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Open Source Monitoring 4.0 - ICINGA

Fork from Nagios
Like Hendrik promised yesterday we want to open our tracking-system to the public, to give ”everybody” a chance to contribute and send a patch- or featurerequest. This is done now and you can reach the tracker on our development-platform. All steps needed for issue creation are documented in our development-wiki. Feel free to send us your feedback, bugs and ideas to make Icinga more better. *knock knock* - Who’s there? Come in! Published on 11. May 2009 by Hendrik in Development. 4 Comments Tags: Development, git, libdbi. One point Icinga stands for is the wish to be more open. And we will release the CORE git earlier than we planned to. Icinga is split up to three subprojects, the core, the web and the api and now we opened one of the three doors for public review - the core door. See it on: Web: Git: git clone git:// What has already been done? We began our fork on the latest Nagios 3.1.0 code, changed the default values
A group of leading Nagios protagonists including members of the Nagios Community Advisory board and creators of multiple Nagios Addons have launched Icinga - a fork of Nagios, the prevalent open source monitoring system. This independent project strives to be more responsive to user requests and faster in software development through the support of a broader developer community.
Nagios fork