Pages tagged ide:

The Big PHP IDE Test: Why Use One And Which To Choose | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine

In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions. Hopefully, you’ll get an idea of what each PHP IDE has to offer and which one best fits your needs.
"Both PDT and NetBeans are good. If you need a lot of plug-ins, Eclipse is the better choice. If editing tools and code completion are more important to you, then pick NetBeans. NetBeans is a bit more responsive, too."
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions.
Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Bespin
uygulama geliştirme hedesi
Mozilla Labs » Bespin
Bespin is a Mozilla Labs experiment that proposes an open, extensible web-based framework for code editing that aims to increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and promote the use of open standards.
pysmell - Google Code
python completion for IDE including Emacs
python autocomplete for vim
Vim made easy: how to get your favorite IDE features in Vim - Ars Technica
vim tips
VIM as Python IDE | Alain M. Lafon
Finding the perfect IDE for Python isn’t an easy feat. There are a great many to chose from, but even though some of them offer really nifty features, I can’t help myself but feel attracted to VIM anyway. I feel that no IDE accomplishes the task of giving the comfort of complete power over the code - something is always missing out. This is why I always come back to using IDLE and VIM. Those two seem to be best companions when doing some quick and agile hacking - but when it comes to managing bigger and longer term projects, this combo needs some tweaking. But when it’s done, VIM will be a powerful IDE for Python - including code completion(with pydoc display), graphical debugging, task-management and a project view.
Excellent guide to get VIM going as a good IDE, especially for Python.
bpython - fancy curses interface to the Python interpreter
bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Unix-like operating systems.
Syntaxhighlighting, Autocomplete, etc.
Green's Opinion: Android versus iPhone Development: A Comparison
10 Top-Notch CSS Editors
Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with
Looks like a pretty clean interface.
A nice looking Windows text editor.
Wow, could be one of the best text editors I've seen on Windows for a while now.
18 Wonderful IDEs for Windows, Mac, and Linux - Nettuts+
Javaにおける開発・Test(Unit/Web/負荷)環境のまとめ - よねのはてな
CodeRun - Online IDE
30 Best Eclipse Plugins | AjaxLine
nopaste inaczej (potrafi skomppilowac i odpalic wklejony kod)
Palm - Project Ares
According to Palm "Project Ares is the first mobile development environment hosted entirely in a browser, lowering the barriers for web developers to jump into mobile development."
Project Ares is the first mobile development environment for Palm's WebOS, hosted entirely in a browser
browser based IDE for WebOS
Like webOS, Project Ares embodies Palm's belief that the future of mobile will be built on the web. Project Ares aims to enable a next-generation mobile development workflow, in which developers move quickly and seamlessly from editing in a browser, to debugging on a device, to selling applications in Palm's App Catalog or on the web.
SapphireSteel :: Ruby In Steel - New Free Edition includes Visual Studio
Ruby In Steel
Ruby In Steel Personal Edition (PE) 2008 provides all the tools needed to develop and maintain Ruby or Rails projects including syntax sensitive customizable code coloring and code folding, numerous coding tools such as auto-indenting, code reformatting, bracket and keyword matching and integrated consoles to allow users to interact with the Ruby interpreter in docked or floating windows. Ruby In Steel PE 2008 even includes a free copy of Visual Studio 2008 for Ruby! Ruby In Steel PE 2008 is available for personal or commercial development. It does not require registration and it does not time out. It comes with an ‘All-in-One’ installer to allow users to install all the software required including: Visual Studio 2008 (‘Shell edition’), Ruby, Rails, MySQL and Ruby In Steel. Alternatively, users who already own a commercial edition of Visual Studio 2008 may install Ruby In Steel into that.
Adam Lowe: VIM Destroys All Other Rails Editors
What you use to edit code is any other tool and it comes down to personal preference. Personally I LOVE Vim. There are hundred different ways you could set up Vim. This is the setup that's worked best for me. Hope you enjoy it as well.
Atlas: a visual IDE for desktop-like web apps - Ars Technica
Iterface builder pour le webdev/javascript
280 North has already made two major breakthroughs in building its web-based presentation app 280 Slides. First, it created the Objective-C-like superset of JavaScript called Objective-J. Then it re-implemented much of Apple's popular Cocoa APIs in the web-oriented Cappuccino. Now, its latest project, Atlas, represents perhaps a third breakthrough: a visual integrated development environment for building the next generation of desktop-like web applications.
An intens IDE for web app development
LinuxParty | - Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
Sitio Web de linux_party
Programar y depurar en un IDE para PHP, plugin phpeclipse, xdebug y Remote debug
DreamPie: The Python shell you've always dreamed about!
DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 開発ガイドブック
Code Bubbles Project: Rethinking the User Interface Paradigm of Integrated Development Environments
Very cool IDE concept!!
Codekana blog » Blog Archive » On the Speed of Light, Innovation, and the Future of Parsing
the viemu/codekana guy talks about his incremental parser
Deciphering Glyph: The Emacs Test
"Do you think you can write an editor which can replace Emacs for me? Here are a few features, taken both from my years of customizing Emacs to meet my needs and some basic features in Emacs itself that non-natives never seem to understand."
The Emacs Test I use Emacs. However, unlike some Emacs users, I don't treat it as a religion. In fact, I'd rather be using a more "modern" IDE; one that understands my code on a deeper level and provides things like refactoring tools, integrated debugging, and "view method implementation" that work reliably and
What makes Emacs hard to replace.
What is this?
Swaroop C H, The Dreamer - India, Life, Technology » Blog Archive » Announcing my free book on Vim
I’m happy to announce the first public release of my Creative-Commons licensed book on the Vim 7 editor. This book is meant for both beginners and advanced users. For beginners, it walks you through the first steps to learning about modes, discusses about typing skills to be effective and moves on to the editing basics. This book will definitely appeal more to people who are Vim users already because it helps add a huge number of tricks to their arsenal, whether it is more efficient editing, personal information management, coding your own plugins or making Vim a programmers’ editor.