Pages tagged indesign:

CreativeTechs Tips » Convert InDesign files to Microsoft Word.

Every graphic designer eventually finds themselves facing this client request. You’ve designed a newsletter layout in Adobe InDesign. The client loves it, but they want a template in Microsoft Word they can edit themselves. CreativeTechs happens to be located in Seattle, just across the lake from the Redmond campus of Microsoft. Needless to say, we get this question a LOT from various graphic designers in our area. There isn’t a perfect solution, but here is a technique that does a surprisingly good job. Conversion Trick: InDesign-to-PDF, then PDF-to-Word. Save your InDesign file as a PDF. Then use a utility to convert that PDF to a Word document (this technique also works with QuarkXPress layouts). While there are many PDF-to-Word converters, here is a service (still in beta) that does a remarkably good job maintaining the layout and editability of the resulting Word files: Link: Online PDF-to-Word Converter (beta) You’ll have to clean up the resulting Word file, but I’ve been p
PDF to Word
convert pdf to word
Create a Grid Based Resume/CV Layout in InDesign
interesting ;)
Create a Five-color Magazine Cover using a Spot Metallic - Psdtuts+
Five-color Magazine Cover using a Spot Metallic
15 Great Resources for Learning Adobe InDesign - Vectortuts+
Porque me estoy enamorando un poco de indesign
40 Top-Notch Print Based Tutorials - Tutorial9
There don’t seem to be enough print related tutorials online, so in this round up I wanted to cover as many print specific articles as possible. I also wanted to mix in some that weren’t directly print related, but that help create print related products like movie posters, ads, cd covers, etc.
Create and Print a Brochure with Photoshop, Indesign and - Part 1 - Psdtuts+
referencia, folder
40 High-Quality InDesign Tutorials
pekny roundup
tutoriais de indesign
10 Pre-Press Tips For Perfect Print Publishing « Smashing Magazine
A lot of designers think CMYK is the way to go when designing for print. We will, of course, always use CMYK-based ink, but this does not mean you have to work with CMYK files. You can work with RGB images to perfectly optimize your print colors and save a great deal of time in the process.
The Ultimate Adobe InDesign Toolbox | Dead Wings Designs
Tutorial Roundup for Getting Started with InDesign
Check, Please: A Typographic Checklist |
In the best of all possible worlds, we’d have type-savvy proofreaders or copy editors to check every project before it goes out the door. More often than not, though, quality assurance falls to the designer, page-layout artist, or compositor. Having spent years as a proofreader in a commercial type shop, I’ve created the following checklist of typographic details to make that final once-over easier.
When is a job really done? Here's a checklist of typographic issues you should verify before you say, "Ship it."
Good Practices for Delivering Print Files –
Currently there is an overabundance of web designers out there that are extremely talented and can create some really cool stuff. But in my twelve years of experience designing for print, on both the Printer and Agency side of things, I have encountered multiple cases where people fall short in the delivery of their creative when it comes to print work, sometimes causing unnecessary charges from the printer to fix their mistakes. Add to that the fact that I have been approached by more than a few of my friends and colleagues with a “deer-in-headlights” demeanor when it comes to creating or delivering stuff for print. For this, I have compiled a list of good practices and basic guidelines to ensure that your jobs are delivered efficiently. This is, of course, assuming that you are using InDesign as your final delivery vehicle (which I recommend) regardless of which application you used to design the piece.
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
So you want to be an epublisher.
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!
So you want to be an epublisher – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it's even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you've glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children's books, and gone into hock re-
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself?
Epublishing howto - indispensable advice
You scream, I scream, we all scream for epubs. As with all internet bounty, it’s even more exciting to produce than to consume. So after you’ve glutted yourself on all those free Jane Austen novels and children’s books, and gone into hock re-creating your library on iPad, why not give something back by doing a little writing yourself? What to write about, how to ensure quality, and how to identify and market to an audience are beyond the scope of this little post, but we can point to some dandy resources that tell how to create and test your epub. So let’s go!