Pages tagged journalists:

Twitter to journalists: Here’s how it’s done — Eat Sleep Publish

To prepare for the class (and give people a taste of what I was talking about) I asked people on Twitter to share whatever tips they might have for journalists looking to break in to the social Web. I put out the request in a big public tweet and also sent direct messages to several journalists, bloggers, students, professors and media mavens I knew would have something valuable to say. I put the tips up on the overhead during the class and highlighted a few in the beats between slides and questions. When we were done, I realized only I could see all the tips, and it would just be silly to keep it that way. So without further ado, here’s what some great people on Twitter advise us journalists keep in mind as we tackle social media. Follow their Twitter links to see who they are …
Use social media to get stories out everywhere! People want u to be open -human, warts & all -consider your professional IMAGE though -SM is not for everyone's brand, unless you've got LOTS of time or good PR people.
Journalists on Twitter - Muck Rack
Follow the live feeds of top journalists on Twitter. You can also add a journalist.
MediaShift . Rules of Engagement for Journalists on Twitter | PBS
media twitter
PBS MediaShift
..."Twitter is now a vital journalistic tool for both reporting events and breaking down barriers between legacy media and its audiences, there are still multiple questions around professional journalists' activities on Twitter that require thoughtful, open debate".... [really intersting post from Julie Posetti]
Top 20 Take Away Tips for Tweeting Journos
The Journalist's Guide to YouTube
When you think of YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, you probably think of viral videos such as choreographed wedding procession dances and sneezing pandas. But YouTube’s content load is massive — 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute — and it has a lot more to offer than just silly, viral videos. One area of YouTube that is currently growing like a weed is news.
The Journalist’s Guide to YouTube
News videos fall into three categories: rebroadcasts of current material; original videos and distribution of news; and archive of older video footage. Media companies, indie news organizations, and even citizen journalists are putting YouTube’s voluminous video database to work in all three ways, and the lines between these three uses tend to blur and overlap.
25 things journalists can do to future-proof their careers | Blog | Econsultancy
Reflexión sobre la figura del periodismo que, más allá de que estemos más de acuerdo o menos, creo que es interesante.
a newspaper story doesn't just have to be about text... the format also allows for a large image, for example, which may lend additional weight to the story. But hey, if that holds true for newspapers then what about the internet? An article online can include video, audio, image galleries, links to further reading, a direct response channel in the form of reader comments, and it can be read in any number of ways (online, RSS readers, mobile devices, etc).
Some food for thought as we rethink our web/print strategy
Mobile is a truly wonderful tool. It has never been easier to capture ideas, build out stories, and publish content. There are so many amazing mobile apps out there that will help journalists. Audioboo. Dictaphone apps. To-do lists. Workflow tools. Built-in cameras. Video capabilities. Notebooks. Mindmaps. Messaging. The mobile phone really is the journalist’s best friend. The iPhone is simply amazing (if your boss only knew he'd surely pay for it). Learn how to get the best out of your phone...
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow.
8 Must-Have Traits of Tomorrow's Journalist
Kevin: "The multi-faceted role of the online journalist is rapidly evolving. These 8 skills will be essential for landing the journalism jobs of tomorrow." Jay Rosen suggests a ninth skill: 'flexible ideas of what "journalism" is.'
The Journalist's Guide to Maximizing Personal Social Media ROI
Cómo usan Twitter cinco periodistas
Influential Marketing Blog: What All PR People Should Know About Journalists
There was a movie released several years ago where Mel Gibson played a character that was struck by lightning and all of a sudden was able to hear women's thoughts. His character was an ad agency executive (the unfortunate default...
Essential notes for dealing with journos.
Things PR folks should know about journalists