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Keelywolfe's Journal - FIC: Universal Translation 1/1 (ST:XI, Kirk/Spock)

Summary: Vulcans don't do touching.
The word that has been haunting him lately, of which Vulcan has no approximation, is seduction. Intellectually, he knows what it means, in terms of a sexual relationship. It is an enticement, a tease, and he understands it. Intellectually.
Vulcans don't do touching.
Spock ponders the meaning of seduction as he deals with his Captain's touches.
The word that has been haunting him lately, of which Vulcan has no approximation, is seduction.
The first time Jim's bare fingers brushed the back of his neck, absently, it was like an electric shock, the sharp taste of azure through his mind was indescribable, emotion that was not his own assaulting his mental shields and the mind touch of James Kirk was both fascinating and brief. [Even more skeptical, but also, telepathy kink. *_*]
The issue at hand, so to speak, is the touching. Kirk is, as they say, a touchy kind of man, a slap on the shoulder, a punch on the arm. He has gotten into the habit of touching Spock in the fond manner of a Human and yet, he doesn't comprehend Vulcan physiology, does not translate Spock's reactions into a form that that he understands. The first time Jim's bare fingers brushed the back of his neck, absently, it was like an electric shock, the sharp taste of azure through his mind was indescribable, emotion that was not his own assaulting his mental shields and the mind touch of James Kirk was both fascinating and brief. His captain moved away before Spock had lost his tenuous control and he had managed to answer Kirk's question with no indication of what had just happened.
Vulcans don't do casual touching. James Kirk does though.