• Create their own virtual store with an unlimited number of downloads, ringtones, CDs and merchandise items. • Sell directly to fans on any website, blog or social network on the web. • Have one central place to design custom products and manage all e-commerce. • Easily buy high quality, affordable CDs and merchandise with no minimums for live shows and events. • Focus on making music while Audiolife handles all on-demand manufacturing, distribution, customer service and accounting.
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Dresden Dolls - "why not tell people and do this in a warehouse instead of a hotel lobby or a blank studio? so i did. it cost me almost nothing. the fans were psyched." - prior exposure note the comments
Musicians making money really cool siteLost Garden: Flash Love Letter (2009) Part 1
Over the past couple months, I've spent a bit of time looking at Flash gaming on web portals like Kongregate and Newgrounds. There are over 14,000 games spread across 30,000 portals with hundreds of new games coming out every month. The output alone is amazing. Let me cut to the chase. I think that you, Flash game developers, are some of the most talented and inspirational people working today in game development. Your passion for building games burns so incredibly brightly. Your ability to quickly make and distribute games is second to none. You hold immense potential to transform the future of games.
Ads are a really crappy revenue source For a recent game my friend Andre released, 2 million unique users yields around $650 from MochiAds. This yields an Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) of only $0.000325 per user. Even when you back in the money that sponsors will pay, I still only get an ARPU of $0.0028 per user. In comparison, a MMO like Puzzle Pirates makes about $0.21 per user that reaches the landing page (and $4.20 per user that registers) What this tells me is that other business models involving selling games on the Internet are several orders of magnitude more effective at making money from an equivalent number of customers. When your means of making money is 1/100th as efficient as money making techniques used by other developers, maybe you've found one big reason why developers starve when they make Flash games.
In order to understand why this promising game platform is such a surprising dissapointment, we'll look at Flash games from three perspectives: * Chapter 2 - Making money: How do Flash developers currently make money. * Chapter 3 - Generating value: How Flash developers currently create 'valuable' game for their players? * Chapter 4 - Reaching customers: How developers currently reach their players. * Chapter 5 - Premium Flash games as a service: A mental model for understanding the new world of web gaming.Achron - Time Travel is Coming
time travel RPG game? this is very interesting
World's first meta-time strategy game
Hazardous Software's Achron, meta-time strategy game: a real-time strategy game with freeform time travel, where players and units can jump to and play at different times simultaneously and independently.
time travel game
the world's first meta-time strategy game, a real-time strategy game where players and units can jump to and play at different times simultaneously and independentlyHOW TO: Launch Your Own Indie Journalism Site
This is the future of journalism.
Kevin: Maria Schneider left mainstream publishing behind last year to start Editor Unleashed, a site covering writing, publishing and social media. She looks at five journalists and their start-up projects. She talks about costs, advertising and technology. It's a good brief overview.Matasano Security LLC - Chargen - Indie Software Security: A ~12 Step Program
Good presentation
1 hr talk (via DaringFireball)Forever's Not So Long
sidescrolling fodaHomepage | Eclipse Phase
"And one day, a ladder appeared. Julien climbed with guarded optimism; could this be the way out for which he’d been searching all these weeks?"
It's lonely in the modern world:
Repurposed from Dwell magazine.
It's lonely in the modern world.25 Fantastic Indie Gems Made for Less Than $1 Million |
Lista de filmes marcantes feitos com menos de 1 milhão de dólares
Behind every outstanding Hollywood blockbuster, there’s a film director who had to work their ass off to helm that project. And though their early work is not often seen by the public eye, that doesn’t mean it’s not accessible to those who are interested in seeking it out. The following movies all had budgets under $1 million, some of them reaching as low as $7,000. Let this act as a reminder: you don't need to be backed by studio financing to make a great film.
would love to watch most of these some day
Pour 100 briques, ben t'as encore des trucs pas mal... Bottom Feeder: So Here's How Many Games I Sell.
I get a lot of questions from young, aspiring Indie developers, and the most common query is: How many copies of a game does Spiderweb Software sell? It's a really reasonable question. After all, making a game is a long and punishing process. It's entirely fair to want to know what the parameters of success are. Alas, this information is generally kept secret. I've never given this question a straight answer, with real numbers.
Geneforge guy talks openly about his sales. Very cool.The 10 best indie movies of 2008 - Beyond the Multiplex -
Not too long ago, Jordan Mechner and Eric Chahi were chatting with Eric Viennot, a French creator and writer. Jordan Mechner single-handedly pioneered a type of cinematic videogame with Karateka in 1984 and Prince of Persia in 1989. Eric Chahi similarly single-handedly created 1991's Another World -- known in the U.S. as Out of this World -- a painterly cinematic videogame in a similar tradition. Jordan Mechner had the following advice to share, I think it's great advice.Miegakure: A puzzle-platforming game in four dimensions
DJs at Seattle’s KEXP have a knack for picking out the most promising up-and-coming bands and inviting them to drop by the station’s studios. Now you can hear thousands of the ensuing performances online. Available as streaming audio on KEXP’s website, the archives date back to 2001: You’ll hear killer sessions by indie darlings like Neko Case, the Mountain Goats, CSS, and the Shins. But don’t miss the recordings by brilliant international musicians: Hindustani slide guitarist Debashish Bhattacharya (who sounds like an Indian classical musician scoring a Western’s soundtrack) and the Zimbabwean group Mawungira Enharira (whose gently shimmying songs are built around the chiming mbira) are especially worthwhile.Gamasutra - Where's The Cash For Flash?
A really good article outlining possible ways to generate revenue with your Flash games.
we've ever had on our site have been sold. At a minimum, developers selling their first game ever -- if it falls into the 'good-to-great' category -- make about $500-and-up." At "the high end," a not-so-typical example of how lucrative Flash development can get is Auckland, New Zealand-based studio NinjaKiwi, the developer of the Bloons games, says Hughes. "They have created an entire game-specific site -- Bloonsworld," he notes, "which enables them to make $30,000 a month or more by leveraging their IP in various ways, including creating an online community around their games, in-game ads, banner ads on their site, and various licenses on their games. And that, in fact, is what developers need to do to make their work lucrative -- maximize the number of revenue streams they create." For instance, developers can allow specific branding in thei
Going to want to read this one. its about making money building Flash gamesThe Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Bonne initiative que ce Humble Indie Bundle : un pack de 5 jeux originaux dont VOUS fixez le prix
all Mac/linux compatible games; contributions to EFFDigital: A Love Story
An adventure game set five minutes into the future of 1988
A computer mistery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988.
A computer mystery/romance set five minutes into the future of 1988.
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