Pages tagged homeless:

On the Street and On Facebook: The Homeless Stay Wired -

Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses.
huge huge resource here
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses
Mr. Pitts Lacks a Mailing Address But He's Got a Computer and a Web Forum
Add Pentium processors, external storage drives and 17" screens to the gear list of the newly homeless. The Wall Street Journal reports.
Alice and Kev
"This is an experiment in playing a homeless family in The Sims 3. I created two Sims, moved them in to a place made to look like an abandoned park, removed all of their remaining money, and then attempted to help them survive without taking any job promotions or easy cash routes."
Brilliant experiment about Alice and Kev, two homeless characters created in Sims 3. It makes me want to try out Sims 3 for myself and create my own characters.
Carts of Darkness by Murray Siple, - NFB
Documentary about homeless dudes in Vancouver, racing shopping carts
best of craigslist : Thoughts from a homeless guy now that I'm back on my feet
8 I was a drug mule and got busted on my first trip. My first time, but the amount (marijuana) was enormous and I got 4 years. First two years out, I had some bad
"So, I was homeless for about 4 years until the manager of a car dealership took a chance on me and now I am the manager of our detailing department. Okay, so what are the things that I really appreciate?"
"Light switches: In a shelter, lights come on, lights come off and you have no say. The ability to control your own lighting is a big deal. ... Weather: I don't pay much attention to weather anymore. On the streets, weather is your life. A homeless guy rummaging for newspapers only wants one section, the weather report. If you can read, and you know the weather, you will have every dude you know asking what is coming. ... Health Care Fear: Did you hear about that Bumfights video? It's BS! No homeless guys are going to fight. We never fight each other because everyone is afraid of getting hurt. You hear about guys who sprain their ankle and then die because they couldn't move for two weeks. Or, you hear about a guy who cuts his arm and his arm swells up the size of his leg. Little injuries kill. I was always terrified of getting hurt because of that."
"Light switches: In a shelter, lights come on, lights come off and you have no say. The ability to control your own lighting is a big deal."