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One Tweet Over the Line - Room for Debate Blog -

#p4smf microinformation can be both embarrassing & boring One Tweet Over the Line [from]
One Tweet Over the Line - Room for Debate Blog -
Clay Shirky, Interactive Telecommunications Program at N.Y.U Timothy B. Lee, Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy Susan Mernit, former AOL vice president and blogger David E. Meyer psychology professor, University of Michigan
Just as Bill Clinton destroyed the idea that marijuana use was a disqualifier to serious work, the increasing volume of personal life online will come to mean that, even though there’s a picture from when your head was on fire that one time, you can still get a job.
There seems no part of public, private or commercial life that hasn’t been made more accessible through social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Hospitals are posting videos of surgeries on YouTube and doctors are sending tweets from operating rooms to educate the public and market their services. Those are just the latest examples of media-driven communication in places that used to be relatively private. Is there such a thing as overuse of social networking tools? In the online world, is the notion of a public/private divide simply not applicable? * Clay Shirky, Interactive Telecommunications Program at N.Y.U * Timothy B. Lee, Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy * Susan Mernit, former AOL vice president and blogger * David E. Meyer psychology professor, University of Michigan