Pages tagged intranet:

SharePoint 2007: Gateway Drug to Enterprise Social Tools :: Personal InfoCloud

Via Adriana
Twitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
The enterprise is a mini-world of rules in its own right and the freewheeling environment of the Web has to be combined in some workable way with the tighter constraints of the workplace.
Usare il microbloggng tra dipendenti in intranet: consigli e utilizzi possibili by Dion Hinchcliffe
Dion writes about enterprise microblogging tools, showing that there are some issues to solve if we want to use this for "real business" (tm) One of the things is Filtering, i.e. how to dig out the tweets that are relevant to your work and current context. This will in my mind make out hte difference - enabling microblogging to become the tool for knowledge workers, not only in communication with peers, but also for exploring and searching information.
Twitter on your intranet: 17 microblogging tools for business
analiza 17 herramientas twitter para entornos empresariales
Open Atrium
Features | Open Atrium
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations. It comes with six features - a blog, a wiki, a calendar, a to do list, a shoutbox, and a dashboard to manage it all.
Social Networking on Intranets (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox - a good source for Social Networking on Intranets
Social software is not a trend that can be ignored. It's affecting fundamental change in how people expect to communicate, both with each other and the companies they do business with. And companies can't just draw a line in the sand and say it's okay for employees to use Web 2.0 to communicate with customers, but it's not okay to use it when communicating with each other; Philips case study...
uccessful social media initiatives at many companies emerged from underground, grassroots efforts
"Perhaps more than any other corporate intranet innovation, social software technologies are exposing the holes in corporate communication and collaboration — and at times filling them before the (usually slow-moving) enterprise can fully grasp (and control) the flow." Also as I've said main times "But in truth, social software isn't really about the tools. It's about what the tools let users do and the business problems the tools address."
Plugins That Make Wordpress Into A Company Intranet |
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications
utiliser wordpress pour intranet/boite
Wordpress has become a great platform for a wide range of website needs. Originally designed for blogging it is now a common package for full fledged content management systems and even complete web based applications.
Does SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Does SharePoint Destroy Intranet Design?
Great article on the difference between intranets and internet websites from the design standpoint.
TeamLab – Create Your Enterprise Portal in the Cloud for Free