Headmagnet | Get stuff in your head and keep it there!
Headmagnet creates a model of what's going on in your head. It predicts what memories have faded away, and what memories are still inside, allowing you to quickly get things in your head and keep them there. The more you use headmagnet, the better it gets at modeling what goes on in your head.
Know that you know. Create smart online flash cards that predict when you'll forget.
As you study your flashcards Headmagnet tracks the flashcard items you know or don't know. Those statistics are then used to predict how long and how often you will remember an item from a flashcard. Headmagnet provides three ways to study your flashcards; slideshow, self test, or normal test. In the slideshow you simply click through to see questions and answers on the same page. In self test you see one side of a flashcard then the other at your own pace. In the normal test the question side of your flashcards are shown and you have to type your answer.
online flashcards