Pages tagged home:

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes :

10 Homemade Laundry Soap Detergent Recipes
How to Stop Accumulating Books - wikiHow
How to Stop Accumulating Books
Why would I stop accumulating books? I just need to trade and donate out some of my overflow that's all! Whats wrong with sagging shelves on every wall and boxes stacked all over the place? WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT? I would recommend AGAINST following most of the suggestions given in this article, other than giving away books no longer wanted. DO NOT put labels on your book spines or shelve different-sized books together (keep same-sized volumes together even if they are unrelated). I will eat your family if you do.
1. Cull your existing collection. Look in the yellow pages of your local phone book under "Books - Used." Sites like and allow individuals to sell books. break your books up into the following piles, and decide which ones get to stay: Reference books. Books you've already read, that you want to keep. Books you haven't read yet. Set a "read-to-purchase ratio". Make a “syllabus” of books to read. pick out the next 10-14 books you want to read. Make a "to buy" list. If you buy a book, immediately get rid of a book you already have. Use the library: most library systems will lend you books from anywhere in their system. Use the library for downloading ebooks: many libraries offer a service that allows you to download ebooks to your pc. Purchase and collect your books on an e-Book reader (like Kindle Wireless). If you have room for them and you still think "I'm going to read (or re-read) that someday", keep them.
building your library
Coffee: Brew the Best Possible Coffee Without Breaking the Bank
10 Companies Hiring for Work from Home
Work from home
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Cheap or Free Home Theater Upgrades
maybe useful
Heal your wallet with ten upgrades, fixes, and setup tips that take your system to 11 on the cheap.
Winfield Middle School
this is the school address. Click me if you have any questions about school!
School website. Find out everything about WMS here!
How to Grow Your Own Fresh Air - TED 2009 « GreenSpaces Blog
With only three varieties of plants, we can “grow our own fresh air” indoors, to keep us healthy. Areca Palm, Mother-in-law tongue, Money plant. Bueno!!!!
Ever heard about these plants: (a) Areca Palm, (b) Mother-in-Law's Tongue, or (c) Money Plant? The authors state that, "We have tried and tested these plants for 15 years at Paharpur Business Centre and Software Technology Incubator Park (PBC- STIP) in New Delhi, India. It is a 20 year old, 50,000 ft2 building, with over 1,200 plants for 300 building occupants. PBC- STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.* Their study found that there is a 42% probability of increasing blood oxygen by 1% if one is inside the building for 10 hours."
How to Declutter an Entire Room in One Go | Zen Habits
Sure. Like that's even possible.
My family is moving to another house this coming weekend, and to prepare for the move, we’re going through the entire house and getting rid of stuff we don’t need.
Energy Information
Google energy information - popular site in Delicious
Monitor your houseapplicances' energy consumption via Google!
Google PowerMeter, now in prototype, will receive information from utility smart meters and energy management devices and provide anyone who signs up access to her home electricity consumption right on her iGoogle homepage. The graph below shows how someone could use this information to figure out how much energy is used by different household activites.
31 Contemporary & Creative Book Shelves | Home Interiors Zone
Creative Book Shelves
Here are 31 more creative book shelve designs from the world’s best designers, that will inspire and provide you new and fresh ideas for your home.
/dev/thekevdog - My Homemade Wind Generator
Ashes & Milk
boutique arts and crafts, individual pieces made with skill
eclectic mix of handmade materials
Unclutterer » Archive » Creating a central binder for your home
Unclutterer is the blog about getting and staying organized. A place for everything, and everything in its place is our gospel.
DIY Grow Lights | Popular Science
DIY Grow Lights | Popular Science
Apartment Therapy Chicago | How To: Make an Inventory of Your Home ... And Use It to Declutter
A home inventory list serves multiple purposes. It provides documentation of your belongings for an insurance company if your home is burglarized or damaged
Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
東京で賃貸住宅を探している人への勝手なアドバイス - Yamashiro0217の日記
人の気配を感じるとメチャクチャ吠えるんですよね。 一時期隣が開いた時にそこに犬を入れてベランダに放置。自分が物音を出す度に吠えまくるわベランダに糞が散らかりまくってて臭いがひどく洗濯物が干せないわと散々でした。あまつさえ隙間から自分のベランダに入ってくるし。
Необычные предметы в обиходе (30 фото) » elLf houSE - сайт, который вас радует!
142 Creative Unique Modern Furniture Designs | WebUrbanist » Modern Showers and Creative Shower Heads
Rental moving boxes
"Available in 3 sizes and delivered direct to your door on our fleet of eco-trucks powered waste vegetable oil and bio-fuel. All you need to do is pack, stack and move. When the Recopack are empty, just call us and we’ll come over to your new place and pick them up."
Reusable plastic moving boxes for rent to replace cardboard cartons. Delivered to and picked up at your door by "eco-trucks" powered on vegetable oil, of course.
The First, Zero-Waste Pack and Move Solution in America!
Eco-friendly moving company
Sliding pants rack
great projects
I bought a wardrobe from ikea to store my work clothes in. While walking around at ikea, I came across a Pax wardrobe w...
50 Nifty Tricks for Big DIY Savings | Money Saving Ideas | This Old House - 1,,20250928,00.html
DIY for the house
The best why-didn't-I-think-of-that ideas for shrinking your household expenses
15 Creative Wallpapers and Wallpaper Designs | WebUrbanist
Wallpaper isn't what it used to be. New ideas and revolutionary techniques have allowed artists and designers to bring two-dimensional surfaces to life. What's on YOUR wall?
Wallpaper (at-home, not on-screen) isn’t what it used to be, but we bet you never thought it could look THIS good! So you have your absolutely amazing house and insanely cool furniture - what comes next? New ideas and revolutionary techniques have allowed artists and designers to bring two-dimensional surfaces to life through creative wallpapers and wallpaper designs.
26 Kitchen Tips: Timeless Wisdom Collection :
To keep cheese from getting hard, cut off enough for immediate use and spread the remaining portion with a thin film of butter or margarine. Put it in a cool place. This keeps out the air and prevents the cheese from drying out.
Before and After: Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Cool Desktop setup
Saving Money: Reduce Your Rent with This Simple Letter
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord. Photo by Editor B. WSJ's Mary Pilon and her roommates were none too pleased to discover that their new neighbors had secured a lease for $300 less than their lease, while they received a $100/month hike in their rent. After sending the letter below to her landlord, Pilon shaved $300 off her rent.
Property values are down, times are tough, and the Wall Street Journal details how to use the current economic situation to significantly reduce your rent with this simple fill-in-the-blank letter to your landlord.
Factory 20 : Factory 20
You want some vintage furniture? This place looks amazing.
love their furniture
old factory things made into furniture $$$$$
antiques dealer... changing inventory
IKEA | Download planner
3-D of your bedroom, office, kitchen
This is a cool tool to spaceplan/lay out the interior of your home or building. Really really cool stuff.
Make your dream room a reality
Article Print | Planning and Ideas | This Old House,,20250928,00.html
Wonderful Wine Cellars For Any Room in Your House | dornob
Wonderful Wine Cellars For Any Room in Your House | wine cellar winecellar winewine
distinctive designs
Top 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Advanced and Beginners - The Renegade Health Show Episode #104 » The Renegade Health Show
10 sencillos ejercicios para cuando no tengas tiempo para ir al gym
8 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dust-Proof | Housecleaning | Reader's Digest
The solution to most household problems is to attack the source. But you can't eliminate the sources of household dust. You can't even do much to reduce them, because more than 90 percent of household dust comes from people and fabric. Our bodies constantly shed tiny flakes of skin. Our clothes, bedding and furnishings constantly shed barely visible fibers. These flakes and fibers float on the slightest air currents and settle on every surface in your house. In a spot sheltered from air movement, the particles stay put. In other areas, they constantly rise and settle as doors swing open and people pass by. Even if fighting dust is a battle you can never completely win, you can save a lot of time and energy with these dust-busting strategies. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. Capture dust -- don't just spread it around. 1. Keep closet floors clear for easy cleaning. Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels and bedding. Every time yo
hat aren't machine washable don't need weekly trips to the dry cleaners -- just take blankets and bedspreads outside and shake them. You can
Downloads: IKEA Planner Visualizes Your Dream Rooms in 3D
IKEA has released its own 3D room design tool to help you plan the modernist, clean-lined kitchen, bedroom, or workspace of your dreams.
How to Build a Rotating Canned Food Shelf - wikiHow
If I ever had a bigger pantry
How to keep a house plant alive
Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need ...
"Keeping plants alive indoors can prove next to impossible to some, but it really isn't all that hard to do. Plants need light, water, support, nutrients, and an adequate air supply."
5 Reasons Renting Still Beats Buying - Yahoo! Real Estate;_ylt=Ai66EVUu2y5Dusj7iA8fi6wazJV4
I just link this to make me feel better.
Autodesk Project Dragonfly
Etched Glass Storage Jars and more decorating ideas, organizing tips, and homekeeping and cleaning solutions on
Improve cabinet organization with nicely labeled jars. :: home of smallblueprinter and garden planner
Design your house plan blueprints online with smallblueprinter, then take a 3D walkthrough your design, check out an isometric view and print out your plan. Design your dream garden online. An easy to use interactive online tool. drag - drop - print .... your new garden design.
garden and home designer. Free, online
DIY Pizza: Cheaper, Tastier, More Fun | Food & Drink | Lifestyle | Mainstreet
In the food business, there’s a saying, "If you want to make money, make pizza." The ingredients cost next to nothing, and you’ve always got a market hungry for your product. Turn that logic around, and you’ve got an economic case for homemade pizza. Flour and packaged yeast are cheap, water is free (or close to it), and you probably already have the toppings in your fridge. A homemade pizza party can cost less than $2 per person. You can’t even get a slice for that these days.
KitcheNET -
kitchen pc
Lifehacker - Top 10 Home Office Hacks - Home office
Great suggestions for productive home office!
Whatever kind of work you do at home, your office is one place you want to spend the time to make comfortable and convenient. Take 10 of our tips on organizing, fixing, and streamlining that space.
OfficePOD®. Changing the way people work. Welcome to the next generation of workplace
Being an OfficePOD user will bring a positive change to life. A chance to cut down on commuting, to be more productive, to spend more time at home but at the same time keep your work separate. A major way to getting a better balance into your life. (Será?)
The ability to work from home is a trend that is here to stay. Technology allows it, legislation permits it and employers often now encourage it. An OfficePOD provides a working environment that is separate to home life. The hassle free OfficePOD service deals with everything from site survey and installation through to customer services and POD relocation in the case of moving house or employer.
Pretty amazing outdoor office furniture designed to help the environment.
The EarthTainer™
Look at this!
Craftynest was launched by Monica Ewing in June 2008 to share practical and pretty DIY ideas for the home. Each craft is created with two goals in mind: that it's green and/or affordable.
Tutorials on how to improve your home.
LittleDiggs -
Small spaces livable — 500 sq ft or smaller.
blog little homes
Lifehacker - Roll Your Own Streaming Media Server with Subsonic - Streaming Media
Media Server - OpenSource
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Windows/Mac/Linux: Is having your entire media collection on tap, ready to stream wherever you may be, too much to ask? Not if you're using Subsonic. Subsonic can be installed on everything from a...
How to Grow Herbs Indoors : Easy? Maybe not. Rewarding? Hell yeah. - CHOW;stories
Easy? Maybe not. Rewarding? Hell yeah.
Lifehacker - Grow 100 lbs. of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet - Household
Potatoes seem like the kind of plant you'd need a substantial garden for—the kind your grandparents had, right? Actually, tubers aren't all that picky, and you can harvest a whole lot from almost any yard.
How cost-effective is it to make pantry staples from scratch? - By Jennifer Reese - Slate Magazine
Although I love to cook, I've always secretly, darkly, suspected it is costlier to craft at home what you can buy at Ralph's. Obviously, homemade bread tastes better than Wonder, but does playing Martha Stewart really save you money? While packaged food is
It's easy to find recipes for homemade yogurt, granola, and other common groceries, but far harder to know, cent for cent, if making them really saves money. One Slate writer did the math for us. Jennifer Reese is a dedicated home cook, but was suspicious that there were some home recipes on which she couldn't beat the big-time manufacturers for cost. So she tried out notable recipes for bagels, cream cheese, yogurt, jam, crackers, and granola, and compared her cost to a standard grocery store price, as well as noted how they tasted side by side. Here's Reese's revelation about Alton Brown's granola recipe pitted against even a premium brand like Bear Naked:
Top 50 Important Tools – DIY Tips and Advice – Tools Everyone Should Own - Popular Mechanics
Twelve amazing shipping container houses | Yahoo! Green
houses constructed out of metal containers
arquitectura: casas hechas con containers
Build an inexpensive Ikea NAS
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...
20+ Wicked Proof of Concepts for Better use of jQuery/CSS | Noupe
Lifehacker - Model Your Home, Plan Improvements in 3D with Google Sketchup - Google Sketchup
My wife and I just moved to an apartment with a great backyard, but neither of us think spatially. Using Google Sketchup, it's been easier than I'd imagined to plan our Ultimate Patio 4000.
Stylish and easy to make bookshelf
I'm quite happy with that fact that the first piece of furniture I built is a bookshelf. I wanted to make something large enough to keep all my books, and stylish at the same time. The design I like is somewhat futuristic, with plenty curved lines and you can see that in this shelf. Generally it looks as if it was a part of the wall, or came out of the wall.
If you're looking for some budget-friendly shelving, this DIY solution will definitely look more elegant in your living space than some shop shelves from the hardware store. This particular mortise style shelving unit requires less wedging but a finer use of a saw blade—assuming, of course, you want the really cool wave in your vertical braces. The entire project requires nothing more than a few boards, long screws, a drill, and a jigsaw. Paint or varnish is optional, depending on the cut and quality of wood you use a simple clear coat might suffice. The entire affair is held against the wall with only three screws, the bottom of the braces rest on the floor to distribute the load, and the screws are hidden within the mortise joints. In regard to the stability and strength, the author of the Instructable SimonF notes that since he wrote the tutorial and took the photo you see here he has loaded even more stuff on the shelves without any issues.
MAKE: Blog: Tweet-a-watt - our entry for the Core77 & Greener Gadgets design competition
twitter-enabled Kill-A-Watt power meter.
Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods.
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods."
"Using "off-the-shelf hardware", we have modified a Kill-a-Watt(TM) power meter to "tweet" (publish wirelessly) the daily KWH consumed to the user's Twitter account (Cumulative Killowatt-hours). We are releasing this project as an "Open source hardware" project - in other words, anyone can make these, modify them and make a commercial product from the ideas and methods. Here's how it works, the modified Kill-a-Watt uses a "super-cap" to slowly recharge itself, once there is enough power it turns on the Xbee wireless module which transmits the data to a nearby computer (or internet connected microcontroller, like an Arduino) once the power usage for the day is recorded it uses a predefined Twitter account (it can be your own) to publish your daily KWH consumption for the day, multiple units can be used for an entire household. We're publishing the source, schematics and the idea for others to run with - Energy change a
Autodesk Project Dragonfly
Online Room Planner
3D room design tool from Autodesk. Experimental.
zakka life: Craft Project: Cell Phone Holder for Charging
DIY cell phone holder
zakka life: Craft Project:
Five Simple Exercise Programs for Beginners | Zen Habits
nice to have for beginners
series ejercicios
Strobist: Working Around the House
[Lighting your house for pictures.]
The Simple Dollar » Preparing Your Information for Disaster
emergency planning lifehacks preparedness disaster
Sprouts and microgreens: edible houseplants |
nly germinating them to the first leaf. That can be done in a windowsill, a porch or anywhere you can grab a little indirect sunlight.”
100% Custom Shower Curtains? - Photo Shower Curtains
Custom Shower Curtains made from your photo or design! Fully imaged - 100% custom! Unique shower curtains not available anywhere else!
100% Custom Shower Curtains
Order one of these important bathroom items featuring an image of your choice. Kind of steep price-wise, but they do look pretty cool.
Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | Spring Cleaning Tip #10: Make A Cleaning Schedule
It's almost the end of May, and the end of Cleaning Month. So, until next year when we clean again...! No, no, just kidding. We hope you clean your house at least once before May 2010 (preferably even a few more times than that). Now that you've invested time and energy into deep cleaning your house, set a schedule for keeping it clean. Regular maintenance will cut down on the "ugh" factor. After all, one-hour cleaning increments are much easier to deal with than five-hour cleaning marathons.
This is taken straight from Maxwell's Eight-Step Home Cure: Daily Schedule:
Daily, weekly, monthly schedules for clean home
Well designed household chores todo lists.
Clayton Homes introduces the i-house, the new Revolutionary thought in home building.
i see you in one of these someday
Prefab green homes with style, efficiency, and affordability.
Clayton Homes introduces the i-house, the new Revolutionary thought in home building.
YouTube - homeproject's Channel
Looks like a great film about the earth and its beginning.
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. . .
How does your garden grow? - Juneau Empire
Brilliant way to garden!
HT passionate homemaking
I need to figure out a way to make these without damaging the house!
idea 1
Mayflower | Moving Checklist
Check list for moving
Moving Checklist, Tips, Planner, Find Moving Companies and More - One Simple Move
Moving Checklist, Tips, Planner, Find Moving Companies and More - One Simple Move
Here's a website that can help you prepare to move
Lifehacker - Five Must-Have Tools for Any Kitchen - Kitchen
It's all too easy to get seriously excited about expanding your kitchen repertoire—and seriously in debt buying for that kitchen. Here are five kitchen-related things you really need and how to use them efficiently.
Outfitting a minimalist kitchen | Unclutterer
gonna need everything here
The minimalist kitchen: 10″ cast iron skillet. The Lodge version and the Le Creuset enamel-coated version both get the job done extremely well. I prefer the enamel coated version because I don’t have to season it and can throw it in the dishwasher, but both are excellent and the Lodge price tag is unbeatable. They work on the stove top, in the oven, and on the grill. 12 qt. stock pot with lid. The best and cheapest way to get one of these is to head to your local restaurant supply store and pick up a well-made aluminum one for under $30. You can make soups, pasta, and sauces, as well as using it for frying and soaking. It also works in the oven and on the grill. 9 qt. cast iron Dutch oven. Two silicone oven mitts. A good knife set. Cutting board. Tongs. Food turner. Infrared thermometer. Baking pans.
Bluelounge - StudioDesk
A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free | Zen Habits
RT @zen_habits New on Zen Habits: A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free [from]
Losing Yourself in HDTV Is a Few Tweaks Away -
calibration disc
Interior Paint Calculator | Calculators | How-To -,30810,,00.html
:: Paperwink ::
Lifehacker - Build Your Own Pizza Oven - Cooking
The Door Garden » 50 Dollar Greenhouse
50 Dollar Greenhouse
Como construir uma estufa
Natural Homemade ‘drain-o’, or How To Unclog Without Harmful Chemicals | Bonzai Aphrodite
And this recipe is easy enough, but I swear it works like a charm. You don’t need complex, carcinogenic compounds lurking around your cabinets! Baking soda, baby, and a liberal splash of vinegar.
Next time I'll have to try covering the hole...that probably makes it work better than when I've done it in the past. Great little site. Drupal or Wordpress (Drupal). (One of these days I'll figure out how to tell the dif.)
Como usar a soda caustica para limpar
Cable Decluttering With a Twist
I hate cable clutter, but what does one do with stray cables that can’t be hidden behind a desk or concealed in wire loom? Thankfully electricians, climbers, and roadies have been dealing with cable clutter for years, and they’ve utilized a nice technique that we can take advantage of! The Chain Sinnet Cable Wrapping Method The chain sinnet (aka chain braid, daisy chain, or monkey braid) is a cable shortening and storing method that can be used to make stray cables a little more pleasing to the eye. You creating a chain sinnet by making a loop at the base of your cord, then pull the remaining cord into each new loop. Be sure to keep your loops loose to avoid damaging the cord.
Modo per raccogliere i cavi
Cable Decluttering With a Twist
Ikea Hack: STRIPA Shoe Rack
Two closely positioned shelves cradle the toes of shoes and hold them elevated against the wall.
Microsoft Hohm
Bringing people together to save energy and money
Lifehacker - Turn a Bookshelf into a Secret Passage - Home office
"Lifehacker reader agmk and his girlfriend hated the look of their cluttered home office and computer den. It seemed like even when the rest of their place was clean, their home office was always a little bit too messy. In an effort to make it easier to hide the nook that served as their home office they turned some Ikea bookshelves they scored off Craigslist into a pretty awesome office-concealing secret doorway."
Dude makes a batman-style hiding passageway on the cheap
Spring Cleaning Tips-– Smart Spring Cleaning Tricks
How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils - wikiHow
Tired of fly sprays and the unwanted chemicals they contain? There is a very easy solution to keeping flies away from the outdoor dining area and you can do it yourself.
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition
Build your own sunjar!
Wow! My next home DIY project.
Create Your Own Sun Jar: Lifehacker Edition - DIY Creations - Lifehacker
Erik A. Dewey
_your description goes here_
In a nutshell, it is a notebook filled with all of the information anyone could possibly need to know about you. The idea is that in our lives we have countless things that we are involved in. On rare occasions, other people need this information and no one knows how to get it. That's where the Big Book comes in. By filling this out and keep current, you can simply the effort others have to take on your behalf.
a free PDF or Excel spreadsheet to help collect all the bits of information you might need if you get amnesia or your family would need if you get hit by a bus
Apartment Therapy Re-Nest | How To: Wash a Pillow Hot Post From One Year Ago
How to Buy a Mattress * Get Rich Slowly
tips from someone in the mattress business
10-best-and-real-work-at-home-jobs.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
I wouldn't mind doing some of these. - We found it so you don't have to!
Locate hard-to-find user manuals, discover new features, and realize the potential of the products you rely on. ManualsOnline pairs self-help and product information with a growing community of engaged product owners.
use for manual help - We found it so you don't have to!
Lights … Cameras … Insect Repellent? How To Build Your Own Outdoor Movie Theater | GeekDad |
aka DIY Backyard Outdoor Theater System; w/the comments offering improvement suggestions
How to build your own huge (outdoor) screen theater system.
CityMove - The best place to find a mover
100% free! Post your moving job and let movers compete for your business. You can delete your job or change details at any time.
Moving Companies Ratings, Movers, New York, NYC, Manhattan, National.
Awesome collection of chairs.
Stock Your Bar for $100 - Saving Money - Lifehacker
Design for Life - Recycled Wine Bottle Torch | Effective and Highly Creative Design Using Minimal Resources
Screws and Nails
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails.
Here are tips and suggestions to help you do a better job when using common fasteners like screws and nails. Although there is nothing complex about a nail or a screw, many are misused.
Selecting the best fastener for the job
Design Your Dorm: 3-D interior design tool for students, parents, and universities
设计自己的起居 is a web-based 3-D interior design tool that allows college students to customize their dorm room interiors and purchase their favorite room selections online.
3-D interior design tool for students, parents, and universities
Free Heat From An Old Window And Some Soda Cans. | EcoTech Daily
In hotter places this could be used to run a (sealed) food dehydrator.
Lifehacker - Top 10 Magnet Hacks - Magnets
Hu2 stickers - wall design
Removable wall stickers
chalkboard vinyl!
Molds On Food: Are They Dangerous?
When you can eat things with mold on them.
How Should You Handle Food with Mold on It? Buying small amounts and using food quickly can help prevent mold growth. But when you see moldy food: * Don’t sniff the moldy item. This can cause respiratory trouble. * If food is covered with mold, discard it. Put it into a small paper bag or wrap it in plastic and dispose in a covered trash can that children and animals can’t get into. * Clean the refrigerator or pantry at the spot where the food was stored. * Check nearby items the moldy food might have touched. Mold spreads quickly in fruits and vegetables. * See the attached chart “Moldy Food: When to Use, When to Discard.”
The USDA takes it's stand.
Loja Online de Artigos de Papelaria
Awesome office supplies with style.
The Best Place To Hide Money: Conversation With A Burglar - Blog
"If I can't find money and valuables in the normal places I usually find them, I would continue to tear the house apart until I found something," which is why the post advises that, in addition to your hiding spots, it's best to leave some money out in obvious places if, say, you're heading on a vacation and are concerned about would-be thieves. This can not only save your other stash of money, but may actually keep the burglar from destroying your place as he looks for where you have hidden your money. If they believe they may have found the cash that you have in the house, they are much less likely to keep looking (remember, they want to get out asap). In the end, if you hide all your money well, you may win a moral victory in not letting the burglar find the money, but you'll likely have much more damage done to your place that will end up costing you more in the long run.
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: window films
great idea for window film
Yes! DIY window film design!
to do to hutch!
Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | Basic Techniques: How to Fry an Egg
Home - Kitchen Monki
We built Kitchen Monki to be a hard-core productivity tool. Use it to organize your own recipes. Use it to share recipes among your friends. Or our favorite, use it to automate grocery list preparation.
Five Hard-to-Kill Houseplants for Your Home or Workspace - Plants - Lifehacker
artstick wall stickers, decals, sticker, vinyl stickers, online
artstick wall stickers, decals, sticker, vinyl stickers, online
Adesivos lindos...
13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You | Security Threats | Reader's Digest
Should you spend your money on a home security system? A look inside a burglar's mind might help you decide.
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: kate’s homemade citronella candles
reviews, articles, features, rant and raves on all things design related. product, furniture, jewelry and graphic design. specializing in independent and local brooklyn and new york design.
Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Recharge Your Towels - Household - Lifehacker
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Towels would seem to be such a utilitarian object that they could never need any sort of optimization. As your towels age however,
softening towels
Stat Key Designer Keys
keys in animal shapes
Rejuvenate Your Workspace with These Office Supply Favorites - Supercharged Workspace - Lifehacker
Add some of these to my christmas wish list.
Pruning Trees: A Guide to Properly Prune a Tree
Nine Workspaces Where Famous Folks Get Stuff Done - Workspace - Lifehacker
Whether you prefer the clean minimalism of Steve Jobs and 37 Signals or the creative chaos of Tina Fey and Pixar, there's a lot to learn from the workspaces of the well-known. We present nine such spaces here for inspiration.
Lifehacker lists pictures of some peoples work places
How to Make New Towels More Absorbent - wikiHow
Decorati | Access to Interior Design & Home Decorating Advice, Services and Products
Interior design online. Browse designer portfolios, get design advice from professionals, shop trade products from Schumacher, Duralee, Robert Allen, and many more.
CanvasPop - The easiest way to print your photos on canvas! | CanvasPop
Furniture Shopping Secrets: How to Tell Superior from Shoddy * Get Rich Slowly
Online magazine
Ask Unclutterer: Having it all | Unclutterer
slightly annoying, but still good ideas for uncluttering your life.
How to create a fiber optic starfield ceiling
Hi everyone,This is a quick instruction guide on creating a fiber-optic starfield ceiling. The stars have a very natura...
this is -SO- on the to do list!! you have NO idea!!
Homemade Reed Diffusers: How-To & Tips :
Lifehacker - The Innovative Office - Workspaces
Architect's home office!
Top 10 Time-Saving, MacGyver-Style Cleaning Tricks - Cleaning - Lifehacker
Very few people truly enjoy spending time cleaning, and fewer still love buying expensive cleaners for every little task. Here's a handful of clever, time-saving DIY substitutes for common household cleaning jobs.
VueZone | Personal Video Network
Wireless live video camera for security or whatever
Vue is a network of small, battery operated wireless cameras that stream video directly to the internet.
How To Build A WiFi Home Surveillance System With Your PC
Not quite what I was expecting, but simple enough.
10 Simple Freezer Tricks to Save You Time and Money - Winter - Lifehacker
Make: Online: Make: Science Room Home
Greetings citizen scientists, budding biohackers, and backyard explorers! We think you'll find the Make: Science Room a fun and useful resource. We hope you'll use it as your DIY science classroom, virtual laboratory, and a place to share your projects, hacks, and laboratory tips with other amateur scientists. Your Make: Science Room host is Robert Bruce Thompson, author of Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture. (Make: Books, 2008) and Illustrated Guide to Forensics Investigations: Uncover Evidence in Your Home, Lab, or Basement (not yet published). We'll be drawing material from these titles first, but will soon branch out into biology, astrononmy, Earth sciences, and other disciplines. We'll be adding lots of material on a regular basis, so check back often. For more info on the site, see Introducing the Make: Science Room.
Make Magazine
Let's get organized! - Hello Kitchen Design
Colorjive - Home
Paint your own house online.
Look how your house will look in a different paint shade virtually
Chews Wise: Baguette Traditional - Fromartz Recipe
Devouring the Food Chain One Bite at a Time
This recipe may be intimidating, but, hey, who isn’t up for a challenge? Experienced home bakers will likely recognize the steps, which took time and patience to develop. I had been drawn to the baguette a decade ago, then gave up thinking it was impossible to reproduce in a home oven. But over the past couple of years I went back to it, tried different techniques and then finally arrived at a recipe I was happy with. To read more about that process - which led to an award winning baguette - read the essay I posted here. Beginners will need to be patient—to start baking bread with this recipe is like jumping into calculus after third-grade math. So here’s a tip: Pick up Daniel Leader’s Local Breads or Peter Reinhart’s The Bread Baker’s Apprentice and try their baguette recipes before plunging over the dark side.
New Soap, Old Bottle sells brand new liquid soap packaged in old plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, and glass beer bottles — all of this aimed at keeping our environment healthy.
Company sells cleaning products and things packaged in sanitized reused soda bottles.
Turn Your PC into a Home Surveillance System - Security - Lifehacker
How to Really Browse Without Leaving a Trace - Windows - Lifehacker
Set Up Windows Home Server to Automate Your Backups and Corral Your Media - windows home server - Lifehacker
Bra backup lösning.
How to Wire Your House With Cat-5 (or 6) For Ethernet Networking
Although wireless is simpler for a lot of people, due to multimedia sharing, bandwidth on my home network and my slight ...
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » made with love: found terrariums
reviews, articles, features, rant and raves on all things design related. product, furniture, jewelry and graphic design. specializing in independent and local brooklyn and new york design.
There are lots of tutorials for terrariums floating around these days, but this one the terrarium turned on it’s head. Inspired by a pickle jar terrarium concocted by the warymeyers team, there are no fancy glass domes to buy and no scouring your local nursery for plants small enough to fit under them. In fact, there’s no buying at all. Everything you need is most likely located within a walk around the block, no matter where you live.
My Tree and Me — Custom Genealogy Charts
beautiful family trees
from tom
Scrap Table
There are many methods for laminating wood -- this project focuses on a down-and-dirty method for those of us who do not own a lot of pipe clamps and other heavy duty hardware for wrestling with wild wood.  It is about ten feet long by thirty inches wide, sitting about thirty inches off the ground.  If you can salvage the wood, the other materials aren't too expensive: five threaded rods, about four bucks each; nuts, washers, and screws; a gallon or so of wood glue; sandpaper; and polyurethane.  All told, it was less than one hundred dollars.
There's a lot of wood out in the world free for the taking -- in dumpsters, back alleys, vacant lots, abandoned buildings, recycling yards, and architectural salvage centers. Most wood, if free from rot, is just as strong, durable, and good to use as new wood, once you sand off the weathering. This table was made from all salvaged wood -- both dimensional lumber and plywood, mostly taken from decaying buildings in and around Hale County, Alabama.
recycled wood
Window Farmers — Blog — How To: Reservoir System Window Farm
Download the howto in a pdf. Window farm built from 1.5 liter bottles and pvc.
HandymanWire - Building a Folding Table
Simple instructions for creating a simple folding wooden table from a single plank and some small hardware bits.
Ironic Sans: Idea: The Outlet Wall
Posted by dieman
great idea.
"Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
Absolutely fucking awesome, "Instead of hiding your outlets behind furniture and worrying about the mess of wires tangled behind your entertainment center, consider making an entire wall that’s nothing but outlets. Then you can artfully plug in your appliances wherever the cords look pleasing to you."
How to Fake a Clean House
How To Make a Wall-Mounted Magnetic Spice Rack Reader Tips | Apartment Therapy The Kitchn
Reusing Lightbulbs: as planters or mini terrariums
Built In Book Cases
TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports - TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports
TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports. Perfect for charging any USB powered device.
Our custom TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports.
The Longest Way Home | a guy traveling the world in search of home
Travel website about a guy who packed up and sold everything to go out into the world in search of a place to call home. Great photography, travel blog, stories and an inspirational journey
May December Home: Invisible Bookshelves
You've all seen these invisible bookshelves, right?
How To: DIY Speaker Wall Mounts. » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: speaker, Stereo, wiring, Music
DIY Speaker Wall Mounts.
Cable Freedom, Aided by a Mouse -
Fun bit of work by Mr. Bilton. The writer details his technological method of disconnecting from cable's grasp.
A computer, with software upgrades and a wireless keyboard and mouse, can replace cable service.
e to be honest, this isn’t as e
solving a future problem
100 Hacks to Help You Create the Ultimate Home Office - Career Overview
Finding a job that allows you to pay the bills and work from home might make you feel like you’ve hit the jackpot. But unless you have a space that fuels productivity and helps your career grow, you’re going to find it hard to maintain focus, entertain clients, and stay organized enough to keep up with new business. Here are 100 hacks to help you create the ultimate home office, so that it’s your favorite — and most productive — room in the house.
Some nice tips on getting the most out of a home office, whether you already have one or want to start one.
100 trucs d'ajuda per crear el nostre lloc de feina
Apartment Therapy Chicago | How To: Make "Fold, Stitch & Stuff" Floor Cushions
Making fold, stitch and stuff floor pillows in a couple of hours.
Demesne - Home Improvement and Maintenance - Homeowner Resource
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners. Our goal is to demystify what it takes to maintain and improve our personal space and protect it the best way possible. We present real information based on experience and research in a clear, simple format without flashing gizmos, banner advertising, or popups.
Demesne is an information-only website dedicated to collecting information about topics that concern homeowners.
Lifehacker - Build an Under-the-Cabinet Kitchen PC from an Old Laptop - Laptops
The Simple Dollar » 12 Clever Substitutions That Save Money (Nearly) Effortlessly
One of my favorite ways to trim money from my spending is to find simple little substitutes for my regular expenses. If I can trim a few bucks from the cost of household supplies, routine purchases, and other things like that, over the long run, that can add up to a lot of money with virtually no change in my life. Here are twelve of my favorites (not including my “infamous” homemade laundry detergent).
Primecell Rechargeable Battery Service
Replacement batteries and rebuild service for all types of rechargeable electronics
How to install a "garage door open" indicator
How to install a "garage door open" indicator Ever left your garage door open overnight? In addition to being a terrible energy waster, all the tools, bikes, and other stuff are available to thieves - who might even enter your home via the door from your garage to your living quarters. Install a simple indicator which will alert you if you've left the garage door open. Total cost is less than $30-$40, and you can determine exactly where the indicator will be located.
Get Rid Of Wasps: Traps & Tips :
An inexpensive way to make a wasp trap.
If you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know they live up to their reputation of being aggressive and having painful stings. When you regularly spot wasps in your yard, chances are there’s a wasp’s nest on your property or nearby. These are not pests that you want hanging about, especially if you have children running around. The best way to get rid of wasps is to find the nest and destroy it, but if you can’t find it or if it’s not on your property, you can use wasp traps to tempt them away from high-traffic areas to another part of the yard to kill them.
A great (and simple) wasp (and fruit fly) trap.
moderncat :: cat products, cat toys, cat furniture, and more…all with modern style » IKEA Hack from Stockholm
100 All-Time Best Productivity Tips for Working & Learning from Home | Best Universities
Most Popular Featured Workspaces of 2009 - Featured Workspace - Lifehacker
IKEA Vika Gruvan
Every week we bring you fresh workspaces from the Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell pool, all supplied by you—the awesome Lifehacker readership. Today we're highlighting the 25 most popular workspaces of 2009.
from Sthlm – Independent Swedish design
Modern Prefab Buildings & Flat Pack Furniture | WebUrbanist
Prefabricated buildings and flat-pack furniture blend creative designs with sustainable style using portability, modularity and the possibility of mass-production.
site of a woman who freelances visual merchandising for anthro
estudio de NY, que hace decoraciones manuales
18 Creative Modern Beds and Bed Designs | WebUrbanist
ill beds...some shit is weird though, can't fuck with the constraining shit
poodle ramp!
These groundbreaking modern (and postmodern) beds and be designs seem to work to free themselves from convention, predictability and even gravity.
The iPhone Inspired DIY Kitchen Touch Screen Project
That's badass
How to integrate a touch screen monitor into your kitchen, for TV, recipies, internet, weather, you name it.
Knock Off Wood
Apartment Therapy The Kitchn | How To Build a Spice Rack: Susy's White and Minimal
Build a DIY Portable Air Conditioner - Summer - Lifehacker
cosas que me gustaria hacer
Instructables user CameronSS has a guide to building a portable air conditioner out of materials that you may already have in your garage (if you don't, he lists the average cost for each part and where it can be purchased), including a portable cooler, 12V battery, fans, and a generous helping of ice. Plenty of pictures and sage advice from his father guide you through the building process, and CameronSS ends the instructions with a list of potential modifications to improve the already great gadget.
Enjoy Homemade Butter in Less Than Five Minutes - Food Hacks - Lifehacker
Super easy butter with just cream and salt. Takes 5 mins - for real! » Modern and Creative Fireplace Designs
creativas creativos diseños
Clutter: Declutter Your Home with a Detailed Inventory
cool website, and cool downloads.
quality duct tape wallet
ikea hacker: Put a cat litter box at the entryway?
The first thing that comes to mind - "No way!" Kitty's poo-poo palace is not the best thing to greet you the moment you open the door and ... what about the smell? But as we see, hackers have found a way to cleverly disguise litter boxes. Here are two, that can make an entrance to any landing space.
Use Excel as an Architectural Design Tool - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2349758,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03129TX1K0000625 July 10(Fri), 2009 ところ変われば品変わる - Excel 方眼紙CommentsAdd Star 21:04 Lifehacker 経由で知った PC Magazine の記事。Excel の列幅を 1、行の高さを 9 にすることによって方眼紙を作成するという Tips。 方眼紙といっても日本の「Excel 方眼紙」の目的で使うわけじゃない。この記事で取り上げられているのは、「この方眼紙を使ってフロアの模様替えの構想を練ったりするのはどうよ」というお話。「橋やショッピングモール」を造ったりするのでなければ…つまり、犬小屋の設計をする程度なら、この方眼紙で十分らしい。 「Excel grid paper」でググってみると、この手の「本当に方眼紙的に利用する」話はそこそこヒットする。意外と需要があるんだね。
Home | Element Four
Condenses pure drinking water from air, just like the water traps in Dune.
Tapping an unlimited source of fresh water The Element Four WaterMill provides fresh, potable water from an unlimited source: the air. It's the sustainable, elegantly designed solution to providing fresh water for your family, and the world.
A household device that pulls fresh, potable water from the air. If this is for real, it's incredible.
product called watermill turns air moisture into drinkable water
Best Air-Filtering House Plants According to NASA! : TreeHugger
Building my own Solar Panel | OliNo
How To: Cuttin' Glass and Taking Names » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: DIY cut bottles wine bottles recycle, mid-century
Ever looked at a wine bottle to admire its shape, color, or translucent qualities? These features shouldn't go to waste in the recycling bin. Here's a fun how-to that can reuse and transform wine bottles into something REALLY worth eyeballing.
Turning old wine bottles into glasses with a bottle cutter and a sander
Apartment Therapy ohdeedoh | How To: Make a Hanging Book Display Megan's February Jumpstart Project 2009
15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers
A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”
Felt Flower Pillows - the purl bee
zajebiaszcza poduszka
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set - Master Tool Kit - with VIDEO - Popular Mechanics
Home Toolbox Essentials: Skill Set
stuff. I've seen it make threads take that I had given up for dead. It's saved me from having to rethread a part many times. I always carry a tube.
Whirl-it lampshade - Whirl-it lampshade - free DIY tutorial - Pickles
ottom rig
How To Paint a Room Home Hacks | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest
On Location - One Room Configured 24 Ways -
"This room — the “maximum kitchen,” he calls it — and the “video game room” he was sitting in minutes before are just 2 of at least 24 different layouts that Mr. Chang, an architect, can impose on his 344-square-foot apartment, which he renovated last year. What appears to be an open-plan studio actually contains many rooms, because of sliding wall units, fold-down tables and chairs, and the habitual kinesis of a resident in a small space. As Mr. Chang put it, “I glide around.”"
Gary Chang's transforming apartment in Hong Kong
How to use minimal apartment space to best effect
Really awesome creative use of a very small space.
would love to see a video of this
A tiny Hong Kong apartment is a model of flexible living, featuring sliding wall units and fold-down tables and chairs.
Top 10 Geekiest Decorations for Your Home or Office [PICS]
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP), part of the USDA, combines scientific research and the nutritional needs of the American public. Special interest: Dietary Guidelines for Americans | The Food Guide Pyramid | Interactive Healthy Eating Index | Nutrition Insights.
Resources aimed at developing and promoting dietary guidance with links to MyPyramid, dietary guides, nutrition insights and other resources; many aimed at consumers.
The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) works to improve the health and well-being of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers. CNPP is an agency of USDA's Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services.
has data on food costs, customizable food pyramids, ect
Household: How to Extend the Life of Fresh Cut Flowers
Lifehacker - Tonido Keeps Cloud Computing Local - Home server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.
Inhabitat » The EcoDrain Cuts Water Heater Use by 40%
A hot shower is relaxing, but is also a huge waste of energy: we heat our water with massive amounts of natural gas, oil or electricity, then transport the heated water to our tubs for a few seconds of sudsing, before washing it down the drain full of raw, wasted heat and energy! What if we could recapture this untapped source of wasted energy by transferring the heat from that shower waste-water to cold incoming water? The EcoDrain, a simple heat exchange unit, does just that, saving water heater use by up to 40%.
Apartment Therapy Los Angeles | Look! Small Space Living...In a Garbage Truck
guy lives in amazing garbage truck redesigned as home
TUAW Tip: Moving your home folder to another disk (or moving it back)
The EarthTainer™
...tomato system...
Find detailed information on how to grow heirloom tomatoes from tomato seeds and how to save tomato seeds.
Stain Removal Solutions - University of Illinois Extension
"We've already done the dirty work to find all of the right stain solutions, and we've left the rest up to you. "
The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home - Planning - Lifehacker
How to Recycle Anything | Real Simple
Geeks in Boston » Working from Home: Why It Sucks
A timetly takeaway: "You don’t get rich feedback when communicating over a phone, email, or text chat."
24 Free Sawhorse Plans in the Hunt for the Ultimate Sawhorse - Blog
para hacer un apoya tipo
The City Sage
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software
virtual windows . DIY
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software
Gizmodo - Green Tech Upgrades That Boost Home Values and Reduce Bills - green tech
Tips on conserving energy and saving money at the same time
Fun tech ideas from Gizmodo that will save money and potentially increase the value of your home.
Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Floor Plan and Interior Design Software
Create and furnish your floor plan design online with Homestyler free interior design software. Experiment with room design and decorating ideas and share home remodeling plans online with Homestyler (formerly Project Dragonfly).
Modelagem 3D comodos da casa
Is It Better to Buy or Rent? - Interactive Graphic -
Mr. Weaver's Lounge
Mr. Weaver's website.
M. Weaver
Working From Home Makes More Sense Than Ever : TreeHugger
Multipurpose Coffee Grounds
Coffee grounds offer more then just a fantastic drink, use the grounds around your home, garden and even as a beauty product.
EcoDrain | high performance shower heat exchange
Shower heat exchange company, supplied by TerraTek, Vancouver
DIY: Make Your Own Etched Glass Storage Jars
Energy vampires: Fact versus fiction | Yahoo! Green
in the allowed number of devices, then power strips are safe, says Kielich. Just don't plug your power strip into another power strip, or you run the risk of creating an overload.
facts and fiction
Is It Better to Buy or Rent? - Interactive Graphic -
Whether renting is better than buying depends on many factors, including how fast prices rise and how long you will stay in your home. Compare the costs of buying and renting equivalent homes.
Is it Better to Buy or Rent? -
Whether renting is better than buying depends on many factors, particularly how fast prices and rents rise and how long you stay in your home. Compare the costs of buying and renting a home in the calculator below
Real Estate: PropertyShark Dishes the Dirt on Your Future Home
PropertyShark is an astoundingly detailed real estate search engine. By aggregating public records, it provides an in-depth look at individual homes, and the real deal on your potential new neighborhood.
25 ways to clean with vinegar on Shine
The cleaning aisle at just about any grocery store is stocked with a dizzying array of options—and when it comes down to it, there are a lot of expensive, toxic, superfluous products crowding the market. Chances are, you already have one of the…
If you're looking for a greener, petsafe cleaner, look no further than your own pantry! This article lists 25 ways to clean with vinegar - Carry your Food Clean
nice stainless steal containers - bento boxes
Food storage containers
Beautiful furniture made to order - without the designer price tag |
Designer furniture at 50 to 80% discount. Without middlemen, you save when you buy sofas, armchairs, tables and more.
napkins, tea towels, place mats, runners
Do you use scented sachets for your drawers?
Tutorial: Easy Envelope Pillow Covers | Tiny Décor Blog
Covering a pillow doesn’t get any easier than this. No zippers or buttons to mess with. You don’t even have to pin this. In about 15-20 minutes you will have a beautiful custom made pillow cover. Supplies: * Pillow insert ( I used a bamboo fiber insert) * Fabric (see step 1 for size) * Thread Step-by-step: 1. Cut a piece of fabric the height of your pillow insert plus 1 inch and twice the width of your pillow plus 6 inches. (I used a 12 x 16 inch pillow insert, so I cut my fabric 13 x 38 inches)
6 easy steps to a beautiful pillow cover.
just to compare, here's another one...
Blaine WA Real Estate Listings - One of a kind house for sale
The Fortress. The Underground Fortress is an 8th wonder of the world! It is an unbelievable feat of engineering. The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer. There are 3 ft concrete walls, using 5-bag cement (20% denser than regular cement). Not only are the walls thick and dense, but the finishing work is amazing quality. These walls keep it a constant 60F degrees year round. It is so well insulated that even one small space heater can heat all 1600+ sqft of fortress space in a few hours. The fortress has amazingly fresh air in it with an incredible air ventilation system that pulls air outside and brings fresh air in, leaving no moldy or musty smell that you commonly smell in basements.
The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer. There are 3 ft concrete walls, using 5-bag cement (20% denser than regular cement). Not only are the walls thick and dense, but the finishing work is amazing quality.
Everything having
"The Underground Fortress is an 8th wonder of the world! It is an unbelievable feat of engineering. The Fortress goes a total of 45 feet under the house! That is below sea level! The fortress has over 1600 sq. ft. of living area, plus hundreds of more square feet of passages and secrets rooms. It was all hand dug over a 20 year period, and all the walls were constructed with a small electric hand cement mixer." Full of survival gear, nitrogen-sealed food supplies, etc.
Autodesk Labs Technologies Project Dragonfly
web applications per la progettazione di un appartamento.
DragonFly un service en ligne qui permet de modéliser des intérieurs et d’en avoir une représentation en 3D isométrique.
The Fix - Why isn’t my dishwasher cleaning my dishes? -
Dispelling myths about pre-washing dishes in a dishwasher, among other things.
“Pre-rinsing dishes is a big mistake,” said John Dries, a mechanical engineer and the owner of Dries Engineering, an appliance design consulting company in Louisville, Ky. “People assume that the dishwasher will perform better if you put in cleaner dishes, and that’s not true. Just scrape. Pre-rinsing with hot water is double bad, because you’re pumping water and electricity down the drain.” It’s actually triple bad, according to Mike Edwards, a senior dishwasher design engineer at BSH Home Appliances in New Bern, N.C. “Dishwasher detergent aggressively goes after food,” Mr. Edwards said, “and if you don’t have food soil in the unit, it attacks the glasses, and they get cloudy,” a process known as etching that can cause permanent damage. It’s also important not to use too much detergent, he said.
FCH Lessons Index
Cooking Lessons
Free e-books
free home economic lessons
Free lessons for becoming good homemakers.
Tweet Street: 7 Extraordinary Twitter Uses in the Home
I wish the plant thingies came ready made, I would definitely use those
das internet der dinge.. internet of things
Apartments: MyApartmentMap Finds Affordable Places in Your Desired Neighborhood
Site to help locate an apartment.
The rental statistics map from MyApartmentMap displays the average rental prices for any neighborhood, then lists apartment availabilities within that neighborhood color-coded by price. Finding a cheap place in a great neighborhood has never been easier. Just enter in your desired zip code, drag and drop the pin to the middle of the neighborhood you'd like to check out, and MyApartmentMap's rental data key displays the low-to-high spectrum of rentals within your defined search radius.
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger -
Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible : TreeHugger
It is an old architectural trick used since the invention of mirrored glass: covering buildings with the reflective material and declaring that they blend in with the surroundings. Most architects use it to convince wary citizens that it is OK
invisible treehouse - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
fore house plan
Best Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality « Pro's Who Know
We all remember learning in science class that plants “breathe” by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which is why forests are so important in maintaining the delicate balance of the earth’s atmosphere. But did you know that certain tropical houseplants can also remove and process other, more harmful, chemicals from the air inside your home?
Top 10 Creative Ways to Store Your Stuff
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
40 fantastic uses for baking soda | Yahoo! Green
You may already keep a box in the fridge to neutralize odors, but baking soda can help out around the house in a multitude of ways.
Buenas recomendaciones para usar el bicarbonato de sodio
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » sewing 101: roller blinds
Denise would love these
YouTube - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms
This transformer apartment makes me drool: (tx @souris) – danah boyd (zephoria)
5 Overlooked Plants That Can Survive The Dark (Almost) | Apartment Therapy Los Angeles
Annotated link
Geek Gardening: A Wired Guide to Domestic Terraforming | Magazine |
"Gardeners are among the world's most charming snobs. Rightly so: As with music and mathematics, the more you know, the more elegant your work. Erudition is valued, and so is a smattering of pretension. If you are a geek looking to put down roots, welcome to gardening. We offer you common ground. Think of it as localized terraforming, if that helps. Before you start, though, contemplate your knees and knuckles, and get ready for hard, sweaty work. As with making babies, people can't really imagine what they are getting into when they plan to tangle with the trowels and hoses. The sketches and explanations on the following pages will inspire you to stake out, nurture, and defend your tiny patch of Earth, feed your loved ones, and even sequester a bit of carbon. How smart is that?"
Bookshelf Porn: Archive
Bookshelf Porn
Catalog Living
A fun list-making website called ListBean. Create, save and print custom lists for FREE! Listbean is a sleek and simple site that allows you to customize pre-populated checklists so you can use them to suit you in anyway. We did the ground work now you personalize it.
Mood Board Creator by Olioboard
put interior design items on a "board' to see if they go together
MoodBoard-creation web tool
online design board!!!
Build Your Own Backyard Fire Pit
The most profitable plants in your vegetable garden
The most profitable plants in your vegetable garden
Computer control of AC devices
The most profitable plants in your vegetable garden
Computer control of AC devices
The most profitable plants in your vegetable garden
How to Kick Ass and Take Names in the Spice Aisle - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
I love this idea and I want to do it.
How to Kick Ass and Take Names in the Spice Aisle - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
I love this idea and I want to do it. - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
Floor planner, layout, architecture planning.
roomle is the new, super-easy online tool that enables intuitive 3D-visualization of rooms, furniture and decoration. GET THE IDEA!
Green for Your Garden—and Your Wallet! | How to Get More Plants at No Cost | Photos | Gardening | This Old House,,20390485,00.html
Garden Pest Detective from Gardener's Supply
a free and simple to use web service that contains detailed information on pests and diseases that can infect plants in your garden.
gardening pests howto
Garden Pest Detective from Gardener's Supply
a free and simple to use web service that contains detailed information on pests and diseases that can infect plants in your garden.
gardening pests howto
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
Really good tips and apps for helping with moving.
The Start-to-Finish Guide for Moving to a New Place
How to Hire a Contractor Without Getting Hosed