Pages tagged ict:


Lab Quiz
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indispensibletools / FrontPage
Indispensible ICT Tools for teachers The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.
9 Free Tools That Help Me Build Better E-Learning - The Rapid eLearning Blog
In today’s post, I’ll share with your some of the free tools that I use regularly to help me be more productive. And if I’m more productive, I’m saving time and money.
. It’s another simple tool, but one that works well. It’s one of those tools that you don’t notice until you don’t have it. If you happen to be using the Articulate Video Encoder ‘09, then this is a redundant tool. But for everyone else, it’s another good one to have.
indispensibletools / FrontPage
The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.
Welcome to the Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre
Training resources for various PD
Training resurces
Training resources for teachers using new technologies
Technology Centre for Professional Training and information.
Joint venture between DET and Mac Uni. Professional learning courses, PD wikis
Joint venture between DEt and Mac Uni professional learning courses,PD Wikis
main site for MACICT learning centre
This is the joint centre with Macquarie univerity and DET where you can go for professional learning.
This is the joint venture between Macquarie University and the DET where you can go for professional learning. I did a course here.
This is from the course I attended at Macquarie Uni on Web 2 stuff.
everything and anything ICT
Main Homepage for B.Ed ICT Semester 2 course EDU1003
this is the ICT homepage where we can find an introduction for the course and some information and detaiels
year 9 website
this is a ict site in year 9 lessons
Lesson Guide
ICT Lessons. Very useful
Free Stuff - Educational Technology - ICT in Education
87 projects. 10 further resources. 52 applications. 94 contributors. The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. What were the learning outcomes? And did I mention that this is free?!
the site for leaders and managers of educational ICT