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Captured » Blog Archive » Venice from Above

Captured » Blog Archive »Captured » Blog Archive » Venice from Above from Above venicevenice venice photo italy pictures amazing VenicefromAbove
The L'Aquila earthquake - The Big Picture -
2009 L'Aqula earthquake in pictures
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Sélection de clichés pris après le tremblement de terre qui a secoué l'Italie.
Parlamento, istituzioni, politica
openpolis presenta il nuovo sito interamente dedicato al monitoraggio parlamentare: Per i cittadini, possibilità di informarsi, di controllare l'attività del parlamento e di partecipare, intervenendo direttamente sugli atti presentati e discussi alla Camera e al Senato.
Edible Geometry (1)
Different names for the many variations of pasta Pasta is architecture designed for the taste buds. Every single shape is a brick, different in form, consistency and color, to create an extraordinary construction, both physical and mental, a true expression of taste...
"Illustration of over 150 different Italian pasta shapes"
Brilliant. Now I shall keep this for reference when I want to make my own pasta.
Illustration of over 150 different Italian pasta shapes
The 2009 Venice Biennale - The Big Picture -
Russian artist Andrei Molodkin poses next to his version of the statue of Nike of Samothrace, filled with oil, part of an installation where two similar sculptures, one filled with oil and the other with blood, pumped in by a motor, are projected live on a wall and transformed into a third sculpture, during the vernissage of the 53rd Biennale International Art Exhibition in Venice, Italy, June 4, 2009. (AP Photo/Alberto Pellaschiar) #
Babbo Ristorante
recipe porn...
fancy NY restaurant recipe archive!
Archive of italian recipes