Winter: Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water
Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water
It's sore throat season, to be sure. Here's a suggestion to liven things up.Mark Roth's Proof of Reincarnation - Scientist Bringing Back the Dead - Esquire
WOW. WOW.Napping: the expert's guide | Life and style | The Guardian
For years, napping has been derided as a sign of laziness. We are "caught" napping or "found asleep at the switch". But lately it has garnered new respect, thanks to scientific evidence that midday dozing benefits both mental acuity and overall health. A slew of recent studies have shown that naps boost alertness, creativity, mood, and productivity in the later hours of the day.Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury -
Not sure if this is news, but it was news to me. I'm excited to see the new Corn Refiners Association's commercials disavowing this discovery. -Andrew Miller, SOAN 249
MONDAY, Jan. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to... Leerlo!!!!
55% of samples!? z0MG!! I now have even more reasons not to eat this stuff. We have food-supply problems (Read "The Omnivore's Dilemma").The Amateur Gourmet - Easy Homemade Granola
the two hundred sit-ups training programWhat You Said: How Lifehacker Readers Are Getting in Shape in '09
Researchers at the University of Rochester have shown that the human brain—once thought to be a seriously flawed decision maker—is actually hard-wired to allow us to make the best decisions possible with the information we are given.
ProbabilityI guess eating can help you do stuff - FoodProof
Dr. Weinstock goes even further. “Children should be allowed to go barefoot in the dirt, play in the dirt, and not have to wash their hands when they come in to eat,” he said. He and Dr. Elliott pointed out that children who grow up on farms and are frequently exposed to worms and other organisms from farm animals are much less likely to develop allergies and autoimmune diseases. .... Also helpful, he said, is to “let kids have two dogs and a cat,” which will expose them to intestinal worms that can promote a healthy immune system.
researchers are concluding that organisms like the millions of bacteria, viruses and especially worms that enter the body along with “dirt” spur the development of a healthy immune system.
Ask mothers why babies are constantly picking things up from the floor or ground and putting them in their mouths, and chances are they’ll say that it’s instinctive — that that’s how babies explore the world. But why the mouth, when sight, hearing, touch and even scent are far better at identifying things?Modern Human Variation: Distribution of Blood Types
Blood type distribution shows a different, and more complex genetic history than so-called racial categories.This is why you're fat.
This is what I'll be reading (eating?) from now on. Also: this makes me want a bacon-wrapped double-stuffed Oreo®, drizzled with a prime rib fat reduction.
Eating junk and trash food leads to ill health.DO NOT EAT JUNK FOOD
Where dreams become heart attacks.Workspace: Three Plants that Give You Better Indoor Air
THE doctor who sparked the scare over the safety of the MMR vaccine for children changed and misreported results in his research, creating the appearance of a possible link with autism, a Sunday Times investigation has found.
Confidential medical documents and interviews with witnesses have established that Andrew Wakefield manipulated patients’ data, which triggered fears that the MMR triple vaccine to protect against measles, mumps and rubella was linked to the condition.
What a surprise...How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air - TED 2009 « GreenSpaces Blog
With only three varieties of plants, we can “grow our own fresh air” indoors, to keep us healthy. Areca Palm, Mother-in-law tongue, Money plant. Bueno!!!!
Ever heard about these plants: (a) Areca Palm, (b) Mother-in-Law's Tongue, or (c) Money Plant? The authors state that, "We have tried and tested these plants for 15 years at Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC- STIP) in New Delhi, India. It is a 20 year old, 50,000 ft2 building, with over 1,200 plants for 300 building occupants. PBC- STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.* Their study found that there is a 42% probability of increasing blood oxygen by 1% if one is inside the building for 10 hours."Bill Gates unplugged | Video on
"Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world's biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. In a passionate and, yes, funny 18 minutes, he asks us to consider two big questions and how we might answer them." Annoyingly good. Truly understands the issues he's looking to solve.Dad at 13 | Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15 | The Sun |News
this article is not only disturbing because he looks 8 and she looks 25, but because apparently all poor british slobs fuck like rabbits. the boy's dad has nine kids. the girl's dad (unemployed) has at least six.
What a shame. She at least might have had a better understanding of what the implications were, but he clearly wouldn't have had a clue at 12...
his name is alfie hahaSkip the Sleeping Pills -- These 6 All-Natural Herbs Can Ease Your Insomnia - Healthy Living on Shine
Next time you're having trouble getting to sleep, try out one of these herbals remedies -- way gentler than the chemical alternatives, but for many people, still effective.なんとなく最近不調かな、と思ったら気をつけること
23andMe, I know just three things about her: she's pregnant, she's married to Google's Sergey Brin, and she went to Yale. But after an hour chatting with her in the small office she shares with co-founder Linda Avey at 23andMe's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., I know some things no Internet search could reveal: coffee makes her giddy, she has a fondness for sequined shoes and fresh-baked
$399 saliva test that estimates your predisposition for more than 90 traits and conditions ranging from baldness to blindness. The 600,000 genetic markers that 23andMe identifies and interprets for each customer are "the digital manifestation of you Now personal genotyping is available to anyone who orders the service online and mails in a spit sample.
TIMEVet Help Direct - Interactive Qualified Vet Advice
Does your pet need a vet? Step by step questions to help you decide
VetHelpDirect is a web-based assessment tool for determining whether or not your pet needs veterinary care, as well as getting reliable information about various animal behaviors and conditions.Medpedia - Welcome
Republican Senators are questioning whether President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill contains the right mix of tax breaks and cash infusions to jump-start the economy. Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion. These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department. Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health. (Page numbers refer to H.R. 1 EH, pdf version).
A lot of this is twisted but she's wrong about the position being new - Bush created it in 2004 from HHS.Gov - In 2004, the President issued an Executive Order establishing the position of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology within the Office of the Secretary of HHS. The primary purpose of this position is to aid the Secretary of HHS in achieving the President’s Goal for most Americans to have access to an interoperable electronic medical record by 2014.
Based on Tom Daschle's desire to emulate failed European health care market models, the porkulus plan has provisions to create a government run health information system which will track individual health records and recommend treatments. Daschle said we have to expect less health care as we get older because you're old and you're going to die soon anyway. Still the liberal elites will always be able to opt out of this system just like members of Congress don't pay into Social Security. The health part of this bill is all about getting more people under government run care in order to create dependence on politicians and bureaucrats. The only way to get as many people as possible under a government system is to ration.
Who in the world thinks this woman has any credibility criticizing health care plans after 1993?
Eye-opening glimpse of dealing w healthcare costs; suggests treating HC as a growth industry vs. cost drain but gives no guidance
describing the nationalizing of healthcare in the stimulus planAre Our Brains Becoming “Googlized?”
In a nutshell, the findings were that “emerging computerized technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle aged and older adults,” and that “internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.” This is a long way of saying that being online helps keep those little gray cells busy. The level of brain activity was compared to that of reading a book. With internet usage, a significantly bigger piece of neural real estate lit up on the fMRI indicating that more parts of the brain were engaged.
Are our brains being rewired by using the Internet? The evidence tends to be pointing that way.How To: Save Bundles of Cash by Buying Eyeglasses Online
12 Surprising And Productive Brain Exercises - The Huffington Post
12 interesting exercises from writer/editor Dorothea Brande, who also wrote a book called "Wake Up and Live."Social websites harm children's brains: Chilling warning to parents from to
Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent scientist has warned.
uh ohFacebook et al risk 'infantilising' the human mind | Media |
Social network sites risk infantilising the mid-21st century mind, leaving it characterised by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity, according to a leading neuroscientist. The startling warning from Lady Greenfield, professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln college, Oxford, & director of the Royal Institution, has led members of the government to admit their work on internet regulation has not extended to broader issues, such as the psychological impact on children.Food: Make Breakfast Burritos in Bulk for Cheap, Tasty Mornings
Twitter’s simplicity of functional design, speed of delivery and ability to connect two or more people around the world provides a powerful means of communication, idea-sharing and collaboration. There’s potency in the ability to burst out 140 characters, including a shortened URI. Could this power have any use in healthcare? After all, for example, doctors and nurses share medical information, often as short bursts of data (lab values, conditions, orders, etc.).
Information about utilizing Twitter and healthcare
The possibilities that I believe Twitter offers currently far exceeds the constraints. I won’t offer work-around solutions to these constraints in this post. I want to focus on the possibilities because once we see the potential, we may have stonger motivations to deal intelligently with the constraints. So when reading this list, don’t get hung up on the details, the fears, the anxieties that may be provoked by the realities of health care as it is practiced today. It’s the 21st Century: let’s be imaginative, determined and innovative. Let’s be remarkable.10 Geeky Tricks for Getting Out of Bed in the Morning | Geekdad from
tricks to get out of bed..
Geekdad from Wired.comThe Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound?
This tone seems pretty low to not be picked up by people up to 40, let alone 25. That or my hearing at 33 is awesome...
Yep. Loud and clear.A Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion - Slashfood
doodle away folks!
from Tracey IsidroThe Serious Need for Play: Scientific American
play children psychology parenting science ; Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed. ; KEY CONCEPTS: Childhood play is crucial for social, emotional and cognitive development. Imaginative and rambunctious “free play,” as opposed to games or structured activities, is the most essential type. Kids and animals that do not play when they are young may grow into anxious, socially maladjusted adults.
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed By Melinda Wenner
Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed.
"Free, imaginative play is crucial for normal social, emotional and cognitive development. It makes us better adjusted, smarter and less stressed."Are bad sleeping habits driving us mad? - health - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
As if I needed another reason to get 14 hours of sleep every night.
In the sleep-deprived, gruesome images produced 60 per cent more activity in the amygdala - a primitive, emotionally reactive part of the brain - than in well-rested people. // Evidence is growing that sleep - and dreaming, REM sleep, in particular - helps the brain to process memories. Disrupt this mechanism, and you could end up with psychological problems such as PTSD.Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation | No Fear
No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds. PDF
No Fear joins the increasingly vigorous debate about the role and nature of childhood in the UK. Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives. This restricts children’s play, limits their freedom of movement, corrodes their relationships with adults and constrains their exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds.
"Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives."How to Calculate How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Lose Weight - wikiHow
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
wikiHow article about How to Calculate How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Lose Weight.もしかしたらあなたの人生を変えるかもしれない、やる気、集中力、簡単養成講座 - teruyastarはかく語りき
Article about exercise and Bruce Lee.
strengthFitness: The Five-Minute Prison Workout Keeps You Fit in Any Space
Here is a list of tones that go from 8Hz all the way up to 22,000Hz. It’s fairly common for people who are over 25 years of age to not be able to hear above 15Hz, so this will help you find out where your high frequency hearing cuts off.
isn't the upper limit of audibility 20kHz? anyway, i can hear up to 20kHz, just barely.
I can hear 18kHz easy... 19 sounds like I hear a bit after the click and it immediately drops off... 20 sounds like there is a low buzz on the track... I'm guessing I'm not actually hearing the 20kHz sound... I was a drummer for 6 years... seems like I should have lost more hearing than that.
I can't hear the 19 kHz tone but I choose to blame my PowerBook's ancient speakers.Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008 | Mother Jones
If we wanted to rid the world of synthetic fertilizer use—and assuming dietary habits remain constant—the extra land we'd need for cover crops or forage (to feed the animals to make the manure) would more than double, possibly triple, the current area of farmland, according to Vaclav Smil, an environmental scientist at the University of Manitoba. Such an expansion, Smil notes, "would require complete elimination of all tropical rainforests, conversion of a large part of tropical and subtropical grasslands to cropland, and the return of a substantial share of the labor force to field farming—making this clearly only a theoretical notion."
by Paul Roberts (at Mother Jones) — the gist seems to be: re-evaluate your assumptions about what sustainable agriculture means (hint: it involves more than just carbon footprints and whether/not the farm is organic; see also: labor conditions, see also: man-hours of labor) and maybe be prepared to consider a few harsh realities about cost/benefit before you buy another heirloom tomato for $4
Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008
Our industrial food system is rotten to the core. Heirloom arugula won't save us. Here's what will.5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
5-Step Detox to Revitalize You on Yahoo! Health
At the arrival of spring it is a natural instinct to cast off the winter blues and feel renewed. It is also a great time to eliminate the toxins that…As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow--First Chill--Then Stupor--Then the Letting Go | Outside Online
You've now crossed the boundary into profound hypothermia. By the time your core temperature has fallen to 88 degrees, your body has abandoned the urge to warm itself by shivering. Your blood is thickening like crankcase oil in a cold engine. Your oxygen consumption, a measure of your metabolic rate, has fallen by more than a quarter...Top 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Advanced and Beginners - The Renegade Health Show Episode #104 » The Renegade Health Show
10 sencillos ejercicios para cuando no tengas tiempo para ir al gym8 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dust-Proof | Housecleaning | Reader's Digest
The solution to most household problems is to attack the source. But you can't eliminate the sources of household dust. You can't even do much to reduce them, because more than 90 percent of household dust comes from people and fabric. Our bodies constantly shed tiny flakes of skin. Our clothes, bedding and furnishings constantly shed barely visible fibers. These flakes and fibers float on the slightest air currents and settle on every surface in your house. In a spot sheltered from air movement, the particles stay put. In other areas, they constantly rise and settle as doors swing open and people pass by. Even if fighting dust is a battle you can never completely win, you can save a lot of time and energy with these dust-busting strategies. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. 1. Keep closet floors clear for easy cleaning. Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels and bedding. Every time yo
hat aren't machine washable don't need weekly trips to the dry cleaners -- just take blankets and bedspreads outside and shake them. You canSports: Make Your Own Sports Drink
Sports drinks are an easy way to replace fluid and electrolytes lost exercise, but what if Brawndo isn't what you crave? Ditch the dyes and high fructose corn syrup by making your own. Photo by zzeller. At the medical blog WebMD, they have a DIY formula for making a rehydration drink to administer to a person sick with the flu or other dehydrating illness. The formula is roughly the same as any sports drink however, the goal is to get fluid, glucose, and electrolytes into your system.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exercises that really work - Boing Boing
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exercisesWhole Health Source: Reversing Tooth Decay
Teeth are able to heal themselves. That's how traditional cultures such as the Inuit can wear their teeth down to the pulp due to chewing leather and sand-covered dried fish, yet still have an exceptionally low rate of tooth decay.
Nutrition has a profound effect on tooth structure, and well-formed teeth are inherently resistant to decay. But is there anything you can do if your teeth are already formed?
なるほど・・・学ぶこと多いですね。Lifehacker - Exercises That Protect Against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Ergonomics
World percussionist David Kuckhermann has fought problems with tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome in his career. He demonstrates a few hand and wrist stretches and motions that helped him ward off the desk worker's curse.Smart People Really Do Think Faster : NPR
DTI is a variant of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that can measure the structural integrity of the brain's white matter, which is made up of cells that carry nerve impulses from one part of the brain to another. The greater the structural integrity, the faster nerve impulses travel. >Personal Note: I worked with DTI during my internship at the MRRC (Magnetic Resonance Research Center) at Yale University. Our signals looked more similar to the second image except that we didn't have a 3d model extracted from the raw signal (the second one shows a raw DTI signal with an overlay of its 3d model representation).
The smarter the person, the faster information zips around the brain, a UCLA study finds. And this ability to think quickly apparently is inherited. The study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, looked at the brains and intelligence of 92 people. All the participants took standard IQ tests. Then the researchers studied their brains using a technique called diffusion tensor imaging, or DTI. Capturing Mental Speed DTI is a variant of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that can measure the structural integrity of the brain's white matter, which is made up of cells that carry nerve impulses from one part of the brain to another. The greater the structural integrity, the faster nerve impulses travel. "These images really give you a picture of the mental speed of the brain," says Paul Thompson, Ph.D., a professor of neurology at UCLA School of Medicine. They're also "the most beautiful images of the brain you could imagine," Thompson says. "My daughter, who's 5, says they look like
Smart People Really Do Think Faster So...that means all us twitter users are wicked smart [from]Rehydration drinks
tablespoons (30 g) sugar
Make your own GatoradeBonnie Bassler on how bacteria communicate | Video on
Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry -- and our understanding of ourselves.
bacteria communicate with each other and can tell self from otherClinical Evidence: The international source of the best available ...
"A handful of scientists think that these ultra-marathoners are using their bodies just as our hominid forbears once did, a theory known as the endurance running hypothesis (ER)."
running animals to death
In tests where 15 subjects ran and walked on pressure-sensitive treadmills, Lieberman and Rolian found that toe length had no effect on walking. Yet when the subjects were running, an increase in toe length of just 20 percent doubled the amount of mechanical work, meaning that the longer-toed subjects required more metabolic energy, and each footfall produced more shock.
Running deer to death ...
The endurance running hypothesis, the idea that humans evolved as long-distance runners, may have legs thanks to a new study on toes.
But a handful of scientists think that these ultra-marathoners are using their bodies just as our hominid forbears once did, a theory known as the endurance running hypothesis (ER). ER proponents believe that being able to run for extended lengths of time is an adapted trait, most likely for obtaining food, and was the catalyst that forced Homo erectus to evolve from its apelike ancestors. Over time, the survival of the swift-footed shaped the anatomy of modern humans, giving us a body that is difficult to explain absent a marathoning past.
Endurance running hypothesisJohn Goekler: The Most Dangerous Person in the World?
I'm not sure if the argument is right; many people die from heart disease, but I don't think we can say that better diet and exercise would have prevented 100% of these deaths.Best Foods for a Flat Belly on Yahoo! Health
What if someone told you that the way you eat could whittle your waistline? Sure, you'd think. Give up carbs and rely on rabbit food. Not true! I'm happy to tell you that there are other, yummier ways to go. Certain foods and styles of eating can indeed help flatten your belly (and everywhere else, for that matter). Try these tips and you'll uncover an amazing middle in no time. Gimme a C: I love pink grapefruit and that's a good thing, since research has found that foods that are naturally rich in vitamin C—think citrus fruit, cantaloupe and red peppers—can help reduce fat absorption. In fact, skip it and you may see your middle expand, since diets low in vitamin C have been linked to bigger waistlines. Meet your daily goal of 75 milligrams by snacking on an orange or a cup of strawberries. See how these small changes can add up to big results. Tea up: Women with the highest consumption of catechins, the plant-based antioxidants in tea that may boost fat burn, put on fewer pounds ov
Foodsyahoo yahooFoods FlatBelly painful truth about trainers: Are expensive running shoes a waste of money? | Mail Online
Thrust enhancers, roll bars, microchips...the $20 billion running - shoe industry wants us to believe that the latest technologies will cushion every stride. Yet in this extract from his controversial new book, Christopher McDougall claims that injury rates for runners are actually on the rise, that everything we've been told about running shoes is wrong - and that it might even be better to go barefoot...
An interesting article that (almost) concludes: running shoes (Nikes, Reeboks, etc) are a self-sustaining industry that don't improve performance or prevent injuries, and running shoes could actually be hurting. Now I know why I suck at my Saturday morning runs - I need to go barefoot :-)Lessons In Survival | Print Article |
this is an awesome article.
Sailors are given 30 seconds to answer or they're kicked out of the program. If they say they want to keep going, they're given another 30 seconds to recover and then they're thrown back into the pool. It may sound sadistic, but the Navy is simply trying to identify who will survive the most dangerous missions and who won't. Through this grueling test, it finds soldiers and sailors who refuse to give up, who can suppress the need to breathe, who trust that they'll be rescued if something goes wrong and who are prepared to lose consciousness—or even die—following orders.A Reporter at Large: Brain Gain: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
The underground world of “neuroenhancing” drugs.
The underground world of "neuroenhancing" drugs.
The underground world of "neuroenhancing" drugs Reporting & Essays: The New YorkerAttract
A site where doctors can ask questions. Since 1997 the basic principle has been the same - clinicians contact us, we rapidly search the evidence, appraise and summarise onto a side of A4 and then fax it back to the clinician - within 6 hours if necessary. In order to meet this timescale certain shortcuts need to be made. As a result we do not claim to produce systematic reviews (in the EBM sense) for each answer - we basically do what we can within the timescale 'given' to us by the clinicians.10 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100 on Yahoo! Health
@SalonMedia - "The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal - Glenn Greenwald -" [from]
Evaluating the policy strictly from an empirical perspective, decriminalization has been an unquestionable success, leading to improvements in virtually every relevant category and enabling Portugal to manage drug-related problems (and drug usage rates) far better than most Western nations that continue to treat adult drug consumption as a criminal offense.
Particularly in the U.S., there is still widespread support for criminalization approaches and even support for the most extreme and destructive aspects of the "War on Drugs," but, for a variety of reasons, the debate over drug policy has become far more open than ever before. Portugal's success with decriminalization is highly instructive, particularly since the impetus for it was their collective recognition in the 1990s that criminalization was failing to address -- and was almost certainly exacerbating -- their exploding, poverty-driven drug crisis. As a consensus in that country now recognizes, decriminalization is what enabled them to manage drug-related problems far more effectively than ever before, and the nightmare scenarios warned of by decriminalization opponents have, quite plainly, never materialized. The counter-productive effects of drug criminalization are at least as evident now for the U.S. as they were for pre-decriminalization Portugal. Beyond one's ideological
"Evaluating the policy strictly from an empirical perspective, decriminalization has been an unquestionable success, leading to improvements in virtually every relevant category and enabling Portugal to manage drug-related problems (and drug usage rates) far better than most Western nations that continue to treat adult drug consumption as a criminal offense."50 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Brain’s Performance | Best Online Colleges
Even if you think you’re pretty smart or have a good memory, your brain is begging you to work it to its full potential. Getting stuck in the same routine, never exercising and eating junk food are all brain killers that decrease good cognitive function and increase your chances of memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s. But with these 50 tips and ideas for flexing your brain power, you’ll be able to boost performance right now and in the future.H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.Guest Column: Can We Increase Our Intelligence? - Olivia Judson Blog -
I can haz higher IQ?
Instead of seeing a single series of items like the one above, test-takers saw two different sequences, one of single letters and one of spatial locations.
Find N-Back test on webHOW TO: Track Swine Flu Online
* Facebook * Twitter * Friendfeed * LinkedIn * Digg * HOW TO: Track Swine Flu Online
Lists several suggestions for keeping track of swine flu information. Includes WHO, HealthMaps and more.Swine flu: Twitter's power to misinform | Net Effect
" I think it's only a matter of time before that the next generation of cyber-terrorists -- those who are smart about social media, are familiar with modern information flows, and are knowledgeable about human networks -- take advantage of the escalating fears over the next epidemic and pollute the networked public sphere with scares that would essentially paralyze the global economy. Often, such tactics would bring much more destruction than the much-feared cyberwar and attacks on physical -- rather than human -- networks. "
I am highly skeptical that any of the people I follow on Twitter are talking about swine flu to "fit in" or "gain popularity." This article does, however, make me want to start making stuff up.
twitter and the lack of context for what passes for conversations on it. agree up to a point but what people call noise is only that in their context. I suspect this has to do with assumption that there must be one right, correct and overriding context, which of course is not true.
Interesting post on the past 3 days of swine flu craze on Twitter and its impact.
"That aside, the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it"
Twitter and its bad efect
"...the “swine flu” Twitter-scare has once again proved the importance of context – and how badly most Twitter conversations are hurt by the lack of it."CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Swine Influenza (Flu)
28 cases
"Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in the United States. Human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection also have been identified internationally. The current U.S. case count is provided below."H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps
H1N1 Swine flu in 2009 Pink markers are suspect Purple markers are confirmed or probable Deaths lack a dot in marker Yellow markers are negative * comes with RSS feed of updates - real time information mapping
Evolución del Virus H1N1
豚インフルの感染マップ on google map. こわすぎる!今年こそ!睡眠を極めるためのテクニック&睡眠系エントリまとめ : ロケスタ社長日記
新社会人の人とかが「仕事中眠くて・・・」とか「生活習慣が急に変わってつらい」とかよく言っています。 いちいち伝えるのが大変なので、前回に引き続き、まとめ系のエントリです。xkcd - A Webcomic - Swine Flu
Mocking the hysteria of swine flu on Twitter
LOL @ Swine Flu on twitterH1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps
H1N1 Swine Flu Video on improved map and H1N1 swine flu current and future evolution Purple marker is confirmed or probable Pink marker is suspect Yellow marker is negative Fatal cases have no dot | Swine influenza
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy.
The idea of being mindful — being present, being more conscious of life as it happens — seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy. But not only is it possible, I’d submit that it’s desirable, and that it’ll help the busy (and non-busy) achieve their goals and enjoy life more fully. One of my favorite web big shots, founder Kevin Rose (who is actually heading several companies and multiple other projects), has “be mindful” at the top of his resolutions for 2009. I hope he’s doing well, and I’d love to hear how someone as busy as he is implements a resolution like that. But in case Mr. Rose, and other super-busy types, are having trouble being mindful and living life to the fullest, this guide will help. Enjoying Life and Achieving Goals It seems contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals … but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and enjoy life more. Focusing on one task at a time, putting yourself fully inDo You Have Swine Flu?
Hier erfahrt Ihr, ob Ihr bereits die Schweinegrippe habt.The Many Uses of Vodka
Oh, I am so making a vodka face toner.
#16. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin.
Some good tips in here
Interesting uses EditionHow to stop the drug wars | The Economist
How to stop the drug wars Howtostopthedrugwars Economist 2Sugar Stacks - How Much Sugar Is in That?
Ways to make you eat less sugar: I found one.Captivating Winery Websites For Your Inspiration | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Captivating Winery WebsitesFluTracker
A reasonably sensible look at the risks affecting children in modern life.Lifehacker - Six Easy Ways to Graph Your Life - Charts
Your habits, behaviors, and the things you consume every day create patterns over time that say a whole lot about you as a person. It's time to graph your life.Best and Worst Brain Foods on Yahoo! Health
If you want to make the right decisions in confusing times—Time to refinance? Explore a different career? Root for the singing spinster or the 12-year-old?—you need to pay special attention to what you eat. That’s right: Your grocery list can help with your to-do list. That’s because the right foods are a kind of clean-burning fuel for your body’s biggest energy hog: Your brain. A study in the Journal of Physiology makes the point that, though your brain represents only 2 percent of your body weight, it makes 20 percent of the energy demands on your resting metabolism. On our new Eat This, Not That! Web site, we rounded up the best foods to munch on when you need a mental boost—and found studies that show, in fact, that you can be up to 200 percent more productive if you make the right eating choices. Stock up on these items to halt mental decline, jog your memory, sharpen your senses, improve your performance, activate your feel-good hormones, and protect your quick-witted sharpness
It's from Men's Health magazine, so I question its scientific authority (harping on the Thanksgiving tryptophan thing still? pork has more than turkey, thank you), but in general this seems like solid advice.5-Minute Meals That Melt Off Pounds on Yahoo! Health
Luckily, we have some menus that will keep you slim, satisfied and genuinely surprised that healthy food can taste that good.Egg Substitutes: Handy Recipe List :
What to substitute for eggs with what you have handy Also links to other substituionsWhat Makes Us Happy? - The Atlantic (June 2009)
study of success and happiness or the lack of sameCreative minds: the links between mental illness and creativity - Features, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent
今年も気がつけばもう夏といういつものパターンに・・・で、もう少しすると「来年こそは」という状態になる。Better Living Through Homemade Yogurt | GOOD
Good incubation suggestions.
sounds like a lot of work but mmmm...might be worth it.Picture Show: You Are What You Eat | GOOD
Wha is in your fridge?Crunch Free Ways to Transform Your Abs - Healthy Living on Shine
Video demos of the plank and other stretching exercises for the core.How Room Designs Affect Your Work and Mood: Scientific American
Brain research can help us craft spaces that relax, inspire, awaken, comfort, and heal. By Emily Anthes.Farm Fresh To You
how to store fruit and vegetables
Capay Organiz Farms
fruit n veg storage tipsLifehacker - Six Best Exercise Planning and Tracking Tools - Exercise
Technology and exercise make an excellent pair; you can now track, plan, and graph your workouts more easily than ever. We're here to take a look at six of the most popular tools for the job. Photo by andronicusmax. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite exercise tracking or planning tool. You responded and we rounded up the top six—six on account of a three-way tie. The following contenders represent the most popular tools among Lifehacker readers for tracking, measuring, and quantifying their exercise endeavors. When the item in question is a physical item, such as the Nike+ running system, the operating system listed corresponds to the supported operating system for the accompanying tracking software. Gyminee (Web Based, Basic Account: Free/Pro Account: $45 per year) Gyminee is web-based fitness tool with an enormous amount of features. Not only can you track your fitness goals like pounds lost, changes in resting heart rate, and all other manner of common fitness55 Ways to Get More Energy | Zen Habits
Have a look at this
090519David H. Murdock: A Recipe For Longevity: 33 Of The Healthiest Foods On Earth
Broccoli Reduces diabetic damage Lowers risk of prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric and breast cancer Protects the brain in event of in
Lowers risk of colorectal and kidney cancer, leukemiaFive Simple Exercise Programs for Beginners | Zen Habits
nice to have for beginners
series ejercicios8 Toxic personalities to avoid - Manage Your Life on Shine
Medtipster will help you compare prices on prescription drugs in your area. It will also help you find suitable generics and alternative therapies. You'll need to talk to your doctor about these, of course. The comparison tool is enough to qualify Medtipster as a Cool Site. But it does so much more than that. It will also help you find mini clinics, immunizations and health screenings!CDC H1N1 Flu
More info on this govt siteCook for Good
Take a look at this.Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work? - TIME
In 2001, Portugal officially abolished all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, replacing punishment for therapy. Did it work? How many people reading this article have served jail time for drug use? How many know someone who has? It's an arbitrary system, and people don't seem to respond well to systems that rely on harsh but infrequently carried out punishments to regulate behavior--as anyone who has ever spent more than two hours with a toddler has probably already figured out.
In 2001, Portugal officially abolished all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, replacing punishment for therapy. Did it work?
I'd like to see verification of this from someone other than the Cato Institute, and it's important to remember that the US =/= Portugal, but still... interesting. April 2009.
The paper, published by Cato in April, found that in the five years after personal possession was decriminalized, illegal drug use among teens in Portugal declined and rates of new HIV infections caused by sharing of dirty needles dropped, while the number of people seeking treatment for drug addiction more than doubled.Cat Parasite Affects Everything We Feel and Do - ABC News
Don't let the cats get to your head.
Kevin Lafferty is a smart, cautious, thoughtful scientist who doesn't hate cats, but he has put forth a provocative theory that suggests that a clever cat parasite may alter human cultures on a massive scale.
Research has shown that women who are infected with the parasite tend to be warm, outgoing and attentive to others, while infected men tend to be less intelligent and probably a bit boring. But both men and women who are infected are more prone to feeling guilty and insecure.BBC NEWS | Europe | EU quarantines London in swine flu panic
And so it begins... This guy's ready, but he wants friends [from]
H1Z1 virus hoax
After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it’s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believe to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection.”
Heh, zombie swine fluHivelogic - An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
What a Texas town can teach us about health care.25 Body Hacks to Supercharge Yourself
Virtual Body Site in both Spanish and English
An online resource that provides a virtual tour of the human body.Healthy Food Combinations: Men's
Healthy Food CombinationsThe Human Condition : Stop Doing Sit-Ups: Why Crunches Don't Work
Everyone knows that road to flat, tight abs is paved with crunches. Lots and lots and lots of excruciating crunches. Or is it? As it turns out, the exercises synonymous with strong, attractive abs may not be the best way to train your core—and may be
Interesting, I wonder when the article telling us how bad pushups are for you will come out. What about breathing? Anyone else feel this way?
"it won’t matter how muscular your torso is if your body fat is too high. The best way to build strong, visible abs isn’t through repeated sit-ups, but by engaging in circuit training that has you working your entire core while you’re burning calories – and to keep yourself disciplined during meals." YES INDEED (but you should definitely do crunches every day :) )Taking a New Look at Health : GE
java visualizer, cool information graphics
really nice website that makes numbers and stats clear to seeWhy can't we concentrate? | Salon Books
090608Gizmodo - Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month - Stem Cells
A cure for blindness using stem cells ?
Impressive results
"[T]hree patients had their sight restored in less than a month by contact lenses cultured with stem cells." Holy shit.
Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month #feedly [from]
The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More | Zen Habits - 061309 1235PMThe Joy of Less - Happy Days Blog -
The joy of less.How To Freeze Fruit :
food fruit freezing howto cooking recipes health tips recipe canningCritical Alert: The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?
veral hundred people developed crippling Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Urgent and vital information you need to know about the new swine flu threat.
Expose on the current swine flu fad.
La verdad sobre la influenza
swine fluWellbeing on the web: the 12 fitness websites you need to bookmark - Telegraph
Health and fitness are usually made to seem too complex. If you read a lot of fitness magazines and blogs (as I often do), you’re told a confusing variety of complex advice. It makes your head spin.
"..In fact, you can boil it down to two simple rules: 1. Get your body moving on a regular basis; and 2. Eat a moderate amount of real, whole foods (with occasional indulgences).." :-)
smart, and nice picture
Simple Fitness RulesPixar grants girl’s dying wish with home viewing of 'Up' | pixar, up, movie, home, show, girl, cancer, die, huntington, beach - News -
Seriously, this made me cry.
holy shit I'm weepingIs Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back? - Well Blog -
“There’s so much mythology out there about the core,” maintains Stuart McGill, a highly regarded professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada and a back-pain clinician who has been crusading against ab exercises that require hollowing your belly. “The idea has reached trainers and through them the public that the core means only the abs. There’s no science behind that idea.” (McGill’s website is Excellent Social Media Sites for Your Health
Hey, Shakers, Liss has graciously allowed me to yell in her forum. Many thanks, Liss. I have no other outlet for what I'm about to say. I want to tell you first: at least one of you knows me in person. What I'm about to say is something you do not know about me. If it's not you, then one of your friends might be like me.
Post-adoption and post-abortion effects on women compared.
I have given a baby up for adoption, and I have had an abortion, and while anecdotes are not evidence, I can assert that abortions may or may not cause depression - it certainly did not in me, apart from briefly mourning the path not taken - but adoption? That is an entirely different matter. I don't doubt that there are women who were fine after adoption, and there is emphatically nothing wrong with that or with them; but I want to point out that if we're going to have a seemingly neverending discussion about the sorrow and remorse caused by abortion, then it is about goddamn time that we hear from birth mothers Want to get ahead? Sleep in
RT @diannagraf: RT @drtiki Want to get ahead? Sleep in @JonathanStrahan don't get up before me in Tas, that's just wrong [from]
"Smug early birds take note: Night owls actually have more mental stamina than those who awaken at the crack of dawn, according to new research."
RT @jontybrook: Finally! Science confirms that late sleepers are more productive: (via @tferriss) <- YAY! [from]
This is an interesting article, but it leaves way too many gaps. Does it measure productivity by hours awake?CDC - Social Media Tools for Consumers and Partners - Peanut Product Recall related to Salmonella Infections
Social media on CDC site
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools that access information about the ongoing 2009 H1N1 Flu outbreak. Visit the 2009 H1N1 Flu and Web sites for information on 2009 H1N1 Flu.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools to access information about the ongoing 2009 H1N1 Flu outbreak.Tattoos |
where you get ur tatt says a lot about you
Tattoos are an excellent way to turn a single drunken decision into a lifetime of disfigurement and regret, which normally requires a car. Tattoos are associated with criminal gangs, the armed forces, and whiny white teenagers desperate for attention. Attempts to get all three to attend a common "Tattoo Conference" have unfortunately failed.6 Essential Flat-Belly Foods on Yahoo! Health
yes flat belly is important, not only for beauty but also for health sake. decided not to take junk food.
wGirl Who Does Not Age, Brooke Greenberg Baffles Doctors - ABC News
science aging health weird genetics news
there's something more than meets the eye, here.Flickr Photo Download: CALORIES
An interesting, attractive, and clear information graphic that just happens to feature stats that I think most people would like to know.
Most people don't really know how many calories their every day food contains. Or how hard they actually have to work to get rid of that extra energy. So make 2009 a year when you make conscious decisions and stop the weight to sneak up on you.How To Hack Your Brain, Part 1: Sleep | Dustin Curtis
Effictiveness of sprint workouts, especially in swimming. "There’s a catch, though. Those six minutes, if they’re to be effective, must hurt. “We describe it as an ‘all-out’ effort,” Gibala says. You’ll be straying “well out of your comfort zone.” That level of discomfort makes some activities better-suited to intense training than others. “We haven’t studied runners,” Gibala says. The pounding involved in repeated sprinting could lead to injuries, depending on a runner’s experience and stride mechanics. But cycling and swimming work well."
Taleb was right ahead of the curve, again...Maybe there's something to the caveman diet, too...
I'm skeptical, but it sure would be niceWhat’s On My Food?
Lists detailed info on pesticides that are on foods.
Select food and find out what's in it! Canadian health care myths - The Denver Post
An ex-pat Canadian debunks myths about the Canadian health care system.
, c
"Myth: Canada's health care system is a cumbersome bureaucracy. The U.S. has the most bureaucratic health care system in the world. More than 31 percent of every dollar spent on health care in the U.S. goes to paperwork, overhead, CEO salaries, profits, etc. The provincial single-payer system in Canada operates with just a 1 percent overhead. Think about it. It is not necessary to spend a huge amount of money to decide who gets care and who doesn't when everybody is covered."50 Successful Open Source Projects That Are Changing Medicine
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regre
3. Happiness Must be Shared The other night I was watching the movie adaptation of Into the Wild, the true story of Chris McCandless (see above photo which is a self-portrait found undeveloped in McCandless's camera after his death). Fed up with the rat race, McCandless graduated college in the early 1990's, left his worried parents in the dust, sold all his belongings, and ventured deep into the Alaskan wilderness. Before dying of starvation, he seemed to regret his isolationist ways and wrote these last words in his journal, “Happiness only real when shared.”
We’ve all heard countless studies, articles and TV interviews on happiness. But the other day I stumbled upon something that is just now being revealed to the media for the first time.* It's a 72 year old study that began all the way back in 1937 when 268 Harvard University sophomores were asked to participate in a study measuring “a formula-some mix of love, work, and adaptation-for a good life.” And while many of those who were college sophomores in 1937 are now dying or in their fading twilight, this study continues to be diligently maintained to this very day.Eat Right Web: 18 Great Cooking Resources
"Call it Living by Numbers—the ability to gather and analyze data about yourself, setting up a feedback loop that we can use to upgrade our lives, from better health to better habits to better performance."
The Nike Experiment: How the Shoe Giant Unleashed the Power of Personal Metrics
article writing up the success & simplicity of nike+. Part of a bigger piece on improving our lives through tracking and managing personal data. Features my friend Michael Tchao who leads Nike TechLab.
Veronica Noone attached a small sensor to her running shoes and headed out the door. She pressed start on her iPod and began keeping track of every step she took. It wasn't a long run—just 1.67 miles in 18 minutes and 36 seconds, but it was the start of something very big for her.Interactive Movie - How the human brain works - New Scientist
As the Weekend Edition math guy, I spoke to Scott Simon and told him the body mass index fails on 10 grounds:
So very awesome at striking down one of the worse medical myths in current society. Everyone should read this.Eating to Fuel Exercise - Well Blog -
A nice article that discuses food regarding exercisePhilip Zimbardo prescribes a healthy take on time | Video on
Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says happiness and success are rooted in a trait most of us disregard: the way we orient toward the past, present and future. He suggests we calibrate our outlook on time as a first step to improving our lives.Pet Health Library Veterinarian Approved Cats | Dogs | Horses| Fish | Rabbits | Reptiles| Ferrets| Exotics | Chinchillas| Symptoms| Causes | Diagnosis | Treatment | PetMD
"A group of Spanish researchers reported today in Science that they may have stumbled upon a substance that could become the ultimate memory-enhancer. The group was studying a poorly-understood region of the visual cortex. They found that if they boosted production of a protein called RGS-14 (pictured) in that area of the visual cortex in mice, it dramatically affected the animals' ability to remember objects they had seen. Mice with the RGS-14 boost could remember objects they had seen for up to two months. Ordinarily the same mice would only be able to remember these objects for about an hour. The researchers concluded that this region of the visual cortex, known as layer six of region V2, is responsible for creating visual memories. When the region is removed, mice can no longer remember any object they see."
Imagine if you could look at something once and remember it forever. You would never have to ask for directions again. Now a group of scientists has isolated a protein that mega-boosts your ability to remember what you see.
nifty!8 Common First Aid Mistakes And Myths That Make Things Worse » Health Watch Center
I'm not staring into space, I'm trying to live a balanced life
Everyone who knows me needs to read this articleA Whole Lotta Nothing: Weight loss tips for geeks
I'm halfway through a big bet and I just weighed in at a tad over 210 pounds this morning, right on schedule for winning my bet. Getting down to 220lbs from 230 at the start of the year was easy, but the rest of the pounds were much harder. I'm now on a pretty good weight loss streak of a couple pounds per week with no end in sight. Different things work for different people but I thought I'd share what worked for me in the hopes that maybe one or more of these tips will help your own weight loss as well.
Further advice for when I get off my ass and drop the gut.How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils - wikiHow
Tired of fly sprays and the unwanted chemicals they contain? There is a very easy solution to keeping flies away from the outdoor dining area and you can do it yourself.The Healthy and Fit Algorithm
En inglés. Lo de siempre, que nunca es bastante recordado. Mens sana in corpore sano; buena salud igual a ejercicio y dieta equilibrada. Y propuestas.To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science |
Cool! ditch the shoes
OK this is funny! If you wear flipflops it's less likely you will injure your foot!
To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your NikesBill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS
Wendell Potter explains exactly hoe the health insurance companies are fucking you.
With almost 20 years inside the health insurance industry, Wendell Potter saw for-profit insurers hijack our health care system and put profits before patients. Now, he speaks with Bill Moyers about how those companies are standing in the way of health care reform.
Wendell Potter
Wendell Potter, former executive at Cigna, talks about the power of the health care lobby and the way the industry manipulates congress to increase the fortunes of their shareholders, at great public cost.Disorderly genius: How chaos drives the brain - life - 29 June 2009 - New Scientist
"Systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of "self-organised criticality". These systems are right on the boundary between stable, orderly behaviour - such as a swinging pendulum - and the unpredictable world of chaos, as exemplified by turbulence... Brain scans used to map the connections between regions of the human brain discovered that they form a "small-world network" - exactly the right architecture to support self-organised criticality. Small-world networks lie somewhere between regular networks, where each node is connected to its nearest neighbours, and random networks, which have no regular structure but many long-distance connections between nodes at opposite sides of the network. Small-world networks take the most useful aspects of both systems. In places, the nodes have many connections with their neighbours, but the network also contains random and often long links between nodes that are very far away from one another. It's the perfect compromise."
Do ideas sometimes pop into your head from, it seems, nowhere? Yes, and it’s because your brain actually operates on the edge of chaos. In fact, your brain is like a pile of sand, but don't worry: that's why it has such remarkable powersThe Human's Development :: we ain't plastic
Alternative content Get Adobe Flash player
human's developmentWhy the #$%! Do We Swear? For Pain Relief: Scientific American
The neurological assessment of the benefits of swearing. Also, researchers found that when we swear too much, the words lose the power of emotion.7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives
Reading: 7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives [from]
7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives: What can’t iPhone applications do? There are apps for almost every inte.. [from]The Simple Dollar » Ten Unusual Ways to Improve Your Appearance of Confidence That Really Work
That’s the idea behind the 101 ideas found in this section. In theory, each salad takes 20 minutes or less. Push Ups Workout Guide: 35+ Exercises | The Art of Manliness
as very, very good. Nice flavours, well chosen and matched. It's refined, elegant and I'd proudly serve it at a family picnic. An elegant Southern church lady would gladly
"When the 'secret' of the Colonel's blend of herbs and spices was revealed, we had to test the recipe - and then see if it could be bettered ..."
The real KFC recipe
Homemade KFCWhy markets can’t cure healthcare - Paul Krugman Blog -
"This problem is made worse by the fact that actually paying for your health care is a loss from an insurers’ point of view — they actually refer to it as “medical costs.” This means both that insurers try to deny as many claims as possible, and that they try to avoid covering people who are actually likely to need care. Both of these strategies use a lot of resources, which is why private insurance has much higher administrative costs than single-payer systems. And since there’s a widespread sense that our fellow citizens should get the care we need — not everyone agrees, but most do — this means that private insurance basically spends a lot of money on socially destructive activities."
There are a number of successful health-care systems, at least as measured by pretty good care much cheaper than here, and they are quite different from each other. There are, however, no examples of successful health care based on the principles of the free market, for one simple reason: in health care, the free market just doesn’t work. And people who say that the market is the answer are flying in the face of both theory and overwhelming evidence.
atode100 отжиманий
Программа 100 отжиманий для улучшения физической подготовкиHow To Breathe When Running | Complete Running Network
Thought you might find this useful for cross country or PE.
With two videos. Don't forget: deep breaths are good, not only when running.Get Amazing Abs (and Tone All Over) at Any Age on Yahoo! Health
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology ("Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus", New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Rec
Medical personnel at urgent care and the hospital who interacted with me all used a version of the same electronic health information system (the “system”). It became clear that everyone was fighting that system. Indeed, they wasted between 40% and 60% of their time making the system do something useful for them. The system kept everyone from fulfilling their duties – the health information system did not help medical professionals perform their duties.
scary story, not sure this can be blamed on the data model though; there are probably a dozen layers between people and the data model (including traiining/management acceptance) which have a much greater impact; points are well taken though
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology (”Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus“, New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Subtitle A—Promotion of Health Information Technology, details the epically massive government program to digitize and network health information.) The law makes a job for yet another bureaucrat to oversee the vast program - is this change we can believe in? It defines rules for health information standards by designating a new standards board - everyone desires more data standards and standards groups. The law also explains how to test systems built with federal money but it does not explain how to measure semantic validity of information - garbage in garbage out! Good luck with all of that Mr. President.Vibram Five Fingers Shoes: The Barefoot Alternative
"At the very least, you get to wear some goofy shoes that encourage you to wiggle your toes."The Curious Cook - Yogurt Begins With an Outbreak of Good Bacteria in Your Kitchen -
Harold McGee's experience making homemade yogurt.How to Naturally Reset Your Sleep Cycle In One Night | Wise Bread
Simply stop eating during the 12-16 hour period before you want to be awake. Once you start eating again, your internal clock will be reset as though it is the start of a new day. Your body will consider the time you break your fast as your new "morning." For example, if you want to start waking up at 2:00 am, you should start fasting between 10:00 am or 2:00 pm the previous day, and don't break your fast until you wake up at 2:00 am. Make sure you eat a nice healthy meal to jumpstart your system. Another example: If you are travelling from Los Angeles to Tokyo, figure out when breakfast is served in Tokyo, and don't eat for the 12-16 hours before Tokyo's breakfast time.
ေန႔နဲ႔ည မွားေနရင္ ဒီလိုလုပ္ပါ။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ကၽြန္ေတာ့္အတြက္ေတာ့ မွားေသးတယ္ :PPavel: 80/20 Powerlifting and How to Add 110+ Pounds to Your Lifts
weightlifting program
Faleev’s secret of success is so simple, it is easy to ignore: practice nothing but the powerlifts and compete regularly.The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
"Michael Pollan, in an 8,000-word essay in the New York Times Magazine, took the expected swipes at animal agriculture. But his truly radical prescriptions had to do with raising of crops. Pollan, who seemed to be aware of the nitrogen problem in his book The Omnivore's Dilemma, left nuance behind, as well as the laws of chemistry, in his recommendations. ... n his book, Pollan quotes geographer Vaclav Smil to the effect that 40 percent of the people alive today would not be alive without the ability to artificially synthesize nitrogen. But in his directive on food policy, Pollan damns agriculture's dependence on fossil fuels, and urges the president to encourage agriculture to move away from expensive and declining supplies of natural gas toward the unlimited sunshine that supported life, and agriculture, as recently as the 1940s."
"On the desk in front of me are a dozen books, all hugely critical of present-day farming.... To the farmer on the ground, though, a farmer blessed with free choice and hard won experience, the moral choices aren’t quite so easy. Biotech crops actually cut the use of chemicals, and increase food safety. Are people who refuse to use them my moral superiors? Herbicides cut the need for tillage, which decreases soil erosion by millions of tons. The biggest environmental harm I have done as a farmer is the topsoil (and nutrients) I used to send down the Missouri River to the Gulf of Mexico before we began to practice no-till farming, made possible only by the use of herbicides. The combination of herbicides and genetically modified seed has made my farm more sustainable, not less, and actually reduces the pollution I send down the river."Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates « Gravity and Levity
Via Marignal Revolution (it has a blog)
What do you think are the odds that you will die during the next year? Try to put a number to it — 1 in 100? 1 in 10,000? Whatever it is, it will be twice as large 8 years from now. This startling fact was first noticed by the British actuary Benjamin Gompertz in 1825 and is now called the “Gompertz Law of human mortality.”Unconscionable Math « Taunter Media
The House hearings on rescission – the retroactive cancellation of individual health insurance policies – were over a month ago, but after its initial run through Daily Kos it seems to have waited a bit before popping up on Baseline and Slate. James Kwak at Baseline described the practice as rare, affecting only 0.5% of the population. The faint light bulb above my head began to flicker: could that be true…that’s not rare – that is amazingly common.
Rescission is not rare, if you happen to be sick.
rescission – the retroactive cancellation
The House hearings on rescission – the retroactive cancellation of individual health insurance policies – were over a month ago, but after its initial run through Daily Kos it seems to have waited a bit before popping up on Baseline and Slate. James Kwak at Baseline described the practice as rare, affecting only 0.5% of the population. The faint light bulb above my head began to flicker: could that be true…that’s not rare – that is amazingly common.
"The House hearings on rescission – the retroactive cancellation of individual health insurance policies – were over a month ago... James Kwak at Baseline described the practice as rare, affecting only 0.5% of the population. The faint light bulb above my head began to flicker: could that be true…that’s not rare – that is amazingly common."
But I will make this simple point in the hope some speechwriter pressed for a deadline picks it up: if a bank manager went to half of his highest net worth clients and said “sorry, you misspelled your address when you opened your account, I’m confiscating your balance,” he would be lucky to get himself assigned to minimum security
If, as I suspect, rescission is targeted toward the truly bankrupting cases – the top 1%, the folks with over $35,000 of annual claims who could never be profitable for the carrier – then the probability of having your policy torn up given a massively expensive condition is pushing 50%. One in two. You have three times better odds playing Russian Roulette.たった一晩で睡眠の周期を変える方法 | コリス
事をした時に、それが新しい一日のスタートとして体内時計がリセットされ、睡眠の周期をスムーズに変えることができます。 例えば、2:00 amに起床予定
次の起床予定時刻までの12~16時間は食べるのをやめること。Modern Love - Those Aren’t Fighting Words, Dear -
love this...amazing story about love and strength
"Let’s say you have what you believe to be a healthy marriage. You’re still friends and lovers after spending more than half of your lives together. […] Sure, you have your marital issues, but on the whole you feel so self-satisfied about how things have worked out that you would never, in your wildest nightmares, think you would hear these words from your husband one fine summer day: 'I don’t love you anymore. I’m not sure I ever did. I’m moving out. The kids will understand. They’ll want me to be happy.' But wait. This isn’t the divorce story you think it is. Neither is it a begging-him-to-stay story. It’s a story about hearing your husband say 'I don’t love you anymore' and deciding not to believe him. And what can happen as a result."Boost Your Memory Power with a 30-Second Eye Exercise - Memory - Lifehacker
Por que exercícios não emagrecem. Uma argumentação sobre a total inutilidade dos exercícios sobre o emagrecimento.
Calories calories calories. People are forgetting to count.
The basic problem is that while it's true that exercise burns calories and that you must burn calories to lose weight, exercise has another effect: it can stimulate hunger. That causes us to eat more, which in turn can negate the weight-loss benefits we just accrued. Exercise, in other words, isn't necessarily helping us lose weight. It may even be making it harder.
Whether because exercise makes us hungry or because we want to reward ourselves, many people eat more — and eat more junk food, like doughnuts — after going to the gym.Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check
For the birther/townhaller crowd: [from] is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government.
this is homebase, but they are using their social media channels to drive people back to homebase.The Legend of Cliff Young: The 61 Year Old Farmer Who Won the World’s Toughest Race - Elite Feet
When you've reached a point of incredible optimization in the current paradigm, sometimes there's a huge amount of room for improvement simply by thinking outside the box.
Search him on youtube to beleive it
Via Coudal
In 1983, a man named Cliff Young showed up at the start of this race. Cliff was 61 years old and wore overalls and work boots. To everyone's shock, Cliff wasn't a spectator. He picked up his race number and joined the other runners.John Mackey: The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare -
With a projected $1.8 trillion deficit for 2009, several trillions more in deficits projected over the next decade, and with both Medicare and Social Security entitlement spending about to ratchet up several notches over the next 15 years as Baby Boomers become eligible for both, we are rapidly running out of other people's money. These deficits are simply not sustainable.
Testify brother, I think only business owners truly understand the ideas of free markets.
Here's what the CEO of Whole Foods actually said.Translation cards - food allergy, gluten free, diabetes, penicillin allergy, latex allergy, lactose intolerance, vegetarian, asthma
Food and Travel Translation Cards for communicating food allergies and other health problems
We provide customized travel translation cards. Click on a card name above to see an example. If you don't see your languages or foods on our standard list, Special Order cards are also available. We have translated our travel cards into Arabic, Czech, Croatian, Vietnamese, Indonesian (Bali), Khmer (Cambodia), Hebrew, Tagalog (Philippines), Turkish and more.
A simple laminated card to translate food preferencesTotal Recall: The Woman Who Can't Forget
hyperthymestic syndrome,
This piece blew my mind.
Researchers had never found a subject with a perfect memory — then along came Jill Price.
a mulher que não esquece nada
The woman remembers dates to the day. Amazing. But know few quizzers who can do the same.Use a 3:2 Inhale-Exhale Ratio for Improved Runs - Exercise - Lifehacker
The right equipment, training, and running route isn't always enough to ensure a good run, especially if your breathing is all over the map. To help stabilize yours, try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio. Photo by aarmono. The aptly named Complete Running Network details how to breathe properly when running. Included in their list of seven tips is the importance of establishing the right inhale/exhale ratio. Specifically, they suggest that runners should take three footsteps for every inhale and two footsteps for every exhale, which puts them at a 3:2 ratio. This means you INHALE on the LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes and EXHALE fully on the RIGHT, LEFT foot strikes. This pattern is not that hard to turn into a habit, but it may require you to slow your pace down for a few runs to master the technique. You will notice a lower heart rate as you are able to get more oxygen in and more importantly push all the carbon dioxide out of your body. You may notice that you naturallyHow American Health Care Killed My Father - The Atlantic (September 2009)
I’m a businessman, and in no sense a health-care expert. But the persistence of bad industry practices—from long lines at the doctor’s office to ever-rising prices to astonishing numbers of preventable deaths—seems beyond all normal logic, and must have an underlying cause. There needs to be a business reason why an industry, year in and year out, would be able to get away with poor customer service, unaffordable prices, and uneven results—a reason my father and so many others are unnecessarily killed.How To Make Butter In Under 5 Minutes! | Over The Hill And On A Roll
Cool way of pic worth 1000 words, for more than caffeine and calories.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Molds On Food: Are They Dangerous?
When you can eat things with mold on them.
How Should You Handle Food with Mold on It? Buying small amounts and using food quickly can help prevent mold growth. But when you see moldy food: * Don’t sniff the moldy item. This can cause respiratory trouble. * If food is covered with mold, discard it. Put it into a small paper bag or wrap it in plastic and dispose in a covered trash can that children and animals can’t get into. * Clean the refrigerator or pantry at the spot where the food was stored. * Check nearby items the moldy food might have touched. Mold spreads quickly in fruits and vegetables. * See the attached chart “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard.”
The USDA takes it's stand.Lifehacker - Implement Advanced "Siestas" for Improved Sleep - Nap
Hah thats a good one very interesting.Johann Hari: Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
"So a streak that has always been there in the American right's world-view – to deny reality, and argue against a demonic phantasm of their own creation – has swollen. Now it is all they can see."
"How do they train themselves to be so impervious to reality?"
These aren't fringe phenomena: a Research 200 poll found that a majority of Republicans and Southerners say Obama wasn't born in the US, or aren't sure. A steady steam of Republican congressmen have been jabbering that Obama has "questions to answer". No amount of hard evidence – here's his birth certificate, here's a picture of his mother heavily pregnant in Hawaii, here's the announcement of his birth in the local Hawaiian paper – can pierce this conviction.I'll die before the endgame, says Terry Pratchett in call for law to allow assisted suicides in UK | Mail Online
I hate the term 'assisted suicide'. I have witnessed the aftermath of two suicides, and as a journalist I attended far too many coroners' inquests, where I was amazed and appalled at the many ways that desperate people find to end their lives. Suicide is fear, shame, despair and grief. It is madness. Those brave souls lately seeking death abroad seem to me, on the other hand, to be gifted with a furious sanity. They have seen their future, and they don't want to be part of it.
Terry Pratchett's thoughts on assisted suicide.
Must make a copy of this.
Sir Terry Pratchett has made an emotional plea for the right to take his own life, saying: 'I live in hope I can jump before I am pushed.'Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee - How to make coffee - Gizmodo
Giz Explains: How to Actually Make Coffee
Can't see us getting a coffee grinder in the workplaceDepression's Evolutionary Roots: Scientific American
Two scientists suggest that depression is not a malfunction, but a mental adaptation that brings certain cognitive advantages
"Two scientists suggest that depression is not a malfunction, but a mental adaptation that brings certain cognitive advantages"Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
Interesting, LONG article about the placebo effect. I always liked the thought that your mind has the power to heal you. Or if you are in a negative mood, sometimes just saying positive things can alter your feelings.
Placebos have long been used to control for the effects of taking *any* medicine. However, now those effects seem to be getting stronger... Fascinating.
"It's not that the old meds are getting weaker, drug developers say. It's as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger."
Mida Beecher avastas, miks see tähtis on ja kuidas edasi, kui platseeboefekt ise näib tugevamaks muutuvat?Food Nutrition Comparisons | twofoods
Food Nutrition Comparisons | twofoods
two foods
Nutritional comparison of two food types. Strangely neat. EFL comparisonsOn Influenza A (H1N1) « bunnie's blog
So it takes about 25 kilobits — 3.2 kbytes — of data to code for a virus that has a non-trivial chance of killing a human.HealthBase - Powered by NetBase
Health meta search engine
This site aggregates search results from all sorts of medical sites so you get a lot of info in one place.
- Powered by NetBaseTake the Marine Corps Fitness Test | The Art of Manliness
In order to get the highest possible score on the test you’d have to perform 20 pull-ups, do 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and run 3 miles in 18:00 minutes.
Elég fitt vagy?
Today we're going to give ourselves a gut check by taking a physical fitness test. 200906253026Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
Gullibility on the rise? Count me in!
2009-08-24By T.R. Reid -- Five Myths About Health Care in the Rest of the World
As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less ...The world's first cocaine bar | World news | The Guardian
The world's first cocaine bar
where do i book?BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Science ponders 'zombie attack'
Science ponders 'zombie attack'
If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.
If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively. That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada. They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures. The scientific paper is published in a book - Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress. In books, films, video games and folklore, zombies are undead creatures, able to turn the living into other zombies with a bite. But there is a serious side to the work. In some respects, a zombie "plague" resembles a lethal, rapidly spreading infection. The researchers say the exercise could help scientists model the spread of unfamiliar diseases through human populations.
my favorite part is when they have to explain that the one prof put a '?' in his legal name.How To Design Your Own Fail-Safe Exercise Program - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.
You see, it’s not impossibly hard for you to design your own fail-safe exercise program. It might not be as personalized as working with a personal trainer, and it won’t be able to teach you the thousands of interesting progressions and variations that a top-dollar session will, but it sure as heck beats sitting on your butt or relying on boring cardio machines day-in and day-out.Kill or cure?
"Help to make sense of the Daily Mail’s ongoing effort to classify every inanimate object into those that cause cancer and those that prevent it."
Help to make sense of the Daily Mail’s ongoing effort to classify every inanimate object into those that cause cancer and those that prevent it.
Things the Daily Mail says cause cancer - via Adam Cherry
Help to make sense of the Daily Mail’s ongoing effort to classify every inanimate object into those that cause cancer and those that prevent itSeriously Sick: Food For When You're Under the Weather | Serious Eats : Recipes
huh, I make those green peas even when I'm not sick because they're just
One-stop access to U.S. Government H1N1, avian and pandemic flu information. provides comprehensive government-wide information on pandemic influenza and avian influenza for the general public, health and emergency preparedness professionals, policy makers, government and business leaders, school systems, and local communities.
614797, Influenza Pandemics
The US Dept of Health and Human Services has an excellent Web site with information and resources related to all forms of flu, including PSAs featuring Elmo from Sesame Street, K-12 guidance for school planning, FAQs, information on H1N1 etc.Obama Health Care Speech: FULL VIDEO, TEXT
health care
President Obama's health care speech delivered on September 9, 2009 compliments of Huffington Post.
A great speech
Full transcript and video of Obama's September 2009 healthcare speech.
s always open.
A lot of promises.
We are not here to fear the future, we are here to shape the future.The brutal truth about America’s healthcare - Americas, World - The Independent
pay close attention to the breakdown of services; note the money, resources, and suffering
In the week that Britain's National Health Service was held aloft by Republicans as an "evil and Orwellian" example of everything that is wrong with free healthcare, these extraordinary scenes in Inglewood, California yesterday provided a sobering reminder of exactly why President Barack Obama is trying to reform the US system. The LA Forum, the arena that once hosted sell-out Madonna concerts, has been transformed – for eight days only – into a vast field hospital. In America, the offer of free healthcare is so rare, that news of the magical medical kingdom spread rapidly and long lines of prospective patients snaked around the venue for the chance of getting everyday treatments that many British people take for granted.
They came in their thousands, queuing through the night to secure one of the coveted wristbands offering entry into a strange parallel universe where medical care is a free and basic right and not an expensive luxury. Some of these Americans had walked miles simply to have their blood pressure checked, some had slept in their cars in the hope of getting an eye-test or a mammogram, others had brought their children for immunisations that could end up saving their life.
An extraordinary report from Guy Adams in Los Angeles at the music arena that has been turned into a makeshift medical centreHow to Fix Bad Ankles - Well Blog -
Noticias de última generación.
news from research universitiesLucid Dreaming: A Beginner’s Guide
health reform bill chain-email includes 26 lies, 18 misleading statements, 4 truths. this lists all of them.
"A notorious analysis of the House health care bill contains 48 claims. Twenty-six of them are false and the rest mostly misleading. Only four are true."
We examined each of the e-mail’s claims, finding 26 of them to be false and 18 to be misleading, only partly true or half true. Only four are accurate.tallguywrites: Schizophrenia
A mental health nurse's comic about schizophrenia.
A comic about schizophrenia.
Very well done.47 Ways to Fine Tune Your Brain - Dumb Little Man
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.Men's Health Nutrition Awards - Foods + Features - The Great Chef Playbook
Health officials continue to report mild cases of swine flu throughout the United States and worldwide. Among the hundreds of confirmed infections, 53 people have died, including 48 in Mexico, three in the United States, one in Canada and one in Costa Rica.100 Ways To Develop Your Mind | Change your thoughts
This weeks Sunday Siesta has been postponed as I have been working all weekend on this article. It’s my longest article ever at over 4500 words but I think it was worth the time and the effort.When Money Buys Happiness - TierneyLab Blog -
happiness most often comes from experiences...
Cars that make you happy: BMW 325, 535, M3, and X3, Audi A4, Jaguar, Mazda Miata, Subaru WRX, Toyota Matrix, Prius, and Corolla, Honda Civic.Protect Insurance Companies PSA from FOD Team, Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Thomas Lennon, Donald Faison, Linda Cardellini, Masi Oka, Ben Garant, Jordana Spiro, lauren, Drew, and chad_carter - Video
Satirical video related to the health insurance debate. A funny take on one of the stakeholders.
video to watch
Hollywood speaks out to help insurance companies ... Watch videos about Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Masi Oka, Jordana Spiro, Linda Cardellini, Donald Faison, PSA, insurance, health care, obama, bill, coverage, executives, money, democrats, republicans, congress on FunnyOrDie.com8 Ways Doing Less Can Transform Your Work & Life
Most productivity blogs and books will teach you how to do more, to get more done, to be more productive. I want to teach you to do less, to get less done, to be less productive.
Leer y traducir con calma.Blame Drew's Cancer - Blow off Steam on Twitter... for Charity!
Tweet with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and Blame Drew's Cancer for anything and everything you want. $1 goes to charity for every person who participates.
On May 20th, 2009, Drew Olanoff was diagnosed with cancer. Ever since that day, Drew has blamed everything on his cancer. Losing his keys, misplacing his wallet, Twitter being slow, the Phillies losing, etc. Why? Because you have to beat up on Cancer to win… and you can help out. Blame Drew's Cancer for anything you want by tweeting with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and it'll come here. When Drew beats Cancer we hope to have sponsors that will donate a dollar for every participant to our partner, LIVESTRONG.9 Secrets of Truly Happy People - Dumb Little Man
Great stuff to remember, links to other postsFive Best Weight-Management Tools - Weight loss - Lifehacker
Weight loss can be a challenging undertaking (even maintaining your weight can be tough when the holidays roll around). Make the most of your efforts with help from one of these five weight-management tools most valued by Lifehacker readers.How to Live a Better Life with Less
good postWhat's Inside a Cup of Coffee?
this is good to hear.
When things don’t add up, the mind goes into high gear.
Studie: Absurditäten rütteln die Sinne wach.
This is really interesting.The Food Issue - Michael Pollan's Favorite Food Rules - Interactive Feature -
Michael Pollan shares 20 of his favorite food rules sent in by Times readers.
Food Rules: Your Dietary Dos and Don'ts8 Foods That Fight Fat on Yahoo! Health
Track and plan your active life! From rock climbing, running, cycling, hiking, and camping to yoga and gym fitness.Influenza (Flu) — Evidence-based Medical Information from EBSCO Publishing
"Due to Pandemic H1N1 Influenza (formerly known as Swine Flu) and concerns about the 2009/2010 flu season, the EBSCO Publishing Medical and Nursing editors of DynaMed™, Nursing Reference Center™ (NRC) and Patient Education Reference Center™ (PERC) have made key influenza information from these resources freely available to health care providers worldwide. The editorial teams will monitor the research and update these resources continuously throughout the upcoming flu season."
Due to Pandemic H1N1 Influenza and concerns about the 2009/2010 flu season, the EBSCO Publishing Medical and Nursing editors of DynaMed™, Nursing Reference Center™ (NRC) and Patient Education Reference Center™ (PERC) have made key influenza information from these resources freely available to health care providers worldwide.
Influenza information and resources for clinicians, nurses and patientsScore Flat Abs Without Sit-Ups on Yahoo! Health
Fully $350 billion a year could be saved on paperwork alone if the U.S. went to a single-payer system — more than enough to pay for the whole goddamned thing, if anyone had the balls to stand up and say so.
This article is an opinion piece writton the criticisms and downfalls of the healthcare plan. It is an important site, because the health care reform policy promotes itself, so it is important the the public is exposed to both opinions and both sides of the health care reform system. The article stresses the critical state of America's healthcare system and expresses its need for reform. However, the piece stresses that Obama-Biden health care reform policy will only hurt the health care system further.
Matt Taibbi, right on as usual (and rightly pissed off)
RollingStoneFootball, dog fighting, and brain damage : The New Yorker
Offensive Play How different are dogfighting and football? by Malcolm Gladwell
The effect of football on the human brain is stomach-turning.
“I remember, every season, multiple occasions where I’d hit someone so hard that my eyes went cross-eyed, and they wouldn’t come uncrossed for a full series of plays. You are just out there, trying to hit the guy in the middle, because there are three of them. You don’t remember much. There are the cases where you hit a guy and you’d get into a collision where everything goes off. You’re dazed. And there are the others where you are involved in a big, long drive. You start on your own five-yard line, and drive all the way down the field—fifteen, eighteen plays in a row sometimes. Every play: collision, collision, collision. By the time you get to the other end of the field, you’re seeing spots. You feel like you are going to black out. Literally, these white explosions—boom, boom, boom—lights getting dimmer and brighter, dimmer and brighter.HowStuffWorks "Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Memory"
Whether you're a college student studying for an important test or an aging baby boomer concerned about forgetting a recent doctor's appointment, there are a few things everyone can do to optimize the storage and checkouts in our private libraries of memories.
Here are 10 simple ways to improve your memory. Read our list of ways to improve your memory and learn to make those memories stick.NOVA | Interactives Archive | PBS
RT @NMHS_Principal: Hotscience interactive activities from NOVA Cool stuff! [from]
nova interactives archiveSmarter Healthcare: How Social Media is Revolutionizing Your Doctor Visits
Web-based and social media tools are making it easier to get health information, find doctors, make appointments, keep records, and get support.
"One of the most obvious ways that the web and social media are making our lives healthier, is in the proliferation of health information."Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365
quantifying and optimizing all facets of life of Energy? on Yahoo! Health
Productivity builderFalun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined Relationship
Falun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined Relationship FalunGong ZhuanFalun HongZhiLi LiHongZhi experiences stress healing FalunDafa
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Falun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined Relationship--Seeking the Great Way : Liao owns a pawn shop. Since he was six, he had tried out different religions such as Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, and Catholic. Teachings in these religions did not touch him nor improve his health. He spent a lot of time exercising, practicing qigong, Tai-chi Fist, and Xingyi Fist. He practiced a certain qigong for almost 20 years. He joined a charity group to do good things to help society. He believed that he could have made more money if he spent time on his business, but he did not want to make money because he knew clearly money couldn’t buy what he wanted and money certainly couldn’t buy health.
Falun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined Relationship FalunGong HongZhiLi ZhuanFalun FalunDafa LiHongZhi predestined-relationship health sharings experiences
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Falun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined Relationship FalunGong sharings health healing LiHongZhi carefree experiences ZhuanFalun FalunDafa predestined-relationship
Falun Dafa Experience Sharings: A Predestined RelationshipAnderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - 28 things I wish I'd known before I started traveling « - Blogs from
9. The universal rule of taxi haggling, for both driver and passenger, is that once both sides agree on a fare before setting off, neither side can reopen negotiations once you’re en route. You should not try to get a better deal nor should you accept any increase in the fare from the driver after the journey has startedAmazing Pictures, Pollution in China | ChinaHush
October 14, 2009, the 30th annual awards ceremony of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund took place at the Asia Society in New York City. Lu Guang (卢广) from
"Shanxi Province is the most polluted areas of China. It is also the province with the highest rate of birth defects. This loving farmer couple adopted 17 disabled children. April 15, 2009 “In Some areas of China people’s lives were threatened because of the environmental pollution. Residents suffering from all kinds of obscured diseases, the cancer villages, increase of deformed babies, these were the results of sacrificing environment and blindly seeking economical gain.”"
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in ChinaOne Simple Mental Exercise to improve your Mind Power — Chess Blog
One Simple Mental Exercise to improve your Mind Power — Chess BlogRecipes for Health - Healthier Pizzas -
The world's best pancake recipeBBC NEWS | Health | Depression link to processed food
Yet another reason to avoid the middle of the grocery store. (via @seldo)
Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests. What is more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found.
food inc.What Soft Drinks are Doing to Your Body on Yahoo! Health
Drink : Spring Water, Tea, 100% Fruit Juices
You might think twice before ordering!«Свиной» грипп как зеркало, в котором видно все… | Блог
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!!!!BBC NEWS | Health | Feeling grumpy 'is good for you'
@tommorris: "Oh my, justification at last:" (from
I like this
'A grumpy person can cope with more demanding situations than a happy one because of the way the brain "promotes information processing strategies".'
In a bad mood? Don't worry - according to research, it's good for you.
n "promotes information processing strategies". Negative moods trigger more attentive, careful thinking, paying greater attention to the external world Professor Joe Forgas He asked volunteers to watch different films and dwell on positive or negative events5 Habits to Break Before It's Too Late - Healthy Living on Shine
You want to live a long, full life -- to be young and lean forever. But you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Getty Images by JJ Virgin "Someday," you say, "I'm going to get my health back on track, after this next…
SleepDynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study -- Fowler and Christakis 337: a2338 -- BMJ
"Clusters of happy and unhappy people are visible in the network, and the relationship between people’s happiness extends up to three degrees of separation (for example, to the friends of one’s friends’ friends). People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future. Longitudinal statistical models suggest that clusters of happiness result from the spread of happiness and not just a tendency for people to associate with similar individuals. A friend who lives within a mile (about 1.6 km) and who becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy by 25% (95% confidence interval 1% to 57%). Similar effects are seen in coresident spouses (8%, 0.2% to 16%), siblings who live within a mile (14%, 1% to 28%), and next door neighbours (34%, 7% to 70%). Effects are not seen between coworkers. The effect decays with time and with geographical separation."The Quantified Self
"I track myself - 40 things about my body, mind, and activity - every day" -- Alexandra Carmichael
"I track myself - 40 things about my body, mind, and activity - every day. The fact that I do this tracking seems to interest people. Whether they are driven by curiosity about the phenomenon of personal data collection, or by the desire for a yardstick by which to measure and compare themselves, the fascination exists."Clever fools: Why a high IQ doesn't mean you're smart - life - 02 November 2009 - New Scientist
The differences between rational thinking and intelligence.
Is George W. Bush stupid? It's a question that occupied a good many minds of all political persuasions during his turbulent eight-year presidency. The strict answer is no. Bush's IQ score is estimated to be above 120, which suggests an intelligence in the top 10 per cent of the population. But this, surely, does not tell the whole story. Even those sympathetic to the former president have acknowledged that as a thinker and decision-maker he is not all there. Even his loyal speechwriter David Frum called him glib, incurious and "as a result ill-informed".Phys Ed: Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead to Weight Loss? - Well Blog -
Well it does, just not as much as expected in the study. Key thing: Use exercise to promote your health, not for the sole aim of weight loss. Slashdot:
Pretty good article on diet's role in weight loss despite exercise
For some time, researchers have been finding that people who exercise don’t necessarily lose weight. A study published online in September in The British Journal of Sports Medicine was the latest to report apparently disappointing slimming results.
For some time, researchers have been finding that people who exercise dont necessarily lose weight. A study published online in September in The British Journal of Sports Medicine was the latest to report apparently disappointing slimming results. In the study, 58 obese people completed 12 weeks of supervised aerobic training without changing their diets. The group lost an average of a little more than seven pounds, and many lost barely half that.
Phys Ed: Why Doesn’t Exercise Lead to Weight Loss?BBC NEWS | Health | Curry spice 'kills cancer cells'
RT @bbcnews An extract found in the curry spice tumeric can kill off cancer cells, lab scientists have shown. [from]Reset Your Sleep Cycle with a 16-Hour Fast - Sleep - Lifehacker
By fasting for 16 hours before your breakfast in a new time zone or on a new sleep/wake schedule, or perhaps after some really rough sleep nights, one can "override" the body's other sleep clocks that have a really aggravating way of demanding obedience.
16h? Too Prescription Drugs; Side Effects, Benefits & User Ratings
RateADrug, The users guide to prescription medications and side effects. Comparing RX and complementary medicine; providing best health treatment options at lowest cost, expert help, community resources, patient testimonials, educational and healthcare opportunities.
View or submit ratings on effectiveness and side effects on Rx drugs and alternative treatments
The community site for sharing experiences and learning about risks and benefits of prescription medications and alternative treatments - Where users identify, evaluate and rate over 7000 prescription drugs and alternative treatments The community site for sharing experiences and learning about risks and benefits of prescription medications and alternative treatments Take control of your health. Be informed. * Learn about newly discovered side effects and alternative treatments * Participate in anonymous public studies and share your experiences with others * Rate your medications to receive personalized benefits and side effects scores * Email your survey reports to your doctors and family members to keep them updated on your health issues8 fat fighting foods - Healthy Living on Shine
Health and nutrition
Combat fat! Your allies in battling bulge? Foods that do the work for you. These edibles have proven lipid-melting powers that help you slim. That’s a win.Can we afford to eat ethically? | Salon Life
interesting article to readSecrets your dentist doesn't want you to know -- DailyFinance
O que o seu dentista não quer que você saiba. MUITO BOM.Understanding Your Brain for Better Design: Left vs. Right | Webdesigner Depot
How we, as creative people, can harness this understanding of the left and right brain to be more creative, as well as succeed in other work-related tasks.
The concept of the left and right brain only lately popped up in the late 1960's, but since has become a well-known part of human psychology. While we allPhys Ed: Why Exercise Makes You Less Anxious - Well Blog -
Researchers at Princeton University recently made a remarkable discovery about the brains of rats that exercise. Some of their neurons respond differently to stress than the neurons of slothful rats...
rats that had exercised, even if they had received the oxidizing chemical, were relatively nonchalant under stress. When placed in the unfamiliar space, they didn’t run for dark corners and hide, like the unexercised rats. They insouciantly explored. The “cells born from running,” the researchers concluded, appeared to have been “specifically buffered from exposure to a stressful experience.” The rats had created, through running, a brain that seemed biochemically, molecularly, calm.Phys Ed: Why Exercise Makes You Less Anxious - Well Blog -
Other researchers have looked at how exercise alters the activity of dopamine, another neurotransmitter in the brain, while still others have concentrated on the antioxidant powers of moderate exercise. Anxiety in rodents and people has been linked with excessive oxidative stress, which can lead to cell death, including in the brain. Moderate exercise, though, appears to dampen the effects of oxidative stress. In an experiment led by researchers at the University of Houston and reported at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, rats whose oxidative-stress levels had been artificially increased with injections of certain chemicals were extremely anxious when faced with unfamiliar terrain during laboratory testing. But rats that had exercised, even if they had received the oxidizing chemical, were relatively nonchalant under stress. When placed in the unfamiliar space, they didn’t run for dark corners and hide, like the unexercised rats. They insouciantly explored.Surgeons send 'tweets' from operating room -
For some reason, twittering during surgery does not make me feel comfortable: [from]
# For the second known time, surgeons "Twittered" last week during surgery # Doctors used social-networking site Twitter to give updates about the procedure # Following along online were other doctors, medical students and the merely curious # Surgeons hope twittering will help educate other doctors and the publicTop 10 Ergonomic Upgrades for Your Workspace - Ergonomics - Lifehacker
It's easy to forget about your body's needs when you're deep into your work or the net—until your body offers a painful reminder. Save your physical shell some strain with these cheap, customizable ergonomic workspace upgrades.BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Food needs 'fundamental rethink'
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Food crops, agriculture and biodiversity cannot be separated from one another A sustainable global food system in the 21st Century needs to be built on a series of "new fundamentals", according to a leading food expert.
Global food production will need to double just to meet demand. "We have the knowledge and the technology to do this, as things stand, but the perfect storm of climate change, environmental degradation and water and oil scarcity, threatens our ability to succeed." ...We are going to have to get biodiversity into gardens and fields, and then eat it. "We have to do this rather than saying that biodiversity is what is on the edge of the field or just outside my garden.
food rethink by bbc6 Bullshit Facts About Psychology That Everyone Believes |
Psychology is one of those subjects that everybody likes to think they know something about. We love to go around diagnosing our friends and co-workers, both to make sense of the world and to make ourselves feel like we're smarter than they are. But like any science that makes its way into the pop culture, a lot of the "common sense" statements we hear every day are so wrong that they border on raving idiocy. Such as...Dieting: Losing Weight the Flexitarian Way (No Wheatgrass Required)
Diet with no meat before dinner.
I've dropped about 10 pounds so far, and a little more falls off every day. The fix hasn't been running, lifting, or anything trendy—I'm just eating less meat, and enjoying what I eat more.Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Personal Care Kitchen: How to Make Homemade Body Scrubs
... body scrubsWakeMate
studies your wrist movements to wake you at the optimal time for non-grogginess
Data at work
잠 잘 깨워주는 기계! 신기하군
Tired of feeling tired? Get the WakeMate, the cell phone accessory wristband that lets you sleep less and feel better! See how it works:Penn Gazette | Essays | Notes from the Undergrad
Yawn It’s one of the best things you can do for your brain.
It’s one of the best things you can do for your brain.
"My advice is simple. Yawn as many times a day as possible: when you wake up, when you’re confronting a difficult problem at work, when you prepare to go to sleep, and whenever you feel anger, anxiety, or stress. Yawn before giving an important talk, yawn before you take a test, and yawn while you meditate or pray because it will intensify your spiritual experience."1週間で本当に体調が良くなったiPhoneアプリ - 好奇心は世界を変える - 時仲ハジメのBlog
ベッドにiPhoneを置いておいて寝ると、 振動センサから寝返りや動きを察知 睡眠が浅く起きやすいタイミングでアラームを鳴らしてくれる。
試してみっかな。Men's skincare and shaving
#30 may be true, but I can't see it myself.Life Check: What Are Your Life Patterns?
It's really good for me ,huh. It's really necessary to renew my life patterns again.7 Super Foods - Pure and Simple
ヨーグルトで代用Element Bars - Custom Protein and Energy Bars
mass customized energy barsIf you haven't tried SilentEar, you haven't tried the best.
recommended by four day work week姿勢・背筋・猫背を治すスレ:アルファルファモザイク
姿勢・背筋・猫背を治すスレ:アルファルファモザイク - 2ちゃんねるスレッドまとめブログlaboratory tests of vegan restaurants in la | vegan food and living in Los Angeles
Citizen journalism digs deep into whether LA vegan restaurants actually are vegan
eat from a manufacturer in Taiwan. It’s produced for the Taiwanese and Chinese vegetarian market then re-labeled for export, often to the USA. I do know of times when things have been labelled incorrectly, but I do my best to make sure that what they send me is what they say it is.”
Operation Pancake tests food from vegan restaurants around LA - and discovers some disturbing stuff about processed food from Taiwan in the followup.
Operation Pancake: Undercover investigation of LA vegan restaurantsThe One Tool You Need to Lead a Balanced Life | Zen Habits
News from UC Berkeley
In a study recently accepted for publication by the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, scientists at UC Berkeley's Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute and the School of Public Health report that normal 9- and 10-year-olds differing only in socioeconomic status have detectable differences in the response of their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is critical for problem solving and creativity.
EEGs show brain differences between poor and rich kids
By Robert Sanders, Media Relations | 02 December 2008The 7 foods experts won't eat - Healthy Living on Shine
전문가들이 말하는 먹지 말아야할 음식들입니다. 캔 토마토, 양식 연어, 사료로키운 쇠고기, 전자렌지 팝콘, 호르몬을 먹여만든 우유 등 키우는 과정이나 조리과정에서 여러가지 변형을 야기하는 것들이 들어간 음식들입니다. 역시 유기농제품이 제일 좋을 것 같습니다.
How healthy (or not) certain foods are—for us, for the environment—is a hotly debated topic among experts and consumers alike, and there are no easy answers. But when Prevention talked to the people at the forefront of food safety and asked them…Cold Sore Virus Linked To Alzheimer's Disease: New Treatment, Or Even Vaccine Possible
"The virus behind cold sores is a major cause of the insoluble protein plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer's disease sufferers, University of Manchester researchers have revealed."
s disease puts out the welcome mat for the virus that
The virus behind cold sores is a major cause of the insoluble protein plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer's disease sufferers, University of Manchester researchers have revealed. They believe the herpes simplex virus is a significant factor in developing the debilitating disease and could be treated by antiviral agents such as acyclovir, which is already used to treat cold sores and other diseases caused by the herpes virus. Another future possibility is vaccination against the virus to prevent the development of the disease in the first place. The team discovered that the HSV1 DNA is located very specifically in amyloid plaques: 90% of plaques in Alzheimer's disease sufferers' brains contain HSV1 DNA, and most of the viral DNA is located within amyloid plaques. The team had previously shown that HSV1 infection of nerve-type cells induces deposition of the main component, beta amyloid, of amyloid plaques.The 50 best foods in the world and where to eat them | Life and style | The Observer
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray.Meditation: Why Bother?
Vipassana Fellowship's online Meditation Course provides a supported introduction to Buddhist Meditation as found in the Theravada tradition. Resources and support for meditators and authoritative texts from the earliest Buddhist sources.
glideWhy Are Europeans White? (E1) - a knol by Frank W Sweet
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay MantraMatthias Rath - steal this chapter - Bad Science
The story of Matthias Rath, vitamin king, and the damage he wrought in promoting consumption of his products over antivirals of proven effectiveness in AIDS-wracked South Africa.
The chapter missing from ‘Bad Science’ due to Rath suing Goldacre at the time.
The doctor will sue you now
Quackery and exploitation, with deadly consequences.
a very serious story about the dangers of pseudoscienceA New Lunch Bunch (
生活の原点をつくる―脳を活性化させる朝の過ごし方。足・手・口をよく動かそう。:散歩など軽い運動/部屋の片付け/料理/ガーデニング/挨拶+一言/音読10分程度。 集中力を高める―生活のどこかに「試験を受けている状態」を持とう。:仕事の区切り毎に時間制限を設ける。 睡眠の意義―夜は情報を蓄える時間。睡眠中の「整理力」を利用しよう。:夜の勉強は中途半端で止め、起きてから整理すると効果的。 脳の持続力を高める―家事こそ「脳トレ」。雑用を積極的にこなそう。:雑用は前頭葉の持久力を高めてくれる。 問題解決能力を高める―自分を動かす「ルール」と「行動予定表」をつくろう。書類整理のルール、予定表などで脳が一度に扱う量を整理する。 思考の整理―忙しいときほど「机の片付け」を優先させよう。:物の整理は思考の整理に通じている。 注意力を高める―意識して目をよく動かそう。耳から情報を取ろう。:目で立体的な情報を捉えたり、耳だけで情報を吸収すると脳が活性化される。 記憶力を高める―「報告書」「まとめ」「ブログ」を積極的に書こう。:入力→情報処理→出力。 話す力を高める―メモや写真などを手がかりにして、長い話を組み立てよう。:質問によって話しは長くさせることが出来る。 表現を豊かにする―「たとえ話」を混ぜながら、相手の身になって話そう。:ありそうな質問を考えれば、話しを膨らませることが出来る。 脳を健康に保つ食事―脳のためにも、適度な運動と「腹八分目」を心がけよう。:食事制限以前にまずは動くこと。そして消費する以上に摂取しないこと。 脳の健康診断―定期的に画像検査を受け、脳の状態をチェックしよう。:MRやPET検査を受ける。 脳の自己管理―「失敗ノート」を書こう。自分の批判者を大切にしよう。:小さな失敗、人から受けた注意を書き留める。 創造力を高める―ひらめきは「余計なこと」の中にある。活動をマルチにしよう。:アイディアを生み出すポイントは、誰のためになるのかを考えること、アイディアを組み合わせること、思い付きを書き出しながら考えること。 意欲を高める―人を好意的に評価しよう。時にはダメな自分を見せよう。:褒め上手な人は観察力が優れている。 番外編:高次脳機能ドックの検査―最低限の脳機能を衰えさせていないか確認しよう。Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Back To Work and School: 15 Great Lunchbox Snacks
apartment therapy changing the world, one room at a timeObesity System Influence Diagram
Nice interactive information visualization diagram
Diagram explaining the obesity problem system. Complex, but interesting
A great mapping of the obesity actor system
shiftn obesity diagram
Great interactive diagram of factors that cause obesityAmerica's Healthiest Restaurants on Yahoo! Health
I know it isn’t easy, but I also know that it’s possible. Looking back on these times in my life, when I overcame discontentment, I’ve realized there are three things you can do: 1. Change your attitude and perspective. 2. Take some kind of positive action. 3. Do something that gives you meaning. And you can do one of these things or all three, all at once, one at a time, or in whatever combination works for you. They can work alone, or together. Let’s look at each one of these solutions.
Read and remember
How to Beat the Misery of Discontentment
“There is no greater sin than desire, No greater curse than discontent, No greater misfortune than wanting something for oneself. Therefore he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” - Lao TzuDean Ornish says your genes are not your fate | Video on
From better eating and lifestyle habits we become radically healthier, more potent and with improved genes
there's hope. you are not your genesRock For Health - News
一部の歯科医院で購入。500ml入りボトルで2,400円~3,000円Untitled Page
health soda
There remain some concerns over aspartame, the low-calorie chemical used to give diet sodas their flavor.XXXL: Books: The New Yorker
instead of sweetened beverages, the average American drank water, Finkelstein calculates, he or she would weigh fifteen pounds less.
Good article on the rising rate of obesity in the US and around the world.
"The human body is “mismatched” to the human situation. “We evolved on the savannahs of Africa,” Power and Schulkin write. “We now live in Candyland.” "
A food scientist for Frito-Lay relates how the company is seeking to create “a lot of fun in your mouth” with products like Nacho Cheese Doritos, which meld “three different cheese notes” with lots of salt and oil. Another product-development expert talks about how she is trying to “unlock the code of craveability,” and a third about the effort to “cram as much hedonics as you can in one dish.” Kessler invents his own term—“conditioned hypereating”—to describe how people respond to these laboratory-designed concoctions. Foods like Cinnabons and Starbucks’ Strawberries & Crème Frappuccinos are, he maintains, like drugs:
"Early humans compensated for the energy used in their heads by cutting back on the energy used in their guts; as man’s cranium grew, his digestive tract shrank. This forced him to obtain more energy-dense foods than his fellow-primates were subsisting on, which put a premium on adding further brain power. The result of this self-reinforcing process was a strong taste for foods that are high in calories and easy to digest; just as it is natural for gorillas to love leaves, it is natural for people to love funnel cakes. In America today, obtaining calories is very nearly effortless; as Power and Schulkin observe, with a few dollars it’s possible to go to the grocery store and purchase enough sugar or vegetable oil to fulfill the average person’s energy requirements for a week. The result is what’s known as the 'mismatch paradigm.' The human body is 'mismatched' to the human situation. 'We evolved on the savannahs of Africa,' Power and Schulkin write. 'We now live in Candyland.'"
One of the most comprehensive data sets available about Americans—how tall they are, when they last visited a dentist, what sort of cereal they eat for breakfast, whether they have to pee during the night, and, if so, how often—comes from a series of studies conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Participants are chosen at random, interviewed at length, and subjected to a battery of tests in special trailers that the C.D.C. hauls around the country. The studies, known as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, began during the Eisenhower Administration and have been carried out periodically ever since.How Room Designs Affect Your Work and Mood: Scientific American
Research behind design
Provides examples that include 'Kingsdale School in London [which] was redesigned, with the help of psychologists, to promote social cohesion; the new structure also includes elements that foster alertness and creativity.'
How Room Designs Affect Your Work and Mood
ists are giving their hunches an empirical basisAdult Learning - Neuroscience - How to Train the Aging Brain -
Recently, researchers have found even more positive news. The brain, as it traverses middle age, gets better at recognizing the central idea, the big picture. If kept in good shape, the brain can continue to build pathways that help its owner recognize patterns and, as a consequence, see significance and even solutions much faster than a young person can. The trick is finding ways to keep brain connections in good condition and to grow more of them. “The brain is plastic and continues to change, not in getting bigger but allowing for greater complexity and deeper understanding,” says Kathleen Taylor, a professor at St. Mary’s College of California, who has studied ways to teach adults effectively. “As adults we may not always learn quite as fast, but we are set up for this next developmental step.” [via xeks]
“As adults we have these well-trodden paths in our synapses,” Dr. Taylor says. “We have to crack the cognitive egg and scramble it up. And if you learn something this way, when you think of it again you’ll have an overlay of complexity you didn’t have before — and help your brain keep developing as well.”Binge-proof your diet: 6 Foods that keep you full and satisfied on Shine
Eggs (no yolks!), almonds, avocados, apples, oatmeal, peanut butter.
eggs (never eat the yolks), almonds, avocados, apples, oatmeal, peanut butter (no added sugar) ... YES INDEED AND FATTIES SHOULD NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO PRINGLES ON THIS LIST
Binge-proof your diet: 6 Foods that keep you full and satisfiedAdult Learning - Neuroscience - How to Train the Aging Brain -
Annotated link
Jack Mezirow, a professor emeritus at Columbia Teachers College, has proposed that adults learn best if presented with what he calls a “disorienting dilemma,” or something that “helps you critically reflect on the assumptions you’ve acquired.”
Memory tipsMind - How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect -
When things don’t add up, the mind goes into high gear.
Blacketer sent this to meThe GOP's Misplaced Rage - The Daily Beast
Conservative protesters should remember that the recession, which led to so many of the policies they oppose, is almost entirely the result of Bush’s policies. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession began in December 2007—long before Obama was even nominated. And the previous recession ended in November 2001, so the current recession cannot be blamed on cyclical forces that Bush inherited.
HOORAY!The Healthiest Foods On Earth -
Whole foods are the key to good health (and not very much sugar)
The most important consideration in constructing a healthy diet: Eat whole food with minimal processing. These 12 foods do the trick.
Nuts and berries.Science News / Florence Nightingale: The Passionate Statistician
How Florence Nightingale used statistics and good visualization to persuade the queen of England to improve the military medical service.
passion, persistence, for the least, but combined with competency and intelligenceTop 10 Mind Hacks for Making Your Resolutions Stick - Mind Hacks - Lifehacker
"Both major parties have become a rats' nest of hypocrisy and incompetence. That, combined with our stratospheric, near-criminal indebtedness to China (which could destroy the dollar overnight), should raise signal flags. Are we like late Rome, infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions?"
Liberal writer Camille Paglia = intellectually honest.
A hard look at the problems with the current healthcare proposals, from the moderate liberal perspective.
Aug. 12, 2009 | Buyer's remorse? Not me. At the North American summit in Guadalajara this week, President Obama resumed the role he is best at -- representing the U.S. with dignity and authority abroad. This is why I, for one, voted for Obama and continue to support him. The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair. Obama has barely begun the crucial mission that he was elected to do.海外旅行傷害保険について −大人なのでクレジットカードの付帯保険を勉強してみました− - おれはおまえのパパじゃない
手持ちの見直してみるかな >とにかく傷害・疾病の保険金額が一番大事 自動付帯じゃないと意味がないBuying Health Insurance on Your Own -
Roger Ebert's poignant piece on what he misses about eating, now that he no longer can.
": Isn't it sad to be unable eat or drink? Not as sad as you might imagine. I save an enormous amount of time. I have control of my weight. Everything agrees with me. And so on. What I miss is the society. Lunch and dinner are the two occasions when we most easily meet with friends and family. They're the first way we experience places far from home. Where we sit to regard the passing parade. How we learn indirectly of other cultures. When we feel good together. Meals are when we get a lot of our talking done -- probably most of our recreational talking. That's what I miss."
Roger Ebert talks about no longer being able to eat, drink, or speak.55 Tips to Instantly Make Your Brain Stronger and Faster
You know how important it is to boost your brain power. Increasingly, the world requires more smarts. If you can think fast, think well and remember things, you have an edge, whether it’s in the job market or just staying on top of your game. If you want to make your brain stronger and faster, though, you have to give it a good workout. Just like everything else, how you use your brain can make a big difference in the results you get. Here are 55 tips that can make your brain stronger and faster:CAPHIS | Top 100 Health Websites You Can Trust
The purpose of the CAPHIS Top 100 List is to provide CAPHIS members and other librarians with a resource to use in their daily practice and teaching. Secondly, it is our contribution to the Medical Library Association so that the headquarters staff can refer individuals to a list of quality health web sites. Our goal is to have a limited number of resources that meet the quality criteria for currency, credibility, content, audience, etc., as described on our website. These lists of resources expand upon the MLA Top Ten List.
keep you goodDan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ | Video on
To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world's "Blue Zones," communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.
TED talks video
Interesting, research-driven lecture on health and longevity.The Americanization of Mental Illness -
In any given era, those who minister to the mentally ill — doctors or shamans or priests — inadvertently help to select which symptoms will be recognized as legitimate. Because the troubled mind has been influenced by healers of diverse religious and scientific persuasions, the forms of madness from one place and time often look remarkably different from the forms of madness in another.
from a book on the same topic, describes how the "symptom repertoire" of mental illness is becoming standardized around the world, which is quite different from times past. "we’ve been changing not only the treatments but also the expression of mental illness in other cultures. Indeed, a handful of mental-health disorders — depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anorexia among them — now appear to be spreading across cultures with the speed of contagious diseases. These symptom clusters are becoming the lingua franca of human suffering, replacing indigenous forms of mental illness."20-plus Amazing Fitness Blogs to Inspire You
<img src="" /> <small>Let yourself become inspired to fitness.</small>101 Ways to Lose Your Gut - Men's Fitness
"A recent study by Walker and his colleagues examined how rest - specifically, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep - influences our ability to read emotions in other people's faces." does sleep promote brain acuity? can lack of sleep explain social deviations? are autistic people counted into this study?
"Adequate sleep may underpin our ability to understand complex emotions properly in waking life." Research suggests that sleep-deprived people are more-sensitive to negative emotions such as anger and fear. "With little mental energy to spare, you're emotionally more attuned to things that are likely to be the most threatening in the immediate moment. Inversely, when you're well rested, you may be more sensitive to positive emotions, which could benefit long-term survival." So if you're not sleeping, and you're feeling a little on-edge, there's your reason why...BBC NEWS | Health | Self-help 'makes you feel worse'
In the low self-esteem group, those who repeated the mantra felt worse afterwards compared with others who did not. However people with high self-esteem felt better after repeating the positive self-statement - but only slightly. The psychologists then asked the study participants to list negative and positive thoughts about themselves. They found that, paradoxically, those with low self-esteem were in a better mood when they were allowed to have negative thoughts than when they were asked to focus exclusively on affirmative thoughts. Writing in the journal, the researchers suggest that, like overly positive praise, unreasonably positive self-statements, such as "I accept myself completely," can provoke contradictory thoughts in individuals with low self-esteem. Such negative thoughts can overwhelm the positive thoughts.
BBC NEWS | Health
Repeating affirmations which are, in your perception, not true will not actually help. Just the opposite, in fact.
A UK psychologist said people based their feelings about themselves on real evidence from their lives.Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing Nations
A new MacGyver-esque cellphone hack could bring cheap, on-the-spot disease detection to even the most remote villages on the planet. Using only an LED, plastic light filter and some wires, scientists at UCLA have modded a cellphone into a portable blood tester capable of detecting HIV, malaria and other illnesses.
UCLA scientists combine hacked cell phone and machine vision to do on the spot blood-disease testing - [from]
Mobile phone modified with lens and coherent light source to detect diseases e.g. HIV in blood
Scientists Hack Cellphone to Analyze Blood, Detect Disease, Help Developing NationsWhat Doctors Wish You'd Do on Yahoo! Health
Skip the 11 o'clock news, respect your mouth and 18 other stay-healthy mustsYou've heard it before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise and don't smoke, and you'll add years to your life. In fact, one study found that more than half of all deaths from chronic diDept. of Disputation: Red Sex, Blue Sex: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Teen pregnancy. October/November 2008.
Why do so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant?
Social liberals in the country’s “blue states” tend to support sex education and are not particularly troubled by the idea that many teen-agers have sex before marriage, but would regard a teen-age daughter’s pregnancy as devastating news. And the social conservatives in “red states” generally advocate abstinence-only education and denounce sex before marriage, but are relatively unruffled if a teen-ager becomes pregnant, as long as she doesn’t choose to have an abortion.The Ultimate How to Get Lean Guide
Weight loss advice and links to various fitness websites.
# oint to never eat carbs without some fat or protein. # The Amount of Meals Per Day Doesn’t Matter. I think people should stick to what feels natural as far as how often they eat. Some people do better with 6 small meals and some do better with 2-3 meals. It really is the total calories that matter as far as weight loss goes. The idea that you metabolBBC NEWS | Health | Coffee 'may reverse Alzheimer's'
Drinking five cups of coffee a day could reverse memory problems seen in Alzheimer's disease, US scientists say.
The Florida research, carried out on mice, also suggested caffeine hampered the production of the protein plaques which are the hallmark of the disease.BBC News - Why do people often vote against their own interests?
The Republicans have learnt how to stoke up resentment against the patronising liberal elite, all those do-gooders who assume they know what poor people ought to be thinking. Right-wing politics has become a vehicle for channelling this popular anger against intellectual snobs. The result is that many of America's poorest citizens have a deep emotional attachment to a party that serves the interests of its richest. Thomas Frank Thomas Frank thinks that voters have become blinded to their real interests Thomas Frank says that whatever disadvantaged Americans think they are voting for, they get something quite different: "You vote to strike a blow against elitism and you receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our life times, workers have been stripped of power, and CEOs are rewarded in a manner that is beyond imagining.
If people vote against their own interests, it is not because they do not understand what is in their interest or have not yet had it properly explained to them. / They do it because they resent having their interests decided for them by politicians who think they know best.
Political scientist Dr David Runciman looks at why is there often such deep opposition to reforms that appear to be of obvious benefit to voters. On BBC News.Facts on Foods That Speed Up Metabolism - Healthy Living on Shine
By Lynn Harris Revving Your Engine Metabolism is a process that breaks down carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food you eat to make the energy your body needs to build and maintain itself. Proper nutrition keeps your body functioning well, but… Books | Why can't we concentrate?
Article on challenges of living/working in a world that is full of distractions and the impact that this has on us as individuals - both in terms of productivity and sense of well being
Review of Gallagher's 'Rapt'
April 2009: Twitter and e-mail aren't making us stupider, but they are making us more distracted. A new book [Winifred Gallagher's "Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life"] explains why learning to focus is the key to living better.
Twitter and e-mail aren't making us stupider, but they are making us more distracted. A new book explains why learning to focus is the key to living better. By Laura MillerThe New Book Banning by Walter Olson, City Journal 12 February 2009
WOW. As a library worker, I find this to be appalling...
"The New Book Banning" - can childrens books pre-1985 give lead poisoning? ( ) [from]
It’s hard to believe, but true: under a law Congress passed last year aimed at regulating hazards in children’s products, the federal government has now advised that children’s books published before 1985 should not be considered safe and may in many cases be unlawful to sell or distribute. Merchants, thrift stores, and booksellers may be at risk if they sell older volumes, or even give them away, without first subjecting them to testing—at prohibitive expense. Many used-book sellers, consignment stores, Goodwill outlets, and the like have accordingly begun to refuse new donations of pre-1985 volumes, yank existing ones off their shelves, and in some cases discard them en masse.Running Barefoot: Home
This website has been developed to provide an evidence-based resource for those interested in the biomechanics of different foot strikes in endurance running and the applications to human endurance running prior to the modern running shoe.AAHSA: American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
The members of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) help millions of individuals and their families every day through mission-driven, not-for-profit organizations dedicated to providing the services that people need, when they need them, in the place they call home. Our 5,700 member organizations, many of which have served their communities for generations, offer the continuum of aging services: adult day services, home health, community services, senior housing, assisted living residences, continuing care retirement communities and nursing homes. AAHSA's commitment is to create the future of aging services through quality people can trust.How To Defrag Your Mind In 5 Easy Steps
Finally read this NYT Mag article. Western individualism bad for mental health treatment?
To blog about later. "For more than a generation now, we in the West have aggressively spread our modern knowledge of mental illness around the world. We have done this in the name of science, believing that our approaches reveal the biological basis of psychic suffering and dispel prescientific myths and harmful stigma. There is now good evidence to suggest that in the process of teaching the rest of the world to think like us, we’ve been exporting our Western “symptom repertoire” as well. That is, we’ve been changing not only the treatments but also the expression of mental illness in other cultures. Indeed, a handful of mental-health disorders — depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and anorexia among them — now appear to be spreading across cultures with the speed of contagious diseases. These symptom clusters are becoming the lingua franca of human suffering, replacing indigenous forms of mental illness."Eat This, Not That - The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution From Men's Health
Best and Worst Restaurants
Que comer y que no en las diferentes cadenas de restaurants.How to Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Technique - wikiHow
wikiHow article about How to Hypnotize Yourself Using the Best Me Technique.
HypnosisBest Air-Filtering House Plants According to NASA! : TreeHugger
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zen 17 Arse-kicking Strategies to Stick to Your Diet and Get Fit: Look nice and trim with sure-fire healthy .. [from]
’m not a big fan of “dieting” — a word that conjures up images of hunger and chewing on celery or doing some kind of fad diet — but I do believe in trying to eat a healthier diet. Don’t diet, but do stick to a healthy diet, in other words. But that’s easier said than done, as we all know. The healthy diet goes out the window around the holidays, for example, or when there’s a family party or a function at work full of unhealthy food, or when we go out to eat with friends, or when we go to a ballgame or amusement park or the beach, or when … well, you get the idea. There are lots of ways to get off a diet.Identify Your Foot Type Before Choosing Running Shoes - Running - Lifehacker
Knowing your foot type is useful for purchasing the proper running shoes, among other things. Using the "wet test" can help clue you in on whether you have normal, flat, or high-arched feet.27 Ideas for a Healthier Breakfast: The Breakfast Routine | Get Motivated | Reader's Digest
Make the most important meal of the day a good one.
27 Ideas for a Healthier Breakfast: The Breakfast Routine | Get Motivated | Reader's Digest [from]Rapid Thinking Makes People Happy: Scientific American
"...thinking fast made participants feel more elated, creative and, to a lesser degree, energetic and powerful."
thinking and happiness. Annotated link
Rapid Thinking Makes People Happy12 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Read
This morning I found myself lying around, enjoying a lazy weekend with my wife and kids, basking in the peaceful simplicity of today. It’s in these moments that I find not only my greatest happiness, but my purpose in life. I am here not to achieve or even to change the world, but simply to live. Life is a gift, and I’m happy to accept every moment of it. And so, in this spirit, I thought I’d dig through my archives and share a few favorite posts, to help others find this peace. A lot of Zen Habits readers are new, and haven’t taken the time to peruse the 800+ posts I’ve written. Shame on you! :) Here’s a good way to get started. If you want more, check out the Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits, or see the newly revamped Zen Habits archives for every post ever published here. 12 Classic Posts You Might Not Have Read Don’t read these all at once: 1. Peaceful Simplicity: How to Live a Life of Contentment 2. The Four Laws of Simplicity, and How to Apply Them to Life 3. The CuTop 10: Timeless Exercises -
Sick of wasting time at the gym with trendy workouts? Then you need to remember these top 10 timeless exercises.The Social Life of Health Information | Pew Internet & American Life Project
Americans' pursuit of health takes place within a widening network of both online and offline sources. Whereas someone may have in the past called a health professional, their Mom, or a good friend, they now are also reading blogs, listening to podcasts, updating their social network profile, and posting comments. This Pew Internet/California HealthCare Foundation survey finds that technology is not an end, but a means to accelerate the pace of discovery, widen social networks, and sharpen the questions someone might ask when they do get to talk to a health professional. Technology can help to enable the human connection in health care and the internet is turning up the information network’s volume.
Americans' pursuit of health takes place within a widening network of both online and offline sources.
This Pew Internet/California HealthCare Foundation survey finds that technology is not an end, but a means to accelerate the pace of discovery, widen social networks, and sharpen the questions someone might ask when they do get to talk to a health professional. Technology can help to enable the human connection in health care and the internet is turning up the information network’s volume.
study conducted nov-dec 2008, published june 20092 Killer Moves for a Flat Tummy - Healthy Living on Shine
"abs back"Health and Nutrition:
Official information and services from the U.S. government.
Access government resources on health care, insurance, diet, fitness, public health, and more.
this site will help providing care, benefits, long-distance caregiving, legal matters, support for caregivers in an online atmosphere that will give you information about how the healthcare debate rages on .Food, Glorious Food Myths - Room for Debate Blog -
"One big myth is that fruit juice is a healthy part of our diet. Wrong. Drinking a glass of fruit juice a day — which is the equivalent of one soft drink of 110 to 180 calories — has been linked in the U.S., Australia and Spain to increased calorie intake and higher risks of diabetes and heart disease. Eating a piece of fruit provides vitamins, fiber and, best of all, tends to reduce intake of other food. Most fruit juices are just sugary beverages, providing extra calories — all from refined carbohydrates — without sating appetite. ... The added calories can contribute to weight gain and increased risk of both diabetes and heart disease."
Fruit juices aren’t nearly as healthy for you as you think..
From the Room for Debate Blog, debonking some food myths!Simple Till Six Weight Loss Diet: An Eating Plan for Busy People | Lose the Weight | Reader's Digest
Everything pointed to a simpler style of eating. I started following a diet that was nearly "vegan until six." Until dinner, I ate almost no animal products and no simple carbs (no white-flour products, junk food, or sugar-heavy snacks). At dinner, I ate as I always had, sometimes a sizable meal including animal products, bread, dessert, wine -- you name it -- or sometimes a salad and a bowl of soup. I also took several long walks each week (my bad knees couldn't handle more).
The anti-girth, pro-Earth eating plan for busy, real people.
Mark Bittman How to cook everything vegetarian NYT food writer the minimalist against meatThe Minimalist - Recipes for 101 Simple Salads for the Season -
MANY DRESSINGS.Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food | Video on
This is great speech about obesity
Sharing powerful stories from his anti-obesity project in Huntington, W. Va., TED Prize winner Jamie Oliver makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food.Free Medical Icons Set (60 Icons) - Smashing Magazine
We all suffer occasional lapses in memory. Some people suffer severe neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's, that rob them of their ability to form memories or remember recent events. Three new studies shed light on the way the brain forms, stores and retrieves memories. Experts say they could have implications for people with certain mental disorders.A Reporter at Large: Brain Gain: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
The underground world of neuroenhancing drugs. Such is the zeitgeist.
Brain Gain ?
using mind enhancing drugs to improve performance
The underground world of “neuroenhancing” drugs.Top 10 Steak Grilling Tips |
Top 10 Steak Grilling Tips (From a Real-Live Chef!) If you think grilling a steak is as simple as slapping a piece of meat you bought at the supermarket on a
Here are some grilling tips from an honest-to-goodness chef that’ll make your next steak meal your finest work ever.
If you think grilling a great steak is as simple as throwing a slab of meat you bought at the supermarket on your grill and flipping it over a few times, you’re missing out on what could be THE GREATEST STEAK OF YOUR LIFE.
r cooking food but can sometimes impart a gas flavor to your meat. I like to use natural hardwood charcoal started in a chimney. Don’t use lighter fluid; it defeats the purpose of using hardwood charcoal. You want to smell the steak roasting over the coals – that is the best part! Some people swear by mesquite soaked in apple juice others say you cook your steak too fast to get any benefit. Wood chips can add flavor if you are smoking your meat but that usually takes a lot more time than it takes to grill a steak. My recommendation is that if you are curious, play around see if you can taste and enjoy the difference. 6. Hot coals — Set your coals up so that you have zones of cooking. Always start off on a hot spot. You want good color and flavor from the high heat. When you flip it, don’t put it down on the same spot as before — it will be cooler. Find another hot spot to continue getting good color and flavor. 7. Don’t touch it! — This is one of the biggesRoger Ebert Cancer Battle - Roger Ebert Interview - Esquire
It has been nearly four years since Roger Ebert lost his lower jaw and his ability to speak. Now television's most famous movie critic is rarely seen and never heard, but his words have never stopped.Twelve Hours Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: the best parenting book I've read - Boing Boing
After our daughter Poesy was born, we were inundated with parenting advice and books -- big, thick, 900-page bricks that purported to tell us everything we needed to know to raise a newborn into a productive member of society. Of course, we had neither the attention nor the time to devote to following any of this advice.
Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success, a very short book that does exactly what it says on the cover: it's a simple prescription for teaching your baby to sleep through the whole night by 12 weeks. It takes about an hour to read and does not involve doing anything horrible to your kid like letting her cry all night. Basic method: for the first 8 weeks, keep track of when the kid feeds and sleeps. At 8 weeks, use this to come up with a sleep and feed schedule that more or less fits the rhythm she's falling into. Gently encourage her to stick to it (e.g., if she's hungry before mealtime, see if you can distract her for a few minutes [the first day], then a few minutes more [the next].)15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers
A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”Snake Oil? The scientific evidence for health supplements | Information Is Beautiful
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Good and bad supplementsMake Like a Dolphin: Learn Echolocation | Wired Science |
With just a few weeks of training, you can learn to “see” objects in the dark using echolocation the same way dolphins and bats do. Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
I need to try this!!
wired = weird
Ordinary people with no special skills can use tongue clicks to visualize objects by listening to the way sound echoes off their surroundings, according to acoustic experts at the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.Phys Ed: Can Running Actually Help Your Knees? - Well Blog -
Shit, i guess i _have_ to do the c25k now.
Phys Ed: Can Running Actually Help Your Knees?Ann Bauer on autism, violence | Salon Life
On Feb. 14 I awaken to this headline: "Professor Beaten to Death by Autistic Son." I scan the story while standing, my coffee forgotten. Trudy Steuernagel, a faculty member in political science at Kent State, has been murdered and her 18-year-old son, Sky, has been arrested and charged with the crime, though he is profoundly disabled and can neither speak nor understand. Sky, who likes cartoons and chicken nuggets, apparently lost control and beat his mother into a coma. He was sitting in jail when she died. This happens to be two days after my older son's 21st birthday, which we marked behind two sets of locked steel doors. I'm exhausted and hopeless and vaguely hung over because Andrew, who has autism, also has evolved from sweet, dreamy boy to something like a golem: bitter, rampaging, full of rage. It happened no matter how fiercely I loved him or how many therapies I employed. Now, reading about this Ohio mother, there is a moment of slithering nausea and panic followed immedia
a mother's story of her violent autistic son
about a woman whose autistic son is violentAmateurs are trying genetic engineering at home - Yahoo! News
DIY at home genetic engineering movement has begun
"Co-founder Mackenzie Cowell, a 24-year-old who majored in biology in college, said amateurs will probably pursue serious work such as new vaccines and super-efficient biofuels, but they might also try, for example, to use squid genes to create tattoos that glow."
"Many of these amateurs may have studied biology in college but have no advanced degrees and are not earning a living in the biotechnology field. Some proudly call themselves "biohackers" — innovators who push technological boundaries and put the spread of knowledge before profits."
biohackers20 Vegan Meals that Taste Good | WebEcoist
Several of these are all, "tofu that tastes exactly like meat!" so if you're not into that, those won't be as interesting... but I still want to try them!
Going vegetarian seems challenging enough - but vegan? Here are some amazingly tasty vegan meals that will make even a carnivore's mouth water.Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant -
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. Via <a href="">Edney</a>
A 42-year-old HIV patient with leukemia appears to have no detectable HIV in his blood and no symptoms after a stem cell transplant from a donor carrying a gene mutation that confers natural resistance to the virus that causes AIDS, according to a report published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. "The patient is fine," said Dr. Gero Hutter of Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin in Germany. "Today, two years after his transplantation, he is still without any signs of HIV disease and without antiretroviral medication." The case was first reported in November, and the new report is the first official publication of the case in a medical journal. Hutter and a team of medical professionals performed the stem cell transplant on the patient, an American living in Germany, to treat the man's leukemia, not the HIV itself.1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo
The stretchability of a whole chicken is a frequently discussed topic among food and frugality bloggers. It’s commonly accepted that a single fowl will feed a family of 11 for weeks, years - even millennia. Even after 20 months of keeping CHG, I’m constantly gobsmacked by how moms and dads can create dinner after dinner from the same bird. Here’s the thing: sometimes, those dinners aren’t the healthiest meals in the world. There tend to be a lot of quesadillas and casseroles whenever these type of posts pop up, not to mention chicken salads drenched with full-fat mayo. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this whatsoever (except the mayo - blech), but I wanted to see if I could put a healthier spin on it.Unclutterer » Archive » Replace exercise DVDs with video podcasts
Yoga podcasts.Homemade Granola Bars « Wit & Whistle
cups rolled oats 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup wheat germ 1 teaspoon ground cinnaDepression’s Upside -
finally they take a step or two towards the truth
So this freaking article has been showing up all over delicious for weeks, and I didn't save it when I read it, but since it's everywhere I'd like to officially say: NO. WHETHER OR NOT IT IS AN EVOLUTIONARY ADVANTAGE, RIGHT NOW THERE IS NO REASON TO GO THROUGH LIFE MISERABLE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOUR PROBLEM-SOLVING OR WHATEVER IS IMPROVED. NO NO NO. Unless the *fate of the entire human population rests in your hands*, you should NOT STAY MISERABLE.
The persistence of this affliction — and the fact that it seemed to be heritable — posed a serious challenge to Darwin’s new evolutionary theory. If depression was a disorder, then evolution had made a tragic mistake, allowing an illness that impedes reproduction — it leads people to stop having sex and consider suicide — to spread throughout the population. For some unknown reason, the modern human mind is tilted toward sadness and, as we’ve now come to think, needs drugs to rescue itself.
While there has been endless speculation about Darwin’s mysterious ailment — his symptoms have been attributed to everything from lactose intolerance to Chagas disease — Darwin himself was most troubled by his recurring mental problems. His depression left him “not able to do anything one day out of three,” choking on his “bitter mortification.” He despaired of the weakness of mind that ran in his family. “The ‘race is for the strong,’ ” Darwin wrote. “I shall probably do little more but be content to admire the strides others made in Science.”BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | We're all mutants, say scientists
RT: @rapella {reassuring} So we’re all a bunch of mutants (I love this, it's made me very happy). [from]
'We are all mutants', scientists find [from]
I'm a mutant! we are all mutants! [from]Stand Up While You Read This! - Opinionator Blog -
Your chair is your enemy. It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.
Conversely, a study of people who sit for many hours found that those who took frequent small breaks — standing up to stretch or walk down the corridor — had smaller waists and better profiles for sugar and fat metabolism than those who did their sitting in long, uninterrupted chunks.
Man, I need to try a standing desk3 reasons your workouts aren't working - Healthy Living on Shine
This is a list of 10 key training mistakes, which can sabotage the efforts of even veteran exercisers.
Good workout Info.
short article on common workout mistakesScott and Scurvy
One of the most striking features of the disease is the disproportion between its severity and the simplicity of the cure. Today we know that scurvy is due solely to a deficiency in vitamin C, a compound essential to metabolism that the human body must obtain from food. Scurvy is rapidly and completely cured by restoring vitamin C into the diet.
scurvy bad, science hard : "We tend to think that knowledge, once acquired, is something permanent. Instead, even holding on to it requires constant, careful effort."The evolutionary origin of depression: Mild and bitter | The Economist
as pain stops you doing damaging physical things, so low mood stops you doing damaging mental ones—in particular, pursuing unreachable goals. Pursuing such goals is a waste of energy and resources.
"Dr Nesse’s hypothesis is that, as pain stops you doing damaging physical things, so low mood stops you doing damaging mental ones—in particular, pursuing unreachable goals. Pursuing such goals is a waste of energy and resources. Therefore, he argues, there is likely to be an evolved mechanism that identifies certain goals as unattainable and inhibits their pursuit—and he believes that low mood is at least part of that mechanism." Via Mindhacks.
Their conclusion was that those who experienced mild depressive symptoms could, indeed, disengage more easily from unreachable goals. That supports Dr Nesse’s hypothesis. But the new study also found a remarkable corollary: those women who could disengage from the unattainable proved less likely to suffer more serious depression in the long run.
The Economist | Depression may be linked to how willing someone is to give up his goalsMarijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows
What other facts are needed to legalize pot at this point?How to Fix Bad Ankles - Well Blog -
How to Fix Bad Ankles
It's all about balance.Sizzle Calories in 18 Minutes on Yahoo! Health
A summary of some exercise and diet rule that seem to make a lot of - Adjust your mood, relax and enjoy // Rainforest
relax & enjoy
Adjust your mood, relax and enjoyBBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Simulated brain closer to thought
A detailed simulation of a small region of a brain built molecule by molecule has been constructed and has recreated experimental results from real brains. "It starts to learn things and starts to remember things. We can actually see when it retrieves a memory, and where they retrieved it from because we can trace back every activity of every molecule, every cell, every connection and see how the memory was formed."
A detailed simulation of a small region of a brain built molecule by molecule has been constructed and has recreated experimental results from real brains.
It's a matter of if society wants this. If they want it in 10 years, they'll have it in 10 years.
advancesObesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar | David A Kessler | Life and style | The Guardian
Higher amounts of sugar, fat and salt, found in foods, makes you want to eat more. KFC, Burger King, and McDonalds show great examples of these high fat foods. The action of eating these foods is now known as “conditioned hypereating” its conditioned because of the automatic response to eating these foods and hyper because people consume the food excessively. There are a few ways to stop this process. Plan your meals, use portion sizes, cut out the foods you cant control yourself over, talk yourself out of your urges, and rehearse making the right choice before entering the restaurant.
story. Made of sugar-rich russet potatoes, they have a slightly bitter background note and brown irregularly, which gives them a complex flavour. High levels of fat generate easy mouth-melt, and surface variations add a level of interest beyond that found in mass-prod
"Our favourite foods are making us fat, yet we can't resist, because eating them is changing our minds as well as bodies"FACTBOX-US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits | Reuters
play with the interactive version | find out more about this image | post a comment This image is a balloon race. The higher a bubble, the greater the
scientific evidence for popular health supplements [chart]
A graphical representation of the scientific evidence for or against particular health supplements. Vitamin C seems to be quite far down the list :).Princeton University - A sweet problem: Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain
RT @farmgeek The average American eats 60 pounds of High Fructose Corn Syrup every year >>just wow
Toldja so!
hello i visit your blog, u visit mine
A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.
Among rats fed calorically identical quantities of table sugar and HFCS, those fed corn syrup gain as much as 48% more weight. Fascinating.Most Effective Exercises Pictures Slideshow: Squats, Lunges, and More
Does Your Workout Work? These seven exercises deliver results — whether you do them at a gym or at home. Pay close attention to the form demonstrated by the personal trainer in these slides — good technique is a must for a safe, effective workout.16 Most Fatal Killer Poisonous Plants | WebEcoist
David Frum
I can only hope both sides can start to find more value in the middle. Both edges scare me.
A huge part of the blame for today’s disaster attaches to conservatives and Republicans ourselves. At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994. Only, the hardliners overlooked a few key facts: Obama was elected with 53% of the vote, not Clinton’s 42%. The liberal block within the Democratic congressional caucus is bigger and stronger than it was in 1993-94. And of course the Democrats also remember their history, and also remember the consequences of their 1994 failure. This time, when we went for all the marbles, we ended with none.
but what is equally true – is that he also wants Republicans to fail. If Republicans succeed – if they govern successfully in office and negotiate attractive compromises out of office – Rush’s listeners get less angry. And if they are less angry, they listen to the radio less, and hear fewer ads for Sleepnumber beds.
See subsequent followup link...Женский бодибилдинг в книге Мартина Шоллера (Etoday)
portraits of women bodybuilders. simply crazy
Kottke: "If you cover up the faces with your hands, they look like men in bikini tops and if you cover up the bodies, meth addicts."
Female bodybuilders. Damn.Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), part of the USDA, combines scientific research and the nutritional needs of the American public. Special interest: Dietary Guidelines for Americans | The Food Guide Pyramid | Interactive Healthy Eating Index | Nutrition Insights.
Resources aimed at developing and promoting dietary guidance with links to MyPyramid, dietary guides, nutrition insights and other resources; many aimed at consumers.
The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers. CNPP is an agency of USDA's Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services.
has data on food costs, customizable food pyramids, ect7 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep Your Brain Young: The No. 1 Thing You Can Do? | Anti-Aging | Reader's Digest
Older people are better at solving problems, because they have more mental information to draw upon than younger people do. That's why those in their 50s and 60s are sage. They're the ones we turn to for the best advice, the ones we want to run our companies and our country.Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told | LiveScience
"If you just repeat something again and again that requires your young child to prepare for something in advance, that is not likely to be effective," Munakata said. "What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use.
Toddlers listen, they just store the information for later use, a new study finds."What would be more effective would be to somehow try to trigger this reactive function. So don't do something that requires them to plan ahead in their mind, but rather try to highlight the conflict that they are going to face. Perhaps you could say something like 'I know you don't want to take your coat now, but when you're standing in the yard shivering later, remember that you can get your coat from your bedroom."Op-Ed Columnist - The Rage Is Not About Health Care -
"If Obama’s first legislative priority had been immigration or financial reform or climate change, we would have seen the same trajectory. The conjunction of a black president and a female speaker of the House — topped off by a wise Latina on the Supreme Court and a powerful gay Congressional committee chairman — would sow fears of disenfranchisement among a dwindling and threatened minority in the country no matter what policies were in play. It’s not happenstance that Frank, Lewis and Cleaver — none of them major Democratic players in the health care push — received a major share of last weekend’s abuse. When you hear demonstrators chant the slogan “Take our country back!,” these are the people they want to take the country back from."
Questions: of all the video and audio footage there, no footage? And also, really? They wanted to enjoy a spring day during a protest. Absolutely logical. Seems politicians never tire of the "Look there! A (racist, bigot, socialist, etc.)"
To find a prototype for the overheated reaction to the health care bill, you have to look a year before Medicare, to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Both laws passed by similar majorities in Congress; the Civil Rights Act received even more votes in the Senate (73) than Medicare (70). But it was only the civil rights bill that made some Americans run off the rails. That’s because it was the one that signaled an inexorable and immutable change in the very identity of America, not just its governanceBBC NEWS | Magazine | How to understand risk in 13 clicks
parallel sets diagramLifehacker - Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space - Food
lots of bunk in science's 1st draft
"The data clearly show that much current advice about dietary pyramids, food supplements, megavitamins, and weight loss regimens is frequently unproven, erroneous, or even harmful and is often based on pseudoscience or derivative incorrect professorial opinion."How I Mastered the Power Nap - naps - Lifehacker
Daniel Tenner has spent a lot of time thinking about (and taking) naps. What follows is his experience learning to master 20 minute power naps even though he normally takes 30 minutes to fall asleep.image001fo8.gif (GIF Image, 682x455 pixels)
a must-read
lame gedicht, wel tof idee om iets te doen rond bewegen en computer.A Dermatologist's Skin-Care Picks - Yahoo! Shopping
skin care
Don’t let cooler temperatures take a toll on your face and body. Winterize your routine with tips from this top dermatologist
A Dermatologist's Skin-Care Picks - Yahoo! ShoppingSleep May Prepare You for Tomorrow by Dissolving Today’s Neural Connections | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Sleep may be a way to sweep out the brain and get it ready for a new day of building connections between neurons, according to two new studies of fruit flies. The studies support the controversial theory that sleep weakens or entirely dissolves some synapses, the connections between brain cells. “We assume that if this is happening, it is a major function, if not the most important function, of sleep” [Science News], says Chiara Cirelli, a coauthor of the first study, published in Science.Lottie + Doof » Fries (Baked!)
oven baked fries, adapted from cook's illustrated
garlicky oven wedges睡眠のクオリティを高める10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
これは実践済み。効果的。「午後にものすごい睡魔がおそってくる人、まずコーヒーを飲んで、それから15分のパワーナップをしましょう。脳がリブートされて、再び動き出しますよ。」Norm Stamper: 420: Thoughts on Pot vs. Alcohol from a Former Police Chief
The wrong policy? (Via Daring Fireball: ).
'nuff saidLifehacker - The Alexander Technique Provides Short-Term Relief From Back Pain - back pain
각종 음식 레시피를 모아둔 사이트
Amazing recipe aggregator and search engineBBC NEWS | Health | Enzyme behind cancer spread found
Scientists found way to stop metastasis
"Scientists say they have identified an enzyme that helps cancer spread around the body."
Enzyme promotive of metastasis identified.
Enzyme behind cancer spread found breast cancer Breast cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body Scientists say they have identified an enzyme that helps cancer spread around the body. Cancer metastasis, where the cancer spreads from its original location, is known to be responsible for 90% of cancer-related deaths. Institute of Cancer Research scientists have found that an enzyme called LOX is crucial in promoting metastasis, Cancer Cell journal reports.Dating Advice: Top 10 Relationship Tips -- Yahoo! Personals
Making a connection when you first start dating is generally easy compared to maintaining the connection in the long term. Here, the country's top love experts offer up their best advice -- for free!How to Let Go and Forgive | Zen Habits
Read it crab.Scientists debunk myth that most heat is lost through head | Science | The Guardian
Myths debunked: You don't lose most heat from your head and sugar doesn't make children hyperactive
Lovely example of checking your facts
Good to know!
and other myths debunked
Annotated link
This article is like several Mythbusters episodes. Several kinda boring Mythbusters episodes.
I never get tired of looking at Guardian articles. One of the best looking news sites on the interweb.Personal fitness that revolves around you - FitOrbit
Did you ever stop to think how silly and also how dangerous it is to live our lives with absolutely no monitoring of our body’s medical status? Years from now people will look back and find it unbelievable that heart attacks, strokes, hormone imbalances, sugar levels, and hundreds of other bodily vital signs and malfunctions were not being continuously anticipated and monitored by medical implants. We can call this concept body 2.0, or the networked body, and we need it now! usb_finger Above: concept illustration from yankodesign The trio of biomedicine, technology, and wireless communication are in the midst of a merger that will easily bring continuous, 24×7 monitoring of several crucial bodily functions in the years ahead. Unfortunately, as is often the case with medical products, the needed innovations are either already developed or will be soon, but some of the best commercial products won’t make it to the market until years of testing have proven their safety. In the futu9 Strong Reasons To Eat Slowly
Well, I have been planning to start a workout plan for years. What better movtivation than to have podcasts of exercise activities I can do anywhere I go.死滅病棟: ネットカフェ難民にもなれなかった男の末路
あとでよむ10 Ways to Get Better Sleep (and Maybe Cure Your Insomnia) - US News and World Report
Estrategias para curarse el insomnioHow to Go From Fat To Fit For Good | Zen Habits
Para compartir con Freslys y lograr Fitness
The journey of transforming your body from out of shape to fit as a fiddle is a long one with many twists and turns.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
future of health
Learn about the frontiers of human health from seven of Stanford's most innovative faculty members. Inspired by a format used at the TED Conference (, each speaker delivers a highly engaging talk in just 10-20 minutes about his or her research. Learn about Stanford's newest and most exciting discoveries in neuroscience, bioengineering, brain imaging, psychology, and more.
7 youtube videos from Stanford UniversityRecipes for Health - Quinoa - A Protein-Packed Alternative to Grains -
QuinoaHealthy Eating Begins at the Supermarket: Navigating the Aisles | Nutrition | Reader's Digest
About 95% of the human genome has once been designated as "junk" DNA. While much of this sequence may be an evolutionary artifact that serves no present-day purpose, some junk DNA may function in ways that are not currently understood. The conservation of some junk DNA over many millions of years of evolution may imply an essential function that has been "turned off." Now scientists say there's a junk gene that fights HIV. And they've discovered how to turn it back on. What these scientists have done could give us the first bulletproof HIV vaccine. They have re-awakened the human genome's latent potential to make us all into HIV-resistant creatures, and hey've published their ground-breaking research in PLoS Biology. A group of scientists led by Nitya Venkataraman and Alexander Colewhether wanted to try a new approach to fighting HIV - one that worked with the body's own immune system. They knew Old World monkeys had a built-in immunity to HIV: a protein called retrocyclin, which c
Darwin's Radio: Prehistoric Gene Reawakens to Battle HIVPower Trip : Good Eats : Food Network
Stick to your policies. If you charge extra to rush a job - ALWAYS CHARGE EXTRA - so true
# Delegate to the right people at the right times. Make sure your team is well-ordered. If one person is faster, put him or her on the part of your task that will take longest. If one person is more skilled and accurate, put him or her on the part of the task that is most critical.
wikiHow article about How to Work Smart, Not Hard.Why do women always feel colder than men? - Times Online
This has a lot of interesting stuff, for the most part. (Apparently, hot drinks make you feel more trusting than cold drinks!)
Research also indicates that women's perception of cold varies
New research is suggesting that we all feel the cold differentlyPoverty Goes Straight to the Brain | Wired Science from
:| (Also, wait, poverty-influenced stress can affect... your genes? Erm, what?)
"To test their hypothesis, Evans and Schamberg analyzed the results of their earlier, long-term study of stress in 195 poor and middle-class Caucasian students, half male and half female. In that study, which found a direct link between poverty and stress, students' blood pressure and stress hormones were measured at 9 and 13 years old. At 17, their memory was tested. Given a sequence of items to remember‚ teenagers who grew up in poverty remembered an average of 8.5 items. Those who were well-off during childhood remembered an average of 9.44 items. So-called working memory is considered a reliable indicator of reading, language and problem-solving ability — capacities critical for adult success. When Evans and Schamberg controlled for birth weight, maternal education, parental marital status and parenting styles, the effect remained. When they mathematically adjusted for youthful stress levels, the difference disappeared."
Does being poor make you physically less intelligent?
Growing up poor isn't merely hard on kids. It might also be bad for their brains. A long-term study of cognitive development in lower- and middle-class students found strong links between childhood poverty, physiological stress and adult memory.America’s Unhealthiest Restaurants
chapter 8池谷先生が指南!やる気が出る「脳」のだまし方(プレジデント) - Yahoo!ニュース
■「淡蒼球」を動かす4つのスイッチ [B] Body カラダを動かす [E] Experience いつもと違うことをする [R] Reward ごほうびを与える [I] Ideomotor なりきる
日曜日の朝、平日より遅く起きていませんか? 起床のリズムを崩すことはおすすめできません。
Annotated link
進化の過程を思い出してください。脳とカラダのどちらが先に発達したか。もちろんカラダです。カラダのない動物はいませんが、脳のない動物はいくらでもいます。脳は進化の歴史では新参者なのです。「楽しいから笑う」のではなく「笑うから楽しい」、「やる気が出たからやる」のではなく「やるからやる気が出る」のです。Your Office Chair Is Killing You - BusinessWeek
Well I am screwed...
"Much of the perception about what makes for healthy and comfortable sitting has come from the chair industry." / "Chaise longues are good options."
Meet public enemy No. 1 in today's workplace.
SwopperWhat Happy People Don’t Do -
They enjoy TV, but watch it a lot less!
Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers — but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.
via Lifehacker. "But the researchers could not tell whether unhappy people watch more television or whether being glued to the set is what makes people unhappy."The Four Stages of Burnout
Can your toothbrush make you sick? - – Marc and Angel (marcandangel)あまり知られてないけど、すごく効果のある花粉症対策まとめ - 分裂勘違い君劇場
いろいろ参考になるな〜。花粉症じゃないけど。H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps
La grippe porcine en temps réel.
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
豚インフルエンザ10 Ways to Be Happier - Healthy Living on Shine
Meditation podcast and homework materialsControl and Conquer Stress:
Unique tips for dealing with stress.
The point is, stress attacks in all sorts of ways—which means that if you want to control it, contain it, conquer it, you need to fire back in kind.
52 Ways to Control and Conquer Stress [from]7 anti-aging super foods - Healthy Living on Shine
Entre ellas el chocolate, el vino y el yogur, así que vamos bien.
I would love to try to get us eating this whole list once a week in our meals!
A few weeks ago I was using my flat iron and when I looked in the mirror to admire my ’do, I discovered my first gray hair (gasp!). It was the first time I was visibly confronted with the reality that, surprise, I will age, and I’m not 18 anymore no matter how good I feel.OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Use Social Media: An Interview with Lee Aase of Mayo Clinic
Lee Aase is the manager for syndication and social media for Mayo Clinic. This means he’s in charge of making in-depth health and medical news content available directly to patients and interested consumers in order to encourage feedback, dialog, and sharing of information. He is also the chancellor of Social Media University, Global (SMUG), an institution that provides training in social media. In this interview he explains how the Mayo Clinic uses social media as a marketing and communications tool.
How to Use Social Media: An Interview with Lee Aase of Mayo ClinicLifehacker - Improve Your Sleep Posture - remedies
We tend to apply ergonomics as it relates to our waking activities. But utilizing the right sleep posture is just as important as having the right PC posture, especially if you want to enjoy a pain-free morning and day.BBC NEWS | Health | 'Brain decline' begins at age 27
'Brain decline' begins at age 27 Concentration Mental abilities decline at a relatively young age, experts suspect Mental powers start to dwindle at 27 after peaking at 22, marking the start of old age, US research suggests. Professor Timothy Salthouse of the University of Virginia found reasoning, spatial visualisation and speed of thought all decline in our late 20s.
Mental powers start to dwindle at 27 after peaking at 22, marking the start of old age, US research suggests.
Thought that your mental prime years were in your thirties? Think again: [from]
An overview of a study on the shape of our learning. I suppose it is no mistake that tertiary education systems follow the curve. "A seven-year study (published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging) reveals the average age at which the top performance was achieved as 22 in nine out of the 12 tests given. The first age at which there was any marked decline was at 27 in tests of brain speed, reasoning and visual puzzle-solving ability. Things like memory stayed intact until the age of 37, on average, while abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until the age of 60."
Six more years to go before I get the - Overlooked Fat Loss Factors
enables to search unknown solid-dosage medications (tablets/capsules) based on physical characteristics and images. The system combines high-resolution images of tablets and capsules with FDA-approved appearance information (imprint, shape, color, etc.) to enable users to visually search for and identify an unknown solid dosage pharmaceutical. This system is designed for use by emergency physicians, first responders, other health care providers, Poison Control Center staff, and concerned citizens. Annotated link
A site that identifies pillsObesity and the Fastness of Food - Economix Blog -
On Monday, in posting some of the data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Society at a Glance report, I noted that the French spent the most time per day eating, but had one of the lowest obesity rates among developed nations. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30).
Would you expect a positive or negative correlation?
Here I’ve plotted out the relationship between time the average person in a given country spends eating and that country’s obesity rate (as measured by the percentage of the national population with a body mass index higher than 30). Turkey - longest time spent eating per day (nearly 3 hours) - lower end of obese populationBBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | How to understand risk in 13 clicks
What are we to make of all those stories that warn of lifestyle dangers and slap a giant percentage sign in the headline? Michael Blastland introduces the Risk-o-meter to his regular column.
nice presentation, and even nicer correlation visualization if you scroll down further.
Ценнейший материал о том, как создавалась и тестировалась на читателях социальная реклама, представляющая сложные факты в виде наглядной инфографики.
What are we to make of all those stories that warn of lifestyle dangers and slap a giant "%" sign in the headline? Michael Blastland introduces the Risk-o-meter to his regular column.Dead athletes' brains show damage from concussions -
Thanks to the listener who sent me this link.The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running | Zen Habits
When I first heard about barefoot running, several years ago, I was skeptical — don’t we need cushion to protect us from injuries, and why would I want to run barefoot, anyway? But several months ago, I read a few influential articles (stemming from the popularity of Christopher McDougall’s book, Born to Run) and decided to give barefoot running a try. Why not?
Zenhabits Einführung mit guter LinklisteAirStrip Technologies > Home
The use of technology for healthcare簡単エクササイズで美人度・男前度を速攻UP! 男女別「モテる筋肉」の鍛え方 - [ボディケア]All About
猫背新型インフルに対する京都大学の対応がかっこよすぎる - てっく煮ブログ
これが正しい態度ですね。Entropy Production: All Medical Science is Wrong within a 95 % Confidence Interval
Recommended by Art
law of thermodynamics
Recently I read a very impressive book by Gary Taubes, previously a reporter for the journal Science. The work in question is, "Good Calories, Bad Calories."' In the book, Taubes collects research to challenge the common knowledge of nutrition: that fat is bad for you, that we should eat polyunsaturated vegetable oils, that we should exercise for sixty minutes a day, etc.
nice theory on how puritanicalism informs, in this case, our common dietary 'wisdom'How to Give a Back Massage - wikiHow
A good back massage can relieve pain, anxiety, and stress, as well as increase physical intimacy, if desired. The following techniques will help you learn how to give a good back massage. Finding a volunteer to practice on shouldn't be too hard!
wikiHow article about How to Give a Back Massage.Google Flu Trends | Mexico
internet searches lead researchers to predict flu outbreaks early
We've created experimental estimates of flu activity in Mexico using aggregated search data. Unlike Google Flu Trends for the U.S., this data has not been validated against confirmed cases of flu.
RT @rzeiger: Google launches Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico #swineflu [from]
Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico by Google: [from]
Flu trends analisys based on searches in Google | Tendencias de influeza basadas en búsquedas en Google
Seems that information overflow has turned into something positive with Google Flu TrendsSimple elixir called a 'miracle liquid' - Los Angeles Times
Electrolyzed water yields two compounds as a degreaser and sanitizer
Sounds like the old "Saturday Night Live" gag for Shimmer, the faux floor polish plugged by Gilda Radner. But the elixir is real. It has been approved by U.S. regulators. And it's starting to replace the toxic chemicals Americans use at home and on the job. The stuff is a simple mixture of table salt and tap water whose ions have been scrambled with an electric current. Researchers have dubbed it electrolyzed water -- hardly as catchy as Mr. Clean. But at the Sheraton Delfina in Santa Monica, some hotel workers are calling it el liquido milagroso -- the miracle liquid.“…look at me I’m skinny…” Diet, exercise, nature, and nurture at FISTFULAYEN
iancr's confessional on diet, exercise and self-discipline
Great tips on staying fit and eating healthy. Also a great recommendation for the book "The End of Overeating" by David Kessler which shows why so many Americans are getting fat and what to do about it.
interesting article about ian rogers' relationship with food and exercise and being a 'skinny guy'.That Sharp Pain in your Chest
Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS) is the most common cause of recurring chest pain, sometimes known asStress is Sabotaging Your Diet Success on Yahoo! Health
Just as our bodies are wired to react to stress, we're all also programmed to know how to wind down, whether it's by watching a funny movie, sitting in the sauna, sipping some chamomile tea (while dunking a cookie, of course!) or drinking a glass (or two) of wine with dinner. These activities switch on the brain's pleasure centers, blocking the production of the stress hormone cortisol and churning out happiness-inducing chemicals like serotonin instead.
Try a few of these instant soothers, and watch your own stress go from ARGH! to Ahhh.Why Sleep Is Needed To Form Memories
In research published recently in Neuron, Marcos Frank, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, postdoctoral researcher Sara Aton, PhD, and colleagues describe for the first time how cellular changes in the sleeping brain promote the formation of memories.
The key cellular player is the molecule N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), which acts like a combination listening post & gate-keeper. It both receives extracellular signals in the form of glutamate & regulates the flow of calcium ions into cells. Once the brain is triggered to reorganize its neural networks in wakefulness (by visual deprivation, eg), intra- & intercellular communication pathways engage, setting a series of enzymes into action w/in the reorganizing neurons during sleep. To start the process, NMDAR is primed to open its ion channel after the neuron has been excited. The ion channel then opens when glutamate binds to the receptor, allowing calcium into the cell. In turn, calcium, an intracellular signaling molecule, turns other downstream enzymes on and off. Some neural connections are strengthened as a result of this process, & the result is a reorganized visual cortex. &, this only happens during sleep.
If you ever argued with your mother when she told you to get some sleep after studying for an exam instead of pulling an all-nighter, you owe her an apology, because it turns out she's right. And now, scientists are beginning to understand why.
In research published recently in Neuron, Marcos Frank, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, postdoctoral researcher Sara Aton, PhD, and colleagues describe for the first time how cellular changes in the sleeping brain promote the formation of memories. ... "We find that the biochemical changes are simply not happening in the neurons of animals that are awake," Frank says. "And when the animal goes to sleep it's like you’ve thrown a switch, and all of a sudden, everything is turned on that's necessary for making synaptic changes that form the basis of memory formation. It's very striking." The team used an experimental model of cortical plasticity – the rearrangement of neural connections in response to life experiences. "That's fundamentally what we think the machinery of memory is, the actual making and breaking of connections between neurons,” Frank explainsFree Medical Clinics, Free Dental Clinics, Free Medical Help All over USA
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Dirk had an accident. Below is the X-ray showing his totally crushed finger tip. It took 1 1/2 hours of surgery to remove the shattered bones and repair the damage. Medically speaking, he crushed his right index finger distal phalange. The magnets had a 50 cm (20 inch) separation when they decided to fly together.
includes gory finger photos...
accidente con imanes de neodimio. muy explícito :-(
ow!!!Learn more about your body. Create and analyse your fertility charts - go28days
28days - learn about your fertility,.discover the natural rhythm of your bodyAchieving Fame, Wealth And Beauty Are Psychological Dead Ends, Study Says
"What's "striking and paradoxical" about this research, he says, is that it shows that reaching materialistic and image-related milestones actually contributes to ill-being; despite their accomplishments, individuals experience more negative emotions like shame and anger and more physical symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, stomachaches, and loss of energy. By contrast, individuals who value personal growth, close relationships, community involvement, and physical health are more satisfied as they meet success in those areas."BBC NEWS | Health | Problems are solved by sleeping
Sleeping on a problem really can help solve it, say scientists who found a dreamy nap boosts creative powers. They tested whether "incubating" a problem allowed a flash of insight, and found it did, especially when people entered a phase of sleep known as REM. [Excerpt, click on the link to read the rest of this article.]
Sleeping on a problem really can help solve it, say scientists who found a dreamy nap boosts creative powers. They tested whether "incubating" a problem allowed a flash of insight, and found it did, especially when people entered a phase of sleep known as REM. Volunteers who had entered REM or rapid eye movement sleep - when most dreams occur - were then better able to solve a new problem with lateral thinking.
We propose that REM sleep is important for assimilating new information into past experience to create a richer network of associations for future use. They tested whether "incubating" a problem allowed a flash of insight, and found it did, especially when people entered a phase of sleep called REM sleep.
The study at the University of California San Diego showed that the volunteers who entered REM during sleep improved their creative problem solving ability by almost 40%.
"We found that, for creative problems you've already been working on, the passage of time is enough to find solutions. "However for new problems, only REM sleep enhances creativity."DIY Mineral Makeup
Give me strength the BBC, just keep on getting worse - why report such nonsense? [from]
Danger danger!! Facebook will damage your health. Too much screen time means much less physical connection with other people. i agree, we all need balance in our lives, but saying that Faceboo keeps people apart is a bit strange. "People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart."
People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart. Dr Sigman makes his warning in Biologist, the journal of the Institute of Biology. A lack of "real" social networking, involving personal interaction, may have biological effects, he suggests. He also says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. 'Evolutionary mechanism' Dr Sigman maintains that social networking sites have played a significant role in making people become more isolated. "Social networking is the internet's biggest growth area, particular among young childre
This article focuses on health concerns that may arise due to lack of actual or "real" social networking that involves personal interaction. Author Dr Aric Sigman says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. I wondered if this evidence was substantiated by any research. There are many mixed comments from readers suggesting the positive and negative effects of social networking sites for them. My opinion is that this article is valuable as it highlights health concerns, however, it must be recognised that most people to not solely rely upon online forms of communication and still participate in 'actual' socialing with people.
This one's an article from the BBC News, about the disadvantages of social-networking websites on health. It discusses how these sites could be altering the way our genes work, increasing problems like cancer, heart disease, dementia, and it also mentions the issue of decreasing 'face to face' contact. The article demontrates the other side of the story regarding social media and its convergences, and is of particular interest as it relates it all to the health of individuals involved. The article seems pretty legitimate as it is from a reputable news source, and also (conveniently) provides other readers comments and opinions to the topic beneath, whether they be for or against.PHD Comics: Tales from the Road - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Link to Piled Higher and DeeperBikini Body in 2 Weeks on Yahoo! Health
by gabrielle reeceGoogle Could Have Caught Swine Flu Early | Wired Science
incredible use of people's searches as ambient trending data...
RT @rosshill: Can Google spot health epidemics early? [from]
Last week, at the request of the Centers for Disease Control, Google took a retroactive look at its search data from Mexico. And there the team found a pre-media bump in telltale flu-related search terms (you know, “influenza + phlegm + coughing”) that was inconsistent with standard, seasonal flu trends.
Google’s search data may have been able to provide an early warning of the swine flu outbreak — if the company had been looking in the right place. Last week, at the request of the Centers for Disease Control, Google took a retroactive look at its search data from Mexico. And there the team found a pre-media bump in telltale flu-related search terms (you know, “influenza + phlegm + coughing”) that was inconsistent with standard, seasonal flu trends.
Googles search data may have been able to provide an early warning of the swine flu outbreak if the company had been looking in the right place.Key to Hallucinations Found | LiveScience
What a long, strange trip it's been!Phys Ed - Stretching - The Truth -
Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored. The resulting distractions can have deadly consequences, as when cellphone-wielding drivers and train engineers cause wrecks. And for millions of people like Mr. Campbell, these urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep thought, interrupting work and family life.
Scientists say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information from e-mail and other interruptions.How to Reboot Your Sleep Cycle and Get the Rest You Deserve
Get back to the normal sleep cycle and rest.Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide
We all remember learning in science class that plants “breathe” by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which is why forests are so important in maintaining the delicate balance of the earth’s atmosphere. But did you know that certain tropical houseplants can also remove and process other, more harmful, chemicals from the air inside your home?Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens | EWG's 2010 Sunscreen Guide
Nanoparticles or hormone disruptions? Unless, of course, you opt for no sunscreen and take your chances with cell mutations. Good luck!Harmful Drinks in America | World Of Mysteries
Drinks & their sugar equivalent in food (sticking to water from now on) #MustRead
zomg, horrifying
World of Mysteries takes pictures of the worst beverages in America with their caloric equals. SoBe Green Tea contains the same amount of sugar as four pieces of Sara Lee cherry pie.
This makes me scared to drink anything but good old council pop - #sugaroverload (Via @emsydo)BBC News - Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'
BBC News | Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.
Article on creativity and how the minds mimic schizophrenia. Interesting about education and the mind.
That thin line between genius and madness is now verified by science.Become a morning person. How to end insomnia for $520.99 - humbledMBA
I regularly can't fall asleep. I often can't fall asleep even when I feel tired. Once asleep, I generally sleep through the night just fine. It's nearly impossible for me to wake up early in the morning. Pulling an all-nighter is surprisingly easy for me. I generally direct my lifestyle to avoid morning commitments. I have delayed sleep phase syndrome, a common form of insomnia. Sound familiar anyone? Or as Wikipedia describes it: Attempting to force oneself onto daytime society's schedule with DSPS has been compared to constantly living with 6 hours of jet lag; the disorder has, in fact, been referred to as "social jet lag".[7] Often, sufferers manage only a few hours sleep a night during the working week, then compensate by sleeping until the afternoon on weekends. Sleeping in on weekends, and/or taking long naps during the day, may give people with the disorder relief from daytime sleepiness but may also perpetuate the late sleep phase.EWG's 2010 Sunscreen Guide
ratings.Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart: Scientific American
Whether the new thinking will be reflected in this year's revision of the federal dietary guidelines remains unclearMagazine Preview - The Data-Driven Life -
Humans make errors. We make errors of fact and errors of judgment. We have blind spots in our field of vision and gaps in our stream of attention. Sometimes we can’t even answer the simplest questions. Where was I last week at this time? How long have I had this pain in my knee? How much money do I typically spend in a day? These weaknesses put us at a disadvantage. We make decisions with partial information. We are forced to steer by guesswork. We go with our gut.
Does anybody really believe that long hours at a desk are a vocational ideal?
Gary Wolf, of Wired and The Quantified Self, describes personal data collection and analysis in NYT magazine.40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
You may already keep a box in the fridge to neutralize odors, but baking soda can help out around the house in a multitude of ways.
Buenas recomendaciones para usar el bicarbonato de sodioEating Well On $1 A Day - Grocery Coupon Guide
The "problem" with these posts is that they make it seem as if the poor have no excuse for not eating well...
Fascinating blog about coupons and urban foraging.John Graham-Cumming: How to sleep on a long haul flight
... But the flight was over ten hours. The right thing to think is: oh, 10 hours of sleep, that'll do me good. But do not look at your watch and think about the flight time left. Just close your eyes, put on the blindfold, shut out the noise and relax. Of course, relaxing is hard, but I find that something simple like alternate nostril breathing works wonders to calm me down. The yogi probably won't tell you but the beer also helps. PS It's important to know how to unblock your ears because blocked ears can be painful. Here's a good description.Bering in Mind: One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot.
Does anyone know if Gilbert Van Tassel Hamilton's studies were published into a coffee table book? If they were, then my gift shopping for the year just got a whole lot easier.
There must be something in the water here in Lanesboro, Minnesota, because last night I dreamt of an encounter with a very muscular African-American centaur, an orgiastic experience with – gasp – drunken members of the opposite sex and (as ifHealth Care
A federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201 is a new online portal where anyone can go to find insurance options in their state, went live. It's a very handy resource for information that used to be difficult to find. It's available to help millions who need insurance find it, and as a resource for those who want to shop around for new options or find out their new benefits under the new law. (a federal government Website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
neutral reference on health insurance under new laws18 Memory Tricks You Need to Know on Shine
By Patricia Curtis Can't remember where you put your glasses? Blanked on your new colleague's name? "Forgetting these types of things is a sign of how busy we are," says Zaldy S. Tan, MD, director of the Memory Disorders Clinic at…Doctor Finder
Track your diet and exercise with the Hot Cal fitness journal. Keep track of calories and carbs in your free diet log and workout journal.Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
The new captain jumped from the cockpit, fully dressed, and sprinted through the water. A former lifeguard, he kept his eyes on his victim as he headed straight for the owners who were swimming between their anchored sportfisher and theYour Ultimate Brain-Power Workout
Find information on wellness, diet, fitness, weight loss, mental health, anti-aging, conditions & diseases, drugs & medications, and more on Yahoo! Health180度開脚する方法 体が硬い人のためのストレッチ体操
RT @biomatushiq: pity for us, evening owls :) Morning people rule the world [from]
사진이..ㅎ RT @bookedit: "아침형 인간이 세계를 지배하는 이유"를 밝힌 연구 결과가 나왔네요. 현재의 사회환경에서 저녁형 인간보다 좀더 주도적으로 상황을 이끌어갈 수 있기 때문이라네요. – The Grim Truth | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia...
ein im Ausland lebender Amerikaner liest s. Landsleuten die Leviten, lesenswert (English) ich fand es spannend #vfbb – Vera F. Birkenbihl (VeraFBirkenbihl) – The Grim Truth | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia...
ein im Ausland lebender Amerikaner liest s. Landsleuten die Leviten, lesenswert (English) ich fand es spannend #vfbb – Vera F. Birkenbihl (VeraFBirkenbihl) to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
egg yolks
パーフェクトなアイスクリームHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
egg yolksHow to make perfect ice cream | Life and style | The Guardian
eat the seasons aims to promote an understanding of food seasons. Each week we list the seasonal foods that are at their peak, and share enlightening facts, useful tips and enticing recipe ideas picked from the web and our favourite books.A Guide to Meditation for the Rest of Us
talks about obesogens
by: Stephen Perrine and Heather Hurlock On May 11, the White House announced it was targeting a new threat to America’s health and security. It wasn’t some rogue nation or terrorist organization, or a newfound disease or environmental threat. It…Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds on Shine
"Obesogens"Why You Can't Lose Those Last 10 Pounds on Shine
But your endocrine system is a finely tuned instrument that can easily be thrown off-kilter. "Obesogens are thought to act by hijacking the regulatory systems that control body weight,"
eats water for both health and aesthetic concerns. Try The Brita Aqualux ($28,, Pur Horizontal fauThe Acceleration of Addictiveness
People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet. It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work. We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working.
Paul Graham.
"Most people I know have problems with Internet addiction. We're all trying to figure out our own customs for getting free of it. That's why I don't have an iPhone, for example; the last thing I want is for the Internet to follow me out into the world. [5] My latest trick is taking long hikes. I used to think running was a better form of exercise than hiking because it took less time. Now the slowness of hiking seems an advantage, because the longer I spend on the trail, the longer I have to think without interruption."
"The world is more addictive than it was 40 years ago." "Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US... You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly." "We'll increasingly be defined by what we say no to."
as the world becomes more addictive, the two senses in which one can live a normal life will be driven ever further apart. One sense of "normal" is statistically normal: what everyone else does. The other is the sense we mean when we talk about the normal operating range of a piece of machinery: what works best. These two senses are already quite far apart. Already someone trying to live well would seem eccentrically abstemious in most of the US. That phenomenon is only going to become more pronounced. You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly.
You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly. Truth About Your Food
Truth About Your Food
6.11.10 (Article based on the "Eat This, Not Article" book)
In case you missed the article that Mike B posted last week, check out The Truth About Your Food. Did you Taco Bell that of the 64 ingredients in their Mexican Pizza, one of them is silicon dioxide (aka sand), which is added to the ground beef? While you may think you can at make good food choices at fast food restaurants, even if you only eat the meat, there's likely to be 20+ ingredients added!
By David Zinczenko Jun 11, 2010
RT @CarePractice: Are you really going to eat that? Here's what lurks in your favorite foods:
What to eat--what not to eat--and why.