-to information. - We found it so you don't have to!
Manuais de instrução
A website that allows you to find manuals for products online.
Video: How to Build a PC - Every Step Explained | Maximum PC
I'm Will Smith, the editor of Maximum PC and the guy in the video below. We shot this video demonstration to show people how to build a killer PC, one step at a time. It's a great reference for beginners and experts alike. This video was created for viewing by attendees of Comic-Con 2009.
Apple Serial Number Info // Decode your Mac's serial number!
Seat Belt Camera Straps at the Photojojo Store!
sweet seatbelt straps for your camera!
The Technium: Was Moore's Law Inevitable?
Moore's Law is one of the few Moira threads we've teased out in our short history in the technium. There must be others. Most of the technium's predetermined developments remain hidden, not yet uncovered, by tools not yet invented. But we've learned to look for them. Searching, we can see similar laws peeking out now. These "laws" are reflexes of the technium that kick in regardless of the social climate. They too will spawn progress, and inspire new powers and new desires as they unroll in ordered sequence. Perhaps these self-governing dynamics will appear in genetics, or in pharmaceuticals, or in cognition. Once a dynamic like Moore's Law is launched and made visible, the fuels of finance, competition, and markets will push the law to its limits and keep it riding along that curve until it has consumed its physical potential.
The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades - Hardware - Lifehacker
Top 10 Computer Hardware Fixes and Upgrades
10-Step Guide to Buying a Used Laptop That Works : Sustainablog
Buying second-hand products is always green, but it’s easy to be discouraged by the stories of broken laptops from eBay or Craigslist. To quell these fears, here is a 10-step checklist on how to find a used laptop that isn’t just a high-tech lemon.
50 expert tips to make your PC faster | News | TechRadar UK
50 expert tips to make your PC faster Speed up your PC without paying for upgrades : TechRadar UK
How-to: Build a Blu-ray / TV tuner-equipped HTPC for under $1,000
Pundits may argue that the modern day HTPC has no place in the modern day living room, but we disagree. In fact, with the economy still struggling to regain its swagger, folks are staying in and finding entertainment at home more than ever. It's that truth that spurred us to start this here project: building a fully capable, Blu-ray and TV tuner-equipped HTPC for less than a grand. And lo and behold, we made it happen. If you're interested in seeing exactly how we pieced together a mighty fine entertainment box for less than the starting price of most pre-configured systems, hop on past the break with your notepad open. If you'll recall, we did a similar piece on HTPC building way back in early 2006. A format war and a digital TV transition later, we figured it was finally time to issue a revised edition. With disposable income becoming an increasingly rare commodity, we put a soft $1,000 cap on our model rig, and we did our darnedest to construct a solid, potent media PC that could
How-to: Media center
Gizmodo - Giz Explains: How to Choose the Right Graphics Card - Graphics Cards
Whether you're buying a new computer, building your own or upgrading an old one, the process of choosing a new graphics card can be daunting. Integrated graphics solutions—the kind that come standard with many PCs—have trouble playing games from three years ago, let alone today, and will put you at a disadvantage when future technologies like GPGPU computing, which essentially uses your graphics card as an additional processor, finally take hold. On top of all this, we're in the middle of a price dip—it's objectively a great time to buy. (Assuming you're settled on a desktop. Ahem.) The point is, you'll want to make the right choice. But how?
There are plenty of great graphics cards out there, no matter what you're looking for. Thing is, the odds are seemingly stacked against you ever finding the right one. It doesn't have to be that hard.
"You're looking for a card that is a) an option on whatever system you're buying and b) can handle the game well—at a high resolution and high texture quality—which, generally speaking, is a comfortable 60 frames per second." Great overview. I didn't know that 60 fps was considered a minimum these days.
Screws and Nails
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails.
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails. Although there is nothing complex about a nail or a screw, many are misused.
Selecting the best fastener for the job
BBC NEWS | Technology | Barcode replacement shown off
A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode is outlined by US researchers.
A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode has been outlined by US researchers. Bokodes, as they are known, can hold thousands of times more information than their striped cousins and can be read by a standard mobile phone camera.
bocode project from MIT media lab. small code visible to cameras, but not human eye. Different info from different directions.
Backpack - Backpack - Twelve South
could one of these be made for a dell stand?
BackPack is a sturdy, sleek looking shelf designed exclusively to attach to the back of iMac and Apple Cinema Displays.
“BackPack is a sturdy, sleek looking shelf designed exclusively to attach to the back of iMac and Apple Cinema Displays.”
A shelve for behind a cinema display or iMac. Very clever.
Plugging In $40 Computers - Bits Blog -
Referencia Hardware
TUAW Guide: Setting up the Ultimate Mac mini Home Theater
The Mac mini has always been the perfect form factor for a media center appliance (often called a Home Theater PC/HTPC). It's extremely small, almost completely silent and it can easily blend into an existing electronics shelf - or be hidden away completely.
The Mac mini has always been the perfect form factor for a media center appliance (often called a Home Theater PC/HTPC). It's extremely small, almost completely silent and it can easily blend into an existing electronics shelf - or be hidden away completely.
Licensed Memory in Windows Vista
Though machines with 4GB are not yet the typical purchase for home or business use, they are readily available from major manufacturers and it won’t be long before they are the typical purchase. But there are problems. You don’t have to stand for long in a computer shop to hear a sales assistant talk of 4GB as some sort of limit for 32-bit operating systems, and it won’t be long before this sales patter develops into outright promotion of 64-bit Windows as the only way to get past this limit. Some sense of this can be seen already in manufacturers’ advertising materials, as in the following fine print from Dell:
You probably already know this, but this page describes PAE and how a 32-bit OS can use more than 4GB of RAM (and already does - see Windows Server editions).
Computer Repair with Diagnostic Flowcharts - Troubleshooting Dell, HP, Sony, eMachines, IBM, Compaq and Gateway PC's
This page offers links to flowcharts for PC diagnostics, excerpted from my book. The non-active links are for charts that are included in the book but not available online. The published book contains seventeen flowcharts for computer diagnostics plus a short text for every chart expanding on the decision points. The troubleshooting process is the same for an expensive Sony or IBM, or a downmarket eMachines or Gateway. Dell and HP (who purchased Compaq) manufacture PC's in a wide range of price points, but you have to go through the same troubleshooting steps for the cheap ones as the expensive ones if you want to correctly identify and repair the failure.
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog
Build your own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867.
Computer Repair Flowchart | Boing Boing Gadgets
Diagramas de flujo para diagnosis de problemas de ordenador
IEEE Spectrum: Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens
Conventional contact lenses are polymers formed in specific shapes to correct faulty vision. To turn such a lens into a functional system, we integrate control circuits, communication circuits, and miniature antennas into the lens using custom-built optoelectronic components. Those components will eventually include hundreds of LEDs, which will form images in front of the eye, such as words, charts, and photographs. Much of the hardware is semitransparent so that wearers can navigate their surroundings without crashing into them or becoming disoriented. In all likelihood, a separate, portable device will relay displayable information to the lens’s control circuit, which will operate the optoelectronics in the lens.
How to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard, Start to Finish - Feature - Lifehacker
Two years ago, I detailed how to build a Hackintosh for under $800—then covered how to do the same with less hacking. Now that Snow Leopard's out, we're revisiting the Hackintosh, building a Hack Pro from scratch for roughly $900.
Off to the Apple store...
Open-source camera could revolutionize photography
Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an open-source digital camera, which will give programmers around the world the chance to create software that will teach cameras new tricks.
Maemo software | Nokia › The software behind your mobile computer
Linux-based operating system on the N900
Maemo is an advanced mobile platform designed with the internet at its core. Linux-based Maemo software takes us into a new era of mobile computing.
Coole video
Computer Repair Flowcharts
Many DC area consultants use flowcharts and work flows in their jobs. If you’re interested in following the diagnostic process of computer repair specialists, take a look at these flowcharts by Morris Rosenthal. They illustrate many of my thought processes when fixing a computer problem.
Build Your Own Server |
Illustrated instructions for setting up a LAMP server using ubuntu.
How to Build a Kick-Ass MAME Arcade Cabinet from an Old PC | Maximum PC
If you were born in the 70s or 80s, chances are good that a big part of your childhood was spent wasting quarters at the local arcade, or in front of the Pac-Man machine at your local pizza place. Sure, games have become a lot more complex since then, but the old titles had a lot of charm, and in some cases a level of skill and patience-rewarding challenge that hasn’t been matched since. Sadly, the arcade is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Now that PCs and game consoles have become so powerful, the only way for arcades to compete has been to offer games with enormous, complicated controls, which end up costing a dollar or more per play. And besides, that’s only if you happen to live next to one of the very few remaining full-sized arcades. For most people, the closest thing they’ve got to an arcade is the worn-out Initial D machine at their local multiplex.
XArcade that make great pre-made units at reasonable prices. Save yourself a lot of aggravation :) Side and front machine 'Marquees' and overlays make your machine look great, check out Buy a 'frontloader' application that will handle all emulator switching and controls. For $25 I picked up a copy of Maximus Arcade at and it looks and works awesome. You can switch seamlessly through forty or fifty emulators like Mame, Daphne (Laser Disc Games), Stella (Atari 2600), etc. Pick up a "Smart" power strip. These strips have one outlet that will automatically turn on the power to all the other outlets if the device in the original socket turns on is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about How to Build a Kick-Ass MAME Arcade Cabinet from an Old PC.
5 Sites To Learn How To Repair Your Own Computer
Aligning filesystems to an SSD’s erase block size | Thoughts by Ted
) doesn’t know how to use raw flash. So if you want a few 80 gigabytes of flash in a laptop, today the only way to get it is with it attached to a SATA interface in a 2.5″ laptop disk form
Formatowanie SSD
For $150 these MIT students took a balloon 17.5 miles high into the uppermost parts of the stratosphere and returned 5 hours later some 20 miles away from the launch site.
Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet - Microsoft courier tablet - Gizmodo
First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet
Esittelyvideon perusteella tuo virtuaalimoleskin vaikuttaa lupaavalta. Erittäin lupaavalta.
Courier -Microsoft's Tablet
To watch the video, you'll first need to install the flash player.
It feels like the whole world is holding its breath for the Apple tablet. But maybe we've all been dreaming about the wrong device. This is Courier, Microsoft's astonishing take on the tablet.
9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On.
Techies are too often tempted by the lure of new technology, leaving perfectly good hardware drifting in the wake of compulsive upgrading. And while we love getting new gadgets as much as the next geek, we also like how a new purchase gives us the opportunity to take apart and tinker with our older gear in the Lab. Whether it’s by soldering circuit boards or loading open-source firmware, we pride ourselves on being able to stretch the lifespan of older electronics by performing undocumented (and sometimes warranty-breaking) hardware hacks.
How to build a Nintendo arcade
How to build a Nintendo arcade
A Word Clock
This is a quick project to tell the time using words. I saw a cool clock on the Make Blog the other day (http://blog....
LED + microcontroller clock which spells out the time in 5-min increments. Sweet..
english clock
How to Build a Kick-Ass Windows Home Server - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Your PC’s hard drive is probably packed to the platter’s edge with hundreds of ripped DVD videos, gigabytes of digital photos from your camera, and tens of thousands of songs. And that’s not even counting the high-definition digital video from your last family vacation that you’re still planning to unload. But with terabytes of media just gathering dust on your desktop PC, you risk losing years of aggregated files when your hard drive inevitably gives out (don’t even think about backing it all up to the cloud). Our solution: Keep all your data backed up on a Windows Home Sever. More than just a generic NAS box, Windows Home Server maintains backups, streams media files, and works as a file share across your home network. And the best part is that you can build one yourself—we’ll show you how!
WikiReader | Home
I like the idea of this device. Free content & free updates.
They stole my idea. Lame. Yet, theirs is slightly different. I envisioned a device that also contained all the images. Well done, overall.
"WikiReader is an electronic encyclopedia giving physical form to Wikipedia. Now you can take it with you wherever you go."
Coding Horror: The State of Solid State Hard Drives ChipDB - integrated circuit quick reference
Online reference for integrated circuits. Very quick reference (as opposed to loading up the 30 MB PDF which is a scan of photocopied document that look liked it was stored in somebody's back pocket).
Hivelogic - Podcasting Equipment Guide (2009)
Hivelogic - Podcasting Equipment Guide (2009)
Great article! Check out this guy's site for other info re. podcasting and audio
Great list for beginning, intermediate
So, if you’re thinking about podcasting and have no idea where to start, if you’ve tried recording using your computer’s built-in microphone and realized just how bad that sounds, and if you’re ready to get serious about creating great audio, you’re in the right place. My hope is that this article will assist you in building a recording rig that suits your needs and meets your budget.
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors - Identify The Right Cable Easily
A Visual Guide to Computer Cables and Connectors
Computer cables can be confusing so here's a visual guide that will help you identify cables, connectors and converters that came with your computers and other electronic gadgets.
Apple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.
apple's new 'touch mouse', sounds great, but what about the tactile responses our fingers like to receive: [from]
apple going back to no-wheel mouse: [from]
checking out Apple Magic Mouse and we think it is a pretty cool mouse (even though it sounds like a Disney creature) [from]
I like it! Check out the new "magic mouse" from Apple... [from]
10 cool things you can do with a USB flash drive | 10 Things |
using it. To learn more about Predator, and/or
Your USB flash drive can do a whole lot more than just move data around. Greg Shultz introduces a variety of creative ways to put that drive to good use. Transporting your data is probably the most common use for a USB flash drive. But there’s a world of other things you can do with these handy pocket-size drives. Here are 10 ways you can use that USB flash drive to do more than just move data.
The Invisible Things Lab's blog: Evil Maid goes after TrueCrypt!
Using a password sniffer to get around full disk encryption.
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 10v Into the Ultimate Snow Leopard Netbook - Dell mini 10v hackintosh - Gizmodo
"Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping. Various сartesian robots can be assembled from Contraptor and used as a prototyping platform for projects such as XY plotter, mini CNC machine, 3D printer etc."
Contraptor is a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping.
Arduino Diecimila / Burning the Bootloader without AVR-Writer
Welcome to Tiny Core Linux
NewerTech® - Voyager Q “Quad Interface” FireWire® 800/400/USB 2.0/eSATA - SATA I/II Hard Drive Docking Solution
Recommended by James Andrewes.
FireWire 400/800 USB 2.0 eSATA dock for SATA I & II internal hard drives
Hard drive dock sata usb firewire 400 800
FireWire SATA dock from the same folks that make the miniStack.
Just insert any standard 2.5" or 3.5" SATA I/II hard drive with up to 2.0TB capacity into the compact docking base and select one of the four interfaces supported by your Mac® or PC for the fastest data transfer performance. Then, start reading and/or writing data to the docked hard drive. There’s nothing else to install or configure!
Suggested by John Able and John Stevens
Turn Your PC into a Home Surveillance System - Security - Lifehacker
Foro de preguntas y respuestas para circuitos integrados
Chiphacker is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for electronics hackers – regardless of platform or language. It's 100% free, no registration required.
How to turn an old PC into a media centre | News | TechRadar UK
How to turn an old PC into a media centre Play media on your TV with an old PC and XBMC : TechRadar UK
Piriform - Speccy
detecta hardware de la máquina
Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support.
programa para verificar o hardware
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
I just moved to Moscow, to a nice flat in the center. There's supposed to be DSL here, but, well, there isn't. "Maybe in a few days..." In Russia, that might mean next year, or possibly in six months if I can find someone to bribe. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Following cues from a page I'd seen a year or two ago, I bought the Ikea "Soare" napkin rings, a USB WiFi adapter, and some electrical tape.
The Fakeproject Corporation of America Presents: A Cheap, Easy, and Scandinavian WiFi Antenna.
TippingPoint | DVLabs | Python Interfacing a USB Missile Launcher
Radio Shack Catalogs
An Archive of 1939 to 2005 Radio Shack Catalogs. Flip-through every page, of every Radio Shack Catalog.
Archive of old Radio Shack catalogs
archive of catalogs
This website is dedicated to America's technology store... RadioShack. For over 65 years, RadioShack produced an outstanding catalog, surpassing the catalog of all rival electronics and technology companies. Through the years, this catalog expanded to contain a mix of hi-fidelity stereos, amplifiers, radios, phonographs, speakers, TVs, CBs, communication equipment, computers, electronic components, antennas, electronic test equipment, educational kits, toys, gadgets, batteries, and more. Products from the RadioShack catalog were purchased by the everyday consumer, hobbyist, and professional. At this website you will be able to view these old Radio Shack catalogs...year by by page. What's unique about this website is that the catalogs are presented as a VIRTUAL catalog, in a "page-flipping" format. This gives you the experience of paging-through an actual Radio Shack catalog.
Categories of electronic circuits
Welcome to our Website! We are here to show You how to make various interesting electronic devices on your own. Some of the devices are: Amplifiers, Power sources, Metal detectors, Alarms, Insect repellant, light, sound or touch sensitive devices, Whistle responder which produces sound when called by a whistle and our visitor's favorite Light and LED devices… We can’t name them all right here, so we suggest You browse through our collection of diagrams on your own
Build over 400 electronic devices by yourself. All circuits are grouped into several categories.
Plans for all manner of electronic devices!
touchfreeze - Project Hosting on Google Code
Annoyed when you are typing a document and accidentally the palm of your hand brushes the touchpad, changing the position of the cursor in your document or accidentally clicking on an option. TouchFreeze is simple utility for Windows NT/2000/XP that solves this problem. It automatically disables touchpad while you are typing text. Like syndaemon on x-windows.
Utility for Windows that disables touchpad automatically while you are typing text
Freezes your touch pad when you begin to type, unfreezes when you stop.
Desactiva el touchpad cuando empiezas a teclear y lo reactiva en cuanto dejas de hacerlo!
自作サーバカンファレンス「はてなの自作サーバの実際」+他セッション講演メモ - RX-7乗りの適当な日々
Amazon EC2と比べても、1年でもとが取れて、SSDも付いてくる
Welcome | sugru | Hack Things Better
Welcome | sugru | Hack Things Better
Sugru is workable silicone (similar appearance to modeling clay) that will cure/harden in air under normal temperature. Use it anywhere you otherwise would need silicone rubber. It can be put in the dishwasher and I believe you could even cook with it.
Why are so many mass-produced products just so bad? Uncomfortable tin openers, leaky trainers, they get our goat! Why should you have to spend £20 on a designer tin opener?? You shouldn't! Hack the one you have instead.
latex style modelling/bonding clay for making stuff better (or fixing stuff)
14 Items All Design Geeks Must Have! / eightyone design / graphic design blog
DeviceGuru » The BoxeeBox Cookbook
RCA student radically improves the UK plug | ICON MAGAZINE ONLINE
A new folding plug design plus an adaptor that is a big improvement. A great example of how people take the ordinary for granted
Improving the UK 3-pin plug, so it isn't such a big cumbersome thing.
A touch of genius...
Make: Online : Open source hardware 2009 - The definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009
Each year we do a guide to all open source hardware and this year there are over 125 unique projects/kits in 19 categories, up from about 60 in 2008, more than doubling the projects out there!
These are projects in which the creators have decided to completely publish all the source, schematics, firmware, software, bill of materials, parts list, drawings and "board" files to recreate the hardware - they also allow any use, including commercial. Similar to open source software like Linux, but this hardware centric
Welcome to definitive guide to open source hardware projects in 2009. First up - What is open source hardware? These are projects in which the creators have decided to completely publish all the source, schematics, firmware, software, bill of...
Open source hardware projects
Most Popular DIY Projects of 2009 - DIY - Lifehacker
start [Bkrpr Wiki]
Easy DIY book scanner.
An open source book scanner project.
"BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware to digitize books: it lets you photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. The resulting images can be processed with free, open source software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats." Imagine a plexilglass box, two cameras, and a stand.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books.
This is the home page and the documentation wiki of BookLiberator. BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books. Some of our hardware designs make it easy to photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. Other designs allow you to remove the binding so the pages can be dropped into a sheet-fed scanner. Whichever method you use, the resulting images can be processed with our software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books
Free your text, DIY-style!
book liberator -- diy book scanning device using two digital cameras
far simpler book scan design.
Lifehacker - Build an Under-the-Cabinet Kitchen PC from an Old Laptop - Laptops
Main Page - Paparazzi
سیستم کنترلی پهپاد
Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile autopilot system by allowing and encouraging input from the community. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface.
Another amateur UAV site. This thing has already happened.
13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
A new computer is like a blank state--there's a lot of potential there, but without some work on your part, it's useless. It's not hard to get started, but there are some essential first steps that everyone should follow when breaking in their new PC. In this guide, we've compiled a step-by-step list of essential tips, tricks and advice from many of our other features, to provide you with just the information you need to get off to a great start with any new PC. So if you got a new rig under the PC under the tree this year, or even if you're just thinking about getting one in the future, read on to find out more
gameboy-timeline-HD2.jpg (JPEG Image, 2500x1061 pixels)
Picture (High Res) of the complete Gameboy Timeline, from the Game&Watch up untill the Nintendo DSi
1989, baby!! (via Rhea)
Arduino hardware hacking: Part 1 | TuxRadar
Nexus One Phone - Web meets phone.
Web meets phone.
Google Nexsus One の動作イメージをFlashで紹介している。いい感じ。
Nexus Oneのスペック
$179 w/ 2 yr service contract, $529 w/o service agreement. (Is it wrong of me to really hate the phone's desktop background? Also very sad to see that a physical keyboard, a la the ones on a Sidekick3 or Sidekick LX, seem to be condemned to history's archives. Why the hell do such awful keyboards come through today's product development cycles?! Designers, aren't you listening to usability issues?!)
Performance / Price for CPUs
AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core is the most bang for the buck, according to Paul's analysis (nice!)
Les processeurs classés par leur rapport performances / prix. Qui est en tête ? AMD !
CPU Comparisons wrt price and performance
Dark Roasted Blend: Cool Computer Case Mods
A Tour of the Arduino Internals: How does Hello World actually work? - Ideas For Dozens
Computer Data Storage Through the Ages -- From Punch Cards to Blu-Ray | Maximum PC
Good visual/info on history of computer storage.
Far from comprehensive, but entertaining.
InfoQ: A Crash Course in Modern Hardware
In this presentation from the JVM Languages Summit 2009, Cliff Click discusses the Von Neumann architecture, CISC vs RISC, the rise of multicore, Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), pipelining, out-of-order dispatch, static vs dynamic ILP, performance impact of cache misses, memory performance, memory vs CPU caching, examples of memory/CPU cache interaction, and tips for improving performance. -- It's a shame I would of liked to see the presentation on their hardware transactional memory implementation and why "it doesn't work as all the academics would have you believe."
In this presentation from the JVM Languages Summit 2009, Cliff Click discusses the Von Neumann architecture, CISC vs RISC, the rise of multicore, Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), pipelining, out-of-order dispatch, static vs dynamic ILP, performance impact of cache misses, memory performance, memory vs CPU caching, etc.
I’ve lately been trying to compile Arduino projects from command line. Primarily because the Arduino IDE wasn’t working out of the box on 64-bit Ubuntu (9.04). That problem was eventually solved, but I’ve been meaning to move away from that IDE anyway. If you happen to be replacing the Arduino IDE with Vim, I just uploaded an Arduino syntax file.
Includes python script to use the DTR autoreset feature.
misa - index
"The Misa digital guitar is a MIDI controller. It must be plugged into a MIDI capable sound module. The sound of this instrument is limited only by what you connect to it. Specifications: Linux kernel 2.6.31 (Gentoo); 24 frets; touchscreen; MIDI out; Ethernet; and SSH server."
Welcome to Boxee!
watch the internet from your tv
A PC from the community for the community -
A PC from the Linux community for the Linux community
The Open-PC is a PC for everyday use built by the Linux community for the Linux community. We use only free software. Your help will be welcomed, to make our project even better.
eee Mac journey
Interesting blog with emphasis on EeePC 901 and OS X
Guide to installing OS X on an EEE PC
Homebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires | Gadget Lab |
Homebrewed CPU Is a Beautiful Mess of Wires
8-bit computer made by hand
The $800 Killer Gaming PC - How To by ExtremeTech,2845,2347620,00.asp
This year's edition of the $800 gaming rig is an order of magnitude leap over last year's edition.
This year's edition of the $800 gaming rig is an order of magnitude leap over last year's edition. Gaming on an $800 PC now needs few compromises.
Pen v keyboard v Newton v Graffiti v Treo v iPhone (Phil Gyford’s website)
For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Phil Gyford tested a small collection of PDA and smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. He tested six input method: Apple Newton handwriting recognition (1997); Palm Vx Graffiti (1999); Palm Treo 650’s hardware QWERTY keyboard (2004); Apple iPhone 3G’s software QWERTY keyboard (2009); old-fashioned Pen & Paper; a full-size QWERTY keyboard. He copied out 200 plus words. And he did it twice for each input. The results were surprising. Palm Graffiti was surprisingly slow. Handwriting was surprisingly slow. The iPhone soft keyboard was surprisingly fast.
Productividad escribiendo en diferentes dispositivos. For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Sehr schöne kleine Statistik. Das iPhone gewinnt nach der QWERTZ Tastatur und vor der Handschrift.
Daring Fireball: The Tablet
Here’s the thimbleful of information I have heard regarding The Tablet (none of which has changed in six months): The Tablet project is real, it has you-know-who’s considerable undivided attention, and everyone working on it has dropped off the map. I don’t know anyone who works at Apple who doubts these things; nor do I know anyone at Apple who knows a whit more. I don’t know anyone who’s seen the hardware or the software, nor even anyone who knows someone else who has seen the hardware or software.
Apple - iPad - The best way to experience the web, email, & photos
Large format eReader not released yet.
In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | Magazine
Hardware is becoming much more like software.
The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This is the headquarters of Local Motors, the first open source car company to reach production. Step inside and the office reveals itself as a mind-blowing example of the power of micro-factories.
“In the age of democratized industry, every garage is a potential micro-factory, every citizen a potential micro-entrepreneur 1) INVENT dream up your own. Pro tip: Check the PTO first 2) DESIGN Use free tools like Blender or Google’s SketchUp to create a 3-D digital model of your invention. Or download someone else’s design and incorporate your groundbreaking tweaks. 3) PROTOTYPE desktop 3-D printers like MakerBot are available for under $1,000. Just upload a file and watch the machine render your vision in layered ABS plastic. 4) MANUFACTURE The garage is fine for limited production, to go big, global — outsource. Factories in China are standing by; sites like can help you find the right partner. 5) SELL Market your product directly to customers via an online store like SparkFun — or set up your own ecommerce outfit through a company like Yahoo or Web Studio. Then haul your golden goose to Maker Faire and become the poster child for the DIY industrial revolution.”
Chris Andersen's latest book outline [from]
From Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics | Maximum PC
Gallery of Processor Cache Effects
LumaLabs - Welcome
Camera strap
The Loop is a camera sling, an adaptation of the kinds of slings that infantry soldiers have long used to carry their rifles. It's not the first camera sling on the market. Our implementation, however, offers a minimal design that emphasizes comfort and flexibility within a minimal aesthetic. Nothing is included that isn't essential.
Nice product, nice product website.
Slick camera strap from Luma Labs.
Luma Loop camera strap (like a y-strap only it looks better made)
HDR Photography Equipment
Stuckin customs HDR Hardware and Software as well as an aswesome hdr tutorial to go along with it.
A list of the equipment that Trey Ratcliff of Stuck in Customs uses and recommends for use in HDR Photography.
Software, hardware, lenses, bodies, tripods, etc.
mixi Engineers’ Blog » オンラインコーヒーメーカー「萌香たん」とはじめるドキドキ☆コーヒーブレイク
RT @estima7 mixi의 한 엔지니어가 커피가 추출되면 Twitter로 알려주는 시스템개발.(사내용) @mixi_mocha - "Tweet when coffee's ready." Cool! [from]
僕も何かをtwitterで喋らせたいです。。植木鉢がwater me!っていうのもあったなー
FREE PC Profile, Audit, and Diagnostic Report Utility
Very useful for students who don't know electronics.
Electronics tutorials, including ohm's law, resistor color codes power law, breadboards
complete learning material for beginning electronics
Lifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
On MicroSD Problems « bunnie's blog
"Effectively, Kingston is just a channel trader and is probably seen by SanDisk/Toshiba as a demand buffer for their production output. I also wouldn’t be surprised if SanDisk/Toshiba was selling Kingston “A-” grade parts, i.e., parts with slightly more defective sectors, but otherwise perfectly serviceable. As a result, Kingston plays a significant and important role in stabilizing microSD card prices and improving fab margins, but at some risk to their own brand image."
Apparently Kensington releases SD cards produced on "Ghost Shifts", with sub-standard materials.
How to build a computer - techPowerUp! Forums
So you want to build a computer
you want to build a computer
Microsoft's Courier 'digital journal': exclusive pictures and details (update: video!) -- Engadget
the inner planner in me gets such a rush from this
RT @javiercelaya: Primeras imágenes de la tableta de MS
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed. That's a lot smaller than we expected -- this new picture really puts it into perspective -- and the internals apparently reflect that emphasis on mobility: rather than Windows 7, we're told the Courier is built on Tegra 2 and runs on the same OS as the Zune HD, Pink, and Windows Mobile 7 Series, which we're taking to mean Windows CE 6.
Exclusive pictures and details (update: video!)
We've been dying to know more about Microsoft's Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our entreaties to Mr. Ballmer went unanswered, we just learned some very interesting information from an extremely trusted source. We're told Courier will function as a "digital journal," and it's designed to be seriously portable: it's under an inch thick, weighs a little over a pound, and isn't much bigger than a 5x7 photo when closed.
Tegra 2
Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives - Data wiping - Gizmodo
Data Permanent Eraser
"With stories abounding of identity theft aided by information lifted from discarded storage devices, you want devices you no longer plan to use to have no usable information when they head out the door. Here's how to wipe them clean."
Leave No Trace: How to Completely Erase Your Hard Drives, SSDs and Thumb Drives - Data wiping
Power Slider for iPhone 3G : Incase Product
A rather large iPhone 3G case with an integrated battery.
The Power Slider for iPhone™ 3G is the first accessory of its kind to offer protection, expanded battery life and integrated sync and charge capabilities.
1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する - marqs blog
1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する はてなでは以前から自社製サーバを使用しているのですが、今年の春に、新たに自社製1Uハーフサーバを開発しました。
Five PC power myths debunked |Sustainable IT | Ted Samson | InfoWorld
Don't let misinformation prevent you from cashing in on PC power management
Turning off PCs during periods of inactivity can save companies a substantial sum. In fact, Energy Star estimates organizations can save from $25 to $75 per PC per year with PC power management. Those savings can add up quickly. According to a recent report by Forrester titled "How Much Money Are Your Idle PCs Wasting?" PC power management is helping General Electric and Dell boast savings of $2.5 million and $1.8 million per year, respectively. That also results in a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. So why is there hesitancy at some organizations to implement PC power management, given that the payback is easy to calculate? Perhaps some companies are being swayed by myths about PC power management. Forrester outlines five such myths in its report.
Ars Technica System Guide: September 2008 Edition - Ars Technica
The kids are headed back to school, which means that it's time for an upgrade. After all, nobody wants to be at a framerate disadvantage vs. the rest of the dorm. So whether you're building a system for work or for play, you'll find the right recommendation inside.
YouTube - Shouting in the Datacenter
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: Category: Science & Technology Tags: analytics dtrace fishworks sun shouting disks microsystems solaris opensolaris zfs storage 7000 7110 7210 7310 7410
"Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency"
Effect of shouting on hard drive performance
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: http://blogs...
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency - it increases when you shout at the disks...
stephdau: Okay, if not fake, this is scary AND amazing for hardware geeks: ♻ @xutopia: Who knew? Don't shout at your hard disks:
PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying one
Fifteen Classic PC Design Mistakes | Technologizer
In the personal computer’s long and varied history, some computers have been decidedly less perfect than others. Many early PCs shipped with major design flaws that either sunk platforms outright or considerably slowed down their adoption by the public. Decades later, we can still learn from these multi-million dollar mistakes.
Daring Fireball: An Ode to DiskWarrior, SuperDuper, and Dropbox
I have learned this the hard way (via 43 folders).
"However, I find terrific value in SuperDuper’s model. SuperDuper creates a bootable clone of your startup drive. With Time Machine, if your startup drive goes kaput, you’ve got to go through a lengthy restore process (and, in the case of hardware failure on the kaput drive, you need an extra bootable volume to restore to). With SuperDuper, you just plug in the clone, reboot, and you’re back up."
Outstanding comprehensive how-to from John Gruber.
Great advice
Hard drives are fragile. Read as much as you can bear to about how they work, how incredibly precisely they must operate in order to cram so many bits onto such small disks. It’s a miracle to me that they work at all. Every hard drive in the world will eventually fail.
NEW! Arduino Duemilanove
Although the configuration program specified tasks for all 100 cells, it transpired that only 32 were essential to the circuit's operation. Thompson could bypass the other cells without affecting it. A further five cells appeared to serve no logical purpose at all--there was no route of connections by which they could influence the output. And yet if he disconnected them, the circuit stopped working.
genetic fpga evolution/programming
apply evolution to digital FPGA
Using FPGAs to evolve solutions to problems.
iPhone 3G S review
This review is about the Iphone 3gs which is the predecessor of the 3g. It is basically an upgraded iphone 3g with more memory and more capabilities that make it a good by.
Read about the newest phones made by Apple, the 3gs. Read about the changes from the original iPhone, and the changes from the 3g.
This bookmark is about the recent release of the iPhone 3GS. It talks about the differences between the new phone and the old iPhone, and why it's better.
This new i phone is the best phone ATNT has and one of Apples greatest portable devices. This review tells why this is the world's best phone and why it is better than the other i phones
A Turing Machine Overview
"I wanted to build a machine that would be immediately recognizable as a Turing machine to someone familiar with Turing's work."
A video of a working Turing machine that Turing himself would probably have recognized despite the use of modern electronics (the only thing missing is a truly infinite tape). I'm impressed, but it also just drives home why there wasn't a "personal Turing machine revolution" after he proposed the device!
Building a real Turing machine. It uses 35mm film leader and writes 0/1 with a dry erase marker. Very cleaver.
An ACTUAL Turing Machine
Mac OS X on netbooks |
Comment convertir un netbook en mac
Mac OS X on netbooks | -
Weekend Project: Build a Custom-Made BoxeeBox
TG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
PCパーツや周辺機器の選ぶのに役に立つサイト - 関心空間
Fast Food Apple Pies and Why Netbooks Suck — The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
When people buy a netbook, they’re often not buying their primary machine. It’s a second computer, a backup device that people take when their real machine – which is often a laptop computer that isn’t much larger or more expensive – seems like too much to carry. It’s a luxury that people might ditch if the current economic situation continues or worsens and as the differences between laptops and netbooks vanish. Netbooks, as a blend of the worst of both mobile and laptop worlds, will be a transitional technology; at best, they’ll enjoy a brief heyday similar to that of the fax machine.
Why netbooks suck: [from]
Looks at how netbooks fit between SmartPhones and laptops, but do neither really well.
micRo Desktop CNC - micRo
As low as $1k, still out of my hobby budget.
The Media Computing Group : SLAP
"Our Silicone ILluminated Active Peripherals, or SLAP widgets, are physical widgets made from silicone rubber and acrylic that combine the advantages of physical and virtual devices: Our SLAP buttons, sliders, knobs and keyboards have the physical shape of real devices to provide the right haptic feedback, but are still easily relabeled using a tabletop rear projection. At the same time, they are particularly low-cost, and easy to put to use."
périphériques et table "multi-touch" pour manipuler des données numériques de manière tangible
SLAP widgets
Lifehacker - Clean Your Laptop to Keep It Running Smooth and Cool - Laptops
Recommended by Lifehacker
10 cool things to do with your old laptop | News | TechRadar UK
10 cool things to do with your old laptop Turn it into a home server, a wireless bridge and more : TechRadar UK
. It can bring improved usability to games consoles in your living room, or even be used to enhance other PCs that you or your family use. Whatever the case, there's no need to get rid of your old laptop just yet.
Arduino Optical Mouse ADNS-2051, ADNS-2610, ADNS-2083, PAN3101
The 6 Most Important Factors when Choosing a Power Supply | Hardware Revolution
* The more heat, the faster the fan will have to run to dissipate it. The faster the fan, the noisier it will be. So, high efficiency = less noise basically. * Electricity bill. You have to pay for that wasted power , even if you’re not really using it ;) You’re basically aiming for the highest % that you can get. 80% is decent, while 85% and higher is better.
When you have to pick a new power supply, you have six main factors to consider: * Maximum power output, in Watts (W) * Maximum current output, mainly on the 12V line(s), in Amps (A) * Power efficiency, in % * Brand/Series * Number and type of connections * Price
YouTube - Samsung SSD Awesomeness
Japanese Bladesmiths
A unique behind-the-scenes visit of the crafstmen who hammer out the best and most expensive kitchen knives in the world in the city of Sakai, Japan
Picture essay from a tour of Sakai, knifemaker central.
Wonderful image by image guide to Japanese Knife creation.
Tech Test Drive: Nothing small about Mac Mini's media-center capabilities -
"[T]ech-savvy Mac types have embraced the Mac mini as the ultimate media center for obvious reasons: This Mac sits elegantly and inconspicuously beneath or beside an HDTV and links up to a flat panel with no fuss. Keep in mind an adapter is required for use with a TV HDMI port, given that the Mac has mini DisplayPort and DVI ports. After hearing about Mac mini media-center uses for years, I finally decided to give it a go. This blew my mind. Why didn't I try this sooner? My Apple loaner paired up spectacularly with a 52-inch Sharp Aquos LC-52D65U LCD HDTV. This opened up all kinds of possibilities. For starters, I could fire up a Web browser and watch TV shows or movies via video-streaming sites. Along with the popular Hulu, these include Comcast's Fancast and the TV networks' own streaming-video sites (including full episodes for many popular programs)."
Check Your IDE Transfer Mode To Make Your PC Faster |
You've done everything you can to get your computer back up to speed. You've used all the tools there are to save space, defrag, and get rid of junk.   You've
ゆとり、キーボードの意味を知る - Webと文字
ããããããShift, Ctrl, Esc ãªã©ã®æ­´å²ã«ã¤ãã¦ã®èª¿æ»
Daring Fireball: The iPad
"The iPad becomes the app you’re using. That’s part of the magic. The hardware is so understated - it’s just a screen, really - and because you manipulate objects and interface elements so smoothly and directly on the screen, the fact that you’re using an iPad falls away. You’re using the app, whatever it may be, and while you’re doing so, the iPad is that app. Switch to another app and the iPad becomes that app. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is."
A must review by a definite iPad fan. The notes on syncing are a good wake-up call to Apple though
Non-Von 1 |
I’ve always wanted my own supercomputer. Let’s be honest, what self-respecting geek doesn’t? Unfortunately, I’m usually poor, and I live in a space that’s ~300 ft^2 (that I share with someone else), so actually owning anything considered a supercomputer is out of the question. Fortunately, “Supercomputers” from the 1980’s weren’t actually all that complicated, and cheap FPGA boards have gotten pretty good. And thus, I give you the Non-Von1. What is the Non-Von 1? For those out there that love both retro computing and weird computer architectures, this one is for you. The “Non-Von” was a “Non-Von Neumann” computer that came out of Columbia University in the early 1980’s.
A supercomputer that does NOT use the Von Neumann architecture...lemme at it!
I’ve always wanted my own supercomputer. Let’s be honest, what self-respecting geek doesn’t? Unfortunately, I’m usually poor, and I live in a space that’s ~300 ft^2 (that I share with someone else), so actually owning anything considered a supercomputer is out of the question. Fortunately, “Supercomputers” from the 1980’s weren’t actually all that complicated, and cheap FPGA boards have gotten pretty good. And thus, I give you the Non-Von1.
Netbooks and Mini-Laptops Buyer's Guide | Register Hardware
netbook - check for prices on ebuyer, dabs, laptopsdirect, amazon, and googleshopping - Consider: a) if battery life is an issue - the Acer Aspire One barely manages 2hrs, but the EEE901 does 8hrs - the average for most is 3-4hrs. b) do you want the familiarity and ~£20 cost of Windows XP, or can you handle having Linux and essentially being able to install nothing beyond what's already installed (web, email, docs, photos, vids) without delving into geek territory, and if you need to hook into other machines on a home (wireless) network it isn't going to be easy with Linux.
Monta tu propio ordenador personal | Hard Zone : Hardware, Reviews, Noticias, Tutoriales, Foros de ayuda
culado en un curso de montaje de ordenadores. (acabo de salir de él…) y me han explicado paso a paso todo lo que he leido aquí. Realmente parece que han basado su sistema pedagógico en este tutorial. Lástima no haberlo encontrado
Hard Drive Data Recovery - Hard Drive Recovery Software - How to Fix a Hard Drive - Popular Mechanics
If the components in your drive are still functioning, you can recover the data yourself. If there's mechanical damage, send it to the pros. PM's complete guide to getting your files back.
virtual windows . DIY
How to Upgrade Your Tiny Hard Drive to a Spacious New One and Keep Your Data Intact - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
From Lifehacker
py of Windows already running for most of the free utilities to work; most laptops can only have one drive hooked up at a time. In this case, your best free option is the Linux-based Clonezilla Live CD, which streamlines the process of imaging your drive to an external drive or even a shared folder on another PC.
3D Computer Interface on Vimeo
Utilizing the theory of electrostatics, we have designed a low-cost human-computer interface device that has the ability to track the position of a user's hand in three dimensions. Physical contact is not required and the user does not need to hold a controller or attach markers to their body. To control the device, the user simply waves their hand above it in the air.
static electricity
Henge Docks
Very cool. Bonus: would require purchase of new unibody mac RT @bluxte: Very clever dock station for MacBooks. *want* -- Docking station for Macbooks. That would be ridiculously handy for my Macbook-to-HDTV setup.
"Henge Docks has created the first truly comprehensive docking station solution for Apple’s line of notebook computers. This means you can quickly, easily and cleanly incorporate your MacBook computer into a desktop setup or your home theater system, so you get the best features of a laptop, desktop and media center PC all from one computer. Henge Docks patent-pending design doesn’t require any hardware, software or settings changes to your computer. In fact, every current MacBook is compatible with our system, right from the factory."
super cool
DODOcase - Welcome
"The limited first edition iPad DODOcase is inspired by the Moleskine journals of our favorite artists. Made by hand in San Francisco CA using traditional book binding techniques the DODOcase brings a classic look to protecting your iPad."
Slashdot | How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer?
How To Diagnose a Suddenly Slow Windows Computer? -- article related to Ask Slashdot, Windows, and IT.
Interesting, most of the comments are related to a soon to fail HD (with suggestions to test it)
Top 10 Hard Drive Upgrades and Fixes - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
Coding Horror: Beyond RAID
"RAID" is now used as an umbrella term for computer data storage schemes that can divide and replicate data among multiple hard disk drives. The different schemes/architectures are named by the word RAID followed by a number, as in RAID 0, RAID 1, etc. RAID's various designs all involve two key design goals: increased data reliability or increased input/output performance. When multiple physical disks are set up to use RAID technology, they are said to be in a RAID array. This array distributes data across multiple disks, but the array is seen by the computer user and operating system as one single disk.
Black Friday Deals: 5 Gadgets You Can't Skimp On (And How to Save Money Buying Them)
list of things you can't afford to cheap out on, because doing so will bite you in the ass later. Still, since we like you, we're also sharing how to save a bit of money in the process, so the whole not-cheaping-out thing doesn't hurt as much.
PlanetX64 - OS X on the Wind
Dell Broadcom DW 1390
PlanetX64 - hardware and software reviews for the 64 bit world.
Installing OS X on a MSI wind netbook.
Recently I've managed to install Apple's OS X Leopard operating system 10.5.4 onto a 10 inch MSI Wind Netbook, and you can too.
Digital Storage Oscilloscope (with Panels) [TOL106C3B] - $49.00 : Seeed Studio Depot, Arsenal for interaction engineering
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
10 ways to reduce removable media headaches in Linux | 10 Things |
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy.
For many new Linux users, removable media can be a deal-breaker. Anyone coming over from Windows knows you simply insert the CD, use it, and eject it. With Linux, it isn’t always that simple. In fact, with Linux, removable media has always held a completely different philosophy...
"Linux has caught up to the needs of today’s user and, in many cases, the media mounting/unmounting is automatic. But not every situation is the same. Here are some tips that should make your Linux life with removable media better."
TG Daily - Throw your hard drive away, Google's Gdrive arriving in 2009
Google Drive, or Gdrive as it is better known, has to be the most anticipated Google product so far. When it arrives, Gdrive will likely cause a major paradigm shift in how we use computers and bring Google one step closer to dethroning Windows on your desktop.
Apple has promised similar desktop, mobile and web file syncing between Macs, PCs and iPhones via a MobileMe cloud service, but the feature was delayed due to ongoing MobileMe difficulties - even though Apple built it into its desktop. Called "Back to my Mac," this OS X Leopard feature pairs with MobileMe online storage to let you search, access and edit files stored on a remote Mac. Besides such offerings from industry heavy-weighs, there are similar free or low-priced online storage services from others that let you do more or less the same.
Do we really want to store private data with a third party, even if it is Google? | Review - Replacement iPhone earphones on test
ic track that foregrounds vocal harmonies. We also used Black Leyh’s ‘The Fall’ better known as the sombre, sinister instrumental exit music from The Wire and a selection of movie so
iPhone accessori
Replacement iPhone earphones on test. The bundled iPhone earphones aren't great when it comes to sound quality and comfort, but the integrated mic and remote control is extremely handy. We take a look at six replacement iPhone earphone sets from Bose, Etymotic, Shure, Sennheiser, V-Moda, and Apple itself to see which is the best upgrade.
Review of a number of replacement iPhone headsets.
Mac OS X SSD tweaks | nullVision:blogs
[...] what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk. Of course you will use them at your own risk…
Ok, I have an Intel X-25M 160 GB SSD coming and I’m on a VERY GEEKY mood… so I decided to poke around a little on what could be done to tweak Mac OS X in order to, at least minimize the write amplification problem and also optimize the space used – yes you know the €/MB ratio is high on SSDs. Most of these tweaks, besides providing for a longer lifespan for SSD disks, should improve overall system performance even on an non SSD disk.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.nullvision.noatime</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>mount</string> <string>-vuwo</string> <string>noatime</string> <string>/</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist>
Make the Most of Your Multiple Monitors in Windows 7 - Dual Monitors - Lifehacker
Teensy USB Development Board
Upgrade Your Apple MacBook: Data Backup and Preservation.
Adding larger hard drive to Mac - instructions
My Mac hard disk got really fat and full, it was disgusting. This problem is happening to many people who have bought th...
Upgrade Your Apple MacBook: Data Backup and Preservation.
Starting from an external USB storage device (Intel-based Macs)
Sweden's Ultra-Modern Underground Data Center - HotHardware
data centre as bomb shelter-come-DJ bar
Very Cool. I want this!
Underneath Stockholm, deep in the bedrock exists a data center better than any high tech lair Hollywood could probably dream up. Bahnhof, one of Sweden's largest ISP's has created a bunker of high tech goodness that is surely to astound.
these people need to start doing centers and offices in the U.S....
Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors | News | TechRadar UK
The title says it all - "Everything you ever wanted to know about LCD monitors". It would be handy to know which LCD's use which display technology, though I imagine that would be a massive list.
「Dドライブ」を活用して「C」の不調を永久追放:Cドライブのムダを捨てて 軽く! 速く!
How to build the ultimate silent PC | News | TechRadar UK
It's increasingly the case that a PC is the hub of all our home entertainment, spelling the end of hi-fis, DVD players and the like. You don't want your merry watching and listening to be undermined by a noise like a bumblebee orgy inside a tin bath. Fortunately, an enormous third-party market has sprung up
Open Source Hardware Hackers Start P2P Bank | Gadget Lab from
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above.
an open source peer to peer bank, good coverage of their start
Getting a business loan in this economy can be more difficult than landing a reservation at French Laundry in Napa, California. Now try selling the loan officer on an open source hardware project where the blueprints will be given away. That's why the hardware hacking community is turning inwards to fund its ideas. Two open source hardware enthusiasts, Justin Huynh and Matt Stack, have started the Open Source Hardware Bank to fund hardware projects such as the microcontroller board pictured above. - Tan Le: Mind Control
good video w/ tan le of emotiv and a live demonstration of the epoc
Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, gives a live demo of a mind control device that uses a person's thoughts to input computer commands.EG is the celebration of the American entertainment industry. Since 1984, Richard Saul Wurman has created extraordinary gatherings about learning and understanding. EG is a rich extension of these ideas - a conference that explores the attitude of understanding in music, film, television, radio, technology, advertising, gaming, interactivity and the web - The Entertainment Gathering
Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, gives a live demo of a mind control device that uses a person's thoughts to input computer commands.
The Gadgeteers
Mimo UM-740
7" display with USB/webcam/mic
You want to buy this (the cheap version).
Nerdle: ethank: I want a few of these:
Ten beautiful computers | Boing Boing Gadgets
They ended their lives as museum pieces, aquariums, couches, and even at the bottom of the sea. But these are the ones that stay with us.
I. Am. So. Old.
Berkeley Linux Users Group » Blog Archive » Where to Buy a Preinstalled Linux Desktop/Laptop
Where to Buy a Preinstalled Linux Desktop / Laptop
Good listing of where to buy pre-built linux systems
Awesome Geek Blog: File transfer over sound card
Ah, I thought, and wrote a program that encoded data in sound. When I did it back then I used a bad algorithm. It was very noise sensitive and tried to do too much at the same time. As of then, I've improved (and simplified) the concept to using a sort of pulse width modulation (an idea I got when I read about the ZX Spectrum Tape Loader.)
Guilherme Martins » PAPERduino’s design
Paper arduino.
This is a fully functional version of the Arduino. We eliminated the PCB and use paper and cardboard as support and the result is.. the PAPERduino :D
紙の Arduino
Atmel ATMega168
[PR]さくらインターネット×はてな、自作サーバを語り合う - はてなブックマークニュース
Touch Book: Tablet netbook with ARM CPU, 10+ hour battery, detachable screen
perhaps the cool features, tiny weight, and super long battery life will be enough to win people over. If the company could eventually lop $100 off each model, though, this thing might h
I think I might be in love... [from]
iPhone: Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support?
Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support? (Chart from Apple) [from]
Feature matrix for various hardware models.
Handy list to have when deciding what to buy.
Technology Review: $100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software.
"What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
$100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software. "What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
John Gruber on waferbaby
Interesting to see what other people use, and how they use it...
Una entrevista a John Gruber donde cuenta las apps que usa.
JOhn Gruber's setup
21 Cool and Unusual USB Powered Devices » The Hottest Gadgets
YouTube - 1964 Antique MODEM Live Demo
This is one of t he oldest modems I've ever seen. Approximately 45 years old! and this actually works. And "we're on the net with a 1964 300 baud accoustic modem!"
1964 Livermore Labs Model A acoustic modem. Still works. 300 baud.
1964 antique modem (live demo)
Circa 1964 Livermore Data Systems "Model A" Acoustic Coupler Modem, live demonstration.
In one word: AWESOME!
Inside the ‘James Bond Villain’ Data Center « Data Center Knowledge
Mac mini Colocation
RT @draenews: Del Mac mini Colocation:
mac mini 2009
So, enough with the sales pitch. We had a call from the Apple Store first thing this morning saying they had a mini for us. (The Business Consultants there know we really like our minis.) So, here is the Mac mini unboxing and quick look inside. All the images are clickable to really, really big images. Hopefully you'll find something we missed and we can add it.
Unboxing and Disassembly Photos of the New Mac Mini
Inhabitat » Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone
It'll be interesting to see how practical this turns out to be.
Charting the future of cell phone technology, Kyocera recently unveiled a kinetic energy-powered phone that is capable of folding up like a wallet.
Inhabitat »
A Green Design Blog, Sustainable Design Blog, Future-forward design for the world you inhabit - your daily source for innovations in sustainable architecture and green design for the home.
Fuck the iPhone, I want one of these.
Welcome to provides USB peripherals, parts, accessories and some interesting USB stuff for users.
SATA HDD Multi-Media Player Adapter
Five Best Computer Diagnostic Tools
Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's a look at the five most popular tools for troubleshooting your computer problems. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite diagnostic tool. Below, we've rounded up the top five answers, and now we're back to highlight the most popular computer diagnostic tools among Lifehacker readers.
from Lifehacker
BBC News - In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
buen gráfico con supercomputadoras y su distribución por país
The biannual Top 500 supercomputer list has been released. Use this graphic to explore the world's fastest number crunchers or find out more about alternative supercomputer powers . Annotated link
RT @dreig: interesante infografía: Supercomputadoras en el mundo:
In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
YouTube - Lego Hello World
So maybe it isn't as fast as a LaserJet, but still probably one of the coolest printers out there.
Impressora feita com peças de Lego
Suggested Language (we have set your preference to this): English (UK)
Impressora de Lego com cenário embutido. Via @rodrigoscama
Working printer made from Legos and felt-tip markers. I love the little Lego men. YouTube video.
Now this is how a dot matrix printer should be!
Cool plotter made entirely from Lego, but without using Mindstorms.
A printer made from Lego
Lego Printer... SO GOOD (from Adam)
USB Typewriter
Nostalgisch! een USB tikmachine voor ong 500 $ die je met je computer kunt verbinden via @cclark2
How To Convert a SIM to a MicroSIM with a Meat Cleaver!
SeaMicro drops an atom bomb on the server industry | VentureBeat
Coming out of stealth, SeaMicro is dispelling the Silicon Valley myth that you can’t innovate in hardware anymore. The startup is announcing today it has created a server with 512 Intel Atom chips that gets supercomputer performance but uses 75 percent less power and space than current servers.
New 512-core servers
(private) cloud in a box?
@LarsBoeNielsen speaking of going crazy, check out this Server V.Next? and yes, i want the new XBox!
unknowndevices - Project Hosting on Google Code
UnknownDevices is a small utility that was written to provide computer technicians with a simple way to identify those "Unknown Device" devices that show up in Microsoft Windows after a fresh install.
provide computer technicians with a simple way to identify those "Unknown Device" devices that show up in Microsoft Windows after a fresh install. This utility is licensed to the general public under the GNU GPL2 license and is free to use for any purpose so long as the license terms are met. Please report any possible violations of the GPL2 license with regard to this project to the lead developer, NOT the FSF or GNU. NOTE: A custom updater utility is included in the binary release of UnknownDevices but is not considered to be part of the project itself. The source code for the update utility does not fall under the GNU GPL2 license.
Helps identify unknown devices in Microsoft Windows.
"Windows: When Windows' Device Manager just can't seem to give you information about a piece of hardware, free, open-source utility UnknownDevices will point you in the right direction, allowing you to find the necessary drivers to get it up and running."
How To Get the Most Out Of Your NAS - Nas - Gizmodo
"Getting a NAS set up as a simple file share is mostly a plug-and-play process. (More on that here.) And in raw form, it's a dead-simple concept: Here's a bunch of storage space that you can share among your home computers, over the network. But with a little work, you can do so much more than that, converting your NAS from a begrudging purchase in the name of caution to a vital piece of your very computing existence. Here are some of the best tips:"
Display Myths Shattered: How Monitor & HDTV Companies Cook Their Specs | Maximum PC
Some of the terms sound impressive, but almost all of this is unnecessary puffery and jargon that confuses not only consumers but the pros, as well.
Breaking the myths of TVs and why they are in place.
High Scalability - High Scalability - How will memristors change everything?
RBox: A diy 32 bit game console for the price of a latte - rossum's posterous
ARM Cortex M0 parts from NXP
Unleash the Power of Your Router!
RT @draenews: Del Unleash the Power of Your Router!:
In this Instructable, we will be adding fans, a heatsink, and 9dB antenna to the LINKSYS WRT54G series router for use with DD-WRT firmware upgrade!
Ksplice » Attack of the Cosmic Rays! - System administration and software blog
a really nice article on debugging
Amazing forensic methods to compare system cache in memory with image on disk.
How do emulators work and how are they written? - Stack Overflow
Computer control of AC devices
Computer control of AC devices
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
homepage for Kno e-reader
While no one was looking, someone revolutionized the textbook, higher education, and learning itself in one crazy, bold move. Yes, it’s a digital textbook. Yes, it’s a whole new ecosystem. Two spacious panels. Touch-screen interaction. A fully-stocked store. Video. Note-taking. Sharing and community. Kno is everything a textbook was. And will be.
How to Take Full Advantage of Your Solid-State Drive
Solid-state drives (SSDs) have grown popular in recent years for the impressive speed increases your system gains using them. To get the most from your SSD, however, you can (and should) do a few things differently.
Consumer Reports Electronics Blog: Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4
@TomMighell unless there's only <1% people holding their phone that way, the problem is more wide-spread than that
It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.
A: Android!
Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4 [from]
[UPDATE JULY 13, 2010: We’ve received many comments and questions regarding this blog post. See our latest post: Why Apple—and not its customers—should fix the iPhone 4. —Ed.]
No recommendation for the iphone4: Antenna still suckx
The first time Consumer Reports has failed to give the thumbs up for an Apple phone.
Use A Ram Disk To Reduce Writes On Solid State Drives
RT @draenews: Del Use A Ram Disk To Reduce Writes On Solid State Drives:
para mejorar la cache de la RAM
The write speed of Solid State Drives is usually lower than the read speed. Many write operations on SSDs can slow down the system performance and reduce the longevity of the drive. Specialized programs such as SSD Drive Tweaker or Flash Fire aid the user in optimizing the system for Solid State Drives.
Consumer Reports Electronics Blog: Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4
@TomMighell unless there's only <1% people holding their phone that way, the problem is more wide-spread than that
It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.
A: Android!
Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4 [from]
[UPDATE JULY 13, 2010: We’ve received many comments and questions regarding this blog post. See our latest post: Why Apple—and not its customers—should fix the iPhone 4. —Ed.]
No recommendation for the iphone4: Antenna still suckx
The first time Consumer Reports has failed to give the thumbs up for an Apple phone.
Introduction to my Business Card
USB business card.
A nice PCB business card, which can be used as a USB mass storage device (via @fanf)
Tech For Fun
Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
Weil gute mechanische Keyboards etwas tolles sind
This is an awesome resource. Awesome.
More than you ver wanted to know about keyboards.
Mechanical Keyboard Guide - -
All different kinds of keyboards
"In my opinion, the best keyboards available have mechanical key switches. They are known as mechanical keyboards, or mechanical key switch
Engineering Jobs, all fields of Engineering
The 5 Best Free Benchmark Programs for Windows
NovaBench got their nod: