Pages tagged icon:

Liquidicity » 64 Vector Arrow Icons

Friday Freebies: Flavours Icon Set And Cute Tweeters Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
30 Amazingly Creative Social Bookmarks Icon Sets : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
50 of the Best Ever Web Development, Design and Application Icon Sets : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
icons and more icons
1000+ Classic Icons for Free Download | - dedicated public weblog to form ecosystem of visual artists.
дохрена фришных иконок
Social Media Mini Iconpack · Komodo Media
100 Free Icons - Weby Icon Set | IconsPedia
Free Icons
The icons are available in PNG, ICO and ICNS format. They are free to use for both personal and commercial projects, including websites, templates & software. You are not allowed to sell or redistribute the icons anywhere else. If you like to share the icons please link to this article.
Favicon Generator
Upload an image (GIF, JPEG or PNG) and convert it to a Windows favicon (.ico).
Favicon Editor
favicon generator
50 Excellent Icon Design Tutorials
Ikonoak diseinatzeko tutorialak
Smashing Retro Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
a set of 10 beautiful, high-quality “vintage” icons, created by the talented Russian design agency SoftFacade especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.
50 Free High-Quality Icon Sets | Graphics | Smashing Magazine
| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | アイコンの常識を凌駕する高クオリティフリーアイコン50個
High quality icons.
WP WooThemes Ultimate Icon Set - First Release | WooThemes
IconDock - The Art of Stock Icons
Nice collection of icons. You can buy one icon only for $1
Affordable icon shop, IconDock is a newly launched icon shop by N.Design Studio.
| My Social Buttons
OmniGraffle Wireframe Icons | Konigi
OmniGraffle Wireframe Icons
Great set of icons!
汎用性の高そうな無料で高品質のベクターのアイコンセット集 | コリス
VECTOR TUTSのエントリー「無料の高品質な60のベクターのアイコンパック」から、汎用性の高そうなアイコンセットを紹介します。
VECTOR TUTSのエントリー「無料の高品質な60のベクターのアイコンパック」から、汎用性の高そうなアイコンセットを紹介します。 60 Free Vector Icon Packs for Design Professionals 165 Lovely Ve...
iconPot - totally free icons
cool free icons you can download for webdev
iconPot - totally free icons
The aim of this site is simple. We list a whole bunch of icons which are all great to use for your web development projects. But we are different to other icon-related websites because we only list icons which you can use for free on personal AND commercial projects AND without having to provide back-links/credit to the author. These types of icons can be tough to find, so here is a while list for your convenience! Although these icons are all free, you are encouraged to donate to the author if they make this option available. If you know of any other icons which meet the requirements of being totally free to use, please email so that we can add them to the list.
How To Use Icons To Support Content In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
web kai print?
43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Icones Free
You may be interested in our latest article 43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets This is the post dedicated to the creative examples of high quality free icon sets. In this post, we will give you an idea in one place to see an incredible collection of icon sets to get viewers attention. We are listing 43 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets. It will help you to boost up your creative men who are willing to create the new icon set or specially willing to have his new icon design for the client or himself. The usage of color scheme, illustration and look and feel of all of these icons are really cool and impressive. These icons are also available to use anywhere you want but we suggest that don’t forget to read the license detail before using anyone below. This list is not long in numbers, but I promise you that when you start watching them it will must inspire you as amazingly designed icons.
Novo Dango Icon Set FTW!!! ^^ Ahahahaha (Clannad fans rejoice!)
Splashy Icons - free icons for prototyping
Hi there, just wanted to share this icon library I've been toying with — it's both free and dolphin safe.
22 Extremely Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets | Web Design Ledger
Icons come in many different sizes and styles. Some are flat and solid colors, while others can be very detailed. Icons in web design are often used to enhance
Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets
2500+ Free Icons - NETTUTS
2500+ Free Icons - NETTUTS
30+ Twitter Icons für Websites
Ícones e imagens gratuitos do Twitter.
plein d'icones twitter dont une rétro du style que je veux pour mon site
Wer noch keinen Vogel hat, lädt sich halt einen runter. Neben unaufgeregten Standards, die ich weggelassen habe, hat man die Wahl zwischen Knöpfen, Icons und
45+ Best Icon Design Tutorials | Dzine Blog
Recently icons are used widely in web and interface designs, icons convey the message in simple and effective manner,As a designer its always good to know how to design a icon on your own, there are plenty of icon tutorials out there, here i have filtered and listed 50 of the best icon design tutorials, hope you like this list of tutorials
Mindzilla :: Icon Grabber
Descarga el favicon de la página que uno especifica
Instructions: Enter a URI and select an image format. The URI can be a domain name or the URI of a specific web page. Press the Grab It! button to get the shortcut icon for that page or site. If the image is displayed in the Grabbed Icon area, save the image. (With our browsers, we can right-click the image and select "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As...".) If there is a problem grabbing the icon, you will see the "Error!" image in place of the icon. If you have any suggestions, let us know.
New Smashing Freebies For Designers and Bloggers | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Designers and Bloggers
商用利用可能なベクター素材いろいろ | DesignWalker
200 Free Exclusive Icons: Siena | Webdesigner Depot
Siena is a brand new set of 200 free icons, developed exclusively for Webdesigner Depot. You can use them for your designs such as logos, websites and much
200 Free Exclusive Icons: Siena
50 kostenlose, hochwertige Iconsets
60+ Free Vectors Icons for Web Designers | SherifAbdou - The Design Blog
Finding decent hi-quality vector icons for free via google is kinda hard & annoying. My results mainly lead to sites that wanted to sell you icons. I don’t beleive in paying for things like that, especially when there’s an abundant amount of vector icons that are available for free.
アイコンを作ろう!チュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
アイコンを作ろう!チュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
50 Unusually Awesome Icon Sets for Mac « AppStorm
Ultimate One Color Logos Inspiration | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
great site for logo design inspiration, one color logo design inspiration
111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website | Free Icon Packs | Windows Tools, Help & Guides
111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website
Here at, we love Icon Packs. In this collection, I’ve picked 57 new packs and included 54 of my favorite packs already featured here on the site. Enjoy these packs and please feel free to suggest some more.
111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website Here at, we love Icon Packs. In this collection, I've picked 57 new packs and included 54 of my favorite packs already featured here on the
Top 7 Icon Search Engines | SingleFunction
Awesome Icon search engines
Free Icon Pack: Web Injection - Tutorial9
This Free Icon Pack is for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. It may not be redistributed. Web Injection is an Icon Pack for webmasters and web developers created exclusively for the viewers of Tutorial9. The set includes 26 stylish icons designed by Midtone Design Studio. Each icon is a .png at 48×48px. The Icons were tediously hand crafted by designer Jonatan Castro Fernández.
Glyphish — Icons and resources for iPhone developers
Icons and resources for iPhone application developers.
Over 75+ Beautiful Twitter Design Icons | Creative Nerds
If you’re a twitter addict this is the perfect post for you, these twitter icons are essential for web designers, bloggers, and graphic designers. This is a great compilation of 75 superb twitter icons, which can be used for your website and even used to help customize your personal twitter profile background.
40+ Stylish and Trendy Icon Sets
40+ Stylish and Trendy Icon Sets
we♥icons : Mac, Windows and PNG icons of the finest quality!
Mac, Windows and PNG icons of the finest quality!
44 Excellent Free Icon Sets Everyone Must Have | Naldz Graphics
You can find lots of free beautiful icons set on the web. We are lucky that some talented designers/artist are sharing their works by providing us some useful stuffs for free. Here is a 40+ Excellent Free Icon Sets Everyone Must Have. These Icons can be use on customizing your desktop icons or for your website.
Project Icon Set For Free Download | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Over the last months we’ve heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high expectations and we try to do our best to meet them in our posts. In this post and in the following one we release two beautiful professional icon sets that will hopefully meet your expectations and will come in handy in your projects.
Over the last months we've heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high
almofadas adobe
eddit: Shop: iPhone UI Icon Set
The iPhone UI icon set gives app developers an extensive library of icons.
$70 worth of iphone toolbar icons. really nice set, but worth $70 for my budget app? ... hrm....
Ultimate RSS Feed Icon Collection Over 1500+ | Creative Nerds
Handycons 2 - another free hand drawn icon set
Four months after releasing Handycons icon set, I am happy to release Handycons 2 - icon set containing 20 more hand drawn icons. This time it is not limited just to socail media related icons. Package contains Facebook, Blinklist, Feedburner, Flickr, FriendFeed, Furl, Gmail, Google, Heart icon, Last FM, Linked IN, Magnolia, Newsvine, PayPal, Skype, Sphinn, Twitter, Vimeo, Yahoo and You Tube icons. All icons come in four sizes: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 12x128px. And they are all free, of course :)
Cool hand drawn icons
Placing a CSS background image horizontally right on an h2 using a span element | Veerle's blog
interesting CSS trick to add to the bag of tricks
30 Fresh Excellent Icon Sets | Desizn Tech
Icons are really useful for web design, application interface and more. Everyone loves good looking icons. In this post you will find 30 fresh new icon packs that you can use for your project. You can also spice up your mac or windows desktop with some if these icons. I tried my best to find the latest icons because some readers are tired of seeing the same icons in all the sites. Is there a new cool icon set is missing here? Let everyone know in the comment. Do not forget to subscribe for upcoming posts. 1. Hyperion 01_hyperion 2. Social Media Icons by Studio M6 02_socialiconsbystudiom61 3. Pixelpress Mixed Icons (Mac Only) 03_pixlepress 4. Vidro Icon PNG and Vector Pack 04_snap_objects 5. Now Wooden App Icon 05_wooden_apps 6. Onebit Icon Pack 06_onebit 7. Hallowen Icon Pack 07_halloween 8. Wooden RSS Icons 08_wood_rss 9.Box Folder Icons for Mac and Windows 09_box 10. Mod Belle 10_modbelle 11. Ganto Vector Icons 11_ganto_design 12. Twitter Bird Icon 12_twitterjpg 13. Ico
40 Tutorials for Creating Highly Detailed Icon Designs
Tutoriais para desenho de Ícones
22 Extremely Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets
iconos x rev
22 Extremely Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets
A Creative designers always searching unique and fresh icon sets for there projects . Here is a collection of free High Quality icon sets of over 20 high quality icons . Full credit goes to the image authors. Let us know about any others you really like! All icon sets are free to use commercials as well as personal projects . I will appreciate if you can spread the word via Digg, Stumbleupon and other social media websites, Thank you. 1.20 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets : webtoolkit-blogger-icons[5] 2. 35 Creative Examples Of High Quality Free Icon Sets : TRAVELICONPACK_thumb2 3.AIRE ICON PACK : aire_icon_pack_thumb[2] 4.Green Eco-friendly Vector Icons : Green Eco-friendly Vector Icons_thumb[3] 5. Beautiful Education Vector graphics icons : Beautiful Education Vector graphics icons_thumb[3] 6.Beautiful Painting Vector Icons : Beautiful Painting Vector Icons_thumb[3] 7. simple common used Vector icon : simple common used Vector icon_thumb[3] 8. Vect
SEM Labs Web Blog Icon Pack
40 (NEW) High-quality and Free Icon Sets | Noupe
mezzoblue § Chalkwork Payments Royalty-free Icons
Chalkwork Payments is a free set of online payments icons, designed to perfectly complement all other sets in the Chalkwork Family. Featuring 21 base icons and 105 variations, these graphical representations of common payment services and payment-related imagery are a completely free icon set available for personal and commercial projects alike (although the usual Chalkwork license terms still apply).
Chalkwork Payments is a free set of online payments icons, designed to perfectly complement all other sets in the Chalkwork Family. Featuring 21 base icons and 105 variations, these graphical representations of common payment services and payment-related imagery are a completely free icon set available for personal and commercial projects alike (although the usual Chalkwork license terms still apply). Chalkwork Payments is available in 3 sizes and 6 file formats: transparent PNG, TIF, GIF, BMP, Windows ICO, and Mac ICNS.
50 Free Social Media Icon Sets for Your Blog | Social Media Directory for Designers
Dobra stranica dizajniranje bloga!!
Flavour Extended: The Ultimate Icon Set For Web Designers | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
icon set with 452 icons in a resolution of 48×48 pixels, freely available to use in private or commercial projects
- Lost and Taken - 5 Free Vintage Wallpaper Textures
Free Vintage Wallpaper
wallpapers with textures
Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ] » Free Social Media Icons & 275 New Premium App Icons
material for web
Icons, Icons, Icons! - Vectortuts+
muchos iconos y vectores
商用可!WEB制作用途に特化したアイコンを6200個以上をまとめた「The Best Icons Always」 | DesignDevelop
15 wonderful set of icons for web design | Design daily news
15 wonderful set of icons for web design
24 Free Exclusive Vector Icons: ‘Handy’ | Webdesigner Depot
'Handy' is a set of 24 free and exclusive vector icons that can be used on websites, logos and more. The icons have a unique hand drawn feeling and look great
des icones à main levé
‘Handy’ is a set of 24 free and exclusive vector icons that can be used on websites, logos and more. The icons have a unique hand drawn feeling and look great in color or black and white. The set also includes most social media websites, such as Delicious, Digg and many more. These icons are completely free for personal and commercial use and they’re being released exclusively to all our RSS subscribers.
22 Extremely Well Written Icon Design Tutorials | Web Design Ledger
Web Design Ledger
Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ] » 40 Cute Free Twitter Graphics: Badges, Icons & Buttons…
Free set of unique twitter graphics designed by Pasquale D’Silva.
Function Web Design & Development
40 Cute Free Twitter Graphics: Badges, Icons & Buttons…
Иконза - Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога
Иконза - Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога ru
Бесплатные цветные иконки для вашего сайта и блога
iConvert: Convert ico, icns, and png icons online for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
iConvert: Convert ico, icns, and png icons online for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
Convierte cualquier imagen en icono para cualquier sistema operativo.
iConvert converts and creates Windows, Mac and Linux icons in one step! Read More
The Iconfactory presents Star Trek
The Iconfactory presents Star Trek
World leaders in icon design, we offer thousands of free icons, custom design services, software, royalty-free stock icons and much more.
twebservice picture ools generator web
無料で使えるアイコンサイトいろいろ | DesignWalker
The Best 20+ Icon Designers & UI Ninjas | Inspired Magazine
The Best 20+ Icon Designers & UI Ninjas | Inspired Magazine
30 Fresh and High Quality Twitter Icon Sets | Icons
More really cool Twitter icons ... get them here
All the Small Icons You’ll Ever Need | Web Design Ledger
15 Free Awesome Social Bookmark Icons Sets | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Freebie Release: Quartz Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
30 High-Quality Icon Sets for E-Commerce Designs
E-commerce web design brings some unique requirements, and this usually includes the need for specific icons such as shopping carts, credit cards, and others related to the online shopping experience. In this article, we feature 30 sets of quality icons for use in e-commerce designs.
E-commerce web design brings some unique requirements, and this usually includes the need for specific icons such as shopping carts, credit cards, and others related to the online shopping experience. In this article, we feature 30 sets of quality icons for use in e-commerce designs. 30 High-Quality Icon Sets for E-Commerce Designs Half of the sets are free and the other half are premium. Of course, free resources are always great, but the premium sets will give you more options, sometimes higher quality, and they are generally very reasonable in price.
Symbol Signs - Free collection - DesignWorkPlan
Free collection Icon
Social Network Icon Pack · Komodo Media
Birdies: Cute Free Twitter Icons For Your Blog | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
In this post we release Birdies: A Free Twitter Icon Set, a set of 12 beautiful and lovely Twitter icons. This set was designed by
In this post we release Birdies: A Free Twitter Icon Set, a set of 12 beautiful and lovely Twitter icons. This set was designed by IconEden and released exclusively for Smashing Magazine and its readers. All the icons included in the set have clean shapes and neutral colors that can be used for various contexts, from a “Tweet it” button for your blogs to desktop wallpapers.
Cute Critters Free Icon Pack - Tutorial9
free icons, tutorials, etc
10 Free Icon Sets for Theme Design | Blog Oh Blog
pewnie już było, ale ..zestawy gotowych icon do webdesignu
The Icon Directory For Designers | Web Design Tuts
This post is a complete directory of icons for designers. Featured are hundreds of icon sets that will be continually updated, dozens of icon design tutorials, as well as dozens of examples of successful uses of icons in web design.
50 Free and Exclusive Twitter Icons | Webdesigner Depot
these are nice twitter icons
Design Your Own Icons – 25 Tutorials and Articles Designers MUST Have | tripwire magazine
Design Your Own Icons – 25 Tutorials and Articles Designers MUST Have [from]
Como desenhar seus próprios ícones
Social Media Icons — Paul Robert Lloyd
From Paul Robert Lloyd.
72 Sets of Free Social Bookmarking Icons - Icons - Geek Sucks
Eye-catching social bookmarking icons are a big plus point for a website. If social bookmarking icons are attractive then probabilities of website visitors clicking on them get increases which help everybody to split, promote and bookmark your content. So, for my website visitors I have gathered a huge set of collection of social bookmarking icons. In the rest part of my article, you will see the collections of my social bookmarking icons that I found after spending lots of time and labor and I expect you will find your desire one from here to include in your blog. Extended Set of Social Iconst
Haven't seen a lot of these before.
Watercolor Free Icon Pack - Tutorial9
This Free Icon Pack is for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. It may not be redistributed. This Free Watercolor Icon Pack was created exclusively for the viewers of Tutorial9 by Elio Rivero of ilovecolors. Each icon is in .png format sized at 256×256px with transparent backgrounds. The 36 different icons have varying opaquness that allow the background and texture seep through the icons like watercolor on canvas. This is a freebie you can’t pass up! Water Color Icons Preview Download the Icons
Each icon is in .png format sized at 256×256px with transparent backgrounds. The 36 different icons have varying opaquness that allow the background and texture seep through the icons like watercolor on canvas. This is a freebie you can’t pass up! Water Color Icons Preview
More than 100,000 icons in one place - The ultimate icon collection.
The ultimate icon collection.
50 Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets
There are many elements of blogging that are essential, the most important is the ability to share your posts and information with a wider audience, and we accomplish this via the many social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, twitter…) that are available. Finding a bookmarking iconset that fits into your theme can be difficult or maybe you don’t want the boring or the bland, but you want an iconset that has been designed by a high quality designer and has something distinctive and original. Below you will find such iconsets.
Social Network Icon Pack · Komodo Media
50 Free Social Twitter Resources and Icon Sets | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Recursos grátis para twitter
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
100 Extremely Creative Twitter Avatars | Inspiration
E-Commerce Icons Collection
Big collection of ecommerce icons
40 Free and Useful GUI Icon Sets for Web Designers | Icons
Icons are everywhere in a website and their primary purpose of guiding and giving out information to visitors is a highly important one. Other than words
Icons are everywhere in a website and their primary purpose of guiding and giving out information to visitors is a highly important one. Other than words themselves, these little graphics within a website that tells you how you can move to the next page, cancel a transaction, checkout the cart and the likes, basically the entire navigation. In a general sense, they act as symbols that allow easier and smoother communication between the webpage and the person interacting with it. Depending on the web context, icons should be designed in a manner that are pleasing to the eyes, and most importantly, communicate what it is suppose to communicate. Here’s a showcase of 40 Free and Useful Icon Sets for your reference
Icons for Interaction / journal / hicksdesign
Great presentation from Jon Hicks on icon design in UX.
Presentation on the design and use of icons.
Nice PDF with a lot of tips.
200+ Free Exclusive Vector Icons: ‘Primo’ | Webdesigner Depot
free is good....
49 Top Sites And Collections To Find Free Icon Sets | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Free icons
Many site
Great places for FREE ICONS!
Design a Stylish Mail Icon in Photoshop - Tutorial9
Design a Stylish Mail Icon in Photoshop - Tutorial9 - 08/02/2009
Alex Faaborg - » The New Firefox Icon
Later this week we will be shipping the first Release Candidate build of Firefox 3.5, which is currently in the process of being evaluated by our exceptional QA team and testing community. This also means that we are now ready to finalize the design of the new Firefox icon. I want to thank everyone who provided feedback on the icon during the design process. But more importantly I want to thank the new icon’s creator Anthony Piraino from the Iconfactory. He did a great job with the design work, he very quickly adapted iterations as we changed our direction and sent feedback, and he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed by a completely transparent process that designers often find to be a bit uncomfortable.
for mozila icon all sizes
Firefox 3.5のicon、資料作成時に利用。
The Best Vector Icon Sets All In One Place | Web Design Ledger
As you've probably noticed, we love finding the best freebies out there and sharing them with you. In this post, I've rounded up the best vector icons
50+ Top Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
This article gives you one of the largest compilations of Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets aimed for use in web design.
아이콘 모음 사이트
50+ Top Free Icon Resources and Icon Sets for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
85 Free High Quality Silhouette Sets | Graphics
Initially silhouette was applied on portraits or pictorial which were be used for thin black card. But nowadays, we can easily find silhouette images in
nitially silhouette was applied on portraits or pictorial which were be used for thin black card. But nowadays, we can easily find silhouette images in many media forms like artworks, illustration, photography, movies, graphic design or even fashion and fitness.
Initially silhouette was applied on portraits or pictorial which were be used for thin black card. But nowadays, we can easily find silhouette images in many media forms like artworks, illustration, photography, movies, graphic design or even fashion and fitness. Modern designers use silhouette to create dramatic effect in many art works because silhouette emphasizes the outline and view of an object. The mystery of silhouette objects create a space for viewers’ imagination. Apple’s iPod advertisement is a successful example of using silhouette.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
35 (NEW) Modern High Quality Icon Sets | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
Below I am going to present 35 New and Modern icon sets that you can use for your design or your desktop. Many of the listed icons can be used in design; some of them are decorate your desktop as well. Hope you will like them. Let us know if you think some missing!
nice shiny icons
35 (NEW) Modern High Quality Icon Sets
Open Source Icons - (37signals)
More open source icons
mezzoblue § Chalkwork HTML Royalty-free Icons
A free set of 31 graphical representations of common markup elements. Completely free for personal and commercial projects alike (although the usual Chalkwork license terms still apply).
400+ Beautiful Twitter Icons for your Website | Blog Godown
De quoi piocher pour l'icono d'Arsène je pense ...
Create A Face Online! Make Your Own Character Online, Create A Virtual Person. Your Caricature, Caricature Drawings From Photos.
Create a face in just minutes
mit. Create a face in just minutes, and share it on your blog or Facebook
Crear cara online face rostro
Q-BLOCK -- 3D Pixel Art Tool
3D Pixel Art
Q-Block is a Flash-based 3D Pixel Art Tool.
75 Free Useful Icon Sets for Web Designers and Developers | Icons | instantShift
Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. The demand for good icons are too much in , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
50 High Quality Free Icon Sets in PSD Format : Speckyboy Design Magazine
icon sets
Beautiful sets of environment and nature icons
free vector art
30 Best Free Icon Sets for Bloggers | Pro Blog Design
free icons for bloggers
Add zoom icon to images using CSS (and jQuery, of course)
I like to read articles on Not just because of its content, but also because of its great design. I like one simple effect this blog has and that is a zoom icon that is being shown when you hover an image. In this simple tutorial, I'll show you how to do it in two ways: CSS way and jQuery way.
60 Tutorials Creating High Quality Design Icons | Creative Nerds
Creative Nerds
Icons are essential within web design and within interface designs. There are many sites across the web where you can download free icons. This article features a wide selection of over 60 tutorials which will guide you through the process for learning how to design icons.
Como crear buenos iconos para tus aplicaciones iphone
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform. The App store with it’s more than 70.000 apps have become quite the crowded bazaar. As an interface designer i cannot but marvel at the emphasis this has put on the delicate art of icon design. Read on as i take you through some do’s and don’ts of App Icon Design.
Best practices for design iPhone app icons
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform.
RRZE Icon Set - Gallery
29 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
29 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design. Icons can be used alone or with words. By themselves, icons can save space.
Written by: Charlotte in Freebies, Visual, Web 2.0 // 29 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design An icon is a small picture used on a screen to represent some action or content. Icons can be used alone or with words. By themselves, icons can save space. A very visual icon can often say more in a few pixels than even a few words can. Icons retain some advantages over textual links. They are often easier for users to recognize than words. As the Web grows, some icons will certainly become commonplace and their meaning fairly well understood. Most of these icons will probably owe some heritage to desktop applications, but some may be new. The particular style for the icon is inconsequential. Consider the shape to be the primary focus of the icon.
Led Icon Set - Psdtuts+
Free Icon Maker.
If you don't want to spend time micro-designing an icon and you've already got a source image, SimplyIcon makes creating your buttons and icons a drag-and-drop matter. Download the SimplyIcon package, extract the executable and DLL file to a folder, run the program, and you're presented with a simple dialogue box and the instructions to drag and drop an image onto it. Once you drag and drop the image, SimplyIcon creates a variety of icon files in various sizes—up to 128x128 if you source image is large enough. You won't find any image editing tools or tweaks on SimplyIcon, it accepts whatever image you drag into it and cranks out an icon file. If that's good enough for you, it's definitely a download you'll want to keep stashed in your home folder.
70+ Awesome Free Icon Sets and Icons Collections for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
33 Killer Web Icon Sets for Free – Web.AppStorm
Nice sets there.
Has populer web sites web icons and normal web icons
Fresh Free High-Quality Icon Sets « Smashing Magazine
Fresh Free High-Quality Icon Sets
Free Icon Sets
High-Quality Icon
A Bundle of Free Icons | Build Internet!
best icon layout
800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics
800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics -
800+RSS Icons
41 Image and Icon Search Engines Designers Should Know | Graphics
Let's face it, most of us don't create every single image and icon when we do web design. It is not because we can't but merely because we've got better
Image and Icon Search Engines
41 Image and Icon Search Engines Designers Should Know | Graphics
商用可!5000を超えるシルエットベクターデータ配布サイト「All Silhouettes」 | DesignDevelop
Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set | Nouveller
Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set [from]
(New) 27 Circular Social Media Icons in 3 Sizes | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
(New) 27 Circular Social Media Icons in 3 Sizes | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume -
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » 178 Free Icons: WooFunction Free Icon Set goes Live
Colección de iconos
WooFunction: 178 Amazing Web Design Icons | WooThemes
The WooFunction Icon Set includes 178 amazing web-related icons in a sophisticated and glossy design style. All 178 icons are available as 32×32 pixel PNG files and we can assure you that they are indeed pixel-perfect. If you have an in-depth look at the individual icons, you’ll notice that Liam has spent a lot of time paying attention to the finer details, which means that this is a really classy icon set. Here; have a look for yourself:
Free Icon Set - GraphicRiver
Download a free icon set from GraphicRiver, the marketplace for buying and selling graphics, icons, vectors and add-ons
650+ Ultimate Twitter Icons Collection For Web designers
Ah, the paradox of choice. This doesn't count as a "best of" or even "recommended" list. Sadly, it's probably not comprehensive, either.
Graphic Alerts
Free Farm-Fresh Web Icons by FatCow Web Hosting
1000+ application icons
Fresh Web Icons
55 Adobe Illustrator Icon Design Tutorials « Noupe
Icon tutorials
Tutorials on how to create icons using illustrator.
55 Adobe Illustrator Icon Design Tutorials « Noupe
1000 Free Farm-Fresh Web Icons by FatCow Web Hosting
Download hundreds of FREE, beautifully designed icons from FatCow Web Hosting! Icon set includes both 16 and 32 pixel versions of icons shown below. Images have been saved in PNG format on transparent backgrounds for your convenience.
How to Create a Gearbox Settings Icon Using Simple Shapes - Vectortuts+
Beginner Illustrator Tutorial - Create a Vector RSS Icon
Creative Sense - New icons for the Adobe Creative Suite for Mac OS X and Windows
Analysis of Adobe CS3/4 icons and thought process behind a redesign of the primary application icons.
First of all, please allow me to make one thing clear - if you use and enjoy the current box-style Adobe branding and icons, then this icon set may not be for you. I don't claim that these replacement icons are more correct, as icons and branding are subjective topics. What follows is my own perception of things as they were, as they are and have become and finally, if it were up to me, things as they should be.
Via Shaun Inman.
6 Icon Packs You Will Actually Use
These days you can find icon packs posts on many blogs. There is nothing wrong with that, just that you should get value from those icon packs. In this post I want to showcase 6 icon packs that I think are worth mentioning and saving as a bookmark for future projects. There is no particular order – every pack has the same importance.
Six nice collections of free icons.
国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ。国内の素材サイト集です。日本のサイトには日本の感性で作られた素材が相性いいかもしれません。, la plus grande collection d'images PNG et d'icônes
La plus grande collection d'images PNG et d'icônes
L'ultime moteur de recherche pour trouver une image PNG transparente ou une icône parmi plus de 20 000 images référencées.
80+ Identity Logo Design With PSD Files
google-maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code
ícones do google maps
Free map icons, beautiful and descriptive markers, more than 600 POI icons for your maps
200+ Free Exclusive RSS Icons: “Supra” | Webdesigner Depot
feed ícones icons
Retro Toys: A Free Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
juguetes viejos
Neat - RT @smashingmag: Retro Toys: A Free Icon Set - [from]
Retro Toys: A Free Icon Set
8 Hand Drawn Icon Sets For Bloggers - slodive
The hand drawn look as definitely taken over design since the predictions began last year. Makes you wonder if the design sites had not covered it so much, would it be so big now? Whatever the case it’s impossible to ignore. Below we present some great hand drawn icon sets that will be sure to give your blog a more creative / natural look.
40 Fresh and Free Icon Sets for Web Designers and Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Links to free icons
Twitter Fever: 55 Extraordinary Twitter Button & Icon Sets | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Yet more Twitter birds & icons
because you can never have enough bird icons?
白黒ベースのサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなWeb素材やWebデザイン例などのまとめ - かちびと.net
Android Icons
Download free Android icons for developers. The package includes 30 PNG menu icons plus the additional source files for further customization.
The package includes 30 PNG menu icons plus the additional source files for further customization. / Icons
Personal web page. My work, games, icons, guides and retrogaming
icone per periferiche etc
750+ Stunning Icons In 49 Icon Packages | DesignBeep
750+ Stunning Icons In 49 Icon Packages | DesignBeep -
Super Cool Free Icon Sets | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
I especially like the hand cursor icon set. Nice collection.
Web Design Ledger web design Nov12th In Freebies 17 The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 Henry Jones The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 In 2009 we’ve witnessed many talented and generous designers creating tons of amazing stuff and giving it away for us to use. We’ve already shown you all of the best free fonts from this past year. Now we’re going to show you the best free icon sets. There were plenty of free sets created this year, but these stand above the rest in terms of quality and usefulness.
Kann man immer gebrauchen :)
The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009
List of Free Icons for personal and commercial use | - Tutorialz from A to Z
172 final flag icons - Custom Icon Design team
Iconos de muchos paises gratis! Estan super nice...
Web Icon Set - Offers Professional and Quality Icon Sets
"You can use these icons on any desktop and web applications. Application Icon Set inclides Register, Settings, Users, Database, Login, Chat, Add, Delete, Edit, invoice."
Downloads | Komodo Media
80+ ridiculously rad social networking icons
Finally, some social networking icons I would actually use.
Cocoa with Love: Creating iPhone and Mac icons using Inkscape (Part 1 of 2)
guide to creating vector icons for MacOSX or iPhone, using the free-as-in-GPL program Inkscape
In this two part series, I'll give a beginner's guide to creating iPhone and Mac application icons using Inkscape — a free, vector illustration program. In this first part, I'll talk about the common styles and traits of icons on the Mac and iPhone and give a step-by-step guide to creating the first iPhone icon in Inkscape.
商用サイトでも無料の国内外のWeb制作に使える素材サイト総まとめ・2009 - かちびと.net
50 (fresh) Beautiful and High-quality Free Icon Sets | Dzine Blog
here i’ve collected 50 of the most beautiful icons packs for you to download , i hope everybody will find something useful.
High-quality Free Icon Sets
白黒アイコン / 商用利用 NG
41 Free Insanely High Quality Icon Sets Every Designer Should Own | DesignBump
100+ Free Twitter Icon Sets - Geek Sucks
100tausend Twitter Icons
知人のアプリ作者の人に、アイコンを探すのに苦労したという話を聞いたので、iPhoneアプリのツールバー部分に使えそうなアイコンを色々まとめてみました。 全部足すと545種もありますので、ツールバーアイコンには困らないかもしれません。 iPhoneアプリケーション作者の方や、今後作ろうと思っている場合に参考にどうぞ。
8 Free Pictogram Icon Libraries and Collections : Speckyboy Design Magazine
108 Mono Icons: Huge Set of Minimal Icons | Tutorial9
There are 108 simple icons included in this set. The icons are avaliable in 32x32 px .png (transparent background) format.
Icon Fever | Showcase of the Best Free Icons and Premium Icons
The Best Free Web Icons for Different Purposes | Web Resources | WebAppers
Free Web Icons for Different Purposes
design. There are over hundred thousands of icons available on the internet. However, how many of them are nicely designed and suitable to you? I am sure you will find “The Best Free Web Icons for Different Purposes” useful to you. We have selected the following top quality web icons, e.g Blogging Icons, Application Icons, Social Media Icons, Emot
The Top 10 Free Icon Sets For Web Designers In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Our last top 10 list, titled “The Top 10 Web Applications For Web Designers In 2009” proved to be very successful, with over 450 retweets! So I have compiled another 2009 top 10 list. This time though, its Icon packs in the spotlight. Here is WebDesignDev’s top 10 free icon sets for web designers in 2009 list. Of course this is our own opinion, and not what web designers have voted on. If you think a different icon set deserves to be number 1, then feel free to drop us a comment telling us why. Anyway, enjoy the list!
The Finest Coffee Cups - Most Incredible Coffee Icons On The Web › Blog › » Matthias Kretschmann | Photography & Design
In this article I present you the finest icons of the fuel of a lot of designers and students (and other people too) available on the web. I’ve just released my own coffee cup icon but this beverage seem to have inspired a lot of other beautiful icons especially for Apple's Mac OS X.
Most Incredible Coffee Icons On The Web
Free Smashing Christmas Icon Set - Smashing Magazine
Nice set of Xmas downloads....
50 Beautiful Free Icon Sets For Your Next Design - Smashing Magazine
330 Free Letter Pressed Icons | Creative Nerds
CSS Count - We Count CSS Websites! Be inspired and counted!
CSS Count - Counts Millions of CSS Websites, Be inspired and Showcase your site
List of 15 Icons Website
icon sites!!
Looking for an icons? I think this is for you, a list of 15 icons website for free and for sale icons. You can download some of their free icons in their respective website and you can purchase icons for sale in their respective website. take a look of these websites and you may find gorgeous and high quality icons.
The Top 50 Web Development Icon Sets from 2009 : Speckyboy Design Magazine
The Top 50 Web Development Icon Sets from 2009
Engrave Your Book | Icons
Welcome to Engrave Your Book - Handmade Leather Covers for Your Favorite Moleskine Notebook -
moleskine icons in different colors
50 of the Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog
50 of the Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog -
Toolbar Icons
create your own iphone icons with omnigraffle
50 Free High Quality Professional Icon sets for Download
Icons sets play an important role in web design and for your desktop. Web Designers instead of investing their valuable time in making these icons sets to use in their web applications and in web designs
Icons sets play an important role in web design and for your desktop. Web Designers instead of investing their valuable time in making these icons sets to use in their web applications and in web designs, they search for icon sets on web which are available for free but they all the icons sets are not present in one place. They have to search every website so we decided to post all of these wonderful high quality and professional icon sets for web developers. Although there are some hundreds of Icon sets, i choose some modern icon sets which will be helpful to you, so i am posting 50 icon sets which are really good and look professional.
50 Free Resources Of Hand Drawing Style Icons, Brushes, Textures and Fonts @ SmashingApps
35 of the Best Icon Sets for Web Designers
16x16 | Free icons generator | Actions
Free icons generator
Online icons creator
Iconic Icon Set – 84 icons in raster and vector format — Some Random Dude
200+ Big and Beautiful Highly Detailed Icons | Web Design Ledger
If you're one of many web designers suffering from an icon collecting addiction, you should probably skip over this article. It might be too much for you to
35 High Quality Apple Inspired Icons | Webdesigner Depot
Go back to our homepage Web Designer Depot
Apple products are well known for their simple and elegant design, and they are favored by many designers. Their products are often seen in web design,
Pictodeck Icon Set: Over 700 Free Pictograms for Keynote - Noupe
20 Free Office Stuff Icon Sets For Your Design | AEXT.NET
Yummy! Free Food and Cakes Icon Set - Smashing Magazine
Yummy! Free Food and Cakes Icon Set - Smashing Magazine -
Today we are glad to release something extremely tasty — Yummy Icon Set, a set with 20 beautiful, original and sweet icons in resolutions 48×48px –...
ícones de comida.
Logo Design A to Z - B | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
33 Absolutely Free E-Commerce Icon Sets | Naldz Graphics
The Best Icon Sets for Minimal Style Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Iconos gratis
With so many free icon sets available now, sometimes it makes more sense to not spend countless hours designing and creating your own. However, it's important
ignore the code: Realism in UI Design
Finding the sweet spot between realism and obscurity in design elements. (via @gracesmith)
consejos acerca de interfaces de usuario demasiado realistas
Free icons!
Vector Social Media Icons
11 Great Resources to Find Free Icons –
Having the right icons for a web design project can greatly enhance the end results. Finding the right icons, however, is not always an easy task. Fortunately, there are some sites that exist specifically to help people find the icons that they are looking for. If you find yourself looking for icons to use in your own work, try these resources.
40 (NEW) & High Quality Icon Set For Elegant Designs | DevSnippets
High Quality Icon Set
20 Different and Beautiful Icon Sets | Freebies
Web Design Ledger
We are accustomed to seeing icons as bright and glossy bundles of pixel perfection, but this typical style of icon doesn’t always work for all styles of web design. For instance, grungey designs need icons to be a little dirty. While icons on a hand drawn style site should have line marks or brush strokes. In this article, we’ve rounded up 20 icon sets that break the mould of the typical icon. Here you will see icons that make use of painted brush strokes, sketchy line work, and grungy textures.
Free Vector Social Media Set
Mega Collection of The Best Free Social Media Icons for Designers
商用サイトでもフリーの細部まで丁寧に描かれたアイコン -midtone design | コリス
これからのデザインのためのアイコンセット50 | CREAMU
デスクトップにアイコンを散らかしている人にFencesを :教えて君.net
40+ Stylish and Trendy Icon Sets
Free Medical Icons Set (60 Icons) - Smashing Magazine
NIXUS Icon Pack: 60 Beautiful Premium Icons (Free) | Tutorial9
A new high color free icon set.
40 Free Professional Useful Icon Sets for Web Designers | Smashing Buzz
20 Fresh Sets of Free Icons for Web Designers | Freebies
:: :: FREE Stuff for Web Design :: Vector Icons
pretty dopeshow
Online portfolio of Lidia Gana, freelance web designer, free vector icons to use for your personal or commercial projects
Gesturecons - Multi-Touch Icons
Multi-Touch Icons
Icons for the multi-touch world.
ジェスチャーアイコン集 かなり使える
無料で自由に使えるライセンスのアイコンばかりを怒涛のごとく集めた『iconPot』 - 100SHIKI ~ 世界のアイデアを日替わりで ~
Wireframe Icons, Royalty Free EPS and PNG | Konigi
Minimal Icons BW
小さいサイズのアイコン Part3 - DesignWalker
by DesignWalker
これで、とうとう3度目の小さいサイズのアイコンシリーズです。 『リストに使える小さいサイズのアイコン Part2』でもご紹介しております。その前の記事はリンク先からどうぞ…。 小さいサイズのアイコンは、リストに使ったり、タイトルの横に添えてみたりと使い道はいろいろありますね。
14 Free Mobile Application Development Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine
The gap between the desktop/laptop and the mobile device is becoming smaller and smaller, it has never been a better time for mobile app development – The market is huge, very lucrative and highly profitable. Our ever growing appetite for more powerful and better mobile devices has pushed the demand even higher for ever more powerful and better applications to accompany them.
The Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets @ SmashingApps
The Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets
social media icons
デザイナーのための素材サイト13選 | CREAMU
デザインに使える素材を探している。 そんなときにおすすめなのが、『13 Most Desirable Collection Of Free Resources For Every Designer』。デザイナーのための素材サイト13選だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。
Ultimate Roundup of Free User Interface Icons | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
There are so many icon websites available on the web but what we are presenting here is only high quality and web2.0 free icon packs collected from various websites ,designers galleries and blogs.
How to Create a Planet Icon Set in Photoshop | Web Design Ledger
In this tutorial you will learn an easy method for creating very cool looking planet icons by using free textures and some simple lighting and shading
Como hacer un planeta
10 Places to Download Free Icon Sets | Freebies | Tutorial Blog
10 Places to Download Free Icon Sets | Freebies | Tutorial Blog -
10 Places to Download Free Icon Sets | Freebies | Tutorial Blog
シンプル、ミニマルなサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなアイコンやフォント、ギャラリーなどのまとめ - かちびと.net
Free Icon Search Engine - (301,039 free icons in 2,157 icon packs)
Great Web Button Set For Free Download
Project Icon Set | Dezinerfolio
Here is another simple icon set that covers various aspects of a Project. Here is some more info: * 18 Icons in this set * Transparent PNGs * Vector Fireworks Source files * completely FREE... (even commercial use)
pletely FREE... (even commercial use)
50 Fantastic Favicons: Episode 9 - Smashing Magazine
50 Fantastic Favicons: Episode 9 - Smashing Magazine -
すてきなFavicon いろいろ。
18 Search Engines For Designers - Creativity Boost | Minervity
The Best E-Commerce Icons All In One Place | Freebies
Mobile Icon Set | Web Icon Set
50 New Free High-Quality Icon Sets (with Easter Icons!) - Smashing Magazine
DOT Pictograms
provide our readers with a
iconSweets » Free icons by Yummygum
Free icons
50 Wonderful Icon Design Tutorials
50 Wonderful Icon Design Tutorials
Iconfinder | Download free icons
Icon arama motoru
Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient way
p.yusukekamiyamane - Quality free icons and pixel fonts
Quality free icons to everyone. The icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
The Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set (750 icons, incl. PSD sources) - Smashing Magazine
There are thousands of free icon sets out there, and every other day we see new sets being released by the design community. In fact, Smashing Magazine has been...
20 Excellent Icon Sets for Application Design | Freebies
Free Icons Sites : Websites That Offer Free Icons : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
31 Free Clean Icon Sets For Minimal Web Design | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Minimal and letterpress effects currently are very popular in webdesigns and many designers will find this collection useful and worth bookmarking!
Mr. Icons - Icon Search Engine, Free Icons
Wer noch icons sucht kann mal ausprobieren. #icons
Mr. Icons - Icon Search Engine, Free Icons
立体的でリアルなデザインをしたいなら「5つの光」を理解しよう - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
50 (More) Excellent Mini Icon Sets | Icons
When it comes to GUI and navigation design, we need our buttons to be relatively small, simple and yet descriptive. There is no room for text or complex design and that’s exactly where mini icon comes in. These small little icons control the flow, ease the navigation and increase better user experience and they are designers’ favorites.
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 夏だ一番!アイコン祭り!1000種類以上の高クオリティアイコン祭!
Goo-EE Icon Set - Free For Commercial Use
Payment Icon Set | Web Icon Set
You can use these icons on your E-Commerce Online Store. Payment Icon Set includes VISA Card, Master Card, American Express, Cirrus, PayPal, Cash Payment, Gold Coin, Gold Coin Stacks, Secure Payment, Shopping Cart.
$29 but nice set
handy handy and cheap
Nice set of icons for $29
I gotta buy this stuff. Werd.
50 Social Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers – Part 2 - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Ikony dla społecznościowych serwisów
30 Fresh Icon Sets for Developers and Designers - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Cocoia Blog » iPhone / iPad icon PSD template
Download ToYcon 0.5 - ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression) - Softpedia
ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression). ToYcon is a light and easy-to-use software that will help you convert png towards ico files. Only a simple drag and drop of one (or several) images is necessary for conversion. The produced icon is in the same folder that the source image (it is possible via an option to choose the destination folder).
DressUp! Avatars Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
freebies, tutorials, share ur designs
25 Best Icon Sets for Application Design | Web Design Soul
25 Best Icon Sets for Application Design | Web Design Soul -
アイコンの効果的な使い方を実例から学ぶチュートリアル | コリス
アイコンの効果的な使い方を実例から学ぶチュートリアル アイコンは、ユーザーをあなたのウェブサイトの内容に惹きこませるシンプルで、効果的な方法です。アイコンを使用して、ウェブサイトのコンテンツをサポートする素晴らしいサンプルとベストプラクティスを紹介します。
How to Create a Van Icon in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
This is another icon I have created with Negreu Andreas. We wanted to create an icon that can be used for a game maybe or a Mac app of some sort. Before we started we searched the web for photography with similar vans, then made some ideas, and a quick sketch. After that we started working. Let's review the process!
How To Use Icons On Your Web Site
From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.
RT @problogger: Reading: How To Use Icons On Your Web Site - [from]
"Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page."
Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.
あらゆるサイトのカラーにあうフリーのアイコンがダウンロードできる -Iconza | コリス
Icon Sets for Web Developers - Share your favorites here so we have one big useful page to bookmark! : web_design
- Share your favorites here so we have one big useful page to bookmark! : web_design
フリーのお天気アイコン集いろいろ。 クオリティの高い天気アイコンが多数公開されています。 Livedoor のお天気APIと組み合わせれば、サイト内に天気を表示できますね。
フリーのお天気アイコン集いろいろ。クオリティの高い天気アイコンが多数公開されています。Livedoor のお天気APIと組み合わせれば、サイト内に天気を表示できますね。
知っておきたいアイコン検索サイトまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
icon search
ハイクオリティな30+のフリーのベクター素材 | コリス
Web Resources Depotのエントリー「ハイクオリティな30+のフリーのベクター素材」からいくつか紹介します。
The Ultimate Web Design Resource List | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
The Ultimate Web Design Resource List | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver -
Diseño Web tutoriales
The Ultimate Web Design Resource List | Web Design Tutorials
PC.DE - Download Free Icons for Windows and Macintosh @
These are icons I drew for my personal needs. They are all in vector and drawn on this page with Raphaël (don’t forget to zoom the page). I was thinking that they could be useful for other people and, although the design quality of icons is average, I am releasing them here under MIT licence.
"These are icons I drew for my personal needs. They are all in vector and drawn on this page with Raphaël ... I am releasing them here under MIT licence."
40 Excellent Adobe Illustrator Icon Tutorials | Naldz Graphics
A good starting point for making your own icons.
My Favorite Icon Sets | Design Informer
Great set of icon libraries
Design interface application Framework | France
Crispy and pixel precise icons
A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers. Theses icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. ...
30 Professional Free Icon Sets For Your Next Project
Want a good time waster? Let your Twitter avatar battle it out with another avatar:
Free Designer’s Portfolio Icon Set (12 High Quality Icons) - Smashing Magazine
All the sizes of iOS app icons - Neven Mrgan's tumbl
Let’s say you’re working on an icon for an iOS app. The app is universal, so it should run on all iPhones (and iPod touches), and on the iPad. As a designer, you’re used to drawing icons at various sizes; this is a big part of what “icon design” is (as opposed to other types of illustration).
Overview of the various icon sizes for iOS applications
Top 10 Beautiful Minimalist Icon Sets
15 Uniform Payment Options Icon Sets for Ecommerce Design - Speckyboy Design Magazine
amazing payment / card icons
Icons « 19eighty7
free for use (personal/commercial)
The spirit20 icon set consists of almost 500 transparent PNGs at 20×20 pixels, and is completely free to use for both personal and commercial projects. No attribution is required. It includes icons documents, media, system, internet, mail, hardware, users, actions and misc.
Top 10 Icon Search Engines and Libraries - Speckyboy Design Magazine
RT @draenews: Del Top 10 Icon Search Engines and Libraries - Speckyboy Design Magazine:
Finding the perfect icon for any design project can be very difficult, especially when you have to to sift through the thousands upon thousands off icon-sets that are freely available. Not only will this waste you a huge amount of productive time, actually finding the icon you need is pretty darn close to being impossible.
Top 10 Beautiful Minimalist Icon Sets
Cocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file
For reference.
Photoshop template for designing icons suitable for iPhone, iPad and the iTunes Store.
Cocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file
30 of the Best Web Development and Design MINI Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine
30 of the Best Web Development and Design MINI Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Discover Amazing Vectors World: 76 Amazing Vector Resources
Discover Amazing Vectors World: 76 Amazing Vector Resources
15 Must-Have Minimalist Icon Sets | Freebies
iOS Icons in Pure CSS | Graphicpeel
Shut up ! Only CSS ! That is ridiculous
ipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
ipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
Great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator)
Another great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator), enjoy it and spread the word twitting and stumbling - elementos do Ipad em vetor! :D – Leandro Varanda (leandrovaranda)
Photoshop Vip » iPhone 3G, 4, iPadアプリ制作にばっちりなUIデザインキット12個まとめ
RT @deliciouspb: Photoshop Vip » iPhone 3G, 4, iPadアプリ制作にばっちりなUIデザインキット12個まとめ
小さくてもくっきり、商用利用も無料のミニアイコン290種 | コリス
Boolean: The Pixel Icon City by ~PraX-08 on deviantART
great icon set
Good basic web/UI set.
Free icons!
Free icons!
かわいい上にハイクオリティなフリーのアイコン集 | コリス
Иконки. Скачать иконки для сайта. Бесплатные иконки. Иконки в формате PNG
Поиск по бесплатным иконкам. Также см. для преобразования картинок в .ico файлы
99 Icon Sets To Use In Commercial Design Projects | Creative Nerds
99 setow do wykorzystania komercyjnie
Mac-like icon dock (v2) - using jQuery - JavaScript/CSS Projects - APL Web Development
สอนทำเมนูแบบ Dock ของ Mac โดยใช้ jQuery+CSS
A Round up of Free Pixel Icons for Designers | Naldz Graphics
Pixel Arrows Pack みたいのがいっぱい欲しい。
Iconografia en pixeles greatis para diseñadores
Open Source Icons - gcons
Panic Blog » Saving Icons for Snow Leopard
Workaround for the fact that Icon composer on 10.6 makes your icons look washed out
You may have noticed: icons made in Mac OS X 10.6 are often washed-out/lighter
15 High Quality Mini Icon Sets for Your Web Projects
The Best Icon Sets for Portfolio Sites - Web Design Blog
Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers
Reading 'Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons)' (via @smashingmag)
Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers
Excellent Examples Of Icons In Navigation Menu Design | SpyreStudios
When done right, adding visual cues to your main menu can prove very useful in making things just a tad more appealing to visitors. Let's have a look at some sites that make great use of icons in their navigation menus.
July 16, 2010 Navigation design is one of those things you simply cannot overlook. When looking for specific information on a website, a lot of people will look at the main or sub navigation or use the search bar (if present).
Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers
15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets
PixeloPhilia2 by *omercetin on deviantART
44 free PNG icons that could be a perfect fit for a Web or user interface design in an online or desktop application. The set contains both general icons (address book, map, mail, download, target) and rather obscure ones (comic book, license, mug, USB), all in a resolution of 32×32 pixels.
BBC GEL Social Media Icons – the set //