HTML 5 ― HTML 4 からの変更点
w3c html5
HTML5はSGMLやめたのねHTML 5 canvas - the basics - Opera Developer Community
The HTML 5 specification includes lots of new features, one of which is the canvas element. HTML 5 canvas gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. For each canvas element you can use a "context" (think about a page in a drawing pad), into which you can issue JavaScript commands to draw anything you want. Browsers can implement multiple canvas contexts and the different APIs provide the drawing functionality.
Mann, ist das cool!HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet - Nihilogic is-canvas-the-end-of-flash
canvas html5Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 and jQuery
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.
Processing library ported to JavaScriptThe WHATWG Blog » Blog Archive » The Road to HTML 5: Link Relations
Some good information here about how to describe links in you webpage. Most of them aren't implemented yet, but may be worth adding for forward compatibility.
Welcome back to my semi-regular column, "The Road to HTML 5," where I'll try to explain some of the new elements, attributes, and other features in the upcoming HTML 5 specification.
Regular links (<a href>) simply point to another page. Link relations are a way to explain why you're pointing to another page. They finish the sentence "I'm pointing to this other page because..."
A refrence article about HTML5 Link Relations.いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 - Blog on Publickey
HTML も CSS も、すっかり動向を追わなくなって久しい。たぶん今書こうと思ったら相当忘れてるんだろうなぁ…。まだ進化するのですかー
俄然HTMLが面白くなってきた!Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
How google sees the future in HTML5, some seldom known facts about the new version of this versatile markup language...
Definitely need to look into this more -- we've done one site with HTML 5 and it looks like more is already out there in the wild than we'd think.
Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5."
"We knew then that the web had won. What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventurehtml5 Gallery | A showcase of sites using html5 markup
A showcase of sites using html5 markup
A showcase of sites using html5 markup, with twin primary aims to help web designers and developers of how to implement html5 into their sites now, and to showcase to browser makers that there are a large number of sites already implementing the language so it should be supported.YouTube HTML5 Demo
Html5 demo by youtube
"YouTube HTML5 Demo" - Google (April 17, 2009) [from]Processing.js
a port of the Processing Visualization Language
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars TechnicaDoodle.js — A Sprite Library for Canvas | notebook
A Sprite Library for Canvas | notebookCoding like it's 1999 ~ Authentic Boredom
Recently I made the switch back to HTML 4 for DOCTYPEs and px for font-size (sound like 1999 again?), and I’ve tweeted about it occasionally. I’m documenting the switch more thoroughly here.
"I’ve chosen to go with HTML 4.01 Strict as the DOCTYPE in my projects moving forward, favoring it above XHTML 1.0 Strict and HTML 5. I’ll briefly explain my reasoning."
HTML 5 – In a nutshell, HTML 5 is the next major version of the hypertext markup language. The good news is meaningless div and span elements will be replaced by more meaningful elements such as nav, header, and video.
Cameron Moll on HTML5 and px for font-sizecamen design · Video for Everybody!
how to embed video using html5
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4:
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4
Excellent code example (plus encoding explanation) for using the HTML5 <video> tag while providing a Flash-based fallback player for older browsers (i.e. not Firefox 3.5 or Safari 4).html5doctor, helping you implement html5 today
helping you implement html5 today. We publish articles relating to HTML5 and it’s semantics and how to use them, here and now. We also invite questions, in the form of ‘Ask the doctor’ to help answer people’s queries and questions. Answers will be posted in the form of articles for all to learn from.Yes, You Can Use HTML 5 Today! [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
Great article explaining how to use HTML 5 now.
Might be time to start looking at the use of HTML 5 for development nowModernizr
Version 0.9 is the initial public release of Modernizr. It includes tests for a variety of CSS 3 features and an HTML 5 element styling enabler.
Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!
Modernizr — это небольшая простая Javascript-библиотека, которая поможет получить ответ на вопрос поддерживает ли браузер пользователя такие технологии как: HTML5 Canvas rgba() hsla() border-image border-radius box-shadow Множественные фоновые изображения Прозрачность CSS-анимацию Столбцы Градиенты Отражения CSS-трансформацию CSS-перехды古いブラウザでもCSS3セレクタを使ってWebページをデザインできるようにしてみた - latest log
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Download the cheat sheet for free!jQuery Visualize Plugin: Accessible Charts & Graphs from Table Elements using HTML 5 Canvas | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Yes, finally. If I didn't find that I'd coded it myself now.HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using - Nettuts+
In-depth tutorial from NetTuts on combining existing HTML5 and CSS3 to create a slick web-design.Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate - Ars Technica
The HTML 5 video element has the potential to liberate streaming Internet video from plugin prison, but a debate over which codec to define in the standard is threatening to derail the effort. Ars takes a close look at the HTML 5 codec controversy and examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of H.264 and Ogg Theora.
A shame to see patent issues, vendor disagreements and other issues derail adoption of HTML 5 video.
something to read... about html5 and its usage with video standards and such
Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate - Ars TechnicaKeryx (X)HTML Elements Best Practice Sheet
Todos elementos ( Creio eu ) de HTMLAn Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG
impressive for the drag/dropCarsonified » 23 Essential HTML 5 Resources
'In this article, I’m hoping to give you some tips and insight into HTML5 to help ease the inevitable pain that comes with transitioning to a slightly different syntax.'
Some have embraced it, some have discarded it as too far in the future, and some have abandoned a misused friend in favor of an old flame in preparation. Whatever side of the debate you’re on, you’ve most likely heard all the blogging chatter surrounding the “new hotness” that is HTML5. It’s everywhere, it’s coming, and you want to know everything you can before it’s old news.IE6 Must Die for the Web to Move On
Amen! Anyone who has any influence over corporate IT policies _needs_ to read this.Carsonified » 30 Essential CSS3 Resources
Web designers around the world are extremely excited about the power of CSS3 and the creative freedom it offers. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 29 resources for you to learn more.
CarsonifiedHow to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2 | html5doctor
The second approach is to serve Gecko XHTML. I’ve found this to be the easier approach if you’re either generating a page dynamically using something like PHP, or if you can create your own .htaccess file to make use of mod_rewrite.
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic a-grade browsers are: IE8 and below, and Firefox 2 and Camino 1 (these two browsers use the same rendering engine, which is why they’re both affected).
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic [...]
Solución a HTML5 en IE6HTML5 drag and drop in Firefox 3.5 – 0xDECAFBAD
Since it’s so fundamental, offering drag and drop in web applications has been a no-brainer ever since browsers first offered mouse events in DHTML. But, although mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup made it possible, the implementation has been limited to the bounds of the browser window. Additionally, since these events refer only to the object being dragged, there’s a challenge to find the subject of the drop when the interaction is completed.
Drag and drop is one of the most fundamental interactions afforded by graphical user interfaces. In one gesture, it allows users to pair the selection of an object with the execution of an action, often including a second object in the operation. It’s a simple yet powerful UI concept used to support copying, list reordering, deletion (ala the Trash / Recycle Bin), and even the creation of link relationships.The Power of HTML 5 and CSS 3 • Perishable Press
HTML 5 and CSS 3 are quickly gaining popularity, revealing their collective power with some exciting new design possibilities.
Web designers can do some pretty cool stuff with HTML 4 and CSS 2.1. We can structure our documents logically and create information-rich sites without relying on archaic, table-based layouts. We can style our web pages with beauty and detail without resorting to inline <font> and <br> tags. Indeed, our current design methods have taken us far beyond the hellish era of browser wars, proprietary protocols, and those hideous flashing, scrolling, and blinking web pages.How to build a desktop WYSIWYG editor with WebKit and HTML 5 - Ars Technica
Very impressive. 200 LOC.
Simple tutorial about webkit/pygtk!HTML 5 Reset Stylesheet | HTML5 Doctor
Now that the development of XHTML 2 is discontinued, should we stick to XHTML 1.0 or move forward to HTML 5 or better prefer the old HTML 4? Let’s set things straight once and for all. In this post we are trying to clear up the confusion, explain what is what and describe what markup language you can use for your web-sites.
Misunderstanding Markup: XHTML 2/HTML 5 Comic Strip
Since the official announcement of W3C to stop working on the development of XHTML 2 in the end of 2009 and increase resources on HTML 5 instead, there has been a lot of confusion and various debates about the “proper”markup language for modern and future web-development. With XHTML 1.0, XHTML 2, HTML 4, HTML 5 and XHTML 5 we have so many languages that it’s really getting hard to keep track!【レポート】5分で把握するHTML5 - Google Developer Dayセッションリポート (1) HTML5仕様の概要 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
うおー。WebStorage って! ウェブアプリは今後どーなっていくんだろー。
Web StorageWPS: PostScript for the Web
Welcome to WPS, a PostScript and PDF interpreter for HTML 5 canvas. Note that to see and run the examples, JavaScript must be enabled and your browser must support HTML 5 canvas (latest Firefox, Opera and Chrome should work). This document allows you to try simple PostScript programs in the WPS sandbox. A few examples are presented here accompanied by a brief description of the interpreter and listing some implementation notes for my future reference.
Interprets PDF files for output with HTML 5's <canvas> element
Really neat thing: a postscript interpreter written in JavaScript using Canvas as a drawing surface. Not sure how practical this is, but it sure is fun thing.Cartagen
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5. Written in JavaScript, it uses the new Canvas element to load mapping data from various sources, including OpenStreetMap. Maps are styled with Geographic Style Sheets (GSS), a cascading stylesheet specification for geospatial information – a decision which leverages literacy in CSS to make map styling more accessible. However, GSS is a scripting language as well, making Cartagen an ideal framework for mapping dynamic data.
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5
"Just like CSS for styling web pages, GSS is a specification for designing maps. Adapted for dynamic data sources, GSS can define changing geographic elements, display multiple datasets, and even respond to contextual tags like "condition:poor"."HTML5 Canvas and Audio Experiment
argh. 1997 all over again. This is just as abusive as a million fin-de-siecle flash portfolio sites. Ah the usability nightmares.
An html5 canvas experiment by
Seems to be Firefox onlyCoding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch | How-To, Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
An essential reading. From Smashing Magazine, as usual... :-DHTML5 Canvas Experiment « IO 9elements
HTML5 is getting a lot of love lately. With the arrival of FireFox 3.5, Safari 4 and the new betas of Google Chrome and Opera, browsers support some great new features including canvas and the new audio/video tags. Most interesting: modern mobile devices like the iPhone or Android-based phones also support new standards in favor of Flash. The future looks bright for HTML5. Time for us to play with this technology. We’ve created a litttle experiment which loads 100 tweets related to HTML5 and displays them using a javascript-based particle engine. Each particle represents a tweet – click on one of them and it’ll appear on the screen. The original particle engine was ported from a Flex/AS3 project that we’ve created to javascript. We’re using processing.js for particle rendering on canvas which is a very useful graphics library created by John Resig. The music will only be played if the browser supports the audio tag. To detect if the audio or canvas feature is present we use the aweso
Time for us to play with this technology. We’ve created a litttle experiment which loads 100 tweets related to HTML5 and displays them using a javascript-based particle engine. Each particle represents a tweet – click on one of them and it’ll appear on the screen.
cool interactive animation/sound demo for HTML5【特集】詳解! HTML 5と関連APIの最新動向 - 新タグ&API編 (1) はじめに - 本特集の趣旨 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
今回紹介する内容は以下の通りだ。 * HTML 5マークアップについての簡易リファレンス(新要素/廃止された要素/DOCTYPEについて) * Video/Audio要素とそのAPI * Canvas要素とそのAPI * 大幅に強化されたフォーム要素 * アウトラインを意識したマークアップ(section,articleなどを用いたマークアップ方法) * ドラッグ&ドロップAPI70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources | Web Resources | WebAppers
70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources - Open Source Resources for Web DevelopersAdactio: Journal—Misunderstanding markup
"XHTML 2 is dead. Long live XHTML …as HTML 5."
The death of XHTML has been greatly exaggerated.
The W3C announced last week that the XHTML 2 Working Group will wrap up at the end of this year. This should have been a straightforward, welcome announcement. Instead it has confused a lot of people who believe that it heralds the end of XHTML—see, for example, the comments on Zeldman’s blog post.Dive Into HTML 5
In this post I want to illustrate some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of introduction of HTML 5 markup language. They are not general rules but simple suggestions you can follow in order to improve the readability, manageability, and general organization of CSS code. These suggestions are especially useful if you have to work on complex CSS files that otherwise can be difficult to manage. I prefer to separate CSS code in three distinct sections: a first section that contains general HTML tags; a second section that contains structure tags; a last section with custom classes.HTML5サンプル集 - 株式会社あゆた
intro to HTML 5, input validation, canvas, regular expressions, SVG
With support in Chrome, Firefox 3.5, Opera, and Safari, HTML 5 is coming at you like a runaway train. Here are some suggestions to help you prepare to get on board rather than be left at the platform or tied to the tracks.
none of that will help you understand HTML 5 as much as using the new elements. You can modify part of an existing site or experiment by creating new pages.HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.HTML 5 pocket book
Thank you Jeremy Keith.
@adactio’s HTML5 pocketbook from dConstruct 2009 HTML5 workshop
HTML 5 pocket book - Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets -
Seems like we need the equivalent of an ssh connection with a reverse tunnel. The browser can initiate (and control) the connection, and the web server can ‘touch’ the browser directly.
Web Socket/HTML 5、onopen/onread/onclose、←Opera Unite/Webhooks、最近の一連のブラウザサーバー関連まとめ
Polling architectures, as pervasive as they are today, did not come about due to their efficiency. Whether you are maintaining a popular endpoint (Twitter), or trying to get near real-time news (RSS), neither side benefits from this architecture. Over the years we've built a number of crutches in the form of Cache headers, ETags, accelerators, but none have fundamentally solved the problem - because the client remains 'dumb' the burden is still always on the server. For that reason, it's worth paying attention to some of the technologies which are seeking to reverse this trend: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets.
It feels dirty... but seems like a useful concept【特集】詳解! HTML 5と関連APIの最新動向 - Webアプリ開発編 (1) 本特集の趣旨 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
アプリケーションキャッシュ, クロスドキュメントメッセージング, Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Database, Web Sockets, Geolocation API などHTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet by Woork
A simple visual grid with a list of all HTML tags and their related attributes supported by HTML versions 4.01 and/or 5.
HTML5 きたよーOn HTML 5 Drag and Drop « alert debugging
HTML 5 is shaping up to be quite an impressive step up from the capabilities web developers are currently constrained to. One of my favorite new features provided by the spec is support for native drag and drop.“Misunderstanding Markup” 日本語訳
“Misunderstanding Markup: XHTML 2/HTML 5 Comic Strip”
xhtml2の解説マンガHTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.HTML 5 And CSS3 Cheat Sheets Collection
Guide to HTML5 Hiccups
HTML5 Super Friends Technical DetailsCarsonified » How to Draw with HTML 5 Canvas
Une petite introduction à l'émément CANEVAS en HTML5Rediscovering HTML tables
iphone dev. environment/resource
Design Mobile Apps (cross platform)
Online dev environment for creating HTML5/CSS3/JS-based apps for smartphones. iPhone now, "Pre and BBerry coming"
a free, collaborative, web-based, open-source mobile development environment where developers can easily create smartphone applications using standard web technologies (such as HTML 5, CSS, and Javascript) and distribute them as stand-alone applications to app stores.Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome FrameChromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
"To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">"
Renders pages as Chrome inside an IE window. The HTML5 drag and drop disaster
"After spending about a day and a half in testing I am forced to conclude that the HTML5 drag and drop module is not just a disaster, it’s a fucking disaster."
Holy H Christ... WHAT have we done!? We stood idly by and let this drag and drop disaster happen.
Gee, I wonder why that is.Object-Oriented CSS: What, How, and Why - Nettuts+
Object-oriented CSS, at its core, is simply writing cleaner, DRYer CSS. It's not a different language: still the same old CSS we all know and love. It's just a paradigm shift. Really, object-oriented CSS is a few simple patterns and best practices.
It sounds like an oxymoron, or at least an impossibility, doesn't it? How can a static language that's really more like markup than programming be
Objektorientiertes CSS in Verbindung mit HTML5. Das interessante an diesem Artikel ist das recht gute Beispiel eines HTML5 Dokument Aufbaus.
http://html5shiv.googlecode.comContent Aware Image Resizing implemented with JavaScript
Script de compactação de imagem (javascript) que redimensiona a imagem em uma direção (horizontal por exemplo) sem distorcê-la simplemente, ele corta partes semelhantes da imagem.Ajaxian » Introduction to HTML 5
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what’s coming down the pipeline but haven’t had time to read any articles yet? I’ve put put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of the new standard
More info on HTML 5Google Code Blog: Video Introduction to HTML 5
Google's video introduction to #html5
an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard
We've put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard.
Video Introduction to HTML 5html5doctor - HTML5.JP
『HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。』
html5doctor ( )とは、Richard Clark 氏、Bruce Lawson 氏、Jack Osborne 氏、Mike Robinson 氏、Remy Sharp 氏、Tom Leadbetter 氏といった HTML5 に関して著名な方々が共同で運営しているサイトです。<html>5doctor は、HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。 HTML5.JP では、html5doctor の許可を頂き、記事アーカイブの日本語訳を掲載しましたので、ぜひ、HTML5 の理解にお役立てください。
次世代HTML標準 HTML5情報サイトCarsonified » The Future of HTML 5
Archive of current HTML5
At FOWA London 2009 Bruce Lawson gave an introduction to HTML 5 and how it might be used in the future.
New HTML is coming! Are you on the bus?Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
thorough guide to html5 including batch encoding and degrading gracefullyBrowser support for CSS3 and HTML5, We've tested all the A-grade browsers for their CSS3 and HTML5 support using The results have been very interesting. : Deep Blue Sky Digital Ltd : Web designers and developers in Bath
Safari and Chrome do well, Firefox OK, and IE/Opera stink up the place. Should have displayed this data in a single chart.Daring Fireball: Creating Ogg Theora Files on Mac OS X With ffmpeg2theora
According to Daring Fireball ffmpeg2theora is the one tool that simply just works for transcoding video to Ogg Theora.
"ffmpeg2theora is the one tool I found that simply just works for transcoding to Ogg Theora. The downside to ffmpeg2theora is that it’s only available as a command-line tool." [another conversion tool here:]
Useful and easy command line tool for converting M4Vs5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything - PC World
3D TV, HTML5, video over Wi-Fi, superfast USB, and mobile "augmented reality" will emerge as breakthrough technologies in the next few years. Here's a preview of what they do and how they work.
5 New Technologies That Will Change Everything [from]
I believe USB 3.0, AR, and HTML 5Life is beautiful: 「Flash vs. HTML5」という構図がはっきりと見え始めたぞ、と
ウェブ上のリッチコンテンツという分野でリーダーシップ・ポジションを取りながらも、「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えたFlash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。
「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えた Flash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。 パソコン側でこれほど有利な立場にありながら、スマートフォンの世界では土俵際に追いつめられた感のあるAdobe。WebKitという戦略兵器を軸に手をがっちりと手を組んだGoogleとApple。思いっきり出遅れてしまったがOS・ブラウザーのシェアと資金力だけは誰にも負けない Microsoft。この戦いは目が離せない。Ajaxian » View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3Modern CSS Layouts: The Essential Characteristics « Smashing Magazine
five characteristics of modern CSS websites: * Progressively enhanced, * Adaptive to diverse users, * Modular, * Efficient, * Typographically rich. In part 2 of this article, coming soon, we’ll go over the techniques and tools that will help you implement these important characteristics on your CSS-based Web pages.HTML5: The Basics (1 of 4) | Design Shack
HTML5 - passo a passo 1What Does It All Mean? - Dive Into HTML5
A concise overview of HTML 5.html5-cheat-sheet.pdf (application/pdf Object)
HTML5 Cheat sheet.
ตารางรวม Tag HTML5HTML5 を学ぶための情報源まとめ | WWW WATCH
最初のフェーズは、Googleが作った製品としてのGoogle WaveがWebアプリケーションとして一般に公開される。第二フェーズのGoogle Waveはプラットホームだ。上で述べたように、一般のデベロッパが参加して何かを作っていく。そして第三フェーズでは、Google Waveはプロトコルだ。すなわち、Webコミュニケーションのための開発プラットホームになる(実装は自由で多様化)。Watch YouTube Videos Without Flash in HTML5 — The NeoSmart Files
by Mahmoud Al-Qudsi - 8 November 2009 - The NeoSmart Files - NeoSmart Technologies
좋은 자료
our attention that Firefox does not support streaming MP4 content due to licensing restrictions, and as we mention above, an MP4 decoder is a minimum requirement.YouTube HTML5 Viewer - NeoSmart Technologies
Convert YouTube to HTML5 and then MP4.
adobeを捨てるための第一歩Beautiful-HTML.png (PNG Image, 2000x2000 pixels)
Beautiful tips and tricks.
การแก้ไข Browser ต่างกันデザイナーのためのHTML5リソースまとめ | DesignWalker
The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element.
Gnuplot demo scripts run through the HTML canvas terminal See also the demo output for the PNG and SVG terminals. Your browser may not support the HTML 5 canvas element The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element. That currently means firefox, safari, opera, or konqueror (KDE 4.2).HTML5, きちんと。
把握Glossary | HTML5 Doctor
A comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5
"We wanted to provide a comprehensive references of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5, so we've created a glossary. We'll be adding to this in the coming weeks to make it more comprehensive."
Glosary HTML 5HTML5 Features at a Glance
一份html5支持清单15 Useful Resources to Get Clued Up on HTML5
500 Internal Server ErrorHow To Support Internet Explorer and Still Be Cutting Edge - Smashing Magazine
Excellent tutorial and tips on webdesign in general
Everyone has been going on about how we should use CSS3 more and all of the possibilities and flexibility that come with it, but that we should still consider IE6 and other troubling browsers.How HTML5 Will Change the Way You Use the Web - HTML5 - Lifehacker
Artículo que explica algunas de las características de HTML5.
Firefox and Safari partially support it, Google's Wave and Chrome projects are banking on it, and most web developers are ecstatic about what it means. It's HTML5, and if you're not exactly sure what it is, here's an explainer.
What is HTML5? Some kind of really fancy link tag? HTML5 is a specification for how the web's core language, HTML, should be formatted and utilized to deliver text, images, multimedia, web apps, search forms, and anything else you see in your browser. In some ways, it's mostly a core set of standards that only web developers really need to know. In other ways, it's a major revision to how the web is put together. Not every web site will use it, but those that do will have better support across modern desktop and mobile browsers (that is, everything except Internet Explorer).Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBa - ZURB Playground -
Using descriptive class names and CSS3 properties like gradients and box shadows, we create a set of scalable button styles for links and buttons.
Awesome ButtonsTimes Skimmer by The New York Times
ranked according to the the recommendations of the New York Times' editorial team. rss feel interface, 8 types of layouts
Alternate way of browsing NYT content. Good use of layout and @font-face
a new application for that provides online readers with the layout and experience of paging through a newspaper
"I like this new interface to the NYT online. The Times’s PR announcement describes it as more like a newspaper, but I’d say that’s true only in spirit. It’s far less cluttered than the regular Times web site layout, and it feels faster. Cutting-edge on the tech side, too: in Safari it displays headlines and sub-heads using the same fonts as the print edition, thanks to the new CSS @font-face property and TypeKit."24 ways: Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms
Shows how powerful the canvas tag is in html 5.Everything you need to know about HTML5 | News | TechRadar UK
introduction with useful starting points
What's new in HTML5 and what happened to XHTML2.
very good article!!33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way.
When will this be usable?
"Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0."
Chrome set to take over the world
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler.Five Technologies That Will Keep Shaping the Web in 2010
PastryKit accomplishes all three of the aforementioned things — hiding the MobileSafari address bar, providing fixed-position toolbars, and providing scrolling with momentum — by disabling regular scrolling and setting up its own view hierarchy and implementing its own scrolling.
talking about creating iPhone apps with great design and user experiences. Let’s acknowledge that to mak
About iPhone OS web app dev versus native Cocoa Touch., Better, Faster Design with CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 (via smashingmag) - In our last article about CSS3, Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3, we talked about using new CSS3...What You Need To Know About Behavioral CSS - Smashing Magazine
games flash fun online
What You Need To KnowA Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3 - Inspect Element
A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3transm.js (javascript programmable image transitions)
実際のところHTML5でどのくらいのアプリが実装できるのか実験Google Code Blog: Gmail for Mobile HTML5 Series: Using Timers Effectively
article about long vs. short javascript timers, etcA Form of Madness - Dive Into HTML5
A Form of MPerfection kills » Optimizing HTML
なにこれおもしろそうHTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight? by InfoWorld: Yahoo! Tech
Therefore, Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight could see their turf invaded by HTML 5, Almaer says. "Essentially, what it does is lays the groundwork to have equivalent functionality that Flash or Silverlight provides," says RedMonk analyst Michael Cote. It also could threaten JavaFX, he adds.
uch as Apple, Google, and Mozilla.
How html5 could affect flash and silverlight
Can it be? Are we going to actually go forward? Allelujah!!!» Web Development for the iPhone: HTML & CSS Support :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
explanations and examples of modern web dev techniquesKeith Clark - IE CSS3 pseudo selectors
Metoda na css3 w IE
ie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages and start using these selectors in your style sheets — they'll work in IE... Honest...!14 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Development | Web Design Ledger
For web developers and designers, it can be difficult to memorize the syntax for multiple programming languages and frameworks, especially since they are always
For web developers and designers, it can be difficult to memorize the syntax for multiple programming languages and frameworks, especially since they are always evolving and growing. This is where cheat sheets come in handy. Most cheat sheets are designed to be printer friendly, so you can have them laying around on your desk as quick reference cards. Here is a collection of useful cheat sheets specifically for front end web development that will help you with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
Great tutorial for a 1 page portfolio with HTML5 & CSS3 features.
This is a run through of the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 while still paying attention to older browsers.Christopher Blizzard · HTML5 video and H.264 – what history tells us and why we’re standing with the web
Nice article explaining why H.264 should not be adopted as the standard codec for HTML5 video.Jilion - SublimeVideo
Not fully there yet, but could be a great one stop solution for video in web pages eventually (why is this still and outstanding issue?)
HTML5 video player
HTML5 video.
"SublimeVideo provides a custom user interface for playing HTML5 videos. The design is Mac-centric (though well polished) and offers a “Full-window” mode which is very visually impressive—and I believe more useful than Flash’s “Full screen mode”. The script will eventually be released free for non-commercial use."Daring Fireball: Apple, Adobe, and Flash
I’ve been writing about this saga for two years. My fascination with the subject is fueled by the fact that it’s so polarizing, and that it encompasses both technical and political issues.
My machine is a two-year-old MacBook Pro. It plays full-screen H.264 video through QuickTime without problem. When I play full-screen Flash video, my fan kicks in within a few seconds, every time.
He is so right about it, I believe there will be no flash
John Gruber/Daring Fireball, Jan. 25, 2010.A List Apart: Articles: Using SVG for Flexible, Scalable, and Fun Backgrounds, Part II
Useful for my next project
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="100" height="100" style="float:right" data=""> <span/></object>
We’ll explore how to incorporate SVG in a cross-browser friendly manner, including using SVGWeb to ensure that the SVG shows in Internet Explorer.Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs (Update 2) | Epicenter |
About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.
"No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5."
After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town
I efterdyningarna till Apples lansering av Ipad har det blåst upp till rejält ordkrig mellan Adobe och Apple. Diskussionerna gäller flash-teknikens förträfflighet. Eller avsaknad därav.10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browserWeb Designers' Browser Support Checklist, Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist : FindMeByIP : what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?
Web Designers' Browser Support ChecklistPlupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus
Multiple file uploader
Gänget bakom TinyMCE har släppt en filuppladddare med massivt stöd: Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 eller Browserplus.Let’s Call It a Draw(ing Surface) - Dive Into HTML 5
Choosing The Best CSS Framework: A Complete Guide | DevSnippets | HTML 5
of reasons to use a CSS FrThe Future of Web Content – HTML5, Flash & Mobile Apps
Diskussionerna om flash vs. html5 fortsätter.
ITD 110
FLASH MOBILEHTMLで図まで描ける!進化した「HTML5」ってどんなもの? - はてなブックマークニュース
HTML5の情報まとめ52Framework - first ever html5 and css3 framework
Framework para HTML5 y CSS3iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログ
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログGiz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet - HTML5 - Gizmodo
Software house for iphone development
great lighting, texture, really smooth firm siteReal time online activity monitor example with node.js and WebSocket @ Bamboo Blog
A demonstration of the potential of the canvas element, which could pave the way for javascript to replace flash.
example of canvas tag for 3d image display
pretty sick html5 canvas demo via Gen KaneiFirefox: 46 features you might not know about ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Awesome things I didn't know that Fire Fox could do.Jon Combe | Code | HTML clocks using JavaScript and CSS rotation
Süper saat uygulaması.
Jon Combe | Code | HTML clocks using JavaScript and CSS rotation - to HTML 5 on Vimeo
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including:
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read any articles yet? I've put together an educational "Introduction to HTML 5" video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including: * Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) * The Geolocation API * HTML 5 Video * The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache * Web workers The video is chock full of demos and sample source code. (Note to moderators: HTML 5 is a public open web standard. I'm helping to educate web developers and raise awareness of this open web standard).50 Awesome CSS3 Animations | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Browse: Home / Development / 50 Awesome Animations made with CSS3html5media - Project Hosting on Google Code
Enables <video> tags in all major browsers.
Currently using Mark Pilgrim\'s solution. This looks nigh-identical but worth comparing.Coding a CSS3 & HTML5 One-Page Website Template – Tutorialzine
Today we are making a HTML5 web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery,
Here we are using the new version of HTML - the fundamental language of the web, to make a web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery with the scrollTo plug-in.Andrew Hoyer | Cloth Simulation - code is here
is simulation. A lot of the concepts discussed by Thomas JacobseLess Framework
Procedural drawing tool
HTML5 drawing tool
It's amazing what you can do with HTML5. If I were Adobe, I'd be more than a little worried right now.
Canvas driven drawing app.Google Code Blog: HTML5 and WebKit pave the way for mobile web applications
awesome work from the gmail guys using html5 goodness to do local caching for offline among other things, i really do like the web interface on the iphone...humble software development - Finance Financial Graphs
рисоватьAdactio: Journal—The HTML5 Equilibrium
HTML5 is a strange character with what appears to be a split personality. Hardly surprising then that something so divided would appear to be so divisive.Sneaking into Future: 25 Ultra Modern Websites Using HTML5 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Take a look and explore the code for an insight into the future of the internet. Be warned, however, few display properly in Internet Explorer. Here comes the 25 websites built using HTML5A List Apart: Articles: Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web
"The bickering is getting old. Here’s what we can do."
"Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web" /by @danielmall via @russmaxdesign #webstandards #flashInternet Explorer 9: Platform Demos
RT @joelmoss: Why is IE 9 advertising that it fails the Acid 3 test? (via @rbates)HTML5 structure—div, section & article ・ @boblet
lest I forget (Oli Studholme)
It seems my HTML5 id/class name cheatsheet article interested a few people, so here’s the start of an in-depth look at the document structures that fall out of the HTML5 spec. First, let’s introduce three easily confused HTML5 structural elements:
An in depth look at the HTML5 elements for semantically structuring your pages.
HTML5 yapısal araçları div - section, articleEverything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio - Opera Developer Community
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles - Website Layout Tutorials and Inspiration | AcrisDesign
HTML5 Website Layout Tutorials and Inspiration | AcrisDesign - Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress
50 Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress - & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5
A very basic example on how to code a site using HTML522 Handy HTML5 & CSS3 Tools, Resources And Guides | Graphic and Web Design Blog
how to create an offline HTML5 iPhone application. More specifically, I’ll walk you through the process of building a Tetris game.Harmony - Procedural drawing tool
Fajne rysowanie
Interesting sketching tool that makes otherwise-boring line drawings look very cool.
nice sketchesRendera - Online HTML5 Editor
éditeur HTML5, CSS3 et javascript avec jQuery en ligne permet l'export des codes générésWeb Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
5 bijzondere nieuwe features in HTML 5Technical Note TN2262: Preparing Your Web Content for iPad
RT @veen: Apple's guide to preparing your website for the iPad:
Apple Technical Note TN2262
How to modify web content for the iPad
Time to get busy
Platform-specific considerations for web content in Safari on iPhone OS devices, with specific information for iPad.[whatwg] Codecs for
Ian Hickson's opinion of the codec debate
Post to the whatwg list declaring the final decision regarding required codevs for <video> and <audio> in HTML5.
@visik7 @allmarkedup [from]
Wie schon bei den Widgets bremst Apple auch hier.Apple - iPad-ready websites
iPodに最適化したサイト集。quake2-gwt-port - Project Hosting on Google Code
RT @1stwebdesigner Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @tweetmeme Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog with Ian Hickson, editor of the HTML 5 specification. - The Web Standards Project
The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
142/160 for Chrome 5.0.371.0 (Official Build 43900) dev / Mac10.5.8
The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard. It does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.The Gradual Disappearance Of Flash Websites - Smashing Magazine
Uma visão sobre padrões web e o futuro dos sites em FlashjStorage - simple JavaScript plugin to store data locally
Timezones made usable (by @amyhoy and @thomasfuchs)
Amy Hoy & Thomas Fuchs created another beautiful Javascript/HTML5 website that's earned a place on my bookmark bar.
Nice visualization of timezones.
A nice way to present international timezones.
Never warp your brain with that time zone math again.Pusher - Realtime client push powered by HTML5 websockets, beyond AJAX
We believe that the real-time web is fantastic and should be easy to implement. This is our simple solution, powered by HTML5 websockets
ferramenta para fazer carding sorting onlineHTML5 presentation
HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness #html #browser #css3
A Visualization of how ready different parts of HTML5/CSS3 are for day to day usejsPlumb demo
"In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he expects HTML 5 will address, and much more. He also tells what he would change in the original HTML spec if he could go back in time."
In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he ex
[Big NNW still-interesting-after-a-period-of-up-to-two-years open tabs dump]Akihabara
HTML5 tool for creating pixel gamesBlowing up HTML5 video and mapping it into 3D space « Craftymind
runtime chroma keying,
html5 does wonders
Crazy video tricks with the video tag and canvas
VIDEO 3d Explosion
I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call.HTML5 Video Destruction
RT @draenews: Del HTML5 Video Destruction:
dynamic "blowup" of running video
クリックした場所で爆発が起こって映像がばらばらに分断される、というデモ。HTML5のcanvasタグ+JavaScriptを使うとこうなるらしいUpdate to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
lling the visualize() methodTouch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 | PV.M Garage
.The CSS 3 Flexible Box Model ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
The #CSS3 Flexible Box Model (Mozilla Hacks) -
Splendid HTML5 app for 3D molecule
HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, and so is the ability to create drag and drop interactivity. Even though HTML5 is not fully supported in major browsers, there are those that are pushing forward and experimenting with its new features. In an effort to encourage you to do the same and to prepare you for the future, we’ve rounded up 15 useful HTML5 tutorials and cheat sheets.HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Un ensemble d'outils pour commencer à developper nos players
HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players - Speckyboy Design Magazine
For the most part, Flash has always been the standard for showing video on the web (think of YouTube and Vimeo), supported in all browsers with the only
Ways to embed video that fall back on Flash, not lead with it
#HTML5 video Libraries, Toolkits and Players : more examples here : on Flash
Steve Jobs announcement about why Apple doesn't support FlashUltimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using
In this “Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources“, you will find articles and tutorials covered on different websites. Demos and examples are also included in this list. I tried my best to collect all useful and related information to put at one place. Still if you find something missing, kindly share it in the comments below.12 Elegant, Free & High Quality HTML5+CSS3 Templates | DevSnippets
html 5 css3Open Standard Media Player | MediaFront
Open Standard Media (OSM) Player | MediaFront
Media Player em HTML5When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak) Book Apart, Home
RT @abookapart: Our bookstore is open - preorder your copy of HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS now. http://books.alistapart.com15 Useful CSS3 and HTML5 Templates and Frameworks - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5 has definitely become a trend alongside its lil’ brother CSS3 because of their functions and utilities which makes them the next best thing in web design. Better even than Flash, maybe, in some situations. Being the next best thing will not determine you to use it, but the fact that it introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics will do. The most important thing for you to know is that you can’t learn it just by reading, you have to work with it, step by step, using these new techniques from the tutorials that I’m bringing you here and by the time HTML5 and CSS3 properties will be supported on every browser you’ll be a rockstar coder.Understand The Web · Ben Ward
Ben Ward - 2 May 2010
About openness, HTML5, flash, Adobe, Apple, the entire current state. He has some valid points
Great essay by @benward on web apps and getting back to the real purpose of the web: – Ben Crowder (bencrowder)
One of the best articles around explaining the difference in 'open', 'the web', 'web-apps' and the current Adobe vs Apple battle.
"...a desire for a free, cross-platform Cocoa or .NET quality application framework that runs in the browsers people already use."HTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3AvenueScribd in HTML5 | Scribd
Sweet! Scribd, now in HTML5: (link to their presentation about the change)
Scribd is a way to easily put your documents online.
Flash -> HTML5
RT @nitot: Moving away from Flash to HTML5 : #html5Rethinking Forms in HTML5 | Nettuts+
by @nettutsWebkit CSS Properties
I've been using/abusing many of these but how do they differ from "filter:alpha(opacity=50)" etc?
-webkit- referencejQuery 1.4: What you need to know
jQuery 1.4: What you need to know - Videos In Your Web Pages Using HTML5 | Webmonkey |
Do you want to use some HTML5 video tags on your site right now? No problem. Fasten your seat belts, as we’re about to take a tour of the wonderful world of HTML5 video.
from webmonkeyHTML5 presentation
Cómo aparece nuestra web en diferentes navegadores y tamaños. Sólo tenemos que indicar la url, el dispositivo y el tamaño, mostrando un popup con el resultado.
The ProtoFluid App Facilitates web app testing on various screen sizes, orientations and browsers. Lets you design for CSS3 compliant (mobile) browsers using Media Queries. Particularly suited to the early development of fluid layout based web applications. Use all your favourite web browser development tools (Firebug etc.) This approach is particularly relevant considering the upcoming tablet tsunami. Encourages modern design flexibility. No browser sniffing or user agent strings here!0xFE - 11111110b - 0376 - 254 b9#9: Desktop Notifications with WebKit
Desktop notifications through web browser
Notifications in WebKit0xFE - 11111110b - 0376 - 254 b9#9: Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas
Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas via @Metaphysicalist
Amazing: Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything - Dive Into HTML5
Appendix A: All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything
If you want the guts of how Modernizr HTML5 CSS3 feature detection works...Demo: FireFox 3.5 Treats Videos Like Web Pages. Why Can’t Flash Do That?
#swear #superlative.
Mais uma notícia sobre HTML 5....
Very cool demo of new HTML-5 video.
This has amazing implications for product placement in the future – the product can be customized to the individual.12 Insanely Awesome Javascript Effects
Yes, it's insane, I found these javascript effects in chrome experiments website, and I think I should promote and show them to all of you. Enjoy :)CSS 3 Modules
Trailer (Ogg/Theora + MP4/VP6 fallback) 2/4 00:52 | 01:26
pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. FlAsH is used only whenever there´s no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as simple as possible
Sweet, free, open source HTML5 video kit!A List Apart: Articles: A Brief History of Markup
First chapter of "HTML5 for Web Developers" from Jeremy Keith.
Chapter 1 of the book, “HTML5 for Web Designers” by Jeremy Keith
HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith. Read Chapter 1 online: #html5The WebM Project : The WebM Project : Welcome to the WebM Project
The WebM Project : Google VP8
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone. The WebM launch is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Google and more than forty other publishers, software and hardware - Watch TV and Movies Online
With regard to patents, VP8 copies way too much from H.264 for anyone sane to be comfortable with it, no matter whose word is behind the claim of being patent-free.
@IanYorston Some worrying comments about VP8 here - "VP8 copies way too much from H.264" – andykemp (andykemp)
han LAME and ffmpeg’s AAC encoder is even worse.Web Design Trends 2010: Real-Life Metaphors and CSS3 Adaptation - Smashing Magazine
In our earlier article about Web design trends for 2010 we covered the strong influence of print design techniques, keypress navigation, horizontal layouts, rich...
Tendencias del diseño web para 2010, metáforas de la realidad y adaptación a CSS3
Web Design Trends 2010Video JS | HTML5 Video Player
Another JavaScript library for dealing with the video support shenanigans across browsers.
looks like a nice player.
Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers. In general, the benefit of using an HTML5 player is a consistent look between browsers.5 Tools For Integrating HTML5 Video in Your Website
html examples
Collecting examples of creative, innovative, and unexpected use of emerging web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation
These demos are showing of CSS transitions, transforms (2D and 3D) and animations.マークアップエンジニアじゃなくても覚えておきたいHTMLとCSSの話(~HTML5・CSS3、IE8 それぞれの準備に向けて) - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
ディレクターとして把握しておいた方が良いHTML/CSS関連のお話とのこと。良い記事です。Apple - HTML5
Mozilla evangelist Chris Blizzard voiced his concern about the issue in a recent blog entry. He characterizes Apple's HTML5 showcase as a misguided marketing stunt and explains why it is detrimental to the browser ecosystem. He says that the browser block on the demos is a "F**k You" to the people who make and run other standards-compliant browsers. He also voices some criticism of Google, which he says has made similar mistakes in promoting its Native Client technology and other nonstandard features.
You’ll need to download Safari to view this demo.Smokescreen |
Flash ... without the pluginWTF is HTML5 (Infographic)
WTF is HTML5 and Why We Should All Care (Infographic)10+ Free HTML5-CSS3 Website Templates (To Start Designing For Tomorrow)
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
If you didn't already, it is a good idea to warm your hands on HTML5 and CSS3 as they offer so much. Here are 10+ free HTML5-CSS3 website templates to help you get inspired and started:Safari Technology Demos - Safari Dev Center - Apple Developer
View the examples below and learn how to use web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to deliver rich experiences in your website.
cool HTML 5 effect
Appleによる、 HTML5とCSS3とJavaScriptでこれだけのリッチなものが作れるというデモ集。Safariでしか動きません。でもiPad用(あるいは iPhone用)のコンテンツなら、今すぐこういったものが作れるということですよね。How HTML 5 link prefetching can make your site load faster with one line of code. « keyboardy
ably decrease load times for a significant chunk of your users just by adding one line of code to your HTML. Pretty cool, huh?
interesante tecnica.
One of the lesser-known jewels of HTML 5 is link prefetching. The idea is to extend the time-honored concept of image preloading to HTML content (and without any messy AJAX code). Here’s how it works: You add a line like this to your page: <link rel="next" href="page2.html"> Then the browser automatically downloads page2.html in a background process as soon as the user’s computer is idle. When the user finally clicks a link to page2.html, the browser serves it from the cache, and so it loads significantly faster. Link prefetching is currently only supported by Firefox. But since Firefox is the second most popular web browser in the world, you can noticeably decrease load times for a significant chunk of your users just by adding one line of code to your HTML. Pretty cool, huh?Is This Really The Future of Magazines or Why Didn’t They Just Use HTML 5?
So why didn’t they choose HTML5 and build a custom viewer application around WebKit?
I just downloaded the Wired iPad application, and like most iPad applications (and most magazines for that matter), I found myself bored with it within the first 20 minutes. I’m sure the content is engaging, I’m sure the articles are worth reading – but I am stumped as to why I would chose this over the physical magazine itself, or their website for that matter. In fact, for reasons I’ll get into below, I’m starting to believe that the physical magazine’s “interface” is vastly superior to it’s iPad cousin. However, what strikes me most about the Wired app is how amazingly similar it is to a multimedia CD-ROM from the 1990’s. This is not a compliment and actually turns out to be a fairly large problem… 1990’s Here We Come … Again
at you can’t do application specific
A really good take on how iPad is not really delivering "Value" with their iPad magazines..Our Solar System — An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations.
An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations. Love it.
Попробуйте открыть это и в Internet Explorer 8 — у него свое видение нашей солнечной системы :)
A Solar System infoviz using CSS3 features: border-radius, transforms & animations.
Une belle réalisation en CSS3 with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
"Images show things down immensely - get rid of them"HTML5 Starter Pack – a sick freebie - Sickdesigner
Normally, I'm a big adept of not using templates for presets for pretty much anything I do. But, I must admit, there are tasks that are so trivial, so mundane
HTML5 layout/template/starterfont dragr | A HTML5 web app for testing custom fonts | The CSS Ninja
Drag and drop your truetype (ttf), opentype (otf), scalable vector graphics (svg) or Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts in the left hand side module and it will be added to the list.
Quickly test those new fonts
Works only in FirefoxThe Ultimate Roundup of Indispensable and Helpful HTML5 Tutorials
HTML5 and CSS3 are really revolutionizing the worlds of web development and web design, because they are bringing so many new features to work with to the fields. I have been spending much of my time working with both HTML5 and CSS3 in order to learn more about the two, and have learned that you can do everything from animation to rounded corners to amazing effects and fonts to easy offline line capabilities. In this post, I tried to collect some great tools that can help you to master these new features of both HTML5 and CSS3, by putting together an ultimate list of tools. Even though many of these features are not fully supported yet, as web developers and designers we should always be thinking about the future! I hope you find these tools helpful! Enjoy!
An awesome list of tutorials for HTML5 and CSS3
Herramientas CSS3 y HTML5, algunas bien bizarrasHTML5 Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos | Design
#HTML5 Showcase: 48 Potential #Flash-Killing Demos and CSS3 Books to Watch for in 2010 | Webdesigner Depot
Great books to look into for the HTML 5. Caution though! What may change in the future?
a list of eleven books that will be released in 2010 that focus on HTML5 and CSS3
Over the past year, new techniques and tricks involving HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements have been shared on a number of websites, giving developers newBall Pool
These are icons I drew for my personal needs. They are all in vector and drawn on this page with Raphaël (don’t forget to zoom the page). I was thinking that they could be useful for other people and, although the design quality of icons is average, I am releasing them here under MIT licence.
"These are icons I drew for my personal needs. They are all in vector and drawn on this page with Raphaël ... I am releasing them here under MIT licence."Introducing Slippy - HTML Presentations -
ボタンから挑戦するのがいいかも。Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch - Apps: Positioning with Geolocation | Mobiletuts+
At the heart of every location-based application is positioning and geolocation. In this tutorial you will learn the geolocation capabilities of HTML5 and the basic principles needed to take advantage of them in your next HTML5 app!
HTML5 Apps: Positioning with GeolocationFlickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
Flickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
What is HTML5 and why we should all care: Infographic: #trends via @dorait; @avinashkaushikJo JavaScript Application Framework for HTML5
jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo does * Embrace JavaScript's object model and loosely typed nature * Leverage CSS3 to handle as much of the pretty presentation and animation as possible * Provide a consistent and modular event model between objects * Wrap DOM and device-specific events into a cohesive gesture system * Insulate developers from different persistent storage solutions * Play nicely with other libraries like PhoneGap jo doesn't * Use a lot of resources * Depend on other frameworks * Have a lot of browser dependent code * Require detailed knowledge of the DOM * Force you to deeper into its framework than you want to go * Use $ and other arcane looking symbols in place of proper identifiers Author Dave Balmer:, follow @balmer on Twitter, or email Downloads Available from GitHub as a git repo or a zip file. Philosophy If you want to jam an exiDextrose AG - The Browsergames-SDK Aves-Engine
E3에서 다시 선보인 HTML5 기반 웹게임엔진 Aves. 아이폰/아이패드/안드로이드에서도 잘 동작한다고.. 플래시기반 게임들중 라이트한것들은 정말 HTML5기반으로 가게될듯 – 권정혁/Chris Kwon (xguru) Using CSS3 Today: Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Nice round up of all the best trick including a great 3D tower effectLiquid Particles - canvas experiment
HTML5/canvas demo, 500 particles to play around with.
Liquid Particles using HTML5 (via @richbugger)
Pretty cool! RT @marcofolio: RT @richbugger Liquid Particles using HTML5 << Sweet!Sencha · Introducing Sencha Touch · HTML5 Mobile App Framework
Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization.
Sencha Touch allows you to develop web apps that look and feel native on Apple iOS and Google Android touchscreen devices.Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
一个 web 框架
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior.
Alloy UI - metaframework for HTML5, CSS, and JS
HTML5 & CSS3 frameworks – fgrmt (fgrmt)
HTML5 And CSS3 Frameworks is what can make your job easier with structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears are being incorporated in HTML5. Although the full recommendation of HTML5 is very far away (2022), but browsers are being making there moves already. As a designer myself I really am watching closely on developments, articles on HTML5 and CSS3, and today I would like to present the frameworks for HTML5 and - share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS
JavaScript、HTML5、 CSSの投稿共有コミュニティサイトjQuery TOOLS - The missing UI library for the Web
The 20 year wait is over. Now you can build your forms with HTML5 and make them look and behave like you want. This completely new set of tools weighs only 5.63 Kb and you can load it from a free content delivery network.
Form Validierung dank jQuery & HTML 5.
Tero Piirainen has released jQuery Tools 1.2. Includes HTML5 form shim! – Dion Almaer (dalmaer) user interface elements in iOS Mobile Safari - (37signals)
scaling controls for iPhone etc. based on zoom (using Javascript to detect changes and CSS to scale)iPadでHTML5でWebアプリを作ってみました。 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
RT @tweedlebop: CSS animated Fail Whale:
steve dennis made the twitter whale only with css
CSSで作られたアニメーションするFail Whale(Chrome/Safari専用)Pure CSS Twitter Fail Whale - Subcide
Works well on Palm Pre.
If you’re using a Webkit browser (Safari or Chrome), it should also be animated using the webkit-animation CSS functions. If you are viewing in IE8 or below, well, this isn’t an experiment for you.
CSS Twitter WhalejMediaelement - jme - not only just another html5 audio / video player
jme is an HTML5 audio / video development kit with Flash and VLC Fallback, which focuses on flexibility, intuitive DOM-API and semantic code. HTML5: 10 Must Read Lessons
HTML 5 Lessons.How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery | Nettuts+
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look and see what we can achieve with HTML5 and CSS3 when it comes to the staple of current web sites: the humble drop-down
dropdown menu with gradient bg20+ Uniquely Cool jQuery Plugins and Tutorials
plug ins【HTML5】新規でサイトを作るのに使えそうなの一式。Ver 1|CSS HappyLife
HMTL5になった事で、 のリセットスタイル(v1.4.1)を使っています。 また、フォントサイズは、YUIのv2.8.1を使っております。
HTML5入門セット。A List Apart: Articles: Taking Advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 with Modernizr
Introducing a script (eCSStender) that deals with CSS3 and translates it to expressions that older browsers can handle. May be a nice thing to use.
Is a library the solution? Will be useful for a while though.HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu |
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu | - Ultimate CSS3 Toolbox: 50+ Resources, Tutorials and Articles | CreativeFan
Html5 Guitar Tab EditorThe State of HTML5 Apps
RT @draenews: Del The State of HTML5 Apps:
Intérêt du HTML 5 pour les Webapps.
The state of #HTML5 apps | a fluid Hicksdesign | The Hickensian | Hicksdesign
I’ve been wanting a fluid layout on this site for about 5 years. I had a brief redesign back in 2005 where I flirted with it for a few months, but it was soon switched back to fixed as I couldn’t get it right. Last year, I discovered CSS media queries while working on the internal pages of the Opera Browser, and tried to implement it here. It was half-assed and was removed, again after a few months. It took Ethan Marcotte’s excellent article for A List Apart Responsive Web Design to motivate me to do it properly, as well as know HOW to do it properly. I don’t think I’ve read anything as exciting and inspirational for a long time. So I started from scratch, working on the basic skeleton of the layout, getting the various resolution dependant layouts in place, before re-implementing the design (making a few changes long the way of course). So now, you’ll see the layout and type size change depending on the available width.HTML5Rocks - Home
RT @deliciouspb: #HTML5 presentation
Good overview of HTML5 and the possibilities.10 HTML5 Demos to Make You Forget About Flash | Inspiration
RT @draenews: Del 5 awesome HTML5 demos: Open Source HTML5 Video Players for Web Developers | TutorialFeed
In this post I am sharing five open source HTML5 video players to help web designer and developers. This list includes Video JS, MediaFront, Flare Video etc.
Players de vídeo para html5 FREE
5 Open Source HTML5 Video Players for Web DevelopersHTML and CSS Debugging Tools | Design Shack
แก้โค้ดในบราวเซอร์Getting Started with HTML5 Local Databases « Dark Crimson Blog
HTML 5 local databases. Gives step by step instructions for setting one up!
Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.
14 Starting with Safari 4, iPhone/iPad OS3, Chrome 5, and Opera 10.5 (Desktop), HTML5 Local Databases are now supported. I’ve been reading about local databases for quite some time and decided to do a write up with some basic examples on how to get started.77 Latest Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
RogerBlog | Graphicpeel — iOS Icons Made in Pure CSS
iOS icons made in pure css. no images involved.
"11 iOS icons made in only CSS, no images whatsoever."iOS Icons in Pure CSS | Graphicpeel
Shut up ! Only CSS ! That is ridiculousYouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
google basically being pro flash.
YouTube complains about the inherent problems of using HTML5's <video> tag, and advocates the usage of flash, providing several technical arguments in its favor. Good read, HTML5 is a nice standard-in-the-making, but is not a panacea; also flash is not going to disappear overnightYouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
not gonna happen
We’re very happy to see such active and enthusiastic discussion about evolving web standards - YouTube is dependent on browser enhancement in order for us to improve the video experience for our users. While HTML5’s video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don’t support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs. Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube’s video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it.
It's important to understand what a site like YouTube needs from the browser in order to provide a good experience for viewers as well as content creators. We need to do more than just point the browser at a video file like the image tag does - there’s a lot more to it than just retrieving and displaying a video. The <video> tag certainly addresses the basic requirements and is making good progress on meeting others, but the <video> tag does not currently meet all the needs of a site like YouTube:10 Mind-Blowing Experimental CSS3 Techniques and Demos - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5 Canvas Cheat SheetSmokescreen | Demo
Flash… without the pluginAral Balkan · How to make your web content look stunning on the iPhone 4’s new Retina display
The moment you first lay eyes on the iPhone 4's new Retina display, you are ruined. No other display will ever make you happy. Not unless it, too, is a Retina display. You start seeing pixels everywhere. My beloved MacBook Pro's screen? Pixels. The iPad I bought a few months ago and couldn't leave aside? Pixels.
Aral suggests some techniques to target the new super amazing display. The methods include media queries, javascript, svg and a few other sneaky techniques.
Cool blog/site about mobile dev and design and stuff
iPhone 4 でイメージを美しく表示させるためのコーディング方法
If you want your applications and web sites to look beautiful on the iPhone 4's new retina screen, you're going to have to create high-resolution versions of your bitmaps and/or use vectors.Guacamole
Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX.
Guacamole is an HTML5 + JavaScript (AJAX) viewer for VNC, which makes use of a server-side proxy written in Java. The current version is almost as responsive as native VNC and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag. Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX. The main project page is here: Features * Near-native performance * Pure JavaScript/HTML5 client-side viewer * CopyRect encoding (if supported by VNC server) * Client-side cursor (if supported by VNC server) * Java servlet server-side proxy (requires a servlet container like Apache Tomcat) * Mouse scroll wheel support * Clipboard support * International keyboard support
Um VNC client que usa HTML5 como cliente e Java Web Application (Tomcat, Jetty, etc...) como servidor.
HTML5 vnc viewerjQuery TRNSFR - Sexy Progress Bars
For as long as I can remember I’ve been using Elliot Jay Stocks’ Starkers theme as a clean slate for all of my WordPress endeavours. Starkers is a godsend to designers like me who would have otherwise spent hours stripping back the code of the default WordPress theme in order to create a starting point for any new designs. Starkers is a bare bones WordPress theme created to act as a starting point for the theme designer… Free of all style, presentational elements, and non-semantic markup, Starkers is the perfect ‘blank slate’ for your projects, as it’s a stripped-back version of the ‘Default’ theme that ships with WordPress. Elliot Jay Stocks, Starkers So when word hit regarding HTML5, it certainly got people talking and got me thinking about an idea for my next side project. Call me experimental or maybe just impatient, but I figured why not transform Starkers into an HTML5 theme that others could use right now? And so “Starkers HTML5” was born.
Naked HTML 5 theme for wordpress !Web Design Concepts For Non Web Designers
inspiration concepts for web design
Présentation HTML5Jump back in time with HTML5
Ganz schön lahmarschiger Versuch der Flasher, gegen Apple anzustinken. Gleichzeitig türmen sich bei Adobe und Apple die Leichen im Keller. Vielleicht löschen sie sich gegenseitig aus ...
lol - Flash dudes pickin' on Apple. Keep it comin' guys ;)HTML5 And Flash: Why It’s Not A War, And Why Flash Won’t Die - Smashing Magazine
Discussion on Flash vs HTML5
With all of the buzz going on in our Web community about HTML5 and Flash, I've decided to dive into the fray and offer my thoughts as a 10-year veteran of both Web...Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF
気になる! Browsing : Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF - Microdata: Welcome to the Machine | Nettuts+
I don’t think it is hyperbole to say that HTML5 will change the way that you think about web development. I welcome many of the changes as they make development easier, and the user experience richer. With any change, though, there is certain to be a bit of trepidation and controversy. One addition that certainly is not without its controversy is the Microdata specification, but I believe the benefits of this very simple specification are going to change how you look at your mark-up in the very near future.
un tutoHTML5__.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x1312 pixels)
What is HTML5?Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.The Experiments of Hakim El Hattab
HTML5 Canvas Experiments - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Experimentos increíbles con canvasExamples of CSS3 in the Wild
Demo of HTML5 via a set of "slides". Requires HTML5 enabled browser ...
A demonstration of the new effects of HTML5
RT @doxaras: HTML5Rocks in a nutshell Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks
I found this very interesting - Bill.
CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks -
different stylesheets depending on browser window size
"CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space" by @chriscoyier #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor) CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.marcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood — Read more Save Cancel http://marcuswest.inwycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.
A jQuery plugin to facilitate conveniently working with local storagemarcuswestin's store.js at master - GitHub
localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
store.js uses localStorage when available, and falls back on globalStorage for earlier versions of Firefox and the userData behavior in IE6 and IE7. No flash to slow down your page load. No cookies to fatten your network requests.wycats's jquery-offline at master - GitHub
Shared: JQuery offline released
Web applications that wish to work robustly in flaky or offline scenarios can use client-side persistence to serve stale data while transparently trying to reconnect for more up-to-date data if possible. In a mobile scenario, the user may consider himself “connected” when in fact he has dropped out of connectivity for a moment (for instance, he may have gone under a tunnel). Because of this, and because latency on mobile devices can be quite high, a well-behaved mobile web application (or even simple website) will serve up content out of a local cache, so the user can see it quickly, before trying to make a connection to retrieve new content
The jQuery offline plugin provides an easy mechanism for retrieving JSON data from a remote server, and then caching it. Subsequent requests for the same URL will retrieve the data from the cache, rather than the remote server. If the user is online, the plugin will transparently request new content from the remote server, firing the callback again if the content has changed. If the user is offline, the plugin will request the data from the remote server for the most recent request when the user comes back online.10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You'll Want To Start Using | CreativeFan
10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You’ll Want To Start Using
Some nice CSS effects - rounded corners etc.
웹 개발자와 디자이너에게 도움이 될 10가지 CSS3 테크닉 모음HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
RT @deliciouspb: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
괜찮은 HTML5 캔버스 발표자료... RT @tigerfunk: RT @smashingmag: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web (Slideshow) - – Wonsuk Lee (Wonsuk73)
The future of web graphics - let Canvas be your best friend25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 tutoriales y técnicas esenciales para HTML5CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
Loq se puede hacer con el CSS3
CSS3 Design Contest and encouraged designers to experiment and get creative with CSS3. As expected, we have received many creative and original submissions. To choose the winners of the contest, we considered the originality of the technique or approach and its uniqueness. The idea mattered more than the execution
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog -
zmanCSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
大量CSS3应用25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.まずは基本から・HTML5のCanvasについて参考になったサイトまとめ - かちびと.net
Apostila de html5
A Visie foi escolhida pelo W3C do Brasil para ministrar um treinamento sobre HTML5 para os seus membros e alguns convidados. Para tanto, construímos uma apostila com todo o conteúdo abordado neste nosso curso. Essa apostila está sendo agora publicada sob Creative Commons aqui no Tableless. Esperamos que ajude a comunidade de desenvolvimento web brasileira.
RT @marcoscampelo: Guia sobre HTML5 em português - Excellent Tutorials For Web Development Using CSS3 and HTML5 » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory
the future is webapps
40 excellents tutoriels sur le développement web utilisant HTML5 et CSS3Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 2 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
สร้าง Websote ด้วย html5/css3 โดยไม่ใช้ภาพเลย #ตอนที่ 2
Great 2-page tutorial on building a website with html5 and css3 without images - + #html5 #css3 – quplo (quplo) – Real-time Collaborative Editing with Web Sockets, Node.js & Redis - (Lakshan Perera)
Curso Html 5Índice
curso html510 tips for designing mobile websites | These Days Labs
mobile html5 css3Textarea Tricks | CSS-Tricks
textarea { overflow: auto; }Using CSS to create a tabbed content area, no JS required | HTMLRockstars - You Design, We Code.
This is only relevant in the latest (as of April 2010) FireFox, Safari, and Chrome, and is not something you'd want to rely on in a production site. :target is
demo links are broken, use css-tricks version insteadAloha Editor - The HTML5 Editor
advancedAloha Editor - The HTML5 Editor
advanced looks neat but (checking out the demos and docs) I don't see it really competing with CKeditor or even Tiny MCE…
The world's most advanced browser based Editor let's you experience a whole new way of editing. It’s faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented functionalities.A List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
"Raphaël is a light-weight JavaScript library that renders dynamic SVG graphics including charts, graphs, vector-based animations, and GUI components right into your web pages. Now, you’re probably thinking, I can already do this with jQuery, Google Charts, or even Flash! While this is true, Raphaël reveals new possibilities not currently available with these other technologies. Let’s learn how to create inline scalable vector images that work across browsers and degrade gracefully."
using code to create graphics
Raphaël is a light-weight JavaScript library that renders dynamic SVG graphics including charts, graphs, vector-based animations, and GUI components right into your web pages.
Met name het voorbeeld van de route op de kaart ...Modernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
html web etc knowledge
A List Apart wrote up the Raphael library.
Hmm, this looks informative. SVG with a little help from Raphaël, by @briansuda - /via @alistapartModernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser List Apart: Articles: SVG with a little help from Raphaël
A List Apart: Articles:Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...
This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash.Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...Javascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...動画:FlashをHTML5に自動変換するSmokescreen、iPadでも動作
Smokescreen FlashをHTML5に自動変換
HTML5Experimenting with Node.js - Jeff Kreeftmeijer
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak. If you don’t see anything, try to open up this page in another browser window next to this one and move your mouse in it. This is an experiment I did to play around with Node.js and web sockets. I’ve put everything in a Gist in case you want to try it out yourself. I’ll explain how it works in this article.
If you’re using a browser that supports web sockets, you might see some extra mouse cursors moving around. These are actually other people also looking at this page right now, live, as we speak.Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5
lovely animations that take me back to my VGA PC and super nintendo RPG days. Just sick.
the work of Mark Ferrari with HTML5 color cyclingAnimate Size in JavaScript | JavaScript Examples | UIZE JavaScript Framework
Animate Size in JavaScript 效果不错, 蛮流程的
excellent example of different easing techniquesCanvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5
Reminds me of some of my favourite games :-) RT @monsieurmorris: #HTML5 8-bit colour cycling
#HTML5 8-bit colour cycling Image Hover Using CSS3 | Web Designers Desk
Web Designers DeskNew Adventures In Web Design conference | Nottingham | 20th January 2011
interactive explanationsTop Collection Of JQuery Plugins | Ulancer
Great collection, published July 2010, includes plugins for jQuery 1.4