terraza de aravaca: JPA implementations comparison: Hibernate, Toplink Essentials, Openjpa, Eclipselink
Vergleich verschiedener JPAs
In looking at your code, none of your queries actually return an objects. They are all count queries, returning a single number. Hardly a typical usage of object-relational mappings, makes the comparison not very useful.
398JPA implementation patterns: Wrap-up | Xebia Blog
After discovering that there was a lack of documentation on how to use JPA in real-life scenario's, the author has written a series of blog posts about the JPA implementation patterns he discovered while writing JPA code
After discovering that there was a lack of documentation on how to use JPA in real-life scenario's, I have written a series of blogs about the JPA implementation patterns I discovered while writing JPA code. To wrap up the series, I have made an overview of all the patterns that have been discussed for easy reference.Performance, Scalability and Architecture - Java and .NET Application Performance Management (dynaTrace Blog) » Understanding Caching in Hibernate - Part Three : The Second Level Cache
Understanding Caching in Hibernate – Part Three : The Second Level Cache Performance, Scalability and Architecture – Java and .NET Application Performance Management (dynaTrace Blog)
In particular I read a whitepaper several years ago a
In the last posts I already covered the session cache as well as the query cache. In this post I will focus on the second-level cache. The Hibernate Documentation provides a good entry point reading on the second-level cache. The key characteristiEnterprise Java Community: Remote Lazy Loading in Hibernate
LazyProxyFactoryHibernate Performance Tuning | Javalobby
t Level Cache (aka Transaction layer level cache)
performance tuning tips for hibernate.Best articleJava Code Geeks: GWT 2 Spring 3 JPA 2 Hibernate 3.5 Tutorial