Home - GivesMeHope | Like FMyLife, but less depressing
opposite of FMLRick Reilly: Gainesville State high school football gets the best gift of all, hope - ESPN The Magazine
They played the oddest game in high school football history last month down in Grapevine, Texas. It was Grapevine Faith vs. Gainesville State School and everything about it was upside down. For instance, when Gainesville came out to take the field, the Faith fans made a 40-yard spirit line for them to run through. Did you hear that? The other team's fans?
RT @MCHammer: RT @mic_dee mic_dee @MCHammer Hammer, have you read this story? Worth a RT, very positive: http://tinyurl.com/9tq6ce [from http://twitter.com/accordin2jo/statuses/1707153892]
"...even though Faith walloped them 33-14, the Gainesville kids were so happy that after the game they gave head coach Mark Williams a sideline squirt-bottle shower like he'd just won state. Gotta be the first Gatorade bath in history for an 0-9 coach. But then you saw the 12 uniformed officers escorting the 14 Gainesville players off the field and two and two started to make four. They lined the players up in groups of five—handcuffs ready in their back pockets—and marched them to the team bus. That's because Gainesville is a maximum-security correctional facility 75 miles north of Dallas. Every game it plays is on the road."
There are some games in which cheering for the other side feels better than winning.
Get the latest stories and features ESPN The Magazine.I Hope So Too - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com
cool way to do man on the street type feature
Interactive Vox Pop. Fantastic.
multimedia example -- interactive audio and photo -- ordinary citizens expressing their hopes for President Obama.
The Times asked more than 200 people to share their hopes for the Obama administration. Readers are invited to vote on favorites. avec intégration témoignages audio des interrogées qd ds mot.
What are your hopes for the Obama administration? The New York Times asked more than 200 people in 14 states (half red, half blue) to identify their greatest hopes for what Barack Obama might accomplish during his time as president. We grouped their responses into the 29 “hopes” below. Their answers do not represent any kind of scientific sample — they come from people who shared their thoughts outside supermarkets, at parks, in restaurants. We grouped their responses into the 29 “hopes” below. Click on each speech bubble to hear their voices, and then choose the hopes you agree with by clicking on “I Hope So, Too.” Use the tabs to see which hopes are the most popular. If your hope is not represented below, tell everyone about it by including it in the comment section.Obama '08 - Vote For Hope on Vimeo
Great lyrics, typography, and visual effects on this hip-hop themed video.