Pages tagged iranelection:

Cyberwar guide for Iran elections - Boing Boing

The purpose of this guide is to help you participate constructively in the Iranian election protests through Twitter.
Some interesting information and guidance that gives some insight into how social media is being used by both sides in the Iran election protests.
"The purpose of this guide is to help you participate constructively in the Iranian election protests through Twitter." - Power of networks.
Show Support For #IranElection on Twitter
Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click - [from]
Green overlay over twitter
Why We Protest - IRAN - Powered by vBulletin
'This forum aims to be a secure and reliable way of communication for Iranians and friends. Use it to discuss what is happening in Iran. Post in the forum either anonymously as a guest, as a registered user, or login with your facebook-account.'
The fine folks at anonymous - the people who brought you those scientology protests - offer online bulletin boards and messaging services for Iranian activists. Points for solidarity, but unclear if these will remain accessible to Iranian dissidents very long.
World wide protest planing forums and current news on the Iran crisis
Iran's Post-Election Uprising: Hopes & Fears Revealed
Persepolis 2.0 - great web comic. Must read!
Since the Revolution in 1979, Iranians have coped with an increasingly repressive regime. Attempts for greater social and political freedoms have resulted in brutal crackdowns by the hardline government. The ensuing apathy and significant boycott of the 2005 presidential elections led to the election of the ultraconservative mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Four years later Iran has become increasingly alienated and its people more polarized than ever before. The campaign of former Prime Minister Mir Hussein Moussavi galvanized voters hoping for change, especially among the youth – two thirds of Iran’s population is younger than 32. On June 12th 85% of eligible voters cast their ballots and what happened next changed Iran forever…
Images from Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis were provided with new captions and dialogue to illustrate the day before and the first few days after the election in Iran.
The authors of Persopolis 2.0 were inspired by the work of Marjane Satrapi.
#IranElection Crisis: A Social Media Timeline
virtualni javni prostor
One of the striking aspects of the #IranElection crisis has been the heavy use of social media. Iranians have relied on it to spread information on protests and to communicate their situation to millions of concerned people worldwide. In fact, so much has been recorded via social media that it is possible to understand the progression of events through it. Thus, we have built a timeline of events utilizing information recorded via social media. This timeline uses Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and Wikipedia to paint a broad picture of the situation, as well as the growing conversation around it.
A troubled week in Iran - The Big Picture -
- added by harper reed's google reader
In the ten days since Iran's disputed presidential election, street demonstrations have taken place every day. Many of the photographs here were taken and transmitted at great risk in the past week, in the hopes that others would be able to see and bear witness. [...]
Fotografias de temas da actualidade
Iran pictures on The Big Picture.