Resume: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
Google の面接を受けてみた - 科学と非科学の迷宮
どの面接もとてもうまRands In Repose: A Disclosure
Whether you get to choose or not, there are aspects of management that you need to understand.
There will be drama. And there be those precious seconds when there is no one in your office wanting… something.
All about management in software dev companies...27 Places to Find Web Design Jobs
Therefore, I have compiled a list of 55 job sites and hope you may find them useful. These links include job boards, job searches, project bidding sites, and job feed aggregators. This post is totally worth to bookmark, whether you are a designer, developer, Flash programmer,or a freelance writer. Of course, don’t forget to check our job board first — Design Jobs on the Wall.
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Work from homeHow to Change the World: Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job
"..Before trying these tips, make sure you’ve filled out your profile and added at least twenty connections.." From:
10 ways to use LinkedIn to Find a Job
Searching for a job can suck if you constrain yourself to the typical tools such as online jobs boards, trade publications, CraigsList, and networking with only your close friends. In these kinds of times, you need to use all the...How To: Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan
A bad reason to switch careers: You want to meet new people. (Try going to a bar, or Club Med. What you really want is to get a life. Pick up a hobby.) Lol ^^30+ Websites to Visit When You're Laid Off
Good advice on applying for jobs electronically.
Great Study in Style, Tone, Content and Energy of a Cover Letter
Cover letters are still necessary, and in a competitive market they can give you a serious edge.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Landing a Better Job
ingle resume and CV into a giant, OCR-scanned database; others merely search out candidates on job sites using specific word criteria. Either way, having the right words on your resume prevents being cut in the first round like some warbly-voiced would-be Idol contestant. On the other hand, the humans who actually read through your cover letter, resume, and apHow to Find a Job Online | Personal Finance Blog, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning -
listed on popular bkmarks無精で短気で傲慢なプログラマ | 技術者・SE・プログラマ面接時の技術的な質問事項
個人の仕事売買マーケットプレイス10 Job Listing Sites With Unique Opportunities - Stepcase Lifehack
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.履歴書に入れてはいけない6つの言葉 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
* Responsible for(責任のある) * Experienced(経験豊富な) * Excellent written communication skills (書面での優れたコミュニケーション能力) * Team player(チームプレイヤー) * Detail oriented(細部にも気を使う) * Successful(成功した)小野和俊のブログ:プログラマー面接時の技術的な質問事項(アプレッソ版)
デザインパターンと java がさっぱりわからない。暇なときに java をいじくる。squawkfox » Series: How to Write a Resume (that gets job interviews)
Good tips withinHOW TO: Find a Job on Twitter
Tough economic times call for innovative approaches. An estimated 51 million people internationally are expected to lose their jobs in 2009, and with the unemployment rate on the rise, how does one find career opportunities fast? One great option is Twitter.
Twitter is evolving as another resource, in addition to traditional methods, for both job searching and recruiting.10 Ning Networks to Help You Land Your Next Job
We’re all in this economy together, so why not unite with people who have the same mission? 80% of jobs are filled through networking, so by signing up for social networks, filling out your profile and actively communicating with other people, you have a much better chance of securing a job during these tough economic times.squawkfox » 6 Action Words That Make Your Resume Rock
Unemployment numbers are sky high, but there is a silver lining: there are lots of great online resources to help job seekers find work.Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends - PC World
Unemployed (or Preparing to Be)? These Sites Could Be Your Best Friends
We found a battery of new sites and services--such as LinkedIn JobsInsider, Recessionwire, and to providing the kind of cost-cutting, job-search, and moral-support tools that can be invaluable during lean times.10 Great Social Sites for Resume Building
Creating the perfect resume is not easy. Luckily, there are a number of online resources dedicated to helping you create outstanding resumes.
"Here are 10 great social sites with unique features that let you create your own resume-like profile, edit your resume online, get it reviewed by experts, print it, share it on social networks, and much more." - Twitter Job Search Engine. - the world's first job search engine to harness the power of Twitter. Search the hottest, most recent best paid jobs in the entire Twitterverse.How to Keep a Career Log - wikiHow
A career journal, diary, or log is a way of keeping track of what you do or have done in the past. Those little things that you might forget down the road, but when added together can, at the very least, add up to a significant pat on the back. If used right, it can help you with focusing your career and life experiences. It can also be helpful when updating your resume. Here's how to get the most out of your career log.How to Tweet Your Way Out of a Job « I’m Not Actually a Geek
From I'm Not a Geek Blog dated ~ 23 Mar 2009
How to Tweet Your Way Out of a Job
A lucky job applicant tweeted the following: Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.Top 20 Websites to Find Work as a Freelance Designer | Spoonfed Design
Another listing of freelancing jobs in web design and web development.
ave the time. You are ready to work, but there’s one problem. You have no clients. The biggest struggle freelancers face is finding work. The
Top 20 Websites to Find Work as a Freelance Designer | Spoonfed Design -クリエイターのための求人情報サイト[MOREWORKS]
FICCが運営するクリエイターのための求人サイト☆さすがなつくり。 CBCNETより見やすくて親切。
制作実例から企業を探すことができるWhy I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
Joel Spolsky on salariesDo You Pass the Social Media Recruitment Test?
Do You Pass the Social Media Recruitment Test?7 deadly sins of networking, and how to avoid them - Manage Your Life on Shine
Every freelancer needs clients. We rely on them, nurture our relationships with them, and provide a quality of service that keeps then coming back. And we can never have enough of them! The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has one purpose: to massively increase your source of potential clients and potential jobs. This list, like Isaac Newton, stands on the shoulders of giants. The original Monster List of Freelance Job Sites has been valuable and much visited since April 2007. Your hundreds of comments have greatly added to its value. This list is a thorough update, removing dead links, adding new sites, and taking on board many of the suggestions from your comments.
Details of the different types of jobs.The Monster List of Freelance Job Sites - 2009 Update - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
find freelance writing work (hopfully) I must spend time here to find out more
list of freelance jobs......Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute ∞ Get Rich Slowly
How to lose your job in 140 characters or less
TIP: don't twitter that you hate your job...or you might lose it...or not get it. duh [from]
Via the Thinkhammer blog and the I’m Not Really A Geek blog, this great little cautionary tale / wake-up call for people who don’t quite grasp that EVERYTHING they post on the internet is 100% public.On Off and Beyond: 海外で勉強して働こう
> 1)日本はもう立ち直れないと思う。だから、2)海外で勉強してそのまま海外で働く道を真剣に考えてみて欲しい。Decision Making College Major Career Jobs
A decision making tool that helps you organize your thoughts.
Decision Making College Major Career Jobs Web site Let Simon Decide is a decision-making application intended to walk you through important decisions one step at a time. (lifehacker)
Decision Making College Major Career Jobstwtjobs :: a simple career manager Twitter app.
Herramienta para postear ofertas de empleo y buscar candidatos vía twitter
Create your Twitter Resume. Post a Job Opening!10 Answers You Should Know Before Your Job Interview - Dumb Little Man
esse barra servirá para salvamos sites de nosso interrese. está lá em cimaInterview Questions & Answers |
Interview QuestionsLifehacker - Know the Answers to These Questions Before Your Job Interview - Interview Skills
If you've gone on more than one job interview, you know you can count on hearing many of the same questions at each. Make sure you've got these 10 answers down pat before you head out the door to your next interview.Freelance Jobs Search | DoNanza
not so sure
Besides the fact that this comes from the NY Post, this article raises some legitimate causes for concern about our education system. Jack also provides some solutions worth thinking about and discussing...
Suppose all goes well. He'll be sitting in front of a teacher a good 18 months after first deciding to learn. What folly. The answer is to relieve schools of the job of validating knowledge and return them to a role of spreading it. Colleges should no more vouch for their own academic competence than butchers should decide for themselves whether their meat is USDA prime. As I write this, Google is putting every book ever written online. Apple is offering video college lectures for free download through its iTunes software. Skype allows free videoconferencing anywhere in the world. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many other schools have made course materials available for free on their Web sites. Tutors cost as little as $15 an hour. Today's student who decides to learn at 1 a.m. should be doing it by 1:30. A process that makes him wait 18 months is not an education system. It's a barrier to education.
"A student who secures a degree is increasingly unlikely to make up its cost, despite higher pay, and the employer who requires a degree puts faith in a system whose standards are slipping. Too many professors who are bound to degree teaching can't truly profess; they don't proclaim loudly the things they know but instead whisper them to a chosen few, whom they must then accommodate with inflated grades. Worst of all, bright citizens spend their lives not knowing the things they ought to know, because they've been granted liberal-arts degrees for something far short of a liberal-arts education."Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview - Stepcase Lifehack
Questions to ASK for your interview
Including: What are the criteria that you are looking for in the successful candidate for this position?What does a CEO do? A CEO Job Description by Stever Robbins
The roles of leader
quality. Not over-celebrating a team’s heroic recovery when they could have avoided a problem altogether sends a message about prevention versus damage control. People take their cues about interpersonal values—trust, honesty, openness—from CEO’s actions as well. Capital allocation is the CEO’s #4 duty. The CEO sets budgets within the firm. She funds projects which support the strategy, and ramps down projects which lose money or don’t support the strategy. She considers carefully the company’s major expenditures, and manages the firm’s capital. If the company can’t use each dollar raised from investors to produce at least $1 of shareholder value, she decides when to return money to the investors. Some CEOs don’t consider themselves financial people, but at the end of the day, it is their decisions that determine the company’s financial fate.The Savvy Networker
resume guidelinesAce the Interview - David Silverman -
Personal Finance, career-workWhat Not to Do When Applying for Library Jobs | In the Library with the Lead Pipe
What not to do when applying for library jobs.好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
好印象を与えながら情報も得られる、就職面接で聞くべき7つの質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。How to Perfect an Elevator Pitch About Yourself - Daisy Wademan Dowling -
You're in the elevator with the hiring manager of Dream-Job Corporation. As the door slides shut, you feel a combination of adrenaline and slight nausea: you've got 15 seconds, if that, to communicate your value as a potential employee in a compelling way — just 15 seconds to cram in a whole resume's worth of work and accomplishments and late nights and successes. There's so much you want to say, but your message has got to be crisp, tailored, to-the-point. Handle this one right, and you'll be the newest member of the Dream-Job team. Flub it up, and you're back to scanning listings on What are you supposed to say?Avoid These Phrases to Keep Your Resume Relevant - Job search - Lifehacker
I wouldn't mind doing some of these.
Homewiththekids.com15 Freelancer Design And Development Creative Job Boards | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
* o and build a [...] o
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards, allowing community expand it to unlimited needs.
Plateforme web open source d'offres d'emploi développée en PHP avec le framework Zend.
JobSpice is an easy, yet powerful online resume builder.
helps you build a resume etc.HOW TO: Use Facebook for Professional Networking
Ask anybody why they use Facebook, and most people will respond with reasons like staying in touch with friends, or being able to share pictures. Rarely does one’s professional life ever get mentioned when describing the social network. When it comes to business networking, LinkedIn (LinkedIn) tends to take all the thunder, and Facebook (facebook) is generally written off as a place just for fun. Yet, perhaps that’s a mistake.
Ask anybody why they use Facebook, and most people will respond with reasons like staying in touch with friends, or being able to share pictures. Rarely does one’s professional life ever get mentioned when describing the social network. When it comes to business networking, LinkedIn tends to take all the thunder, and Facebook is generally written off as a place just for fun. Yet, perhaps that’s a mistake. Facebook, after all, has 250 million active users compared to about 44 million for LinkedIn, and even though the atmosphere is clearly not as focused on business, there are still a ton of opportunities for professional networking that business users would be remiss to pass up. Once you look beyond the obvious social features like sharing pictures and poking friends, there are plenty of ways to tap into the professional community on the world’s largest social network.Recession-Proof Graduate
Great presentation - great ideas“Why Should We Hire You” Interview Question and Answers
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JobSpice is an easy, yet powerful online resume builder.
Resume builder45% of Employers Now Screen Social Media Profiles
This article shines light on the possible downside of user generated content. The author of the article outlines how more and more employers are turning to the net in order to see how prospective employees represent themselves to the world. Many could argue that this indeed is an invasion of privacy but this seems to be the avenue that is readily available for use. This article links with history2.0 as it exposes how our media consumption habits are continually changing with certain forms of media now being phased out to make way for new advanced media with multiplatform databases. The website that the article is found in is a multi platform for user generated content and provides the links to further spread information to other users. This gives legitimacy to the facts brought forward in the article as the information would have come from within the website.
We all know that employers are getting savvy to social networking sites and the information we share online. But what you may not know is that a recently conducted survey shows that nearly 1 in 2 companies are doing their online due diligence for prospective job candidates. This according to research firm Harris Interactive, who was commissioned by and surveyed 2,667 HR professionals, finding that 45% of them use social networking sites to research job candidates, with an additional 11% planning to implement social media screening in the very near future.
This according to research firm Harris Interactive, who was commissioned by and surveyed 2,667 HR professionals, finding that 45% of them use social networking sites to research job candidates, with an additional 11% planning to implement social media screening in the very near future.Five Signs Your Resume Is Passe - DivineCaroline
The workplace is not what it was five years ago. Neither is the job hunt. The most successful candidates are those who are ready and...
Up to the minute resume suggestions.创新工场 - 全方位的创业平台
Innovation-works company
创新工场是一个全方位的创业平台,旨在培育创新人才和新一代高科技企业。8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More Clients | Freelance Apple -
8 Brilliant Freelance Job Boards to Help You Get More ClientsTop 60 Jobs That Will Rock the Future
Via <a href=""> Peter van Teeseling</a> kwam ik uit bij een glimp in de toekomst wat banen betreft. Netjes gerangschikt op categorie volgt een overzicht van 60 <em>job titles</em> die de wereld in de toekomst zullen veroveren. Volgens de auteur dan, maar het is zeker de moeite waard even doorheen te lopen
We know where the jobs are now… but where will they be ten years from now? Twenty? Some job descriptions will always be in need, but many others are evolving to fit the ever-changing course of technology and science. When the future of employment comes, will you be ready? Read on for some ideas of what to expect:
Content Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8CeeVee - quick & painless résumé management
Donner un avis (et salaire) sur son entreprise
Laisser l'emploi venir à vous. Exister anonymement sur votre marché d'emploi. Surveiller les recrutements, les salaires et les évaluations sociales des sociétés. Vous voulez connaître les conditions de travail et les salaires confiés par les employés eux-mêmes, vous voulez être mieux informés pour mieux négocier et mieux choisir, vous voulez avoir la chance de vous faire chasser et séduire par une proposition de job inattendue, vous voulez surtout rester totalement anonyme. Rejoignez les membres de la Communauté JobFact, c'est totalement anonyme et gratuit.
Laisser l'emploi venir à vous. Exister anonymement sur votre marché d'emploi. Surveiller les recrutements, les salaires et les évaluations sociales des sociétés.
Plateforme globale d'emploi proposant des jobs ciblés, des mises en relations ciblées avec des recruteurs, des rapports sur la qualité de l'environnement professionel et des informations détaillées sur les salaires, entreprise par entreprise, poste par poste. Ce service est totalement anonyme et gratuit.Master the "Why Hire Me" Story to Land a Job - Job search - Lifehacker
From LifeHacker dated 22 Sep 2009
So you've finally landed that job interview. Now it's time to seal the deal with a killer interview. How? For one, try mastering your "Why hire me" story.Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview.The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received - David Silverman -
comments as well
There are really only a few times to use a cover letter: 1. When you know the name of the person hiring 2. When you know something about the job requirement 3. When you've been personally referred (which might include 1 and 2) Under those conditions, you can help your cause by doing some of the résumé analysis for your potential new boss. To illustrate, here's the best cover letter I ever received: Dear David: I am writing in response to the opening for xxxx, which I believe may report to you. I can offer you seven years of experience managing communications for top-tier xxxx firms, excellent project-management skills, and a great eye for detail, all of which should make me an ideal candidate for this opening. I have attached my résumé for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime. Best regards, Here's what I like about this cover letter: It's short. It sums up the résumé as it relates to the job. It asks for the job.
In my last post I talked about how to make your résumé more likely to catch the attention of a hiring manager. As a follow up, I'd like to discuss cover letters. Here's my basic philosophy on them: don't bother.Deciphering Glyph: An Unboxing You Won't See On Gizmodo or Engadget
apple job offer
The Offer, from Apple
Really cool to see that Apple doesn't stop its branding at culture at product packaging: it even extends to job offers.How To Build The Ultimate Job Finding Dashboard with iGoogle | FreelanceFolder
This tutorial will show you how to build the ultimate, customizable, job finding dashboard using iGoogle. Integrate job boards, twitter searches, and more.エンジニアがミーティングを嫌う理由 – バイリンガルの独り言
物を作る人にとって、ミーティングに参加するという事は「働くモード」を強制的に切り替えさせられることです。System Administrator Interview Cheat Sheet
バッググランドジョブを管理する Resque の紹介140 Google Interview Questions | Seattle Interview Coach
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions.
Here's a list of 140 Google interview questions. Many of our clients have interviewed and received Google job offers. Contact us for a free 15 minute interview analysis before your Google interview.Dean Wampler's Blog If You Want a Job Tomorrow, Cultivate Your Career Today
Useful tips about keeping your skills up in software development to stay employed .. and employable
s you uniquLifehacker - Avoid Tipping Your Hand in Salary Negotiations - Salary Negotiation
Never reveal your prior salary, says Ramit Sethi. "It's just none of their business," Rather than answering, Sethi and others suggest steering the conversation into your worth (hopefully you've done your homework before the interview enough so you'll know how to discuss how valuable you are).Stack Overflow Careers
Stack Overflow careers!なぜ新人は聞きに来ないのか? - teruyastarはかく語りき
ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ããã°ã©ãã§ãçãã¦ãã: ã°ã°ããªå±éº ããããæ°äººãæ¤ç´¢ã«é ¼ã£ã¦ãã¾ããã¨ãå±éºè¦ããã®ã¯ãã³ããã®å¯ãéãã§ããªãã¨ãªãåãã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã¡ãã£ã¦ãããã§èªåã¯ä»äºãéæããã¨ããé¯è¦ã«é¥ã£ã¦ãã¾ãããã§ãã ããã¦ãã®å ´åãæ°äººããã°ã©ãã«ã¯ããã¡ãã¨ããã³ã¼ããæ¸ãã... ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ - ãªãæ°äººã¯èãã«æ¥ãªãã®ã? - teruyastarã¯ããèªãã ã¯ã¦ãªããã¯ãã¼ã¯ã«è¿½å reima reima ä»äº, èªã¿ç©
ググるなカス!» How to Answer the 10 Most Common Interview Questions Simple, Ridiculously Useful Guide to Earning a Living from Your Passion
Preguntas para saber si todo está funcionando bien en la empresa a la que optamos: 1. “¿Cuáles son las prioridades que tendría que encarar de forma inmediata en el puesto que me ofrecen?; 2. ¿Cuánto tiempo duró en el puesto la persona a la que estoy sustituyendo?; 3. Me gustaría saber sobre el tipo o estilo de gerencia de esta empresa.; 4. ¿Qué tipo de personalidad buscan o necesitan en esta empresa?; 5. ¿Cómo definirían a su empleado modelo o ideal?; 6. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas tú o lleváis vosotros trabajando aquí?
stra vivencial que revela la importancia que tiene el hecho de hacer las preguntas correctas en el momento adecuado. Claro que existen un millar de preguntas que los candidatos pueden hacer a sus interlocutores, pero yo las resumo en sólo seis, pues son las que reúnen los mejores argumentos y el criterio más acertado para descubrir cualquier aspecto oscuro que luego pueda afectarnos negativamente.Twitter Yourself a Job -
WSJ article: Twitter yourself a job [from]
artículo al que se refiere @angelmendez新人プログラマーがプロのプログラマーとして独り立ちするための7つの条件 - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
ぼくは以前にIT関連の仕事をしたことがあって、ぼく自身はプログラムを組めるわけではないのだけれど、何人かのプログラマーさんと一緒にお仕事をさせて頂く機会があった。その中で生まれて初めてプログラマーという職業の方と交流させて頂いたのだけれど、彼らはなかなかにユニークで特異な個性の持ち主たちであった。もちろんプログラマーと一口に言っても色々なタイプがいて、必ずしもひとくくりにできるわけではないのだが、共通していたのは好奇心が旺盛で新しい物好きだということだった。そして少々気難しい面がありつつも、基本的にはポジティブで、明日に向かって色々なことを前向きに、精力的に取り組んでいる人が多かった。How to Use Linkedin to get the Job You Want | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
Useful for my friends looking for jobs
In this post you will learn how to bypass the “virtual gatekeeper” (the company’s career page) and get the attention of the recruiter you need for the job you want by using Linkedin. Here is what to do. 1. Create your Linkedin profile page. Dan Schawbel wrote a nice post on using Linkedin to promote your personal brand. Go read it for some tips on creating a good Linkedin profile. 2. Go to the Linkedin homepage and click the Advanced Link at the top right by the Search People box.Launching a start-up and having a family life: It’s possible! | VentureBeat
Here are the some of the rules that evolved that seemed to work for our family.
"This life isn’t practice for the next one" "What will your epitaph say?"Ask reddit: What LaTeX resume template do you use? : programming
give you time to think about it while also putting a little pressure on the employer.5 Things You MUST Do Before a Job Interview
So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the last minute.Carsonified » Five Tips for Kicking Ass at an Interview
Education Distance learning, which provides instruction to students who are not on-site, is booming. O*Net now recognizes distance learning coordinators, who prepare and run online courses at colleges, trade schools and secondary schools. A master's degree instructional design, curriculum design, curriculum development is usually required, as is a strong understanding of Web-based technologies. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't yet recognize distance learning coordinators as a job category, but an analysis of job openings shows a range from the upper $30s to the low $60s for a coordinator with at least two years' experience.
Anesthesiologist assistants and Green jobs
The latest directory of job titles from Occupational Information Network (O*Net) features a variety of new entries that many people have never heard before. Some of these jobs -- at least the duties -- have been around in some form for a while. What's new is a "professional pathway" for these careers.
The latest directory of job titles from Occupational Information Network (O*Net) features a variety of new entries that many people have never heard before. Some of these jobs -- at least the duties -- have been around in some form for a while. What's new is a "professional pathway" for these careers, according to employment expert and author Laurence Shatkin. "O*Net officially recognizes job titles once there is a critical mass of workers in those jobs and a clear road map for attaining the positions," he says.One Page Résumé Site | CSS-Tricks
「>>1が凄いと思った人のエピソードとかおせーて 孫さんは300年分の事業計画をつくってるらしいです。世界各国の向こう数十年のインターネット普及率とGDP成長率をかけた数字をずっと眺めてるとか。 タイムスケールが違うなと思いましたね。 」Interview Myths That Keep You From Landing the Job
Job interview tipsプログラマは履歴書をどう見るか
プログラマは履歴書をどう見るかあなたの才能で稼げる!サイトまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
まあでも、あんだけ敷居が高いからこそのGoogleだとも思うんだけどねえ‥大きな会社と小さな会社のどっちで働くべきか迷っている人へ - GoTheDistance
いきなりポイントから入ります。大企業で働くことと中小企業で働くことの違いは、大企業はルールで動き中小は経営者の恣意で動くということです。ココがすごい重要です。 僕は6年近く大企業にいました。その時に考えたことは大企業で働くということ - GoTheDistanceで書きましたが、大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということです。異なる立場・異なるレイヤーの人たちを束ねて1つのサイクルを作るには、ルールを作ってその中でサイクルを回すより他ありません。それの累積によって企業文化なるものが形成されます。
大企業の根本的な原理原則はルールで仕事が動くということ 大企業にいてよかったことは「普通に仕事をさせてもらえる」こと 明確に自分の役割が与えられ、そのロールに従いすべきことをして、あるべき成果を出してその仕事を終える。あっちいったりこっちいったりということはない ルールで動くことの悪い面は組織の硬直化・官僚化に伴い「個」が透明になっていくこと 個人としての名前、理念、価値観で仕事することは「掟破り」 求められるのは「Disagree and Commit」の精神 「この社長のために(自分に非がなくても)土下座できるか?」という質問にどう答えるかです。それぐらいの気持ちがなければ、経営者の距離が近い中小では朝令暮改は当たり前ですからルールで考えていたら不条理なことが多くなるので疲れてしまって、やっていけなくなるんじゃないかなと思いますWelcome to
incubated by dreamIt ventures somewhat similar to my internboard idea
Tips from a headhunterNine Things Developers Want More Than Money | Software by Rob
Y algunos otros consejos para el diseño de página personal de Twitter
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Great tips for being professional on Twitter and also some good tweet tools for jobseekers
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itstone: Leonardo da Vinci's Resume
read this, should be a goodieassertTrue( ): Nine Questions to Ask during a Job Interview
Nine Questions to Ask during a Job Interview50 Freelance Job Sites For Designers & Programmers – Best Of | Web 2.0
# What will I be expected to accomplish the first three months? # What projects will I work on? How will I be transitioned to new projects after existing projects are over? # How much overtime has this team been doing in the last three months? What's typical? What's acceptable? How does the company respond after a time-crunch is over? (If you ask directly, "Do you encourage work/life balance?" naturally they'll respond "Sure!" Instead, ask a specific question to find out if that "Sure
Preguntas que hacer en una entrevista y cosas que no hacer en una entrevista de trabajo10-resume-red-flags: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
experienceSoftware Creation Mystery » How to Become an Expert. The Effective Way.
However, your growth will be constrained by company needs, timelines, work assignments and acceptable methods. We cannot blame our organizations – this is part of the deal – they pay for your work and expect specific results. But… is this the best way for you to become an expert, acquire new skills and gain knowledge? To become an expert, you have to make many mistakes, learn from them, experiment with alternatives and work hard on your weaknesses. How many organizations do allow this risky, unproductive and unreliable way of working?
deliberate practice
Who is an expert?
Kuidas enda arendamise läbi eksperdiks saadaFive Networking Tips for Wallflowers | Dumb Little Man
“Yeah, how about if you change that color to green and make the logo bigger, oh and I don’t like the photo of the girl nor the background could you use something else? And could you have it ready by tomorrow?”The Savvy Networker
h the state of ease that lets an "f-bomb" escape your lips, you've gone too far.
It's a rather sad state of affairs that a list like this has to even exist.
Some of these really left me speechless - I cannot believe that people actually do them in an interview situation. Worth a read, though - especially if you're having a tough time job - Quirky little games for your edification
2010-01-18 09:45:46 <Gariiiing> Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker - Career Overview
Forget Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes - Yahoo! Finance
Bad habits in interviewing
50 Worst of the Worst (and Most Common) Job Interview Mistakes
Simple list of 50 things you shouldn't do on your job interview- such as : Don't badmouth your old boss, and don't smell like smoke.
A bit Americanised but some good (and funny) tips for - 仕事と才能を結びつける、クラウドソーシングサービス アポロン
新しい会社と労働者の出会いの場.まだ未知数.What Makes A Great Cover Letter, According To Companies? - Smashing Magazine
Ah, the dreaded cover letter. Boring to write, difficult to get right, and you’re usually preoccupied by other things (such as the portfolio and resume, which are also really important). Unfortunately, your cover letter is a company’s first exposure to you, and it determines whether your application is trashed or fast-tracked to the company’s to-hire list.12 Indirect Job Interview Questions & What They Really Reveal
most firms ask slightly different questions and have their own method of interviewing. Today, we explore twelve common indirect questions that employers often ask and the motivation behind them.
rateInterview Questions Every Developer should ask an Employer
Focused on C#, ASP but still a good readFinding the perfect part-time work - Manage Your Life on Shine
Getty Images Part-time work is on the rise, and it's no surprise. People are taking on extra jobs to make up for hours or income lost, an out-of-work partner, or even a business facing hard times. But part-time jobs can me more than a stop-gap…Using Twitter and Facebook to Find a Job - TIME
This article in Time magizine explains how social networking has changed the way people approach job searching.
Online social networks from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn are the new power tools for today\'s job » Blog Archive » How to use Twitter to find your next job.
FYI - retweeting is the art of broadcasting a message on Twitter that has been written by someone else but you feel will be of interest and value to your followers.. think of it as a kind of mini chain mail but one that has a use and purpose and doesn’t tell you that you’re going to die if you don’t send this email to 20,000 people in the next 12 seconds.
Blog post on networking to find a job using TwitterAlltop - Top LinkedIn News
An aggregator page of the best RSS feeds related to using the LinkedIn social network, as well as news about the network itself.
"Alltop - Top LinkedIn News" - Create a Log to Keep Track of Your Job Search - Downloads
If you've submitted more resumes to more places than you can possibly remember, it's time to start keeping a log of where and when you've applied to each job.Dealing With Clients Who Refuse To Pay - Smashing Magazine
As a designer, you will eventually have to face a couple of unfortunate truths in your career. Number one: just because you wear a bathrobe for most of your “business” hours does not actually make it business attire. Number two: at some point in your freelance career, you will encounter a client who does not respect the work you do. The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.
I would like to point out that in future I will be using this article as reference for my freelance work. Thanks for posting it :) Reply * 13 DIGITAL7 Media April 9th, 2010 7:27 am
e most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services onシフター - アルバイトのシフト管理の悩みを解決! -
必要最低限の項目を見やすく配置する シフト表作成・勤怠管理株式会社スターロジックの羽生章洋が書いてるブログ:元請けにこだわる理由 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
I spent several years behind a desk at an employment agency. The first thing we would ask any client was how recently they had updated their resume. TheThe Savvy Networker- Yahoo! HotJobs
10 phrases that kill a resumeまとめ : 副業に手を染めたいアナタへ贈る11選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Stick to your policies. If you charge extra to rush a job - ALWAYS CHARGE EXTRA - so true
# Delegate to the right people at the right times. Make sure your team is well-ordered. If one person is faster, put him or her on the part of your task that will take longest. If one person is more skilled and accurate, put him or her on the part of the task that is most critical.
wikiHow article about How to Work Smart, Not Hard.Web 2.0 Tactics for Successful Job-Hunting - Business Center - PC World
With unemployment at a 14-year high and 240,000 workers laid off in October alone, many Americans are scrambling to update their resumes and turning to job boards and networking sites. Some are panicking as they try to devise new ways to get in front of employers. But even in trying times like these, prospective employees shouldn't completely reinvent their job-seeking styles. Indeed, much of the tried-and-true career advice we've all heard is relevant in your next job search. To outshine your competitors and win the gig in today's economy , here's a secret to success: Don't abandon the steadfast career tips passed down from generations, but rather, refine them -- with a keen eye for the value in Web 2.0 tools like social networking. Whether you're one of many IT professionals out of work or among the few making career leaps despite rocky economic times, consider these five ways to express your candidacy with flair.100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
good list of useful 3rd party apps教授からのメッセージ
長い. Useful Websites for Free Downloadable Resume Templates
There are a lot of people out there looking for work nowadays. With the economy the way it is, people who are out of work are having a hard time finding new work and kids out of college are having a really hard time starting out. So, you can use all the help you can get. I am going to show you a few sites where you can grab free downloadable resume templates. Some of the templates are in PDF format and some of them are in Word format. The first thing you should do is grab an old copy of your resumé or a list of your past jobs and accomplishments. That will help you immensely when you need to replace the generic information with your own. The first site I found has very generic templates that will allow you to totally customize the resumé. This is just for the formatting, there is little to no content that you will be able to use. These are called Blank Resumé Templates and can be found here: They offer thrScheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
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Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hoursDenver Advertising Agency Design Marketing Jobs News for Colorado – The Denver Egotist: The Rant: What Makes a Good Creative Director? Part 1 of 2.
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What makes a good creative director? Part 1 of 2.
And it’s great. It’s annoyingly terrific. You kick yourself and wonder why you didn’t think of it. You look at the CD with a new-found respect.Top Job Boards for Web Developers and Designers | Web Resources | WebAppers
Are you a freelancer? Would you like to find some freelance works related to Web Development or Web Design? There are loads of job boards out there, but how many of them are actually built for web developers and designers? And How many of them are acutally popular? Here is a list of the top job boards for web developers and designers.5分で絶対に分かる会社の辞め方 - @IT自分戦略研究所
就職面接でよくある10の質問 : ガジェットなどを駆使し、スマートに楽しむ仕事術「Lifehack」。「ライフハッカー[日本版]」では、その言葉を広義に捉え、生活全般に役立つライフハック情報を日々お届けします。
外国の話だけども・・・SIerとパッケージベンダはどちらが高給? IT系上場企業の平均給与を業種別にみてみた - Blog on Publickey
あー、ウチの会社の上の方とか好き好んで無駄に泊まっちゃう奴とかに百回ぐらい読ませたいなこれ。Twitter Tips: How to Use Twitter to Job Hunt - - Business Technology Leadership
Though LinkedIn tops the list of professionally-oriented social networks for job seeking, you can also use Twitter to get the word out about your skills and talents to relevant people in your industry.
Good read: How to use Twitter to job hunt: [from]
Twitter Tips: How to Use Twitter to Job HuntThe professionals who become presidents | There was a lawyer, an engineer and a politician... | The Economist
8% wereldwijd is econoom; de meerderheid jurist
The presence of so many engineer-politicians in China goes hand in hand with a certain way of thinking.
ter, Wen Jiabao, specialised in g
Economist article on the prevalence of lawyers in U.S. and U.K. politics.13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn
Tips para encontrar trabajo en LinkedIN7-things-you-should-say-in-an-interview: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
In the current economy there are a lot of designers and developers looking for work, whether it is full-time employment, contract work, or freelance opportunities. Fortunately, there are a number of great places to find these types of positions. In this post we'll look at 40 sites that include specialized job boards that include web/graphic design and web development opportunities. Best Places to Find Web/Graphic Design Jobs: Authentic Jobs A very active job board used by a lot of recognized and respected agencies. Includes freelance and full-time opportunities.Rent a White Guy - Magazine - The Atlantic
Not long ago I was offered work as a quality-control expert with an American company in China I’d never heard of. No experience necessary—which was good, because I had none.
Confessions of a fake businessman from Beijing
"And so I became a fake businessman in China, an often lucrative gig for underworked expatriates here. One friend, an American who works in film, was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future. Another was flown to Shanghai to act as a seasonal-gifts buyer. Recruiting fake businessmen is one way to create the image—particularly, the image of connection—that Chinese companies crave. My Chinese-language tutor, at first aghast about how much we were getting paid, put it this way: “Having foreigners in nice suits gives the company face.”" this is beautiful
And so I became a fake businessman in China, an often lucrative gig for underworked expatriates here. One friend, an American who works in film, was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future. Another was flown to Shanghai to act as a seasonal-gifts buyer. Recruiting fake businessmen is one way to create the image—particularly, the image of connection—that Chinese companies crave. My Chinese-language tutor, at first aghast about how much we were getting paid, put it this way: “Having foreigners in nice suits gives the company face.”21-things-hiring-managers-wish-you-knew: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Great job advice article!YouTube - The Google Job Experiment
Pay per click and how it is actually supposed to work sdfkjsadk
Portfolio Ideas8 Questions to Ask When Interviewing at a Startup
Job interviews are meant to be conversations. The interviewer asks some questions and the interviewee does the same. It’s never a good sign when an interviewee doesn’t have any questions. It shows a lack of interest. This is particularly true when interviewing for a startup job because there tend to be so many more unknowns at startups compared to more established, bigger organizations.
«What are the startup’s plans for the next 6-12 months? What are the key metrics for success in the next 6-12 months? What’s the competition like?»How Prepare for and Rock a Behavioral Job Interview | The Art of Manliness
Before I flew out to my interview, a friend of mine who knew this person tipped me off on the executive’s interview style. The executive liked to use behavioral interviewing to weed out candidates for positions. I had never heard of this interview style before, so I set out to research as much as I could about it, aiming to be as prepared as possible. Here’s what I learned on the way to landing the job.10 phrases you should ban from your resume - Yahoo! Finance