Pages tagged hiphop:

…shot then » Blog Archive » 8-bit Hip Hop medley

this is awesome la musique hip-hop en 8 bit NINTENDO.
8tracks - The Ocarina of Rhyme
Listen now to an online mix of zelda, rap, mashups. Zelda + Raps download it at: !
Ocarina of Time music remixed with some rap! Very cool.
The Ocarina of Rhyme
Zelda & Rap.
Facebook Developers | HipHop for PHP: Move Fast
With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead. This project has had a tremendous impact on Facebook. We feel the Web at large can benefit from HipHop, so we are releasing it as open source this evening in hope that it brings a new focus toward scaling large complex websites with PHP. While HipHop has shown us incredible results, it's certainly not complete and you should be comfortable with beta software before trying it out.
HipHop for PHP. With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
Nyle "Let The Beat Build" on Vimeo
This video was filmed in one take, with audio being recorded simultaneously with the film
Music vid shot and audio recorded all in one take is awesome [from]
8 Most Over-used Samples In Hip Hop History - AUDIOTUTS
familiar sounds
Kon + Amir Present: The 50 Greatest Hip-Hop Samples Of All Time
hiphop samples
Love this! Too much good stuff.