Pages tagged jon_spencer:

just_katarin: God only knows | Bandom: Panic at the Disco (Panic GSF, NC17) MASTER POST

Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
Every fandom needs a FLDS AU. This happens to be it, for bandom.
master post for God only knows. boywives!au.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU.
Jon Walker and his boywives - Big Love AU.
[NC-17] Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU
3 primary stories, master posting for them. AU based on Big Love show.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU - Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Brendon and Jon exchange rings and Spencer then Ryan both hug him to welcome Brendon into their family Then Elder Walker is finished and Jon is leaning forward, stiffly, while he presses his mouth fleetingly against Brendon's.
Jon Walker and his boywives, a Big Love AU. All three installments under this link.
airgiodslv: 'Tis the season (1/2)
“So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
It's Spring! Time for all the little faeries to pollinate. Unfortunately for Spencer. Sequel:
Incubating faeries. “So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
The fic where they're faeries and it is spring so everyone gets pregnant. Spencer wants no part in it, sad that fate doesn't agree with him.
Pregnant fairies! Part I of II.
Summary: “So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.” Author's Notes: For [info]foxxcub, who asked for a fairytale AU with no William Beckett and no mpreg unless it was Spencer. This is almost definitely not what she had in mind.
"So,” Gabe said conversationally, sitting down next to him. “You got yourself knocked up.”
overanalyzing the manifestations of the unconscious - fic: If You're Not There To Sing Along
Ryan has a one-man folk duo. It used to be a two-man folk duo, which is, after all, the traditionally accepted paradigm for a folk duo, but his other ("Better," Brendon always said. "Better half!") half took a trip home for the holidays, slipped in some unfortunately spiked eggnog, and fell right into a shotgun wedding.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band.
The one where Ryan's a one-man folk duo.
Ryan has a one-man folk duo.
It's not that Jon isn't hot. It's that Spencer absolutely, positively cannot fuck up Ryan's band
It's called, uh," Jon says, blinking down at his guitar and placing his fingers on it very deliberately. "'I Wasn't That Into Folk Music But I Thought You Were Cute Since The First Time You Walked Into My Starbucks So I Joined The Band Anyway And Now I Like It But You Should Still Go Out With Me'," Jon says. "Working title." "I usually call it 'Spencer'," Ryan says, shrugging. "But sure."
Jon and Ryan's folk-rock duo.
Just A Teenage Douchebag, Baby by softlyforgotten
Ahaha, oh god, this is unbetaed and quite horrible! Warnings for IMPROBABLE SITUATIONS, SCHOOMPY RESOLUTIONS, and RYAN ROSS IN ALL HIS GRUMPY GLORY.
Ryan is going to have a Good Day. (A high school AU.)
Ryan is going to have a Good Day.
Ryan had decided it was going to be a good day.
Ryan tries to have a good day
Ryan is going to have a Good Day
It turned out that he didn’t really mind being stuck with Brendon after all. Brendon had always been the slightly hyperactive kid sitting on his own at the back of Ryan’s classes, and Ryan had never taken much interest in him, but he was alright, considering. He was always smiling, for one thing, which wasn’t as annoying as Ryan might have thought, and he seemed happy enough to sit and listen when Ryan talked about why whatever they were studying was crap, and how they should be doing Chuck Palahniuk instead. Today, he plopped down next to him five minutes after Ryan had arrived and said, breathlessly, “Hi, again.” “Hey,” Ryan said, and started to pull out his books. “Um, I meant to say—” Ryan looked up and raised an eyebrow, and Brendon looked a little disconcerted. “I like your shirt,” he told Ryan. “The, uh, the yellow, I mean. Like, um, the sun? I like it.”