Open Source: The Model Is Broken - BusinessWeek
The IT Contract From Hell
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT, must read for every manager!!
babysit楽天、利用者のメールアドレスを含む個人情報を「1件10円」でダウンロード販売していることが判明 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、タレコミによると購入者宛に自動送信される注文確認メールが店舗にも同報送信されており、送信者は楽天市場、宛先は購入者のアドレス、CCに店舗のアドレス、といった感じになっているため、ここから顧客のメールアドレスを手作業で取り込めば無料で顧客の情報を入手することも可能ですし、メールから受注管理を行うソフトなども存在しているため、リスト化することも容易です。Federal IT Dashboard
157 Investments Evaluated by Agency CIOs Arrow View detailed chart by agency Note: All descriptions, dates, and costs are as reported by agencies. Major investments (Investments Evaluated) represent only a portion of the agency's entire IT portfolio reported in Exhibit 53.
drupal siteThe Male Programmer Privilege Checklist
Just...yeah. Unfortunately.
Being male, as a programmer, means:
This is an interesting list --it sounds like it was written by a aging female developer who had trouble achieving her goals or had low esteem. I wish there wasn't continued reinforcement of gender roles. I think it's a privilege to be surrounded by such smart people and in my near decade of experience, have yet to "sleep my way to a bug fix", feel threatened, or be treated like a "secretary". I am aware of my surroundings and chose to be here, so...Analysis from the Bottom Up | The Data Model That Nearly Killed Me
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology ("Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus", New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Rec
Medical personnel at urgent care and the hospital who interacted with me all used a version of the same electronic health information system (the “system”). It became clear that everyone was fighting that system. Indeed, they wasted between 40% and 60% of their time making the system do something useful for them. The system kept everyone from fulfilling their duties – the health information system did not help medical professionals perform their duties.
scary story, not sure this can be blamed on the data model though; there are probably a dozen layers between people and the data model (including traiining/management acceptance) which have a much greater impact; points are well taken though
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology (”Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus“, New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Subtitle A—Promotion of Health Information Technology, details the epically massive government program to digitize and network health information.) The law makes a job for yet another bureaucrat to oversee the vast program - is this change we can believe in? It defines rules for health information standards by designating a new standards board - everyone desires more data standards and standards groups. The law also explains how to test systems built with federal money but it does not explain how to measure semantic validity of information - garbage in garbage out! Good luck with all of that Mr. President.Super User
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration requiredWhy Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO - O'Reilly Radar
Reading: Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO [feedly] [from]
@timoreilly makes an excellent case for "Why Aneesh Chopra is a Great Choice for Federal CTO": [from]
"The news has now been leaked that President Obama intends to nominate Aneesh Chopra as the nation's first Chief Technology Officer."So you've just been hired by an IT department... (Software Engineering Tips)
Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
świetne, sporo cheatsheet'ówTechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
so much better than any of the other articles on this, especially "10 traits to look for when hiring a programmer"
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
An astoundingly, uncannily accurate description of how IT professionals think
Few people notice this, but for IT groups respect is the currency of the realm. IT pros do not squander this currency. Those whom they do not believe are worthy of their respect might instead be treated to professional courtesy, a friendly demeanor or the acceptance of authority. Gaining respect is not a matter of being the boss and has nothing to do with being likeable or sociable; whether you talk, eat or smell right; or any measure that isn't directly related to the work. The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done, including the elegance and practicality of his solutions and suggestions. IT pros always and without fail, quietly self-organize around those who make the work easier, while shunning those who make the work harder, independent of the organizational chart.
On managaging geeks and IT departments. This should be mandatory reading for every manager.
The stereotypes that lump IT professionals together are misguided. It's actually the conditions that surround the IT pros that are stereotypical, and the geeks are just reacting to those conditions the way they always react -- logically.
Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks
Periodically, bring a few key IT brains to the boardroom to observe the problems of the organization at large, even about things outside of the IT world, if only to make use of their exquisitely refined BS detectors. A good IT pro is trained in how to accomplish work; their skills are not necessarily limited to computing. In fact, the best business decision-makers I know are IT people who aren't even managers.
Awesome article that gives anybody (managers out there???!!!) some mega-insight into the psychology of a geek.ひろゆき&夏野コンビが語る「日本のITよ、自信を持て」 (1/6) - ITmedia News
Bing is a search engine that finds and organizes the answers you need so you can make faster, more informed decisions.見積もり2億円のIP電話を820万円で構築した秋田県大館市から学べること:ITpro
> 重要なことは,自分たちに必要な機能の優先順位を付けて何をあきらめるかを判断し,実績のなさから心配されるリスクにどう備えるかを考えることだろう。例えば大館市では,IP電話に障害があれば一部残したアナログ電話を使えばいい,いよいよとなれば職員の携帯電話も使える,とリスクとリターンを比較して判断した。 ... 可用性,見栄え,担当者の手間,何を“捨てる”ことができるのか。代替手段や運用でカバーすることが可能なのか。それを判断することは当事者であるユーザーにしかできない。そして,代替手段を探し当て,自分の手を動かしてそれを検証できるスキルはかけがえのない武器になる。それが大館市の挑戦と成功から学べることではないか,と記者は考えている。
職員の稼働費がゼロ扱いなので820万は大げさだけど、2億も大げさだろうということで。ongoing · Doing It Wrong
I'm on the fence about this. There's a lot of comparison of stuff that can't figure out how to make money (Facebook, Twitter) to stuff that needs to make money/simplify stuff/track money (CRM, accounting, etc.).
Tim Bray rant on the difference in user experience between Web consumer sites and Enterprise IT. "Obviously, the technology matters. This isn’t the place for details, but apparently the winning mix includes dynamic languages and Web frameworks and TDD and REST and Open Source and NoSQL [...] More important is the culture: iterative development, continuous refactoring, ubiquitous unit testing, starting small, gathering user experience before it seems reasonable. All of which, to be fair, I suppose had its roots in last decade’s Extreme and Agile movements. " His conclusion is: "Plan A: Don’t Build Systems [ defended by ] Nicholas Carr: everything would be better if we could do IT the way we do electricity Plan B: Do it better: [but you cannot do it without adopting the agile ways of the web startup] that kind of thing simply cannot be built if you start with large formal specifications and fixed-price contracts and change-control procedures and so on."
The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise.
pretty good about going with the web dev model. But then he says buy Oracle or SAP which I don't understand.
Study on REST and Enterprise Development超カッコイイ! 空中に文字が浮かび上がるiPhoneのアプリ「Light-Writer」 : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ
RT @taxonomylady: Unchain the Office Computers! Post from Slate on how workplace web "restrictions infantilize workers" [from]
"So why not lock down workplace computers? Here's why: The restrictions infantilize workers—they foster resentment, reduce morale, lock people into inefficient routines, and, worst of all, they kill our incentives to work productively."
Interesting article about the freedom to use and explore apps that is available on the web. However, as seen from the comments to the post, there are some serious concerns about any IT depart being about to operationally support it. I figure there is a nice to balance it but at this moment I do not know how. Maybe an environment for staff to experiment ?
"There is a jargony HR phrase that describes these forward-looking firms: They're called "results-only workplace environments," where people are judged on what they produce, not how. "最近SIerがだいぶヤバくなっている件 - GoTheDistance
プロパーなら多少の無理は効く。外注だと作業指示等のアレコレで無茶なことはさせられない。The High Priests of IT — And the Heretics - Now, New, Next -
please visit his profile page at Monitor Talent
Received this link a week ago, and still I'm sending it to ppl... it's an AWESOME read. [from]冗長な英文を避けるための10+の方法--上級者編 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
ちょっとずつ変えればどんな業界にでも言えることだよね。すっきり。こりゃ、いまの日本には絶対作れないものだよなあ: [間歇日記]世界Aの始末書
> アメリカ人は、互いに異質でバラバラのやつらが、まとまればまとまるほど賢く強くなってゆき、日本人は、個々人は優れている均質なやつらが、集まれば集まるほどアホになり弱くなってゆく。Curricula
Данный сайт адресован преподавателям, аспирантам, студентам и энтузиастам, преподающим и изучающим современные информационные технологии. Здесь размещены учебные курсы, разработанные в университетах и учебных центрах, использующих технологии Microsoft в своем учебном процессе. Представленные материалы могут быть использованы как для самостоятельного изучения, так и для постановки и внедрения собственных курсов в рамках Microsoft Curriculum License Agreement (EN). Допустимо только некоммерческое использование представленных курсов. При использовании материалов сайта ссылка на авторов обязательна.
Библиотека учебных курсов株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
Good discussion of the advantages and trade-offsインターネットの歴史--50の主要な出来事(第1章):特集 - CNET Japan
インターネットの基礎となっているテクノロジのルーツから、インターネットの爆発的普及を促したウェブの特性、その途上甘んじて受けてきた訴訟、さらにはネット普及の結果として企業がこうむった被害に至るまで、インターネット全体の歴史を掘り起こしてみることにした。10 Golden Lessons From Steve Jobs
useful info
Well! This is my thoughts of the day “To have the courage to follow your heart and intuition”3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree | Software, Technology and More
3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree
ZA VSE FRIJEVCE <--kako bi to scodeal v btw?SIerとパッケージベンダはどちらが高給? IT系上場企業の平均給与を業種別にみてみた - Blog on Publickey
怪談 SEにはなるなってことで。
ITの現場で働く人間は読むべき。精选15个国外CSS框架_cnBeta 视点·观察_cnBeta.COM
还是让我们从框架说起吧。 框架就是一个你可以用于你的网站项目的基本的概念上的结构体。 css框架通常只是一些css文件的集合,这些文件包括基本布局、表单样式、网格或简单结构、以及样式重置。比如:
cnBeta.COM「2009年はトレンドを追うな」――小飼弾氏が講演 - @IT
今年からは、不況なのだから、もうけを一度忘れて『雨読』の時間を増やそう」と語り、これを前述の20%ルールに当てはめ、「晴耕:雨読=20%:80%」の比率が今年からは重要であると説いた。僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR
もうそのネタだけで記事1本いけるよ。我々は新しいもの買うとまるでそれを持ってることが勝ち組の証でもあるかのように人に見せびらかす生き物なのだ。なぜ? 僕はiPad作ったわけでもない。ただ買っただけなのに)
僕がiPadを返品した理由:Why I Returned My iPad - HBR