Pages tagged international:

Translate Your Tweets To Any Language by Human Translators

Fast human translation of your tweets directly from your twitter account by sending RM (Reply message) to @twitrans with the source and target languages and the message to translate. Text will be translated by freelance translators around the world, translation service 24/7 in all major languages
ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet -- TOC
Great site if you are looking for ideas on how to get started collaborating with another classroom
government site with ideas for online collaboration and international activities.
The Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration was developed to help teachers use the Internet to "reach out" globally. These materials were prepared as part of the Department of Education's International Education Initiative.
Why hasn't America been attacked since 9/11? - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
An interactive inquiry about why America hasn't been attacked again. By Timothy NoahUpdated Friday, Feb. 27, 2009, at 8:59 AM ET
This is the first in a series of eight essays exploring why the United States suffered no follow-up terror attacks after 9/11.
Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
need is an unlocked mobile phone — that is, a phone that’s not tied to one particular carrier. (In the United States, some carriers will unlock your phone if you ask; abroad, most phones come already unlocked.) whenever you arrive in new country, you can buy a local SIM card (sold at mobile phone stores and kiosks for $2 to $25, depending on the country) and make phone calls and send text messages without paying exorbitant international roaming fees. Simple enough. But for folks back home to reach you, you’ll need Skype. • Unfortunately, Skype does not exist for the iPhone. Instead, I use a free third-party application called Fring, which functions as a kind of Skype-to-cellphone phone gateway, letting me access my Skype account wherever I have a Wi-Fi signal. • Two weeks ago, Google announced a new service called Google Voice that operates much like Skype — only cheaper!
World Map of Power Plugs and Sockets
Are you planning to use your notebook abroad? If yes, you may want to check what type of power plugs and sockets are used in the part of the world you are travelling to. All EUROCOM Notebooks come with AC adapters switching between 110V and 240V allowing the notebooks to be used all over the world. However, you may not be able to use the US/Canadian power plug overseas. Please check what type of power plug and socket is used in a country of your destination. You may want to buy a foreign plug in your local electronics store before you travel abroad.
""les prises electriques dans le monde"
Check what type of power plug and socket is used in a country of your destination. You may want to buy a foreign plug in your local electronics store before you travel abroad.
OECD Factbook eXplorer for analysing country statistics
Interesting site which allows manipulation and animation of set data. Bears further investigation.
27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
The number of Internet users in the US is nearly static compared to China and India. Wonder what this holds for the future of the Internet?
Insanely Simple Country Codes for International Calling
Insanely brilliant. Via @seldo.
Simple, elegant, and very useful. Brilliant.
Translation cards - food allergy, gluten free, diabetes, penicillin allergy, latex allergy, lactose intolerance, vegetarian, asthma
Food and Travel Translation Cards for communicating food allergies and other health problems
We provide customized travel translation cards. Click on a card name above to see an example. If you don't see your languages or foods on our standard list, Special Order cards are also available. We have translated our travel cards into Arabic, Czech, Croatian, Vietnamese, Indonesian (Bali), Khmer (Cambodia), Hebrew, Tagalog (Philippines), Turkish and more.
A simple laminated card to translate food preferences
100 Hotels Under $150 -
Copyright Watch | Global Transparency in Copyright Law
Copyright Watch, hosted by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is designed for the purposes of sharing and comparing the copyright laws of countries around the world. As the world has become connected through the Internet the creation and global sharing of content has become very easy. At the same time the misuse of copyrighted content has become easier too. Sometimes copyright violations may be the result of conflicting copyright laws. Copyright Watch aims to provide a place where copyright laws can be compared and changes to copyright laws can be updated. Applications for Education Copyright Watch could be useful for teaching about the differences between copyright laws. Copyright Watch might also be useful as a part of a discussion about the purpose of copyright laws.
Copyright Watch collects and monitors copyright laws from all over the world.
Global Transparency in Copyright Law. "Copyright Watch was begun by an international group of copyright experts, drawn from the Access to Knowledge community. We’d like to thank Corporacion Innovarte, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Information for Libraries (, the International Federation of Library Associations, Professor Michael Geist, the Third World Network, and the Bangalore Centre for Internet and Society for their support."
Fabulous website to checkout if you are unsure of what copyright laws exist in which countries?
Wandermelon: Where the Journey Begins…
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination. Focuses on the five-star experience. Read more:
The ultimate traveling companion, is an informative, entertaining and unbiased resource that combines the latest travel news, inspired articles and visual content all in one easy-to-navigate online destination.
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Stephen Fry on joys of Twitter
Stephen Fry has become a huge fan of Twitter, a social networking service that thousands of people have signed up to, including many celebrities. He says he now has 50,000 'followers' who give him advice such as how to deal with a bat on the loose in his house...
Video clip. Fry explaining why he uses Twitter.
I've always struggled when other people ask 'What's Twitter?' Now I'm just going to send them this link to a short video of Stephen Fry perfectly encapsulating what Twitter is, how it works and why it's good.
The Kidlink Project
Comunitat educativa virtual gratuïta i sense publicitat per a treballar col·laborativament amb altres professors i alumnes de tot el món. Entorn segur, projectes en diferents idiomes, ...
Project Site
kids drawing interaction
13 Ways to Simplify International Travel | Zen Habits
The Best Sites For Making International Calls |
free calls
Time Zones
Timezones made usable (by @amyhoy and @thomasfuchs)
Amy Hoy & Thomas Fuchs created another beautiful Javascript/HTML5 website that's earned a place on my bookmark bar.
Nice visualization of timezones.
A nice way to present international timezones.
Never warp your brain with that time zone math again.
A Savvy Traveler's Guide to Vacationing Abroad - Travel - Lifehacker
Annotated link
Staying in Touch Internationally, on the Cheap - Frugal Traveler Blog -
notes for using cell, data, internet, chat, when traveling abroad
NYT one bests the local SIM card solution I used in Italy with Skype In/Out workaround. [from]
BBC NEWS | UK | 'Most unfortunate names' revealed
Justin Case, Barb Dwyer and Stan Still. It sounds like a bad joke, but a study has revealed that there really are unfortunate people with those names in the UK. Joining them on the list are Terry Bull, Paige Turner, Mary Christmas and Anna Sasin. And just imagine having to introduce yourself to a crowd as Doug Hole or Hazel Nutt.
Stan Still,
comedy names