The Twitalyzer for Tracking Influence and Measuring Success in Twitter
Retweet: The Infectious Power Of Word Of Mouth
Per Manisha: "Jeremiah Oqyang discusses the power word of mouth marketing has in his article about WOM marketing and Twitter- "ReTweet: The Infectious Power of Word of Mouth". The repaid speed at which information is shared on Twitter makes it a powerful source for marketing- especially WOM marketing. If someone takes the time to "ReTweet" this means not only did they take it as a source of information, but that they also wanted to share this information with their friends by copying the original tweet and sending it on. He states "we trust the opinions of people we know more than anyone else", so how does this influence companies?"HOW TO: Measure Online Influence
Influence is difficult to ascertain online. What about that guy on Twitter with 25,000 followers? Isn’t he influential? Here are a few factors to consider.
A first approach ...
Interesting articleThe ReTweetability Index
Classement des twitters
The ReTweetability Index measures and ranks Twitter users based on the infectious power of their tweets. This number accounts for number of followers and Tweets overall, so it is a true indicator of infectiousness.
ReTweetability busca la vuelta de tuerca a la hora de analizar la popularidad de un usuario, ya que no toma en cuenta sólo los seguidores que uno tenga sino que tiene una métrica mucho más elaborada. La misma consiste en dividir las respuestas de nuestros amigos por día sobre el logaritmo natural de tuiteos por día, y a eso a su vez dividirlo sobre el logarito natural del número de followers. Bien matemática la cosa. Via DotPod.Com El ranking de alguna manera busca la verdadera popularidad, que tiene más que ver con la interacción del usuario con sus contactos que un simple conjunto de tweets egocentristas o destinados a solamente una porción de los mismos. Lo malo es que no todos los usuarios están indexados, así que probablemente tendremos que esperar a que en algún momento sume nuestro twitter a la lista.
RT index! Awesome people on this list
Twitterユーザーの影響力を算出してくれるサイト その人の発言がどれだけ他の人に取り上げられているかをもとに計算されているようA Control Freak's Guide to Social Media Influence
"Losing control is a primary reason stated by brands who are unwilling to open themselves up to the conversation - and a major reason why most continue to use social media as little more than a brochure on the web. And yet the illusion of control is just that – an illusion." (Via @bentforkz)
Fin mikroguide til hvordan man skal agere som brand i sociale medier.Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive « alex.moskalyuk
Brilliant Statistically proven ways that work.
Devil’s advocate example works with large organizations. Leaders who consistently seek out dissenting opinions earn more respect, and generally have better agreement with people in the room than those who rule by lying the law and persecuting dissenters.Design With Intent | design mind
Author: Robert Fabricant Content: Over the past several months, I’ve been fortunate to meet and talk to a number of people — among them Jan Chipchase of Nokia, Peter Whybrow of UCLA, and Caroline Hummels of Delft University of
Great Article on User Centered Design
Robert Fabricant asks how designers can influence behaviour.Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report
Social Influence Marketing is about employing social media and social influencers to achieve the marketing and business needs of an organization.The Influentials : Web Ecology Project
New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter
ents on the Web. Especially compared to other social networks, Twitter simplifies most of the eHow-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
Want to get the right people talking about you and your business in a flattering light? Read more:
Perfect resource for WOM marketing, reaching influencers
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
blogcuları etkleme ve kendin hakkında konuşturma sanatı11 Ways to Influence People Online and Make Them Take Action
influence or manipulation?TweetLevel
One tool for finding out how "influential" you are on Twitter.50 Most Powerful and Influential Men in Social Media
50 Most Powerful and Influential Men in Social Media - Ron Hudson
Top 50 guys in social media - companion list to the top 50 women in social media
These are the men I should be listening toStudy: Social Media Transforming Our Influences on What to Buy - Mashable
The most recent report interviewed 17,000 people in 29 countries and is called “When did we start trusting strangers.” It conclusively proves that as we thought, social media is now directly impacting the way we buy products and services. The publishing of billions of thoughts, opinions and experiences online in the form of blog posts, videos, ratings, reviews and photos is fundamentally changing the way everybody online sources opinions on products, brands and services when they buy something.
Tom Smith, Head of Consumer Futures at Universal McCann, discusses how social media is transforming our influences on what to buy.
Mashable article on Universal McCann study tracking social media use among 17,000 Internet users, September 2008.What music do your favorite bands listen to? | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
"I always like to wonder about what my favorite musicians listen to. It helps me discover new music and it’s also fun to find out what music inspires the musicians that have inspired me."
NoiseAddicts music and audio blogThe World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
hahahahahaThe State of Online Word of Mouth Marketing [STATS]
In a session yesterday at Forrester’s Marketing Forum, Forrester analysts Josh Bernoff and Augie Ray presented research findings on peer influence and word of mouth marketing. Some of the statistics were surprising, and the presentation was rife with practical tips for marketers we thought worth sharing.
Masable word of mouth marketing7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content | Social Media Examiner
One of the hallmarks of social media is content: creating it, sharing it and engaging with it. The best content in social media inspires, informs, educates or entertains (and if you’re really lucky, it does all four!). But how do you create content that goes viral? What follows are seven strategies you can employ to help your content succeed.
Among the hallmarks associated with social media will be articles: creating the idea, sharing it along with getting from it. What follows are more effective strategies it is possible to use to help your articles do well.
7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content
Social media marketing with content created on the convergence of neuroscience, human psychology and group dynamics.On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review
On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence - Research - Harvard Business Review
It could be that Twitter research is popular because Twitter data is free and so accessible. That's okay. Gift horses are just as good for riding. The best, latest entry in Twitter research is the handiwork of Meeyoung Cha from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. (Co-authors are: Hamed Haddadi, Royal Veterinary College, University of London; Fabricio Benevenuto, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil and Krishna P. Gummadi, also from Max Planck Institute.)
The number of followers of a Tweeter is largely meaningless, says Meeyoung Chaa from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. After looking at data from all 52 million Twitter accounts (and, more closely, at the 6 million "active users"), Cha says, "Popular users who have a high indegree [number of followers] are not necessarily influential in terms of spawning retweets or mentions".
Harvard Biz Review: On Twitter, Followers Don't Equal Influence (via @Vocus)
Your results seem to suggest that number of followers does not equal influence and that other factors show that number of follows is in fact a bad indicator of actual influence. That would mean those companies both marketing techniques to increase followers, and the ones paying tweeters with large numbers of followers, are in the wrong business.
he number of followers of a Tweeter is largely meaningless, and Cha, after looking at data from all 52 million Twitter accounts (and, more closely, at the 6 million "active users") seems to have proven Avnit right. "Popular users who have a high indegree [number of followers] are not necessarily influential in terms of spawning retweets or mentions," she writes.It’s Not How Many Followers You Have That Counts, It’s How Many Times You Get Retweeted
Proposes to give additional relevance weight to twitter accounts based on how many times their messages get re-tweeted (90%+ messages do not get RT)
It's not the # of followers you have on Twitter, it's how deep your influence and engagement goesStudy: Influencers are Alive and Well on Social Media Sites - ReadWriteWeb
Who are your brand leaders?
User Generated content stats - the arguement
Highlights of the Rubicon Consulting study: Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona
The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona
The Social Media Style Guide: 8 Steps to Creating a Brand Persona – (weknowmore)
Brian Solis ----> Anyone who has ever worked in corporate marketing, advertising, and branding is more than familiar with a brand style guide. It’s how we ensured that the brand was represented as intended through marketing aesthetics and messaging – including detailed usage instructions on font, style, color, language, placement, positioning, etc. It is our bible and adherence to its tenets and instructions is strictly enforced. However, with the unstructured proliferation of social media within many organizations, the brand style guide is seemingly disregarded or not considered in favor of expediting the creation of profiles in social networks and the participatory engagement that immediately ensues.SEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & Practice
From SEOmoz
Great overviewSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & PracticeSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...SEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...Sysomos | Judging a Twitter User by Their Followers