Pages tagged interviews:

Professional Software Development » 100 Interview Questions to Ask Employers
Entrepreneur interviews you must listen to :

nice monocle achtig stijltje, super simpel
David Lynch
david lynch project, om de 3 dagen een interview gedurende 1 jaar
Interview Questions & Answers |
Interview Questions
The Setup
What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews. What do people use to get the job done?
What Not to Do When Applying for Library Jobs | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
What not to do when applying for library jobs.
50 Interviews of Popular Web Designers, Developers and Founders | Inspiration | instantShift
What drives someone to become a success? Why do people persevere when the odds are against them? Is there a secret to becoming successful? The best way to find out is to interview people who have been there, and done that, who have spent their lives in a pursuit of success in one form or another. And that’s exactly what we has done in this amazing collection of interviews.
Beck / Irrelevant Topics
make dinner at home. You shove the bowl across the table and you throw a fork and you drop the napkin.(Laughs.) You make due. I don't know if it's all cosmetic. I guess you can tell when something is primarily cosmetic and lacks the structu
n gear. It was pretty cold out there. It's hard to compete with the natural elements. It's captured better in a theater. I'm probably a little old fashioned and a little backward.
Beck + famous people
Beck interviewing Will Ferrell is pretty awesome [from]
Beck is doing so many awesome things with his re-designed website. Irrelevant Topics is one of my favorites. The interview with Will Ferrell is amazing.
Thirty Conversations on Design
We asked them two questions: “What single example of design inspires you most?” and “What problem should design solve next?” Their answers might surprise you. But hopefully, they’ll all inspire you. Discover what they have to say. Then share your thoughts. After all, this is a conversation. We’d love for you to join.
bate papo (pq não?) sobre design com gente bacana
We’ve collected the thoughts of 30 of the world’s most inspired creative professionals. Architects, designers, authors and leaders of iconic brands.
Ask the Expert – Using Wordpress to Build Large Scale Websites with Derek Herman | Design Informer
How To Produce Video Interviews For Your Blog Using Skype
Video Interviews For Your Blog Using Skype
Videos are everywhere lately, specially interviews. I mean bloggers are really taking it to the next level and why not, it’s a great way to engage your visitor and make them stay a little longer. Are you asking yourself if this is hard to put together?
Interview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job
Job interview tips
assertTrue( ): Nine Questions to Ask during a Job Interview
Nine Questions to Ask during a Job Interview
28 Questions You Wish You Asked the Manager During the Job Interview | JavaWorld's Daily Brew
# What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months? # What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over? # How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure
Preguntas que hacer en una entrevista y cosas que no hacer en una entrevista de trabajo
10 Google Interview Questions » My Tech Interviews
Interesting puzzles.
see[Mike]code - Conduct a short coding interview, remotely
Website to set up your own brief coding interviews, to augment telephone interviews with a practical aspect.
15 Essential Interviews For The Creative Community | Inspired Magazine
// We made a selection of inspiring interviews with outstanding personalities, must reads for every freelancer, designer, webpreneur, & co. There are
50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes - Yahoo! Finance
Bad habits in interviewing
50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes
Simple list of 50 things you shouldn't do on your job interview- such as : Don't badmouth your old boss, and don't smell like smoke.
A bit Americanised but some good (and funny) tips for interviews.
Round Manhole Covers, or: If Richard Feynman applied for a job at Microsoft ::
Richard Feynman
"Why are manhole covers round" is one of the eternal questions in job interviews, and so it seems to be at Microsoft. The desired and politically correct answer to the question is: "Manhole covers are round because round is the only shape that can never fall into the manhole and hurt someone (with the hole of the same shape, but slightly smaller size than the cover)". And the answer is wrong. Let's ask Mr Feynman:
12 Indirect Job Interview Questions & What They Really Reveal
most firms ask slightly different questions and have their own method of interviewing. Today, we explore twelve common indirect questions that employers often ask and the motivation behind them.
DeviceGuru » 16 interviews with Linux Kernel hackers
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do Linux
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Questions To Ask an Interviewer
7-things-you-should-say-in-an-interview: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
21-things-hiring-managers-wish-you-knew: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Great job advice article!
8 Questions to Ask When Interviewing at a Startup
Job interviews are meant to be conversations. The interviewer asks some questions and the interviewee does the same. It’s never a good sign when an interviewee doesn’t have any questions. It shows a lack of interest. This is particularly true when interviewing for a startup job because there tend to be so many more unknowns at startups compared to more established, bigger organizations.
«What are the startup’s plans for the next 6-12 months? What are the key metrics for success in the next 6-12 months? What’s the competition like?»
How to become successful Rubyist — Dmitry Belitsky blog. Web development, freelance, happy life.