10+ Ways To Protect Images From Being Stolen
57+ Free Image Gallery, Slideshow And Lightbox Solutions | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Leopard プレビュー.appの底力 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
プレビュー 編集
command-shift-4 後、control-クリックでクリップボードに撮
プレビュー.app が凄い…
アプリケーションの名前こそ「プレビュー」だが、すでに機能は「レタッチ」レベルなのであった!jQZoom Evolution, javascript image magnifier
Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework.
Nice magnifier effect - good for product pages商用サイトでも制限無しで利用できる無料の写真素材サイト集 | コリス
Cats Who Codeのエントリー「50のフリー写真素材サイト集」から、商用サイトでも、リンクやクレジット表記の制限無しで利用できる無料の写真素材サイトをピックアップして紹介します。 50 sites to find free stock images 上記サイトでは、他にも個人サイトのみやリンク・クレジット表記のフリーサイトが紹介されています。
クレジット表記、リンク必要なしNew jQuery plugin: ‘imgPreview’ - James Padolsey
Image Previewwilq32 - jQuery plugin: Wilq32.RotateImage
Roter billeder vha. jQuery på almindelige HTML-sider
Rotação de imagens, imagens inclinadas
rotate images with jquery (+ animation!)gigapan: President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address by David Bergman
An absolutely amazing high definition panoramic image of the inauguration. Try zooming in. Wow.Toxel.com » 24 Modern Mugs and Creative Mug Designs
wonderful mug collection..
Modern mugs and creative mug designs from all over the world.10 Websites To Make You A Photoshop Ninja | MakeUseOf.com
Links til tutorials om photoshop
Photoshop is hard. There's all kinds of menus, commands, and keyboard shortcuts that you've got to figure out. Once you learn how it works, it's an unbelievablymezzoblue § Sprite Optimization
SmartSpritesGoogle School: Find Images by Exact Dimensions, Make Wallpaper Search a Breeze
Permet de trouver les images exactement de la taille souhaitéeImage Spark
A Social Image Upload website, how new :)Image Optimization, Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
at Yahoo! User Interface Blog
Image optimization tipsWindowsが起動したままの状態でハードディスクをまるごとイメージ化できるフリーソフト「Macrium Reflect FREE Edition」 - GIGAZINE
Like the title says.Kroppr - an online image cropping tool for your website
Unobtrusive script that allows users to rotate, resize, crop your images with minor changes to your site.A New Image Replacement Technique: The State Scope Method [CSS Tutorials]
Image replacement is arguably one of the most important CSS-based techniques available to a web designer. While some people view image replacement as merely a way to use fonts absent from the client computer, I believe that’s simply untrue. Image replacement has a place on nearly every web site—it can be useful in displaying a variety of page elements: company logos, attractive navigation bars, and fancy paragraph headings. Most importantly though, is its use for the “call to action” buttons; these must stand out in order to attract a visitor’s attention for performing important tasks (like signing up, downloading, or making a purchase).
Yeni bir metin yerine resim koyma metodu17 Best Javascript Image Galleries
17 Best Javascript Image GalleriesjQuery : imgPreview Demos
DesignWalkerHDR Tutorial | High Dynamic Range Tutorial
Tutorial for HDR post-processing.
HDR TutorialChevereto, Free image hosting script
Awesome, free, opensource image hosting script
Script de una web en PHP de gestió d'imatges rollo imageshuck
Creare un sito di image hosting
Outstandig free image hosting script Excellent logiciel Oouvert pour l'hébergement de fichiers images dans le nuage.Main Page - Computer Vision Primer
simple non-suck image hostingLoonaPix.com. Photo Effects Online
Caption plugin for images using jquery
jQuery CaptifyReally Cool Digital Make up in Photoshop in 10 min | Abduzeedo - design inspiration & tutorials
Why use real make up if you can do a digital make up and make the skin look pretty and smooth. It's simple, fast and very effective. Well, on this tutorial you will learn step by step the basics of digital make up on a persons body. First you have to get the photo you want to apply the digital make up, I choose a photo from the stock gallery of Samantha Draven.
Really Cool Digital Make up in Photoshop in 10 min | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials - http://abduzeedo.com/really-cool-digital-make-photoshop-10-min5yxcu0.jpg (JPEG Image, 484x1265 pixels)
Recopilatorio de JQuery
JQuery: Die 23 besten Bildergalerie PluginsWatermark with CSS Tutorial - Creating Watermark effect with CSS
Protect Your Images with CSS WatermarksWorking with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTS
Working with the jCrop Plugin image corp
Working with the jCrop Plugin - NETTUTSThirty Free Image Resources on the Web - Where to Find Free Images
Stock photo libraries with commons licensing etc25 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos | Web 2.0
25 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos | Web 2.0Groject - Jquery.ImageSwitch
An image transition plugin for jQuery. Ripe for overuse, but could be lovely if handled judiciously.
What it does The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects. Why using this With jQuery, it’s so easy to create simple effect such as fade in, move object around… unfortunately when you need to create an effect for image switching, it will require a bit more to create an attractive effect. That isn’t difficult but it isn’t simple and sometimes it’s kind of mess your code up as you need to manage more codes.14 jQuery Plugins for Working with Images
Image Rollover Borders That Do Not Change Layout - http://css-tricks.com/image-rollover-borders-that-do-not-change-layout/
ロールオーバーする際にずれてしまう問題と解決方法IE Fix: Bicubic Scaling for Images
omg fantastic
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;ImpulseAdventure - JPEG snoop - JPEG Dump Decoding Utility
JPEGsnoop is a free Windows application that examines and decodes the inner details of JPEG and MotionJPEG AVI files. It can also be used to analyze the source of an image to test its authenticity.Bizarre Surreal and Dark Art Pictures | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
fine bilder.
dark art- good backgrounds50 Excellent Image Galleries You Can Use Today - Nettuts+
Fullsize is an attempt to get a new <IMG> attribute called fullsize into the next version of HTML. Hopefully this site will get the attention of the W3C, and they will add fullsize to HTML and make it a standard. This is an attempt to bring something truely useful to all web developers and is by no means a completely polished idea, but rather a step in the right direction. Please visit the Fullsize Google Group to add your thoughts on how you think this idea can be improved upon.
Fullsize is an attempt to get a new IMG tag attribute called fullsize into the next version of HTML.jQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
ギャラリー、カルーセルCreating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 and jQuery
きれいだWeird, Confusing and Irritating Photography | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
some of this is beautiful photography, some of this is blah. but the beautiful is worth the blah.
We daily come across with so many photos some of them are good while some are not happening. Some photos are so ordinary that you
Here we are sharing photos that can boggle your mind. Some of the photos among them are perplexing and mystifying. So are you ready to get bewildered?
技術も大切だけど発想があればこそ、という事を再確認Lifehacker - Five Best Image Editing Tools - Image Editing
Long gone are the days where snapshots came back from the photo lab and disappeared into albums and shoe boxes. Now, digital photos are tweaked, adjusted, and remixed in ways their analog counterparts couldn't imagine.liteFlick
CoolIris + Flickr = The best way to search for pictures online
Use flickr API in the serverClosr.it
widget for displaying images/photos on a web site with zoom feature
create zoomable images (uses flash)
Aplicativo italiando sobre zomm em imagemjQuery GalleryView - by Jack Anderson
jQuery GalleryViewPerlでアニメ顔を検出&解析するImager::AnimeFace - デー
で、ぐぬぬ画像を自動で作るにはどうしたら。ちゃんと読むか。20 sites for free stock images | Web and designers | Helping web designers and developers
Back again with websites that will help designers and other people find free stock photography,this will definitely save your time and money. Photos contained in these sites are sorted in a handful of categories and subcategories which will make your life easier. Read the license on each site before using any of the photos, even though photos can be download for free there are some copyright issues for using it.Mike Swanson's Blog : SEAMonster: A .NET-Based Seam Carving Implementation
.Net seam carving app35 Gorgeous Black Wallpapers | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Uns wallpapers bacanas
35 Gorgeous Black Wallpapersevolution_advertising.jpg (JPEG Image, 1086x683 pixels)
Career evolutionspaceb.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x8149 pixels)
earth compared to other stars and galaxies
Feeling small50 Great Photographers You Should Know (with portfolios) | Inspiration
50 Great Photographers You Should Know (with portfolios)
Amazing resourceFluid Images — Unstoppable Robot Ninja
Ethan follows up his Fluid Grids article with an equally excellent piece on resizing images.
Dynamically scale images with the rest of fluid layouts.
Comprehensive article about using fluid images and details about appropriate ways to achieve this.ImageSwitch | HieuUK
The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images. Minimize the arguments you need to input and still give some decent effects.Google Similar Images
Comme son nom l'indique, Google Similar Images permet de rechercher des images similaires. L'interface est calquée sur celle de Google Images. Effectuez une recherche puis cliquez sur un lien "images semblables" sous l'une des vignettes affichées. Vous trouverez alors une multitude d'images relative à celle que vous avez sélectionnée. le système rassemble sur une même page de résultat les images ayant le même contexte de mots clés. Ceci permet par exemple d'avoir un événement photographié sous plusieurs angles. Les images proches sont également affichées dans le cadre supérieur qui apparaît lorsque l'on clique sur un résultat.
回転画像マッチング captcha で使ったやつと同じエンジンなんだろか?金にならなそうだけどスゲー。
Google no para de lanzar nuevos servicios. Google Images que acaba de salir de Google Labs nos permite encontrar imagenes similares a la que hayamos encontrado en una primera búsquedaJavaScript image combobox v1.5 | Marghoob Suleman
jquery image dropdown, jquery custom dropdown, customize select element, convert select element to image dropdown, image dropdown script, insert image in dropdown, image dropdown combobox「無料で使える画像素材が満載の20サイト!」という記事があったので本当に使えるものだけピックアップしてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
無料アイコンBuilding a jQuery Image Scroller - Nettuts+
Cool Pictures | Cool Stuff | Cool Videos: Cool Free High Quality Desktop Wallpapers - http://www.collthings.co.uk/2009/03/cool-high-quality-wallpapers.html
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
facial recognition Star Trek
Navigate video by facial recognition, demo'd on the original Star Trek
face mining - nice
Now that's a good use of facial recognition!22 Professional Photoshop Image Enhancing Tutorials
List of the best and the most helpful techniques and tutorials of css image mapping.
A CSS Image Map by definition is using a single image with defining multiple clickable hotspots, whether to show information or as navigation. There are a multitude of solutions, here are listed and demonstrated by far the best and the most helpful techniques and tutorials.画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法 | コリス
画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法Create an Image Rotator with Description (CSS/jQuery)
jquery 图片注释
An image rotator is one great way to display portfolio pieces, eCommerce product images, or even as an image gallery. Although there are many great plugins already, this tutorial will help you understand how the image rotator works and helps you create your own from scratch.Ultimate RSS Feed Icon Collection Over 1500+ | Creative Nerds
50+ Truly Useful Photoshop Tutorials For Amazing Photo Effectsギャルゲーブログ 便利な画像ください
【コンテンツ(抜粋)】 端子名。 マクド原価一覧。 首都圏路線図。 色彩表。 靴紐の結び方。 広告関連会社の相関図。 ピザのレシピ。 天皇家系図。 3期以上存在するアニメ一覧(抜粋)2008/08/10現在。 各国の歴代首相&歴代大統領。 ゲーム機の大きさ比較。 新年金制度でもらえる年金額。 犬年齢早見表。 エロゲー声優一覧。 オーブンでエビフライの作り方。 色盲検査。 幼女強姦被害者とエロゲーの歴史。 風呂敷の包み方。 袴の着方。 ひげの名前。 ネクタイの結び方。 一分で描ける乳首の描き方。 週刊少年ジャンプアシスタント系統図Rev5.8。 オナニーの仕方でわかる性格診断。 東京拘置所の刑場図。 電脳悪魔絵師金子一馬の悪魔のドット絵講座。 髪の毛の描き方。 DV冤罪フロチャート。 都道府県ごとの自殺、老衰による死者の割合。 SEX四十八手。 牛肉の部位。 母親のためのエロ本の隠し場所。 国別ピザの人口。 浴衣の着方。 磯野家家系図。 海外で人気の日本マンガランキング200804-06米英独仏中。 救命措置の流れ(心肺蘇生法とAEDの使用)。 日、米、独、国連の道路標識の概要。hotlink.php (JPEG Image, 640x4075 pixels)
comparison among planets and stars, cool picture
Ok. Now I feel small. Start at the top of the image and work your way down. http://is.gd/sgZ4 [from http://twitter.com/teachernz/statuses/1516861582]
Really makes you understand, you're really not that important7 Powerful image carousels for web designers
This post is a collection of some powerful carousels for images and text content ready to use in your web projects.
need i say more?
image carousels【339枚】美しすぎて即壁紙決定な画像 カナ速
好みは人それぞれだけど、奇麗なのがおおいなぁ。339番じゃないけど、会社のスクリーンセーバーをこんなのにしていたら、毎回、フリーズしているよ?って言われた思い出が・・・・1233164065872.jpg (JPEG Image, 2000x1200 pixels)
Of wolf, and man..
Content Type: image/jpeg, size: 406,148 bytes
wolf motivation
couragewolllllf15 Hand Picked Color Palette and Color Scheme Generators | SingleFunction
Color is the most significant factor that affects our mood and perception of any visual element, and making the right choice of a color combination is considered a priority, regardless where it will be used. This roundup is about the online tools that will help you accomplish that, 15 to be exact, packed with features to make the process of generating color palettes, schemes, and themes a smooth, pleasant, and creative experience.Create a Resizable Image Grid with jQuery | Web Design Ledger
hahahahaha商用可!WEB制作用途に特化したアイコンを6200個以上をまとめた「The Best Icons Always」 | DesignDevelop
Galeria de imagens!How to: Get the first image from the post and display it
<?php echo catch_that_image() ?>
Most WordPress users are using custom fields to display thumbs on their blog homepage. It is a good idea, but do you know that with a simple php function, you can grab the first image from the post, and display it. Just read on.PC買い換え時に超便利、完全に異なるハードウェア間でもHDDを丸ごと復元できるイメージバックアップソフト「ShadowProtect」 - GIGAZINE
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.Gigapixel Photography - Image: Vancouver Yaletown Condos
Incredibly detailed photography
Gigapixel Photography Inc. creates Gigapixel images and custom technology solutions for marketing and presentation of high-resolution images
Gigapixel Photography - Image: Vancouver Yaletown Condos
igapixel Photography Inc. is a photography studio that creates gigapixel images and develops custom technology solutions for marketing and presentation of high-resolution imagery. A gigapixel image is a digital image composed of more than one billion pixels. It contains more than 150 times the detail captured by a typical 6-megapixel consumer camera.PicFog - real time twitpic search
Real time image search powered by twitter and twitpic. Breaking news in images.Psykopaint - Online photo painting tool
Psykopaint - Online photo painting tool15 Amazing jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Image galleries, sliders and slideshows have become increasingly popular within webpages over the last year or so, and with jQuery becoming ever more popular, more and more developers have been creating these amazing powerful, versatile and sleek galleries. Thank you jQuery. Below you will the most powerful, the most creative and most versatile of jQuery plugins and tutorials built using jQuery.Helen Bradley - Pro Photoshop and Photography: Understanding the basics of Sharpening in Photoshop
Sharpening is one of those everyday tasks that most photos can benefit from. In this post I'll explain what sharpening is, when you should perform it and how to do it. The information here, although it is explained using Photoshop, is relevant to all photo editing programs. Sharpening does as its name suggests and sharpens the image making it look crisper and making the edges in the image more distinct.Image Markup - Aviary's Falcon
online photo image editing
Image Markup
Free browser-based image editorGenerate Your Own Twitter Logo | Twitlogo
logo generator
Generatore di loghi stile twitter! Bello e semplice
Test 1, 2, 3
generar logo twitter
Generate Your Own Twitter LogoFind Creative Commons Images in Google Image Search
Blog posting announcing Google's new ability to search only Creative Commons images. Not available yet in the browser, but works from this blog posting.
search for images using CC licenseFace detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV) - Maurice Bloggue
Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV)Flickr Photo Download: Coffee Drinks Illustrated
I thought you'd find this site as helpful as I did.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Finally, a visualization that will end the confusion...
coffee99 Amazing Widescreen Wallpapers To Spice Up Your Desktop | Showcases | instantShift
An amazing collection of widescreen wallpapers related to nature, photography, patterns, illustrations, HDR as well as some abstract and fantasy-related wallpapers. Hopefully, everybody will find something interesting to spice up his or her desktop. All wallpapers can be downloaded for free from their original source.Web上の膨大な画像に基づく自動画像補完技術の威力 - A Successful Failure
2007年のSIGGRAPHで、アメリカ・カーネギメロン大学のJames HaysとAlexei A. Efrosが発表した、画像内に映り込んだ所望のオブジェクトを排除し、違和感の無い画像を生成するシーン補完技術。Web上の画像から対象となる画像の類似画像を検索し、その画像で隠蔽領域を完全に置き換えることで違和感の無い補完画像を生成するというもの。出来上がった画像に違和感を感じない。恐ろしい…
普通に凄いClever JPEG Optimization Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great article on how JPG compression works and how best to optimise your images.JPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
JPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニックをSmashingMagazineから紹介します。 Clever JPEG OptimizationAviary Screen Capture : Talon
Capture any webpage by adding Aviary.com/ to the beginning of the URL! Plus a Firefox add-on which does da same.
soort printscreen functie: maakt een kopie van een websiteA Collection of Photo Effects - Online Picture Editor
Tuxpi.com provides a variety of browser based imaging tools and toys, that let you very easily apply a special look to your pictures.People who look exactly the same in all pictures (5 gifs) » Izismile.com - In fun we trust! Pictures, photos, videos, flash, games, celebs, hot stuff
wow...the girl on the top really does not move.
http://tinyurl.com/d5zpsk People who look the same in all photos. Funny!! [from http://twitter.com/alexisnbrown/statuses/1591242615]
People who look exactly the same in all pictures http://bit.ly/renKY [from http://twitter.com/anasqtiesh/statuses/1570335339]Lifehacker - Five Best Online Image Editors - Image Editing
gute Übersicht, wie man Bilder online bearbeiten kann. Sehr gut, wenn man unterwegs ist und gerade kein Photoshop parat hat
Five Best Online Image EditorsFotoglif - One source, thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to use
Free and fully licensed for blogs and websites
thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to useOfficial Google Blog: Find Creative Commons images with Image Search
From the Official Google Blog (so we know it's true?): "We're launching a feature on Image Search to help you find images that you can use for free, while respecting the wishes of artists and creators."
images, writingどんなにへたくそでも一日後には絵が上手くなる方法:ハムスター速報 2ろぐ
「厚み」という概念が、なるべく努力を怠ろうとする我がココロに響くのであったEasy Development With CodeIgniter - Nettuts+
Easy Development With CodeIgniterhid.im
A Hidim turns a torrent into a regular PNG image
Torrent into PNG
Are you one of those people who has always wanted to hide a torrent inside an image? Wait no longer, with Hid.im it takes just one click to convert a torrent into an image file, with the option to decode it later on.PNG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
Image and Gallery Lightbox Solutions for Wordpress
some lightbox plug-ins for WordPressCatch My Fame » Blog Archive » jQuery Before/After Plugin
Pretty nifty before/after image slider in javascript
About a month ago I was reading the New York Times online and they had an article which showed a road in Brooklyn that had been reconstructed to make it safer and more pleasing to the eye. To show the difference in the reconstruction project, they showed a before and after picture using Flash that let the visitor drag a slider over the images, which were sandwiched with one on top of the other, so that you could easily see how dramatic the changes were. I immediately thought that this could be done in JavaScript using jQuery, so I set out to do it.Stop Image Hotlinking with .htaccess
Max Design - standards based web design, development and training » Aligning inline images with the vertical-align property - http://www.maxdesign.com.au/2008/10/05/vertical-align/
You can change the vertical position of images in relation to the surrounding text using the CSS vertical-align property. The various properties that can be used include: top, text-top, middle, baseline, text-bottom, bottom, sub, super, percentage and length
useful read for aligning small images/icons with text.
Vertical alignment, much more elegant than how I've previously seen it done
欧文フォントの高さの概念が参考になるSpeed Up Your Website with Better Image Optimization in Photoshop | UX Booth
post interessante sobre otimização de imagens para uso na web
Otimização de Imagens para Web | Tutoriais
Otimização de imagens para web.- Creative Image-Galleries by jQuery - Webdesign und Webentwicklung im Webstandard-Blog
Foto-Mosaik-Edda Creates Stunning Photo MosaicsOnline image converter for free - Supports BMP, DIP, JPG, EPS, PCX, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TGA...
Online Image Converter Program. Supports over 100 image formats, among them BMP, DIP, JPG, EPS, PCX, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TGA, etc.
Conversor de Imagens ONLINEiPhone Sudoku Grab: How does it all work?
How he solved a limited purpose computer vision problem by applying knowledge about the problem domain.
Weil iPhones Sudokus ganz leicht erkennen können.Text Blocks Over Image | CSS-Tricks
text-overlay trick
Text within overlaying blocks over images.
by Chris Coyier, 2009-07-27, "Someone recently asked me about this technique and my first reaction was that it was probably a little too mundane to cover as a tutorial. But then I got to thinking that there is actually a few interesting things happening here and the style is trendy enough people might be interested. The idea is just to overlay some text over an image, but as blocks that stick out from the left with an even amount of padding all the way around the variable-length text. (...)"Collection: China - 1983
A selection of images throughout most of China, July - October 1983. Many cityscapes have changed beyond recognition since then ... I have arranged the sets on this page in the order that I visited the places named. I have also added sets for images of "transport interest" - steam locomotives, tramcars and trolleybuses. I traveled in China for three months in 1983, and managed to visit, or "pass through," every province except Tibet, Hainan (which part of Guangdong Province back then), and Taiwan (which I visited in 1980). Except for those traveling with carefully-selected groups, few Americans visited China following the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five
punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five
- PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After FivejQuery Image Gallery/News Slider with Caption Tutorial | Queness
Хороший слайдер для новостей+описаний. Требует тюнинг, конечно.SmillaEnlarger | Get SmillaEnlarger at SourceForge.net
SmillaEnlarger is a small graphical tool ( based on Qt ) to resize, especially magnify bitmaps in high quality. ( The used algorithm is an invention of my own )
software per ingrandire immagini bitmap
Image Resizing without artifacts
Get SmillaEnlarger at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directorySmillaEnlarger Enlarges Your Images without Artifacts - Image Editing - Lifehacker
SmillaEnlarger is an open-source and portable application designed to help you intensively massage an image enlargement to keep it from looking jagged and filled with artifacts. You can select the level of zoom using the zoom slider and the location of the zoom via the selection box.Seadragon.com
画像フォーマットの特徴を簡単に説明 GIF - 256色のインデックス画像。ロゴであったりフラットブロックな画像には向いている。透過データを保持できるという特徴_ JPEG - クオリティによって圧縮率が変わる非可逆圧縮の画像。透過は表現できないが、写真データの用途_ GIFのようなぎざぎざを出さずに背景透過を実現でき、24ビットイメージも表現Avartize.com - Avartize your Avatar
Adverteren via de avatars van twitter gebruikers.
Become an Avatizer if you want to create and publish your own overlays and run your own campaign– no installation or coding needed. Just create an Avatizer account, upload your transparent image and off you go!
a twibbon, but different, in name
Avartize.com gives you, the Twitter user, the option to easily pimp your profile picture, also known as your avatar. Set your state to “busy,” tell your friends you’re on fire — or let everybody know you are out taking in that special event. At Avartize.com, you also have the option to create your own overlays, so people can pimp their avatar with your artwork! Do you organize events? Let visitors utilize your overlays. Supporting a good cause? Show it by making your avatar purple, totally free! One click and it’s done. No installation or coding needed. Just create an Avatize.com account, upload your transparent image, and off you go!12 best places to get free images for your site | News | TechRadar UK
Create a face in just minutes
mit. Create a face in just minutes, and share it on your blog or Facebook
Crear cara online face rostro5 Best And Colorful Collection Of Dual-Screen Wallpapers @ SmashingApps
using one image and clipping it to produce multiple sub-images. good optimization technique image loading times.Create a Thumbnail Gallery with Slick Heading and Caption Effect with jQuery | Queness
great tools like comic lifehttp://home.exetel.com.au/bmgoau/space/008_1561b2.html
Get Adobe Flash player
Space Panorama - Zoom in and out!続:PNG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
Build Internet!フリー写真素材 Futta.NET
国内・海外旅行等でデジカメ撮影された写真素材をフリー(無料)で3134枚配布しています。 風景写真がメインで、「外国と日本、観光名所と街中の風景、自然風景、洋風・和風」等の高解像度画像があります。 「世界遺産都市、スイス・ドイツ、東京・沖縄、犬・猫・鳥・猿、ビーチ・バー、桜・梅、虹のある景色」等もあります。 それらの素材は著作権フリーに相当し、「デスクトップ壁紙、ホームページ、商用、印刷」等のあらゆるシーンに無料で自由にお使いいただけます。
フリー写真素材 Futta.NETでは、3000枚の高解像度写真をフリー素材として無料で配布しています。風景の画像が多く、壁紙・ホームページ・商用・印刷・動画・ゲーム等に使えます。リンクなどは不要で、文化庁・各テレビ局御用達です。
ロイヤルティフリーの写真素材jQuery maxImage plugin: Demo
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options.
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options. Change the size of your browser to see it's effect.
smart photo scalingAdd zoom icon to images using CSS (and jQuery, of course)
I like to read articles on webdesignerwall.com. Not just because of its content, but also because of its great design. I like one simple effect this blog has and that is a zoom icon that is being shown when you hover an image. In this simple tutorial, I'll show you how to do it in two ways: CSS way and jQuery way.50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Photography Skills | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Hide email, text or domain from search engines by turning your text into an image
Hide email, text or domain from search engines
Genera rápidamente una imagen a partir de un texto. Sobre todo para disimular direcciones de correo electrónico.
Hide email, text or domain from search engines - Convert texts to images
İnternete gireceğiniz metinlerin ziyaretçiler tarafından okunabilir, ancak arama böcekleri tarafından indekslenemez olmasını istiyorsanız, bunun en kolay yolu şüphesiz yazıları resme çevirmek. TxtNinja adlı servis de tam olarak bu işe yarıyor. Girdiğiniz metni tek tıkla GIF formatında bir resme çeviren TxtNinja, 6 farklı font ve değişik boyutlar ile renkler ile yazıyı istediğiniz gibi ayarlamanızı sağlıyor.
텍스트를 쓰면 이미지로 바꾸어주는 서비스
elps you convert convert text into picture so that it can escape the eyes of annoying spam bots or other bots like those of search engines. Nice thing about this tool is that it allows you to customize the font type, color, size and background color of the text when it is converted into an image. Plus it also hosts the image on its servers and gives you the link.NAVERフォトエディター
オンライン画像エディタ30 Javascript Image and Photo Galleries - Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials | Queness
Mootool, Prototype, jQuery and Tutorials via Queness3 Easy and Fast CSS Techniques for Faux Image Cropping | Css Globe
This article is a summary of a 3 fast and easy CSS techniques you can use to display only a portion of an image in your content. All techniques explained here actually need only couple of lines of CSS. However, it is not cropping in a real sense of the
These techniques can be very helpful if you need to keep images at a certain size, i.e. thumbnails in the news section or something similar. Being able to use CSS to control which portion of image to display is a great bonus.デザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Adobe Fireworks
デザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログUsing Opacity to Show Focus with jQuery
Built with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline starts with several files to reset the browser’s default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website and grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real” baseline grid as it’s foundation.Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images
Seven jQuery Plugins That Let You Do Cool Stuff With Images http://ow.ly/phQL [from http://twitter.com/10minuteexpert/statuses/3982683362]
**flickr annotation plugin
In a recent post, I wrote about jQuery plugins that let you easily add a stylish galleries and slideshows to your site. Today, we have six plugins that let you add some cool functionality and interesting effects to images. As a designer, I found plugins like this to be so useful because I would never be able to write or develop functionality like this myself. So thank you generous developer community for sharing all this great work. And now on to the plugins… jParallax jParallax turns a selected element into a ‘window.’ Through this window you can see a number of absolutely positioned layers. The layers move in response to the mouse, giving a parallax effect. The parallax effect was utilized on the popular Silverback application website last year. To download the plugin and see working demos, visit the plugin website.Photography & Post-Processing Tutorials - Phototuts+
Site Logo Script- Click here for a DHTML script that creates a static logo image, positioned in the lower right corner of the browser.
aumentar imagens, efeito javascrip
jQuery Image Magnify enables any image on the page to be magnified by a desired factor when clicked on, via a sleek zoom in/out effect. The enlarged image is centered on the user's screen until dismissed.
CSS Library
kinda like lightbox...photo just enlarges once you click on it without the load image and next/previous/close buttonsVisual Search Galleries - Bing
New Bing feature: Visual Search Earlier this week, Microsoft added a new feature to the Bing search engine. It's called Visual Search and it's useful for those cases where you just can't find the words ... but you know it when you see it. The idea is that you can do searches using images instead of text. I've often had this problem when trying to look up a particular type of bird I've seen, for instance. It also works well with dog or cat breeds, electronics, automobiles and a number of other things. The Visual Search gallery is still in beta, but it looks like it could morph into an interesting and handy option.3 Simple Free Virtual Drive Tools to Mount Disks & ISO Images
supported by Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP /Vista/7. Any of these three free virtual drive tools can stand up to the task of handling virtual disk jobs.We have previously featured a few othe35+ Create Amazing Image Effects and Sliders with These Awesome jQuery Plugins | tripwire magazine
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, prototype (and script.aculo.us), Dojo and mootools have become very popular because they are making the creation of dynamic effects much easier without using fx. flash. jQuery has become one of the most used JavaScript libraries today and can be found in the core of popular products like Wordpress and Drupal. The community is providing a huge amount of free plugins making it possible to find good solutions to nearny any need you may have. This article will introduce you to more than 35 jQuery plugins providing enhancements to how you can display images on your web pages. This is essential for creating dynamic state of the art web solutions. Lets get started!
tripwire magazine provides easy to digest articles with relevant and hand-picked information all subjects of web design and development, ranging from; Fonts, Photoshop, CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typography, advertising, SEO, Tutorials & much more.
jquery画像系まとめ想造ノート: Twitterにおける3つの返信方法、@とRTとDの違いをイメージ図にしてみた。
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery
# on LoadImage(pSelector, pCallback){ # var loader = $(pSelector); # loader.html(‘<img src="’ + gLoadSpinnerUrl + ‘"/>’); # # LoadThisImage($(img), loaderこれは絶対覚えておいた方がよいシルエットの素材集:phpspot開発日誌
これは絶対覚えておいた方がよいシルエットの素材集:phpspot開発日誌これは絶対覚えておいた方がよいシルエットの素材集。 85サイトのフリーかつハイクオリティなシルエット素材集が物凄い勢いでまとまっています。 覚えておくと色々な場面で使えることは間違いなさそう。 人型だけじゃなくて、動物や昆虫・植物などそろってます。 リンク先は以下のURLから参照してください 85 Free High Quality Silhouette Sets | GraphicsHow to Create a Hellacious Flaming Skull in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
Clever PNG Optimization Techniques « Smashing Magazine - http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/07/15/clever-png-optimization-techniques/?1
"This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG-images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. We’ll start with some essentials about the PNG format and will then move to advanced optimization techniques." Influence and dithering masks seem handy.
PNGファイルの最適化方法Content Aware Image Resizing implemented with JavaScript
Script de compactação de imagem (javascript) que redimensiona a imagem em uma direção (horizontal por exemplo) sem distorcê-la simplemente, ele corta partes semelhantes da imagem.Google Docs OCR
A free OCR service from google, see also http://weocr.ocrgrid.org/
Google Docs API tests a new feature that lets you perform OCR (optical character recognition) on an image.percobaan » Face detection in javascript + canvas
Detecção de faces utilizando javascript
Script permettant de faire de la détection faciale à l'aide de javascript.This Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
eine Software, die nur durch eine Textbeschreibung komplette Bilder malen kann. What. The. Fuck?
Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
Blends photos in an intelligent way from a sketch
According to authors, their software can take any rough sketch, with the shape of each element labeled with its name, find images corresponding to each drawn element, judge which are a better match to the shapes, and then seamlessly merge it all into one single image. PhotoSketch's blending algorithm analyzes each of these images, compares them with each other, and decides which are better for the blending process. It automatically traces and places them into a single photograph, matching the scene, and adding shadows. Of course, the results are less than perfect, but they are good enough:PhotoSketch: Photoshop + Image Recognition = Awesome
It composes a photo from your doodle. HOLY COW WE LIVE IN THE FUTURE
Awesome tool that allows you to sketch out an image and then find images based on your sketch.
This technology is just mind-boggling. PhotoSketch may be the coolest program we’ve seen or written about since the invisible speakers.Photoshop CS5なんて目じゃなくね?落書きからそれっぽい写真を合成する『Photosketch』がやばすぎる件・・・ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
おぉ・・・っ!CU3ER – flash 3D image slider!
Oh, that 3D thingy is sooooo ... sweet?
CU3ER is flash 3D image slider, it's free, easy to set-up, customizable via XML, tailored to provide a unique look & feel, inspiring and fun to use!国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ。国内の素材サイト集です。日本のサイトには日本の感性で作られた素材が相性いいかもしれません。Create a Thumbnail with Fading Caption Using jQuery | Queness
Bonito efecto para una galería de imágenes...
This tutorial will show you how to create a fading caption for your thmbnail gallery. It uses jQuery framework and CSS to create this transparent and fading effect.How to Create an Image Gallery Powered by Picasa - Nettuts+
jQuery, PHP, Picasaで作るイメージギャラリーチュートリアル。なお、CSSフレームワークに960 Grid Systemが使用されている。
Create an Image Gallery Powered by Picasa
Picasa ウェブ アルバムに登録された画像を使ってイメージギャラリーを作るチュートリアル記事です。PHPとjQueryを使っています。
Come manipolare una galleria di immagini generata da PicasaHome / Spectives.com
画像だけをいろんなところから検索してくれるサービス すげえImage Recognition with Neural Networks HowTo
This tutorial will show you how to use multi layer perceptron neural network for image recognition.Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XP
Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XPHow to make a DVD of that student-only Windows 7 you bought for $29.99
great images from microscopes from around the worldTop 5 Free OCR Software Tools To Convert Images Into Text
Free OCR5 Good Image Search Engines Apart From Google Image Search
Image search engines sift through the web searching by type of image, by license or by tags and keywords. There are of course, standalone photo reservoirs like Flickr, Stock.xchng, Photobucket, Morguefile et.al; but your kind of image may just be tucked away in some other obscure corner of the web. Google Image Search is powerful but it always pays to have a few more options up your browser.白黒ベースのサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなWeb素材やWebデザイン例などのまとめ - かちびと.net
白黒ベースのサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなWeb素材やWebデザイン例をまとめます。最近作成した白黒ベースのサイトを作ったときにみたり、参考にしたりした素材やサイを備忘録的にメモ。Free Online OCR - Convert JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PDF to Text
NewOCR is a free online OCR service that allows to convert scanned images and multi-page PDF documents to text, can process 29 languages and supports layout analysis
OCR online無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~5RkJK.png (PNG Image, 1409x521 pixels)
A bit of http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/latestnews/index.php?id=144Dropresize « SemiGeeK
Dropresize is a system tray application that watches a folder for new images and automatically resizes them into a web-friendly size. Currently it’s in a beta stage so don’t be surprised if there are still bugs. Only jpeg images are supported as of now. But other image formats will be supported in the future updates. No need to install, just unzip the file into your hard disk and run the .exe file.
Auto-resize image in folder.
"Dropresize is a system tray application that watches a folder for new images and automatically resizes them into a web-friendly size. Currently it’s in a beta stage so don’t be surprised if there are still bugs."Google Image Swirl
Not exactly sure what it's doing, but it looks like it is creating a mindmap of searched images. Looks super-cool
not as good as cool iris but interesting【コーヒー】テレビ番組のネ申テロップ【吹いた】 - NAVER まとめ
近頃のテレビ番組には欠かせないテロップ(字幕)。これがあるとないとでは、映像の印象がずいぶん違ってきます。そこで故意か?偶然か?様々なテロップ映像を集めてみまし...mezzoblue § Isolation
You probably experience this on a regular basis: a client sends you an illustration or a logo they’d like to use in a project, but it’s a low-res bitmap or a flat image file with a background texture. Or both, if you’re really lucky. Sure, you can try and ask for a vector version, but more often than not what they originally sent was the best copy they had on hand.
extract a logo from a dirty background, so pro.
Trasformare un logo bitmap in vettoriale
Photoshop tutorial about how to make precise selections, even on a low-res or fuzzy image.
remove background
a client sends you an illustration or a logo they’d like to use in a project, but it’s a low-res bitmap or a flat image file with a background texture.PhotoSketch: better than sliced bread, Photoshop | The Web Life | ZDNet.com
RT @jamesladd: Oh My Gosh - Awesome http://blogs.zdnet.com/weblife/?p=965 [from http://twitter.com/Velona/statuses/4648064485]
This link is a blog post on Ziff Davis.com about an upcoming software program that it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together. There's a 3 minute 43 second video embedded on the blog post that illustrates the capability of this program developed by Chinese students. It's pretty amazing.
it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together.
2009-10-13 17:50:55 <eve> http://blogs.zdnet.com/weblife/?p=965Cut My Pic!
ritaglio di foto online
This is great!! Found via Mental Floss.Free Image Carousels for Web Developers | TutZone
Recopilatorio de galerías de imágenes, slideshow, carousel.
One of biggest problem often faced by web developers is limited space. Using image carousels and slider components can be an easy way to add rich content to your site with little ease even with limited space. All you have to do is to select which carousel will be best for you.
Free Image Carousels for Web DevelopersMaking an Interactive Picture with jQuery | Build Internet!
Genial script realizado con jquery, que simula el efecto que utiliza Ikea para mostrar sus productos por sector.
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to piece together an interactive picture – aka an image that contains tooltips and popup boxes. This can be useful for showing off a particular aspect of a photo (ie items or people).Download Google Chrome OS for free - gdgt
Download and try out Google Chrome OS for free at gdgt!To Sprite Or Not To Sprite at Vladimir Vukićević
mind that there are factors in play other than raw page load performance. As a general rule of thumb, if most of your sprite doesn't contain real image content, you should probably avoid using it. Also, keep an eye out for fu
Note that this is a 1299x15,000 PNG. It compresses quite well — the actual download size is around 26K — but browsers don't render compressed image data. When this image is downloaded and decompressed, it will use almost 75MB in memory (1299 * 15000 * 4).jQSlickWrap - Slick text wrapping for jQuery
cool way to wrap text around non-square images!
Clever jQuery plugin which allows text to wrap around irregularly shaped images, by processing the image with canvas and rewriting it as a sequence of floated horizontal bars of different widths.
text wrap
jQSlickWrap is a plugin for jQuery which enables you to easily and accurately wrap your text around the content of floated images. It's as simple as $('img').slickWrap();The Blueprints, reference image database, with more than 37000 blueprints, templates, 3/4/5-views and drawings
The-Blueprints.com - The largest free blueprint collection on the Internet, more than 36000 blueprints online.既存のデザインのクオリティをアップする8つのポイント | コリス
適切なデザイン/色/スペース とても参考になる27K39.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)
The reason behind Swine Flu outbreak uncovered! http://imgur.com/27K39.jpg [from http://twitter.com/anasqtiesh/statuses/1640223480]
RT @silveira you little bastard. you've killed us all http://imgur.com/27K39.jpg [from http://twitter.com/rssbrasilblog/statuses/1638109612]
Content Type: image/jpeg, encoding: gzip
DarkHalf|workJavaScript で、画像本来のサイズ(幅, 高さ)を取得する方法 - latest log
コレ使った。IEうぜー。img.onload = ""; や img = void 0; は IE で発生するメモリリークを回避するためのコードです。
latest log
获得图片的真实尺寸jQuery Captify Demo (v1.1.3)
ptify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer.
Caption en Imágenes
Añade Caption a tus imagenes con jquery de una manera muy sencilla
Captify is a plugin for jQuery to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on rollover. It has been tested on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and the wretched Internet Explorer. Captify was inspired by ImageCaptions, another jQuery plugin for displaying captions like these. The goal of Captify is to be easy to use, small/simple, and completely ready for use in production environments (unlike ImageCaptions at the moment). Also, it's only 2.3kb!20 Professional jQuery Image Gallery Plugins : Speckyboy Design Magazine
ImageOptim will optimize your images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations.Unique CSS Borders - Boring borders step aside - The Web Squeeze
Unique CSS Borders
nice css bordersGoogle Goggles - Use pictures to search the web
A picture is worth a thousand words.No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture. Find out what businesses are nearby.Just point your phone at a store. This is just the beginning - it's not quite perfect yet.Works well for some things, but not for all. Your pictures, your control.Turn on 'visual search history' to view or share your pictures at any time. Turn it off to discard them once the search is done.
"Use pictures to search the web."Lazy Load Enabled With FadeIn Effect
Lazy Load Image lazy loader plugin for jQuery.
Delays Loading of Images with Lazy Loader jQuery Pluginロゴデザインをする時に参考になるサイト60+ | CREAMU
ロゴを作るときの参考にPreloading Images with jQuery and JavaScript | Engineered Web
Preload de Imagens com javascript e jQuery.19 Impressive Online Image Editors
cutePrague TV Tower - World's Largest Spherical Panorama
18 gigapixel 360°photo!
超パノラマ写真Sprixi - Free images to choose and use!
Choose a freely licenced image then use it immediately. Download and link images for your presentation, blog, profile, email or instant message.
Buscador de imagenes libresMariusSoft
Quickly and easily convert multiple images at the same time
MariusSoft LLC - MariusSoft was created with one simple yet profound concept in mind: create quality software that can help business integrate data, security, and ease of use in one package.
โปรแกรม ย่อขนาดรูปทีละเยอะๆ ฟรีด้วยที่ำสำคัญ
Bulk Image Resizer allows you to quickly and easily convert multiple images at the same time. The resizing engine supports the most popular formats and features high quality image resizing. The resizer will make any photo email friendly so you can email, upload, view, and move your images faster then ever. MariusSoft Bulk Image Resizer can convert JPEG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PNG formats with no image size limitations.スクリーンショットを印刷してもクオリティを落とさないようにする方法 | コリス
Macでもできるよね? やるときはSBMコメント読んでからやろう もっと良い方法があるらしいから...Body By Victoria - Secure Computing: Sec-C
awesome photo manipulation detection discussion
Discussion of photoshopping of women's bodies
interesting analysis of a badly photoshopped image, showing techniques for detection of photo manipulationtransm.js (javascript programmable image transitions)
éditeurs son et image / photo gratuits / traitementHow To Create A Custom Splashimage For GRUB | MakeUseOf.com
Almost all the popular Linux distributions use the GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) as the bootloader of choice these days. If you have been experimenting10 Things You Can Do To Optimize for Image Search
saved by avinash
Things that can be done to optimize images for search.Identité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internet | Presse-Citron
"L’identité numérique reste un concept assez flou pour la plupart des internautes, or il est seulement question de contrôle de l’image et de la réputation, selon les mêmes règles que celles que nous appliquons dans notre vie courante, celle que l’on appelle la vraie vie. / Pas besoin d’être un expert, donc, pour observer ces 10 règles simples qui devraient normalement vous aider à mieux maîtriser votre image sur internet : [...]"
Identité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internetLifehacker - Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five
When it comes to creating a perfect copy of a system disk for future restoration, Lifehacker readers love the open source and versatile Clonezilla. It can't do real-time mirroring like the second and third-place winners DriveImageXML and Macrium Reflect Free, but it's powerful, versatile, and can easily grow with you as your disk imaging and backup needs expand.
Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive FiveShrink Pic - Free photo resizer for email, IM, blogging and web galleries
Shrink Pic automatically resizes photos sent via email or uploaded to the web by creating temporary resized copies sent instead of the originals.
Software that shrinks down photo attachments that are being sent via email or to sites like Facebook.
Shrink Pic allows you to send dozens of photos as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all! All you need to do is install Shrink Pic. It automatically detects when you're sending large photo files and compresses them in the background.win7utils - Windows 7 ISO Disc Image Utilities
The Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher. removes the "ei.cfg" file which allows to install any edition of win7
The Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher is a set of small binary patches that will convert an official Windows 7 ISO disc image into an official Windows 7 ISO disc image of another edition. The resulting ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft. The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select an edition during setup. This tool works by toggling the deletion bit in the UDF file table, eliminating the need for unpacking and rebuilding the ISO, which means that this is extremely fast (the process of patching the ISO to remove ei.cfg takes only a fraction of a second), and the process is easily reversible (running the utility on a disc image patched by this utility will restore the disc image to its original state)
ISO images are bit-for-bit identical with those posted on MSDN or TechNet, and their SHA-1 hashes should match the official hashes posted by Microsoft. The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a "universal disc" that will prompt the user to select an edition during setup. This tool works by togglingウノウラボ Unoh Labs: Macでのスクリーンショットの撮り方まとめ
taking screen shots in osx37 Fresh jQuery Image And Gallery Display Solutions | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
stocknerd-venn-diagram-9420-1252236207-2.jpg (JPEG Image, 434x407 pixels)
Where does the intense kid with the retractable keys fit?Error Level Analyser - Tiny Appz
Image forensics
a small tool used for photo forensics like in this article: http://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/322-Body-By-Victoria.html5-Minute PNG Image Optimization • Perishable Press
PNG Image Optimization
5-Minute PNG Image Optimization • Perishable PressJava Image Processing - Blurring for Beginners
optimizaçao de imagens
This sort of nitty-gritty optimisation stuff appeals to my nerdy side. An interesting article, but it's also worth reading the comments for a few gotchas.
I've used some of the comments this script shells out to stand-alone, but this combines it all together and makes it nice and easy to extremely squeeze graphics (losslessly)Everything you need to know about WordPress 2.9’s post image feature
Everything about new thumbnail feature in Wordpress 2.9
Finalmente Wordpress ha le thumbnails incorporate
An in-depth look at how the post image feature in WordPress 2.9 can be used from the perspective of both end users and developers.
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) the_post_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ); else echo '<img src="default-image.png" alt="Example Image" title="Example" />'; ?>How to create a sliding image/reveal content with jquery
Crossing circles... sorta. :-)Photography: Avoid Mediocre Portraits with These Tricks
Sometimes you just need a placeholder image right at your finger tips. Just enter the width + x + height at the end of this URL and off you go!Superb Jquery CSS Image Effects and Tooltips Tutorials – Designzzz
nice image effects
Great examples of jquerySpiderPic
Price-comparison search engine for Stock Photography Find the photos you want quickly by searching all stock providers simultaneously. Once you find what you need, get it for the lowest price. Learn more... $10 Stockxpert $18 BigStockPhoto $27 iStockphoto $40 123RF $9.8 Dreamstime $12 BigStockPhoto $18 iStockphoto $120 123RF $6 Fotolia $9.8 Dreamstime $10 Stockxpert $160 123RF More examples... SpiderPic is proudly powered by Image Recognition technology provided by
Compare prices between stock photo suppliers. Nice!6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know About
6 Image Manipulation Plugins for jQuery You Should Know AboutbxGallery | Simple jQuery Image Gallery
simple jQuery image gallery
Simple gallery using Jquery for blogs/static website..Aligning Images The Right Way Using CSS | Devlounge
KATHERINE TYLER- This is good if you are having trouble placing your images where you want them to go with CSS.Mouse pointer track on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
This is my java applet. You can take it here: dl.dropbox.com/u/684632/mousepath.exe.zip (PC) dl.dropbox.com/u/684632/mousepath.jar (Mac). Run it and leave in background. "S" - save image. "R" - restart.
Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks).
Neat little piece of technology that tracks where you've been clicking, where your mouse was when you went out for a ciggie or a coffee break.
Mouse pointer track by Anatoly Zenkov. Mouse pointer track after 3 hours of working in Photoshop. Black circles are pointer stops (not clicks). This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them. Comments view profile jonobr1 Pro User says:
awesome, and the comments include a link to the java app which you can download to track your own mouse movementsYahoo! Smush.it™
-ImageMagick: to identify the image type and to convert GIF files to PNG files. -pngcrush: to strip unneeded chunks from PNGs. We are also experimenting with other PNG reduction tools such as pngout, optipng, pngrewrite. Hopefully these tools will provide improved optimization of PNG files. -jpegtran: to strip all metadata from JPEGs (currently disabled) and try progressive JPEGs. -gifsicle: to optimize GIF animations by stripping repeating pixels in different frames.
Smush.it uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.Everything You Need to Know About Image Compression - Noupe
PhotoSketch, transforms basic stick-figure drawings in to a photograph. The software can take any rough sketch showing the shape of each object, labelled with a name, and find images that correspondent to each element. It can also judge between images to decide which is the best match for the picture, and then stitch all of the elements together in a single image, adding shadows to give a naturalistic look and feel.
shared from uncle SLAutomatic Image Slider w/ CSS & jQuery
Automatic Image Slider w/ CSS & jQuery | Simple Image Slider Tutorial | jQuery Slider | jQuery Image Rotator - http://www.sohtanaka.com/web-design/automatic-image-slider-w-css-jquery/
With the release of the iPad and its lack of support for flash, it has stirred up a lot of debates regarding the future of flash. With this in mind, I believe it is wise to build simple widgets like the image slider using HTML/CSS/Javascript, and leave more interactive applications for flash if needed. The html based image slider will have its benefits with SEO and will also degrade gracefully for those w/out js.ctypes-opencv - Google Code
ctypes-opencv is a package that brings Willow Garage's (formerly Intel's) Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) to Python. OpenCV is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The goal of ctypes-opencv is to provide Python access to all documented functionality of OpenCV.Full Screen Weather : Weather Underground
mapas com previsões meteorológicas, também dos AçoresGxzeV.jpg (800×825)
if you are a pirate this is what you get..
Wish my DVDs were as easy to launch as pirated works....
pirate vs legit dvd chartDownloads: JPEG & PNG Stripper Removes the Metadata from Your Images
JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.
Windows only: JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.YoxView - jQuery image viewer plugin
servizio online gratuito che vi permetterà di scoprire se una foto è ritoccata digitalmente!
Verifier si une photo est retouchée
This oneline tool compares the error levels of different parts of the image and if there is a significant difference, highlights them as being digitally altered.
Submit an image url for error level analysis:
“Error level analysis (ELA) works by intentionally resaving the image at a known error rate, such as 95%, and then computing the difference between the images.The Comprehensive Guide to Saving Images for the Web
On the surface, saving images for the web can be a pretty straightforward process. However, if you dig deeper there's a wealth of information and techniques you might be missing out on. This article focuses on the diverse features of Photoshop's Save for Web & Devices command and best practices for saving images that are optimized for web use.Gamma error in picture scaling
"Photographs that have been scaled with these software have been degradated. The degradation is often faint but probably most pictures contain at least an array where the degradation is clearly visible. I suppose this happens since the first versions of these software, maybe 20 years ago."
found via reddit. Should consider this the next time I edit a bunch of photosSome Stuff - Screaming Duck Software
A good idea of image compression based on genetic algorithms.拡大しても画像をキレイに保ってくれる『SmillaEnlarger』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
写真、滑らか20 WordPress Plugin Solutions for Image Handling | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
簡単に使える画像ギャラリーImage Quality Database
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras.
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras. (We will regularly update this section with additional performance data for other commercial products as they become available.) The DxOMark Sensor scale and its three constituent metrics shown in the DxOMark section aggregate the full set of measurement data from the IQ Database.Ajax Upload - ZURB Playground - ZURB.com
ajax 文件上传
We ditch the upload button in favor of a save button and fire the AJAX upload event as soon as a file is selected. The image is processed server side and a thumbnail is loaded onto the existing page. Dosen't that feel so much better?Black and White Fractals That Capture Creativity | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
שחור ולבן בהמון וריציות יופי יופי
by Smashing Magazine
Imágenes fractales en blanco y negroNTSC Video - Whassit all mean anyway?
is how DVDs work: a high res green image and two low-res imag
ure notice when someone tampers with your green!! The difference with red is ceParis 26 Gigapixels - Interactive virtual tour of the most beautiful monuments of Paris
Paris em 26 gigapixeis!!!
Amazing! Paris 26 Gigapixel Panorama http://bit.ly/bwlKUq #autopano #gigapan #photography #parisTip: High quality CSS thumbnails in IE7 « Devthought
IE7 supports a custom bicubic resampling mode for images.
интерполяция изображений в ИЕFind The Perfect Image For Any Project In 5 Steps | Freelance Folder
RT @FreelanceFolder Find The Perfect Image For Any Project In 5 Steps | Freelance Folder http://tinyurl.com/c6ukwm #delbm #images #photosContentFlow
a flexible Coverflow / ImageFlow like flow written in javascript, which can handle any kind of content.How To Use Curves in Photoshop | Tutorial9
If I were forced to give up all but one image adjustment tool, I would keep curves. Hands down. The curves adjustment tool is an integral part of every professional’s knowledge base and image editing package. Even if you’ve taken a good photo, chances are it can be improved or it needs to be adjusted to work in a collage or collection. Or even to just to intensify a mood. You can always make a good thing better – and curves is a one-stop-shop way to do that. With curves you are able to: Adjust the over-all contrast or tonal range, Adjust the local contrast or tonal range, Adjust the color. Let’s jump in and find out how. It’s simpler than it looks.
Nice visual guide to using that pesky curves tool!
Tutorial sobre el uso del ajuste de Curvas en photoshopProject Icon Set | Dezinerfolio
Here is another simple icon set that covers various aspects of a Project. Here is some more info: * 18 Icons in this set * Transparent PNGs * Vector Fireworks Source files * completely FREE... (even commercial use)
pletely FREE... (even commercial use)Placehold.it - Quick and simple image placeholders
A quick and simple image placeholder service http://placehold.it/Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider
Nextフリーで使える商用可能な写真の効率的な5段階の探し方: 世界中の1%の人々へ
# 「Wikimedia Commons」でパブリックドメインの写真を探す # 「stock.xchng」でクレジット記載不要の写真を探す # 「FlickrのCreative Commons」からAttribution Licenseの画像を探す # 「Creative Commons Search」から、Creative Commons Licenseの写真を探す # それでも駄目なら「iStockphoto」ロイヤリティーフリーの写真を購入するjQuery Reel Plugin
Reel is a jQuery plugin which takes an image tag and makes it a live "projection" of pre-built animation frames sequence. Its aim is to provide a 360° view of something or someplace. Like a turntable. Great alternative to widely used Flash techniques.
permite girar fotos 360º. Super curiosoimage001fo8.gif (GIF Image, 682x455 pixels)
a must-read
lame gedicht, wel tof idee om iets te doen rond bewegen en computer.A Nice Little CSS Positioning Technique // Article // Blog // greg-wood.co.uk
Jak zarovnat obrazek pro css, aby nebyl v textu ale pekne vedle nej.
There are a loads of instances where this little technique could be employed, but I've used a list as an example because it's one of the most common. Here we have a basic unordered list (<ul>), with floated-left images where the text doesn't wrap under the images. Told you it was simple.
Using relative positioning to avoid text wrapping around an image.
floating image left and text right not using float left and rightCoin Slider: jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Unique Effects
# Unique transition effects # Compatible with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+ # Valid markup # Flexible configuration # Auto slide # Navigation box # Lightweight (8kb only) # Linking images # Free to use under MIT licence # Fully customizable using CSS
画像切り替えがユニークな画像スライダー実装jQueryプラグイン「Coin Slider」。 画像の切替を、タイル状に切り替えたりすることができるみたいです。
画像をタイル状に切り替えるAmazing Beautiful Picture Made Out Of Nails [Pics] | Thels Talk
very interesting artist that makes images using different reliefs of nails
This picture is all made out of nails! Amazingly beautiful...
@HenkTerHeide - TwitterDemo | jQuery.popeye 2.0 | an inline lightbox alternative
Galeria de fotos
an inline lightbox alternative
Plugin muito bom para exibir imagens. Com JQuery. (Slideshow) nota 1000jbgallery 2.0 demo
galeria de fundo a utilizar para projectos fashionbailoutyk2.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x691 pixels)
shitty carsどんな画像もベクター画像に変換してくれる『Vector Magic』がいい感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
だいぶ前に話題になった技術ですが、かっちりとしたサービスとして展開されはじめたようなのでご紹介。ビットマップ画像をベクター画像に変換してくれるサービスですね。ベクター画像にすると拡大・縮小が自由自在になるのでロゴなんかに向いていますね。繊細なゴシック柄やオリエンタル柄が美しいシームレスなパターン素材 | コリス
ゴシック系なパターンgigapan: Ant-Eutetramorium mocquerysi
This ant is from Madagascar, and is named Eutetramorium mocquerysi. The species is notable for having wingless queens that are indistinguishable from workers. This image is composed of 400 pictures, and it's magnified 400x using a scanning electron microscope. The ant was given to us to image by Brian Fisher (http://www.calacademy.org/science/heroes/bfisher/) an entomologist at the California Academy of Sciences.Using jQuery The Sexy Way: 7 Great Techniques For a Slick Layout | DevSnippets
Presentación y muestra de fotos con Jquery. Muy buena para artículos
Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways. In this article we’d like to present 7
Great rich user interfaces powered by javascript.ねぇ、結局デジカメって何万画素必要なの?
最大A4サイズまで印刷する人はけっこういます。そういう人なら、400万画素のデジカメで十分ということになります。多少トリミングしたいのであれば、600万画素くらいのデジカメで撮影していると余裕があります。48 of the Coolest, Stylish and Creative Lego Creations : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Cosa degli adulti folli riescono a fare coi mattoncini Lego. Blog, Giocare, Legoboedesign – canadian based web developer eh » Blog Archive » jSquares for jQuery
If you’ve viewed my “lab” section, that is a perfect example of what this is. jSquares is a jQuery plugin that pops up an image and a description in an overlay on hover. It is basically identical to the image grid found on www.ted.com. Works like a charm in IE6+, FF 3+, Safari 3+ and Opera 10.
Expandierende Menüs wie auf TED.com zu sehen.Picturesurf
Picturesurf Gallery is a free service that allows you to upload, link, and share photo galleries anywhere.
plugin วพ ไว้ทำ galleryフリーベクター素材集の決定版 | CREAMU
そんなときにおすすめなのが、『The Ultimate Collection Of Free Vector Packs』。Smashing Magazineによる、フリーベクター素材集の決定版だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。無料の写真画像の利用条件の確認方法と検索方法 | コリス
こういうのまってましたw30 Trendy AJAX, jQuery And Image Galleries You May Like | Graphic and Web Design Blog
30 efectos y utilidades ajax, jquery y galerias de imagenes
30 Trendy AJAX, jQuery And Image Galleries You May Like #1stwebdesigner http://bit.ly/b5Ua5u2quu0qw.jpeg (JPEG Image, 900x562 pixels)
A screen caption of Adobe photoshop made in real lifeJavaScriptで画像の本来の幅と高さを取得する - inamenaiの日記
imageのwidth,heightThe Piecemaker - free Flash image rotator gallery - Home
A free image rotator gallery with 3D transitions, made with Flash.Beautiful Background Image Navigation with jQuery | Codrops
Beautiful Background Image Navigation with jQuery - http://bit.ly/d84kmv – jQuery (jquery) http://twitter.com/jquery/statuses/13483563601
メニューとともに背景画像もかっこよく切り替わるナビゲーションを作るチュートリアル記事です。15wlz0n.jpg (JPEG Image, 631x927 pixels)
Customer reviews are about as good as their going to get shy of notarized "expert" reviews of everything. Here's an Amazon review of a book called "The Secret" that apparently saved a man's life, but not for the reason you might think.
The secret actually works, I may have to buy a copy
via Nick Z.
<Mariusz> http://i40.tinypic.com/15wlz0n.jpgMicro Image Gallery: A jQuery Plugin | Codrops
Demo写真をちょっと面白くする構図のくずし方 - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
2009年5月記事55 Inspiring Examples of Slideshows in Web Design | Inspiration
“55 Inspiring Examples of Slideshows in Web Design” by @webdesignledger features routesapp.com. Check it out: http://cl.ly/11Sq – Routes App (routesapp) http://twitter.com/routesapp/statuses/13740478831Photoshop For Beginners: 6 techniques to extract anything from its background | WeGraphics
WeGraphics is a blog focused on all about graphic design. Every week we will publish tutorials, inspirational articles and quality resources.
Remove any object from its background
This is the second of a series of tutorials thought for Photoshop beginners. I’ll explain in depth those features that can result difficult to understand for a newbi. Today I’ll show you 6 techniques you can use to extract a person/object from its background. From now on extraction won’t have secrets for you!thumba - online image editor
drag n drop photo online Internet
Thumba is an online service for editing images, full of great features. You can make simple adjustments to your pictures or even apply great effects. All this in a practical way and directly from your browser.Download ToYcon 0.5 - ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression) - Softpedia
ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression). ToYcon is a light and easy-to-use software that will help you convert png towards ico files. Only a simple drag and drop of one (or several) images is necessary for conversion. The produced icon is in the same folder that the source image (it is possible via an option to choose the destination folder). http://www.customxp.net/forum/showthread.php?t=7275
『ToYcon』は、イメージをドラッグ&ドロップするだけで、簡単にそのイメージが分かるアイコンを作れるソフトです。Flickr Photo Download: HumansVsAnimals2
humans versus animalsSnapTell: Instant Product Lookup From The iPhone. You Want This.
Today we will create a stunning full page photo wall gallery. The idea is to have a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover. When an image is clicked, a panel slides up from the bottom revealing the full picture. When clicking on the full image, the thumbs panel slide back from the bottom. This effect will give the impression that we are stacking the panels on top of each other every time we change the mode. In the full picture view we add some nice transition effect when we browse through the photos.
Today we will create a stunning full page photo wall gallery. The idea is to have a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover. When an image is clicked, a panel slides up from the bottom revealing the full picture. When clicking on the full image, the thumbs panel slide back from the bottom. This effect will give the impression that we are stacking the panels on top of each other every time we change the mode. In the full picture view we add some nice transition effect when we browse through the photos. In addition, we will use a function for resizing the full image, adapting it to the size of the screen. So, when the screen get’s resized, our image will adapt automatically!
Galería de fotos html+jQuery.ミニチュア模型風の写真が簡単に作れる『Tilt Shift Maker』 | 100SHIKI.COM
Tilt Shift Maker
いいね~。ホンマタカシ風ですね。21c9phc.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x375 pixels)
ca s'invente pas鳥山明作品の美しい画像スレ あんか~びっぷ
これはかっこいいフリーの写真素材が見つかるサイト30選 | CREAMU
フリーのお天気アイコン集いろいろ。 クオリティの高い天気アイコンが多数公開されています。 Livedoor のお天気APIと組み合わせれば、サイト内に天気を表示できますね。
フリーのお天気アイコン集いろいろ。クオリティの高い天気アイコンが多数公開されています。Livedoor のお天気APIと組み合わせれば、サイト内に天気を表示できますね。クリック一発でページ内の画像をごっそり最適化してくれる『smush.it』 | IDEA*IDEA
ページの軽さにこだわる人に便利そうなツールのご紹介。smush.itを使えばクリック一発でページ内の画像をごっそり最適化してくれます。 この最適化の処理は、オープンソースの最適化アルゴリズムを活用しつつ、画像が持っているメタデータ(どのエディターで作られたとか)を除去することで実現しているようです。Downloads: PhotoPerfect Tweaks Your Pictures with Presets
PhotoPerfect Express is a free, powerful image optimization tool that covers a wide range of photo enhancement scenarios, and can provide casual photographers with great results.Inline Multiscale Image Replacement — RTFM / Daniel Gasienica
Inline Multiscale Image Replacement — RTFM / Daniel Gasienica
Daniel Gasienica has clever ideas that degrade gracefully.
Welcome. My name is Daniel Gasienica and this is my blog. I live in Zürich, Switzerland, where I currently study Computer Science. I like to write about interesting topics I stumble upon in the the world of Flash, Flex & Computer Science.
to-read-laterFiscal Conservative
heh[CSS]画像に枠線やウォーターマーク、キャプションをつけるスタイルシート | コリス
画像に枠と影をつけるのを、CSSでやる。Professor Cloud
Cloud Zoom is a jQuery image zoom pluginAviaSlider - a unique jQuery Image slideshow plugin
beautifulGalleria — A JavaScript gallery for the Fastidious
画像ギャラリー用jQueryShutterstock :: Make money with your photos!
Using JQuery to Jazz up Image Presentation
jq一些图片的插件PNG vs JPG: 6 simple lessons you can learn from our mistakes | TurnKey Linux Blog
PNG compresses images without losing quality. JPGs are lighter. Don't use PNG for everything to reduce weightAjax Image Uploading (With Less Suck) | CSS-Tricks
upload obrazkaCSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera
"An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. Works with images/CSS off; semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7."
"An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. This method works with images and/or CSS off; works with semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7."
Great idea
An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. This method works with images and/or CSS off; works with semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7.
ou need to support them you’ll have to rely on the Phark method. This can be do
Interesting idea: CSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) - http://bit.ly/aLSBtX #css (via @Malarkey) – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) http://twitter.com/smashingmag/statuses/16412194331
CSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) /by @necolas http://j.mp/9cX1IB #css #webdesign
疑似要素を使った CSS による画像置換。1年で70億枚の顔写真をスキャンしたFace.comが顔認識APIを無料で一般公開
顔認識技術のFace.comが一般公開されたdのは、昨年イスラエルのテルアビブで開かれたTechonomyでだった。そして今日(米国時間5/3)は、ぼくも行く予定のTechonomy 2010の前夜祭だから、同社が重要な発表をする日としてふさわしい。
RT 1年で70億枚の顔写真をスキャンしたFace.comが顔認識APIを無料で一般公開 B! http://dlvr.it/11tjXfrLHu.jpg (JPEG Image, 896x5704 pixels)
Does seeing this make you feel small? [pic] http://adjix.com/ze6k – David Alfaro (agilenature) http://twitter.com/agilenature/statuses/15120149899
A Terra é um nada perdido no universo. Compare as escalas das estrelas e galáxias: http://i.imgur.com/frLHu.jpgBeautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 | Codrops
In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery. The idea is to show the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, we show the images of that album as a beautiful photo stack. In the photo stack view, we can browse through the images by putting the top most image behind all the stack with a slick animation.Sexy Image Hover Effects using CSS3 | Nikesh Hayaran's Blog
CSS3 Rounded Image With jQueryWhat is DVD-Ranger? | DVD Copy software
ISOBuddy is an especially user friendly ISO image file processing tool that converts almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is a very user friendly ISO image file processing tool that can convert almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger (http://dvd-ranger.com) on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is there for you. It burns or converts nearly any image file—even the Mac-specific DMG. ISOBuddy is as simple to use as it is wide-ranging in its compatibility. Point it at the file you're sure is a disc, but your system isn't sure how to handle, and tell it where you want the output file to go, or hit Burn to load it onto a disc. It covers all the super-specific formats put out by specialty burning software, and as stated above, can convert and burn Mac DMG files. Once you've got an ISO out of ISOBuddy, you can usually burn it from any burning program you prefer, or use a compress/decompress tool like 7-Zip to view and extract its contents.Иконки. Скачать иконки для сайта. Бесплатные иконки. Иконки в формате PNG
Поиск по бесплатным иконкам. Также см. http://favicon.ru/ для преобразования картинок в .ico файлыA List Apart: Articles: Supersize that Background, Please!
Create properly scaling backgrounds.
Good use of background cover property and @media queries
Instead of using one fixed background size, a better solution would be to scale the image to make it fit within different window sizes. Unfortunately, CSS 2.1 has no means of scaling background images. There are a couple of workarounds, however these all rely on the HTML img element (instead of CSS backgrounds). They also use absolute positioning for layering and tables or scripting to enable resizing. Additionally, not all of these techniques preserve the image’s ratio, which results in unrealistically stretched backgrounds.Super Cool CSS Flip Effect with Webkit Animation
テクスチャいっぱい。Awesome Mobile Image Gallery Web App | Codrops
galería movil35 Surreal Examples of Multiplicity Photography - Noupe
By Bhanu Ahluwalia Multiplicity is a photography technique in which the same person is photographed from different angles and directions and then the bunch of...cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels) - Scaled (84%)
Blooms & verbs in concentric circlecognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels) - Scaled (84%)cognitive-taxonomy-circle_tcm7-74268.gif (GIF Image, 599x596 pixels)
แนะนำการใช้งาน CSS3: border-image
"Understanding border-image" by @norabrowndesign #tech #webdev http://bit.ly/biPK3W – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor) http://twitter.com/elijahmanor/statuses/19081952827
The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
Understanding border-image in CSS - http://bit.ly/9Labq3 – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) http://twitter.com/smashingmag/statuses/19337550450
CSS3ウェブデザインに使うフリーの写真リソースサイト10選 | Blitz
DesignArtWall - Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall
Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall » Blog Archive » Collection of jQuery Image SlidersWall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall » Blog Archive » Collection of jQuery Image Sliders
DesignArtWall - Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art WallFancy Image Hover Using CSS3 | Web Designers Desk
Web Designers DeskCode as Craft » Batch Processing Millions and Millions of Images
How to process 135 million images in 9 days.
Yow. 135 million images resized.