Pages tagged iphone:

The Evolution of Apple Design Between 1977-2008 | Webdesigner Depot
Savoy » My iPhone is not a Mac Pro

This article is about enhancing the performance of iPhone applications using the power of Objective C++. By discussing a real-world problem from Savoy’s Spots application, the article shows the necessary optimizations to make the program run smoothly in three steps.
Using Objective-C++ on the iPhone application "Spots" to achieve acceptable performance in an intensive graphical application.
App Store
web based app store, hosted by google apps.
iTunes store without running iTunes
Anonymous Google App Engine service scrapes Apple's XML from the iTunes servers. So you don't have to use goddamn iTunes to poke around all the iPhone apps. (see also
The AppStore without iTunes! There is also access to many iTunes Store tracks but it is not offical and should be removed by Apple soon
iTunes Music Store with out iTunes
I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
Simply put, location changes everything. This one input—our coordinates—has the potential to change all the outputs. Where we shop, who we talk to, what we read, what we search for, where we go—they all change once we merge location and the Web.
Interesting Wired article on Geotagging and photographs. Shows the potentially creepy side of stalking throught the net using geotagged flickr photos!
location, location, location location awareness needn't be invasive or creepy. But it can be isolating.
To test whether I was being paranoid, I ran a little experiment. On a sunny Saturday, I spotted a woman in Golden Gate Park taking a photo with a 3G iPhone. Because iPhones embed geodata into photos that users upload to Flickr or Picasa, iPhone shots can be automatically placed on a map. At home I searched the Flickr map, and score—a shot from today. I clicked through to the user's photostream and determined it was the woman I had seen earlier. After adjusting the settings so that only her shots appeared on the map, I saw a cluster of images in one location. Clicking on them revealed photos of an apartment interior—a bedroom, a kitchen, a filthy living room. Now I know where she lives.
iPhoneと過ごした半年まとめ -
Switching from scripting languages to Objective C and iPhone: useful libraries :: Hackdiary
o go the other way, dictionaries and arrays gain a JSONRepresentation method.
Starting out with Objective-C - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
While we've previously mentioned how to delve into programming in Objective-C, there have been some recent releases of educational materials that can help those who want to learn the language
Starting out with Objective-C.
Reject Database for iPhone Developer
10 iPhone Games You Must Own | Game | Life from
Latest list of games you must have if you own a iPhone/iTouch.
January 2009 01/2009
Hotspot Shield for iPhone
Hotspot Shield
Ultra sweet iPhone shirt.
camiseta del iphone
The T-Shirt: Artist Kevin Tong captures the invention of daVinci, the imagination of H.G. Wells, and the brilliance of Jonathan Ive in this Exploded Phone drawing.
【特集】iPhoneアプリケーション開発入門 (1) 2008年の一大トピックス | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
14 Essential Xcode Tips, Tricks and Resources for iPhone Devs
Thủ thuật cho Xcode
AppBeacon - iPhone & iPod Touch Apps Discovery Made Easy
AppBeacon is your personal App discovery engine for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
iphone & ipod touch apps
IPhone Apps: How to Find Awesome iPhone Apps
TopAppOfTheWorld - GLOBAL TOP SELLER <2009-02-04> - 世界で人気のiPhoneアプリのランキング情報を毎日更新中!
Daily ranking
iPhone on Rails and ObjectiveResource; Making communication between the iPhone and a Rails web-service pain-free.
interessante per
ObjectiveResource is an Objective-C port of Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource. It provides a way to serialize objects to and from Rails' standard RESTful web-services (via XML or JSON) and handles much of the complexity involved with invoking web-services of any language from the iPhone.
ObjectiveResource is a framework for the iPhone that makes interacting with Ruby on Rails applications dead simple.
Book Search
Google mobile books
Tweets to Go: 35+ More Twitter Resources for Your Phone
Twitter tools for cell phones.
Phone apps
Blackbird - Twitter client for the BlackBerry. Here’s the over-the-air installation file. TinyTwitter - Actually works not just on BlackBerries but also Windows Mobile devices and any Java-enabled mobile device. TwitterBerry - The most popular Twitter client for CrackBerries. I used this one for a while on different BlackBerry models.""
Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget
Apple vs palm
Apple vs. Palm: the in-depth analysis - Engadget
7 Websites You Should Go To For iPhone Apps Reviews |
Google Mobile - Sync
OMG! Is it for real?
Google Mobile - Sync
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account. Cloud syncing
Nokia S60
Set Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch - Mobile Help
first need to update firmware
watch out MS
To set up Google Sync on your iPhone or iPod Touch device
How to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps | Technology |
king on a new game ("My next project involves airborne sheep, but I'm afraid that's all I can share at the moment"). You could be next…. Useful links Stuart Varra
Cooper Journal: One free interaction
Yes! I think a free interaction gives the user experience that special edge.
"One free interaction" is a prospective design pattern that gives software and hardware a more humane feel. It exists outside of task flows and the concept of users as task-doers. Instead it sits in the "in between" spaces, suiting users as fidgeters, communicators, and people who play with things.
Very nice post from Chris Noessel of Cooper Design on the more subtle but no less brilliant elements of iPhone design, as well as other simple, pleasing software highlights
I flip page control on the home screen back and forth, for no apparent reason.
"Since we want our designs to be humane and, presuming they fulfill their utilitarian purposes well, emotionally satisfying, I suggest that designers begin to include one free interaction in their designs to enable the channeling of energy and simple expression."
Downloads: Pod to PC Transfers Music from Any iPod, iPhone Onto Your PC
Pod to PC - Downloads
trasferisce da ipod a pc
WhatTheFont for iPhone: Overview « MyFonts
WhatTheFont for iPhone connects directly to MyFonts’ acclaimed font identification service, which has been helping customers pinpoint mystery fonts for 10 years. It works via Wi-Fi or the mobile phone network, so you can get your font fix right there on the spot.
App identifies fonts from a picture taken on the iphone.
raccomandazione di 1. vini 2. ristoranti 3. bar 4. film 5. libri
share n shared
Goodrec is the easiest way to make and find recommendations
Goodrec is the easiest way to get recommendations from friends for restaurants, books, movies and more. You can make and find recs from any mobile phone!
140-character reviews including restaurants including iPhone app
good site for ratings and information about anything
Inside the GPS Revolution: 10 Applications That Make the Most of Location
From the magazine
와이어드의 GPS기사
Inside the GPS revolution it's more than maps and driving directions: location-aware phones and apps now deliver the hidden information that lets users make connections and interact with the world in ways they never imagined. The future is here and it's in your pocket.
The iPhone Could Be The Ultimate Study Machine
article on using iphone to study
IPhone as a study tool
I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
This is crazy scary!
A great article on the incredible potential (and scary pitfalls) of broadcasting your location at all times. Including some really interesting discussion of the way our social contexts haven't really caught up (e.g. people thinking he was lonely or depressed and yearning for company).
This is scary stuff, I tell you what.
How To: Tether the iPhone or G1 To Your Laptop For Free 3G Broadband
The other iPhoneModem is nagware ($10 to get rid of the nags), and does include a Windows config app, which we have not tested. If you're running windows, try that one, and let us know how it goes in the comments. There is also another method using an app called 3proxy that requires lots of manual configuration, but that one may also be worth a try. Update: Commenters are also recommending PDANet for Windows tethering, which is in Cydia as well.
Experiences Of A Newbie iPhone Developer
iPhone story
20 Best iPhone Photo & Video Apps - Sharing, Editing & Recording Applications
iPodME « Noda’s Dev Blog
iPodME is a dead simple and lightweight tool for bulk converting your video files.
Pinch Media » ‘AppStore Secrets’
How To Build An iPhone App: A Guide
iPhoneアプリケーションをApp Storeに登録してみた(1/3)− @IT
The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Becoming Productive in Xcode
Screencasts about Xcode
i still need to learn xcode properly
Whether you’re a new iPhone developer seeing Xcode for the first time, or wish you were more familiar with the shortcuts, these screencasts will make you a more productive (and happier!) Xcode programmer.
Building PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Building PhotoKast: Creating an iPhone app in one month
How to build an iphone app in one month. This is a full document on the initial idea all the way to the development, marketing, and minimization considerations.
: Creating an iPhone app in one month - Home & Garden, How-To Guides & DIY, and software
Step-by-step guide to iPhone app development · Bootstrap
Getting started developing for the iphone
iPhone Entwicklung - wie gehe ich es an
Craig Hockenberry versammelte Tipps und Links für an der iPhone-Entwicklung interessierte Einsteiger.
iPhone development bootstrap (via @maxvoltar) -- shared with
Senthil - iTunes Lyrics Importer
The iTunes lyrics importer is a simple application written in C# to import lyrics for the songs in your iTunes, using the Lyricswiki's web services.
Blackbaud Labs - Labs Article
iphone simulatorü
Ein iPhone Browser-Emulator für Windows - zeigt wie eine Website auf dem iPhone gerendert wird
IPhone Simulator for Windows
Downloads: iPodME Converts Your Video to iPod Friendly Format
List of video converters. The suggested other applications from the posts are useful.
QuadAnimator is flash extention for iPhone app QuadCamera. Load an image that is taken with QuadCamera, and you can save it as an animated GIF! This is a quick and dirty experimental content. If iPhone support FlashPlayer or animated GIF for album, I may make iPhone version.
Animate photos taken using iPhone app Quadcamera
Animate pictures taken with quadcamera
Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from
interesting perspective
"The country is famous for being ahead of its time when it comes to technology, and the iPhone just doesn't cut it. For example, Japanese handset users are extremely into video and photos — and the iPhone has neither a video camera nor multimedia text messaging. And a highlight feature many in Japan enjoy on their handset is a TV tuner" YEAH IT'S ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY
Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from Wired.com iPhone iphoneiphone iPhone iphoneiphone
Why Apple Won't Allow Adobe Flash on iPhone | Gadget Lab from
l dominance ov
iPhone SDK Examples
プログラム未経験の僕が初めて作ったiPhoneアプリが2月16日に発売されます!というわけで使用した参考資料等のまとめ。 - frnk*blog
6 Ways To Turn Your iPhone Into An External Hard Disk |
If you own an iPod, you will know that other than storing music, you can also use it as an external hard disk. You simply connect your iPod to your computer and you can easily transfer files over via drag and drop. When it comes to the iPhone however, Apple sells you a larger hard disk, gives you more functionality, yet does not allow you to use it as an external hard disk. Come to think of it, the iPhone is the gadget that you are more likely to carry with you wherever you go and it is the more likely candidate to become a portable hard disk, yet you can’t do anything to it. If you are interested in knowing how you can use your iPhone/iPod Touch as an external hard drive, here are some ways that you can get it done.
A Review of Two Things: One For the Mac and One For iPhone - Shawn Blanc A design and technology weblog by Shawn Blanc.
task management for mac and iphone
Zen Bound from Secret Exit
a meditative exercise (in 3D)
Click here for YouTube video
"A calm and meditative game of wrapping rope around wooden sculptures."
iPhone game looks pretty sweet
Beautiful game meets meditative puzzle. Easily worth the $5.
Framework para desarrollar webs para moviles en Ruby
Mobile Ruby framework for various mobile devices, including iPhone.
The Rhodes framework is an open source Ruby-based platform for building locally executing, device-optimized mobile applications
A ruby framework for mobile development.
The “One Day” iPhone App Experiment
Some info on iPhone app dev.
Kraft Hits on Killer App for IPhone Marketing - Advertising Age - Digital
Some good insight on building a branded iPhone app...
iFood Assistant is now one iPhone's 100 most popular paid apps, and No. 2 in the lifestyle category. With its endeavor, Kraft is pulling off a rare trick: getting consumers to pay a one-time 99-cent fee for the app and also sit through ads on it. And in the process, it's collecting useful data for targeting them more closely. The lesson: When a marketer creates something that's actually useful, consumers don't really see it as straight marketing, or they're at least willing to accept advertising as the payoff. Kraft's app, which launched in December, is a helpful tool for consumers looking to make dinners faster, easier and more convenient. "When we look at consumers, we think that they're busy and they're looking for food-planning tools that can make their lives easier," said Ed Kaczmarek, director-innovation, new services at Kraft. "We developed iFood Assistant as a downloadable app so they can use it anytime and anywhere."
nice case study
100 amazing iPhone photos :: Photocritic photography blog
i'ts beautiful :)
100 fotos asombrosas tomadas vcon un iphone
100 amazing iPhone photos - some of these are actually stunning:
iPhoneでC#アプリが審査に通るワケ - @IT
Freehands | Welcome
jetzt völlig bescheuert oder was?
Another one of my business ideas that I wont get to do.
Freehands gloves feature fold-back index finger and thumb tips to let you use your iPhone, Blackberry, MP3 player or camera in the cold. They're even great for just getting in to your wallet on an icy winter day.
Seven Must-Have Offline Apps For Your iPhone/iPod Touch - ReadWriteWeb
9 iPhone Memory Management Links and Resources
Links and Resources
Read Ebooks on Your iPhone - Wired How-To Wiki
8 Mobile Technologies to Watch in 2009, 2010 - ReadWriteWeb
Analyst firm Gartner has just released a report that highlights eight up-and-coming mobile technologies which they predict will impact the mobile industry over the course of the next ...
How to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and Free
How to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and Free
Ego — You're important.
"Your stats in a single glance. Ego gives you one central—and lovely—location to check web statistics that matter to you. can quickly view the number of visits to your website (including daily, hourly and monthly numbers), feed subscription totals and changes, and how many people are following you on Twitter." -- Numbers numb
iPhone 3.0 OS Guide: Everything You Need to Know
iPhone Resources
Joe Hewitt
An amazing set of open source frameworks for the iPhone, including a Photos-style image viewer with pinch and arrow buttons, a Table View that loads its data from a web source over time and some network connection caching classes. It really seems like we could use all of this! Oh, and Joe Hewitt was the creator of iUI.
iPhone helper development libraries
Open source library for the iPhone, looks awesome!
joehewitt's three20 at master - GitHub
Objective-C iPhone library from facebook developer
Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers
25 (Most Wanted) Tips For iPhone 3G | How-To
Woot, even I learned something new about the iPhone with these great tips
Ripdev: The iPhone Authority
Iphone for Ken
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable.
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable. Download for Mac OS X.
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
45 Apple-Inspired Photoshop Tutorials | Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
In this post, we present a collection of beautiful Apple-inspired Adobe Photoshop tutorials. We collected them not because we are religiously in love with Apple, but because you may find these tutorials useful; for instance, if you are developing a new Mac or iPhone application or designing a concept for a new product. In these cases, you may want to consider Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines and our Designer’s Guide To Icon Design For Mac OS X. Please feel free to suggest further tutorials in the comments to this post.
Apple UI Photoshop tutorials
MAC Style
A jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre.
Cooles jQuery-Plugin für iPhone-optimierte Websites (mit dem Slide-Effekt).
Query plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre
ipod style web interaction on jquery
Transactions iPhone
Receive credit card payments on the iPhone
You set it up by linking it to your PayPal or merchant account, and then you can just hand it to a customer to type in their credit card number and amounts. I can imagine this being super-useful for all sorts of in-home service situations. [via @dthompson]
Transactions makes credit card processing away from the home or office effortless. Using two of the most popular payment gateways in the world Transactions allows anyone to easily accept credit cards. Great for delivery services, in home contracting or consulting, flea markets, garage sales, trade shows, or anywhere payments are needed away from a computer
Eliss - for iPhone and iPod touch
Should An iPhone App Developer Charge Or Run Ads? (Galaxy Impact Case Study)
How to price an iPhone app, or whether to charge at all and use ads instead.
iphone app developer
Follow the Mobile User
Focus on the mobile user, and all else will follow Simpler data, better browsers, and a smoother experience
This guest post is written by Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Engineering for Google's mobile and developer products. (Prior to Google, he spent ...
in 2009, for the first time 50% of all new internet connections will come from a PHONE!
iPhone Mockup
How the iPhone 3.0 Will Create a New Mobile Economy
Further to what we were saying about iPhone apps.
Pod to Mac - Free iPod, iPhone Music Transfer Software
Wolfenstein 3D Classic
Developer details the process for putting the full version of the original game on the iPhone
Joy! Wolfenstein 3D has come to the iPhone. I'm playing and loving it. Here's an amazingly detailed article from John Carmack on the design process.
I had been frustrated for over a year with the fact that we didn't have any iPhone development projects going internally at Id. I love my iPhone, and I think the App Store is an extremely important model for the software business. Unfortunately, things have conspired against us being out early on the platform.
Free Stanford course on developing iPhone software
iPhone UI Vector Elements | MI Blog
here, we couldn’t find an
Streaming Colour Studios » Blog Archive » The Numbers Post (aka Brutal Honesty)
Generous sharing of revenue numbers of a $5 game. Got slashdotted. Some interesting comments if you can wade through all the bile.
Dapple has sold 131 copies worldwide in the 24 days since it launched. I realise that I’m dealing with a very limited amount of data here, so I’m not going to pretend like I can make any kind of long term projections about how sales will be in a month, six months, or a year. However, what you can see is how far from my goal of 9,150 I remain. So…
Indie sales figures on iPhone
However, I haven’t had reviews yet from any of the “Big 3″ iPhone review sites (Touch Arcade, 148Apps, and AppVee). Those are the ones that I think might really affect sales.
Kindle 2 Usability Review (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
kindle usability kindlekindle
Summary: good for linear material, such as novels, not good for non-linear material such as journals, newspapers, encyclopaedias and recipe books
Summary: Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content.
Jakob Nielsen's review of the Kindle 2. "Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content."
How to: Install Unofficial Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch, Easily and Safely
I'm seriously tempted to do this to my unlocked iP 3g
Teach you how to jail break your iPhone...
QuickPwn 2.2.5
Apple - QuickTime - iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Presentation
New software for iPhone and iPod Touch presented
Daring Fireball: Complex
John Gruber on #iphone [from]
"The problem is that while successful complex systems evolve from simple systems that work, not every simple system that works can support additional complexity. It’s not enough just to start simple, you have to start simple with a framework designed for future evolution and growth."
“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.”
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run | The Underwire from
Nine Inch Nails iPhone App Extends Reznor's Innovative Run
"My quest in life now is to surround myself with smart, innovative people," he says, "instead of the gangster types who have exploited artists over the years."
A Guide to Better Web-Working From Your iPhone
Let’s get this out of the way first: I used to have a BlackBerry, I loved it, and have nothing against it. I also think the Palm Pre will change the direction of phone software forever. However, the massive shift towards the iPhone and its application store is such a powerful movement, we can’t deny the power of what this combination can bring to people who rely on being mobile while working. Personally, iPhone applications have changed the way I live each day - from fun to productivity. This is true for many of us that work on the web. So, look at this both as a list of possible tools for current iPhone users, as well as a reference for other phone users to consider if they aren’t happy with the phone - and more importantly, the productivity system - they already have. Ideas & notes Usually the first part of any process, the idea, is lost in a fleeting moment of getting sucked in by a Slap Chop commercial. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to stop having a boring life of chopping
日本人がつまずかないためのiPhone開発ポイント - @IT
iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
Great tips for tuning your website for mobile (iPhone) screens
Sitepoint - Good
Pocket Gadget » Turn your iPod Touch into an iPhone (almost)
Glyphish — Icons and resources for iPhone developers
Icons and resources for iPhone application developers.
Birdhouse — A notepad for Twitter
As advertised: great product demo video.
"Ever think of something for your Twitter that you don't want to post right away? Birdhouse is the perfect place to put it. Birdhouse won't replace your favorite iPhone Twitter client, it'll add to it. Put Birdhouse right next to your Twitter client and use them together." - Funny video to boot.
NUI library looks pretty interesting...
Cross-Platform C++ Framework. Can be used to create all kinds of systems!
C++ framework for developing gui apps on a variety of platforms, including iPhone.
Stanford iPhone developer course available free via iTunes U - Ars Technica
If you have a hankering to join the ranks of the 50,000+ strong group of iPhone developers but you lack the motivation to learn the ins and outs yourself, Stanford University may have just the thing for you. The school's Computer Science Department will be posting materials from its 10-week iPhone Application Programming course to iTunes U. "There's a lot of interest in the iPhone," said Brent Izutsu, Stanford's project manager for Stanford on iTunes U, in a statement. "This course provides an excellent opportunity for us to show the breadth and depth of our curriculum and the innovation of our students." Videos of all the lectures, lead by Apple engineers, will be posted on iTunes U two days after each class meeting—the first should be available later this week. The slides from the lectures will be available to download as well. The school notes that the material will be the same that enrolled students get, but unfortunately, following the lessons via iTunes U won't make you eligibl
iPhone を買ったらやること まとめ - WebOS Goodies
100 Free Courses & Tutorials for Aspiring iPhone App Developers | Best Universities
Welcome to, where you can find quality information about the best universities as well as the education available at these institutions. Going to university is a huge commitment of time, money, and effort. Don’t enter into the decision about where to go to school without all the knowledge you need to make a wise choice.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the iPhone is a big deal and it’s one of the most popular subjects of development these days. Lots of developers are creating their own iPhone apps, and with the right know-how, you can too. Check out our list of courses and tutorials to learn everything that’s important about developing for the iPhone.
My $23/month iPhone
Cell Phone
U.S. Soldiers' New Weapon: an iPod | Newsweek International Edition |
Tying the hands of a person who is speaking, the Arab proverb goes, is akin to "tying his tongue." Western soldiers in Iraq know how important gestures can be when communicating with locals. To close, open and close a fist means "light," but just opening a fist means "bomb." One soldier recently home from Iraq once tried to order an Iraqi man to lie down. To get his point across, the soldier had to demonstrate by stretching out in the dirt. Translation software could help, but what's the best way to make it available in the field?
iPod is becoming tool of choice for US Military
Apple’s New Weapon To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.
The US military has been looking for a device that is both versatile and easy to use to help its soldiers make sense of information they receive from satellites, drones, and ground sensors while in the field. The iPod Touch has become that new device. It's cheaper than the current devices distributed to soldiers and Apple has already done all of the necessary research and manufacturing for the devices. As the iPod Touch gains more functionality, it is hoped that soldiers will gradually be able to shed soem of their other devices and just carry the iPod.
To help soldiers make sense of data from drones, satellites and ground sensors, the U.S. military now issues the iPod Touch.
11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road Trip
11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road Trip
mophie - iPhone Battery, iPod Cases, iPhone accessories and more! - Juice Pack air - iPhone 3G (Pre-order)
The juice pack air™ is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
Ekstra batteri til phonen
40 Awesome iPhone Application Websites | Webdesigner Depot
iPhone applications are hotter than ever. So how do these applications stand out and get noticed? One great way to do this is by creating a great website
13 iPhone Apps for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Excellen list of cool iPhone apps for photographers and graphic designers
13 iPhone Apps for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot -
The State of the Smartphone: iPhone is Way, Way Ahead - ReadWriteWeb
100 Amazing Futuristic Design Concepts We Wish Were Real | Webdesigner Depot (excellent collection!)
Concept designers are also referred to as visual futurists. These concept designs may not be on the market yet, but they can still inspire you to create
Buyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months
eddit: Shop: iPhone UI Icon Set
The iPhone UI icon set gives app developers an extensive library of icons.
$70 worth of iphone toolbar icons. really nice set, but worth $70 for my budget app? ... hrm....
iPhone Dev 101: Useful Cocoa Development Resources
Griffin Technology: Simplifi
Simplifi Charge/Sync dock, media card reader, and USB hub De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi ... one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards. Simplifi charges USB-rechargeable iPod models as they sync with your computer through the included USB mini cable. Use Simplifi's USB ports to plug in keyboards, printers, cameras, flash drives, scanners, external hard drives, anything USB 2.0-compatible. Simplifi ships with an AC adapter for those USB devices that need a powered port. Features Charge/sync dock for iPhone and iPod Reads and writes the most popular digital media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). 2-port powered USB hub, using included AC adapter A simple, versatile way to de-clutter your desktop
I need one of these.
elegante ed economico supporto con connessione per vari tipi di Apple iPod / iPhone con cardreader e hub USB incorporato
Because we all could do with fewer cables.
29 Twitter Apps for the iPhone Compared
Which apps are the real deal, worth the price, over-hyped, underrated, or just a plai
How to Get Started with iPhone Dev | Webdesigner Depot
Five Technologies Tim O'Reilly Says Point Past Web 2.0 - ReadWriteWeb
at ReadWriteWeb — all I can say is <i>thank frickin' goodness "Twitter" was not on the list</i>
It's time for the Web to get smarter, O'Reilly said. Having just become a grandfather, he drew a parallel between the evolution of the web and human development. The early days of search engines were like a child just putting things in its mouth, wondering what they are. Now the web is starting to use all of its senses together to do do something with the information it has access too. Here's where he's seeing that happen.
Just How Much Money Can Free iPhone Apps Make? Quite A Bit
advertising revenue from free iPhone apps, not bad.
Introduction to iPhone Application Development - IAP 2009
A one-week course in iPhone SDK Development
100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners - Learn-gasm
Those who constantly strive to learn more from the world around them, who can’t pass up an opportunity to pour over a book or dictionary, or who take classes just to learn a bit more are a special breed. For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.
iphone apps education tools learning
【コラム】実践! iPhoneアプリ開発 (1) カメラアプリの作り方(1) - フォトピッカーのためのアクションシートを作る | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
ほー。iPhoneが待ち遠しい(まだ買ってないけど)。早く新しいiPhoneが出ないかなぁ。すぐに買うのに。 - WARNING: A long, rambly exploration of the state...
JG: "Big picture essay by Steven Frank on the state of UI metaphors:"
discussion on the difficulties of changing the concept of the desktop metaphor, from Scott
"Every geek I know shares, to some degree, the notion that the “desktop” metaphor for computers is outdated. What nobody seems to have a solid opinion on is what would take its place."
Jorge Colombo | iSketches
Images finger-drawn on an iPhone, using the Brushes application
Atrexis Blog: iPhone - Interface Builder Tutorial
Atrexis Systems Limited, Rich Internet and Mobile Application Development: iPhone - Interface Builder Tutorial
It's a hot ticket: Free Stanford course on developing software for iPhone and iPod touch comes to iTunes U
It's a hot ticket: Free Stanford course on developing software for iPhone and iPod touch comes to iTunes U
iPhone Makes Up 50 Percent of Smartphone Web Traffic In U.S., Android Already 5 Percent
iPhone Makes Up 50 Percent of Smartphone Web Traffic In U.S., Android Already 5 Percent
Welcome to the Phoenix Freeze — Phoenix Freeze
14 day trial then $10 to purchase. No Win7 or 64 bit support as of 5-13-09
lock tool
Mobile phone bluetooth enabled security which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry or iPhone and unlocks as you return.
Phoenix Freeze enables you to automatically lock and unlock your laptop with just your cell phone. Save battery life and protect your files just by walking away.
Supposedly has better proximity control features, but it replaces the winlogon GINA, supposedly has BIOS compatibility issues, continuously broadcasts so it exposes you, and can not work with a bluetooth mouse or keyboard...
Poner en HIbernacion tu ordenador cuando alejas una fuente Bluetooth, por ejemplo el movil
Often the best ideas are the simplest. A laptop which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry® or iPhone™ and unlocks as you return
MacOS iPhone Project
olden days mac os for the iphone, looks sweet
classic case of "stuff white people like"
Welcome to the MacOS iPhone Project! We are Dedicated to putting MacOS on the iPhone.
Set Up Your iPhone or iPod Touch - Mobile Help
google sync
RichardSolo 1800 for iPhone - RS001
$70. iPhone battery charger, 1800 mAh of capacity. Three color LED lights, ultra-bright LED flashlight and a laser pointer. Allows for charging via wall sockets, cars and computers.
The ofono project provides an infrastructure for building GSM/UMTS telephony applications. It includes a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications of any license.
148Apps » Recent Price Drops - iPhone and iPod Touch Application Reviews and News
50 iPhone Apps for Web Designers & Developers « AppStorm
The Evolution of Cell Phone Design Between 1983-2009 | Webdesigner Depot
Cell Phone design 1983 to 2009
Cell phones have evolved immensely since 1983, both in design and function. From the Motorola DynaTAC, that power symbol that Michael Douglas wielded so
Rowmote: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV. Works with iPhone/iPod Touch
Replace the Apple remote with your iPod Touch or iPhone over wifi.
iPhone Dev 101: Introduction - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude |
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude
6 Ways To Sync Music To Your iPhone Without iTunes
6 Ways To Sync Music To Your iPhone Without iTunes
By default, iTunes is the only media player that you can use to sync your iPhone and iPod Touch with your computer. However, iTunes is only supported in Mac
Some good alternatives here, looking to try out the Winamp solution.
Cover Story: Finger Painting: The New Yorker Blog: Online Only: The New Yorker
Jorge Colombo drew this week’s [New Yorker] cover using Brushes, an application for the iPhone, while standing for an hour outside Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in Times Square.
at The New Yorker Blog — seen referenced/linked in multiple places already... Just plain "wow". Watch the video.
Created on an iPhone... cool!
more media coverage for jorge colombo, originally featured on 20x200 for iphone paintings!
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
ebook reader for iphone
NimbleKit - Smart kit for fast iPhone apps development
NimbleKit is the fastest way to create applications for iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to know Objective-C or iPhone SDK. All you need is to know how to write an HTML page with Javascript code.
Smub: Shorten, Personalize, Bookmark, Share URLs on Any Browser.
Smub: Post, Share and Bookmark instantly from your mobile...
Cocoa with Love: Easy custom UITableView drawing
43 iPhone Development Resources
iPhoneと過ごした300日まとめ -
iPhoneのバッテリーが消耗したので交換してもらった(まとめ):霧笛望のはぐはぐ電脳小物 - CNET Japan
AdWhirl: Mobile Advertising | iPhone | Monetize Traffic | AdRollo
RoamBi - Your Data, iPhone-Style
sweet iphone/touch app!
upload your data and turn them into interactive visualizations for the iPhone
25 Great Examples of iPhone Optimized Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
During the weekend I decided to work on the iPhone version of Abduzeedo. Firstly I thought that only a few tweaks in the CSS file would be enough, but it was a bit more complicated than that. However, there are quite a few ways to create a nice iPhone version for your site using services like In my case, I decided to build a new Drupal theme from scratch.
Phil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009
Apple WWDC Coverage from Engadge
Phil Schiller keynote live from WWDC 2009
A mouse gesture library written soley in javascript with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you.
iPhone Stencil Kit | Design Commission
Quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes.
6 Steps to Building a Better iPhone App
The App Store has created a gold rush for developers, and there are now over 50,000 applications for sale, making it harder to get a newly released app noticed by users.
meta-iPod: the iTunes Cleaner
don't know what this is ... but curious about the Jarvis
"The best camera is the one that's with you." -- Chase Jarvis
Artistic photographs taken with the iPhone camera
iPhone photo gallery
AppleInsider | Apple stuns WWDC crowd with pulsating App Store hyperwall
Not really a webdesign item, but a stunning design effort nonetheless.
Quartz Composer + OpenCL
Credit Card Terminal - apps - innerfence
I love thisn program.
CC processing
Turn your iPhone into a mobile virtual terminal for charging customers’ credit cards. Deal with declined cards on-site as services are rendered. No special hardware required, just your iPhone (or iPod Touch with the 2.0 firmware update).
Lifehacker - Meta-iPod Cleans and Repairs Your iTunes Library - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: The bigger your iTunes library, the more difficult it is to locate and fix problems that arise, whether you're faced with ratings gone awry, missing or duplicate tracks, or missing album art. That's where diagnostic tool meta-iPod comes in
TomTom announces turn-by-turn navigation on the iPhone
All of a sudden I have a keen interest in getting a GPS.
Bill Clementson's Blog: iPhone App Development Notes
some small tips for iphone dev
Here's how to get tethering on any iPhone right now, no jailbreak, for free | 9 to 5 Mac
Here's how to get tethering on any iPhone right now, no jailbreak, for free
Instructions on hacking an iPhone 3G with a custom carrier settings file to enable tethered data access without carrier authorization.
40 Essential iPhone Applications For Web Designers
Introducing iPhone-style Checkboxes
JQuery plugin to make iphone-like checkboxes
Enable tethering shortcut found - iPhone 3.0 is Live! | 9 to 5 Mac
defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE
Enable tethering on iPhone 3.0 - Too easy... (WORLDWIDE carriers) | richardlai's Xanga Site - Weblog
iPhone 3.0 Software Walkthrough | The iPhone Blog
This looks interesting. Might be worth passing on to others depending on how well they keep this updated.
How to activate tethering on any iPhone without jailbreaking | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews
C can get dial up functionality at last
100+ 3.0 Hidden Features - Mac Forums
iPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features - PC World
iPhone 3.0 Update: 10 Hidden Features #iPhone [from]
It has been a crazy night trying to download the latest iPhone update, with many people reporting that they are unable to access Apple's servers due to unusually high traffic. But Apple's servers are now up to scratch and everybody should have the 3.0 software update installed on their iPhone and iPod Touch.
iPhone Unit Testing | Sen:te
Might be interesting
[iPhone]ソフトバンクでテザリングを有効にする - tAkatronix’s GEEEK notes
Fuze Meeting: Free Web Conferencing & Online Meeting Software
Desktop Share Share your entire screen with meeting attendees anytime, anywhere. Icon Hd High Definition Content Show videos, graphics and documents and other content in high-resolution – in total sync. Icon Fetch Fetch Meeting Attendees Bring an attendee straight into a live web or audio conference in one easy step. Icon Interface Easy, Intuitive Interface Beautifully simple. Web-based. No hardware or software to purchase or download.
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
iPhone Tool Installer
iPhone OS 3.0 Tethering Settings via Mail or iPhone direct download...
iPhone Tethering
hugs å sette opp mms med rette instillinger etterpå - ref bokmerke netcom mms
iphone-notes sends the mobileconfig necessary for tethering via e-mail directly to your iPhone. Most carriers supported, custom settings also possible.
iPhone Dev 101: The "Hello World!" app
iphone app development info
An Experiment in BlackBerry Development: Lessons Learned Writing PodTrapper
teehan+lax » Blog Archive » iPhone GUI PSD 3.0
Along with Apple’s official release of the new iPhone 3.0 software came a number of new graphic elements. We’ve been holding off updating the Photoshop file until we could properly implement the additions. We built it using vectors, so it’s all still fully editable. Apple’s SDK is amazing, but when we need to mock up something quickly for a pitch we turn to this. Some of the changes and additions in the 3.0 PSD include: • Map and map elements including curl • Copy and paste elements • Timeline bar editor • Horizontal iPhone • Horizontal Panels bars and keyboards
iPhone graphic assets
How-To: Use Your iPhone as a Wireless Laptop Modem - PC World
Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
[[Mobile]] The Best iPhone Apps of 2008 [from] - Mobileconfigs für dein iPhone |
the easiest way to enable iPhone Tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhone
jlongster - Writing apps for the iPhone in Scheme
Creating an iPhone Application - Tutorial 1 - Experiment Garden
Flexibits | Cameras
In den Einstellungen der Anwendung Image Capture (Digitale Bilder) lässt sich festlegen, was Mac OS X beim Anschluss einer Kamera tun bzw. welches Programm automatisch geöffnet werden soll. Dies funktioniert passabel, solange man nur eine Kamera nutzt oder mit jeder Kamera sowieso dieselbe Prozedur durchlaufen möchte. Wer sich allerdings beispielsweise wünscht, dass das iPhone und die eigene Digitalkamera stets iPhoto öffnen, eine Speicherkarte im Kartenleser dahingegen zu Aperture greift und der mit dem Mac frisch verbundene iPod touch überhaupt kein Foto-Programm hervorzwingt, der ist mit der Systemeinstellung Cameras bestens bedient. Nach der Installation wird Cameras zum Ansprechpartner für jede angestöpselte Kamera (oder eben auch Kartenlesegerät) und ermöglicht die detaillierte Feinabstimmung. Insofern sei diese Systemeinstellung für jeden Mac empfohlen, an den regelmäßig mehrere Foto-Gerätschaften angesteckt werden. Cameras setzt mindestens Mac OS X 10.4.11 voraus.
With familiar System Preference functionality, Cameras allows you to manage what happens when you connect your: * Digital camera * iPhone * Digital media reader * Any photo device
interesting page...
podcast acelerator
create feeds for speeded up podcasts
make podcasts faster
Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0
使って分かったAndroidとiPhoneの違い - @IT
@IT 西村氏
15 Best iPhone Applications for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
Can I replicate some of these for Windows Mobile?
When it comes to web design, there are apps for nearly everything, from helping create color schemes to managing your busy schedule. Here are 15 of the best!
10 Tips for New iPhone Developers - Nettuts+
22 More iPhone 3.0 Features You May Not Know : iSmashPhone
Design Trends: 25 Of The Coolest iPhone APP Website Designs | Spyre Studios
I went around online and found 25 of the coolest iPhone app websites – not necessarrally the coolest APPS, but the coolest website designs. What I found was a lot of the big iPhone image on the page, showcasing how the app actually looks. I also found a lot of darker website designs. We’ve featured dark website designs here before on Spyre Studios and today seems like it’s shaping up to be another notch in that belt. The one thing I did notice – and loved – was the couple websites that did things differently. They didn’t feature a big iPhone image, they did brighter, more eye catching designs. These are truly my favorite out of the bunch.
Nice webpages to copy.
Green's Opinion: Android versus iPhone Development: A Comparison
Birdfeed - A very nice Twitter client for your iPhone
iphone tumblr てきとう
Enable tethering in iPhone 3.0 - UPDATE
Sorry, AT&T, but you can't hide tethering from the very folks who taught you, long ago, what it meant to truly tether. First, ...
Mac Teathering
Sorry, AT&T, but you can’t hide tethering from the very folks who taught you, long ago, what it meant to truly tether. First, download this carrier update and then type this into Terminal. defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE Finally, start up iTunes and option-click the Restore button and select the ipcc file in the disk image. Once the update is complete you’ll see Internet Tethering under your network settings. Easy peasy. from MacMegaSite UPDATE - Just go here with your iPhone browser. This enables tethering and if you reboot you can get MMS. MMS is still wonky on AT&T, though.
How To Build a Theft-Proof iPhone : iSmashPhone
for less than the $99 per year that Apple's mobileme service costs
複眼中心 : 使用中のiPhoneアプリ65本
iPhone 3G タッチパネルガラス・液晶割れ 破損 傷・バッテリー交換修理/パーツ販売:TOPページ
Growl notifications for the iPhone
Prowl is a Growl client for the iPhone. Though the website mainly talks about tying it to Growl on a Mac, there's a web service, and a simple perl script available for non-Mac environments. Easy to convert to PHP or bash+curl, as it's just a basic-auth POST request.
Lifehacker - Set Up "Push" Gmail on Your iPhone - Prowl
iphone gmail
Six Tools For Testing Designs On Mobile Devices
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Non-JS users get the common masked password fields.
iPhone-like password fields using jQuery // DECAF° blog für digitale kommunikation
Nice jQuery plugin to partially mask password fields.
13 Beautifully Designed Mac and iPhone App Websites | Web Design Ledger
13 Beautifully Designed Mac and iPhone App Websites | Web Design Ledger
Beautifully Designed
Apple Style designed sites
13 Beautifully Designed Mac and iPhone App Websites
The Apple brand is synonymous with good design. It also seems that a lot of applications made for Macs and the iPhone seem to possess a little something extra when it comes to aesthetics. The designers of these apps do a great job in carrying over that same high level of quality in branding. This is evident in the applications themselves as well as their websites. Most of these sites all share certain qualities such as excellent use of color, big highly detailed icons, and pixel perfect buttons.
iPhone Dev Sessions: Create a Drum App
e project “Bickboxx”.
Adding the Sounds Code We have an interface that doesn’t do anything. Let’s fix that. The audio framework we need isn’t added by default. We have to add the AudioToolbox framework.
IPhone Apps to Bring Some Order to Your Life -
to do lists and biz apps - great list
100 Excellent iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers | Web Design ...
Geat list of iPhone apps for developers & designers
geo-location-javascript - Google Code
The geo-location-javascript framework gives access to mobile web users location via javascript. It hides the underlying platform specific implementation through a simple unified interface.
"javascript geo location framework for the mobile web"
A geo location javascript which determines user location in mobile web. Interesting piece of technology.
Exit Strategy NYC for iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, Android(G1), and Kindle
Ever wish you knew exactly where to stand on the subway to arrive at your exit? Front? Back? Middle? Plan where to stand accordingly with Exit Strategy NYC and shave minutes off your trip!
pushing commuting speeds to an absolute limit
iPhone App Reviews by the Experts at Macworld | Macworld
15 Useful iPhone Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier : iSmashPhone
Growl on Macs as of now. There is a Growl client for Windows, but it doesn't work with Prowl yet. It will in the next update, so just hang on Windows users.
s push notifications, it failed to include a push version of Gmail. So, while true push Gmail for the iPhone is yet to exist, there is a very, very good work around
Better Password Inputs, iPhone Style | CSS-Tricks
iPhone style password input. implemented by duplicating the password field to a text field to have control of the contents.
How To Sync Your iPhone To Multiple Computers : iSmashPhone
A 10 step guide to syncing your iPhone to multiple iTunes libraries on multiple computers.
iPhone 活躍アプリ一覧(全68個)
FreeAppAlert - Paid iPhone Apps that just became Free
iPhoneアプリが、何かしらの理由で無料になった時に通知してくれるサイト。TwitterやRSSにも対応している。 キャンペーンを逃さないためには最適
30 iPhone Apps with Sexy Interfaces « AppStorm
Beautiful and Functional Too!
10 Websites For Free Mobile Phone Ringtones & Other Mobile Downloads
Phone Ringtones & Other Mobile Downloads
The Typography Manual - For the iPhone and iPod Touch
The Typography Manual has several useful features and resources for designers, including a visual type anatomy glossary, a font size ruler, an em calculator, and enough content to fill a 60 page book.
Yay for nerd pedantry
How To Activate Internet Tethering Now On iPhone OS 3.0 : iSmashPhone
Step-by-step instructions
Breaking News Online: How One 19-Year Old Is Shaking Up Online Media
Breaking News Online: How One 19-Year Old Is Shaking Up Online Media Det er mulig! [from]
Michael van Poppel used to be like a lot of young people, trawling the internet for interesting news about the world. Just like many others have considered doing, ...
Michael van Poppel used to be like a lot of young people, trawling the internet for interesting news about the world. Just like many others have considered doing, he created a place where he could post the most interesting news he finds, as fast as he can. Today he's one of the most-watched movers and shakers in online news media - and he's not yet twenty years old.
negocios en internet
updated @breakingnews story w/ response from editor @RodrigoMx pointing out that they are paying newswire fees cool! [from]
Wolfenstein 3D for iPhone
hey, what can I say.
review of the source code of Wolfenstein for iPhone
YouTube - New York Nearest Subway Augmented Reality App for iPhone 3GS from acrossair
se acabaron los mapas
iPhoneでAR地下鉄ガイド。 コンセプトと実用性の落とし込みのバランスがすごく絶妙だ。 必見。 ただ、日本だとソフトバンクは地下圏外が多いのが偶にキズ。 - Blog - iPhone CSS
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can!
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can! Use this CSS:
? You can! Use this CSS:
Ever wished you could isolate one or two elements in your site's style to render differently on the iPhone? You can with this css
Matt Legend Gemmell – iPhone Development Emergency Guide
This is an emergency guide to iPhone software development, i.e. a guide for competent developers who haven’t written code for the iPhone platform before, and just want to get started right now.
7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives
Reading: 7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives [from]
7 iPhone Apps That Can Save Lives: What can&#8217;t iPhone applications do? There are apps for almost every inte.. [from]
iPhone Apps Design Mistakes: Over-Blown Visuals | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Great read for iPhone App Designers
Pocket God offers case study of how to build a hit iPhone game | VentureBeat
and that stroke of luck propelled them to the top. Not to take anything away from their hard work, but lots of devs out there are working just as hard on games that are reviewed as well or better.
11 essential iPhone apps for designers | Designer Daily
11 essential iPhone apps for designers | Designer Daily
(including Loupe, by RS!!!) cool looking stuff- fonts, colors, etc.
Tonchidot Madness: The Video
augmented reality
"Social Augmented Reality Mobile Location-based Service: “Sekai Camera” (World Camera)."
Google could and probably will develop a website (a-la AdWords) where every business in the planet will be able to geo-tag their shop, service etc… for free. But the trick is that you could tag not only your business name, but also place ads. And of course Google will charge for this service… In Enkin’s video demonstration, we see an example with a hospital and a subway station geo-tagged and visible live through augmented reality. Now replace this with a restaurant or a shop. This shop pays Google to advertise so below their business name, the tag would also display for example a promotion for an article. Just imagine the potential! This concept has the potential of becoming something similar to what adwords is to Google: a drastic profit machine! On top of that, Google could license the service to TomTom or other GPS manufacturers, so in your car you will actually see in real-time the directions and tags through a live video, instead of the boring 3D-graphics we all know.
Ten Mac Apps That Make Windows Users Drool | TechWatch | Fast Company
Finding iPhone Memory Leaks: A “Leaks” Tool Tutorial
how to use instruments
A “Leaks” Tool Tutorial
Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Sync Beta for iPhone, WinMo and SyncML Phones
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; XXXXX like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/241 Safari/419.3
iPhone Sudoku Grab: How does it all work?
How he solved a limited purpose computer vision problem by applying knowledge about the problem domain.
Weil iPhones Sudokus ganz leicht erkennen können.
Foursquare: Why It May Be the Next Twitter
Foursquare is by no means the first location-based social network to help you connect with friends using GPS via your mobile device. In fact, Brightkite was one of the first companies to really make a splash, combining location sharing, friend connections, and Twitter-like streams to create a photo and status update feed for your check-in history, and placestreams for each location. [Next Twitter? or NBT ?]
Eine gute Erklärung von Foursquare, einem Local Social Networking Spiel (oder so). Eine tolle Idee zum location based gaming/ location based ecommerce.
Application Submission Feedback
A list of not-officially-stated reasons for iPhone app rejection.
Unpublished rules and clarifications from Apple's App Review team that can cause your iPhone app to be rejected.
things that have gotten other people rejected from the app store
iPhone Application Design Patterns — Flyosity: Mac & iPhone Interface Design
UI patterns - interesting read
Designing Convertbot - Tapbots Blog
With the surprising success of Weightbot, it was only a matter of time before we would take on the challenge of outdoing ourselves. We knew people were expecting something big from Tapbots the second time around so what’s more impressive on the iPhone platform than a unit converter? Pretty much anything. In name alone, Convertbot is probably the last application people would expect to see from us. But the truth is, converting units, while extremely ordinary, is a very useful utility for many people. And while there are countless feature-rich unit converters for the iPhone, none of them make the task any more enjoyable. So it really was the perfect robot for us to build. I just wanted to spend a little time writing about how Convertbot came to be. Getting Started The first step was to set up the groundwork for the application. What is the primary purpose of this application? Who is the target audience? What are the bare minimum features this app needs and what features can we add that
The design process of a well-designed iPhone app
Distimo - Home
roll up analytic info from different _app stores_ for your app.
Distimo produces in-depth, analytical reports for companies interested in the mobile application ecosystem, and gives valuable insight into important trends happening within application stores including Apple's App Store, Google's Android Market and RIM's Blackberry App World. Distimo also offers a free analytics tool for mobile developers to monitor their applications and competitive applications across all app stores.
With all the mobile app stores that have sprung up in the past year, developers and brands have a raft of new ways to reach mobile users. As is so often true, however, opportunity brings new challenges, and in this case it's monitoring sales and performance across all those platforms. Enter Distimo, a Dutch startup that tracks prices and download activity on all the major app stores. description from
11 Cool iPhone Keypad Codes
Kindle and the future of reading : The New Yorker
by Nicholson Baker
ANNALS OF READING about the Kindle 2. The writer ordered the Kindle 2 from Amazon. How could he not? Everybody was saying that the new Kindle was terribly important. Writing and publishing, wrote Steven Johnson in the <i>Wall Street Journal</i>, would never be the same. In <i>Newsweek…
The app economy | Technology | The Guardian
discussion of AppStores in the Guardian
Planet of the Apps. "Some 65,000 apps are currently available for Apple's iPhones from the corporation's App Store, which marked its first anniversary earlier this summer. But in that year, the apps industry has grown exponentially – the total number of Apple's App Store downloads recently passed the 1.5bn mark. The App Store's success is reportedly a surprise to Apple, but presumably an even bigger and nastier one to competitors such as Research in Motion (who make BlackBerrys) and Nokia (the world's biggest mobile phone maker). The App Store's staggering success has led nearly every maker of a smartphone operating system to mimic Apple's business model: make it very easy for smartphone users to buy or freely download software created by from third-party developers."
I Quit The iPhone
apple & att block google voice on iphone... assholes. 7/09
"What finally put me over the edge? It wasn't the routinely dropped calls, something you can only truly understand once you have owned an iPhone (and which drove my friend Om Malik to bail). I've lived with that for two years. It's not the lack of AT&T coverage at home. I've lived with that for two years, too. It certainly isn't the lack of a physical keyboard, that has never bothered me. No, what finally put me over the edge is the Google Voice debacle.... So I have to choose between the iPhone and Google Voice. It's not an easy decision. Except, it sort of is. Google isn't forcing the decision on me, Apple and AT&T are. So I choose to work with the company that isn't forcing me to do things their way. And in this case, that's Google."
I have loved the iPhone, but now I am quitting the iPhone. This is not an easy decision.
number portability? -- really??? : ) (DelTweet)
Wisdom on demand for any topic
The 15 Games You Need For Your New iPhone (pg. 01) | Offworld
Yet another list of games.
Augmented Reality Twitter is the Coolest Thing Ever
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Music Collection
If you’re like most people these days, you’ve probably got a lot of music on your computer — whether from your own CD library, or downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, or (ahem) elsewhere. But if the only thing you’re doing with your music collection is listening to it, you’re missing out. There are a large number of web applications devoted to helping you get more from the music you already have.
Save to read later
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If you're like most people these days, you've probably got a lot of music on your computer whether from your own CD library, or d
気付き難かったiPhoneの操作 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
wow, that's sad. "Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one."
Really? Not only censoring the dictionary, but requiring a rating of 17+: Apple AppStore Fail!
"Apple censored an English dictionary. A dictionary. A reference book. For words contained in all reasonable dictionaries. For words contained in dictionaries that are used every day in elementary school libraries and classrooms. [...] The list of omitted words includes some which have utterly non-objectionable senses: ass, snatch, pussy, cock, and even screw. (Ass and cock appear throughout the King James Bible.) Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one. Apple requires you to be 17 years or older to purchase a censored dictionary that omits half the words Steve Jobs uses every day." | You have got to be shitting me.
Stop doing this Apple!
Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
Almost makes me want to reconcider getting an iPhone. Almost. (@via samin)
iPhone Toggle Switches // Elijah Miller
"Way back in June, Thomas Reynolds released iPhone-style-checkboxes for jQuery, a progressive enhancement for checkboxes which makes them into the beautiful iPhone toggle switches. I really like these switches on the iPhone so I went about finishing up his version for the Prototype framework. Of course, I couldn't help but add some new features along the way!"
The Definitive Guide to iPhone App Market Sizing | Back of the Envelope | Jonathan Wegener's Technology/Marketing Blog
The 5-Minute CSS Mobile Makeover • Perishable Press
More people are surfing the Web via mobile device than ever before. It’s just so convenient to have that mobile access to anything you need. Sadly, most websites have not yet considered their mobile visitors, who probably move on to the next site before trying to make sense of a jumbled mess.
Stop ignoring your mobile visitors! Be a part of the thriving Mobile Web by making your site mobile-friendly. This tutorial explains everything you need to know!
appsfire: easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone.
Easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone.
Pinch Media Data Shows The Average Shelf Life Of An iPhone App Is Less Than 30 Days
incl. presentation
Simplenote - Easy-to-use, syncable, searchable notes for iPhone
iphone app to replace notes (includes sync)
Ver clean note app with web app alternate interface
The Case Against Apple–in Five Parts « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Sadly, @jasoncalacanis has it right. The whole ecosystem would be better if Apple opened their hardware/software. Not sure if it will keep the public at large from their move to MacBooks and iPhones.
How I Learned To Quit The iPhone And Love Google Voice
A pretty compelling article from someone who gave up the iPhone. Sounds like Google Voice is a better solution: You can have all your phones ring simultaneously. Does that work with landlines too? Screw having multiple numbers!
At the end of July I declared my intention to quit the iPhone and AT&T, port my mobile phone number to Google Voice and use any mobile device that I pleased (or lots of them at once) in the future. Like others, I will no longer blindly follow all things Apple. Today I’m pleased to report a status update on those efforts: complete. I am no longer a member of the Cult of iPhone. Porting my phone number to Google Voice was a three day process, which I was pre-warned about. The mobile carriers in the U.S. have made the porting process between them fairly easy, and it occurs over a couple of hours. But they are in no hurry to help customers move their phone numbers to Google Voice, and so it took a few extra days. Also, I’m one of the first people to port their phone number to Google Voice, and there are always a few hiccups when you’re a guinea pig.
How to Create Your First iPhone Application | How-To | Smashing Magazine
What if you had a nickle for every time you heard: I have the perfect idea for a great application! ? It's the buzz on
What if you had a nickle for every time you heard: "I have the perfect idea for a great application!"? It’s the buzz on the street. The iPhone has created unprecedented excitement and innovation from people both inside and outside the software development community. Still for those outside the development world, the process is a bit of a mystery. This how-to guide is supposed to walk you through the steps to make your idea for an iPhone app a reality. This post presents various ideas, techniques, tips, and resources that may come in handy if you are planning on creating your first iPhone application.
iphonearkit - Project Hosting on Google Code
Seems to be just a spherical overlay with annotations, right now. Don't know if it even handles movement.
il faut que je test ça à mon retour de vacances
50 Fun iPhone Apps to Get Kids Reading and Learning
Do you own an iPhone? Do you also have toddlers or kids who are about to enter school? Put the iPhone and the kids together with some of the apps listed below to keep the kids busy as they prepare themselves for school.
Mobile OS shootout: iPhone OS 3.0 enters the fray
Comparison of Mobile phone operating systems (OS's). by Engadget
Downloads: Pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
iPod Transfer
pod to Mac Transfers iPhone, iPod Music to Your Mac
The 35 Best iPhone Apps Of The Year (So Far)
This guest post was written by Alex Ahlund, founder of AppVee. AppVee has been doing in-depth reviews of applications since the launch ...
ParseKit - Cocoa Objective-C Framework for parsing, tokenizing and language processing
ParseKit Home Tokenization Grammars iPhone Source Code Header Docs ParseKit Documentation ParseKit ParseKit is a Mac OS X Framework written by Todd Ditchendorf in Objective-C 2.0 and released under the MIT Open Source License. ParseKit is suitable for use on Mac OS X Leopard or iPhone OS. The framework is an Objective-C implementation of the tools described in "Building Parsers with Java" by Steven John Metsker. ParseKit includes additional features beyond the designs from the book and also some changes to match common Cocoa/Objective-C conventions. These changes are relatively superficial, however, and Metsker's book is the best documentation available for ParseKit. The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars
The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: 1- String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. 2- High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). 3- Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars - Generate an Objective-C parser for your custom language using a BNF-style grammar syntax (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C code.
"The ParseKit Framework offers 3 basic services of general interest to Cocoa developers: String Tokenization via the Objective-C PKTokenizer and PKToken classes. High-Level Language Parsing via Objective-C - An Objective-C parser-building API (the PKParser class and sublcasses). Objective-C Parser Generation via Grammars - Generate an Objective-C parser for your custom language using a BNF-style grammar syntax (similar to yacc or ANTLR). While parsing, the parser will provide callbacks to your Objective-C code."
トブ iPhone: これからのiPhoneアプリ開発者に朗報「iPhone Developer Program 登録マニュアル」
Gizmodo - Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0 - jailbreak iPhone 3.0 guide
Swebapps | The easy way to build your own app
Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Get Adobe Flash player
Build a simple iPhone application using a series of web forms. The upside is you don’t need any specific technical knowledge to build up an app quickly (the company touts “in as little as 5 minutes!”), but the downside is the app interface and functionality are relatively basic. Still, for companies, individuals, or artists looking to put out an iPhone app quickly and for relatively little cost as compared to hiring a developer, Sweb Apps is worth checking out.
Build Your Own iPhone App in 5 Minutes With Sweb Apps
Aimed primarily at small and medium-sized businesses without an in-house development staff, Sweb Apps is a new startup that lets you build a simple iPhone application using a series of web forms. The upside is you don’t need any specific technical knowledge to build up an app quickly (the company touts “in as little as 5 minutes!”), but the downside is the app interface and functionality are relatively basic. Still, for companies, individuals, or artists looking to put out an iPhone app quickly and for relatively little cost as compared to hiring a developer, Sweb Apps is worth checking out.
Build Your Own iPhone App in 5 Minutes With Sweb Apps [from]
Kyle Pott » Make Your Wordpress Blog Mobile Compliant in One Step
Great wordpress blog tip for mobile compatability!
Mobile phones (especially those with web browsing capabilities) are becoming very pervasive. The percentage of visitors reading your blog from a mobile phone is probably growing exponentially. The best part about the technique I’m going to show you is that it is not going to cost you anything to display a mobile version of your blog.
You may have noticed that this blog now has a mobile version for the iPhone and iPod Touch. You may also have noticed that there is a second mobile format for all other smart phones, too. Thanks to the ease-of-use of Wordpress, you can make your blog mobile compliant in about five minutes and without writing one line of code.
Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » The iPhone is Not Easy to Use: A New Direction for UX Design
iPhones fly off the shelves despite being difficult to learn. Why? Because they let you do what it says you can do and they make you happy while you do it. This proves that my job as a user experience designer has evolved rather than simply changed. While it’s still my responsibility to prevent things from sucking, now it’s also my responsibility to add a little playfulness. As Kim Goodwin said in her Interaction09 keynote, we have a limited window in which to prove how valuable design can be to business. There are three ways in which user experience designers can learn to incorporate play into the systems they design. Experience and Research Play You can’t build playfulness into your designs without experiencing playfulness yourself. Play games and pay attention to what makes them fun. For example, the only rule in the card game Fluxx is that the rules constantly change. Completing a level in Peggle gives you the “Ode to Joy,” rainbows, unicorns, and fireworks!
Very thorough and insightful article about the direction of UI and UX in software. This is about the iPhone, but the lessons are universally applicable.
To some extent, you need not make things not suck if you can make them fun. The Mary Poppins Principle as a new model for user experience design.
Software user interfaces as games, with focus on iPhone usability.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Mobile phones get cyborg vision
Endless possibilities for bleeding edge digital travel guides.
a view of the world tagged with rich, location-relevant information whilst your gaze flickers here and there. But now this Augmented Reality (AR), as it is known, is materialising in the real world. Mobile phone operators, at least, are hoping it will be the next big thing as programmers learn to corral all the bells and whistles of smart phones - GPS, video, accelerometers - into "killer applications". For the first time such AR is available for handsets.
"Via the video function of a mobile phone's camera it is now possible to combine a regular pictorial view with added data from the internet just as the fictional Terminator was able to overlay its view of the world with vital information about its surroundings."
flight delay prediction, way better than what the airlines tell you
高木浩光@自宅の日記 - やはり退化していた日本のWeb開発者「ニコニコ動画×iPhone OS」の場合
Apple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store
Obvious Apple is Obvious: Google Voice rejected for App Store; follows Apple pulling voice-enabled Google apps. [from]
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they “duplicate features that come with the iPhone”. Now comes even worse news: we’ve learned that Apple has blocked Google’s official Google Voice application itself from the App Store. In other words, Google Voice — one of the best things to happen to telephony services in a very long time — will have no presence at all on the App Store.
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they ...
Expand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
iPhone Development
Expand Your Development Skills With Creative Tech Projects | Inspiration
Even if you’re an experienced Web developer, your next project doesn’t have to be a website. Sometimes doing something outside of the usual Web developer’s box is more fun and can even be educational. We’ll try here to give you some inspiration on what to do on your next rainy day. You can learn a lot by doing something other than building or designing a website. And if you stick with techniques that you can learn in a couple hours, you won’t burden yourself either.
Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
Top 6 Augmented Reality Mobile Apps [Videos]
A nice roundup of what people are attempting to do with simple mobile camera phones by mashing-up available information around them.
How to implement a mobile version of your blog in three simple steps
Movement - Arranging your iPhone apps shouldn't take all day
tap tap tap ~ Convert design evolution
"I had originally planned to do a post detailing the design of Convert… from my assy “programmer mockup”… until the finished app. But I figured that this would be much more fun and 1000x less long-winded" Nice to watch this ... the familiar practice of feeling your way around interface design, like drawing.
"What happens when you stick a few people who can’t agree on anything at first… but later agree on everything… in a virtual room to do some app design? "
A evolução de uma interface para iphone. via @blude
A great blog about the iphone.
Augmented Reality: 5 Barriers to a Web That's Everywhere
Augmented Reality is in some ways just another version of the web; a web applied, through novel interfaces, in reference to the physical world, instead of floating documents tied only to each other as the web is today.
How Big Is the Apple iPhone App Economy? The Answer Might Surprise You
If I were to tell you that Apple’s app economy was worth more than $2.5 $2.4 billion a year, you would laugh hysterically, shake your head and walk out of the room, yes? Surf on over to some other web site? But here I am telling you exactly that!
According to mobile advertising startup AdMob, there are some $200 million worth of applications sold in Apple’s iPhone store every month, or about $2.4 billion a year.
If I were to tell you that Apple’s app economy was worth more than $2.5 $2.4 billion a year, you would laugh hysterically, shake your head and walk out of the room, yes? Surf on over to some other web site? But here I am telling you exactly that! According to mobile advertising startup AdMob, there are some $200 million worth of applications sold in Apple’s iPhone store every month, or about $2.4 billion a year. Just to put that in context, Apple says about 1.5 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store. In comparison, the Android marketplace brings in about $5 million a month or on a run rate to do $60 million in a year, AdMob says. I bet that number rises up sharply once more handsets come to market. As you know, Motorola is announcing its new Android handsets at our Mobilize 09 conference on September 10.
Steve Jobs: The man who polished Apple - Times Online
apple stevejobs biography jobs mac
For five years the owner of the Jackling House in Woodside, California, has been trying to knock it down. He hates the place, calling it “one of the biggest abominations of a house I’ve ever seen”. He hates it so much, he has abandoned it to live a few miles away in Palo Alto. Pictures of the interior show a ghostly, decaying mansion. The owner can’t knock it down because of protests from conservationists. But a deal has been done. He will spend $600,000 to have it taken down and will have it rebuilt elsewhere — not a big victory by his standards, but a satisfying one. He has been having a hard time lately.
My own view is that a Jobsless Apple will seek a merger with Google. The two companies are rapidly converging... There is Apple’s iPhone and there is Google’s Android, not a phone in itself, but an operating system that can be used by other companies. Google also produce a web browser called Chrome, which competes with Apple’s Safari. And, most importantly, Google is working on a computer operating system, also called Chrome, which may well be a very serious competitor for Mac OS X... The point is that both companies are aiming to seize dominance of the world market from Microsoft... The loss of Jobs’s genius for products would mean Google’s innovation and Apple’s design and market sense would be a very good fit, although antitrust regulators might disagree.
"Apple Inc is worth around $140 billion. But is it worth anything without Jobs? It is a company formed around his personality and inspiration. It is also the most watched, envied, admired and adored company in the world."
20 Creative Apps For Your iPhone
kul, but most of them ain't free
Back to School: Top 10 iPhone Apps for Students
It's time to head back to school, so here's a list of 10 iPhone apps that will make your life much easier on campus this year.
HOW TO: Find the Name of That Song
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Ever had that tune you just couldn’t get out of your head, but you couldn’t remember the darn title or who the heck performed the track? Well there’s an app for that.
Ever had that tune you just couldn’t get out of your head, but you couldn’t remember the darn title or who the heck performed the track? Well there’s an app for that. Actually, there are several. In this feature we’ll look at several services that can help you name that tune. We’re still waiting on the app that can actually banish that annoyingly catchy song from your mind, but until then at least you can be armed with knowledge.
Top 10 Tutorials to Develop iPhone Apps
Andy Kessler: Why AT&T Killed Google Voice -
In The Wall Street Journal, Andy Kessler writes that AT&T is dying and dragging down the rest of us by overcharging us for voice calls and stifling innovation in a mobile data market critical to the U.S. economy.
It wouldn't be so bad if we were just overpaying for our mobile plans. Americans are used to that—see mail, milk and medicine. But it's inexcusable that new, feature-rich and productive applications like Google Voice are being held back, just to prop up AT&T while we wait for it to transition away from its legacy of voice communications. How many productive apps beyond Google Voice are waiting in the wings? The FCC better not treat AT&T and Verizon like Citigroup, GM and the Post Office. Cellphone operators aren't too big to fail. Rather, the telecom sector is too important to be allowed to hold back the rest of us.
With Google Voice, you have one Google phone number that callers use to reach you, and you pick up whichever phone—office, home or cellular—rings. You can screen calls, listen in before answering, record calls, read transcripts of your voicemails, and do free conference calls. Domestic calls and texting are free, and international calls to Europe are two cents a minute. In other words, a unified voice system, something a real phone company should have offered years ago.
ベア速 iPhoneの神アプリのみを挙げるスレ+iPhone欲しい人の背中を押すスレ
Iphone apps directory - Gizmodo
Gizmodo's essential iphone apps director - The Appstore Search Engine
The Appstore Search Engine
Snel zoeken naar Iphone applicaties
iphone app search engine
Searching 72,075 iPhone & iPod Touch applications
Coding Horror: Software Pricing: Are We Doing It Wrong?
"...the idea that software should be priced low enough to pass the average user's "why not" threshold is a powerful one."
codinghorror application software pricing price discount appstore apple iphone coding horror
What I think isn't well understood here is that low prices can be a force multiplier all out of proportion to the absolute reduction in price. Valve software has been aggressively experimenting in this area; consider the example of the game Left 4 Dead: Valve co-founder Gabe Newell announced during a DICE keynote today that last weekend's half-price sale of Left 4 Dead resulted in a 3000% increase in sales of the game, posting overall sales (in dollar amount) that beat the title's original launch performance. It's sobering to think that cutting the price in half, months later, made more money for Valve in total than launching the game at its original $49.95 price point. (And, incidentally, that's the price I paid for it. No worries, I got my fifty bucks worth of gameplay out of this excellent game months ago.) The experiments didn't end there. Observe the utterly non-linear scale at work as the price of software is experimentally reduced even further on their Steam network: The mass
One of the side effects of using the iPhone App store so much is that it's started to fundamentally alter my perception of software pricing. So many excellent iPhone applications are either free, or no more than a few bucks at most. That's below the threshold of impulse purchase and squarely in no-brainer territory for anything decent that I happen to be interested in.
Gizmodo's Essential iPhone Apps: Fall 2009 - iPhone Apps - Gizmodo
[en] Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love.
"Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love."
Japan’s 32 Best iPhone Apps (All Available In English)
The local developer community has noticed and produced a slew of apps aimed at a global audience. What follows is my subjective selection of the “best” of these made-in-Japan apps, all of which are at least available in English.
Ukiyo-e Beauties
Como crear buenos iconos para tus aplicaciones iphone
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform. The App store with it’s more than 70.000 apps have become quite the crowded bazaar. As an interface designer i cannot but marvel at the emphasis this has put on the delicate art of icon design. Read on as i take you through some do’s and don’ts of App Icon Design.
Best practices for design iPhone app icons
Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform.
Iced Cocoa » Keymote
iPhone App to remotely control the Mac
iPhone remote for any Mac OS X app.
13 Top Designers Share the Coolest iPhone Apps They Use Everyday | Inspired Magazine
RT @ManiKarthik 11 Top Designers Share the Coolest #iPhone Apps They Use Everyday via @styletime [from]
The Simple, Secret iPhone Tethering Fix | TechWatch | Fast Company
iPhone tethering
Rising to the Top: 5 ways indie developers succeed on the App Store
That brings us to the $2.4 billion question: how do you succeed on the App Store? We’ve spent the last few weeks trying to answer that question and have come up with a list of tips and tricks that’ll help you edge your way into App Store glory. Now, none of these will replace making a good product or compensate for a million-dollar advertising and PR budget, but they’ll likely help you get noticed or keep your current momentum.
TapFancy – An iPhone app design showcase and gallery
携帯サイト デザインギャラリーいろいろ | DesignWalker
携帯サイト デザインギャラリーいろいろ
ウェブサイトのデザインギャラリーはたくさん公開されていますね。 携帯サイトになると、それほどデザインギャラリーは無いのかと思っていました。 でも、クオリティの高い携帯サイトのデザインギャラリーはいっぱいありました。今回は携帯サイトのデザインギャラリーをいろいろ集めてみました。
Apple Answers the FCC’s Questions
Apple questioned Apple, AT&T, and Google about the rejection of the Google Voice iPhone App. This is Apple's response, which also discusses the approval process for inclusion in the App Store.
Apple responds to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s inquiry dated July 31, 2009, requesting information regarding Apple’s App Store and its application approval process. Includes response to why Google Voice was rejected.
If You’re Not Seeing Data, You’re Not Seeing | Gadget Lab |
As you shove your way through the crowd in a baseball stadium, the lenses of your digital glasses display the names, hometowns and favorite hobbies of the
Annotated link
“Augmented reality,” where data from the network overlays your view of the real world. Your phone’s screen shows the real world overlaid with additional information such as the location of subway entrances, the price of houses, or Twitter messages that have been posted nearby. And publishers, moviemakers and toymakers have embraced a version of the technology to enhance their products and advertising campaigns.
As you shove your way through the crowd in a baseball stadium, the lenses of your digital glasses display the names, hometowns and favorite hobbies of the strangers surrounding you. Then you claim a seat and fix your attention on the batter, and his player statistics pop up in a transparent box in the corner of your field of vision.
Main Page - MonoTouch from Novell
MonoTouch is the Mono edition for Apple's iPhone and Apple's iPod Touch devices.
Dessine moi un objet » Blog Archive » Iphone and Itouch paper stand / dock
Wow cool!
soporte hecho de cartulina para iphone o itouch
First & 20
A collection of iPhone home screens
collection of iphone home screens
21 Essential iPhone Apps with Sexy Interfaces « SUBERAPPS
Apps with Sexy Interfaces
potential iPhone native “Contacts” app replacement. With groups you can manage your contacts easily, organizing them using drag and drop. Your created groups will synchronize with iPhone’s Contact app. Email groups of people easily with this app, call or SMS anyone easily, all with a very sexy interface.
Knowliz: Sync ToDo's and Tasks on iPhone for FREE using Google Sync
ToDo's and Tasks on iPhone
Mockapp download page « MockApp
Powerpoint and keynote templates for designing an iPhone interface
iPhone アプリのモックアップを作るための Keynote/PowerPoint 用のデータ
DIY Print-and-Fold iPhone and iPod touch Dock Looks Great - iPhone - Lifehacker
Link to an iPod dock you can make yourself and save a few pennies.
iPhoneSDK他 開発メモのまとめと言うか目次 2009.08.17版 - iPhoneSDK他 開発メモ
主に自分用に色々なiPhoneSDK開発テクニックや電子工作や色々な開発関連のメモを書いてます。 他にもゲームや便利アプリ等の紹介や、iPhoneOS以外の話題も書いていきたいと思います。
iphone 開発まとめ
Welcome -
iphone dev. environment/resource
Design Mobile Apps (cross platform)
Online dev environment for creating HTML5/CSS3/JS-based apps for smartphones. iPhone now, "Pre and BBerry coming"
a free, collaborative, web-based, open-source mobile development environment where developers can easily create smartphone applications using standard web technologies (such as HTML 5, CSS, and Javascript) and distribute them as stand-alone applications to app stores.
Caching Apple's Signature Server - Jay Freeman (saurik)
s: we want choice. We believe that Apple has m
Enhancing User Interaction With First Person User Interface « Smashing Magazine
But sometimes, it makes sense to think of the real world as an interface. To design user interactions that make use of how people actually see the world -to take advantage of first person user interfaces.
iPhone Design Template Sketchbook | App Sketchbook
iPhone sketchbooks.
Sketchbook with templates for iPhone screens.
Official Google Mobile Blog: Google Sync: Now with push Gmail support
Using Google Sync, you can now get your Gmail messages pushed directly to your phone. Having an over-the-air, always-on connection means that your inbox is up to date, no matter where you are or what you're doing. Sync works with your phone's native email application so there's no additional software needed. Only interested in syncing your Gmail, but not your Calendar? Google Sync allows you to sync just your Contacts, Calendar, or Gmail, or any combination of the three.
CitySourced - A real time mobile civic engagement tool.
CitySourced is a real time mobile civic engagement tool. CitySourced provides a free, simple, and intuitive tool empowering citizens to identify civil issues (potholes, graffiti, trash, snow removal, etc.) and report them to city hall for quick resolution; an opportunity for government to use technology to save money and improve accountability to those they govern; and a positive, collaborative platform for real action. Our platform is called CitySourced, as it empowers everyday citizens to use their smart phones to make their cities a better place. CitySourced is powered by FreedomSpeaks, the leader in interactive civic engagement
a real time mobile civic engagement tool
Alexandre Gomes | An introduction to game physics with Chipmunk
An introduction to game physics with Chipmunk. Learn about Chipmunk Physics Engine and how to start developing games for the iPhone and other platforms.
Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhone
Many applications require your Mac and your iPhone to be on the same wireless network in order to communicate properly or sync. Apple doesn't advertise the ability to use such applications without a wireless router... nor do many developers. It's not only possible, it works great in a pinch or even as a standard
Mac 101: Create a wireless network between Mac and iPhone
Briefs: A Cocoa Touch Framework for Live Wireframes
Let's you use a wide variety of wireframe/mocks/protpe graphics to begin testing your app a bit before going to the full development phase.
Sounds like this could be a killer app for designers.
A Cocoa Touch Framework for Live Wireframes
Showcase of Designs Optimized for iPhone « Smashing Magazine
Loads of nice iPhone designs.
keynote/ppt template for mocking up an iphone app
Mobile Marketing: Brands Can Build a Successful App Strategy - Advertising Age - Digital
More than a year into the age of the iPhone app, brands are starting to get on board -- and best practices are emerging. Here are 12 lessons.
iPhone 3GSを購入したら直ちに設定したい10ポイント | nanapi[ナナピ]
Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
teehan+lax » Blog Archive » iPhone Needs a New Home
Wonderful stuff
Would be nice. I'm not sure how this would handle the pulling of data w/o draining the battery.
Mockup of a new iPhone home screen
Apple - iPhone - Apps for Everything
Get a closer look at iPhone games and applications you can download from iTunes.
Once you discover the App Store, you’ll see how applications can make your iPhone do just about anything. There are thousands of iPhone apps to choose from. Here are a few that will help you get the most out your iPhone, wherever you go.
jqtouch - Project Hosting on Google Code
Documentation to support use of jqtouch to develop iPhone web applications quickly and easily
ignore the code » Virtual Keyboards on iPhone and Android
Excelente comparativa entre los teclados del iPhone y de Android.
Virtual Keyboards on iPhone and Android
[iPhone][links] iPhone開発に便利なオススメサイト10選 - Ni chicha, ni limona -- paellaの日記 - iPhoneアプリ開発グループ
Adobe Labs - Adobe Flash Professional CS5: Applications for iPhone
iPhoneアプリ開発入門 - @ITテクノロジー
iPhoneアプリ開発入門 − @IT CORE
Developing for the Apple iPhone using Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
"By doing the compilation step, we allow developers to create applications using their Flash skills and their knowledge of ActionScript 3. In the process, we also expose the APIs that developers are familiar with so they can not only use the ActionScript language but follow the customary app-building model. When you build your application for the iPhone, there is no interpreted code and no runtime in your final binary. Your application is truly a native iPhone app." Nice, could this pattern be used to deploy AS3 projects to other environments.
Adobe now makes it possible to create applications for the Apple iPhone using the Adobe Flash Platform. You heard right: We're really excited to bring this new capability to Flash designers and developers—the ability to target the iPhone with ActionScript 3 projects. You will be able to test this functionality in the forthcoming beta release of Adobe Flash Professional CS5 on Adobe Labs.
Create ActionScript 3 projects to run as native applications on the Apple iPhone.
Flash developers told us how e
Giz Explains: Why You Can't Get Decent Earphones for Less Than $100 - Earbuds - Gizmodo
$27 jvc earbuds great sound
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Apple's share of smartphone traffic in the U.S. had surged to 64%. Perhaps more significantly though, Apple's share of worldwide smartphone traffic had increased to 47%. This is important, because internationally other smartphones were utilized much more than in the U.S. before the iPhone arrived.
An Exhaustive Guide to Saving Your Smartphone's Battery - Battery - Lifehacker
Battery improvements are one of nokia's focus points, going from 100-110 on my old e71 netted me about 3hrs of battery life. I was a HEAVY user. HSDPA push running all day. Had to recharge at 11pm every night until that update.
Modern phones come loaded with bright screens, fun games and apps, and connections for 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. Not coincidentally, they're constantly out of juice. Here's some of the best collected wisdom about saving your web-connected phone's battery life.
iPhone App Design Trends « Smashing Magazine
長期間使用されているiPhoneアプリをまとめてみました - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools
This is a site that is pro cell phone use.
Vicki Davis makes a strong, logical case for cell phone uses in schools.
10 Reasons Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In Schools
Create a Promotional iPhone App Site in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
Template de Iphone App
Insanely good tutorial. Even better example of tutorial style.
App Classics
11 iphone apps every web designer should download
As a web designer you know that things are changing at a fast pace. What was hot one day is not the other. One “new” technology that is growing bigger and bigger in popularity each and every day is the iPhone and its apps. This is an appreciated development as it can make our lives as web designers easier. The list below is just eleven good apps among thousands – please feel free to comment with your favorite iPhone app for web designers.
Setting Up Photoshop For Web, App and iPhone Development « Smashing Magazine
d, color management typically involves calibrating your entire workflow, from scanner or digital camera to computer display to hard proofs to the final press output. This can be quite a tall order, especially when the dev
20 Fantastic Free iPhone Apps for Parents
Great apps for iPhone toting parents
Here is a list of 20 awesome, free iPhone apps for parents that won’t necessarily make you a better parent, but can make your life a little easier.
いよいよ実世界にタッチするiPhoneアプリまとめ - A Successful Failure
本エントリではiPhoneアプリケーションのうち、特に実世界とのインタラクションを有するものについて紹介する。地図と連動して単純に現在位置から最寄りの施設やその施設のクーポン、イベント等を検索して提示するようなアプリ、単に音声を録音したり、音声コマンドを認識して動作するアプリは多く存在するが、本エントリでは扱わない。ここではiPhoneに搭載されているセンサを一工夫して実世界を認識し新たなサービスを提供するアプリに限って紹介したい(中には既存の携帯電話向けアプリに同様のアプリが存在するものもある)。通常のアプリとは一味違うアイデアがキラリと光る。カテゴリとしては、拡張現実(Augmented Reality)、コンテキスト・アウェアネス(Context Awareness)、位置依存サービス(Location Dependent Services)などが該当するだろう。
Apple Learning Interchange - iPod touch. Touching student lives in the classroom.
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students. This exhibit is a collection of stories by some educators who have joined together to share in this vision. Using the techniques here, they have aimed to model these techniques to show what is possible. Please enjoy the exhibit and put it to good use. Together we can make mobile learning come to life and change the world of education one pocket and set of earbuds at a time!
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creativel
The iPod touch has a huge amount of potential in the classroom to revolutionize the way students learn and teachers teach. This exhibit is a living document to share in this vision and offer ways that the classroom teacher can use the iPod touch creatively and easily with their students.
iPod uses
pinch/zoom // mobile & web applications
Slider example, Traditional Aspects:, grid system, Black on white, Nice balance of fonts and headlines. (The small font, though legible, could maybe be a point size or two larger). Web 2.0 Enhancements: The JavaScript portfolio slider is dang fun and effective. Interface is minimalist and direct. Varied use of Illustration is a great touch. Embraces the web’s current technology without becoming cumbersome. Unique solutions to page layout (Check out the mega-dropdown when clicking the info tab. There’s virtually an entire website hiding up there!).
beautiful interface, very nice jquery UI elements
Garret Murray is co-founder Mobile iPhone App - Photo editing, sharing, upload
ipodclassroom - home
Annotated link
Wiki on using iPods in the classroom.
Make Unlimited Free Calls on Your Cellphone with Google Voice - Google Voice - Lifehacker
5 cool things to sync with Dropbox on your Mac - Ars Technica
shows how to sync stuff using dropbox as a unified file system
50+ Free Iphone App
Pour consultation
There are a few great apps in here. (Saved for reference later.)
Announcing iPhone Wax: Native UIKit iPhone Apps Written In Lua
I started investigating how I might write native iPhone apps from a scripting language. Lua was on my radar already. It’s compact, expressive, fast enough, and was designed to be embedded. Took only about 20 minutes to get the Lua interpreter running on the iPhone. The real work was to bridge Lua and all the Objective-C/CocoaTouch classes. The bridge had to work in two directions: it would need to be able to create CocoaTouch objects and also be able to respond to callbacks as part of the familiar delegate/protocol model.
Lua + iPhone = wax
Bridging a Lua interpreter framework to native iPhone classes -- scripting your way around Objective C. With this week's notice from Adobe regarding Flash development of native iPhone binaries, the options for mobile development are getting more and more plentiful (and more and more abstract).
note that lua is used widely in game dev
In the remainder of this post, I’ll walk you through getting it set up, show you how to creating a project featuring a UITableView, and close with a section on its roadmap and tools support.
App of the Day - Find the best iPhone and iPod touch Apps and Games
There are too many iPhone apps to sift through, and neither iTunes nor the iPhone App Store interface make it easy to find the best stuff. App of the Day blogs and Twitters one member-voted app per day. It's a simple idea, but it's a good start at sifting through the more than 85,000 applications available to iPhone and iPod touch users. Registered users of App of the Day can nominate one application per day, and the most nominated applications are showcased plainly on the site's front page, with screenshots, short descriptions, a direct iTunes link, and comments from those nominating. The site supports Gravatars, so signing up shouldn't be that tough if you've already commented on WordPress or other Gravatar-supporting blogs.
Find the best iPhone and iPod touch apps including games, utilities, productivity, social media, and news.
iPhone App Site Design Trends
iPhone App Site Design Trends!!!!
Identity Guidelines for Developers
Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5+ and iPhone OS 3.0+.
Présentation en français ici :
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)
مطابق آمارهای جهانی، میزان استفاده از تلفنهای همراه برای اتصال به اینترنت در سال جاری رشدی چشمگیر داشته و پیش بینی میشود این روند سیر صعودی شدیدتری داشته باشد. بازار اصلی هم از آن آیفون خواهد بود
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
How The iPhone Is Blowing Everyone Else Away (In Charts)
Utvalg grafer som viser hvordan iPhone har fungert som lokomotiv for mobilt internett. Grafene er hentet fra Morgen Stanley analytiker Mary Meekers årlige internettanalyse
The chart overlays the first 20 quarters of user growth for each product. Only eight quarters after launch, the iPhone and iPod Touch has more than twice as many users (57 million) as imode (25 million), five times as many as Netscape (11 million), and eight times as many as AOL (7 million) at a comparable points in their histories.
t AT&Ts monthly fees. Taken together, the adoption of the iPhone and iPod Touch is outstripping the early adoption the desktop Internet, as represented by AOL and Netscape in Meekers chart below. It is also outstripping the early growth of NTT Docomos imode, which was the most successful example of the first generation of mobile Web adoption in Japan.
The first one above shows the growth of data traffic on AT&T’s mobile network. It is 50 times higher than it was just three years ago. I added two arrows to show when the first iPhone launched in June, 2007 and the iPhone 3G in July 2008. AT&T saw massive pops in data usage following those two launches as consumers discovered the unadulterated mobile Web for the first time. And it is not just the iPhone. With the ubiquity of WiFi, the iPod Touch offers pretty much the same experience without AT&T’s monthly fees. Taken together, the adoption of the iPhone and iPod Touch is outstripping the early adoption the desktop Internet, as represented by AOL and Netscape in Meeker’s chart below. It is also outstripping the early growth of NTT Docomo’s imode, which was the most successful example of the first generation of mobile Web adoption in Japan.
Life is beautiful: 「Flash vs. HTML5」という構図がはっきりと見え始めたぞ、と
ウェブ上のリッチコンテンツという分野でリーダーシップ・ポジションを取りながらも、「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えたFlash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。
「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えた Flash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。 パソコン側でこれほど有利な立場にありながら、スマートフォンの世界では土俵際に追いつめられた感のあるAdobe。WebKitという戦略兵器を軸に手をがっちりと手を組んだGoogleとApple。思いっきり出遅れてしまったがOS・ブラウザーのシェアと資金力だけは誰にも負けない Microsoft。この戦いは目が離せない。
30 Best Free iPhone Photo & Video Applications | Tools
MobileMe を使わない同期環境 - soundscape out · Slow ride, make it easy
Using ipfw to simulate slow network connections
Using scripts to simulate poor network conditions
ipfw · The final test
test iphone distribution app before submitting
changing the code signing to install in itunes
If you’ve submitted an application to the App Store, you know that sinking feeling of not being able to test your final build. The binary that gets signed with the “App Store” distribution mechanism cannot be run on your test devices: you can’t be sure that the final bits you send to Apple are complete. But there’s a simple way around this problem and it’s called codesign. The same application we used for our pre-Ad Hoc beta testing can also be used for a final test on your App Store submissions.
How to resign iPhone apps using codesign
About My name is Craig Hockenberry and is my place to write for the web. You can learn more about me or view my résumé. I also have some production notes available. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter. For fun, click on my picture at the Iconfactory website. Archives July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 March 2009 February 2009 January 2009 December 2008 November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 March 2008 February 2008 December 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July 2007 June 2007 Recent Waving a red flag Year two Brain farts A phone by any other name would smell as sweet… Of toolbars and actions Matt Gallagher deserves a medal… A thought experiment Slow ride, make it easy Front Row To Go Open sesame The final test During the early days of iPhone software development, there were no mechanisms for doing beta tests. Those of us on the bleeding edge were developing apps with very little peer review and beta testing. Luckily, I have fr
Phil Coffman – Art Director + Photographer » iPhone Photography
"Many very talented developers have produced some amazing applications built to take the iPhone’s photographic capabilities to the next level by giving us tools to enhance our images. Some of the favorites are CameraBag, QuadCamera, Best Camera, Toy Camera, and TiltShift Generator. All of these apps are essentially post-processing tools that edit the photos hue, saturation, contrast, exposure (kind of), and maybe offer a couple of other specialized effects like vignetting and framing"
You know, for someday, when I have an iPhone, like the cool kids.
Top 10 Must Have iPhone Apps for Bloggers
Cell Phones: Google Sync Keeps Contacts and Calendars in Sync on Your Mobile Phone
Google has just release a new tool called Google Sync, a service that syncs your Google Contacts and Calendar wirelessly to your iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, or Windows Mobile phone.
15 iPhone Apps to Tame the Kids
Summer (which has just begun for half the world) is a time for road trips and vacations. That means lots of family fun, but it also means long boring car or
iPhone開発。まずはサンプルを動かしてみよう - @IT
Make an iPhone App Using the Envato API - Nettuts+
Cocoa with Love: Showing a "Loading..." message over the iPhone keyboard
The "Text" (SMS) application on the iPhone uses a custom, semi-transparent view to show its "Sending..." message over the keyboard. I'll show you a simple class that can display semi-transparent loading messages and how you can display messages over the keyboard.
Loading..." messages When waiting for data loaded from the internet, many iPhone applications use a mostly black, semi-transparent view to block the display. Most use a basic "spinner" (UIActivityIndicatorView) to reassure the user that the application is still running, frequently accompanied by "Loading..." text. Despite the prevalence of this type of loading message, it is not a standard control and must be constructed manually.
Smartphone Showdown: iPhone 3GS vs Motorola Droid
This is a good overview, and I agree with about 90% of the points, but I still find some aspects of the Droid to be just weird. Likely a personal thing, though.
If hype were to be believed, the Motorola DROID is the pièce de résistance of the mobile world; the conclusive creation sent down ...
Macはじめました。: iPhoneを使うようになってから便利だと感じた、Macのアプリケーション
Dropbox Evernote 以外のアプリケーション
13 Tools for Building Your Own iPhone App
info on how to create an iphone app
Ferramentas para desenvolvimento para iPhone
"Below we've listed 13 different tools that let you create your own iPhone applications, none of which require knowledge of Objective C, the programming language used to build apps for the iPhone OS ."
Tutorial: How to Tether on an iPhone 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2
iphone tethering
50 Educational Apps for the iPod Touch | U Tech Tips
I have been getting a lot of questions about the Apps we have on our iPod Touches at school, so here you are:
Apple - iPhone - Apps for Students
iPhone has apps to help with every subject. If you’re headed to Chemistry, Periodic gives you a complete, pocket-size reference to the periodic table of elements that you can organize by name, atomic number, chemical series, symbol, or phase. Bring the New Oxford American Dictionary to English class, and you’ll never be at a loss for words. Or download Grafly and impress your math class with amazing 2D and 3D interactive graphs of equations you can view from any angle.
Download iPhone applications made for students. Available now on iTunes.
iLearn No. 2
magazines and books
Using iPods in the classroom
iPod in classroom magazine
articles publication on use of ipod-touch etc. in education K-12
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone
A month ago, we covered Wikitude, an augmented reality app for Google Android. Augmented reality takes virtual data, places it on your phone, and allows you to interact with it using your compass, camera, and GPS. The end result is the ability to see virtual items and information in the real world. Wikitude’s AR app combines Wikipedia (Wikipedia) and geotagged information from its users and places it in your hands. But while it’s been on Android (Android) for some time, it hasn’t been on the iPhone. That’s because has Apple has only recently begun to accept AR on the iPhone, inadvertently starting with Yelp’s easter egg. But now we’ve learned from ReadWriteWeb that Wikitude has made its debut on the iPhone. The free app is now available in the iTunes store
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone [from]
Augmented Wikipedia Reality Has Arrived on the iPhone: A month ago, we covered Wikitude, an augmented reality a.. [from]
iPhone初めての人に教えてあげたいちょっとした事 働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww
Safariの方位磁石は N(ネスケ)とE(Internet Explorer)の間を指している
3banana Online Notebook -- Take Notes, Sync, and Share on Android, iPhone, Online
Notetaking app for Web and phones.
Note syncing for Android. Like Android/Blackberry Simplenote.
The easiest way to take notes - online and on the go
MOBILE ART LAB. — モバイル表現研究所 —
iPhoneと、本を組み合わせたハイブリッドな本。 読み進めながら、画面をタッチしたり本そのものを傾けたりなど、 内容に沿ったインタラクティブなアクションを楽しめる。 インタラクションを伴わない通常の動画や、写真で利用することも可能。
phone book iphone book
iPhone Apps Design Mistakes: Disregard Of Context | Smashing Magazine
"To Create An App That Customers Love, Zoom Out" : de nombreux conseils qui ne valent pas forcément que pour le développement d'applications iPhone... — Your writing synced online
Your writing, notes, and to-do lists online. stores your text and keeps it synced between your work, home, and devices like the iPhone. Unlike manual syncing, merges your changes so you'll never lose data.
7 Tips To Make Your Web Site Mobile-friendly
Every website should understand and implement mobile compatibility.
Apple's Mistake
Good article on how Apple has got it all wrong re: the app store and more generally comments on software development versus hardware.
I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store approval process is broken. Or rather, I don't think they realize how much it matters that it's broken.
"I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store approval process is broken. Or rather, I don't think they realize how much it matters that it's broken. The way Apple runs the App Store has harmed their reputation with programmers more than anything else they've ever done. Their reputation with programmers used to be great. It used to be the most common complaint you heard about Apple was that their fans admired them too uncritically. The App Store has changed that. Now a lot of programmers have started to see Apple as evil…"
"Programmers don't use launch-fast-and-iterate out of laziness. They use it because it yields the best results. By obstructing that process, Apple is making them do bad work, and programmers hate that as much as Apple would."
Paul Graham explains why Apple's hostility towards iPhone developers is harming them in the long run.
And everybody else's mistake is to think that Apple is in software publishing.
EvernoteとDropboxを使い分けるための3つのポイント|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
The Ultimate Toolbox for iPhone Development | Webdesigner Depot
らばQ:「iPhone 3G S」の価格や解約時の費用が気になってなかなか購入できない人のためのまとめ
iPhone for Everybody
らばQ:「iPhone 3G S」の価格や解約時の費用が気になってなかなか購入できない人のためのまとめ
Cocoa with Love: Creating iPhone and Mac icons using Inkscape (Part 1 of 2)
guide to creating vector icons for MacOSX or iPhone, using the free-as-in-GPL program Inkscape
In this two part series, I'll give a beginner's guide to creating iPhone and Mac application icons using Inkscape — a free, vector illustration program. In this first part, I'll talk about the common styles and traits of icons on the Mac and iPhone and give a step-by-step guide to creating the first iPhone icon in Inkscape.
50+ Free iPhone Apps to Make You Richer
21 Prototyping, Mockup, and Wireframing Tools for iPhone App Development | iPhoneized
Welcome to Micello, Inc.
Startup qui commercialise un service de geolocalisation indoor.
屋内のGoogle Mapsを目指すサービス。
like google maps for indoor
indoor location-based service for mobile devices
QuirksBlog: Apple is not evil. iPhone developers are stupid.
tion, and maybe Apple is working on other device APIs. That would solve all problems for the second category. Complex games will remain ve は通知用のいくつかのAPIを提供するウェブサービスです。 HTTP POSTもしくはEメールを使用して、簡単にあなたの Jabber アカウントや、iPhoneに通知を送信することが可能です。 現在サポートしているAPIソースは: * HTTP POST * Email
HTTP POST/EメールからJabber/iPhoneに通知 は通知用のいくつかのAPIを提供するウェブサービスです。
studies your wrist movements to wake you at the optimal time for non-grogginess
Data at work
잠 잘 깨워주는 기계! 신기하군
Tired of feeling tired? Get the WakeMate, the cell phone accessory wristband that lets you sleep less and feel better! See how it works:
Ajaxian » jQTouch: a mobile WebKit JavaScript framework
David Kaneda has created jQTouch a "jQuery plugin with native animations, auto list navigation, and default application styles for Mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre."
Free MobileMe Alternative: How to Set Up Google Sync for Mac and iPhone
MobileMe, Apple's (s aapl) online personal information management (PIM) solution, has withstood quite the controversy. While some of the more ...
iPhoneと過ごした500日まとめ(67,695円分の1軍アプリ達) -
A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
Если вдруг придётся делать сайт с версией под мобильник
Having a mobile-optimized web site can really make your site stand apart from the pack. These resources will help you create a killer mobile site in no time.
マジすげぇ!! iPhone に何でも通知 - YoshioriのBlog これを使って iPhone アプリ Receive your notification at iPhone に通知出来まする
Google Wave’s Little Secret: It Already Works On The iPhone
but without the Safari wrapper which allows
Hey Rob, Not sure if this is something you or your listeners might be interested in, but here's a link on how to run Google Wave on the iPhone, although it doesn't technically support mobile safari. Keep up the good work Renzo
Google Wave, the search giant's latest experiment in post-email communications, is hardly out the gate, with some of the first 100,000 private beta ...
Four Key Principles of Mobile User Experience Design - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Prior to becoming a senior UX designer at Popular Front Interactive, I spent two years as a mobile UX researcher within the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Mobile Technologies Group – a lab tasked with both future-casting and then rapidly prototyping innovative mobile experiences.
1週間で本当に体調が良くなったiPhoneアプリ - 好奇心は世界を変える - 時仲ハジメのBlog
ベッドにiPhoneを置いておいて寝ると、 振動センサから寝返りや動きを察知 睡眠が浅く起きやすいタイミングでアラームを鳴らしてくれる。
知人のアプリ作者の人に、アイコンを探すのに苦労したという話を聞いたので、iPhoneアプリのツールバー部分に使えそうなアイコンを色々まとめてみました。 全部足すと545種もありますので、ツールバーアイコンには困らないかもしれません。 iPhoneアプリケーション作者の方や、今後作ろうと思っている場合に参考にどうぞ。
Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012
Gartner, Inc. has identified the top 10 consumer mobile applications for 2012. Gartner listed applications based on their impact on consumers and industry players, considering revenue, loyalty, business model, consumer value and estimated market penetration.
Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012
No. 1: Money Transfer No. 2: Location-Based Services No. 3: Mobile Search No. 4: Mobile Browsing No. 5: Mobile Health Monitoring No. 6: Mobile Payment No. 7: Near Field Communication Services No. 8: Mobile Advertising No. 9: Mobile Instant Messaging No. 10: Mobile Music
Cocoa with Love: A simple, extensible HTTP server in Cocoa
HTTP is one of the simpler protocols to implement for communication between computers. On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).
Cocoa with Love: “On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server.”
embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).
BALMUDA design - NumberKey - English
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook. Wouldn't it be useful if your notebook computer had a numeric keypad? The NumberKey does just that! The NumberKey turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a portable numeric keypad so you can use it at your home, office, and even when you're on-the-go."
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook."
turn iphone into a number pad when in use with laptop
Start accepting payment cards immediately with Square. No contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs. Effortlessly manage all the money you take with an easy and intuitive interface. Read payment cards from any device with an audio input jack, including your mobile phone.
Start accepting payment cards immediately with Square. No contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs. Effortlessly manage all the money you take with an easy and intuitive interface.
No credit card machine needed: Read payment cards from any device with an audio input jack, including your mobile phone.
Company started by Jack Dorsey, who also founded Twitter.
19 Best Utility Apps For Your iPhone - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
appvent calendar 2009 | every day a free iPhone game
every day a free iPhone game
50 Helpful iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers - Nettuts+
Great iPhone apps for Designers and Devs!
10 Amazing Augmented Reality iPhone Apps
"buzz technology right now, augmented reality apps are quickly gaining momentum on the iPhone. So to add to the quick overview of six AR apps we brought you earlier, we sort the digital wheat from the pixellated chaff to bring you ten AR apps for the iPhone that vary from functional, to educational, to just plain fun."
Nine Awesome iPhone Apps for Business - ReadWriteEnterprise
Maybe it's odd to be recommending iPhone apps right now, with the house of cards that is the confused App Store policy falling down on Apple's head. But ...
Übersicht über iPhone-Applikationen fürs Geschäftsleben; die meisten kostenlos.
Mentions FreshBooks for time tracking on iphone
Nine awesome iPhone apps for business (via @rww): #fb [from]
iPhone のメールとMMSの使い方
Dear Aunt TUAW: How do I get started programming for the iPhone? - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Sobre desenvolvver para o iPhone
I've been thinking about trying my hand at development for the iPhone (I've got some good app ideas already), and I was wondering where a good place to start might be. Should I mess around with learning some Objective-C first, or just spend the $99 and dive in with the dev kit? I know some PHP, Javascript, and a smattering of C++, but have never tried developing in Objective-C or Cocoa.
How the iPhone Could Reboot Education | Gadget Lab |
Recommended by PT
Abilene Christian University, Texas, has just finished its first year of a pilot program, in which 1,000 freshman students were given iPhones - they like the results so far.
39 Astonishing Examples of 3D Typography | Tutorial9
The surge of interest in Typography has lead to a huge soar in popularity of different types of Typography based design artwork, with 3D Type being one of the most popular variations. This post features 39 unique and inspiring pieces of 3D Typography.
Welcome to The M.H.A.
App that locks your Mac when your iPhone goes out of range
security osx iPhone sysadmin
Lock your computer when you (actually, your iPhone) are out of range.
Free iPhone Apps - - Gizmodo
【ハウツー】jQuery on iPhone - jQTouchを使ったWebアプリ開発 (1) jQTouchとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
Official Google Mac Blog: Using Google APIs in an iPhone App
How To: Totally Overhaul Your Phones With Google Voice - Google Voice - Gizmodo
Google Voice, which lets users consolidate all their phones under one number, archive your texts and voicemails, and much, much more, is two things to most people: vaguely promising, and totally confusing. Here's how to make the switch, in plain English.
Awesome tutorial on using Google Voice
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : A not-so-brief chat with Randall Stephenson of AT&T
"You, Randall Stephenson, and your lazy stupid company — you are the problem. You are what’s wrong with this country."
Brilliant take on AT
Fake Steve Jobs has a fake conversation with AT&T's CEO, hitting close to home in a real way.
A glorious FSJ rant: "And now here we are. Right here in your own backyard, an American company creates a brilliant phone, and that company hands it to you, and gives you an exclusive deal to carry it — and all you guys can do is complain about how much people want to use it. You, Randall Stephenson, and your lazy stupid company — you are the problem. You are what’s wrong with this country." (via @gruber)
ver imagenes
Daring Fireball: PastryKit
PastryKit accomplishes all three of the aforementioned things — hiding the MobileSafari address bar, providing fixed-position toolbars, and providing scrolling with momentum — by disabling regular scrolling and setting up its own view hierarchy and implementing its own scrolling.
talking about creating iPhone apps with great design and user experiences. Let’s acknowledge that to mak
About iPhone OS web app dev versus native Cocoa Touch.
Android Versus iPhone 3.0: The Showdown
Vergelijking tussen Android en iPhone 3.0. Op het einde is er ook nog een kleine poll om de populariteit van Android en iPhone 3.0 te testen en iPhone 3.0 haalt hier een duidelijke meerderheid.
As a former iPhone user who switched to Android, I can say: iPhone 3.0 hasn't made me regret my decision. Yet. Right now, Android's killer Gmail client, proper MMS support (available now), background processes (even though they kill the battery), window shade, and general Google product integration makes me a happy camper. In fact, on the chart above, the top five items are the features most important to me, and Android—right now, not this summer—hits on almost all of them.
Good breakdown of the various features of iPhone 3.0 and Android
ICTAC MEMO iPhone Apps for Education
io9 - Two Augmented Reality Technologies That Are About To Change The World - Augmented Reality
Here you can see a demo of design software called ARToolWorks which was posted on Gizmodo earlier this week. ARToolWorks is a mobile phone application that allows you to design 3D objects that pop up out of scenes you view through your mobile's camera. So instead of a map over the city of Amsterdam, you might see giant robots trashing it or psychedelic flowers growing out of a hash bar.
Augmented reality is a technology futurists and scifi authors like Vernor Vinge have been talking about for decades. Now the tech has matured and is entering the market. Two videos of new products show you the near future.
Now our technology can actually do this, using smart phones as a crude mobile interface. In these demo videos below, we're getting a first glimpse of what happens when the internet comes out of the box and into the real world.
iPhone GUI PSD 3.0 | Teehan+Lax
photoshop GUI template for iphone
5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms
5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms -
Since the proliferation of the Internet, instant messaging (IMing from here on in) has become a very popular means of communicating on the Web. Even with the rapid growth of Twitter, many people still communicate using IM. Now, there is no shortage of IM protocols out there; these include ICQ, AIM, GTalkGtalkGtalk, Yahoo, and FacebookFacebookFacebook, to name a few. IM aggregators aim to solve the mess of having all these programs open at once. Here is where it gets complicated. Depending on whether you’re on the web, Windows, Mac, or a mobile device, there are a number of aggregators from which to choose. To help you figure things out, here are five great instant messenger aggregators for multiple platforms.
Just what the title says. Mashable does it again.
iPhone / iPod Touch App Promo Code Giveaway web site
IPhone: Roll Your Own Nike+ iPhone for Free
As an iPhone owner who runs for exercise, my biggest disappointment at Apple's recent iPod event was the lack of Nike+ support for the GPS-sporting 3G iPhone. Instead, the second generation iPod touch has Nike+ built-in, and the iPhone still has nothing. I would be disappointed, but the power of the iPhone App Store pulls out a big win on this front, as several free Nike+ alternatives are already leveraging your 3G iPhone's GPS capabilities to provide you with much of the same functionality as you can already get from Nike+ and then some. Keep reading for a look at some of the best free Nike+ alternatives.
[CSS]スタイルシートの実用的なテクニック集:エレメント・CSS3・Tips編 | コリス
TidBITS iPod & iPhone: How to Replace a Cracked iPhone 3G Screen
Como cambiar la pantalla rota
How people really use the iPhone - SlideShare
By Bill Westerman (Principal, Create With Context). "How people really use the iPhone", an interesting readout of design issues and recommendations for people designing for the iPhone and beyond.
Toolbar Icons
create your own iphone icons with omnigraffle
Dev-Team Blog - Ultra's Now!
install ultrasnow after jailbreak
how to fix "no service" issue with ultrasn0w 91-1, uninstall and download ultrasn0w 8
Most Popular Free iPhone Apps (and Posts) of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
The iPhone is the most popular cellphone in the country, and with good reason. Despite occasionally awful choices by Apple, it still has the most—and best—applications around. Here are the most popular free iPhone apps (and posts) of 2009. As with our most popular Windows downloads and Mac downloads of 2009, this collection of applications is based solely on the popularity of the associated post here on Lifehacker. We always prefer free applications that offer a little productivity boosting, so this is by no means a complete look at the most popular apps of the 80 billion in the App Store.
iPhone開発で役立ちそうなチュートリアルの紹介 - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
Pastebot | Tapbots
Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch.
Convertbot Overview Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps.
"A powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps".
The Best iPhone Apps Of 2009 (Appvee Edition)
Total Cost of Ownership: iPhone 3G S versus Palm Pre versus Android G1 | Shrinkage Is Good
総額1万ポイントで。1/12日にiPhoneアプリを出すのですが、海外でのプレスリリース先を探しています。 海外のiPhoneアプリ系につよい有力メディア、ブログを教えてください.. - 人力検索はてな
How 12 Hours, 2 Guys, 6 Cups of Coffee = 1 iPhone App - iPhone App - Gizmodo
The best FREE iPhone games | GamesRadar
The only apps worth downloading for gamers who are broke from buying an iPhone
14 iPhone Apps With Push Notification for Productivity
MOONGIFT: » 高品質なiPhone向けWebサイトを構築するフレームワーク「iWebKit」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
iPhone/iPod Touch向けのWebサイトを構築するフレームワークの紹介。
Rejected By Apple, iPhone Developers Go Underground | Gadget Lab |
Cydia is a company that makes apps. that cannot be used by i-phones unless you do some thing called jail breaking. Cydia is rebelling against apple because they took off useful apps. Cydia is making apps. to replace the ones removed and also adding new ones to.
ビジネスパーソン必携! 定番“無料”iPhoneアプリを30本厳選【改訂版】 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット
Life is beautiful: で、実際のところHTML5でどのくらいのアプリが実装できるのか実験してみた
Trouble in the (99-cent) App Store - Apple 2.0
Pie chart of the app distrubution and price range distribution.
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple's iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn't mean all is well in the App Store. In fact, the business model that nurtured its success now threatens to choke off the ...
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple’s iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn’t mean all is well in the App Store.
How to tether your iPhone running OS 3.0 without jailbreaking, for free
ere always carrier/country specific and required a bit more command line tampering than the common man could stomach. Now an automated solution has come to our attention that just works, is global, and doesn't require a jailbreak. Essentially, you use your iPhone to browse to a site that you've never heard of (, download a file that promises to reconfigure your local carrier profile, and then switch on tethering as you would had you tithed a monthly tethering fee to your carrier. We've confirmed that it works on T-Mobile NL and on O2 UK. There
iPhone Apps List 2010: 700+ Apps Reviewed by Category
List of iPhone applications
How 12 Hours, 2 Guys, 6 Cups of Coffee = 1 iPhone App - iPhone App - Gizmodo
:: AppMakr
app maker
Builds iPhone apps for you out of feeds from websites. 199 price tag, but wow.
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漫画なんかも、24インチの液晶に出せばむしろ元の本より大きくなっていい。 あと、中高の頃に毎年度みんなの作文や部活の大会記録がまとめられた200ページぐらいの本が作られていたんだけどそれもスキャンして全部パソコンに入れておいた。OCRもかけてあるので、これで黒歴史を検索できる。どこでもこういう本を見れるのは、友達に会った時とかにネタになって面白い。 買ったのは11月に出たscansnap s1300。サイズはティッシュ箱ぐらい。3,4秒で1枚、裏表まとめて読み込める。普通のフラットヘッドスキャナと違ってプリンタの様に自動でページ送りしてくれるので、500ページの本を20分ちょっとで読み込めた。名刺だとサイズが小さいのでもっと速い。 一冊の本を解体するのに1分、スキャンしてpdf出力に20分(この間、原稿を100枚ずつぐらい入れる)、必要であればスキャン後にOCRをかけるのに10分ぐらいかかる。 webで検索すると一度に20枚程度しかセットできないと書いてあるが、そうでもない。確かに厚さを測るセンサー?か何かが働いていて最初から100枚入れておくと「原稿が読み取れない」というエラーが出るが、最初に20枚ぐらい入れてスキャン開始して、すぐ80枚ぐらい突っ込んでスキャンさせている。
InfoQ: Rhodes Brings Ruby Apps to iPhone, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry
Cross platform phone application framework for writing apps in Ruby.
Home - Uncommon
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression.
Custom iPhone/iPod cases. Use your own artwork or theirs.
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression. Our vision is to create a brand that supports artists and exposes the public to their artwork. We will continue creating more collections of premium blank canvas products and partnering with the world’s greatest artists and designers, inspiring millions of people.
50 High-Res Apple, MacOS and iPhone Wallpapers | Noupe
Parrot AR.Drone - Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch
I want one, badly!
Quadrotor helicopter with wifi and 2 cameras - AR.Drone games for iPhone and iPod touch - Parrot AR.Drone
Coder's Half-Million-Dollar Baby Proves iPhone Gold Rush Is Still On | Gadget Lab from
. But one independent developer still managed to rake in $600,000 in a single month with a single iPhone game.
35 High Quality Apple Inspired Icons | Webdesigner Depot
Go back to our homepage Web Designer Depot
Apple products are well known for their simple and elegant design, and they are favored by many designers. Their products are often seen in web design,
Cocoa with Love: An Asteroids-style game in CoreAnimation, Part One.
Example code
How would you write an arcade-style 2D game in CoreAnimation? Over the next few weeks, I'll show you how to write a resolution independent, high-speed, model-view-controller designed, Asteroids-style arcade game using CoreAnimation as the screen renderer. In this first of four parts, I'll detail the concept for the overall application and show you how to create a resolution independent window for the game.
If I ever want to learn native code on the mac instead of just using HTML5 I should read this.
A normal document style object can be swapped with another document or recreated. A singleton is lazier and simpler since it doesn't need to be connected to every object which needs to access it (since it is globally accessible).
iPhone Twitter App Battlemodo: Best and Worst Twitter Apps for iPhone
When the App Store launched, there were a handful of Twitter apps for the iPhone. Now there's ten zillion. We've read thousands of tweets on every Twitter app, so here are the best, and worst.
Great read - best and worst twitter apps for iPhone
Best free app is Twitterfon, IMO
YouTubeをiPod用に一発変換してくれる『PODTUBE』が便利だった件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Best Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices –
Popular now Best Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices10commentsBest Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices by Antonio Lupetti / January 10, 2010 / Posted in: Popular, Web Design 277 retweet TOP100 SharePopular 210 DeliciousDiggRedditShare122010 will be the year of consolidation of internet usage via mobile devices. According to, which reports a Gartner analysis, mobile device sales will rise (9%) in 2010. This scenario will impose to internet companies, online newspapers, bloggers, to provide mobile versions of their websites to simplify the fruition of their contents and enlarge their audience. In this post I prepared a roundup of code snippets inspired to some mobile versions of popular websites (such as Facebook, Flickr, The New York Times, Digg, Google, …) that illustrate some HTML best practices to develop perfect websites for iPhone and mobile Devices.
» Web Development for the iPhone: HTML & CSS Support :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Web app development framework
iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
RT @tweetlicius: iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials] -
プログラム未経験からiPhoneアプリを作った僕が今度はiPhoneゲームを作りました。というわけで参考資料等のまとめ。 - frnk*blog
tobeytailor's gordon at master - GitHub
tobeytailor's gordon at master - GitHub
純用 JavaScript 實作的 flash player.
SWF v1 support only.
flashをjavascript iphoneでみれる
Wow, a flash runtime for the iphone - in javascript and svg no less! cool!
javascript flash implementation
Wow. Flash in Javascript.
Selection of CocoaTouch Apps is a painstakingly curated presentation of the best produced and designed iPhone applications that are available for download via the App Store.
Nice collection of applications and games with excellent UI for iPod touch and iPhone
The 53 Best iPhone Games - iPhone games - Gizmodo
Seven things you need to know about augmented reality | Media |
Good survey (08.01.10) on the next new trend in phone apps from Mercedes Bunz
증강현실 앱들
Smartphones are bringing the once-SF concept of augmented reality into the everyday world
MOONGIFT: » Dropbox以上?iPhone/Windows/Mac OSXで動作するファイル同期ツール「Soonr」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
SoonrはDropboxのようにWindowsやMac OSX向けの専用クライアントが用意されている。そして指定したフォルダ内にあるファイルを自動的にSoonrへアップロードし、別なコンピュータに同期してくれる。そしてiPhone/iPod Touch向けのソフトウェアも用意されている。
Make Your Site An iPhone App - Webmonkey
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works.
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works. There’s talk of being able to use a web form to create your app by submitting only the URL of your website. Currently, it’s a little more work, but easier than creating an app from scratch. You’ll still need to download the SDK and write your app in Apple’s XCode. The PhoneGap wiki has a hello world tutorial that should get you started. One really cool aspect of the PhoneGap project is that it also supports Android and Blackberry. A write-once approach to mobile development is within grasp of the ordinary
Proyecto de desarrollo de aplicaciones para iPhone
The Apple App Store Economy – GigaOM
chart of iTunes app sales
The iPhone Inspired DIY Kitchen Touch Screen Project
That's badass
How to integrate a touch screen monitor into your kitchen, for TV, recipies, internet, weather, you name it.
Free App A Day . 10
Game Haxe » Blog Archive » Haxe on iPhone (Simulator) - First Look
The c++ backend for haxe generates standard c++, suitable for the gcc compiler. iPhone dev uses gcc, and can link against c++, which make you think that iPhone dev can use haxe. Simple? Well, actually it was pretty simple. The hardest bit for me was to grok the components of an Xcode project, moving from dynamic libraries to static ones and getting SDL working.
Haxe working on the iPhone Simulator
iSites – Create your app right now. Revise on the fly.
iSites enables you to create and self-manage apps for multiple smart phones (iPhone, Android) from one place.
LEGO® CL!CK: Find your inspiration.
A little place on the Internet celebrating creativity and the everyday moments of inspiration that LEGO® enthusiasts call “CL!CK.” Come to inspire and be inspired.
Case-Mate: I Make My Case
beautiful iPhone cases
apptrackr » home
Twitterの次はこれじゃね?今一番イケてる(と僕が思っている)『foursquare』について調べてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
The Apple Tablet Interface Must Be Like This - apple tablet - Gizmodo
Some people want the Apple Tablet to run Mac OS X&#039;s user interface. Others think its UI will be something exotic. Both camps are wrong: The iPhone started a UI revolution, and the tablet is just step two. Here&#039;s why.
Interesting guess at how the Apple tablet UI might be designed.
Lounge — Goose Apps
Cliente de twitter para iphone.
@myen #Bookmarks Lounge — Goose Apps - Twitter client [from]
Twitter client
ブライアン・イーノへの特別インタビュー - Time Out Tokyo
Pen v keyboard v Newton v Graffiti v Treo v iPhone (Phil Gyford’s website)
For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Phil Gyford tested a small collection of PDA and smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. He tested six input method: Apple Newton handwriting recognition (1997); Palm Vx Graffiti (1999); Palm Treo 650’s hardware QWERTY keyboard (2004); Apple iPhone 3G’s software QWERTY keyboard (2009); old-fashioned Pen & Paper; a full-size QWERTY keyboard. He copied out 200 plus words. And he did it twice for each input. The results were surprising. Palm Graffiti was surprisingly slow. Handwriting was surprisingly slow. The iPhone soft keyboard was surprisingly fast.
Productividad escribiendo en diferentes dispositivos. For some time I’ve been meaning to test my small collection of PDA/smartphone gadgets to see which of their methods of input was quickest. The iPhone’s software keyboard? The Newton’s handwriting recognition? Palm’s Graffiti? With the possible imminent arrival of a tablet from Apple that will save the world, it seemed a good time to get round to the test.
Sehr schöne kleine Statistik. Das iPhone gewinnt nach der QWERTZ Tastatur und vor der Handschrift. - Building iPhone Applications with Flash
Daring Fireball: The Tablet
Here’s the thimbleful of information I have heard regarding The Tablet (none of which has changed in six months): The Tablet project is real, it has you-know-who’s considerable undivided attention, and everyone working on it has dropped off the map. I don’t know anyone who works at Apple who doubts these things; nor do I know anyone at Apple who knows a whit more. I don’t know anyone who’s seen the hardware or the software, nor even anyone who knows someone else who has seen the hardware or software.
Apple - iPad - The best way to experience the web, email, & photos
Evernoteに記憶を自動保存する方法 - RyoAnna’s iPhone Blog
The Easiest Way to Build your First iPhone App | Nettuts+
BBC NEWS | Technology | Apps 'to be as big as internet'
Mobile Apps 'to be as big as internet' - BBC [from]
No foolin, huh? ("peaking at 10 million apps in 2020")
Recycled CD iPhone Dock | Geeky Gadgets
I wanted to make a dock for the iPhone from stuff I had lying around the house, but I also wanted to make sure that it would look cool sat on my desk whilst my iPhone was charging so I came up with the idea of using old CDs, you could also use DVDs as well.
How to catch an iPhone thief: Busting an iPhone thief
This is an amazing story!
How soon until someone gets murdered when attempting to retrieve a stolen iPhone? Let it go.
MobileMe + Google + Google Maps + AT&T + White Pages + (+ un ladro più stupido della media + una coscienziosa parente del ladro) = ladro di iPhone messo con le spalle al muro.
Daring Fireball: Apple, Adobe, and Flash
I’ve been writing about this saga for two years. My fascination with the subject is fueled by the fact that it’s so polarizing, and that it encompasses both technical and political issues.
My machine is a two-year-old MacBook Pro. It plays full-screen H.264 video through QuickTime without problem. When I play full-screen Flash video, my fan kicks in within a few seconds, every time.
He is so right about it, I believe there will be no flash
John Gruber/Daring Fireball, Jan. 25, 2010. - I need to talk to you about computers. I’ve been...
Excellent post on Old World computing vs New World computing. Love it.
Personal computing — having a computer in your house (or your pocket) — as a whole is young. As we know it today, it’s less than a half-century old. It’s younger than TV, younger than radio, younger than cars and airplanes, younger than quite a few living people in fact.
Fraser Speirs - Blog - Future Shock
I'll have more to say on the iPad later but one can't help being struck by the volume and vehemence of apparently technologically sophisticated people inveighing against the iPad. Some are trying to dismiss these ravings by comparing them to certain comments made after the launch of the iPod in 2001: "No wireless. Les space than a Nomad. Lame.". I fear this January-26th thinking misses the point. What you're seeing in the industry's reaction to the iPad is nothing less than future shock.
I'm often saddened by the infantilising effect of high technology on adults. From being in control of their world, they're thrust back to a childish, mediaeval world in which gremlins appear to torment them and disappear at will and against which magic, spells, and the local witch doctor are their only refuges. With the iPhone OS as incarnated in the iPad, Apple proposes to do something about this, and I mean really do something about it instead of just talking about doing something about it, and the world is going mental.
"Secretly, I suspect, we technologists quite liked the idea that Normals would be dependent on us for our technological shamanism. ... "The Real Work is not formatting the margins, installing the printer driver, uploading the document, finishing the PowerPoint slides, running the software update or reinstalling the OS. "The Real Work is teaching the child, healing the patient, selling the house, logging the road defects, fixing the car at the roadside, capturing the table's order, designing the house and organising the party. "Think of the millions of hours of human effort spent on preventing and recovering from the problems caused by completely open computer systems. ... "If the iPad and its successor devices free these people to focus on what they do best, it will dramatically change people's perceptions of computing from something to fear to something to engage enthusiastically with."
Alex Payne — On the iPad
28 Jan 2010. "The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine."
The thing that bothers me most about the iPad is this: if I had an iPad rather than a real computer as a kid, I’d never be a programmer today. I’d never have had the ability to run whatever stupid, potentially harmful, hugely educational programs I could download or write.
For years, me and thousands of other techies have been wondering what comes after the Personal Computer as we’ve known it. Yesterday, in Apple’s iPad, we caught a glimpse. If I had to pick one predominant emotion in reaction, it would be “disturbed”. The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine. As Tim Bray and Peter Kirn have pointed out, it’s a device that does little to enable creativity. As just one component of several in a person’s digital life, perhaps that’s acceptable. It seems clear, though, that the ambitions for the iPad are far greater than being a full-color Kindle. The tragedy of the iPad is that it truly seems to offer a better model of computing for many people – perhaps the majority of people. Gone are the confusing concepts and metaphors of the last thirty years of computing. Gone is the ability to endlessly tweak and twiddle towards no particular gain. The iPad is simple, straightforward, maintenance-f
Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
Apple’s Cool Matrix-Style App Wall
The AppWall
Free eBooks for iPhone, Blackberry or Palm Pre - Kobo
Free eBooks for iPhone, Blackberry or Palm Pre
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Boing Boing: Games To Get
BoingBoing's curated games page. Personal fav: Everyday the Same Dream
games to get, from boing boing
tdreyno/iphone-style-checkboxes @ GitHub
no/off jquri
Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs (Update 2) | Epicenter |
About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.
"No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5."
After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town
I efterdyningarna till Apples lansering av Ipad har det blåst upp till rejält ordkrig mellan Adobe och Apple. Diskussionerna gäller flash-teknikens förträfflighet. Eller avsaknad därav.
iPhone CSS—tips for building iPhone websites — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
Featured Mobile App Makers | - Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Online directory of iPhone Application Makers
Doom Iphone code review.
Doom Iphone code review
How To: Create Or Convert Website Into Mobile Format | How-To |
How To: Create Or Convert Website Into Mobile Format
超カッコイイ! 空中に文字が浮かび上がるiPhoneのアプリ「Light-Writer」 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ · Year two
apple itunes app store criticism iphone
Red Laser - The First Accurate iPhone Barcode Scanner - Hits The App Store : iSmashPhone
There already are a few barcode related applications in the app store, but they all have one thing in common - they don't really work. Red Laser, which has just hit the iTunes App Store, is the ultimate iPhone barcode scanner, which works just like one of those red-laser scanners at the checkout (hence the name.)
barcode scanner
YouTube - PTAM + AR on an iPhone 3G
mobilesynth - Google Code
MobileSynth is free, an open source synthesizer, targeted initially for the iphone.
mobilesynth - Project Hosting on Google Code
help in making a synthesizer, free source code.
僕が購読しているMac系ブログリスト | Macの手書き説明書
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer.
Welcome, new Cocoa or Cocoa Touch programmer. Here are some things you will need to know. Cocoa vs. Cocoa Touch Cocoa is the Mac development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, the Application Kit (a.k.a. AppKit), and Core Data. Cocoa Touch is the iPhone development framework, principally consisting of Foundation, UIKit, and Core Data. (“iPhone” here means devices running the iPhone OS, including the iPod touch and iPad.) On Stack Overflow, please don't tag your question cocoa unless it has to do with Cocoa. It's OK to put an iPhone question there as long as it's about something that exists on both platforms. Tagging an iPhone-specific question “cocoa” is inaccurate, and wastes the time of Mac-only programmers like myself. (You wouldn't want me to tag my Mac-specific questions “cocoa-touch”, would you?) Critically important things Memory management is based on ownership. (These rules don't apply under garbage collection. If you're using or supporting GC, see the G
disambiguating the confusing obctive-c/CF ecosystem conventions and terminology
50 Inspiring iPhone Application Websites | Inspiration
QuirksBlog: The iPhone obsession
mobile development opinion
Points made, but terribly incomplete.
IPhone Apps to Bring Some Order to Your Life -
Beitrag aus der NYT über iPhone-Apps
A Quick Look at Mobile Web Designs
Designing for the mobile web is not the same as designing for the traditional web, and though as an industry we're just learning as we go, we have to learn to adapt quickly to these new demands. Let's take a quick look at some concepts to keep in mind when designing for the mobile web.
I should dive more into this subject, so let's Instapaper this for now ;) and skim it over for good reference. In April I will attempt to make a mobile version of Orpion and articles like these might prove very useful.
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログ
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログ
Mobile Web Design: Tips and Best Practices - Noupe
AWesome - added by harper reed's google reader
Software house for iphone development
great lighting, texture, really smooth firm site
How-To: Create an iPhone Web App
The iPhone OS is pitched as the entire Internet in your pocket...minus Flash. This works most of the time, but ...
Stanford Course On How To Build iPhone Apps Will Soon Be Available On The iPhone
Want to learn how to create an iPhone app? Later this week, aspiring app creators will be able to start watching a popular Stanford computer science course on developing iPhone apps right on their iPhones. Stanford will start distributing the course for free as a video podcast throughiTunes U. (The podcasts can also be watched on iPods and computers, obviously). With more than 25,000 apps out there, which have been downloaded more than 800 million times, the competition is fierce for making the best apps. Apple itself provides a wealth of information for developers about its SDK, but for those who need a little more guidance or a refresher in the basics, watching these videos is like continuing education. The videos are not on iTunes yet, but the first one should appear within the next few days.
iPhone tutorials online soon Does anyone want my 3D educational games on the iPhone? [from]
無料のiPhoneゲーム最強25選 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
iPhone: A web developer's new best friend : iSmashPhone
web development applications for iphone
About Air Video
Video Streaming Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them. Live Conversion If the videos in your collection are not in format supported by iPhone, Air Video will convert them on fly*. You don't need to wait until the entire video is converted. You can start watching it almost immediately! * Live Conversion requires iPhone or iPod touch with firmware 3.0 and a sufficiently powerful computer (Intel Core 2 duo or equivalent processor is recommended).
Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them.
"Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them. … If the videos in your collection are not in format supported by iPhone, Air Video will convert them on fly*. You don't need to wait until the entire video is converted. You can start watching it almost immediately"
Apple: Secrecy Does Not Scale - Anil Dash
The element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price.
Apple is justifiably revered in the worlds of technology and culture for creating one of the most powerful brands in the world based on the combination of some key elements: Great user experience and design, and an extraordinary secrecy punctuated by surprising reveals.
But the element of secrecy that's been required to maintain Apple's mystique has incurred an increasingly costly price. Apple must transform itself and leave its history of secrecy behind, not just to continue being innovative and to protect the fundamentals of its business, but because the cost of keeping these secrets has become morally and ethically untenable.
40 Detailed and High Quality Mobile Phone .psd Source Files - Speckyboy Design Magazine
40 Detailed and High Quality Mobile Phone .psd Source Files
GUI's de diferents telefons mobils.
Great Google iPhone Apps Not Made by Google
Aplicaciones dirigidas para herramientas Google en el iPhone / iTouch
Mobile Browser Battlemodo: Which Phones Deliver The Real Web
Excellent overview of Mobile Browsers and comparison - c. late 2008. Safari, Android, IE, Opera Mini, etc
smartphone browsers review
We tested every browser only using the full—not mobile—versions of selected sites
How To: Sync an iPhone with Multiple Computers
iPhone, MySpace, Facebook Race To Micropayments In 2009
Application platforms, broadly defined, are here to stay. Facebook's platform, first launched in 2007, now has tens of thousands of applications. MySpace, which ...
A Whole Lotta Nothing: My recommended kid games
An Adobe Flash developer on why the iPad can’t use Flash — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
interesting point.
A great take to why Flash content wouldn't work on the iPad even if there was Flash support.
Adobe Flash; Apple iPad
ムービーファイルをiPhoneやiPod用に一発で高速変換するシンプルなフリーソフト「iPodME」 - GIGAZINE
10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site | Spyre Studios
10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site !!!!
Apple - iTunes - 1 Billion App Countdown
All time top apps
All Time Top Apps from Apple Website
Foi mais rápido do que eu imaginava. Entre este post e hoje, a Apple conseguiu zerar a contagem regressiva. Em apenas 9 meses de seu lançamento a Apple chegou à marca de um bilhão de aplicativos baixados da sua App Store. A marca oferece mais de 25 mil aplicativos (pagos e gratuitos) para download. A App Store ajudou a marca a registrar incremento de 15% em seus lucros, mesmo com toda a crise.
35 Beautiful iPhone App Website Designs
아름다운 아이폰 앱 웹사이트 35선
Examples of excellence in iphone app website designs
10+ useful code snippets to develop iPhone friendly websites
"When developing websites, you have to care about different browsers, as well as mobile devices such as iPhones or iPods. In this article, let's have a look at the 10+ most useful code snippets (Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc) for developing iPhone friendly websites, quickly and efficiently."
Dev-Team Blog - trois, drei, три, három!
jailbreak iphone
RT @MuscleNerd: 3.0 JB for mac owners is now out -- youtube issues fixed too! &lt;&lt; Awesome [from]
iPhone 3G / OS 3.0で脱獄なし・iTunesも使わずテザリングを有効にする方法
The Complete iPhone Development Toolbox | iPhone.AppStorm
Nobody could argue that the iPhone has been a revolutionary product in the cell phone industry. A fantastic SDK and third-party application support has enabled programmers to release thousands of apps to millions of people around the world. There are some fantastic apps available and many people are making a living from developing for the iPhone. In this “ultimate toolkit”, we’re showing you everything you need to get started; books, tutorials, software resources, screencasts, podcasts, blogs, forums, conferences, software libraries, design kits, icons, and even where to hire a developer if you decide not to go it alone! I hope you enjoy the roundup, and feel well equipped to embark on iPhone development will a full set of resources at your disposal.
Everything you need to get started; books, tutorials, software resources, screencasts, podcasts, blogs, forums, conferences, software libraries, design kits, icons, and even where to hire a developer if you decide not to go it alone!
Less Framework
アゴラ : イマドキの起業のしかた - 渡部薫
Daring Fireball: The Android Opportunity
John Gruber on what Android should be.
一篇关于Android现状和将来的分析 好奇摩托罗拉即将退出的Android手机会不会改变局面
How To Market Your Mobile Application - Smashing Magazine
App Store is a competitive environment. Against more than 140,000 apps, all screaming for attention, how do you make sure your app gets its time in the spotlight? What does it take to get good media coverage? How do you get people to talk about your app—and, ideally, how do you get them to buy it and show it to their friends?
App Store is a competitive environment. Against more than 140,000 apps, all screaming for attention, how do you make sure your app gets its time in the spotlight?
iPad Application Design » Matt Legend Gemmell
Some good commentary on how the iPad UI is a new class of different (via @DaringFireball)
[DIY] Restoring an Iphone ( Front and Back) - Mac Forums
remail-iphone - Project Hosting on Google Code
reMail downloads all your email to your iPhone and searches it instantly. reMail was recently acquired by Google, and we've decided open source the product.
Localize into more languages: Currently, reMail is localized into German (well) and French (badly). You could help by translating into more languages. (1/5)
reMail downloads all your email to your iPhone and searches it instantly.
CSS-Tricks #38: Basics & Tips on Designing for the iPhone
14 Free Mobile Application Development Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine
The gap between the desktop/laptop and the mobile device is becoming smaller and smaller, it has never been a better time for mobile app development – The market is huge, very lucrative and highly profitable. Our ever growing appetite for more powerful and better mobile devices has pushed the demand even higher for ever more powerful and better applications to accompany them.
stickybits - tag your world™
attached media to any bar code
A fun and social way to attach digital content to real world objects.
標準アプリの代替になりそうなiPhoneアプリ5つ : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
Power Slider for iPhone 3G : Incase Product
A rather large iPhone 3G case with an integrated battery.
The Power Slider for iPhone™ 3G is the first accessory of its kind to offer protection, expanded battery life and integrated sync and charge capabilities.
Google Code Blog: HTML5 and WebKit pave the way for mobile web applications
awesome work from the gmail guys using html5 goodness to do local caching for offline among other things, i really do like the web interface on the iphone...
Forms On Mobile Devices: Modern Solutions - Smashing Magazine
Mobile forms tend to have significantly more constraints than their desktop cousins: screens are smaller; connections are slower; text entry is trickier; the list
Good article on ways to design forms for mobile devices
Mobile forms tend to have significantly more constraints than their desktop cousins: screens are smaller; connections are slower; text entry is trickier; the list goes on. So, limiting the number of forms in your mobile applications and websites is generally a good idea. When you do want input from users on mobile devices, radio buttons, checkboxes, select menus and lists tend to work much better than open text fields.
Official Google Blog: Calendar and contact syncing for iPhone and Windows Mobile devices
using google calendar with iphone
One advantage of storing information online is being able to access it from anywhere, on any device. Last year we released a tool for Blackberry devices to sync Google Calendar and Gmail contacts with the pre-installed calendar and contacts applications. Today, we're offering more people easy access to their information on the go with two-way calendar and contacts sync for iPhones and Windows Mobile devices, and two-way contacts sync for mobile devices that support SyncML. This will be a particularly handy improvement for people who regularly use Google tools, like corporate employees, university students, and busy families.
look into this?
ヒビノアワ: iPhoneアプリ開発でハマったところ
ちなみに、AppStoreへの登録ではメインの言語を「英語」で登録しました。 こうすることで、サブの言語として、日本語を追加してやれば、日本以外のサイトでは、英語で説明が表示されるようになるみたいです。
Developer ProgramやAppStoreへのアプリの登録時のTIPSなど。
「iPhoneテンプレートfor MT」を公開いたします。|iPhone|東京Webデザイナー日記リターンズ|crema design
Free Applications for the iPhone and the iPod Touch - Chronometer, Stopwatches, Worldclocks, RPN Calculator, Money Management, Voice Recorder, Puzzles
Learn from real world examples of commercial software for the iPhone!
I have Tethering and MMS on my iPhone -- and Yes, I'm on AT&T - Aaron Krill
All Your Apps Are Belong to Apple: The iPhone Developer Program License Agreement | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Apple's draconian developer licence.
Kill You App Any Time, Ban on Public Statements, I can see way.
Remember when Apple was a friendly company and shared a lot of information with the development community? Not any more.
The EFF gets its hands on, and reviews the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.
Welcome | Ibis Reader ™
First ebook app modified for iPad. Uses HTML5
38 Mobile (iPhone) Sites
30+ Super Secret iPhone Features and Shortcuts | iPhone.AppStorm
Here are over thirty iPhone tips and tricks that aren’t widely publicised – I’m sure you’ll have encountered a few before, but some are bound to be brand new to you. Read on to join the ranks of an iPhone ninja!
@mollydea Secret iPhone Features and Shortcuts - (via @smashingmag)
How To Get Through A Semester With Your iPhone : iSmashPhone
Sure, the semester is coming to a close, and you are probably in the midst of finals week. You are probably thinking, well, why would I read this article now? Statistically speaking, most students do not do nearly as well as they planned in a semester. Finals, being the last chance at improvement, typically only make things worse. So unless you are a young Feynman, you are probably thinking about what you did wrong, and how you can improve. While the real key to improvement lies in your approach to studying, technology must not be neglected as a means of assistance. The iPhone, your most portable computer, is an unbelievably helpful tool when it comes to educational organization, studying, note taking, staying connected, data reference, and more.
How To Get Through A Semester With Your iPhone : iSmashPhone [from]
haha, interesting article. too bad I'm already done with school. maybe I can do this in grad school.
docomoからiPhoneが出ない理由 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
The Bottom Feeder: So Here's How Many Games I Sell.
I get a lot of questions from young, aspiring Indie developers, and the most common query is: How many copies of a game does Spiderweb Software sell? It's a really reasonable question. After all, making a game is a long and punishing process. It's entirely fair to want to know what the parameters of success are. Alas, this information is generally kept secret. I've never given this question a straight answer, with real numbers.
Geneforge guy talks openly about his sales. Very cool.
MoviePeg™ — the no-hand iPhone stand for movies and more
Outstanding concept!
Forget awkwardly propping up your iPhone with your bag or that complicated tripod contraption. Add MoviePeg to your iPhone, adjust the angle and like magic you’ll be in relaxed viewing heaven. And it’s not just for movies; use it in the kitchen when following recipes, with the guys watching sports, as a night-stand for your alarm clock, in the garage working through those how-to instructions, or keeping the kids entertained without the evidence of sticky little fingers. No matter how you use it, MoviePeg is your super portable iPhone tilting wonder.
The no-hand stand for movies and more Forget awkwardly propping up your iPhone with your bag or that complicated tripod contraption. Add MoviePeg to your iPhone, adjust the angle and like magic you’ll be in relaxed viewing heaven. And it’s not just for movies; use it in the kitchen when following recipes, with the guys watching sports, as a night-stand for your alarm clock, in the garage working through those how-to instructions, or keeping the kids entertained without the evidence of sticky little fingers. No matter how you use it, MoviePeg is your super portable iPhone tilting wonder.
Well-Placed Pixels
Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5
A very basic example on how to code a site using HTML5
100 Most Educational iPhone Apps |
I think I'll have to promote this to the kids - so many of them have iPhones or iPod touches.
iPhone Zensify Keeps track of your aggregated social networks
View all your social networks in one timeline Update Facebook and Twitter simultaneously Perform custom searches within your own social graph Keep track of developing topics across your social networks Discover trends in your own social graph
ZenNews is the first of a new breed of intelligent news analysis programs - with ZenNews, you can see visualized story trends from the world’s leading news sources!/ / Highlights stories that are actively being forwarded by Twitter / Discover what's hot across all news sources / Swipe across multiple tag clouds to change news source / Compare news coverage from different sources / Browse all news in one handy timeline
Lifehacker - EncodeHD Offers One Click Conversion for Popular Portable Devices - Digital Video
iPhone for everybody | SoftBank
simロック外せー softbank割引する前にアンテナ立てろー(そしたら機種変するよ)
How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App
how to create an offline HTML5 iPhone application. More specifically, I’ll walk you through the process of building a Tetris game.
There’s No App for That « Riverturn Blog and Talk Back
Seems like developing software for iPhone is risky, if you want to earn money. Application can be just dropped out from the appstore without proper explanation.
Beetlebug Software - Blog
Picture Me was a fun little side project to experiment using face detection on the iPhone.  I have a few ideas on where to take this but I don’t have time to work them now.  So for now, it’s free.  And as an added bonus I’m releasing the source code for it in the hope that it will be useful to the iPhone developer community.
For the "when I get asked to do that in a month" file.
Source for an iphone face detection app.
iPhone 3G S review
This review is about the Iphone 3gs which is the predecessor of the 3g. It is basically an upgraded iphone 3g with more memory and more capabilities that make it a good by.
Read about the newest phones made by Apple, the 3gs. Read about the changes from the original iPhone, and the changes from the 3g.
This bookmark is about the recent release of the iPhone 3GS. It talks about the differences between the new phone and the old iPhone, and why it's better.
This new i phone is the best phone ATNT has and one of Apples greatest portable devices. This review tells why this is the world's best phone and why it is better than the other i phones
Dissecting iTunes links
For the latest release of Consume, we wanted to include two buttons: one that linked to all our apps on the App Store, and another that let users easily write a review on iTunes. These both seem like common things iPhone developers would want to do, so we decided to share the results of our research. Some of the information contained below is obvious for experienced iTunes users, while other links are rarer.
Forget Foursquare: Why Location Marketing Is New Point-of-Purchase - Advertising Age - Digital
It's the ad served while you are reading the news in the morning on an e-reader that knows you're at home and three blocks from a Starbucks. It's a loyalty program on your phone that, through a hotel-room sensor, sets the lights and thermostat and turns the TV to CNN when you walk in the door. It's finding a restaurant in a strange city on a Tuesday night, discovering that a store nearby stocks the TV you're looking for, or that a certain grocery on the way home has the cut of meat you need.
Forget Foursquare or Gowalla: Soon every website and service will be able to tell where you are, opening up the floodgates for location-based marketing and blurring the budget lines for advertisers.
Apple - QuickTime - Apple WWDC Keynote Address
Apple WWDC Keynote Address
The Apple WWDC 09 March 2009 Event.
WWDC Keynote Address now live: [from]
Apple WWDC 2009 Keynotes Adress: 2h00 video & 1,32 Go podcast download. Ouch! [from]
iPhone でMMSのアドレス(を取得/変更する方法
What Is The Deal With This Stupid Lighter iPhone App?
Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Smule uses location and visualization on a map to make their game viral.
You can optionally share your location information with the application, and when you light it you show up on a virtual earth-like globe. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. The longer a person keeps the lighter going (I have mine sitting here burning while I write this), the more”KiloJoules” you burn. So why is this working? I told you loyal readers back in August. Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Bizarre example of a social app leading to huge viral growth
Everyone keeps talking about Smule’s virtual lighter iPhone application called Sonic Lighter.
Smule has built in social and viral features that are helping this spread like mad, and they also give this ridiculous but effective incentive to use the app all the time. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. With 69,000 downloads * .99 cents = US$68310 US$68310 - 30% Apple takes = $47,817
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video
This article will cover absolutely everything there is to know about video on the iPhone...where to get it, formats, converting, video apps, video hacks, video accessories, and more.
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video [from]
A bit techy, but lots of good info including links to video conversion tools
Thanks to Original Vlate for the heads up on this next one. And this next one is titled Everything you need to know and more about iPhone Video over on and well the article covers what the title says. So if you are someone looking to learn more about iPhone video from Formats and codec to Video Converting Tools to even where to get video plus more - this is a really nice article Kudos to the guys at iSmashphone.
Appulous : The iPhone and iPod Touch Application Index
iPhoneユーザーに無料解放!BBモバイルポイントの設定方法 - iPhone・iPod touch ラボ
3.0で強化されたカレンダー機能を使う | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
Gmail, MobileMe, Address Book synced contacts sanity - Derek Punsalan - 5ThirtyOne
A personal site by Derek Punsalan sharing personal interests with technology, WordPress, design, and general geekery.
Annotated link
wnload Raindrops for iPhoto, iTunes, Photoshop and many mo
Share. Files. Fast.
dropbox type thingie--recommended by neven mrgan
Fast Food Apple Pies and Why Netbooks Suck — The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century
When people buy a netbook, they’re often not buying their primary machine. It’s a second computer, a backup device that people take when their real machine – which is often a laptop computer that isn’t much larger or more expensive – seems like too much to carry. It’s a luxury that people might ditch if the current economic situation continues or worsens and as the differences between laptops and netbooks vanish. Netbooks, as a blend of the worst of both mobile and laptop worlds, will be a transitional technology; at best, they’ll enjoy a brief heyday similar to that of the fax machine.
Why netbooks suck: [from]
Looks at how netbooks fit between SmartPhones and laptops, but do neither really well.
The iPhone Becomes a Web Server - ReadWriteWeb
A new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store transforms the handheld into a full-blown web server.
When those Apple advertisements tout
【特集】iPhoneアプリケーション開発入門 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
初Macと1週間過ごしたよメモ。 -
Coding Horror: The iPhone Software Revolution
"I truly feel that the iPhone is a key inflection point in software development. We will look back on this as the time when "software" stopped being something that geeks buy (or worse, bootleg), and started being something that everyone buys, every day. You'd have to be a jaded developer indeed not to find something magical and transformative in this formula, and although others will clearly follow, the iPhone is leading the way."
There's always been a weird tension in Apple's computer designs, because they attempt to control every nuance of the entire experience from end to end. For the best Appletm experience, you run custom Appletm applications on artfully designed Appletm hardware dongles. That's fundamentally at odds with the classic hacker mentality that birthed the general purpose computer. You can see it in the wild west, anything goes Linux ecosystem. You can even see it in the Wintel axis of evil, where a million motley mixtures of hardware, software, and operating system variants are allowed to bloom, like little beige stickered flowers, for a price. But a cell phone? It's a closed ecosystem, by definition, running on a proprietary network. By a status quo of incompetent megacorporations who wouldn't know user friendliness or good design if it ran up behind them and bit them in the rear end of their expensive, tailored suits. All those things that bugged me about Apple's computers are utter non-issue
para la nota del "ifone" :P
iPad Orientation CSS « Cloud Four
Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 3.0 Preview
iPhone OS 4.0: 後でチェック ✓ "Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 4 Preview"
RT @01net: #iPhone OS 4 : le site US d'Apple mis à jour
@hansdezwart In OS 4.0 is het probleem waar we het vandaag opgelost dmv folders. – Rob de Rijke (robderijke)
RT @dankando: For more information on iPhone OS 4:
RT @Top_iPhone_Apps: Offizielle Vorschauseite zum iPhone OS 4 von Apple:
"iPhone OS 4 will work with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the second- and third-generation iPod touch"
#Apple updated Website for #iPhone OS 4.
iconSweets » Free icons by Yummygum
Free icons
iPhoneのテストモードや各種設定を表示する隠しコマンドのリスト - iPhone・iPod touch ラボ
複眼中心 : iPhoneに祝日を自動登録
10 iPhone Games You Gotta Have - PC World,168350/printable.html
Hmm these make Nokia ngage games look sexier.
Simply the 10 best iPhone/iPod touch games so far!
Ragdoll Blaster
Here's a list of the ten games that every iPhone or iPod touch owner should have. If you're missing any, download it now so you're not humiliated the next time somebody asks to check out your iPhone.
Ten Reasons Why: Life-Changing iPod/iPhone Tip
With video examples.
Wrapi-do - one true way of headphone wrapping.
The point of this post is whether your headphones are rubbery or plasticky should be irrelevant to the effectiveness of keeping them untangled, because you should be following the One True Way Of Headphone Wrapping. Wrapi-do in Japanese, I believe. Also affectionately known as The Devil Horn Method. All snark aside (momentarily at least), this little hack really has kept my buds tangle-free for years now.
Enrollar cables
Oma metodini on sulloa koko nippu kiireessä taskuun. Tuloksena aina hieman erilainen pulmapeli.
The Freelancer's iPhone: Productivity solutions for independent professionals
Objective-Cは特殊な言語? - @IT
Objective-C 入門
Mobile Web and App Development Testing and Emulation Tools - Speckyboy Design Magazine
What the iPad is Missing (No, it’s not a Camera) | The FontFeed
background re typography, UI
RT @azaaza: What the iPad gets wrong with typography. Apple doesn't care about text?
Daring Fireball: New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of Adobe's Flash-to-iPhone Compiler
iPhone Developer Program License Agreement
New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone Compiler
This makes me very happy.
Daring Fireball: Why Apple Changed Section 3.3.1
hat’s how Microsoft became Microsoft. At a certain point developers wrote apps for Windows because so many users were on Windows and users bought Windows PCs because all the software was being written for Windows. That’s the sort of situation that creates a license to print money.
John Gruber’s interpretation of the iPhone SDK developer agreement change, which Steve Jobs endorsed when asked about the change: “I’m not arguing that it’s anything other than ruthless competitiveness. […] I’m just arguing that it makes sense from Apple’s perspective — and it was Apple’s decision to make.”
Daring Fireball: The iPad
"The iPad becomes the app you’re using. That’s part of the magic. The hardware is so understated - it’s just a screen, really - and because you manipulate objects and interface elements so smoothly and directly on the screen, the fact that you’re using an iPad falls away. You’re using the app, whatever it may be, and while you’re doing so, the iPad is that app. Switch to another app and the iPad becomes that app. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is."
A must review by a definite iPad fan. The notes on syncing are a good wake-up call to Apple though
20 Excellent Icon Sets for Application Design | Freebies
brianleroux's xui at master - GitHub
Seems to be just what I'm looking for.
Tiny jQuery customized for WebKit.
A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
XUI ist eine schlanke JavaScript Bibliothek für mobile Browser. durch die Limitierung auf Opera Mobile und den kommenden Mozilla Fennec wird eine kleine Größe erreicht. Die endgültige Nutzung ist an jQuery orientiert.
Macintosh: 25 Years (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
25 godina GUI interfejsa
The Macintosh was introduced January 24, 1984. In fact, the Mac was originally manufactured in the Fremont, California building that now houses Nielsen Norman Group.... Summary: Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency.
"Although its individual features weren't new, the Mac offered integration, the expectation of a GUI, and interface consistency. " Nielsen kommenterer hva Mac har betydd for utviklingen av GUI, og hvor iPhone bør ta oss nå.
He points to "usability" as the great triumph of the Mac. Not only is the platform more successful than ever, but the computing world wouldn't even resemble the one we know without it.
Essential tips to get the best from iTunes | News | TechRadar UK
For example, a playlist where the genre is blues and also rock, plus bit rate is greater than 128. And, best of all, if you check Live updating, the Smart Playlist will watch the library and automatically add any new files that meet the criteria you have set up.
Turn your iPod touch into a free phone | News | TechRadar UK
ion of micropho
Sync Your Gmail Contacts, Calendar With iPhone & Windows Mobile
Last August, I upgraded from a simple flip phone to a HTC Touch. Immediately I began looking for a way to avoid manually entering my Gmail contacts into the phone. After several hours of fruitless searching, I stumbled on NuevaSync–a free service that sync’d both my Gmail contacts and my Google Calendar. Thankfully, they also support Google Apps accounts.
70+ comments
As a user, this free service is a dream. I only think about it when I need to change a setting–otherwise everything is seamlessly behind the scenes. And they keep improving. They just announced iPhone multiple calendar support, and expect to break 100,000 users sometime this week.
Top 10 iPhone Apps for Librarians
I started writing this post on my iPhone, using the WordPress app; all the pictures were taken and uploaded from my iPhone. Since I've been using the iPhone (had a 1st generation and now 3G), I have been thrilled with the development of applications
From Kenley Neufeld, Library Director, Santa Barbara City College
20 Free Role Playing Games for the iPhone
Here are 20 of our favorite free role playing games for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo
New iPhone 4G?! RT @abitofcode: Visit gizmodo while it's still there ;)
Mmmm. Someone in Redwood City is in troublllllle .....
How to build an iPhone application in 20 minutes | Davide Di Cillo
Windows Live: Hotmail Enables POP3 for U.S. Users
Pop3 settings for Hotmail
POP3 access for Hotmail
Microsoft has been rolling out POP3 importing access to a number of countries since mid-January, including Canada, the U.K., most of western Europe, and elsewhere. The details you need to plug into your mail client or other webmail account, though, should be the same. Here's the list, as posted by the Windows Live team:
iPhone Web Development with Ruby on Rails
Apple's iPhone has taken the nation by storm. An alleged half million moved from the shelves into people’s pockets in the first weekend it went on sale. Safari, the iPhone's native browser, claims to bring full featured browsing to the mobile device. You'll learn, over the course of this article, more than a few tricks that will help your website stand out on the iPhone. Knowledge of Ruby is not required to learn from this article as it relies heavily on Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript to work its magic. You should be able to apply the tricks you'll learn here anywhere you'd use JavaScript or CSS. This article will not teach you everything you need to know about web development with Ruby on Rails, it will simply point out where the iPhone's browser differs from an ordinary one. Add up all these custom tweaks and you should have the tools you need to take your web site mobile. For a primer on Ruby on Rails, take a look at the Related Resources connected to this article.
Palm Pre review
3-part review; diminutive qwerty a la blackberry; 3.1" screen; Linux OS; good software; overall cool phone; external keyboard? GPS w/ respectable nav software but no landscape mode nor car mount;
the new Palm-Pre came out recently and people everywhere want to get this hot new phone. Some even say it is supposed to be the "Iphone-killer"
We're in the 5th day of Pre ownership in our household and I found this excellent all-around review that is required reading for Pre owners on Engadget.
Epic-length, wonderfully detailed review of the Pre by Joshua Topolsky, including substantial looks at all of the Pre’s major built-in app…
iPhoneの着信音の設定の仕方と作り方をご紹介(携帯における着メロ・着うた) :: iPhone applications for the Linux user
Aplicativos para o iPhone ou iPod Touch , pra quem usa Linux
Apple’s iPhone App Refund Policies Could Bankrupt Developers
AppStore new refund policy.Pretty crazy. I thought Apple got over their suicidal tendencies long ago. Guess I was wrong. [from]
Article breaks it down: when a customer buys an iPhone app you developed, you get 70% of the sale, Apple collects the other 30%. When customer requests a return on that same app, you pay the customer your share plus Apple's share of the sale (100%).
Mobile Marketing: Just Having an iPhone App Isn't Enough - Advertising Age - Digital
Also some good links to app websites....
"There's a myth that there's easy money out there... Most apps don't make any money, so it's really about publicity." Increasingly, apps have to be supported by traditional marketing; otherwise they have little chance of making it to many iPhone screens. "The App Store is not a marketing vehicle; it is a distribution vehicle." It's also critical not to rush an app to market. Unlike a website, a buggy app can't easily be updated, and can sabotage users' experience.
LukeW | Touch Gesture Reference Guide
nice reference
Le guide complet de la gestuelle pour les interfaces multitouch
Linux on the iPhone: Android running on iPhone!
Dual-booting the iPhone: RT @geekami: Android running on iPhone! #geek
Useful Design Tips For Your iPad App - Smashing Magazine
With tools like Appcelerator's Titanium and some JavaScript programming skill, creating native iPhone and iPad apps is simple. The danger is in not being always on
New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet. In addition to forecasting more online shopping and showing the geographical distribution of Internet users, the study also shows a dramatic shift toward mobile web use. Including devices such as the Kindle, the iPhone (iPhone) and other smartphones, web-enabled tablets, GPS systems, video games and wireless home appliances, the growth of the mobile web has been exponential — and we’re still just at the beginning of this cycle. Morgan Stanley’s analysts believe that, based on the current rate of change and adoption, the mobile web will be bigger than desktop Internet use by 2015.
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet.
iPhorest - Plant your tree.
While we are mildly obsessed with iPhone apps that let us plan our wardrobes, determine where to eat, and stream awesome radio stations, our latest favorite find leverages technology for good in the greatest sense of the word. In association with Ecolife Apparel and The Conservation Fund, the iPhorest application enables the user to plant a tree. Upon downloading, the user activates a seedling both virtually and physically, and for each virtual tree planted, The Conservation Fund will plant a native tree in real life - starting with the restoration of vulnerable wildlife habitats along the Gulf Coast in the United States. With interactive features that allow you to dig a hole for your tree, water your seedling and connect to a world map to see other users, it has never been easier (or more fun) to give back.
7 Fantastic Free Business Card Apps for the iPhone
@omarq Okay, regarding Contact Card ( 8 apps for that + extra super one – Mohammad Badi Irshid (MhdBadi)
the iPhone has become a platform for utility applications that help us do just that. Each of these applications will help you get your contact info, or that of a friend, off your phone and into someone else’s address book. Best of all, they’re all free.
8 Fantastic Free Business Card Apps for the iPhone resources list from mashable
7 Fantastic Free Business Card Apps for the iPhone [from]
良いデザインを決定するのはデータなのか、それとも… - Keep Crazy;shi3zの日記
ときどき、「技術的に素人の方が技術者にない斬新な発想がでる」という発言を見ることがあるが、それはハッキリした間違いである。 むしろ素人の方が表面的な制約を「技術の制約」と捉えやすく、技術者の方が表面的な制約を「技術で簡単に乗り越えることが出来る」と看破しやすい。 技術的な素人が技術の発展に役立つ場面は、その素人の言った何気ない言葉を優れた技術者が咀嚼して技術的なジャンプをした場合である。
「世界で最もユーザーインターフェースデザインの研究に費用を投じている会社を知ってますか?ノキアとマイクロソフトです。もちろんその結果は、ごらんの有様ですよ」 それでも一般ユーザの反応というのは、重要だと思う。 ゲームの神と崇められる宮本茂さえもユーザビリティテストの結果に血相を変えて仕様を変更することは沢山あったらしい。
iPhoneネイティブアプリ開発の必読リンク5本 | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
| iPhone 3G Wiki blog
QuirksBlog: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel
Now what is the layout viewport? It’s the area (in CSS pixels) that the
Nice breakdown of browser resolutions and web development on mobile browsers / via /
Peter-Paul Koch reder ut begreppen runt skärmbredd, css-pixlar och device-independent pixlar.
Maniacal Rage: Reading post
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
"This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down."
Bad reviews in appstore and no way to respond
A piece on how the approval process stops developers from being responsive to users, by delaying necessary fixes and cutting the lines of communication.
when Apple ties my hands behind my back and lets users punch me publicly in the face without allowing me to at least respond back, it’s hard to get excited about building an app
Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps
This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down.
"Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down." Sad, really.
RossBoucher.Com » Funk Rock » Blog Archive » iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
iphone touch event lib. (multitouch)
15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets | Tutorials
HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, and so is the ability to create drag and drop interactivity. Even though HTML5 is not fully supported in major browsers, there are those that are pushing forward and experimenting with its new features. In an effort to encourage you to do the same and to prepare you for the future, we’ve rounded up 15 useful HTML5 tutorials and cheat sheets.
How to fit your website for the Apple iPad « x7 Labs
Thoughts on Flash
Steve Jobs announcement about why Apple doesn't support Flash
Apple Retail Store - iPhone availability at the Apple Store
just mention it
Apple, Stanford Teaching iPhone Development for Free | Gadget Lab from
Apple and Stanford University this week will begin offering free videos and course materials on iPhone application development. Video recordings of Stanford's 10-week computer science class, taught by two Apple employees, will be freely downloadable through Apple's iTunes U educational channel. The course's syllabus and slides will be freely available on iTun
Apple and Stanford University this week will begin offering free videos and course materials on iPhone application development.
iPhone and iPad Development GUI Kits, Stencils and Icons - Speckyboy Design Magazine
The real reason why Steve Jobs hates Flash - Charlie's Diary
There is a lot to take note of in here, though the timescale is probably more alarmist than realistic.
I'm not convinced there's anywhere near enough bandwidth just for everyone to have wireless internet now, let alone using it for all your data. No chance.
This is why there's a stench of panic hanging over silicon valley. this is why Apple have turned into paranoid security Nazis, why HP have just ditched Microsoft from a forthcoming major platform and splurged a billion-plus on buying up a near-failure; it's why everyone is terrified of Google: The PC revolution is almost coming to an end, and everyone's trying to work out a strategy for surviving the aftermath.
“Let's peer five years into the future... LTE will be here. WiMax will be here.” Pretty sure I heard that six years ago.
MOONGIFT: » iPhoneアプリケーションをRubyで作る「iPhone RubyCocoa」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
「iPhone + モレスキン」が最強のコンビであることについて |
Time to Leave the Laptop Behind -
Annotated link
For years, mobile workers have been ditching their desktop computers for laptops that they can take wherever they go. Now road warriors are starting to realize that they can get even more portability -- and lots of computing punch -- from smart phones.
Article from the Wall Street journal
How-to: building services into iPhone applications - Ars Technica
Recovering from service attempts errors delayed @selectors Registering schemes: Adding the handler method
Call other app in my app
How-to: building services into iPhone applications
Cocoa Fundamentals Guide: The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
Gizmodo's Essential iPad Apps - Best ipad apps - Gizmodo
The iPad App Store is open! Here are the best of the apps so far&mdash;the ones you'll actually want when you finally get your iPad.
Fonts for iPad & iPhone | Michael Critz
The New Hotness: FourTrack Audio Recorder for iPhone, iPod Touch | Listening Post from
Audio geeks and songwriters have another tool at their disposal: FourTrack, a well-designed app for the iPhone or iPod Touch that records, mixes and plays up to four tracks like
mic idea for iphone $10 software app
FourTrack iPhone recorder
Each track gets stored as a separate, mono, 44.1 kHz WAV file that can be easily transferred to any computer on your WiFi network
[CG]iPhone 3.0でテザリングを可能にする方法
$29 but nice set
handy handy and cheap
Nice set of icons for $29
I gotta buy this stuff. Werd.
Neven Mrgan's tumbl
A web app to enter Dingbats symbols
glyphboard for iphone
iPhone 3.0 OS ガイド:これだけ覚えとけば大丈夫 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
The iPad Web Design & Development Toolbox | iPhone.AppStorm | Review - Replacement iPhone earphones on test
ic track that foregrounds vocal harmonies. We also used Black Leyh’s ‘The Fall’ better known as the sombre, sinister instrumental exit music from The Wire and a selection of movie so
iPhone accessori
Replacement iPhone earphones on test. The bundled iPhone earphones aren't great when it comes to sound quality and comfort, but the integrated mic and remote control is extremely handy. We take a look at six replacement iPhone earphone sets from Bose, Etymotic, Shure, Sennheiser, V-Moda, and Apple itself to see which is the best upgrade.
Review of a number of replacement iPhone headsets.
TappGala: The Best in Mobile Interface Design
TappGala: The Best in Mobile Interface Design -
The Best in Mobile Interface Design
Webkit CSS Properties
I've been using/abusing many of these but how do they differ from "filter:alpha(opacity=50)" etc?
-webkit- reference
40 of the Most Stunning iPhone Developer Websites | iPhone.AppStorm
40 of the Most Stunning iPhone Developer Websites | iPhone.AppStorm -
Gizmodo - Discovering Music in 2009: The New Tools - New Music Discovery
What iPads Did To My Family - Chuck's Blog
Apparently they all ditched their other computers within a day. willnotgetanipadwillnotgetinanipod
y wife asserted her rightful place in the hierarchy later that evening, and took it upstairs to the bedroom to relax while watching TV. Tap, tap, tap. Occasionally, she showed me something interesting she found online. And smiling.
l the PCs and laptops are basically not being used.  All the Macs are not being used.  All have been powered off. Everyone in the family is waiting for their turn at the
11 Excellent Solutions for Making Your Website Mobile Friendly | Tools
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo // in case you just woke up from a coma
15+ FREE iPhone Apps to Help Navigate Your World
15+ FREE iPhone Apps to Navigate Your World resources list from mashable free apps to navigate the world
iPhone開発向けTips追加分(20090217) - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
Cocoia Blog » iPhone / iPad icon PSD template
Introduction to iPhone SDK Development | Mobiletuts+
Good set of first steps for iPhone DEV...
iPhone App Sales, Exposed
iPhone App Sales, Exposed #tmdeler – Thomas Moen (thomasmoen)
I'd say it's worth going here but it's scary how Apple is in control.
Survey of 96 different apps and units sold: "While industry wisdom states that application updates always boost downloads and sales, Apple has changed how updated apps are given exposure and this now doesn’t quite hold true. Some developers reported that updating the app gave only a small—and brief—spike in downloads. What did seem to have a larger impact on sales was a drop in price, although this also tended to taper off quickly. Being featured by Apple is the greatest contributor to spiking sales. The level of Apple."
SnapTell: Instant Product Lookup From The iPhone. You Want This.
Welcome | Strategery for iPhone and iPod Touch
Strategery for iPhone and iPod Touch
Live from Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 preview event
't stop there. We thought,
10:19AM "Now here's a class that we think will be really interesting -- medical devices." Scott's showing off a blood pressure reader that interfaces with the iPhone -- wild.
Great live reporting of iPhone3, coming to consumers in June; avail to Devs now
NimbleKit: Native iPhone apps with HTML and JavaScript
Tools to build HTML based apps with more functionality
javascript para iphone
100 Awesome iPhone Apps for All Your Small Business Needs | Earn ...
100 business tools to make your iphone more productive
The Scannable World, Part 3: Barcode Scanning In The Real World - ReadWriteWeb
This is the third part in a multi-part series about integrating the internet with the real world through barcode scanning technology. -=- Written by Sarah Perez / September 26, 2008 6:43 AM
blog post on readwriteweb blog about integrating real world with internet
Check in to location services Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Whrrl, and others with one service.
Qui veut tester ? #code #beta - one checkin to rule them all Endlich eine App für den Checkin bei #4sq, #gowalla, #brightkite #iphone #android #ipad #fb
InAppSettingsKit - Put settings in your iPhone apps easily
Apple Says iPhone Jailbreaking is Illegal | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation, says Apple in comments filed with the Copyright Office as part of the 2009 DMCA triennial rulemaking. This marks the first formal public statement by Apple about its lega...
16 Tips to Become an INSTANT iPhone OS 3.0 Power-User | Mac|Life
Ski Lodge (for iPhone)
SliderNav: iPhone Style Contact Lists Using JQuery and CSS | DevGrow
TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile [update] « – the Ajax and JavaScript Experts
Scrolling layer for WebKit Mobile.
TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile
Patrick Collison » blog » Dynamic Default.png files on the iPhone
20 cool things to do with your iPhone | News | TechRadar UK
AirStrip Technologies > Home
The use of technology for healthcare
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
google android
Nuts: Twitter Inventor About To Launch His Next Project, Code-named Squirrel
Almost immediately following Twitter coming back from a planned downtime this afternoon, co-founder and current Chairman Jack Dorsey sent out a tweet letting ...
May 8, 2009 | TechCrunch | by MG Siegler
What's Next: Twitter Inventor Launching His Next Project, Squirrel. [from]
It’s a service that allows anyone with an iPhone to become a merchant. Just like the wireless credit card swipers you see at certain shops and restaurants, you can carry around your iPhone and take payments. Apparently, the idea is that this will allow any individual to take credit card payments on a mobile device, kind of like what PayPal does for the web.
Transaction function tied to iPhone - gets power from the swipe!
RT @TLW3: Nuts: Twitter Inventor About To Launch His Next Project, Code ... [from]
js iPod touch
3d:n piirtäminen 2d canvasilla.
This Week on Github: iPhone Development | Linux Magazine
Some good links for iPhone development. Some Ruby integrated stuff
web services. a good framework
diverser code auf github
web開発者が cocoa アプリケーション開発をはじめるにあたって - TokuLog 改めB日記
iPhone: Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support?
Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support? (Chart from Apple) [from]
Feature matrix for various hardware models.
Handy list to have when deciding what to buy.
BaseJS: A Mobile (Safari) Javascript Framework | iPhoneized
When Paul Armstrong started searching for Javascript frameworks for iPhone optimized web development, he wasn't satisfied with what was available. While the
Siri: A Powerful Virtual Assistant For The iPhone
"A new paradigm for using the Internet is about to begin: Virtual Assistants (VA’s) are coming to a mobile device near you. This week, a stealth startup will demonstrate the first public version of their mobile virtual assistant, Siri. This may mark the beginning of the era of consumer-grade virtual assistants on the Web. Siri is focused on mobile devices – particularly the iPhone and other smart phones, it has an unusually productive interface and user experience, and it is super useful – it is something I would really use every day. As a result I would not be surprised if Siri becomes one of the top iPhone applications within a few months after their launch. (Disclosure: In the past, I worked on the DARPA-funded CALO project from which Siri sprung)."
not Web 2.0 but emerging tech
Typical use cases are booking dinner reservations, buying movie tickets, getting local information, or finding things to do in your local area.
First Look at Siri, the Product Siri is a virtual assistant that is focused on helping consumers complete tasks in their online lives, particularly in the mobile context. The version I looked at runs on the iPhone.
[N] 「iTunes Music」フォルダを外付けHDDに移動する方法
iTunes のライブラリを外付HDに移動する時の注意。
Free Software Turns the iPhone Into an E-Book Reader | Gadget Lab from
Wiredin artikkeli Stanzan iPhone -versiosta
Featured IPhone Download: VLC Remote Adds iPhone Control to Our Favorite Media App
iPhone/iPod touch only: VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.
VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.
The Future of Touch - ReadWriteWeb
Reading: The Future of Touch [from]
The Future of Touch: [from]
chinese: 触摸未来
The future is bright...
孫社長、発売時囲み取材でiPhone交渉経緯を語る | iPhone 3G Wiki blog
AdWhirlのレポート(下にエンベッドしてある)によると、無料アプリのトップ100リストに入っているアプリの場合、1日に$400-$5000の広告収入を得ている。この数字のレンジは相当広いが、下限の$400を取っても月に$12,000前後となる。AdWhirlによると、こうしたトップアプリの場合、eCPMは$1.90、クリックスルーは2.6%という立派な成績だ。App Storeの上位にランクインするアプリのほとんどは比較的短い期間でその位置から滑り落ちてしまうが、広告収入は、初期のピークからの落ち込みの後は比較的一定のレベルを保つという(下のグラフ参照)。もちろん、無料アプリ部門のトップにランクインするというのは言うは易く、行うは難しだ。ほとんどデベロッパーの収入は1日$400をはるかに下回る。しかし、同じことはほとんどの有料アプリについても言える。実際、無料アプリの方がまだしも競争が少ない。
Apple: iPhone Copy and Paste Now Working Between Safari and Mail
//As you can see in the video, Pastebud—as the service is called—works using two bookmarks in Safari. One prepares and loads the page you are viewing, ready to select text at the touch of a finger. From there, you can copy any text you want and create a new mail message with that text in it. In addition to that, you will be able to copy and paste in the text field of a different web page.//
What rarefied desires we have!
Web Development For The iPhone And iPad: Getting Started - Smashing Magazine
iphone ipad tools
I know that most discussion about the iPhone OS platform centers on native applications. But you can still create powerful, native-looking applications using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This article focuses on three phases of building and optimizing your website: design, coding and testing.
11 UI Kits for iPhone and iPad Development | Freebies
Last week we posted a collection of printable wireframing templates which included some for iPhone and iPad app design. These are great for communicating early
100 Incredibly Useful & Free iPhone Apps | iPhone.AppStorm
The best part of the iTunes App Store is that you don't need to spend a single cent to fill your iPhone with amazing applications. There are tons of developers
Designing for iPhone: The Ultimate Roundup of Resources | Graphic and Web Design Blog with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
"Images show things down immensely - get rid of them"
OffMaps: Offline Maps for iPod Touch and iPhone
OffMaps lets you take your maps offline. It is the ideal companion for any iPhone and iPod Touch user, who wants to access maps when travelling abroad (and avoid data roaming charges) and who wants to have fast access to maps at all times. This app (and the icon) just has to be on the right hand side of Apple's built-in maps app.
OffMaps allows you to take your maps offline and search them on your iPod Touch and iPhone without an active internet connection
This would have been handy when we were traveling Italy last year.
34 Inspiring iPad Application Websites | Inspiration
34 Inspiring iPad Application Websites /by @GisMullr via @abduzeedo #mobile #webdesign #ipad
Free iPad CSS layout with landscape/portrait orientation modes
Camera+ ...the ultimate photo app
win an amazing $10,000 canon 5d mark ii camera setup for the launch of camera+ for iphone at wwdc
Win an amazing $10,000 Canon 5D Mark II camera setup to celebrate the release of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC
Win the ultimate $10,000 Canon 5D Mk2 camera setup to celebrate the release of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC
Camera+ ...the ultimate photo app #iPhoneography
Grid, stabilizer, 5× zoom, lightbox, sharing, Fx effects, several scene modes, digital flash, cropping, border designs.
Good lp design
win an amazing $10,000 canon 5d mark ii camera rig to celebrate the launch of camera+ for iphone at wwdc
The State of Mobile Apps | Nielsen Wire
Statistical data of app usage
HTML5 Apps: Positioning with Geolocation | Mobiletuts+
At the heart of every location-based application is positioning and geolocation. In this tutorial you will learn the geolocation capabilities of HTML5 and the basic principles needed to take advantage of them in your next HTML5 app!
HTML5 Apps: Positioning with Geolocation
いまさら聞けないiPhone/iPadアプリの作り方の基礎(1/4) - @IT
Apple-like Retina Effect With jQuery – Tutorialzine
10 Free iPhone Apps To Learn A New Skill In 10 Minutes
10 Free iphone apps to learn something new in 5 minutes,
As well as options for almost unimaginably varied entertainment, the powerful iPhone platform can be used as a learning tool. Thanks to kind-hearted
What it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal
Ein Comic on The Oatmeal
Sencha · Introducing Sencha Touch · HTML5 Mobile App Framework
Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization.
Sencha Touch allows you to develop web apps that look and feel native on Apple iOS and Google Android touchscreen devices.
速報:スティーブ・ジョブズ インタビュー@ D8
A Roundup of 15 Mobile Web Design Tutorials - SloDive
mobile para agenda2
Design Resources & Inspiration
All the sizes of iOS app icons - Neven Mrgan's tumbl
Let’s say you’re working on an icon for an iOS app. The app is universal, so it should run on all iPhones (and iPod touches), and on the iPad. As a designer, you’re used to drawing icons at various sizes; this is a big part of what “icon design” is (as opposed to other types of illustration).
Overview of the various icon sizes for iOS applications
What you can learn from Panic's approach to email marketing - Blog - Campaign Monitor
How to send html email that is optimized for mobile email clients.
30+ iPad Apps For Designers, Developers And Creative Types | SpyreStudios
This post features over 30 iPad apps that I think designers, developers and creatives will find useful. You’ll find drawing, sketching and wireframing apps, note-taking apps, website editors, painting apps and publishing and analytics apps.
There's some goodies I love in there like Evernote. I haven't tried the external monitor one, but defintely sounds like my kind of trick.
Device-scale user interface elements in iOS Mobile Safari - (37signals)
scaling controls for iPhone etc. based on zoom (using Javascript to detect changes and CSS to scale)
WWDC 2010 Session Videos - Apple Developer
Download WWDC 2010 Videos for Free
App development and iPhone OS (iOS) news
iPadでHTML5でWebアプリを作ってみました。 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
iPhone GUI PSD Version 4 – Now accurate, still free | Teehan+Lax
Now in its fourth iteration, this version of the template has been completely redesigned from the ground up. Based on iOS4, it includes all the elements you need to design proof-of-concepts or production ready assets. Previous versions of this file we’re riddled with issues like blurry edged buttons and incorrect “bevels”. These issues have been addressed as best they can using Photoshop’s shape layers and layer styles. If you’re modifying any of the vector elements be sure the shapes are sitting on full pixels or your assets will begin to look blurry.
Iphone Tutorial: Creating a RSS Feed Reader
*Iphone Tutorial: Creating a RSS Feed Reader
Resolving the iPhone resolution | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Is the new iPhone resolution so high that the human eye cannot detect the pixels?
" 12 inches from the eye, Jobs claims, the pixels on the new iPhone are so small that they exceed your eye’s ability to detect them."
iOS 4 walkthrough | TiPb
Have you bricked your iPhone/iPod Touch yet?
Cocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file
For reference.
Photoshop template for designing icons suitable for iPhone, iPad and the iTunes Store.
Cocoia Blog » iPhone 4 icon PSD file
How To Convert a SIM to a MicroSIM with a Meat Cleaver!
iPad vs. iPhone: A User Experience Study | UX Magazine
Some interesting insights into the different interactions and social experience of iPad vs. iPhone in a retail setting.
Studying how using Square on the iPad worked different than on the iPhone.
#iPad vs. #iPhone: A User Experience Study #UX #Usability
Communities Dominate Brands: Full Analysis of iPhone Economics - it is bad news. And then it gets worse
great piece looking at the brutal economic realities of the iphone app market media cost of building an iphone app ($35K) and the median app sales ($700/year).
Tragic, scary stuff here.
Period ending.....Period downloads.....Cumulative downloads....Period revenues Jun revenues Dec 2008.............600 M......................600 M..........................$ 172 M Jun 2009..............800 M....................1.4 B.............................$  228 M Dec 2009..........1.6 B.........................3.0 B............................$  458 M Jun 2010...........2.0 B.........................5.0 B............................$  542 M Total.................5.0 B.........................5.0 B............................$1.4 B
Stats on iphone dev. Money etc.
평균적인 앱스토어 개발자의 1년 수입은 $680
A truly excellent analysis on how much an iPhone app developer can expect to earn on average. Phrases like "But the picture starts out bleak" and "Now the picture starts to get worse." sum it up. Well worth reading the whole thing.
Create an iPhone optimised website using jQTouch | TutToaster
CSS for iPhone 4 (Retina display) « Thomas Maier – web & communication designer
iPhone4のRetina Displayに対応させたCSSを読ませるlinkタグの書き方
RT @wpSEO: Ein extra CSS für iPhone 4 einbinden #css
This is how you target the iPhone 4 with specific CSS
ブクログのパブー | 電子書籍作成・販売プラットフォーム
:: Effektive. Graphic Design & Communication ::
- Effektive is an independent design studio based in Glasgow. We create design which is relevant, engaging and effective for our clients. We specialise in identity & brand development; printed communication; art direction & web design.
Modern Nerd
Steps to set up multiple "from:" addresses from a Gmail account through the iPhone/iPad Mail app.
Add multiple send from addresses w/out adding each one as a separate mail account. Just like web based gmail.
Solved: Gmail, iPad, iPhone, and multiple from addresses - Modern Nerd: Shared by bang1000 ale gmail nutz...
Maxvoltar - What does 320dpi mean to designers? (2)
Designing for the new iPhone 4 resolution.
Here’s a list of tricks and techniques I learned so far. Over time we’ll see more design conventions, but for now it’s just a lot of guesswork.
Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Earlier this week, Google Voice opened to everyone in the U.S.. The phone management app is great, but even cooler hacks exist just under the hood. Here are our favorite tricks every Google Voice user should know about.
iPhone Dev Center
iphone系リソース(mobile HIGとか)リンク集
10 iPhone Apps Every Web Designer Should Know About
Museum of London - Street Museum
A nice app made by Brothers and sisters for the Museum of London
Museum of London
Apple-Style Slider
Apple-Style Slider -
A-to-Z menu, easy way to quick scroll in long A-Z list
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
One area of Web design that is going to become more important in the coming years is high DPI
the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries
Blog | Graphicpeel — iOS Icons Made in Pure CSS
iOS icons made in pure css. no images involved.
"11 iOS icons made in only CSS, no images whatsoever."
Onbile - Free mobile website templates
Onbile - Free mobile website templates
allows you to easily modify your site to be mobile friendly
just saw this in recent tabs
WebサイトをiPhoneで見やすくする5つの方法 | Webクリエイターボックス
iOS Icons in Pure CSS | Graphicpeel
Shut up ! Only CSS ! That is ridiculous
ipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
ipad vector GUI elements: tabs buttons menus icons | Icon Library
Great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator)
Another great freebie from iconshock, this set contains almost all ipad UI elemments, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloms, etc etc… very useful for designers and developers, it includes scalable and totally editable vector versions (adobe illustrator), enjoy it and spread the word twitting and stumbling - elementos do Ipad em vetor! :D – Leandro Varanda (leandrovaranda)
Photoshop Vip » iPhone 3G, 4, iPadアプリ制作にばっちりなUIデザインキット12個まとめ
RT @deliciouspb: Photoshop Vip » iPhone 3G, 4, iPadアプリ制作にばっちりなUIデザインキット12個まとめ
10 Must-Have Apps for the New iPad Owner
With the long-awaited international launch of the iPad, thousands of folks will be app hunting in the coming weeks. We've highlighted 10 must-haves to start you off right.
Optimized Handbrake Presets to Encode Video for Your New iPad or iPhone 4
handbrake settings for iphone 4 / ipad
"Apple of My Eye" - an iPhone 4 film on Vimeo
reklamfilm inspelad och redigerad i iphone4
Smokescreen | Demo
Flash… without the plugin
40 Amazingly Educational iPad Apps for Kids | Online Find the Right Online Class Match
As the title says...
suggested iphone apps for students
Aral Balkan · How to make your web content look stunning on the iPhone 4’s new Retina display
The moment you first lay eyes on the iPhone 4's new Retina display, you are ruined. No other display will ever make you happy. Not unless it, too, is a Retina display. You start seeing pixels everywhere. My beloved MacBook Pro's screen? Pixels. The iPad I bought a few months ago and couldn't leave aside? Pixels.
Aral suggests some techniques to target the new super amazing display. The methods include media queries, javascript, svg and a few other sneaky techniques.
Cool blog/site about mobile dev and design and stuff
iPhone 4 でイメージを美しく表示させるためのコーディング方法
If you want your applications and web sites to look beautiful on the iPhone 4's new retina screen, you're going to have to create high-resolution versions of your bitmaps and/or use vectors.
Creative Review - StreetMuseum iPhone app
RT @psychemedia: Cf. London museum's historical photo overlays of streetview app Historypin lets you do similar htt ...
This is awesome.
iPadを買ったらまず最初に検討すべき iPadアプリ40本+α | tobu iPhone
iPadを買ったらまず最初に検討すべき iPadアプリ40本+α | tobu iPhone
無線LANが使えるカフェ・喫茶店(非メジャーチェーン店舗)β版 - Google マップ
iPhone vs. Android | Nielsen Wire
Un estudio de mercado de Nielsen sobre la penetración de los smartphones, principalmente iPhone contra Android. Datos como: % del mercado: [BlackBerry 35%], [Windows Mobile: 19%] y [iPhone 28%] (chupxla Micro$oft!!); también interesante que son muchos más los de Android que quieren pasarse a un iPhone que al revés.
iPhone vs. Android smartphone penetration graphs. (June 2010)
100 Incredibly Useful & Free iPad Apps | iPhone.AppStorm
100 Incredibly Useful & Free iPad Apps | iPhone.AppStorm -
100 Applis utiles et gratuites pour iPad
RT @drmmtatom: 100 Incredibly Useful & Free iPad Apps | iPhone.AppStorm #fhuedu642
Liminal Existence: Beautiful Lines
An unobtrusive approach to presenting properly sized text for any reading device that might happen upon your carefully written text. First, if you're not already, drop everything and size all your text in ems. Your text should be 1.0 em, everything else in ems as appropriate.
Core77 speaks with Jonathan Ive on the design of the iPhone 4: Material Matters - Core77
Jonathan Ive on the Design of the iPhone 4 – Stefan Tilkov (stilkov)
"Materials matter." Oh yes they do.
Jonathan Ive on the Design of the iPhone 4
"While [design schools today may have] sophisticated virtual design tools, the danger in relying on them too much is that we can end up isolated from the physical world," he says. "In our quest to quickly make three-dimensional objects, we can miss out on the experience of making something that helps give us our first understandings of form and material, of the way a material behaves--'I press too hard here, and it breaks here' and so on. Some of the digital rendering tools are impressive, but it's important that people still really try and figure out a way of gaining direct experience with the materials."
It is this sort of materials obsession and constant experimentation that led to a decision to use scratch-resistant aluminosilicate glass for the front and back of the phone, as well as developing their own variant of stainless steel to edge the device. When you see the breaks, the three little black reveals that interrupt the band, in photographs, you could be forgiven for assuming you're seeing three separate strips of metal with gaps in between; but in fact it's all one piece.
Not quite as in depth as I might have liked, but interesting nonetheless.
""The best design explicitly acknowledges that you cannot disconnect the form from the material--the material informs the form," says Ive. "It is the polar opposite of working virtually in CAD to create an arbitrary form that you then render as a particular material, annotating a part and saying 'that's wood' and so on. Because when an object's materials, the materials' processes and the form are all perfectly aligned, that object has a very real resonance on lots of levels. People recognize that object as authentic and real in a very particular way.""
"For a designer to continually learn about materials is not extracurricular, it's absolutely essential." – Jennifer Brook (jenniferbrook)
How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3G[S] from iOS 4 to iOS 3.1.3
lot of iPhone 3G owners—myself included—have discovered that upgrading to iOS 4 has slowed their devices to a crawl. If you decide the new features and shortcuts just aren't worth the glacial performance, here's how to downgrade your iDevice.
Getting Started with the iPhone SDK
you'll probably never need this, but it's good to have bookmarked...
Non Hover | Trent Walton
Working around hover states for touchscreens
interesting piece on differences between pointer and touchscreen devices: 'non hover' - diff b/t gallery and web for us
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
Phone Disk - Mount iPad, iTouch, iPhone to Disk Mode in Finder
Mount an iPad, iTouch or iPhone to USB disk mode on a Mac. Phone Disk is a tiny program which runs in the system tray of your Mac. When it finds an iPod Touch or iPhone it seamlessly mounts it to your file system so you can directly access files on it using Finder or any other program.
把 iPhone、iPad 當成隨身碟般透過 Finder 存取
Download it until it's free - Disk Explorer for iPhone -
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to use
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 -- Engadget
Steve Jobs and the Apple team deliver the goods, once again.
Annotated link
By Joshua Topolsky posted Jun 7th 2010 12:25PM
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App
Android blackberry iPhone UI guidelines
5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App – iphoneness (iphoneness)
5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App
Here are five tips you should keep in mind when designing and developing your mobile application, regardless of platform.
Android blackberry iPhone UI guidelines
Apple's iPhone 4: Thoroughly Reviewed - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News
Conclusion: People are seriously overreacting to an issue that affects ALL mobile phones. The antenna design IS an improvement, even over the previous iPhone model. The signal strength bar visualization unfortunately exaggerates the signal loss, and that part can definitely be corrected with Apple's upcoming patch.
depending how you hold the phone. Squeezing it really tightly, you can drop as much as 24 dB. Holding it naturally, I measure
Design for iPad
#Design for #iPad
All kinds of resources for designing for the ipad
Urbanape - Some Non-Busy iPhone Wallpapers
for whiteapple
glyph icons that you can copy to emails
for whiteapple
glyph icons that you can copy to emails
Jumping Ship from iPhone to Android: A Switcher's Guide
1024 Square | Beautiful iPad wallpaper
Wallpapers for the ipad.
A collection of beautiful wallpapers perfect for iPad, curated by your Internet pal Josh Holloway.
Great iPad wallpapers.
Open Source Icons - gcons
ignore the code: Gestures
@flo_muc problem 1 is no common vocabulary, problem 2 is UI that doesn't show verbs. @LKM just wrote about just that – Duncan Wilcox  (duncanwilcox)
Annotated link
Way back when, computers used to only have command line interfaces. To get a PC to do anything at all, people had to memorize commands, and type them in correctly. But forcing people to memorize commands is not particularly user friendly. As a result, few people knew how to use computers, or wanted to learn. When graphical user interfaces became popular, people didn’t have to memorize commands anymore. Instead, everything they could do was shown on their screen. «Memorizing» was replaced with «recognizing». No longer did people have to memorize «cp» if they wanted to duplicate a file; they just had to look through the «File» menu and recognize the «Duplicate» command.
"In a way, gestural user interfaces are a step back, a throwback to the command line. Gestures are often not obvious and hard to discover; the user interface doesn’t tell you what you can do with an object. Instead, you have to remember which gestures you can use, the same way you had to remember the commands you could use in a command line interface."
Consumer Reports Electronics Blog: Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4
@TomMighell unless there's only <1% people holding their phone that way, the problem is more wide-spread than that
It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.
A: Android!
Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4 [from]
[UPDATE JULY 13, 2010: We’ve received many comments and questions regarding this blog post. See our latest post: Why Apple—and not its customers—should fix the iPhone 4. —Ed.]
No recommendation for the iphone4: Antenna still suckx
The first time Consumer Reports has failed to give the thumbs up for an Apple phone.
Consumer Reports Electronics Blog: Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4
@TomMighell unless there's only <1% people holding their phone that way, the problem is more wide-spread than that
It's official. Consumer Reports' engineers have just completed testing the iPhone 4, and have confirmed that there is a problem with its reception. When your finger or hand touches a spot on the phone's lower left side—an easy thing, especially for lefties—the signal can significantly degrade enough to cause you to lose your connection altogether if you're in an area with a weak signal. Due to this problem, we can't recommend the iPhone 4.
A: Android!
Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4 [from]
[UPDATE JULY 13, 2010: We’ve received many comments and questions regarding this blog post. See our latest post: Why Apple—and not its customers—should fix the iPhone 4. —Ed.]
No recommendation for the iphone4: Antenna still suckx
The first time Consumer Reports has failed to give the thumbs up for an Apple phone.
10 tips for designing mobile websites | These Days Labs
mobile html5 css3
Ars reviews iOS 4: what's new, notable, and what needs work
IKEAのARカタログがすごすぎる… - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
RT @kurumiruku: すご!!どこもやればいいのに!!、RT @sugi_yan: これは確かに凄いw!!これでシミュレーションは  RT: @shigotano: ホントだ!>> IKEAのARカタログがすごすぎる…
これすごいなー。iPhoneのカタログアプリから利用でき…たらいいのに。 - 昨日話題になっていましたが、やっぱりすごいのでこちらでもご紹介。IKEAのカタログがAR対応したっぽい?ですね。なんとカタログにある商品に対応するマーカーを印刷し、部屋に置いてiPhoneで見ると家具が見える、という仕組みです。↑ こうやってマーカーを置くと…。↑ わーお。
Awesome Mobile Image Gallery Web App | Codrops
galería movil
IKEAのARカタログがすごすぎる… - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
RT @kurumiruku: すご!!どこもやればいいのに!!、RT @sugi_yan: これは確かに凄いw!!これでシミュレーションは  RT: @shigotano: ホントだ!>> IKEAのARカタログがすごすぎる…
これすごいなー。iPhoneのカタログアプリから利用でき…たらいいのに。 - 昨日話題になっていましたが、やっぱりすごいのでこちらでもご紹介。IKEAのカタログがAR対応したっぽい?ですね。なんとカタログにある商品に対応するマーカーを印刷し、部屋に置いてiPhoneで見ると家具が見える、という仕組みです。↑ こうやってマーカーを置くと…。↑ わーお。
Location 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.
Location 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.
Location 2012: Death Of The Information Silos
It’s January 2012 and you’ve just gotten your new Android 3.0-based phone. You’re going on a road trip so you start up the newly-released Foursquare. Gone are the checkins of 2010. Now you tell it where you’re going. This time we’re headed to Harrah’s at Stateline, Nevada. But this is no Foursquare you’ve ever seen before. They’ve finally integrated Waze,, and Yelp information into it. So, let’s discover more of what happens on our trip.
Scoble's imagined trip to Reno
Nice piece from Scoble on what a truly connected mobile life could be like in 2 years.
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website - Smashing Magazine
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website - Smashing Magazine
In this article I’ll explain how, with a few CSS rules, you can create an iPhone version of your site using CSS3, that will work now. We’ll have a look at a very simple example and I’ll also discuss the process of adding a small screen device stylesheet to my own site to show how easily we can add stylesheets for mobile devices to existing websites.
Understanding iOS 4 Backgrounding and Delegate Messaging @ Dr. Touch
with cut-out-and-keep full colour charts.
Understanding iOS 4 Backgrounding and Delegate Messaging @ Dr. Touch
with cut-out-and-keep full colour charts.
Bad Connection: Inside the iPhone Network Meltdown | Magazine
For iPhone fans, it really was too good to be true. A pair of Apple executives had just described the latest model of the iPhone — the 3GS — onstage at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2009. The audience loved it. The 3GS was twice as fast as its predecessor, it included a camera that shot video, and the updated iPhone operating system enabled multimedia messaging and tethering — the ability to use the phone as a modem. Just one problem: While many customers in Europe and Asia could enjoy all those features, AT&T, the iPhone’s sole US carrier, wouldn’t allow video messaging or tethering at launch. In other words, the most advanced features wouldn’t be available to AT&T customers. article on how bad AT&T and Apple's relationship is.
For iPhone fans, it really was too good to be true. A pair of Apple executives had just described the latest model of the iPhone — the 3GS — onstage at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June 2009. The audience loved it. The 3GS was twice as fast as its predecessor, it included a camera that shot video, and the updated iPhone operating system enabled multimedia messaging and tethering — the ability to use the phone as a modem. Just one problem: While many customers in Europe and Asia could enjoy all those features, AT&T, the iPhone’s sole US carrier, wouldn’t allow video messaging or tethering at launch. In other words, the most advanced features wouldn’t be available to AT&T customers. What’s more, some current iPhone users who wanted to upgrade wouldn’t get the subsidies that new customers enjoyed. Incensed iPhone fanatics vented their fury on Twitter. “AT&T has been one disappointment after another.” “Is AT&T trying to squeeze more money from us poor suckers?” And they
well of course right? duh! apple's smart and strongwilled but created genius products people kill for and at & T is a large telco trying to be innovative and it's hard and there are lot of personalities. mwahahha! "Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that helps you save energy and money. Using energy information provided by utility smart meters and energy monitoring devices, Google PowerMeter enables you to view your home's energy consumption from anywhere online. Find out what people are saying about Google PowerMeter. " of course at & T executives wouldn't be into jobs. he's blunt and they fire people like that at their organization for "causing conflict" it's like setting little gifted kids loose in a military school.
In a fate that will soon befall the rest of the wireless carriers, AT&T has become a mere toll-taker on the digital highway, an operator of dumb pipes that cost a fortune to maintain but garner no credit for innovation or customer service.
宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る:平凡でもフルーツでもなく、、、:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
RT @toshiro: 宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る
宮崎駿ファンとして取り上げることはしないで考えてみる。「新しいものに対して否定的な老人」という安易な見方もできるんだけど、考えさせられるポイントはいくつかある。 自分の世代としては"新しい"ことに心躍らされることが楽しくてしょうがないわけだけども、"人間が持つ普遍的な欲"を満たすために手を変え品を変え"新しいもの"が出てきているという視点に切り替えてみると、何のために僕らは…という気持ちになる。 新しいものに心躍らされる気持ちもまた普遍的なものだ。 新しくて優れたもの と 古くからある優れたもの なら、まず後者のほうが見つけやすい。 作らなくても生きていけるものを作り続ける意義はどこにあるのか。 それでも World Wide Web のおかげで、だだっ広い世界のすみっこで今こうしてキーを叩いている僕の姿を、いくぶんかのリアリティを上乗せして想像することができる。まだ僕の知らない優れた人やモノや考え方の存在を想像することで、自分の小ささを知ることができる。 単純に新しいものを否定することも、新しいものばかりやたらともてはやすことも、大差はない。 Webなんてない時代の人々が同じ視点の遙か先を歩いていたとしても。
Smokescreen FlashをHTML5に自動変換
「売れる iPhone アプリ」にするための151のヒント。
The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens | Inspired Magazine
Below, I’ve jotted down a few thoughts on design practices that we’ll likely be seeing a lot more of as site owners begin reorganizing and redesigning to welcome our touchy-feely visitors.
Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens * can we get some stumbles pls :] – Inspired Magazine (inspiredmag)
RT @EricssonLabs: The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens (via @inspiredmag)
It’s probably safe to say that touchscreens as a method of interacting with the web aren’t going away. In fact, it appears quite the opposite: most new smartphones have one now, Google’s making their own tablet, and I think ol’ Steve Jobs has managed to shift a couple…million.
The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation
ipad suggestions. Look good for presentation, visuals and meetings
wonderful ipad and iPhone apps
30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation Read more: 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation
30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation
Hab zwar kein iPad, aber 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation sehen gut aus #app #ipad
ipad suggestions. Look good for presentation, visuals and meetings
Scott Adams Blog: High Ground Maneuver 07/19/2010
On iPhone4 Antennagate: how Steve Jobs did the I'm sorry trick, and turned attention away from iPhone.
I have long had a name for Jobs' clever move. I call it the "High Ground Maneuver." I first noticed an executive using it years ago, and I've since used it a number of times when the situation called for it. The move involves taking an argument up to a level where you can say something that is absolutely true while changing the context at the same time. Once the move has been executed, the other participants will fear appearing small-minded if they drag the argument back to the detail level. It's an instant game changer. For example, if a military drone accidentally kills civilians, and there is a public outcry, it would be a mistake for the military to spend too much time talking about what went wrong with that particular mission. The High Ground Maneuver would go something like this: "War is messy. No one wants civilians to die. We will study this situation to see how we can better avoid it in the future."
Compass Mobile Stand - Compass Mobile Stand - Twelve South
Awesome eisel for iPad. AWESOME
iPhoneユーザーはSkypeを使わない手は無い!料金一覧&ホワイトプラン料金を比較してみた - ひとぅブログ
How-To: Give Your Old iPhone New Life With Prepaid Data and Minutes
GoPhone for iPhone, 3G, 3GS
This is kool!!!