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DESIGN142 Creative Unique Modern Furniture Designs | WebUrbanist
You want some vintage furniture? This place looks amazing.
love their furniture
old factory things made into furniture $$$$$
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3-D of your bedroom, office, kitchen
This is a cool tool to spaceplan/lay out the interior of your home or building. Really really cool stuff.
Make your dream room a realityインテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリアLittleDiggs
LittleDiggs - http://www.littlediggs.com/
Small spaces livable — 500 sq ft or smaller.
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Danish 70s Interior Design無垢材でできた本棚や収納棚を1cm刻みでサイズオーダーできる「本棚屋」
grid design with Flash
列の長さによってスクロールスピードを変えてあって、 上端と下端がビッタリ揃うようになっている。 スクロールが気持ち気持ち悪い。
Teruhiro Yanagihara was born in 1976 in Kangawa Prefecture, Japan. After graduating in space design from Osaka University of Art in 1999, he established his own design company, Isolation Unit.
nice flashThe Economist: Thinking Space
@TheEconomist Enjoy Thinking Space. Visualize innovation's physicality.chairwhore
Awesome collection of chairs.2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
Een aantal erg leuke designs voor kantoorruimtes, om de creativiteit te stimuleren. Doet mij erg denken aan ideeën die ik heb voor mij nieuwe kamer (zie volgende bookmark)Design Your Dorm: 3-D interior design tool for students, parents, and universities
DesignYourDorm.com is a web-based 3-D interior design tool that allows college students to customize their dorm room interiors and purchase their favorite room selections online.
3-D interior design tool for students, parents, and universitiesmahna mahna factory
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factoryはファッションとインテリアの融合を目指して、mahna mahna グループがオープンしたインテリアのレンタルショップです。
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Interior design online. Browse designer portfolios, get design advice from professionals, shop trade products from Schumacher, Duralee, Robert Allen, and many more.http://www.lonnymag.com/
Online magazineWonderwall
maravilhoso site em flash e portfolio fantástico!
片山正通IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
With just one coat, IdeaPaint turns any surface into a dry-erase board.
One fantastic product.
こんな家に住みたい、とは思えないちょっとした工夫で部屋をスッキリ見せるための方法 - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
Prefabricated buildings and flat-pack furniture blend creative designs with sustainable style using portability, modularity and the possibility of mass-production.{domestic-construction}
site of a woman who freelances visual merchandising for anthro
estudio de NY, que hace decoraciones manualesToxel.com » Modern and Creative Fireplace Designs
creativas creativos diseñosCR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard office…
Step into my cardboard office…
CR Blog - news and views on visual communications from the writers of creative review
CR Blog » Blog Archive » Step into my cardboard officeâ¦
Escritório feito em reboardDesignGuide.com, a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry.
Received this from Frances as a design reference.
"Designguide.com is a comprehensive and efficient research, communication and advertising platform for the building & design industry."On Location - One Room Configured 24 Ways - NYTimes.com
"This room — the “maximum kitchen,” he calls it — and the “video game room” he was sitting in minutes before are just 2 of at least 24 different layouts that Mr. Chang, an architect, can impose on his 344-square-foot apartment, which he renovated last year. What appears to be an open-plan studio actually contains many rooms, because of sliding wall units, fold-down tables and chairs, and the habitual kinesis of a resident in a small space. As Mr. Chang put it, “I glide around.”"
Gary Chang's transforming apartment in Hong Kong
How to use minimal apartment space to best effect
Really awesome creative use of a very small space.
would love to see a video of this
A tiny Hong Kong apartment is a model of flexible living, featuring sliding wall units and fold-down tables and chairs.Beautiful furniture made to order - without the designer price tag | made.com
Designer furniture at 50 to 80% discount. Without middlemen, you save when you buy sofas, armchairs, tables and more.部屋の空気をきれいにしてくれる観葉植物ベスト5 - GIGAZINE
オリヅルラン、サンセベリア、ドラセナなどApplying Interior Design Principles To The Web - Smashing Magazine
By http://bit.ly/Tweets2Delicious5 Overlooked Plants That Can Survive The Dark (Almost) | Apartment Therapy Los Angeles
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.apartmenttherapy.com%2Fla%2Fgardening%2F5-interesting-plants-that-can-survive-the-dark-almost-119497Mood Board Creator by Olioboard
put interior design items on a "board' to see if they go together
MoodBoard-creation web tool
online design board!!!