iPhoneと過ごした半年まとめ - iPhone.goodegg.jp
おお!すごいまとめHow to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and Free
How to: Install Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch Easily and FreeRipdev: The iPhone Authority
Iphone for Ken
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable.
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable. Download for Mac OS X.
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."How to: Install Unofficial Apps on Your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch, Easily and Safely
I'm seriously tempted to do this to my unlocked iP 3g
Teach you how to jail break your iPhone...
QuickPwn 2.2.5How-To: Use Your iPhone as a Wireless Laptop Modem - PC World
Growl on Macs as of now. There is a Growl client for Windows, but it doesn't work with Prowl yet. It will in the next update, so just hang on Windows users.
s push notifications, it failed to include a push version of Gmail. So, while true push Gmail for the iPhone is yet to exist, there is a very, very good work aroundGizmodo - Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0 - jailbreak iPhone 3.0 guide
utorrentMovement - Arranging your iPhone apps shouldn't take all day
アプリ管理。要Jailbreak。Caching Apple's Signature Server - Jay Freeman (saurik)
s: we want choice. We believe that Apple has m gs.apple.comTutorial: How to Tether on an iPhone 3G or 3GS running OS 3.1.2
iphone tetheringDev-Team Blog - Ultra's Now!
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how to fix "no service" issue with ultrasn0w 91-1, uninstall and download ultrasn0w 8
basebandRejected By Apple, iPhone Developers Go Underground | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
Cydia is a company that makes apps. that cannot be used by i-phones unless you do some thing called jail breaking. Cydia is rebelling against apple because they took off useful apps. Cydia is making apps. to replace the ones removed and also adding new ones to.apptrackr » home
freggDev-Team Blog - trois, drei, три, három!
jailbreak iphone
RT @MuscleNerd: 3.0 JB for mac owners is now out http://is.gd/16t1c -- youtube issues fixed too! << Awesome [from http://twitter.com/robinhowlett/statuses/2241134783]Spirit
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo http://ow.ly/1LjNI // in case you just woke up from a comaApple Says iPhone Jailbreaking is Illegal | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation, says Apple in comments filed with the Copyright Office as part of the 2009 DMCA triennial rulemaking. This marks the first formal public statement by Apple about its lega...
Fud!How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld
Putting the old 3G to useHow-to: Install Flash on your jailbroken iPad (for real) -- Engadget
We just saw Flash 10.1 ported to the iPad demonstrated in video form by Comex, and now you can get in on the action too, as long as your iPad is jailbroken. It's called Frash, and while the plugin is still pretty early and doesn't do video playback yet, you can definitely play games and other animations right now, and we're told video support is forthcoming.