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Hula to High Tech: Hawaiian Students Re-Create History | Edutopia

Thousands of articles, videos, slide shows, expert interviews, blog entries, and other resources highlight success stories in K-12 education. Core concepts include integrated studies, project learning,technology integration, teacher development, social and emotional learning, and assessment.
Awesome school in Honolulu, Hawaii that utilizes technology for teaching purposes.
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design
light effects in web design
Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly. Lighting can also create a mood for a website. Some websites use bright swirls of light to show energy, while others use a dim glow to create a peaceful mood. In the examples below, you will see a wide range of lighting effects used, from subtle lighting effects to bold rays of light streaking across the page
Salisbury University - Department of Teacher Education